fil | unclouded: yeah, but that doesn't help much if one finds that a) you cannot change until you switch to the 'userspace' governor, and perhaps not even then, and b) even if you manage to change that, something is cheerfully changing it back again pretty much immediately | 00:01 |
unclouded | /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq perhaps? | 00:02 |
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fil | filN900:/etc/hal/fdi# echo 600000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq | 00:04 |
fil | sh: write error: Invalid argument | 00:04 |
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fil | as I said, you cannot write it without sodding about with the governor, and often not even then -- it seems that something is setting it back again, and I was trying to find out what | 00:05 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | Nokia hardware expert: "do NOT lock N900 to 600MHz or it will fry" | 00:17 |
fil | DocScrutinizer05: ah, fair enough -- so the rumour that the frequency backing off is the cause of SIP calls going shitty after a while is false? | 00:21 |
fil | cannot say I'm that surprised -- all my previous attempts to get to the bottom of that have been fruitless, so I shouldn't be surprised by another dead-end | 00:22 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | fil: I can't see how it would fail because of low CPU clock freq. If the codec needed more power, the freq-governor would crank up the clock anyway. And actually most codecs are not that heavy | 00:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it's rather WPA maybe that causes heavy load | 00:25 |
DocScrutinizer05 | or damn PA | 00:25 |
DocScrutinizer05 | anyway I'm using my N900 every day for SIP via and it usually "just works" after initial 5s stabilization phase | 00:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | when something goes bonkers then thats regularly and reliably tracker-indexer that kicks in when the recorded call gets written to .wav | 00:27 |
* DocScrutinizer05 needs to review the tracker.cfg | 00:28 | |
fil | well, I'm grasping at straws a bit -- I was recently forced to rely on my n900 for incomming VoIP, and was thus reminded how dire it is (works for about 30 seconds, then I tend to lose inbound audio -- sometimes recoverable by muting my end briefly) | 00:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ooh, that bug report is not unheard | 00:30 |
fil | this is with freeswitch at the other end -- IIRC sipgate was rather better, but not in a very deterministic way | 00:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it's completely unclear what is causing this | 00:30 |
ShadowJK | I'm reminded of media player stopping playback of net streams :-) | 00:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I still tend to blame WLAN and swapping | 00:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and particularly do NOT run recaller to record the call | 00:31 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and make sure your audio has no weird stuff configured, like equalizers or whatever | 00:32 |
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fil | DocScrutinizer05: yeah, I know -- I was probably here talking about it every couple of years -- I deal with it by not using VoIP if I can help it (which is really quite annoying as that would be rather useful if it worked) | 00:32 |
DocScrutinizer05 | SIP ever worked for me, without any patch on audio | 00:32 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | you would know if it was you who ran a test call with me | 00:33 |
fil | dont think I called anyone here, but certainly did a lot of tests with different codecs and the like calling myself and patient friends | 00:39 |
fil | also seem to remeber getting the same poor performance over USB-net which seems to indicate that it's not WPA/WiFi related in my case | 00:41 |
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Ashley` | hi | 01:02 |
Ashley` | oh, hi ashley ;v | 01:02 |
ashley | howdy | 01:02 |
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Gear_ | hi | 04:11 |
Gear_ | OMweather is glitching out | 04:11 |
Gear_ | I live in australia, and it's showing me weather for tomorrow | 04:11 |
Gear_ | doesn't matter what I change | 04:11 |
mashina_ | try flipping the settings upside down | 04:11 |
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jon_y | mfw Nokia stores not stocking Nokia BL-5Js | 09:16 |
jon_y | had none :( | 09:16 |
