IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2010-03-02

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Stskeepsi should probably warn i'll be in a bus and at polish lessons at time of meeting :P but will see what i can do with some n900 magic14:51
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dnearyStskeeps, Ping?16:02
Stskeepsdneary: pong, that is :)16:04
dnearyStskeeps, It's in an hour, the meeting?16:04
StskeepsTuesday, 2sd March 2010 at 14:30 UTC16:05
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dnearyandre__, png16:26
andre__dneary, pnong16:26
dnearyandre__, You lose - we were playing vowelless png-png16:26
dnearyandre__, Any news from Germàn yet?16:27
andre__bt m hv jpg?16:27
andre__German? not that I know :-/16:28
andre__dneary, ah. facebook is helpful: "Acabo de hablar con Germán, estan bien, no tienen luz, agua ni gas, pero si algo de comida."16:29
guentherYes, I recall having seen last night that he is fine.16:30
guentherDiego collected a list, also.16:30
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dnearyandre__, Let me guess: "I just talked to Germán, he's fine, no electricity, water or gas, but there is seaweed to eat"?16:31
andre__dneary, s/seaweed/something but the rest is fine, yeah :)16:32
danielwilmshey :) when is the meeting today??16:33
dnearydanielwilms, 3 minutes ago16:33
X-Fadedanielwilms: About now.16:33
danielwilmsdneary, X-Fade ... thanks, wasn't sure as it was so quite :)16:34
dnearyWe were just waiting for you :)16:34
dnearyValerio said he might not make it16:34
* andre__ passes a drink to danielwilms16:34
dnearyand I don't know who else from the council is here16:34
dnearyzerojay generally misses the meetings16:34
danielwilmsandre__ cheers :)16:36
danielwilmsX-Fade do you want to head the meeting? or shall we postpone it as we are so little people?16:37
X-FadeI guess I will take this one. As there seems to be no movement ;)16:38
X-FadeSo let's open this February Sprint meeting by going through all non-completed tasks:
X-FadeI'll start with 9.09-01, will meet with Daniel next week and I think we should force a solution for this.16:39
danielwilmsX-Fade...good idea...I got some changes, which I have to apply...I think it's a good start for the discussion next week16:40
X-FadeOk, so carry on to March Sprint.16:41
X-Fadedanielwilms: 9.09-10 SSO sync-API16:41
danielwilmsa general thing...this month was for me really bad and I was caught up with a lot of not so much progress in my tasks16:41
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X-Fadedanielwilms: I think it is still something we need to do? So carry on to March?16:42
danielwilmslet's carry it on to march and discuss some things next week with bergie as well how to go on.16:43
bergiesorry to jump in mid-discussion, what task is this?16:44
bergie(and hello from Sao Paulo BTW :-)16:44
danielwilmsbergie sso16:44
X-Fadeandre__, guenther:16:45
X-Fade9.12-01 Working bugzilla 3.4, migration path notes16:45
bergiedanielwilms: weren't we supposed to split SSO to more actionable subtasks?16:45
* andre__ likes to mention that guenther == Karsten16:45
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karstenboops :)16:45
karstenb9.12-1, 5 and 7.  Unfortunately, not finished yet.16:45
danielwilmsbergie we discussed one task of the SSO16:45
karstenbI'm about to merge and deploy the various bits. There should be a test installation soon, for community review and possibly some style tweaking.16:45
X-Fadekarstenb: Can we aim for it to go live at the end of this Sprint?16:45
karstenbEven though there's a destinct lack of community around today...16:45
X-FadeIt is dragging on for quite a long time.16:46
karstenbX-Fade: Yes.16:46
dnearyIs ferenc here?16:46
X-Fadedneary: Can you keep the chat somewhere else?16:46
dnearyX-Fade, That was task related - but thanks for the nice reminder16:47
X-Fadekarstenb: So let's move these 3 tasks to March and will keep monitoring progress during the sprint.16:47
X-Fadekarstenb: If you need anything from me, please let me know.16:47
karstenbWill do.16:48
X-Fadedneary: 10.01-03 Document processes for infrastructure16:48
dnearyX-Fade, I have been meaning to hassle you for time since getting back from vacation16:49
X-Fadedneary: Well, I'm almost always online :)16:49
dnearyX-Fade, That's basically waiting on us to get together & document some of the stuff you do & maybe give more tools to the community to diagnose things like build queue issues16:49
X-Fadedneary: Sure, well ask specific questions and I'll try to answer.16:50
X-FadeLet's carry over to March and both make sure we make progress on this.16:51
dnearyYou could have a look at the list of the questions people are asking (which I believe you have answers to) at
dnearySome of the answers, I hope, will simply be URLs to pages16:52
dnearyAnd on a related question: is there a specific reason why infra is visible only to midgard admins?16:52
X-Fadedneary: Yes, there is. There are all kinds of ISP related tickets and numbers in there, so not for the general public.16:52
X-FadeAnd also not in suitable for this meeting.16:53
X-FadeI'll try to answer the questions in the wiki this sprint, so add my name to the task too.16:53
