IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2016-02-03

DocScrutinizer05OH FUCK, it assumes! it assumes 32bit for some registers00:02
DocScrutinizer05that's as bad as it gets for a kernel API00:03
DocScrutinizer05a kernel API never should assume stuff like that00:04
dayyqxSicelo009N: I found what caused it in the systemd logs: ~/.ssh is a symlink to a dir under ~. Now that dir has the incorrect permissions. :)00:04
DocScrutinizer05CBA to fix my script for /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/registers now00:04
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Sicelo009Nwhat distro on the pc?00:05
DocScrutinizer05the path to do it *if* I were interested, wpould be to sed 's/^0x..=0x//; s/([^ ]{2}/\1 /; s/\n//'00:07
DocScrutinizer05wut? ~/.ssh is a symlink? WTF?00:08
Vajbi used cut -c8-9 instead of -d= -f200:08
Vajband got the result i wanted :)00:09
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: in ? that won't fly due to 32bit 'registers'00:10
DocScrutinizer05-c8-9  of this is just ff00:10
DocScrutinizer05which looks like it works but gives wrong results00:11
Vajbah but im using bnf00:11
DocScrutinizer05no diff00:11
Vajbcan u explain more?00:11
Vajbnow it prints just 07 tho00:12
DocScrutinizer05"-d= -f2" is a parameter set for cut that means "fields are separaetd by '=', use second field".  "-c8-9"  means "use 8th + 9th char". the first will give you 0xffff, the second will give you ff00:13
DocScrutinizer05the second one will fail on line "0x04=0xffff" and similar, of your pastebin
Vajbyes i just read about cut and that's where i got idead to make it use 8th and 9th character00:16
Vajbim using it only for line 0x2800:16
dayyqxSicelo009N: NixOS00:16
Vajbto show cycle count instead of calibration needed flag00:16
DocScrutinizer05sed 's/^0x..=0x//; s/([^ ]{2}/\1 /; s/\n//'  should turn a " 0x00=0x00 \n 0x01=0x40 \n 0x02=0x00 \n 0x04=0xffff \n 0x06=0x4d8 \n " into " 00  40 00 ff ff 4 d8  "00:17
dayyqxDocScrutinizer05: yes, it is a symlink? why?00:17
DocScrutinizer05ssh will barf up00:17
dayyqxDocScrutinizer05: not really.00:18
dayyqxdayyqx: as long as  the permissions on the target are correct, it's fine00:18
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: (only line 0x28) aah ok00:18
VajbDocScrutinizer05: i know that is supposing that over ten cycles it just changes 0x07 to 0x1000:20
Vajbbut i'll know till weekend :)00:20
DocScrutinizer05sed 's/^0x..=0x//; s/([^ ]{2})[0-9a-f]/\1 /; s/\n//'00:20
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: nope, this is an issue about 8bit (0xac) vs 16bit (0x1234) register values in /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/registers00:22
MaxdamantusThat's my C version, can't remember what the difference was from bencoh's.00:22
DocScrutinizer05it doesn't matter if cycle count changes from 0x07 to 0xff00:22
MaxdamantusIt uses strtol (though converts the results to ints), so probably doesn't have this issue.00:24
bencohhm ?00:25
bencohmy version of what ?00:26
DocScrutinizer05in bq27k-detail2 replace >> dmppath=`find /sys/devices/ -path '*/hdq/*' -name dump` << by >> dmppath=`find /sys/devices/ -path '*/bq27200*/*' -name registers` <<00:26
Maxdamantusdoc mentioned your C version of .. hmm .. maybe he was just thinking of mine, thought I vaguely recalled someone else doing something similar though.00:26
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DocScrutinizer05in bq27k-detail2 replace >> dmpcmd="cat ${1:-${dmppath}}| tr -s '\n ' '  '"  << by >> dmpcmd="cat ${1:-${dmppath}}| sed 's/^0x..=0x//; s/([^ ]{2})[0-9a-f]/\1 /; s/\n//'  <<00:27
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bencohSicelo009N: did I write some bq27-related code?00:27
* bencoh $ fsck /dev/brain/mem00:28
dayyqxSicelo009N: thanks for the assistance. I'm parting.00:35
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DocScrutinizer05oh shit, it even omits leading zeroes00:38
DocScrutinizer05how braindamaged is THAT?00:38
DocScrutinizer05this "registers" sysnode is as borked as it may get00:40
DocScrutinizer05if that's the mandated format for any "registers" sysnodes in linux, then I prolly switch to windows00:40
DocScrutinizer05silly enough it does NOT omit leading zeroes in 2digit values like 0x28=0x0700:43
DocScrutinizer05this is definitely broken, a bug00:44
