IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2018-06-14

WikiwideNice :-)00:00
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* Oksana is exploring sawfish window manager on Linux laptop, currently; while idea of tiling is nice, I am not a fan of keyboard-based control. And highly customized window handling sounds... Very interesting.02:25
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Oksanajonwil : Do I need to felete filebuffer before exiting function getJourneyData ?02:58
Oksanadelete * filebuffer02:59
OksanagetJourneyDetailsData sounds... complicated.03:10
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jonwilJust copy whatever the Translink code is doing03:15
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Oksanajonwil : What should getStationsByGPS do : turn longitude and latitude into format readable by trip planner, or retrieve bus/train stops closest to GPS location?04:00
jonwilIt gets the bus stop closest to the GPS location04:00
jonwilIf the nsw site has that function then use it04:00
jonwilOtherwise set the flag to false so the system doesn't even try to use GPS with that backend04:00
* Oksana nods, and proceeds to use NSW site function. Unfortunately, with my chosen location, it doesn't return a bus stop, but either way it's going to work with GPS.04:01
OksanaWhen getting locations by name or GPS... When multiple results are returned... When user is asked to select one of the possible locations/stops... Where do these nice and readable names come from? Because StopID (required by trip finder) is one thing, and human-readable name of bus stop is another04:17
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OksanaIs it like "NameAkaDescription@LocationId"?05:10
jonwilYeah that's what I did for Translink05:20
OksanaHow does arrivalStation.section('@',0,0) work? I understand destinationStation.section('@',1,1),
brolin_empeyjonwil: I know some about Python but I mostly use it only as a calculator in recent years.05:30
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OksanaGot section('@',1,1). The only function remaining is getJourneyDetailsData. Just where does the url come from - no idea. But I can write json handler in, regardless.06:41
brolin_empeyWhen using a spreadsheet as a database, in this case an .xls workbook in LibreOffice Calc, is it possible to get a list of rows in which a certain column has a certain value or even only in which a certain column has a non-blank value?  In a real database, I can simply query something like “SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name CONTAINS (?) keyword;” but can I do something similar with a spreadsheet?06:46
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brolin_empeyMy use case: my credit union is changing their credit card provider, which means that my credit card is being replaced, which means that I have to manually update my payment information with all of the merchants who automatically bill this credit card account.  I have a local spreadsheet file containing logins/credentials and other details for most of my accounts.  This spreadsheet, which I use as a database, has a column/field for payment method.  I enter06:53
brolin_empey“MasterCard” in this column/field if I pay with my credit card account.  I want to get a list of all of my accounts where I pay with my credit card account.06:53
jonwilbrolin_empey: I think this is the wrong channel for that question :)06:53
jonwilI dont think LibreOffice can even RUN on an N900 :P06:54
OksanaFreOffice can, and it supports spreadsheets06:57
brolin_empeyjonwil: I think LibreOffice can run on a Nokia N900, especially considering that can run on an OpenMoko GTA02, which is slower and less capable than the N900.06:58
jonwilIts still not the right place to ask about LibreOffice, the right place would be #libreoffice (which does exist)06:59
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Maxdamantusbrolin_empey: convert to CSV and grep?08:05
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brolin_empeyMaxdamantus: I queried DuckDuckGo and found this Q&A:08:12
brolin_empeyI spent a while trying to use a filter to copy the rows of interest to a different sheet until I realised that I can simply sort the worksheet by the “payment” column/field, same as I would do when editing a table in a real database.  It took me a while to determine how to get the desired result by sorting but I finally got it.08:12
brolin_empeyNow the problem I have is that this table, effectively database, of accounts does not distinguish between merchants for whom I have a subscription and merchants from whom I bought something at least once even if it was years ago but do not have a subscription.08:15
brolin_empeyMaybe I should have the merchants for whom I have a subscription charge me via PayPal, if possible, instead of updating my credit card account information with the merchant because then, theoretically, I have to update my credit card account information only once, with PayPal, every time my credit card account information changes instead of having to update my payment information with every merchant for whom I have a subscription every time my credit card08:22
brolin_empeyaccount information changes.  I considered this years ago but never actually did it because the burden with the current situation is not too bad if it has to be done only every few years.08:22
brolin_empeyThe far greater burden will be manually updating all of the accounts that have my home address if I move again for the first time since 2010 January.08:25
brolin_empeyOr if my telephone number changes for the first time since 2008.08:26
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Oksanajonwil : What is getJourneyDetailsData expected to be? I don't understand route from TransLink [fromStation and toStation are self-explanatory], and I can hardly read MVV-Germany results [Tram 18 Destination SomeStreet is difficult to understand]10:58
Oksanaana> {version, systemMessages, journeys: [{rating, isAdditional, interchanges, legs: [{duration, origin, destination, transportation, hints, stopSequence, infos, coords, properties},{}]},{}]}10:59