X-FadeLet's continue with 10.02-04 Cleanup repository, remove old versions.16:54
X-FadeWe now keep a maximum of 5 versions of an application, this will probably need to go down, but will need some clever dependency checking.16:55
X-FadeWill try to see what can be done in the next sprint, as this is still quite a performance issue.16:56
X-FadeThen let's continue with 10.02-06 Prepare a Bugday16:57
andre__10.02-06: I'm late - lots of BAU. :-(16:57
andre__Status: Bugday will definitely happen in the next 1 or 2 weeks. Doodle is set up to find a date; date & topic request sent to maemo-community@ ml. Will define the final date on monday, then blog/forum/ml and maybe try to even trick some nokians into showing up (the challenging part).16:57
andre__Also I'd like to mention that I'm on holidays from March 17-2516:57
X-Fadeandre__: I saw a mail on the list ;)16:57
andre__X-Fade, heh, yeah ;-)16:57
tekojoandre__ I can help in trying to trick Nokians to join16:57
andre__tekojo, I'll send you an email once the date is final (on Monday)16:58
X-FadeOk, so while it looks like you are able to complete that task in the next Sprint.16:58
andre__oh yeah :)16:58
X-Fadeandre__: Any plans for doing this on a regular interval?16:58
andre__I should make this a monthly thingy, yes16:59
GeneralAntillesYes. :P16:59
X-Fadeandre__: Ok, then it will become a regular task for you, now a Sprint task :)16:59
X-Fadebergie: 10.02-07 Implement karma changes17:00
X-Fadebergie: Did you see the changes that were requested by Valerio?17:01
bergieX-Fade: the changes requested by council were implemented, plus some tuning. The second set of changes no17:01
X-Fadebergie: Ok, so second round still needs to be done.17:02
X-FadeLet's try to do those asap.17:03
X-FadeI can do those too if needed.17:03
bergieI might be able to do them today, but no promises. This week is vacation ;-)17:03
X-FadeAs long as I know it gets done (or not).17:04
bergieI'll ping you17:04
X-FadeLet's continue then.17:04
X-Fade10.01-08 Prepare appdownloader for extras-testing17:04
danielwilmsI have improved the backend a lot, but I'm waiting for the last UI changes of andrew17:05
X-FadeNo other blockers than not enough time?17:05
danielwilmsnope...the biggest blogger is the icon17:05
danielwilmsargh...need more coffee :)17:06
X-FadeOk, so let's set a sprint task for that for me then.17:06
danielwilmsI meant the app icon created by andrew17:07
X-FadeAh, even better :)17:07
X-FadeSo, this can be carried over to March and can be done in the next Sprint?17:08
X-FadeOk, then we can continue with 10.01-09 Setup a rsync server for the repos.17:08
X-FadeThis one will be blocked by me.17:09
X-FadeCurrent setup is not made for sharing public access, so we can not allow this to be opened.17:09
dnearyI don't understand what you mean17:09
dnearyWhat do you mean it's not made for sharing?17:10
X-FadeWe share this server with closed things.17:10
X-FadeAnd is not supposed to be accessed directly.17:10
X-FadeIf we want an rsync server for the public repos, a vm needs to be created for that.17:10
dnearywhat exactly is requested for sharing?17:10
dnearyIt seems like people want to have things like the wiki & packages shared - those should be fairly self-contained17:11
X-FadeI'm not against the idea, but technically it is not possible now.17:11
X-Fadedneary: No, this is an rsync mirror of the repositories.17:11
X-FadeSo people can easily mirror extras for instance.17:12
dnearyYeah - that's part of what I said - mirroring packages17:12
X-FadeAnyway, there is a carefully made security setup we can't just poke holes in firewalls.17:12
X-FadeJeremiah should have discussed this a bit, but will talk to him about it.17:13
X-FadeAnyway, let's continue with the next task.17:14
X-FadeValerio is not here, but the 10.01-11 Prepare/discuss the GSoC'10 proposal seems to have made some progress at least.17:15
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X-FadeThat concluded the 'MUST' tasks for this sprint.17:16
X-FadeAnybody want to comment on any of the 'Should' tasks?17:16
X-FadeAny priorities need changing or can this all be carried over to March?17:17
danielwilmslet's carry it over17:18
X-FadeNew tasks for the March Sprint.17:18
X-FadeWho wants to propose something?17:19
dnearyBefore we get into the small picture, can we take 10 minutes for big picture first?17:19
dnearyIt seems like meego has changed everyone's priorities17:19
dnearyAnd having some idea of what's in motion, so that we can help move things along in the right direction, would be useful for me17:19
X-Fadedneary: It is not clear what MeeGo changed exactly. I think that is the big problem.17:19
dnearyWell - since tekojo and danielwilms are here - has the meego announcement had any effect on Maemo 6 development plans?17:20
X-FadeThere has been an announcement that things will change, but for most of us this is really longer term.17:20
tekojodneary no, things are going on as before17:21
dnearyAnd yet all of the discussions and decisions about what that long term will look like are probably happening now17:21
dnearytekojo, So do you know if Maemo 6 will come out as it's been planned, or will Maemo 6 be MeeGo 1?17:21