DocScrutinizer05even if we ignore (and tolerate) assumptions about registers being 8bit or 16bit, it *always* should be FOUR digits for 16bit registers, like it's always TWO digits for 8bit registers and values <=0xFF (for the latter it should be 4 difgits no matter which value, for those 16 bit regs. Or rather it shouldnt make assumptions of 2 8bit registers forming a 16bit value, to start with)00:47
DocScrutinizer05there are no 16bit registers on I2C00:48
DocScrutinizer05Pali: ^^^ bug00:49
DocScrutinizer05Pali: in bq27xx.ko00:49
PaliDocScrutinizer05: this is kernel-power on maemo right?00:51
DocScrutinizer05prolly, yes00:51
DocScrutinizer05ask Vajb00:51
Palijust leading zeros are missing00:52
DocScrutinizer05yes, it should be %04x at very least. Though actually I2C registers are *always* just 8bit00:52
Palithose are bq registers and some are really 16bit00:53
DocScrutinizer05no, there are technically no 16bit registers on I2C00:53
DocScrutinizer05assuming two registers on I2C form a 15bit value is just that: an assumption, which is not appropriate for kernel API level00:54
DocScrutinizer0516bit even00:54
MaxdamantusI think it's probably weirder that thece are a bunch of null bytes at the end of the file.00:55
DocScrutinizer05such high level 'assumtions' are for userland accessing and interpreting the register dump00:55
bencoh00:53 < DocScrutinizer05> no, there are technically no 16bit registers on I2C00:56
bencohhm? are you talking in this specific case ?00:57
DocScrutinizer05no, this is a question of I2C protocol00:57
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DocScrutinizer05I2C defines a max 128 registers of 8 bit each00:57
bencohwell, i2c (in its most basic form) defines 7b addresses, and 8bit words00:58
bencohbut your frame can be as long as you want00:58
bencohas long as you keep ACKing after every read (for read accesses)00:59
Vajb2.6.28.10-power53 if my kernel still matters01:00
DocScrutinizer05bencoh: what I just said. 128 registers a 8bit per register01:00
Vajband cssu-testing01:00
DocScrutinizer05since addr is 7bit01:01
DocScrutinizer05interpretation of register semantics is in named sysnodes, not */registers01:02
DocScrutinizer05*/registers should list up to 128 plain 8bit values01:02
DocScrutinizer05as 0xff01:02
DocScrutinizer05aka %02x01:02
DocScrutinizer05*/rehisters is exactly for those usecases where you do _not_ want any semantics applied01:03
bencohDocScrutinizer05: this schema only refers to the case where your device defines 8b-addressed 8b registers (?)01:03
DocScrutinizer05that's I2C spec01:04
DocScrutinizer05bencoh: ^^^01:04
bencohat least not that I know of01:04
DocScrutinizer05and it's 7bit addr01:04
DocScrutinizer058th bit is r/w01:04
bencohthe slave address is 7b01:04
bencohnot the reg address01:04
DocScrutinizer05oops, ok01:04
bencoh(in your example)01:04
DocScrutinizer05then it's 256 registers max01:05
bencohi2c eeproms I know of have 16b addresses01:05
bencohfor 8b words01:05
DocScrutinizer05well, I wonder how the I2C interface controllers will handle those01:06
bencohthe i2c spec doesn't say anything about the data you transfer01:06
bencohit only specifies the "how" you transfer it01:06
ds3there are 16bit register devices01:06
bencohds3: sure there are :-)01:06
ds3and they don't work if you read them as 8 bit values01:06
DocScrutinizer05anyway bq27k isn't one of those01:07
bencohDocScrutinizer05: anyway, time to re-read the bq27x ref I guess, to see if this really is a bug or not01:07
ds3the kernel API doesn't really care01:07
DocScrutinizer05the kernel api for I2C is like "read N bytes, starting at X"01:08
bencohDocScrutinizer05: well, it's quite close to what you'd need for most devices01:09
bencohas long as you can specify the address length as well01:09
DocScrutinizer05so what?01:09
bencoh(read N bytes starting at address X of length n)01:09
ds3that must be the simplified one01:09
bencohprobably yeah01:09
DocScrutinizer05it's not the kernel driver's job to apply 'knowledge' about 2 8bit register addr forming a 16bit value, ** IN */registers **01:09
ds3the full API is - WRITE n BYTES READ x BYTES STOP01:09
bencohds3: yeah but most people dont want to handle the waiting :)01:10
DocScrutinizer05and I'm not discussing the I2C function call interface here01:10
ds3bencoh: waiting? you mean you the async nature of that interface?01:10
DocScrutinizer05it's about /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/registers01:11
bencohds3: be it spinlock or async/interrupt-driven :)01:12
bencohDocScrutinizer05: so you're saying it's stripping leading zeros?01:12
