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* Maxdamantus now has 160 GB of storage. | 04:42 | |
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* Maxdamantus might look into fixing camera-ui. | 06:34 | |
Maxdamantus | Can never seem to unmount then remount the SD card and have camera-ui still work. | 06:35 |
Maxdamantus | and stracing it again, I'm reminded that whenever you try to focus it scans a bunch of icon files and stuff in the filesystem. | 06:36 |
* Maxdamantus would also like to get it so the focus can be locked. | 06:38 | |
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Sicelo | ceene: looks like yappari days coming to an end? | 08:45 |
Sicelo | :) | 08:45 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | a slightly off topic advice: when you try to copy 200GB from SATA ext4 to USB3 attached ntfs under linux, you're better off to nice and ionice the mount.ntfs [SIC!] process as well as the cp | 09:05 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it's incredible how a simple cp in a user shell can freeze the complete GUI | 09:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I'm not too surprised now that copying large amounts of data from eMMC to uSD (or vice versa) on maemo has similar nasty effects | 09:08 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | http://paste.opensuse.org/89945088 | 09:10 |
Maxdamantus | DocScrutinizer05: how big are the files? | 09:11 |
* Maxdamantus has noticed ntfs-3g struggles with large files. | 09:11 | |
Maxdamantus | struggles as in: uses insane amounts of CPU for some reason. | 09:11 |
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Maxdamantus | though large as in a few tens of GB. | 09:12 |
Maxdamantus | Linux's general write caching behaviour does often seem annoying too, but that's not related to the weird ntfs-3g behaviour. | 09:14 |
Maxdamantus | (that's relevant when copying from a fast source to a slower one—it quickly exhausts the system's writeback cache so everything else doing writes suffers) | 09:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | if you wonder: .flac, .iso, .vob | 09:16 |
Maxdamantus | Mk, probably not that big then. | 09:17 |
Maxdamantus | It'll probably just be the general Linux caching issue. | 09:17 |
KotCzarny | maxd, iso and vob can be tens of gigs big | 09:17 |
Maxdamantus | I sometimes periodically STOP/CONT the copying process. | 09:18 |
KotCzarny | and yes, ntfs is nasty with big files | 09:18 |
Maxdamantus | KotCzarny: unlikely for VOB, since DVDs usually split them into 1 GiB files. | 09:18 |
Maxdamantus | and if they're not from DVDs .. kind of weird to distribute stuff using VOB. | 09:18 |
Maxdamantus | With the STOP/CONT method, you don't lose any efficiency, just as long as you always continue it again before the writeback cache is empty (look for dirty size in /proc/meminfo) | 09:21 |
KotCzarny | maybe its some inherent fallacy with ntfs and big files | 09:21 |
KotCzarny | hard to think ntfs-3g guys overlooked the issue | 09:22 |
KotCzarny | (it's present in all releases i've seen) | 09:22 |
Maxdamantus | I think when I looked into it there might have been some suggestion about lack of proper handling of fragmentation or something. | 09:22 |
Maxdamantus | (but again, that's independent of the other caching issue in Linux) | 09:22 |
DocScrutinizer05 | wow, finished | 09:30 |
Maxdamantus | 19:51 < Maxdamantus> while killall -STOP rsync; do while (($(cat /proc/meminfo | sed '/^Dirty/!d; s/^.*: *//; s/ .*$//') > 2000000)); do sleep 5; done; killall -CONT rsync; sleep 10; done | 09:36 |
Maxdamantus | Something I found in my logs. | 09:36 |
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Maxdamantus | Hm. camera-ui seems to have many strange behaviours. | 10:57 |
Maxdamantus | Well, strange implementation behaviours. | 10:57 |
* Maxdamantus wonders how similar they are to the original version. | 10:57 | |
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ceene | Sicelo: it may be | 13:09 |
ceene | i've woken up to it | 13:09 |
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ceene | let's try and see what i can do | 13:28 |
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ceene | Sicelo: i've upgraded version numbers and that's been enough | 13:57 |
ceene | i'm uploading this version right now | 13:57 |
DocScrutinizer05 | moin | 13:57 |
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Vajb | Sicelo: yeah i got "connection closed by server" in yappari. Guess im banned then | 17:01 |
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ceene | Vajb: you aren't | 17:10 |
ceene | just need to upgrade to latest version | 17:10 |
ceene | that is currently on its way to reach the repos | 17:11 |
ceene | but which is already linked on the TMO post :) | 17:11 |
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Vajb | app manager shows upgrade and im installing it | 17:22 |
ceene | it should be 2.0.23 | 17:22 |
Vajb | ok | 17:22 |
ceene | let me know if you have any problem with it | 17:22 |
Vajb | yeah it is | 17:22 |
Vajb | just waiting install to finnish | 17:23 |
Vajb | ceene: it's alive, thx :) | 17:29 |
ceene | great! :) | 17:29 |
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