IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2015-07-11

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veikkois it necessary to install 32bit version of libusb for flashing with flasher-3.5?15:48
veikkoI have only 64bit libraries installed15:48
L29Ahuse 0xFFFF15:51
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drathirveikko: not hurt if You install, but if its needed should be in dependencies...16:00
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veikko"./flasher-3.5: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"20:43
veikkoI'm getting this error while running flasher both on 32bit and 64bit20:44
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, 0xffff is, or
veikkoshould I install older version of libusb or what20:45
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kerioveikko: installing would be a good start20:52
veikko"This is an experimental tool and it can brick your device."20:52
veikkono thanks20:52
kerioyou can't really brick a n90020:53
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DocScrutinizer05install libusb21:07
Paliinfobot: 0xffff is
infobot...but 0xffff is already something else...21:09
Paliinfobot: no 0xffff is
infobotPali: okay21:09
Paliinfobot: 0xffff is also
infobotokay, Pali21:09
infobot[0xffff], or
Paliveikko: you need libusb 0.121:10
Palibut 0xFFFF >= 0.6.1 could work...21:11
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KotCzarnydo a symlink21:28
KotCzarnyfrom any other
KotCzarnyto the file it needs21:28
KotCzarnybut do it on 32bit libs21:28
Palilibusb 1.0 and 0.1 are totally incompatible21:32
KotCzarnywell ok, forgot one part21:32
KotCzarnybut are21:32
KotCzarnyand unless that tool need that libusb specifically, it was linked wrongly (should rely on
veikkosuccess with libusb 0.121:57
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veikko"aircrack-ng: Depends: wireless-tools but it is not installable E: Broken packages"22:25
veikkoshould this package be removed from the repository because it can't be instlaled?22:25
L29Ahi remember i got wireless-tools from somewhere22:28
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veikkoI'm using fremantle (free non-free) for n90022:32
L29Ahdeb ./22:32
L29Ahdeb ./22:32
L29Ahi guess one of these repos22:32
veikkoL29Ah: you are beautiful, thanks22:34
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infobotThe webos-internals source code repositories are hosted at and
DocScrutinizer05~#maemo repos is deb ./;; deb ./23:08
infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay23:08
infoboti heard repos is deb ./;; deb ./23:09
veikkothe gpg signature was invalid for muarf.org23:13
veikko"KEYEXPIRED 1349249546"23:45
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