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sixwheeledbeast^ | why would they need to stock batteries any more? People tend to replace there phone within 24 months. It therefore seems most phone batteries are sealed in now. | 09:38 |
jon_y | sixwheeledbeast^: I don't know, I expect Nokia stores to have Nokia products | 09:39 |
jon_y | they still sell 3310s | 09:39 |
jon_y | oh, they sell Samsung phones too :) | 09:39 |
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jon_y | except you can't miss the giant NOKIA banner on top | 09:39 |
sixwheeledbeast^ | I expect Nokia stores to stock Windoze products only from now on. | 09:40 |
sixwheeledbeast^ | /me is happy with his Polarcell anyway. | 09:41 |
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jon_y | I think my current battery is the old 1200mAh model | 09:43 |
jon_y | got it in 2010 | 09:43 |
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* kerio is happy with his nameless orange battery | 10:25 | |
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nokiabot | he he he | 11:42 |
* nokiabot slaps DocScrutinizer05 around a bit with a large trout | 11:45 | |
nokiabot | oh no | 11:45 |
nokiabot | is any one here | 11:46 |
freemangordon | who do you need? | 11:48 |
freemangordon | and what for? | 11:48 |
nokiabot | humm | 11:48 |
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nokiabot | i thought nobody is here | 11:49 |
nokiabot | ho do i know that people are online | 11:49 |
freemangordon | no way | 11:49 |
nokiabot | what ??? | 11:49 |
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nokiabot | i found a option (names) that has many names so are they all online ? | 11:52 |
nokiabot | 266 people in this channel ... Omg | 11:52 |
nokiabot | ?? | 11:55 |
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wnd | there may be 266 on the channel, but it doesn't mean that they | 12:12 |
wnd | that they're online in person | 12:13 |
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sixwheeledbeast^ | nokiabot: you may not get an instant reply from people | 12:42 |
sixwheeledbeast^ | they can't be here all the time, nothing would get done. :) | 12:43 |
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sixwheeledbeast^ | If you address/highlight a person you may get an away auto-message. | 12:49 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | eeew yeah those annoying auto-away messages. Most users never again deactivate them, which makes queries a real PITA | 13:33 |
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zamn900 | hey I did not write the right pin code for the third time... cool seems n900 does not forget every past time I wrote the wrong one | 15:25 |
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zamn900 | so... now how can I restore now my sim without remembering where I stored the f puk? | 15:25 |
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Hurrian | zamn900: it's the SIM card that locks up into PUK request mode, not the N900 | 15:26 |
Hurrian | you'll need to ask your carrier for the PUK | 15:27 |
zamn900 | uff | 15:27 |
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zamn900 | solved | 15:34 |
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nokiabot | whooa | 15:45 |
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zamn900 | ~applock | 15:54 |
zamn900 | what's wrong with applock? | 15:55 |
zamn900 | and I still | 15:56 |
zamn900 | don't get how to use catorise | 15:56 |
nokiabot | you getting segfaults ? | 15:59 |
zamn900 | nope | 16:01 |
zamn900 | I dont see its menu | 16:02 |
nokiabot | install cartorise plus gui from extras or extras testing repo | 16:02 |
nokiabot | . | 16:03 |
zamn900 | ok and now? | 16:12 |
zamn900 | what should happen? the catorise plus implicated the previous catorise removing | 16:14 |
zamn900 | anyway now? | 16:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I never thought catorise a great thing. I discarded it instantly and replaced it by ApMeFo happily | 16:16 |
nokiabot | what have you installd now in clear words please ? | 16:16 |
zamn900 | catorise plus | 16:17 |
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zamn900 | it removed the catorise and catorise gui | 16:17 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ApMeFo, while not exactly user friendly to _configure_, at least *has* all the configurability I want | 16:17 |
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zamn900 | I'll see it doc | 16:18 |
zamn900 | thxs | 16:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | whule catorise came from a very stupid approach to duplicate the categories as fund in HAM | 16:18 |
