IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2018-10-18

siceloi don't think you really need to, though00:00
sicelojust choosing a save directory from within notes should set it00:00
rhombusI wonder how this happened in the first place00:01
rhombuswell, that I have files that used to be in .documents that are now in documents00:03
rhombusand that I keep losing my most recent changes when I do mounts, even though everything is ostensibly closed00:03
siceloif you check the links I gave you, you would notice that MyDocs/.documents = "Nokia N900/Documents"00:04
rhombusyeah, but I also have Nokia N900/documents00:04
siceloyou created it?00:05
rhombusprobably, but I don't recall00:05
rhombusNotes does not seem to have a Save As function00:06
rhombussicelo: so how am I supposed to change the default directory?00:06
siceloNew Document - Save :)00:06
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sicelobut remember, default directory is not fixed .. it keeps getting set to wherever you last open a document from00:07
siceloi do think *you* need a better Notes application. Check the repositories for something you like00:08
siceloi use xournal, because it allows me to use stylus & scribble. it allows text input by keyboard, but i found the text entry mechanism lacking. i am sure there are others00:09
rhombussicelo: Notes must be backing things up somewhere -- how else can there be a discrepancy between what I see in .documents and what is actually open in Notes? (for example, time stamps from yesterday, even though I have been saving since then)00:10
rhombusok, xournal00:10
rhombuscould the backups be in one of the .osso directories?00:10
siceloyou can try lsof to see what files Notes keeps open (sorry can't help much with that ...)00:11
rhombusthere's a file here called "startup-restored-flag"00:11
rhombusthere's also00:11
sicelonice then00:13
rhombuswhich contains autosave.0-Espanol.note.html.note.html (which is for an old file I don't think I have anymore)00:14
rhombusthe data I am looking for is not there00:14
rhombusthen there is .permanent-state00:14
rhombuswhich has a bunch of file URIs to an autosave of a file I just had open00:15
rhombusvery wierd00:15
rhombusI guess I'll try switching to xournal00:15
sicelodoesn't have to be xournal. check repositories for somethingt hat'll suit you.00:16
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siceloseems there's a qmlnotes00:20
sicelomight be worth a try00:20
rhombusok, I've started by changing the default save folder00:25
rhombusbut you are right, notes is a pain00:25
rhombusit's buggy00:25
sicelomany f the osso* applications are00:26
rhombus(when I save rich text files with bullet points, it adds an additional bullet point with each save operation)00:26
rhombusmaybe that explains the restore failures also00:26
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sixwheeledbeastrhombus: osso-notes is weird. IIRC it saves files in XML format00:35
rhombussixwheeledbeast: exactly!00:35
sixwheeledbeastI mostly use leafpad00:35
rhombussixwheeledbeast: I've just installed "Notes" and "mnotes"00:36
rhombusand now I will install leafpad :)00:36
rhombussixwheeledbeast: but yeah, osso-notes has a bug where it keeps nesting bullet list items00:37
rhombusxml is notoriously difficult to do correctly00:39
rhombuswhich is why I can't understand why it is such a popular format00:39
sixwheeledbeastAnyway I found osso-notes annoying to use within months of having my N900 and switched to leafpad for GUI text editing00:42
rhombussixwheeledbeast: yeah, I should have switched sooner00:43
rhombusinertia, I guess00:43
rhombusnow that I've lost hours of notes twice in the last two weeks, I'm done with it00:43
rhombusthanks for the tips sicelo, sixwheeledbeast00:44
rhombusI'm going to hit the sack00:44
sixwheeledbeastI can only think to look in .osso00:44
rhombussixwheeledbeast: for the possible backups?00:44
rhombusyeah, there were some old autosave files there, unfortunately no sign of my data :(00:44
sixwheeledbeastRun some sort of grep on text files?00:45
sixwheeledbeastJust throwing ideas00:46
rhombussixwheeledbeast: thanks, those are good ideas00:47
rhombusI'll give them a try tomorrow00:47
rhombusthanks again00:47