DocScrutinizer05this chip evidently addresses 8bit registers, and some of them form pairs for a 16bit value, however that doesn't beling into /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/registers01:12
DocScrutinizer05bencoh: yes, that too01:12
bencohThis page has been removed!01:13
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DocScrutinizer05 hgere you are01:14
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DocScrutinizer050x16 is a "16 bit register" (though I really think it should be 2 8bit registers), you can tell from next addr being 0x18. Yet it has only 2 digits (0x7d), with a different value it would have 3 or 4 digits, but silly enough never 1 digit only01:17
DocScrutinizer05why isn't it 0x28=0x7  ?01:18
bencohleading zeros when you're reading from /sys nodes don't really matter; unless you want to feed it back01:18
DocScrutinizer05anyway it SHOULD be 0x28=0x000701:18
DocScrutinizer05well, I suggest the format "ADRESS twentyeight HEX IS VALUE 7 HEX" then ;-)  When format doesn't matter01:20
DocScrutinizer05the idea of sysnodes is to allow easy machine parsinfg01:21
DocScrutinizer05emphasis on "easy"01:21
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DocScrutinizer05and particularly */registers should allow me to read out value of register 0x29 (SIC!) no matter which semantics the register might have01:23
bencohit doesn't let you read 0x29?01:25
DocScrutinizer05so the above should read01:25
DocScrutinizer05do you see any 0x29 in ?01:26
bencohI don't, that's why I'm asking :)01:26
bencohbut, okay, I get your point :)01:27
DocScrutinizer05exactly the point. There's evidently a register 0x29 in bq27200, however it's not really available in /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/registers01:27
bencohit's more a representation issue than an internal bug01:27
bencoh(I think)01:27
DocScrutinizer05yeah, the bug is in printf() and some logic that concatenates registers into one value despite */registers is meant to show a raw dump without any semantics applied01:28
DocScrutinizer05when you start applying semantics there in */registers, then why the heck are the values hex and not signed or unsigned integers already?01:29
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DocScrutinizer05the named sysnodes like */ttf are supposed to apply all the needed semantics to provide something "human readable". */registers in my book is a *raw* dump of *all* existing registers of the chip01:31
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DocScrutinizer05since generaly when accessing */registers you want to bypass the semantics in kernel driver01:33
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DocScrutinizer05there are even chip that have register banks, where semantic of register M depends on the bank enmabled by writing a value to e.g. reg 0x0101:36
DocScrutinizer05I don't think you should expect changing format in */registers sysnode for such chips, depending on current value of reg 0x0101:37
DocScrutinizer05as a rule of thumb, a tool should be able to handle */registers of arbitrary chips in a uniform way01:38
DocScrutinizer05btw same applies for all sysnodes. That's the reason why */current is in micro-Amperes01:39
DocScrutinizer05or was it even nano-Amperes?01:40
DocScrutinizer05I really hope */registers isn't specified in linux for all kernel drivers to look like bq27xx.ko's looks now,01:41
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sunshaviHi guys, any of you is using maemo-skd with scratchbox 2?01:56
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brolin_empeyEven Quattro Pro for Windows (QPW) version 10 from year 2001 has this feature that I have not yet found in any other spreadsheet software.  I should file an enhancement/feature request for LibreOffice Calc if one has not already been filed.06:11
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* jonwil is getting close to being able to update the Maemo root CA store in CSSU git repos08:48
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Sicelojonwil: \m/10:42
Sicelobencoh: Maxdamantus : seems i made mistake. apologies.10:44
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bencohnp :)10:44
MaxdamantusSo did I .. I referred to doc instead of you.10:48
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fishbulb_through yappari I'm getting messages missed11:27
fishbulb_has there been a change to that?11:27
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fishbulb_I'm missing out on messages11:29
