IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2014-04-30

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sixwheeledbeastwizbit: Maemo 6 is sort of Harmattan, Fremantle will only see CSSU updates from now on. As for CSSUfeatures if you wish to play with different settings in GUI form yes. While it's a nice application I wouldn't/don't use it.00:09
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sixwheeledbeastAlso Extras-Devel is a minefield of  "in development" packages.
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wizbiti wonder how quake runs on a n90001:29
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DocScrutinizer05 wizbittest it and tell us!
DocScrutinizer05wizbit; test it and tell us!
bencohmeh :)02:05
DocScrutinizer05meh? :-D02:05
DocScrutinizer05you tested it?02:06
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bencohno, I just ... thought about those crazy people that actually packaged it :)02:08
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DocScrutinizer05seems script kiddies now found completely nonsensical sources for their names they try to bruteforce09:41
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DocScrutinizer05of course I never heard of any of those usernames09:42
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jaskano shit10:30
jaskai see usernames like password10:30
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Ashley`DocScrutinizer05: lol :D10:33
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khertanDocScrutinizer05, probably leaked account password on other site, and they just try if l/p is the same on other service11:02
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wxcafei have an n900 and i'd like to install this :
wxcafebut i don't seem to have the "patch" command installed12:10
wxcafewhich package is it in on maemo?12:10
jormungandrwxcafe: I guess: busybox-power12:14
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wxcafeyep, thanks :)12:18
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zGrrmoin :)13:40
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freemangordonWasmachinemann-N: is rockbox maintained anymore?18:46
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Wasmachinemann-NThomas is going to update it when RB 3.14 is released AFAIK18:47
freemangordonhmm, if you can reach him, please tell him to fix  the packaging18:48
freemangordonas -dbg package provides only copyright, but no debug symbols18:49
freemangordonso there is no way one to have a meaningful backtrace of a crash18:49
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freemangordonWasmachinemann-N: oh, you don;t have cssu-thumb installed? do you have cssu at all?18:54
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Wasmachinemann-NAccording to HAM, I do have CSSU installed, and when I try to install Thumb it says that I already have it installed?18:55
freemangordoncould you give me the result of "dpkg -l | grep community-pr" without quotes?18:56
Wasmachinemann-NI'm on it18:58
Wasmachinemann-Nmp-fremantle-community-pr                           21.2011.38-1Tmaemo9.1+thumb0               Community SSU package, includes latest fixes19:01
freemangordonok, latest thumb19:01
freemangordonWasmachinemann-N: so, you're sure those crashes started after you installed cssu-thumb?19:02
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Wasmachinemann-NYeah, someone else also had that problem when he installed Thumb19:02
freemangordonok, will see if I can find what is the reason. Though it looks like some multithreading bug in the application itself19:03
Wasmachinemann-Nmultithreading in Maemo, how's that even possible? The N900 has a singlecore CPU amirite?19:03
freemangordonhmm? what has multithreading in common with the number of cores?19:04
Wasmachinemann-NI thought that multithreading was dualcore only, but i'm a noob on that stuff tho19:06
freemangordonno, you can multithread on a single core without problem19:07
freemangordonanyway, /me gtg19:07
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DocScrutinizer05haha >>Although threads seem to be a small step from sequential computation, in fact, they represent a huge step. They discard the most essential and appealing properties of sequential computation: understandability, predictability, and determinism. Threads, as a model of computation, are wildly non-deterministic, and the job of the programmer becomes one of pruning that nondeterminism.<<19:12
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DocScrutinizer05hi dos119:14
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federico3what do you guys recommend for geocaching?19:27
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bencohgeocaching ? offline maps ?19:34
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federico3online maps, gps, cache location fetching. I'm trying agtl19:35
bencohI'd suggest marble19:35
bencohwith ... what's its name offline routing engine19:36
bencohmonav routing19:37
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer05; just saw something I think you'll appreciate21:10
ShadowJKthey're now selling stephen elop facemasks in finland21:11
ShadowJKnow you can put on a suit and elop facemask and create your own provate elopcalypse!21:11
ShadowJKor be the scariest monster at halloween21:11
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DocScrutinizer05the poor guy been a sock puppet21:13
DocScrutinizer05they hire and fire him and move him around like a brave little obedient soldier21:14
DocScrutinizer05which isn't meant to say I like him21:15
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