IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2016-05-16

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Juestoksana: a N900 wikipedia article exists ;)06:49
DocScrutinizer05lot's of images (not pictures, but .iso etc), and pdf datasheets, and particularly music and backups06:50
JuestMore backups? ah nice06:50
Juestnice collection(?) :)06:51
DocScrutinizer05sure, what do you think where the backup of my N900 goes to?06:51
DocScrutinizer05the scratchbox VM alone is ~1GB and I guess it's a half a dozen times on tabletsdev copy plus a few times on other downloads I did06:54
DocScrutinizer0532G     maemo-mirror/tabletsdev06:56
DocScrutinizer05142G    Musik/06:57
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Oksanaa Wikipedia article on Neo900* , misprint06:59
DocScrutinizer0513G     Android                 15G     Downloads                       13G     Android            9,9G    devuan          153G    Dokumente           28G     halley207:00
DocScrutinizer0553G     Bilder07:01
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Sicelothese people should just buy N90013:52
KotCzarnydoes n900 have good webbrowser?13:53
Sicelonot related to FM?13:54
KotCzarnyrelated to 'those people'13:54
Sicelothey are crying about FM, not browser :)13:55
Siceloor we can say .. that's the trade-off they took, to get a good browser13:55
KotCzarnyyou know you can get tiny fm receiver that can be connected to phones?13:56
Siceloeven poor old Nokia 3100 had a fancy one13:56
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Siceloi wonder why manufacturers put in the chip anyway, if they won't use it :-/14:08
Siceloor it is a side effect of bluetooth like on N900?14:08
KotCzarnymaybe its the part of some soc14:10
Sicelomakes sense. our chip is in the bluetooth chip, hence the need to have bluetooth up for FM14:10
KotCzarnyas a side note, gcc 4.2 from fremantle compiles fine in diablo sdk14:11
Siceloi rarely use it now though .. i listen to FM mostly if I'm in the car. if i feel like FM elsewhere, usually my N-Gage14:11
KotCzarnylets see if it works14:12
KotCzarnyhmm, libav compiles, will resulting binary work on n800? who knows! more in the next episode of 'pimp my n800'14:38
KotCzarnyanyone with n800?14:51
Siceloshould work .. why wouldn't it?14:53
KotCzarnysicelo, because im compiling on banana pi m1 (arm a7 based)14:53
KotCzarnyand those sneaky compilers/libs dont always listen to configure14:53
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KotCzarnyalso, missing symbols from newer libs15:01
KotCzarnymaybe i should just clone that chroot and keep it as 'stock' device15:05
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KotCzarny       (GCC_3.5) => /lib/
KotCzarnyi think it will barf about missing symbol15:23
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KotCzarnymy n800 died overnight, charged yesterday, empty today18:21
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KotCzarnymiscompiled. :/19:25
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KotCzarnyhmm, but apparently aac was miscompiled, mp3 works ok20:03
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enychrrm ....  broken ?20:51
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sunshavi/query KotCzarny22:05
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