IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2015-08-12

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OksanaOkay, why don't people ever take a look at tags on TMO? As only one person, I have ability to add only two tags to a thread. And when there is a thread where people buy and sell Neo900 vouchers, AND somebody begins to sell N900 in it (if I understand it correctly), I can no longer understand how to tag the thread.03:37
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DocScrutinizer51contact the moderators04:04
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newbieAlertHEy hi, can someone please tell me how does libnotify works ?? I mean, what daemon listens to notifications sent by libnotify to create appropriate windows and stuff ?? And, also is there any way to check whether the led lights are on or not ??06:56
newbieAlertAnd is it necessary for any application which sends notifiaction to use Dbus or not ??06:59
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newbieAlertGot it :) :)07:23
svetlanahi newbieAlert :)07:25
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newbieAlertsvetlana: hi07:51
svetlanahi :)07:51
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newbieAlertHi all, I am not able to find the list of all the documented Dbus signals . Can anyone please paste the link.09:15
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bencohnewbieAlert: not sure we have a list09:38
newbieAlertbencoh: I think I did read it like years ago .. :/ Anyways i have found this :
MaxdamantusThere's also this:
newbieAlertMaxdamantus: :D i was just about to paste that too .  :D I think this was created from the list.09:43
newbieAlertSorry, THATS the list. phone-contol app is created from THAT list. Got confused with names.09:45
bencohit's far from complete, but ... okay :)09:51
OksanaNot sure if it helps, but:
newbieAlertbencoh: Oksana : Thank You all :)09:57
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zGrrmoin :)12:18
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Sicelo~seen pali17:25
infobotpali <~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 1d 17h 51m 49s ago, saying: 'looks like avx2 works also in 32bit mode'.17:25
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sixwheeledbeasttotalizator: It seems it maybe a issue and not mafw-lastfm, my other devices have stopped working...20:08
KotCzarnywhat stopped working?20:16
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sixwheeledbeastKotCzarny: My lastfm is being stupid and not scrobbling20:38
APic,o0(I actually misread „mafw-lastfm“ as „Malware“…)20:43
APicSick Brain…20:43
sixwheeledbeast Well it gets better, my lastfm is showing "Listening on N900 Scrobbler" however, I am using Rhythmbox. o.O20:43
KotCzarnyoscp scrobbler works20:44
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sixwheeledbeastNo tracks I have play on N900 have scrobbled over the last 4 days.20:44
KotCzarnyswb: use oscp?20:44
sixwheeledbeastKotCzarny:  that's no guarantee to fix the issue plus I prefer OMP20:45
KotCzarnywell, it works now20:45
KotCzarnyso even if they changed protocol oscp works20:46
sixwheeledbeastBut I don't believe it's client side that's broken.20:46
KotCzarnyi would guess they removed api v1 support20:49
KotCzarnyoscp uses api v220:49
KotCzarnybut that's just a guess20:49
KotCzarnyScrobbling from oscp (multiplatform: pc...20:50
KotCzarnyalso, you can use oscp-scrobbler in just any app, or even scrobble from irc20:51
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totalizatorsixwheeledbeast: I can't remember what the file was; maybe ~/.scrobbler-cache or sth; I have tested it yesterday and scrobbling from my N900 is working just fine21:31
sixwheeledbeasttotalizator: it's looking like something has got stuck at the server end. I have no idea how to fix the lastfm site isn't helpful either21:32
totalizatorwhat I remember is that the cache got corrupted once (some wird mp3 file name) and it was constantly trying to submit the tracks, draining my battery like in one day21:32
totalizatorthen why it works for me?21:33
sixwheeledbeasttotalizator: this is possible, but I also believe something weird is happening too. I have uninstalled mafw-lastfm and reinstalled.21:34
KotCzarnyyeah, their forum says something about cache retries21:35
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sixwheeledbeastok I removed that file.21:41
KotCzarnychina, 2h ago21:41
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totalizatorsixwheeledbeast: ~/.osso/mafw-lastfm.queue21:46
sixwheeledbeasttotalizator: a load of scrobbles have come through :)21:46
sixwheeledbeastSomething weird must have happened in ~/.scrobbles_cache, gonna check other devices21:47
totalizatorhah, great, gj :321:48
KotCzarnyanother cosmic riddle solved by maemo-community, yay!21:48
sixwheeledbeasttotalizator:  it was weird because the lastfm site was showing I was scrobbling  intermittently from N900 when I was on my Desktop.21:49
totalizatorlastfm api is a mystery for me; KotCzarny have tinkered with it a bit21:50
KotCzarnyit's quite simple, really21:50
KotCzarnyand well documented21:51
totalizatorI'll continue this topic some other time, gtg21:51
sixwheeledbeastI may have spoke to soon, it's showing N900 scrobbler for my desktop ones again. At least a lump of them have come through anyway21:51
sixwheeledbeastHopefully is just the cache clearing.21:52
KotCzarnyremove all caches on all active devices21:52
KotCzarnyscrobbles are rate limited21:52
sixwheeledbeasthm, now I have to find the cache files on all other devices21:59
KotCzarnybut only if you really have listened much22:05
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KotCzarny5. Max daily scrobbles exceeded.22:06
sixwheeledbeastHmm I have killed mafw-lastfm on N900 and my scrobbles are sort of coming through again.22:08
sixwheeledbeastI'll diagnose further tomorrow but other devices are working again with mafw-lastfm dead.22:11
KotCzarny1M scrobbles is the max22:13
FIQwtf is a scrobble22:14
KotCzarnyfiq: think of it as music listening stats with additional features22:14
FIQhmm ok22:14
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stryngsWhy do people hate on the n900 so much22:28
stryngsI hate it22:29
KotCzarnyi dont22:29
stryngsThey all rag on how much it sucks22:29
KotCzarnyi love my n90022:29
stryngsMe too22:29
stryngsI do amazing stuff with my n90022:29
KotCzarnyits just they use it wrong22:29
stryngsYet, they think I'm insane cuz its old22:29
KotCzarnysimple as that22:29
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KotCzarnydaily scrobble limit is 2000 or so22:32
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KotCzarnyYou will not make more than 5 requests per originating IP address per  second, averaged over a 5 minute period, without prior written consent22:37
KotCzarnysucks for people without external ip22:38
Luke-JrKotCzarny: unless they have blocking in place, it's not too bad22:49
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Luke-Jrtwo people making 5 requests each from the same IP complies with that, after all ;)22:49
KotCzarnysure, but my small isp has ~4000-6000 users22:50
KotCzarnyand by default they go through same ip22:50
KotCzarnyunless one buys external one22:50
Luke-JrKotCzarny: my point is that 6000 requests from one IP is fine legally, as long as each user makes no more than 522:51
KotCzarnybut i agree, they should do blocking per username, not ip22:51
KotCzarnyyou could be right22:51
KotCzarnybut if swb has more than 5 devices active at the same time, they can hit it when resubmitting cache22:52
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