sixwheeledbeastIts a closed program so you can't work it out from the source where backups would be00:47
rhombusall the more reason NOT to use it00:47
sixwheeledbeastleafpad is on the Free Maemo wiki ;)00:48
sixwheeledbeastas replacement00:48
rhombuswhere is that?00:48
infobot[closed] or, or, or
sixwheeledbeastlink 200:48
rhombusthanks :)00:49
rhombusgn and until next time00:49
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sicelosixwheeledbeast: I;v6, seems sixxs used an ayiya protocol (no idea@exactly what it is), but seems it could even be used over double nat, as on a 3G connection. that sounds great! pity sixxs is no more00:52
sixwheeledbeastsicelo: Yep I used Sixxs for my tunnel until they closed it down. never looked for another after that.00:54
siceloyou have native IPv6 now, I guess?00:55
sixwheeledbeastI think many sites are hosted in dual stacking server farms for availability. no my ISP bought up the last v4 to avoid it for 10 years00:55
sicelowhat country?00:57
sixwheeledbeastThey applied to IANA for a massive block to cover there network growth for the next decade uk00:58
sixwheeledbeastthat was 201400:59
sicelowe still have quite number of v4 this side too, to the point that neighboring South Africa, for example, has at least two mobile operators who give public IP to cellular phones :P01:00
sicelorecently they NAt everyone, but you can request 'unrestricted apn' for free and very easily01:01
sixwheeledbeastMany mobile cos here use CGN, it creates massive headaches for some applications.01:04
sixwheeledbeastIt's becoming popular for ISP's tho to, as mobile co's become ISP's too.01:05
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brolin_empey(notes being lost) Maybe this is why Android switched from using USB Mass Storage to MTP?  Can Maemo use MTP instead of USB Mass Storage?04:57
MaxdamantusI imagine the reason why something like Android would use MTP would be because sharing a storage device requires change in ownership.05:09
Maxdamantusyour PC can't have access to the filesystem at the same time as your phone, so your phone has to unmount it before it can be shared.05:09
MaxdamantusYou don't have that problem if you use a protocol for accessing files (like MTP, smb, NFS, FUSE, 9P/Styx) instead of accessing blocks on a storage device.05:11
Maxdamantusand out of the ones I listen, MTP is pretty much the only one that will just work with the way people normally use USB, since the others are network protocols.05:12
MaxdamantusI can't remember exactly how Maemo handled this stuff, but iirc it was not correct, so you could easily end up with a corrupt filesystem due to multiple systems reading/writing to it.05:13
brolin_empeyYes, I know that.  MTP is definitely distinguishable from USB Mass Storage in my experience, though.  At least on Windows.05:14
* Maxdamantus would never use UMS mode on his actual partitions without explicitly unmounting.05:14
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fishbulbhey, my android phone is dead19:58
fishbulbI have an n900 with cssu for the meantime, how do i access gmail?19:58
fishbulbis there a browser that will do it? the repos seem to work19:58
KotCzarnygmail allows imap19:59
KotCzarnyso i suspect add gmail imap account to email app19:59
fishbulbwhich imap account20:01
fishbulbi cant access it20:01
fishbulbthis is literally the only internet device i have20:01
fishbulbi usually use gmail in a browser20:02
KotCzarnyjust checked, gmail allows imap. just enable it in settings and add such account to email app20:02
KotCzarnyit also allows pop access20:02
sixwheeledbeastUse a mail client on the N900?20:03
fishbulbhow do iget to the settings with the n90020:03
fishbulbim on it now and its the only device i ahave that has internet20:03
KotCzarnytry installing fennec20:04
KotCzarnyits old and slow but might work20:04
fishbulbwhats fennec20:04
KotCzarnyold mobile firefox20:04
fishbulbthis device is old and slow20:04
fishbulbapt-get install fennec ?20:06
sixwheeledbeaster not apt20:07
fishbulbok the repos aren't working20:07
fishbulbwith app manager20:07
infobotmethinks maemo-repos is
siceloN900 email client is perfectly fine on Gmail20:08
KotCzarnysicelo: but afair gmail doesnt have imap/pop enabled by default20:08
fishbulbi cant get to the settings20:09
KotCzarnyso it need to be toggled first via ww20:09
