IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2013-02-17

ShadowJKwhat's the issue with storing duplicate readings anyways?00:00
Estel_kerio,  btw, the guy who installed webos just meant webos games manager00:00
WizardNumberNextthere is no good method to be precise - every method is imperfect as electronics (inluding battery) are imperfact00:00
keriooh, preenv? or whatever it's called00:00
Estel_kerio, yea00:00
SpeedEvilworks for batteries too, and with extra stuff lets you really accurately predict cell behaviour.00:02
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WizardNumberNextSpeedEvil:  I didn't look yet, but sounds like you see the thing anyway00:02
SpeedEvilbut in practice, it,s largely irrelevant00:03
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WizardNumberNextSpeedEvil: enquiry: do you have any idea if, all additional voltages in n900 are created by some smps or something a lot sipler00:04
infobotWizardNumberNext meant: SpeedEvil: enquiry: do you have any idea if, all additional voltages in n900 are created by some smps or something a lot simpler00:05
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SpeedEvilthere are about a dozen SMPSs00:10
SpeedEviland quite a few more linear supplies00:10
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eccerr0rmore accurate digital power measurement? use more analog: integrator circuit :D00:27
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eccerr0rI was wonderring about how accurate my newly installed "smart" electric meter, I think it also does sampling to measure usage...  I wonder what they'd do if I drew a large amount of current a millisecond after each sample for a few milliseconds... :o00:30
eccerr0r"free electricity!"00:30
eccerr0rif they used an integrator this would be much harder to do... it may well use it too, but hard to tell for sure without taking it apart.00:31
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merlin1991eccerr0r: in the general use case smart electric meters have a granularity of 15 minutes00:34
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merlin1991Though it isn't uncommon to have them down to 1 minute00:34
kerio...that can't be right00:34
merlin1991kerio: why?00:34
eccerr0rnah, that's the upload rate, not sample rate00:34
kerioyou can't sample every 15 minutes00:34
kerioit would be too imprecise00:35
eccerr0rthe sample rate must be must higher, you'd get aliasing like mad00:35
merlin1991hm no idea about the sample rate, I was thinking about the storage end00:35
ShadowJKmy meter had a led, it blinks 100 or 1000 times per kWh, i forget exact number00:36
eccerr0rerr..grok error...clarify please?00:36
ShadowJKMy smart meter. It has display where you can cycle through accumulated day and night kWh, current rate, etc. it also has a led that blinks00:37
ShadowJKthe rate of blinking depends on rate of consumption00:38
ShadowJKIt also has S0 output, but electric company has blocked it00:38
ShadowJKSo I have a little gadget staring at the led, hooked up to my computer, logging electricity use00:39
eccerr0rkWh=energy consumed so how does this cause the LED to blink?00:40
eccerr0rpulse code? blinks faster when more KW is being used?00:42
eccerr0rmaybe blinks per time period would make more sense00:42
eccerr0ralmost flattened my n900 battery, ready to measure power draw on microusb... hopefully it will draw more than 500mA else the mystery continues...00:45
eccerr0ralmost made it 24 hours realtime without charging... bah.00:47
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SpeedEvileccerr0r: typically, they blink 1000 times per kWh01:03
SpeedEvilso, twice a second is 7.2 kW01:03
jacekowskiand typically, it says on the meter how often it blinks01:04
SpeedEvileccerr0r: for more information, hit maxim.com01:04
SpeedEviland go and look at their energy metering chips01:05
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DocScrutinizer05(([2013-02-16 23:00:07] <ShadowJK> what's the issue with storing duplicate readings anyways?)) exactly nothing at all. Oversample by factor 2.5 and ok01:13
DocScrutinizer05but after al it's really meaningless since bq27200 does proper integration on its own, via hw01:14
DocScrutinizer05so delta-NAC is better than any integral of oversampled electrical-current readouts01:15
DocScrutinizer05is's called gas gauge for a reason01:15
