IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2016-10-23

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Maxdamantusfwiw, my Debian system at work also has `eth0` as the first ethernet device.02:18
Maxdamantus(running systemd)02:18
Maxdamantusnot sure what the conditions are for devices to be renamed, but I don't think they're specific to systemd.02:19
jon_yMaxdamantus: udev02:31
jon_ynet.ifnames=0 should prevent renames02:31
MaxdamantusYeah, I guessed it would be something in udev. afaik systemd just reimplements something that follows the same rules system.02:32
Maxdamantusor maybe merged udev in or something.02:32
jon_yyeah it has its tendrils in udev02:32
jon_ygentoo forked it with eudev02:32
jon_yeudev too has that IF rename to keep consistent with udev, so net.ifnames=0 will work there too02:33
jon_ysystemd too made its own bootloader02:34
jon_ywell, more like it ate gummi-boot02:34
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