DocScrutinizer05 | while* | 16:18 |
zamn900 | so I think | 16:19 |
nokiabot | Just install cartorise plus gui without removing anything or remove it then install cartorise plus gui it will automaticaly install cartorise | 16:19 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I want to sort the apps the way *I* like to see them, not like they are sorted in HAM where I also always have to revert to "all" since otherwise I never find what I'm looking for | 16:19 |
zamn900 | nokiabot I installed all catorise but catorise plus installation removes the other catorise | 16:20 |
nokiabot | @doc let him try cartorise first | 16:20 |
zamn900 | if is possible I would taste catorise | 16:21 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | only downside of ApMeFo (and probably catorise all the same): do NOT move any ison in applauncher EVER. HD doesn't know about any of those catorise/ApMeFo and thus ruins your setup | 16:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | s/ison/icon/ | 16:21 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer05 meant: only downside of ApMeFo (and probably catorise all the same): do NOT move any icon in applauncher EVER. HD doesn't know about any of those catorise/ApMeFo and thus ruins your setup | 16:21 |
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nokiabot | remove all cartorise then go to ham and install cartorise plus gui it will do the job | 16:21 |
zamn900 | anyway nokiabot I have installed it but there is no clue | 16:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | why? | 16:22 |
zamn900 | I'll try | 16:22 |
zamn900 | anyway DocScrutinizer05 something worng with FAM | 16:22 |
infobot | The Doctor is `OUT´ | 16:22 |
sono | haha | 16:22 |
zamn900 | it says all the times check the log for errors | 16:22 |
nokiabot | yeah because you dont have the gui (graphical user interface) | 16:23 |
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zamn900 | nokiabot, i am not talking about catorise | 16:23 |
nokiabot | humm you might have messed the repos | 16:23 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~fapman | 16:23 |
infobot | hmm... fapman is Faster Application Manager, a frontend for apt which uses own repositories catalog, and shouldn't be used to do system upgrades (like CSSU). It also does "apt-get autoremove" after every operation, by default. in short, it's deprecated | 16:23 |
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zamn900 | I tried clean900 but does not fix | 16:24 |
DocScrutinizer05 | o.O | 16:24 |
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* DocScrutinizer05 suggests registry-optimizer | 16:24 | |
zamn900 | neither HAM installation and uninstallation works to fix catalogs stuff | 16:24 |
zamn900 | ok | 16:24 |
zamn900 | thx | 16:25 |
DocScrutinizer05 | | 16:26 |
zamn900 | lol | 16:26 |
zamn900 | are you kidding? | 16:26 |
nokiabot | epic | 16:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | >>Is registry optimizer a virus? - Security - Windows 7 - Tom's Hardware<< | 16:27 |
zamn900 | haha -.- | 16:27 |
sono | did i tell you guys about my amazing new systemd optimizer? just $19.99 | 16:27 |
zamn900 | wow | 16:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | every 6 months I get a call of some friend: "I installed and run ACME registry optimizer and now bad things happen! can you please help?" | 16:28 |
DocScrutinizer05 | also see | 16:29 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~crappatch | 16:29 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, speedpatch is >>first i don't realy understand what does this patch do (that is why it is called miracle patch)<< [/quote original-author-of-speedpatch] | 16:29 |
zamn900 | 6 month is the seed stuff | 16:29 |
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zamn900 | crap to seed | 16:29 |
nokiabot | i also get calls like sith happend i pressed nex next next and it dosent boot next time | 16:29 |
zamn900 | kool | 16:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | so sorry when I felt like quoting all this when I hear [2013-11-09 15:24:22] <zamn900> I tried clean900 but does not fix | 16:30 |
nokiabot | twmorow gonna fix a win7 lappy that is crazy | 16:31 |
zamn900 | but so what I suppose to say... what I did not? or I did not try anything... I depend on your help | 16:32 |
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nokiabot | depend ? | 16:32 |
zamn900 | that sucks... I mean I am on linux OS since I was 12 | 16:33 |
zamn900 | I know there is no registry optimizer but if you never kid... I suppose you are right helping | 16:34 |
