IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2015-04-09

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zGrrmoin :)13:53
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sapongaKotCzarny, kcxlator works great. Thank you.15:28
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sixwheeledbeastinfobot: are you there?16:54
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Vajbhey. Is it possible to set default sms client to send sms at press of enter?19:26
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PaliVajb: default sms client is unconfigurable :-(19:51
Palithere is posibility to only overwrite CSS scheme which doing layout19:52
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antranigvhmm, so the RSS programs doesn't read atom feeds? (:20:47
antranigvmy question would be. any good feed readers for the N900?20:48
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sixwheeledbeastI use the stock one others I found equally awkward to use.21:01
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Vajbthx Pali, guess this falls under "solved, wont fix" :)21:18
Paliyou can try to play with CSS and JS code21:18
Palimaybe there is way how to handle enter key in JS21:18
KotCzarnymore like, 'closes, wont fix'21:18
Paliand then call some other funny stuf21:18
Palibut I do not know JS21:18
Paliso cannot help with this part21:19
KotCzarnydepends how that js is realized21:19
Vajbi don't know any of those so i guess i'll just deal with it21:20
KotCzarnyin real js you can21:20
KotCzarnyvajb, maybe try ctrl-enter ?21:20
Palithat javascript code is running in gecko21:20
KotCzarnyor shift-enter21:20
KotCzarnypali, then most likely its possible21:21
Paliand that gecko part is widget directly which render sms client21:21
Palilook at this:
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Palithis is modified css and js code for supporting portrait mode21:21
KotCzarnyim killing bandits right now21:21
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Paliand look into rtcom-messaging-ui package21:22
Paliwhich contains other JS stuf21:22
Palithats all what I can help21:22
Palibye for now21:22
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vakkovhi guys! a little issue over here -
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