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fishbulb_what's the current status of yappari?11:33
bencohit's maintained11:35
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fishbulb_I mean the other week, I updated it11:49
fishbulb_because the protocols changed11:49
fishbulb_but i've been missing messages11:49
fishbulb_they're not coming through for some reason.11:49
fishbulb_has there been another version recently?11:49
bencohno idea, see the TMO yappari thread, and/or ask ceene11:51
Sicelofishbulb_: we have problems with encrypted messages .. textsecure is ultimate solution12:02
fishbulb_pretty sure these are not encrypted12:03
fishbulb_ceene: have you put out another yappari version recently?12:07
fishbulb_nope I have 2.0.2312:08
bencohfishbulb_: how do you know (not encrypted) ?12:09
fishbulb_I'm guessing because it's just a normal girl who would use the normal whatsapp app12:09
fishbulb_maybe she encrypted messages who knows?12:09
bencohI dont use whatsapp, but I'm not sure this needs a specific per-message user intervention12:10
fishbulb_I am sure this doesn't12:12
fishbulb_also I unplugged my phone from charging, and the green light stayed on12:12
fishbulb_I think something is on it's way out.12:12
fishbulb_can I copy /home and then reflash everything?12:13
fishbulb_like wot a normal linux install would do12:13
Sicelofishbulb_: there is 2.0.2412:14
Sicelomay, or may not solve your issue12:15
fishbulb_can you please give me the link to the .deb file?12:15
Sicelowait .. why aren't you going to the thread to get these things for yourself as bencoh already indicated?12:15
fishbulb_th thread says 2.0.2312:16
bencohit's in -devel, so you get the usual warnings12:21
fishbulb_they are all in devel because nobody votes12:21
bencohhmm nevermind, it hitted -testing12:22
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fishbulb_2.0.24 ?12:24
fishbulb_I got the devel version12:25
fishbulb_I assume it's just the same12:25 ;)12:25
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Sicelofor green LED, start with something as simple as a reboot?12:31
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Sicelotoo late :p12:32
* Sicelo hardly ever considers to flash N900.12:32
bencohisn't that a mce bug?12:35
* Maxdamantus has only done it once, when he first acquired his device.12:36
WizzupI did it when the emmc got corrupt12:38
KotCzarnyyeah, happens12:42
KotCzarnymce bug, not emmc corruption12:43
Wizzupit happened mostly because I assumed that during shutdown, as soon as the led was off, the device would be off.12:43
Wizzupbut it wasn't.12:43
KotCzarnystill, reboot should fix it12:43
Wizzupno it didn't :) (corruption)12:43
KotCzarnythats why i said about mce ;)12:44
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infobotsomebody said repos was "deb ./ ;; deb ./", or see
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infoboti guess zimage-fb is on
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keriooh man, this nokia 108 is actually a "microsoft mobile rm-945" :(18:43
keriofeels bad man18:43
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sixwheeledbeast^freemangordon: ping19:13
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jurophi all21:33
juropstruggling to understand N900 boot sequence21:33
juropmy current config21:33
juropN900 CSSU Thumb + backup menu + power-kernel v5321:33
juropuname -a gives Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 #1 PREEMPT Wed Dec 10 13:52:39 UTC 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux21:34
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juropscratchbox configured on linux PC21:35
juropalready used for compiling myself some programs, namely taskwarrior21:35
juropso hopefully working21:35
jurop1st quest:21:35
juropextracted with dpkg -x from package kernel-power-bootimg_2.6.28-10power53_armel.deb -> I have kernel image zImage-
juropshouldn't 0xffff -m zImage- -l -b give me a booting N900 exactly like it should be with no modification?21:37
MaxdamantusYou need to install the kernel modules into the filesystem.21:38
bencohjurop: do you use uboot?21:38
juropcurrent being a simlink to
juropno uboot (that will be next step someday, no needing for multiboot right now)21:40
MaxdamantusThen maybe.21:40
MaxdamantusMight need to check /sbin/preinit to see if that's enough, but that's probably the weirdest part of the boot sequence regarding kernel requireemnts.21:41