zamn900 | this is disappointing treatment | 16:34 |
zamn900 | such I must be helped by you lonely | 16:35 |
zamn900 | anyway I must repeat nokiabot the catorise are conflicting | 16:36 |
zamn900 | and I have installed catorise plus | 16:36 |
zamn900 | but this is disappointing too | 16:36 |
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jon_y | zamn900: there are registry optimizers, just that it is not doing what you think it is doing | 16:41 |
jon_y | those that work mostly do boot time defrag and remove start up programs | 16:42 |
zamn900 | but not on linux or maemo | 16:42 |
jon_y | any bugger claim is stepping into the realm of crapware | 16:42 |
jon_y | true | 16:42 |
jon_y | this is a windows thing | 16:42 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | zamn900: forget catorise, install ApMeFo | 16:51 |
zamn900 | I done indeed | 16:52 |
jon_y | DocScrutinizer05: what is ApMeFo? | 16:53 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~pkg | 16:53 |
infobot | from memory, pkg is | 16:53 |
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jon_y | DocScrutinizer05: I mean how is it different from catorise? | 16:54 |
DocScrutinizer05 | >>ApMeFo allows the applications menu to be put into a series of folders. Order inside of folder can be sorted by user. One application can be put info few folders.<< | 16:54 |
jon_y | does it follow HAM categories by default? | 16:55 |
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zammy | DocScrutinizer05, now I enabled CSSU and CSSU thumb repo | 17:05 |
zammy | is that fine' | 17:05 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | no | 17:05 |
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zammy | ... I have just rebooted the phone after an update of all that... 40mb... of updates | 17:06 |
DocScrutinizer05 | you shouldn't mess with repo settings unless you know what you're doing | 17:06 |
zammy | omg does not boot anymore... XD | 17:07 |
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Herbstbert | o.O | 17:07 |
Herbstbert | That's what DocScrutinizer05 wanted to say... | 17:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | when you ran an update with CSSU repo enabled but you had not installed CSSU according to the very fine instruction on ~CSSU then you already fux0red your system | 17:07 |
zammy | I started the image below in multiboot... I never booted that... | 17:08 |
* DocScrutinizer05 kinda feels abused for 0th level helpdesk | 17:08 | |
zammy | it booted and says operating system updated | 17:09 |
DocScrutinizer05 | WHY DO WE CARE? | 17:09 |
sono | well you're always the first the respond, and you never stop trying | 17:09 |
sono | until you go into full out rant mode | 17:09 |
zammy | that's the truth... I quote sono | 17:09 |
sono | what | 17:09 |
sono | oh god just nevermind | 17:10 |
zammy | you care always | 17:10 |
zammy | and now you complain about that | 17:10 |
zammy | hit your self | 17:10 |
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zammy | XD | 17:12 |
zammy | com on don't hit so hard | 17:12 |
jon_y | I need a new n900 | 17:13 |
jon_y | zammy: give yours over, you are not worthy :) | 17:13 |
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mashina_ | damn it, why won't autogen work in the SDK? | 18:44 |
mashina_ | it's failing horribly :/ | 18:46 |
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sono | not so many details, please.. | 18:50 |
sono | then again, autogen either works as best as it ever did, or fails horribly for indeterminate reasons, at least that's how i know it best... | 18:51 |
sono | so i guess the description was adequate | 18:51 |
mashina_ | it can't find install-sh | 18:52 |
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zammy | DocScrutinizer51, | 19:14 |
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zammy | that solved DocScrutinizer51 now → | 19:35 |
zammy | Pali, how to solve GPG keyexpired stuff on repos? | 19:35 |
zammy | I saw you talk on forum | 19:36 |
zammy | but... I don't get... | 19:36 |
Pali | zammy: change date back to year 2010 | 19:36 |
Pali | there is no other solution | 19:36 |
zammy | ok | 19:36 |
freemangordon | Pali: maybe it is time to check if we can "hack" that with fmrx package | 19:37 |
Pali | freemangordon: why? | 19:37 |
Pali | and what to do? | 19:37 |
freemangordon | to change the expired keys? | 19:37 |
zammy | that 2010 works | 19:37 |
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freemangordon | Pali: or policies, or whatever | 19:38 |