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eccerr0r"1000 times per hour per kilowatt being used" that would seem more like an accurate description... blinking something like KWh where it's monotonically increasing (except if you have PV or your own reactor) didn't make sense01:25
SpeedEvilper kWh, not per kw.01:27
eccerr0runit analysis doesn't work if it's KWh.01:27
SpeedEvilif it blinked 1000 times per kilowatt, it would blink 1000 times when you plug in a 1kw load, and not again01:27
eccerr0rif it's KWh your LED would blink faster and faster as you reach the end of the month, and then you'd have to reset it01:27
SpeedEvilerr, no01:28
SpeedEvil'1000 times per kWh' does not mean '1000 times per kWh since the start of the month'01:28
SpeedEvil1000 times per kWh = one blink per Wh, or once every 3600J01:29
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eccerr0rok that makes more sense, yes you would get more blinks as you use more power, just not all at the same time.01:34
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eccerr0rI think it'd make more sense described as 1 blink per watt hour.  "1000 blinks" seems like a unit in itself hence making it confusing.01:38
jogaI dunno, it sounds pretty useful to me though I don't have one, just to take a brief glance and you know if it's about normal or way less or way more01:42
jogaactually here I can get some fancy graphs of my usage straight from the electric company website since they installed remotely readable meters a while back, I think it updates every hour or so at least01:43
eccerr0rwell it's basically counting RPMs of the traditional meters, one rotation every Wh (or is it that way?)01:44
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jacekowskiimagine fair usage policy on electricity01:51
jacekowskiso you can only use 10kWh a month and then you are cut off01:51
jacekowskibut you still have to pay full price01:51
jogasounds fair01:51
eccerr0rbtw  "1000 times per hour per kilowatt being used"  is the same as "1000 blinks per kwh" :)01:51
SpeedEvileccerr0r: kWh is the normal billing unit01:52
jacekowskior your current would be reduced to 1A max01:52
SpeedEviljacekowski: that happens in some places01:52
jogamaybe there would be more incentive to actually make good use of electricity01:52
jogaor, just other stuff :p01:52
eccerr0rthat "fair usage policy on electricity" is the crap we have to deal with on our wireless bills  :P01:53
jogaseems my consumption was about 260kWh last month, and after I moved I've lost data of previous years in the fancy graph, heh01:54
SpeedEvilmine was 400 or so.01:55
SpeedEvildue to winter hearing01:55
eccerr0rthis is sad: I used about 555 KWh last month, and I'm below the average of similar households in my city...01:57
jacekowskielectric heating?01:57
eccerr0rand I have gas heating.01:58
jacekowskithat's a lot01:58
SpeedEviljacekowski: yes01:58
eccerr0ryes it is a lot.01:58
jacekowskieccerr0r: what are you wasting your electricity on01:58
eccerr0rplus they filtered out all electric heating homes01:59
jogamy sister's fridge had some malfunction that made her bill like 6-8x01:59
eccerr0rThe only things I do know about is that I run two computers 24/701:59
jacekowskicomputers don't pull a lot01:59
eccerr0rI do cook (electric) and electric dryer.02:00
SpeedEvildepends on the sort02:00
eccerr0rbut furnace and HWH is gas.02:00
jogaI run one computer 24/7 and a couple of others maybe most of the day02:00
SpeedEvilmy server is a raspberry π02:01
jogait's a laptop with a busted screen though so it doesn't draw that much02:01
jogaah, I've one of those too but unfortunately not enough mem for around 100 users heh02:01
eccerr0rhmm... actually one of my computers uses around 90KWh/month02:01
jogaor, maybe could do with it but not that well02:01
SpeedEvilI would recommend you get a plug in power meter02:01
SpeedEvilthen go round all your appliances, plugging it in for a day02:02
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eccerr0rI can't measure my dryer and stove.  but I have decent estimates of my computers already...02:02
eccerr0r(and don't have a power meter... just a guesstimate with a multimeter)02:02
eccerr0roh... and dishwasher... but usually do not use the heater in that so it's not nearly as bad.02:03
eccerr0rjust that the duty cycle of the dryer is fairly low.02:04