OksanaAnd putting into "info" field [about leg of a journey] the text "Duration: 60" doesn't sound good [since it's 60 seconds]11:01
OksanaWhat's the difference between toStation and toInfo for a leg of a journey?11:03
* Oksana goes outdoors11:05
OksanaAnd MVV-Germany sometimes gives "Error opening the details"11:05
ceenei hate autotools11:27
ceenei also hate cmake11:27
ceeneand i also hate scons11:27
ceenehate them all11:27
ceeneit's all an undecipherable mess11:27
KotCzarnyhow do you achieve portability then/11:27
ceenewith lots of pain11:28
KotCzarnyso not much different11:28
ceenei have a 100 line scons python script don't i don't ever touch again11:28
ceeneand then i can use small scons files11:28
ceenebut i still hate it all11:29
ceenei hate that it's nonstandard and has no standard way of setting compilation options, cross compiler, etc, it's just a hack passing arguments after the call to scons11:29
ceenei've tried at least 8 times to understand autotools and i just can't get it11:29
ceeneit's the most common thing out there, the most standard, but it's all just a gigantic hack of different macro languages with confusing macro names and weird syntax11:30
KotCzarnyi just use sh11:31
KotCzarnyin the end it's always needing manual touches, so why bother11:31
ceeneit's all a pain in the ass11:35
bencohyou're absolutely right with the fact that they're just all a gigantic hack, but I still prefer this standard gigantic hack, than having to handle/patch every single package for crosscompilation11:37
ceenei know, and that's why i wanted to autotoolize my software... yet i've failed once again, I get so frustrated that I never manage to do the simplest thing11:38
bencohsince it appears that most handcrafted build "system" (ie makefile/script) fail with crosscompilation at some point (unless the authors tried to crossbuild it, and even then, they always miss some case)11:38
KotCzarnybencoh, that's what i mean by manual touches11:39
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bencohKotCzarny: I dont need "manual touches" when building a properly written autotools package11:39
KotCzarnysure, and then one day it happens to fail on some system/new distro revision11:40
KotCzarnyespecially if you rely on some external libs11:41
bencohthen you properly fix what needs to be fixed, for "everyone"11:42
KotCzarnyin a perfect world, yeah11:42
bencohinstead of adding another hacky bunch of lines to your handcrafted thing11:42
ceenemy problem is... i don't know how to begin writing an autotools package :(11:43
bencohnot saying this whole stuff is "perfect" in any way, just that I still prefer it by far than having to read/understand/patch every single homebrew makefile when crosscompiling it11:43
ceenei'm completely useless11:43
bencohceene: lib or program?11:44
ceeneand i also think it's the best solution (not that i think it's good at all, but the best nonetheless)11:44
bencoh(not that it's too different, but I have a simple autotools base to build a program, if you want)11:44
ceenei have several pieces of software that i want to autotoolize: libs and programs, and some repositories contain both a lib and a couple of programs that use them11:44
bencoh(not that good, but working on maemo)11:44
KotCzarny(just a random google)11:45
ceenei really hate it all11:47
KotCzarnyMuch chaos seems to persist in the documentation of the various autotools (part of the GNU Build System). I don't know how others sort it out. I am inclined to think that they just copy an example and ignore or don't check the warnings11:47
KotCzarnynice quote11:47
ceenei also hate that there have to be so many files around the directory11:48
ceenei don't want them, they're just sitting there taking mental space11:48
KotCzarnybetter to trim down, than desperately look for docs11:49
KotCzarny[autoproject] - This tool creates a skeleton source package for a new program11:50
ceenelet's try that11:50
KotCzarnyseems beta, version is 0.2011:52
ceene$ ls -1|wc -l11:52
ceeney don't really want a thing that creats 41 files11:52
ceeneand creates an xmalloc.c file11:53
ceenewhat the hell11:53
ceeneif my system doesn't have an standard malloc i don't give a shit11:53
ceenelet's see the autotools-skeleton repo11:54
ceenewell, it seems simpler than the libabc repo11:57
ceenea bit more comprehensible11:58
KotCzarnythis is also nice explanation of the files12:00
KotCzarnythe smallest autotools project is just and configure.in12:02
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jonwilOskana: The best way to see how things work would be to use a web browser that supports network transaction logging, visit and do a journey plan search and look at the JSON output to see for yourself how it looks.13:21
jonwilYou could put "Beenleigh Station" into one box and "Strathpine Station" in the other box to get some good output.13:22
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NihlanderYo, anyone alive?16:43
bencohsomehow :)16:43
NihlanderAyy - Success16:43
NihlanderYou wouldn't know what Fremantle repo to use, would you?16:44
NihlanderI'm getting KEYEXPIRED on both Muarf and Linenoise mirrors16:44
Nihlanderas per
bencohthey're only mirrors, so they just host the original files, which were signed by nokia with a now expired key16:45
bencohto avoid that, someone would need to resign packages with a trusted key16:45
NihlanderAh okay so, even with the keyexpired warning, updates, etc should still be working fine?16:46
NihlanderAwesome - Having both the Linenoise and Muarf mirrors enabled in my catalogue list shouldn't cause any issues either, right?16:47
bencohthe repositories for which you get KEYXPIRED errors haven't been updated since nokia stopped working on maemo, btw. only extras-* and cssu-* get updates nowaday16:48
NihlanderYeah, I have in my catalogue list16:50
NihlanderHave only just started using my N900 again after a couple of years16:50
bencohyay :)16:50
NihlanderSo, trying to make sure it's actually got all the right repos, etc and is updated with whatever has been released in the last few years haha16:50
bencohwelcome back then :)16:51
NihlanderCommunity SSU Version I'm using is 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo12 -- Flavor: Testing16:52
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