sicelofennec is probably ont best choice for someone saying 'this device is old and slow' - perhaps can suggest Opera Mobile20:09
infobotsicelo meant: fennec is probably not best choice for someone saying 'this device is old and slow' - perhaps can suggest Opera Mobile20:09
fishbulbopera doesnt work20:09
sicelodoesn't work?20:09
fishbulband the standard browser doesnt20:11
fishbulbwith gmail20:11
fishbulbthe only problem20:11
fishbulbi mean the perimary problem im trying to get to on this thing20:11
KotCzarnyalso, i think gmail has 'legacy mode'20:13
fishbulbgmail access is critical. if any of you guys are german20:13
KotCzarnywhich uses simpler html/js20:13
sicelofishbulb: i am (rhight now) looking at my gmail from N900 'standard browser'20:14
fishbulbim in a homeless shelter and m20:14
fishbulbneed to get to the neherlands20:14
fishbulbwhere i am at least a citizen. this place is dirtier and less safe than jail20:14
sicelomaybe you have other problems20:16
KotCzarnygo to public library/internet cafe and toggle the setting there? if you have two-factor authentication, you should be safe after logging out20:16
sixwheeledbeast2FA may trigger a lock out?20:17
sixwheeledbeastDepends on your second factor I suppose20:17
fishbulbthis is weird. it didnt let me all day20:17
fishbulbthis n900 might be compromised20:20
sixwheeledbeastHow do you figure that?20:21
KotCzarnyoh, you are that one paranoid guy20:22
siceloso it let you in now? :P20:22
fishbulbim paranoid for a reason20:25
fishbulbit said remote server something disconnected every time20:25
fishbulbi am sleeping in rooms with other people who mess with my belongings. they do it once and its game over for that device if you want to attempt to have privacy20:26
fishbulbhostels afre whwere gargbage lives. here in berlin. people live in them long term and the state pays. these people soetimews arent the most trustworthy20:29
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fishbulbif you leave anything unattended for a minute it is messed with.20:30
fishbulbwhich browser has the most chance of handling flights20:30
sixwheeledbeastany browser that you can get working. I'd try opera first.20:31
VajbI use gmail on n900 with default mail client. Never had any problems20:32
KotCzarnyvajb, care to create new gmail account and checking if it has imap enabled by default?20:32
Vajbnah, but Im pretty sure it has since I never changed any settings in gmail20:33
fishbulbits not a default account. but the plain htlml is working20:35
fishbulbin microb20:35
fishbulbthis might be enough but i cant change settings20:35
siceloiamp is not enabled by default, of course20:38
fishbulbnot without a supported browser20:38
KotCzarnyfishbulb, you can also give gmail credentials to someone to toggle the setting20:38
fishbulbi can read them i think20:38
siceloyou *can* change the setting in MicroB, *with* the html-only view fishbulb20:38
sicelojust click settings :-/20:39
fishbulbserver not found20:43
siceloyou just have a bad Internet  connection, most likely20:45
fishbulbhey is a mobile ip address vulnerable20:45
fishbulbi have all bars20:45
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fishbulb3.5g and full bars of reception20:47
fishbulbthis shit takes me back to 201620:47
fishbulbif i could time travel through irc and come out at my apartment then i would20:47
fishbulbbecause fuck this. you do n20:48
KotCzarnyah right, paranoid swearing guy20:48
fishbulbnot wwant to rely on the german state to save your ass if youre unemplloyed for any length of time20:48
sixwheeledbeastwell i suppose they have enough german unemployed people to look after?20:49
fishbulbthis shelter had police tape over one of the doors20:49
siceloon the matter of 2FA, does anyone know a good way to convert a really long Bas32 string to HEX? the OTP program available on N900 uses Hex, but most sites use Base3220:51
fishbulbif you lose a lease, they will provide you a roof, but it will make yiou sick20:51
fishbulbcockroaches and worse stuff. too many people crowded into a place not fit for dogs20:51
sixwheeledbeastWould a coach not be easier? Say Berlin to Amsterdam for 25E?20:51
siceloone of the mail accounts i've been fighting with uses a 410-character string!20:52