eccerr0rsame with microwave and stove... I really don't know.02:04
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eccerr0rif they sold electricity in 10KWh chunks, use or lose, I'd have to go buy a big battery bank to store energy for the summer...02:12
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MrOppositeWHY do google have 2 different API's for tasks and calendars?02:18
MrOppositeand by that, I mean REALLY different API's02:18
PaliMrOpposite, for calendar(s) google has standard caldav (webdav) API02:19
MrOppositePali, yeah, and there are plenty of applications for maemo to sync with google calendar02:19
Palibut for unknown reasons tasks are not available in google caldav :-(02:20
MrOppositeI'm currently trying to modify erminig to include tasks02:20
PaliMrOpposite, use syncevolution02:20
qwazixAIUI there's no standard for syncing tasks apart from exchange02:20
qwazixor maybe SyncML02:20
Palisyncevolution has support for caldav02:20
qwazixand Google didn't even have a tasks api till recently02:21
Palisyncml is going turned off on google servers02:21
qwazixboth syncml and activesync on google never supported tasks02:21
MrOppositePali, well, syncevolution still doesn't handle google tasks02:21
Paliyes, because of google...02:21
MrOppositebut maybe it's easier to develop a plugin that allows for tasks for syncevolution?02:22
Paliuff, I do not know, but maybe will be easier to develop application which will create caldav server02:22
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Paliwebdav is extension to http protocol02:22
MrOppositeyeah, I know02:23
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MrOppositebut I don't feel like developing applications that require 3rd party equipment02:23
qwazixIf you just want task sync and not specifically google tasks you can try mooha server02:23
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MrOppositeI want my n900 to connect to google directly.02:24
Palihm, is not there already application which simulating caldav server for google tasks?02:24
MrOppositeI want as few points of failures as possible02:24
MrOppositeif google fails, my calendar is inaccessable eitherway02:24
MrOppositeIf my n900 fails, I won't have any use for the calendar on it anyway02:25
MrOppositeBut if the 3rd party caldav server that connects to google fails, it will just be bad02:25
qwazixmooha server is a little php syncml server, doesn't connect to google, but you can sync tasks between devices. Prolly not what you want, but I haven't find anything better to sync tasks on N900.02:27
PaliMrOpposite, google tasks caldav "server" can be started on n90002:33
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Paliwhat about this?
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MrOppositeYeah, but if I still need another application for tasks, I could just as well use the same application for both tasks and the google calendar02:39
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eccerr0rOhhh...kaayyyy... this is baffling, with the n900 totally empty, it refuses to charge with my d+- shorted test jig, but the AC10C charges fine...03:35
eccerr0rthe AC10C is running at 5.68mA at 120V ...that's way too low03:38
eccerr0rwell, let it sit for a bit, maybe it will pick up the pace in a bit...03:39
eccerr0rneed to figure out why it would not charge with the test jig...03:40
eccerr0rI need to see the 120VAC jump to around 30-40 mA minimum I would hope...03:43
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DocScrutinizer05a) 40*120???  b) I honestly doubt your meter is properly measuring the extremely non-ohmish input current such a SMPS is drawing from mains03:49
DocScrutinizer05~5.68 * 12003:50
eccerr0ryes PF could be an issue but it wasn't that far off when measuring another SMPS with a resistive load03:51
DocScrutinizer05* 0.85 (efficiency of charger)  * 1.5 (inaccuracy of your meter for the imaginary component of mains current)03:52
eccerr0reither way, if you convert that to 5V, that's way less than 800mA03:52
DocScrutinizer05* 0.85 (efficiency of charger)  * 2.4711 (inaccuracy of your meter for the imaginary component of mains current)03:52
MrOppositeI just got my tasks from google03:54
MrOppositenow... let's put them into my n900 shall we?03:54
eccerr0reven at 2.4711 (which has to have been pulled out of a rear end) it's still way off 800mA secondary, indicating I'm not charging quickly at all...03:54