jurop(lost message? I have already 2.6.28-omap1 + + current in /lib/modules)21:41
jurop(current being a simlink to
MaxdamantusYou're probably not going to lose messages on IRC, unless you're disconnected.21:43
juropMaxdamantus: right, but I did not see my own message :)21:43
juropMaxdamantus:looking through /sbin/preinit I see MODULE_PATH=/lib/modules/'uname -r'21:47
jurop(' being interpreted as backtick, I have no backtick on this keyboard)21:47
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MaxdamantusIt might be useful adding fbcon as the first module it tries to load.21:49
juropadded fbcon, replaced uname -r with  current21:54
juropdevice boots, 0xffff -m zImage- -l -b does not boot21:55
juropstuck at nokia writing, no backlight21:55
Siceloi use uboot with no issues. i don't yet understand where your problem is? :/21:56
Sicelo21:34 < jurop> uname -a gives Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 #1 PREEMPT Wed Dec 10 13:52:39 UTC 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux21:56
Sicelo21:41 < jurop> (current being a simlink to
juropSicelo:I am trying do do one step at a time - now I just want to test a new kernel I compiled by myself21:57
Siceloah. so where do you see Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 #1 ... your kernel boots?21:58
juropSicelo:yes, N900 boots now21:58
juropSicelo: but if I do: 0xffff -m zImage- -l -b21:58
juropSicelo:my N900 does not boot anymore21:59
juropso I'm just trying to understand boot sequence and what I'm doing wrong21:59
MaxdamantusHow do you know that kernel works?21:59
Maxdamantusime, compiling your own old kernel is tricky.21:59
juropoh, well, being extracted from the same package installed on the machine, I hope it works22:00
juropI am not flashing my own kernel (now)22:00
MaxdamantusIt didn't boot for me when the compilation was successful. My toolchain migh've been to different or something.22:00
Sicelothen why are you even loading it with 0xFFFF when it is already on device? :)22:00
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juropI am loading the one extracted with dpkg -x from package kernel-power-bootimg_2.6.28-10power53_armel.deb22:01
juropthis is just for checking if the procedure works22:01
juropsince I cannot know if my N900 does not boot because of my own kernel22:01
juropthe N900 refuses to boot with the aforementioned kernel which I think it is the same I already have installed22:02
juropso it is quite clear I have an understanding problem here22:02
Siceloso, you are saying N900 boots the kp53 kernel by itself, but if you load it, doesn't work?22:02
juropSicelo:and I am trying to understand what's wrong and where I misunderstood something22:03
Sicelonever used 0xFFFF .. is your cmdline correct?22:04
Sicelotry flasher-3.5 as well to be sure22:04
juropI need to look for and download it22:05
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juropok, same result22:18
juropstuck at NOKIA with no backlight22:19
juropflasher-3.5 -k /scratchbox/.../zImage- -l -b22:21
Siceloadd the boot options22:25
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alien2003Hi! Can you help me with the problem? When I try to play mp4 file I can hear sound but the video is green. How to fix it?22:27
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bencohgreen, solid green? or greenish?22:32
alien2003bencoh: solid green22:36
juropSicelo:what boot options do I need? Is there any link to read?22:36
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Sicelohmm, stuck at Nokia with no backlight? sounds like modules or your rootfs is bad now. still boots normally?22:39
juropthis is why I'm struggling to understand where the problem lies22:40
Siceloi've forgot the boot options :)22:40
Sicelotry a rootwait22:40
infobotwell, rescueos is
juroprescueOS works22:40
juropalready tried this afternoon22:40
Sicelo .. so add that rootdelay thing :)22:41
KotCzarnyhmm, does power kernel hav einitrd glued or loaded?22:42
Sicelomy uboot .item file has "rootfstype=ubifs rootwait root=ubi0:rootfs"22:42
Sicelomaybe you can add that22:42
Sicelomore fancy one has "rootdelay=20 ubi.mtd=rootfs22:42
Sicelorootflags=bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc rw console=ttyMTD rootfstype=ubifs root=ubi0:rootfs"22:42
Siceloone line22:43
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KotCzarnyinit=/sbin/preinit ubi.mtd=rootfs root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rootflags=bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc rw console=ttyMTD,log console=tty0 snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=622:44