Pali | freemangordon: and how you want to change expired key on nokia server? | 19:38 |
zammy | ~flash | 19:38 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, maemo-flashing is | 19:38 |
zammy | latest one which is? | 19:38 |
zammy | I need it | 19:38 |
freemangordon | Pali: we can't change the keys, but can add a key | 19:38 |
freemangordon | or change the apt policy | 19:39 |
freemangordon | add higher prio repo, something like that | 19:39 |
Pali | freemangordon: ah, did you forget where is problem? | 19:40 |
Pali | problem is on nokia's server | 19:40 |
freemangordon | could be :) | 19:40 |
freemangordon | yes, I know | 19:40 |
Pali | and this cannot be fixed without access to server | 19:40 |
Pali | solution is to move to r.m.o | 19:41 |
Pali | and then resign repo with new key... | 19:41 |
freemangordon | but we can workaround it if we can access the devices, and (maybe) fmrx package provides the tool | 19:41 |
Pali | freemangordon: and what to workaround? | 19:41 |
freemangordon | that won;t work (re-signing) if we don't increase that new repo priority over nokia's | 19:42 |
freemangordon | afaik | 19:42 |
Pali | resign + change repo in HAM catalogue | 19:43 |
Pali | both must be done | 19:43 |
freemangordon | exactly | 19:43 |
freemangordon | and we can use fmtx package for that purpose | 19:43 |
Pali | and resign means to clone downloads.maemo server to r.m.o | 19:43 |
freemangordon | or at least we can try to use it | 19:43 |
Pali | ok | 19:43 |
freemangordon | thus my point :) | 19:44 |
Pali | but first new clonned repo (with new signatures) needs to be created | 19:44 |
Pali | without that nothing is possible | 19:44 |
freemangordon | no, first we should check if fmtx update will appear if we increase the version | 19:44 |
freemangordon | if there is no new update and manual user intervention is required to install new repo+key cloning is pointless | 19:45 |
freemangordon | as "2010" method is way simpler | 19:45 |
freemangordon | IMO | 19:45 |
zammy | so... what's the suggestion? | 19:46 |
freemangordon | zammy: hmm? | 19:46 |
freemangordon | Pali: hmm, maybe merlin1991's devel-light repo can be used | 19:47 |
freemangordon | hmm, no, extras-devel should be ok | 19:48 |
Pali | or 3rd solution: find bug in HAM :D | 19:51 |
freemangordon | Pali: going to push n900-fmrx-enabler with only the version increased in extras-devel, lets see what will happen | 19:51 |
Pali | ok | 19:51 |
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freemangordon | weird: | 20:01 |
freemangordon | [2013-11-09 17:56:09] ERROR running /etc/buildme.d/check_build: Package n900-fmrx-enabler provides binary package n900-fmrx-enabler which is also available on the device or Nokia repository. Build of this package has been prevented. No entry for terminal type "unknown"; | 20:02 |
freemangordon | using dumb terminal settings. | 20:02 |
freemangordon | Pali: but it was built | 20:02 |
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freemangordon | Pali: yep, there is "n900-fmrx-enabler" update :D | 20:12 |
freemangordon | Pali: DocScrutinizer05: so, we have access to most of the devices ;) | 20:12 |
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zemmy | ~pkg | 22:47 |
infobot | somebody said pkg was | 22:47 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | 7opm | 22:57 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | sorry fro the noise, I just recalled why idoru got banned first instance | 22:59 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | this info must have gotten swapped out to tape archive, given it took 10min to access it ;-) | 23:00 |
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Anjel | WÖÖÖÖEEEEE | 23:31 |
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Herbstbert | Wtf? ^^ | 23:35 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | sucker | 23:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | [2013-11-09 22:41:23] [Notice] -NickServ- Information on Anjel (account Anjel): | 23:41 |
DocScrutinizer05 | [2013-11-09 22:41:23] [Notice] -NickServ- Registered : Oct 03 09:51:34 2009 (4 years, 5 weeks, 3 days, 11:49:49 ago) | 23:41 |
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Herbstbert | Whatever... | 23:45 |
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Jasiro | hey, i would like to know what the dot above the normal wlan symbol wants me to say.. u know? were all available wlans are listed, one has an extra dot on top :) thx in advance | 23:50 |
DocScrutinizer05 | that peer mode, forgot the name | 23:59 |
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