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Wikiwide | Don't laugh... How do I take off battery cover of Motorola A780? It's stuck as if by glue or screws! | 00:40 |
Wikiwide | Internet offers few clues: https://www.maxbhi.com/images/thumbnails/600/600/detailed/1897/back-panel-cover-for-motorola-a780-black-maxbhi-5-3-1.jpg | 00:41 |
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brolin_empey | Oksana: ACK, do not know. | 08:50 |
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totalizator | Wikiwide: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1273368/Motorola-A780.html?page=17#manual | 21:07 |
totalizator | pass him this when he's back plox ;) | 21:08 |
KotCzarny | wikiwide is a female | 21:08 |
totalizator | oh | 21:09 |
totalizator | well | 21:09 |
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brolin_empey | Wikiwide is Oksana, who is still here. | 21:35 |
sixwheeledbeast | ~gender | 21:56 |
infobot | I'm not sure | 21:56 |
KotCzarny | ~female | 21:58 |
infobot | <BluefoxIcy> ibot female <ibot> BluefoxIcy: i haven't a clue | 21:58 |
totalizator | oh | 22:00 |
totalizator | my | 22:00 |
brolin_empey | ~sex | 22:06 |
infobot | [~sex] updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; emerge --oneshot condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; emerge -C condom; make clean; sleep; | 22:06 |
brolin_empey | I meant sex as in male/female. :-/ Anyway, infobot is female because it uses female pronouns and says it is pregnant if you ask it if it is pregnant. | 22:07 |
brolin_empey | infobot: Pregnant? | 22:08 |
infobot | Yes, brolin_empey, and it's your child. | 22:08 |
brolin_empey | infobot: Menopausal? | 22:09 |
sixwheeledbeast | Er, that would be a no if you consider your previous question. | 22:40 |
brolin_empey | sixwheeledbeast: Yes, obviously but I wanted to see if infobot answers if asked if she is menopausal; I was not asking because I did not already know the answer. | 22:42 |
sixwheeledbeast | ~listkeys meno | 22:42 |
infobot | Factoid search of 'meno' by key (10): !rot13 meno #DEL# ;; doyoulikemeno #DEL# ;; menotume ;; mmenoux ;; menotume thinks you ;; weathercode menorca ;; weathercode menominee ;; cmd: demenotume (.*?) ;; menotume #DEL# ;; meno. | 22:42 |
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