DocScrutinizer05sounds like "YAY, I tasted the whip from my mistress"03:55
DocScrutinizer05~5.68 * 120 * 0.85 * 2.471103:56
eccerr0rthat's now milliwatts03:56
eccerr0rconvert that to amperes03:56
MrOpposite"Seems like I'm not charging, quickly at all... quickly at all... quickly at all..." "Stupid underpowered flanders"03:56
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DocScrutinizer05err, sorry, you might be right03:56
DocScrutinizer05anyway, get proper tools to investigate this. We adviced you which tools those are03:58
DocScrutinizer05if your USB is broken, we can't help from remote03:59
eccerr0rif it charges at all, can the USB be broken?03:59
DocScrutinizer05I can witness my device is charging fine from AC10, with more than 500mA04:00
eccerr0rwhat's it say on the killawatt?04:00
DocScrutinizer05myhulbarb froddles04:01
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eccerr0rnice that the ac10c is down to 0.31mA when it's disconnected from the n900... that's pretty good... not even 1mA04:07
SpeedEvilmodern power adaptors can be a few dozen milliwatts idle04:08
eccerr0ryeah i've seen worse, this is the best one I've seen so far that I've measured04:11
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eccerr0rthis battery charger SMPS brick is 1.4W... awful.04:13
* SpeedEvil is pondeimg making a qi charger04:14
SpeedEvilthey are ridonkulous prices.04:14
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DocScrutinizer05qi charger?04:23
eccerr0rthe battery died! didn't charge at all... plugged in another battery and back into the ac10c... now I got a peak of 15mA on 120V...04:23
eccerr0rThe usb port looks intact as far as I can tell though, it may be the only explanation04:23
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DocScrutinizer05get bq27k-detail resp bq27200.sh04:24
DocScrutinizer05get charge21.sh04:24
DocScrutinizer05this is all handwaving04:24
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eccerr0rnow I can even see the power dropping and rising on the 120V AC meter when I turn the display on and off...04:25
eccerr0rthis is utterly nonsense...04:26
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer05: it's a near field charger, in the 100-200khz range. and a dumb cw doesn't work.04:26
eccerr0rguess i'll have to charge this dead bl5j up a bit so it can power the n900 enough to allow charging04:26
SpeedEvilin near dead mode, it will only charge at 10ma or so04:27
eccerr0rthe battery is at 3.3V, which is not too bad, should be safe to charge at full rate (but my external charge jig I was using for my broken 5230, won't go that high)04:28
DocScrutinizer05honestly, you're assuming too much that's not based by facts. E.G N900 charges fine even with flat battery04:30
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DocScrutinizer05it doesn't need power from battery to charge04:31
eccerr0rwell, facts based on what's known, but not based on the problems I'm seeing...04:31
eccerr0rI had it plugged in and the unit still powered down...something is definitely wrong or flaky.04:32
DocScrutinizer05or do you now conclude from that observation that you need power from battery to charge battery?04:33
SpeedEvilit's not impossible for weird charging to be caused by a partially dead USB04:33
SpeedEvilin fact, common04:33
DocScrutinizer05what I said04:33
SpeedEvilor cable, of course04:33
DocScrutinizer05parasitary/phantom series R04:34
DocScrutinizer05causing an over-all high-Z of charger04:34
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DocScrutinizer05all visible with charge21.sh04:34
DocScrutinizer05IOW: USB semi-broken04:36
DocScrutinizer05either cable or plug or receptacle contacts or receptacle pins04:37
eccerr0rnot sure where I saw it, might be misinformation on the web implying that it required cpu intervention to program the bq2415004:37
DocScrutinizer05same goes analog for D+/D-04:37
DocScrutinizer05that's correct04:38
eccerr0rand the cpu is only poweredfrom the battery...04:38
DocScrutinizer05but bq24150 doesn't need programming to charge04:38
eccerr0rwell i hope that would be the case.04:38
infobotRemove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered Nokia wallcharger to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either a) a booted up N900, b) flashing amber which means you can boot, c) steady amber going off - in this case start over again with ~flatbatrecover04:38
