IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2018-03-25

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sixwheeledbeaster spambot hit the wiki hard, going to take a while to clean up.01:27
DocScrutinizer05btw kudos for keeping the wiki tidy all the time01:27
DocScrutinizer05you got rollback permissions, do you?01:28
DocScrutinizer05as opposed to undo which needs a few more clicks iirc01:29
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: ^^^01:31
sixwheeledbeastyep all good, been looking after it since migration really01:32
DocScrutinizer05I know, mayn thnaks for that01:33
sixwheeledbeastnp, its a very useful resource to keep spam free IMO01:33
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Vajbhow would you use grep to search lines which contain \t (tab) more than once? (there can be n number of characters inbetween)10:13
Vajbi tried "grep $(echo \t) file.txt" It works but I could not figure out how to add another tab to search with varying number of characters inbetween10:14
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MaxdamantusVajb: grep '\t.*\t'10:48
MaxdamantusVajb: or for at least `n` tabs, grep '\(\t.*\)\{n\}'10:49
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VajbMaxdamantus: thx, but they seem to give me false positives. Or I can not find tabs from the lines it claims to have double. My file should have single tab on everyline, but it seems to have more on some and I am having hard time spotting them.12:46
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MaxdamantusVajb: try: sed '/\t.*\t/ s/\t/(&)/'12:55
MaxdamantusVajb: try: sed '/\t.*\t/ s/\t/(&)/g'12:55
Maxdamantusassuming sed = gnused12:56
Maxdamantus(since the `\t` syntax is a gnused extension)12:56
VajbI just though that could it be that my scandic characters are messing up grep?12:57
Vajbtrying sed now12:57
MaxdamantusUnlikely to be messing up grep, unless you're using some extremely weird character encoding (UTF-8 and ISO/IEC 8859 encodings should be handled fine)12:58
MaxdamantusMight want to do this to also avoid printing unmatched lines: sed '/\t.*\t/{ s/\t/(&)/g; t }'12:59
Maxdamantuser, messed that up12:59
Maxdamantussed '/\t.*\t/{ s/\t/(&)/g; t }; d'13:00
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Vajblast line says "undetermined {"13:01
Vajband earlier sed command also gave false positives13:01
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MaxdamantusHm, maybe busybox's sed sucks.13:03
Wizzupor at least the busybox sed from many many years ago13:04
Maxdamantussed -n '/\t.*\t/ s/\t/(&)/gp'13:05
MaxdamantusThat one seems to work on Maemo's sed.13:05
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MaxdamantusSeems the issue with the brace versions is that Maemo's sed interprets '}' as a goto label.13:09
Maxdamantus(so needs to be `t;`, not `t`)13:09
* Maxdamantus is pretty sure the semicolon is unnecessary there.13:10
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Vajblast sed works as I wanted thanks a lot!13:16
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