KotCzarnythats mine22:44
KotCzarnystock powerkernel22:44
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alien2003so can you help me with green videos?22:47
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juropSicelo / KotCzarny: thanks for options - no way here :(22:50
juropcould it be something thumb related?22:50
juropI understood kernel-power v53 supports thumb22:51
Sicelokp53 is fine for thumb .. i'd start to suspect your USB :/22:51
juropalien2003:did you try with some other players22:51
Sicelomaybe use rear ports on computer?22:51
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juropSicelo:flashing works22:51
juropI bricked my spare N900 this afternoon and totally restored it22:51
alien2003jurop: no.22:52
KotCzarnyn900 is unbrickable22:52
juropalien2003:like mplayer for example? it looks wrong22:52
juropKotCzarny: I agree - better: I had my N900 non booting and totally restored it ;)22:53
alien2003jurop: just tried. It works with mplayer. Very smooth22:54
juropalien2003:video output driver22:54
juropalien2003:go on with mplayer then :)22:54
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alien2003jurop: so no way to play it with default or openmediaplayer?22:54
KotCzarnydoes gstreamer work?22:54
bencohalien2003: does mediaplayer plays other videos fine?22:54
jurophow can I be sure to use a working kernel? Dumping the one on the N900?22:55
KotCzarnyuse booting option instead of flasxhing22:56
alien2003bencoh: all mp4 files are broken22:56
alien2003bencoh: green screen and flickering22:56
bencohalien2003: others container formats are fine?22:56
bencoh(mkv, avi, whatever)22:56
bencoh(mp4 support is in stock, but who knows ....)22:57
juropKotCzarny: I mean, if I 0xffff -b -l I am not flashing, just testing kernels22:57
alien2003bencoh: yes22:57
bencohalien2003: what did you try? h264 in mkv?22:58
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bencohwhich video format in flv?22:58
alien2003downloaded from youtube22:58
alien2003with cutetube22:59
KotCzarnyjurop; one from kernelpower package should boot22:59
bencohhmm, try running ffmpeg -i on it22:59
bencohto get the video format/codec22:59
bencohif it's not h264, then it might just mean that dsp-accelerated decoding is broken on your device for some reason23:00
KotCzarnybencoh, do you know if kp modifies startup scripts?23:00
bencohno freaking idea23:00
bencohsee resulting package with dpkg-deb?23:01
bencohor ask pali :)23:01
KotCzarnyafair it had some failsafe which made it boot normal kernel in some cases23:01
KotCzarnyim away from my lappy now23:01
Siceloto best of my knowloedge no, doesn't change startup scripts23:02
bencohhow would a startup script "boot normal kernel"?23:02
alien2003bencoh: my mistake... flv doesn't play at all23:02
alien2003mpg plays23:02
bencohalien2003: mpeg2 decoding isn't dsp-accelerated iirc23:02
bencohalien2003: does dmseg say anything?23:02
alien2003bencoh: any ways to fix it? Which packages do I need to properly play it?23:03
KotCzarnyhrm i may be mistaken but my memory indicates it was reboting once before booting maemo23:03
bencohalien2003: did you try rebooting?23:04
bencohKotCzarny: that's probably because of it being in act-dead mode before23:04
alien2003dmesg doesn't show anything related to video playback23:05
alien2003yes. I've rebooted a couple of timies23:05
alien2003I've found something in dmesg23:05
bencohact-dead mode and all the racy stuff in the booting scripts are pretty annoying, btw. to the point that I *never* attempt to boot when plugged in anymore23:05
alien2003"procwwrap_detach: deprecated dspbridge ioctl"23:05
bencohnow that's "funny"23:05
bencohwhich kernel?23:05
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alien2003bencoh: kernel-power23:07
bencohlooks like pali backported
bencoh(or was it nokia?)23:07
bencohalien2003: no DSPMMU fault?23:08
bencohanyway, try reinstalling your dsp and mafw/gst -related packages23:09
alien2003bencoh: nothing in dmesg about DSPMMU23:10
alien2003bencoh: thx I will try23:10
alien2003bencoh: which gstreamer packages should be installed?23:10
bencohcheck with dpkg -l |grep23:11
bencohmaybe there's a default stock packages list around on *, but dunno23:11
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KotCzarnyhmm, i had such file from stock and cssu, dont remember if i uploaded it to wik23:14