DocScrutinizer05emergency charging mode, independent of CPU04:39
DocScrutinizer05actually it's one of the reasons why N900 has no OTG - the TP65950/twl4030 early silicon revisions didn't support flatbatrecover, so they had to change the charging or at very least the USB PHY04:44
DocScrutinizer05which resulted in the drivers for OTG not working with the new hw04:45
MrOppositeflatbatrecover... hmm04:45
DocScrutinizer05which in turn resulted in USB-cert not granting the "OTG" stamp04:46
DocScrutinizer05which meant they hat to swap from micro-AB to micro-B receptacle04:46
DocScrutinizer05which finally resulted in no more chance to ever get an OTG stamp, so they binned the drivers04:47
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DocScrutinizer05(they also didn't even bothar anymore for OTG on circuit development, so the hw has some other roadblockers that make true OTG/hostmode impossible now)04:50
DocScrutinizer05particularly they didn't connect the ID pin to the new phy04:52
DocScrutinizer05and the new PHY (1707) has no sw emu for ID pin04:52
DocScrutinizer05and the MUSB-core in OMAP has no sw emu for true hostmode either, it needs a signal from PHY for that04:53
SpeedEvilhence nasty hacks04:54
DocScrutinizer05but the new PHY has proper detection of D+/- short in hw, and a pin to drive the bq24150 into fastcharge mode and switch on steady amber on indicator LED04:55
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DocScrutinizer05so with D+/- short the PHY and bq24150 can charge battery without any support from CPU04:56
DocScrutinizer05(to 3.6V only [or somesuch] and only for 32 minutes, but that's usually enough to charge battery to a level where device can boot and continue charging under CPU control)04:57
SpeedEvilunless the battery is very old04:59
SpeedEvilwhen ESR can disrupt things04:59
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DocScrutinizer05high ESR also can cause very fast end-of-charge so N900 wouldn't eat any more current from USB05:06
DocScrutinizer05despite actual charge level of cell being pretty low and only sufficient for a few minutes maybe05:06
DocScrutinizer05likewise high ESR will cause early shitdown during discharge, even when charge level of cell is not yet near 0%05:08
DocScrutinizer05shutdown, but meh05:08
DocScrutinizer05shit going down either way05:08
eccerr0rStatus: 0x30 Mode: STANDBY Full: 0 Wall: 0 Voltage: 3569 NAC: 1911 level: 98 % Rate: -305 System: -1255 Ch: 950 Compensated:05:11
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK:  ^^^05:14
DocScrutinizer05you stopped bme?05:14
eccerr0rfsck... wtf is going on with this...05:15
DocScrutinizer05you first must `stop bme` before you start charge21.sh05:16
DocScrutinizer05if you wait for longer than 30s after stopping bme, you might see steady amber since bq24150 watchdog resets the chip05:17
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DocScrutinizer05this is basically the non-CPU mode, since bme==CPU for the bq05:18
MrOppositeIs there any way to get dpkg-buildpackage on mameo?05:19
MrOppositefor some reason dpkg is stupid and doesn't realize that I have cross-compatible python scripts05:19
DocScrutinizer05nah, building on N900 isn't recommended05:19
MrOppositeI'm not building per-se05:20
MrOppositeI'm more or less packaging05:20
DocScrutinizer05check tools repo then05:20
DocScrutinizer05might be there05:20
eccerr0rThat first line that says "Charger" means that the USB is connected?  And why would it still say Wall:0 ?05:21
DocScrutinizer05wall:0 means "no D+- short detected"05:22
DocScrutinizer05no idea what first line you mean05:23
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DocScrutinizer05also iirc "Rate: -305 System: -1255 Ch: 950" means that those guestimate calculations think the charger chip delivers 950mA yet battery gets discharged by 305mA, resulting in system obviously eating 1255mA05:26
DocScrutinizer05the 950 from charger chip are bogus, probably05:26
DocScrutinizer05they are deduced from status and a few other parameters05:27
DocScrutinizer05NAC and level are obviously from a severely decalibrated bq2720005:28
teotwakiWell this sucks.05:32
teotwakiI recently broke up with my ex.05:32
teotwakiThere's a colleague I've been hanging out with.05:32