sixwheeledbeastOr if your brave thumb a ride down the A2? Not that i know other places well.20:52
fishbulbi had to get a text sent20:53
fishbulbthats days on a coach20:53
fishbulbhow much luggage can you take? i have a bicycle and some heavy bags20:53
fishbulbtoo much stuff.20:53
fishbulbi dont want to be murdered either.20:53
sixwheeledbeastYou ain't thumbing a ride with that much stuff then...20:55
fishbulbits like 80kg worth of everything i own.20:55
sixwheeledbeastWell its about 200E for flights so i was looking at options. I see no problem with a coach having luggage20:56
fishbulbnor unless a giant empty van picks me up. like the kind with no windows that you should get into20:56
fishbulbtwo hundred? man.20:57
sixwheeledbeastA quick search yes. tomorrow would be triple that20:58
sixwheeledbeastpossible due to short notice.20:58
sixwheeledbeastTrain seems to be the most popular at 60E but with 80kg of stuff maybe not...20:59
fishbulbi have nowhwere to stsay in nl either but at least am a citizen. maybe they have a similar deal with homeless shelters20:59
KotCzarnyswb: sometimes there are last minute dirt-cheap flight tickets available21:00
sixwheeledbeastfamily friends?21:00
KotCzarnyneed to camp at the airport for that tho21:00
fishbulbits a two thoudsand euro bike and around 70kg of bags. tools and stuff.21:00
sixwheeledbeasttrue I said a quick check on a compare site21:00
fishbulbfamily all dead21:00
fishbulbin that country anyway21:01
fishbulbis there some iind of bike storage because a hostel never takes a bike21:02
fishbulbthis is a mess. it doesnt take long to get into this situation. youd be shocked21:04
fishbulbisnt basically everyone in here german or near there21:05
sicelono, of course not21:06
sixwheeledbeaster no21:06
fishbulbthe main ones who made a lot of n900 apps21:08
sixwheeledbeastWouldn't there be a Dutch representative in Germany? TBH I would expect places like that to be in Berlin.21:08
fishbulbthey dont handle this21:10
fishbulbi can pay a coach or something21:10
fishbulbgerman actually offers to pay the airfare to get you out and away from the social security system21:11
fishbulbwithout a high level of german you are totally screwed for work anyway.21:13
fishbulbit takes more than half a year to learn that much german if youre good with language21:13
sixwheeledbeastSurely they would give you some advise on either getting home or where you can go at home.21:14
fishbulbjust like this place it only has to be a roof. once you  are out of the office the prtty beauraucrat doesnt care what happens21:16
fishbulbits just some idiot working a job they hate created by the government to employ people21:16
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fishbulbeven if they see you as human they cant do anything about where you sleep21:18
fishbulbfirst cheapest result on google with a vacancy21:18
sixwheeledbeastIt would be my first attempt for information about getting home if I was in that situation.21:19
fishbulbseriously every squat ive seen is better than this place. all of them.21:19
fishbulbthey do not care21:21
fishbulbif it was some political asylum thing they might otherwise youre in for a loot of debt21:21
fishbulbwhats the coach site that you looked at?21:21
fishbulbis goeuro good?21:31
fishbulbhow big is this screen21:34
sixwheeledbeastI believe it is a compare site? no idea. FlixBus will allow cycles and extra luggage at small extra charge. Some coach companies will not.21:35
fishbulbits not a giant bike but it is a bike21:37
fishbulbsending it isnt an option with no fixed address21:37 seem like another compare site with more info on luggage21:40
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fishbulbis the n900 just a linux tablet with a 3g device? if my ip is visible herecan some kali kid do the same stuff theyd do with a normal computer?22:30
KotCzarnybut difference being linux tablets usually run androids22:30
fishbulbbut this is full linux22:34
fishbulbfull but old linux22:34
fishbulbhow do i even test for foul play on this22:35
APicHow would You make Your IP visible?22:43
fishbulbhow would i make it invisible22:45
APicUSB Networking?22:46
fishbulbusb networking with what22:55
APicWith something dark22:55
APicYou cannot see in the Dark22:59
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