tekojodneary all discussions are out in the open17:21
X-FadeMaemo will be used for the Maemo 5 life span. Maemo 6 will be MeeGo compatible(ish).17:22
tekojothere just isn't a huge amount of stuff to discuss right now17:22
GeneralAntillesdneary, expect insanity-reaching levels of confusion about the choice of branding with Harmattan. . . .17:22
X-FadeFor the Maemo 5 life span, will be the place.17:22
dnearyOK - if I may reframe: who are the people who are leading discussioons on the next steps in maemo & meego now?17:23
dnearyEveryone I've talked to doesn't seem to know :)17:23
tekojoI mean the who MeeGo community needs to form and get the place set up, but that should not affect maemo.org17:23
X-Fadedneary: You didn't join the meeting?17:23
dnearyX-Fade, Which meeting? The one last week?17:23
X-Fadedneary: Yes.17:23
tekojoMaemo stays as is, and MeeGo currently has two persons heading it17:24
tekojoImad and Valtteru17:24
dnearyYes, I was there, and everything outside web infrastructure was off topic17:24
tekojoThe meeting was about the web infra17:24
GeneralAntillesdneary, I think this is a big part of the problem. ;)17:24
dnearySo as it stands, I have not attended any meeting that has had anything to do with big picture stuff17:24
GeneralAntillesWe've really yet to see anything from the TSG and most everybody else is just doing a lot of hand-waving in the dark.17:24
GeneralAntillesTechnical Steering Group17:25
dnearyIf I may suggest an action for March then: "Organise a MeeGo/moblin/Maemo IRC Q&A with Valtteri and Imad"17:25
GeneralAntillesdneary, supposedly they should be having bi-monthly public meetings of their own.17:25
GeneralAntillesNothing has yet been announced on that point, however.17:25
dnearyOr even s/organise/propose17:26
tekojoStskeeps essentially proposed that on the MeeGo community list and Imad answered to it17:26
X-Fadedneary: The Steering Group will probably come with news soon, as said on the list.17:26
tekojobut that is all MeeGo, could we get on with the Maemo agenda?17:26
X-FadeFor all guys there is still plenty of work to be done at maemo.org17:27
X-FadeAnd let's hope that more info will be available about meego, so that can be used in the next sprint.17:28
dnearyOK - I have 2 "must" actions to propose for March17:28
dneary1. Co-ordinate Q1 2010 council elections17:28
dneary2. Synchronise wiki theme in svn & live version17:29
X-Fadeok, I'll add those.17:30
X-Fadedneary: Anything else?17:30
dnearyFor the second, there's a big diff between what's in svn & what's live, which means someone's been editing what's deployed in-place - so bugs like aren't reproducible with the svn wiki17:30
povbotBug 8791: After editing User_talk: page, two "You have new messages (last change)." banners are on each wiki page.17:30
dnearyImport docs updates from Jarmo into the wiki (or make sure they're imported)17:30
X-Fadedneary: There really should not be a big difference. But I can backup current version and just deploy the svn one.17:31
dnearyThe diff is pretty substantial17:31
dnearyAnd it's all bug fixes17:31
dnearySo I'd prefer to copy what's live into svn17:31
dneary& work from there17:31
X-FadeSure, that is easy.17:31
dnearyX-Fade, You don't know who made the changes, by any chance?17:32
X-FadeI guess me ;)17:32
X-FadeBut that is half a year ago or so. I seem to recall that everything was committed, but I guess not.17:33
X-FadeAnyway, I was the only one creating the theme. So, it shouldn't be hard to figure this out.17:33
dnearyMaybe someone else did some changes after you17:34
X-Fadedneary: no17:34
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X-FadeAny other sprint task suggestions?17:34
dnearyNot from me17:35
X-FadeI will promote 10.02-12 to Must.17:35
danielwilmsnot for me neither17:36
X-FadeAdd task: Prepare repository for PR1.2 change.17:36
X-FadeAdd task: Add icons to Downloads.17:36
X-FadeAny other tasks to add?17:37
X-FadeCome on guys, we need to want to make things better?17:38
danielwilmsI have too much to wrap up from the last month17:39
X-FadeOk, no one has anything to add, then one last round of things we need to discuss?17:39
Stskeepsfrom my perspective i'm a little swamped in community relevant internal tasks, but from last month the open sourcing queue was news, TI 3d drivers and trying to calm people about meego17:40
danielwilmssorry guys...have to leave now...X-Fade see you latest next week :)17:41
X-FadeStskeeps: Yes, this month was a lot of communication ;) Let's hope the dust settles a bit.17:41
Stskeepsyeah - i'm happy to see seems to be returning to fairly normal17:42
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X-FadeIf nobody has anything to add, then let's end this meeting. Everybody thanks for being here.17:42
GeneralAntillesThanks, X-Fade.17:43
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X-FadeWiki updated17:54
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dnearyX-Fade, I updated the questions with my best memory of who asked them18:04
dnearyFor the wiki question, I'm writing an answer now myself18:05
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