IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2019-07-08

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siceloheh, i have FF 67.0.4, yet says the browser is too old because they "built TaskRabbit using the latest technology. This makes TaskRabbit faster and easier to use. Unfortunately, your web browser does not support these technologies. Download one of these great browsers and you will be on your way" - the browsers offered are, of course, FF, Chrome, and IE1115:25
KotCzarnythere are user agent extensions15:26
KotCzarnyunless they really use some latest technology15:26
sicelothey provide a download link for FF, which is what i'm using15:27
KotCzarnythat's what they get for checking user agent and failing to accomodate for the future15:27
siceloso sounds like just some misconfig15:27
KotCzarnycheck with user agent switch first15:27
KotCzarnyfun fact, my old firefox 56.0.2 doesnt trigger that warning15:28
sicelowill do. otoh it was just a random site i happened upon, nothing i really need from it15:28
sicelooh wow15:28
KotCzarnywelcome to the internet2.0 doing 30 years old idiot things again15:29
KotCzarnyit might be also their 'latest technology' got blocked by default for security reasons in some firefox release and onward15:30
brolin_empeyThe original Sound Blaster was introduced 30 years ago.15:30
brolin_empeySame with the Intel 80486 and Apple Macintosh SE/30 and lots of other things.15:32
sicelodoes any of you know a pdf program for linux which supports forms which have formulas (like in excel)? the tax returns forms here auto-calculate some of the values for you depending on some of your entries, and most of what i've tried on linux so far can't deal with that.15:33
KotCzarnyisnt there adobe reader for linux?15:33
KotCzarnyor libreoffice with pdf plugin maybe15:33
siceloi've heard about adobe reader for linux, but have never got a chance to use it. will look for it.15:34
brolin_empeyKotCzarny: Yes, Adobe released Acrobat Reader for GNU+Linux but the last release is still from around 2013.15:35
KotCzarnyAdobe® Reader disabled its download link for Linux several years ago. Its last update for Linux was in May 201315:36
KotCzarnybut there might be some packs available, which wouldnt be too old to run your forms15:36
brolin_empeyI mean for GNU+Linux for x86.  sicelo: Do you mean GNU+Linux on x86?15:37
KotCzarnyyou may also try pdf reader built in chrome or firefox too15:38
brolin_empeyAdobe released Acrobat Reader even for MS-DOS, in around 1994.15:39
sicelobrolin_empey: yes i'm using a Thinkpad X40, so x8615:39
KotCzarnyanother thing to try on the list is evince, was quite fine pdf reader15:39
brolin_empeysicelo: OK, I thought you may have meant for the N900 or some other non-x86 computer.15:40
siceloevince couldn't do it15:40
sicelolet me check again though .. maybe things are updated now15:41
sicelono luck with evince. been checking about libreoffice, which i had tried in the past but didn't succeed. however it might be because i didn't have libreoffice-draw installed. will see after installing it16:13
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brolin_empeysicelo: Why not install acroread instead of using third-party PDF viewers?16:36
siceloi'll look for it16:40
siceloi've just finished installing it from repository. however, even evince is miles ahead of this version 9.5.5 from 04/26/2013. this can't do forms at all.17:10
siceloseems i need to go back to LibreOffice, or just stick with evince/qpdfview. those can edit the form, but they don't auto-calculate the fields with formulas.17:11
KotCzarnyyou might also try wine+recent adobereader17:12
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sicelolibreoffice-draw has some nice features, wow. but it's not good enough for this form. i guess i'll just fill this form from dad's windows pc. most forms i need to work with are handled well in evince/qpdfviewer17:18
KotCzarnytry wine, for a one time job it might be enough, even if slow17:18
bencohwine isn't even slow tbh :)17:20
bencohit does a pretty good job nowadays17:20
sicelowhen i have more space. my 60GB SSD is almost full. only 6.6GB remaining17:20
KotCzarnybencoh, on pre-vt extensions cpus it is slow17:20
bencohhow is wine related to vt?17:21
bencohyou're referring to qemu/vbox/vmware17:21
bencohnot wine :)17:21
KotCzarnyyou are right, messed up that one17:21
KotCzarnysicelo: for wine+adobereader 6gb is more than enough17:22
KotCzarnyit will take ~200-500MB17:22
brolin_empeySomeone who uses a ThinkPad X40 or similar hardware should be used to things being slow. ;-)  Or an N900 for that matter.17:23
siceloyes, i'm generally quite patient when it comes to those things. i'll look at wine17:25
brolin_empeyAnyway, the primary/authoritative source for acroread for GNU+Linux is .17:26
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brolin_empeysicelo: acroread 9.5.5 for GNU+Linux does support forms and seems to work with the claim form for the insurance company my company uses.  I usually use a newer version of acroread on Windows but I just tried this PDF form document in acroread 9.5.5 on Debian GNU+Linux 7 for x86-32 on another computer.  I can email the PDF file to you if you do not believe me.17:37
sicelointeresting. let me test other PDFs here17:41
sicelolet me uninstall what i have then, and install the one from primary link. this one really isn't working for even simple forms. it is version 9.5.5, so not sure what could be different with mine17:47
brolin_empeysicelo: What is your email address?  I can email you the PDF form document I have that seems to work in acroread 9.5.5 for GNU+Linux so you can see if it works for you too.17:54
sicelothanks brolin_empey. the one from works with my pdf file. it does auto-calculate some of the values.17:58
brolin_empeysicelo: You are welcome but I wonder how your previous version of acroread 9.5.5 can be different because acroread is closed-source.  Anyway, apparently the automatic calculations in the document I was going to send you work in the PDF viewer included with Vivaldi on Windows but Firefox on Windows says “This PDF document contains forms.  The filling of form fields is not supported.” when I open this document.18:02
siceloyes, i also get the same message on FF here on linux18:04
siceloabout acroread being closed source, that's also what i understood, and hence i was quite 'sure' that the acroread i had would be the same as the one from the link. maybe the version from deb-multimedia left out some plugins/addons18:06
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