teotwakiI've been having fun reading her body language, and pushing her when I detect half truths.05:32
teotwakiOver the last week, every evening, we'd hang out after work, either at the office, or at her place.05:33
teotwakiWell, last month.05:33
teotwakiTurns out, while I've been pushing to get a stupid friends with benefits kinda thing, and she refused.05:34
teotwakiShe wasn't refusing because she's married (getting divorced), or because we're colleagues.05:34
teotwakiBut because she has way more feelings than she'd (or I) care for.05:35
teotwakiThat's the first time I'm the one stopping a friendship because of the feelings.05:35
teotwakiFuck me, I just friend-zoned a chick!05:35
MrOpposite4:30 AM05:37
MrOppositeTime to sleep05:37
teotwakiYeah, I'm going to leave the office as well05:37
teotwaki4:30 is pretty ridiculous on a Sunday morning.05:37
MrOppositeyeah :P05:38
MrOppositeanyway gnite!05:38
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eccerr0rwonder if my bq24150(is it?) or bq27200 or whatever chip it is in the n900 is fried... seems like it is really confused?05:39
SpeedEvilit may well be the us. co. sector05:41
DocScrutinizer05try bme with " 5"05:41 can be confusing05:41
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DocScrutinizer05eccerr0r: though i'd not be surprised if you'd actually had fried the bq24150 with your "if I increase voltahe above 5V, it draws more current" experiments05:43
eccerr0rwell if I hadn't been having problem with it to begin with...05:43
eccerr0rthe bq24150 datasheet says vbus can take up to 10.5V indefinitely (but wont charge) and higher but not forever...05:44
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eccerr0rhmm maybe I have to just live with sloooow charging... :(06:04
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DocScrutinizer05eccerr0r: yes, bq24150 is quite ruggedized06:10
DocScrutinizer05not so the twl4030 that detects vbus06:10
DocScrutinizer05and the 1707 PHY06:10
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eccerr0roh nice...found the service manuals...07:05
eccerr0rnot that it would necessarily help but it has some interesting info on them...07:05
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nomeataHi. seems to be down – is that temporary or permanently? Are there alternative sources for the OS images?11:19
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infobotit has been said that skeiron is the semi-official backup and emergency standin for all internet borne maemo resources:
nomeataWhat do you think – is there still a market for a N770 on ebay? Mine has been lying around in a drawer for a few years too many by now.11:24
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kerioeeh, idk11:32
kerioi wouldn't buy it11:32
keriobut maybe some collector...11:32
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nomeataI guess its worth a try. Too nice a device to just throw it away11:38
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sobukusnomeata: well, I recently bougt a maemo tablet off ebay; wanted to hack it into a music box (using my custom programs)12:00
sobukusnomeata: but it's a n800, not n77012:00
sobukusand I only thought it viable because of the two sdhc slots12:01
sobukuspaid 20 € (though, it was labelled as defect because of a broken linux install)12:01
sobukusI don't think you'll get much more than that for a n770 ... unless lucky, of course.12:02
nomeatastill, its worth a try12:02
sobukusIn any case better than throwing away!12:02
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sobukusI might still try to sell my E90 to some affectinate person. I still miss the proper keyboard of the device, but the S60 OS sucks too much:-(12:03
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sixwheeledbeastthere's an n770 on ebay us has 2 bids and 5 days to go. this would give you a indication of how much it's worth.12:07
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nomeatasixwheeledbeast: that on what country?12:11
sixwheeledbeastebay US12:11
sixwheeledbeastnomeata: also one BNIB for 149 bucks no bids12:12
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keriosixwheeledbeast: holy crap, 150$ is how much you'd pay for a mint condition n90012:35
sixwheeledbeastkerio: hence no bids...12:35
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nomeataIf you are in germany and want a n770:
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freemangordonguys, need some QML help: How to change items DEFAULT background color, or "theme" color.13:23
freemangordonNot sure if it is QML or general Qt though13:23
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freemangordonIt seems no matter what I set (stuff like Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground and Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent), the underlying GTK widget still paints its background13:25
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freemangordonor at least when I change "DefaultBackgroundColor" in gtkrc, it affects what is painted as background. NFC if it is GTK or QDeclarativeSomething that paints it though :)13:27
freemangordonsetting autoFillBackground to false also does not work13:29
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trxfreemangordon what do you mean by "the underlying GTK widget"?14:01
freemangordontrx: fremantle here ;)14:01
trxoh, right :)14:01
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qwazixfreemangordon, you're trying to get a transparent QDeclarativeItem?14:30
qwazixI tried a lot to do that but didn't find a way...14:30
freemangordonqwazix: no, I am trying to change that color from black to something else, see #embedlite :)14:30
freemangordonthe only way I found so far is to change "DefaultBackgroundColor" in gtkrc :D14:31
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freemangordonqwazix: have in mind we talk about 5-8 fps for embedlite ;)14:32
trxfreemangordon how do you show the gtk widget in QML?14:33
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trxyou draw its pixmap onto QDeclarativeItem?14:33
freemangordontrx: I show nothing GTK, it is Qt that shows something14:33
freemangordonwith black background, which is overpainted by the stuff14:34
freemangordontrx: BTW toplevel widget is QGLWidget14:34
qwazixfreemangordon, ok, just let me read the backscroll14:35
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freemangordontrx: the sourcecode
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freemangordontrx: again, it is QWS_MAEMO_514:37
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trxi'll have a lool14:37
kerioi'll have a lol14:37
trxnot my day14:37
keriothat's a ;) with a fat belly14:38
trxi guess so :)14:38
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MohammadAGfreemangordon, set a Qt stylesheet?14:41
freemangordonMohammadAG: did that, but with no use :)14:41
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trxstylesheets work only with QWidget afaik14:41
MohammadAGcan you post a screenshot?14:41
MohammadAGQGLWidget is a QWidget14:41
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freemangordonblack remains black, no matter app->setStylesheet("background-color:red;");14:42
freemangordonMohammadAG: screenshot of a black screen?14:42
freemangordonMohammadAG: just turn your n900's screen off :P14:42
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MohammadAGhmm, you're right, it IS black14:43
MohammadAGbut I don't get what's black14:43
MohammadAGif it's in QML, gtk shouldn't have anything to do with the app14:44
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MohammadAGfor future reference, moz (pronounced like more with a z) means banana in arabic14:44
freemangordonMohammadAG: I hve NFC who paints that in QLM, but it uses GTK background color14:45
MohammadAGso it's a QML Item?14:46
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freemangordonbut it's subclassed and all painting disabled14:46
freemangordonMohammadAG: it is either qdeclarativeview or qglwidget14:46
freemangordonthat paints that background14:47
freemangordonMohammadAG: doiing app->setPallete(...) does not help either14:49
MohammadAGI wonder if subclassing paintEvent would help14:50
trxand then drawing manualy?14:51
freemangordonMohammadAG: which class' paint event?14:52
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MohammadAGtrx, no, just changing the brush colour I guess14:52
MohammadAGI'm not sure, that's why I said I wonder :P14:53
freemangordonMohammadAG: that works, but it paints over the initial black14:53
freemangordonwhich is not what I want14:53
MohammadAGbut afaik QDeclarativeView inherits QGLWidget no?14:53
trxno, QGrphicsView14:53
freemangordonyou set view widget14:53