juropquest: do I need initfs image?23:17
KotCzarnyjurop depends23:18
KotCzarnywhat is the problem?23:18
juropI looked for on the internet about initfs but I have not clear understanding23:18
juropKotCzarny: always the same - trying to boot a KP53 kernel for testing on my N90023:19
KotCzarnydid you copy the modules?23:19
bencohjurop: do you already have kp53 installed?23:19
bencoh(are you trying to boot kp53 from extras or the one you built?)23:19
juropKotCzarny:I already had them23:20
juropbencoh:the one from extras23:20
KotCzarnyjurop: did you try the cmdline i or bencoh pasted?23:20
bencoherr, did I really paste a commandline?23:21
juropKotCzarny:if you mean the cmdline for the kernel, yes23:21
juropbencoh:it was Sicelo's one23:21
KotCzarnyyou can try enabling fb in kernel23:22
KotCzarnyfb console i mean23:22
juropKotCzarny:do you mean module fbcon in /sbin/preinit ?23:23
KotCzarnydont remember the details23:24
bencohsomething like that iirc yeah23:25
bencohmodprobe fbcon23:25
KotCzarnyor recompiling the kernel and compiling it in23:26
bencohbut unless you installed the kp53 modules you probably won't be able to boot into a working state23:26
KotCzarnyor boot with init=/bin/sh and load the fbconsole blindly?23:27
KotCzarnybut modprobe at the top of preinit should do the trick23:28
juropthanks all for help23:35
juropit's frustrating not to achieve something that should be that simple23:35
Sicelotry same on your other N90023:37
Sicelonot with thumb though ...23:39
juropsame net result23:39
juropI have both on thumb23:40
juropthey are exact copy23:40
juropb/c one is working and the other one backup23:40
Siceloreflash one to stock for testing :)23:40
juropi thought to go the U-boot way at least to see some console messages when booting23:41
Siceloit's a little more involved ... you won't see much really.23:43
Sicelohow far did you go with fbcon that has been suggested to you?23:44
juropmy feeling is that it's of no help23:45
juropI don't get to the console23:45
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juropjust stuck at the NOKIA logo23:45
Sicelowhat is the last thing you see?23:45
juropi added the fbcon module in /sbin/preinit and noticed no change23:45
juropand no backlight23:45
Sicelonah man... before Nokia23:45
juropso really - stuck at the very beginning23:45
juropplug the cable -> NOKIA23:46
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juropLoad image:23:47
jurop    Image type: kernel23:47
jurop    Image size: 1770112 bytes23:47
jurop    Image version:
juropSending image header...23:47
juropSending image...23:47
jurop  100% [#################################################################]23:47
juropBooting kernel with default cmdline...23:47
jurop-> NOKIA with no backlight23:47
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juropLoad image:23:49
juropFile: /scratchbox/users/jurop/home/jurop/kernel_power/opt/boot/zImage-
jurop    Image type: kernel23:49
jurop    Image size: 1770112 bytes23:49
jurop    Image version: power/opt/boot/zImage-
juropSending image header...23:49
juropSending image...23:49
jurop  100% [#################################################################]23:49
juropBooting kernel with cmdline: 'init=/sbin/preinit rootfstype=ubifs rootwait root=ubi0:rootfs'...23:49
juropsame result23:49
Sicelopastebin this kind of stuff!23:49
Siceloyour kp53 is different size from mine23:50
Sicelo1788916 bytes my side23:51
juropSicelo:do it work this way?23:51
juropNo experience, here23:51
juropSicelo:ty for dim - i'll go on digging23:52
bencohjurop: silly question, but ... if you don't already have kp53, how do you boot it to edit your /sbin/preinit?23:55
bencohsince you're on thumb23:55
juropbencoh:the device is working23:55
bencohdo you have kernel-cssu?23:55
juropalready with kp-5323:55
juropI am just trying to flash KP53 from PC b/c I would like to compile my own kernel23:56
bencohI see23:56
juropbut first I wanted to be sure I understood the procedure23:56
juropnow I see I have different KP dimension than Sicelo, which sounds quite strange23:56
bencohI guess you compared the boot cmdline?23:56
KotCzarnyif you have own compile23:56
bencoh(to /proc/cmdline)23:56
KotCzarnyjust compile fbconsole in, not as module23:57
KotCzarnyyou will see where it fails23:57
juropbencoh: it's the very same of KotCzarny23:59
juropbencoh: btw thanks for the hint to /proc/cmdline23:59
juropKotCzarny:will do23:59

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