IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2019-11-06

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brolin_empeyRe: : What is the grey stuff on the rear cover, in the top row, second from the right?  Is the battery glued in place? :-/06:01
xmnbattery is NOT glued06:06
brolin_empeyOK but then what is that grey stuff that appears to be against the battery?06:07
xmnit might be liquid metal shielding or something similar06:07
xmnHonestly I can't tell you :)06:07
xmnIf I remember correct that was still not the final build either. But what the heck do I know ... lol06:08
xmnit does look like something was peeled off or got stuck to it though.06:09
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gillbanyone have ideas how to connect wires to battery tabs that appear galvanized or something - solder refuses to stick07:14
gillbmicroscropic c-clamps perhaps?07:14
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