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brolin_empey | APic: Did you configure the APN in Android for WWAN (cellular Internet) connectivity? | 03:52 |
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brolin_empey | luke-jr: At least according to https://www.tomshardware.com/news/intel-spectre-patch-older-chips,36815.html and https://www.extremetech.com/computing/266884-intel-wont-patch-older-cpus-to-resolve-spectre-flaws , Intel announced that they would patch Wolfdale, which includes C2D E7xxx and C2D E8xxx, but they changed their mind and did not patch Wolfdale after all. However, apparently AMD x86 CPUs are not vulnerable to Spectre and Meltdown; presumably early | 04:00 |
brolin_empey | AMD x86-64 hardware, such as the AM2 era and maybe AM3 era and later, has depreciated as much as Core 2 era hardware by now if you are worried about vulnerability to Spectre and Meltdown. The high-density, low-cost 4-GiB DDR2 DIMMs that work with AMD (AM2) computers but not Intel computers are cheap but I do not know if an AM2 motherboard was made that supports more than 8 GiB total main memory? | 04:00 |
luke-jr | brolin_empey: AMD CPUs when Spectre was discovered absolutely are vulnerable to Spectre | 04:02 |
brolin_empey | sixwheeledbeast: Spending money on a newer than Core 2 era computer seems silly when I do not need a newer than Core 2 era computer. I spent my money on upgrades for my Core 2 era computers that are still fast enough for me, such as 8 or even 16 GiB of main memory, SATA SSDs, USB 3 host controllers, 4k UHD-capable triple-head video cards, 4k UHD video monitors, instead of buying newer than Core 2 era computers that I do not need. | 04:06 |
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brolin_empey | luke-jr: I guess I am confusing Spectre and Meltdown. They were publicly announced years ago so I may have forgotten some of the details. I guess it is Meltdown then to which AMD x86 CPUs are reportedly not vulnerable because the AMD microarchitecture was correctly done in the first place, unlike with Intel and VIA x86 CPUs. | 06:10 |
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sixwheeledbeast | AMD and ARM were vulnerable to some Spectre but the dozens of others since have been Intel only. | 10:25 |
KotCzarny | swb: only out-of-order arms were vulnerable | 10:27 |
KotCzarny | a7 is in-order cpu | 10:27 |
KotCzarny | Cortex-A8 in n900 is using a7 cores | 10:30 |
KotCzarny | ARMv7-A | 10:31 |
KotCzarny | specifically | 10:31 |
sixwheeledbeast | Yep | 10:32 |
sixwheeledbeast | I was generalising, the point is there there are so many vulnerabilities for older Intel hardware to patch them all there is no performance. | 10:33 |
KotCzarny | which basically means their whole out-of-order optimisation is a failure | 10:34 |
KotCzarny | and raw power rulez | 10:34 |
KotCzarny | well, if they kept the security of the data intact, it wouldnt | 10:35 |
KotCzarny | k.i.s.s. | 10:35 |
sixwheeledbeast | When you can buy a modern 3.5Ghz Dual core "system" mobo/cpu/ram for around 150USD. I stand by may original comments on spending money on obsolete hardware. | 10:37 |
KotCzarny | yup | 10:37 |
KotCzarny | i recently replaced all my core(2)duo systems with i5 3gen or higher | 10:38 |
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APic | brolin_empey: I cannot get to the APN Configuration. That Menu Item is greyed out | 12:05 |
APic | brolin_empey: Also Flight Mode is always turned on, and when i try to turn it off, it turns itself on again | 12:05 |
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sicelo | APic: what android version is that? | 13:58 |
APic | sicelo: Android 2.3.7 | 14:20 |
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brolin_empey | APic: How about using Android on an HTC/T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide instead of on a Nokia N900? | 17:55 |
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APic | brolin_empey: I only have 2 Phones. An LG Nexus 5X and a Nokia N900. I would just like to have a Backup-Phone that can navigate me when the Battery on the Nexus runs empty. I cannot get Routing with modRana under Maemo to work, so i hoped it would work on NITDroid. If i have to buy a new Device, maybe i would be better off with just a Power-Bank instead of a new/old Phone | 19:09 |
APic | s/it would/Google Maps would/ | 19:09 |
infobot | APic meant: brolin_empey: I only have 2 Phones. An LG Nexus 5X and a Nokia N900. I would just like to have a Backup-Phone that can navigate me when the Battery on the Nexus runs empty. I cannot get Routing with modRana under Maemo to work, so i hoped Google Maps woul... | 19:09 |
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brolin_empey | APic: How about just keeping a spare battery for the Nexus 5X? I do not know off hand if that model has an easily accessible and removable battery, though. | 19:46 |
APic | Not easily accessible | 19:50 |
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brolin_empey | Yes, I just checked Wikipedia and saw that too. | 19:52 |
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buZz | APic: why not get a device for Maemo Leste? :D | 19:57 |
buZz | motorola droid 4 is supercheap on ebay etc | 19:57 |
buZz | thats also a supported device for several of the android compiles out there | 19:59 |
buZz | lineage OS or something | 19:59 |
bencoh | (not anymore though) | 19:59 |
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luke-jr | also, the Nexus 5X are known to be defective :x | 21:20 |
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sicelo | seems to me nitdroid is the round-about way to approach your problem/need | 21:44 |
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