MohammadAGfreemangordon, then it's not QGLWidget painting the black :P14:53
freemangordonMohammadAG: yes, most probably not. though qdeclarative view installs event filter on qglwidget, and maybe sets some glClearColor14:54
raandoomfreemangordon maybe i dont understand you right, but when i had my painting always black, i change colorrole of the brush and all works fine14:57
qwazixthis doesn't seem right:  app->setStylesheet("background-color:red;"); Maybe widget->setStylesheet(" . . . ") where widget is your QDeclarativeItem14:57
freemangordonsure, that works, but it paints the color OVER the black background, so initial black painting is still there14:58
freemangordonraandoom: ^^^14:58
freemangordonso it results in scrolling fps drop14:58
freemangordonfrom 40-45 to 3514:59
freemangordonas it is painted on every frame14:59
freemangordonraandoom: maybe I don;t use the correct brush though14:59
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freemangordonqwazix: which is the top-level widget in an QML app?15:04
trxfreemangordon try painting on QDeclarativeView and not GLWidget15:05
trxalso, have you experimented with QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache?15:05
qwazixIt doesn't *have* to be. You can perfectly use a QDeclarativeView just like any other widget.15:05
trxit lowered fps in my app15:06
qwazix(I.e. mixed qtwidget and qml)15:06
freemangordontrx: the painting is not in qglwidget, qglwidget is just the viewport15:06
freemangordon(or whatever it is called)15:06
Macerwatching the chealsea game and i don't even watch soccer15:12
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Macerchelsea just scored15:14
raandoomsoccer? why not football? :)15:17
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* sobukus wonders why he seemed to access ALSA output some time ago and not anymore, only via esd15:23
sobukusIs there a trick on OS2008 to access audio output via ALSA? I read that the theremin application does that for low latency.15:24
sobukusNeedless to day, the theremin does not work for me ... which might mean I broke something with my setup?15:25
muelliCan I increase the font size for the address book? I can barely read things i.e. when I'm walking. So only increasing the size of the phone numbers would be in my interest.15:26
freemangordonqwazix, MohammadAG:15:26
freemangordonQPalette pal;15:26
freemangordonqwazix: so, we are ready to go15:27
freemangordonqube renders with 40 fps, background is blue :)15:28
qwazixI'm setting right now fremantle sbox from scratch, I should be good to go in a while too15:28
freemangordonnice, i'm going to try to change that in runtime, depending on the page background color15:29
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qwazixAnd what if the page has an image as background?15:29
freemangordonno idea :D15:30
freemangordonoh, wait, gecko wil render it15:30
freemangordonthis is the color that will be shown while the contents is still not rendered15:30
Macerraandoom: real football is over :-P15:31
Macerwe call EU football soccer in the US15:31
Macerjust like we use imperial measurements15:31
Macerchelsea is up 2-0 now15:31
qwazixfreemangordon, so why not just paint it gray?15:31
freemangordonwhy not :D15:32
qwazixIt doesn't have to imitate the page background15:32
freemangordonqwazix: i'll do it smart, count on me15:32
raandoomMacer i thought that 'soccer' is not popular in US :)15:33
qwazixI've no doubt :)15:34
* sobukus suspects it's libasound2-1.0.14 instead of stock 1.0.1015:35
Macerit isn't15:36
Macerthere's nothing else on ;)15:36
Macerall of our major sports are in an off time... football is over, basketball is having its all star game today, and baseball is in the off season15:37
Macerhockey doesn't count as a major sport ;)15:37
MohammadAGfreemangordon, I used that once, forgot the reason why, I guess that's why I didn't mention it :P15:43
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topro_should not QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices(QAudio::AudioInput).size() always return >0 ?15:45
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sixwheeledbeastMacer: you can't call that football "real" football :P15:50
Macerwell.. we are arrogant americans15:52
Macerwe will call our football whatever we want lol15:52
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sixwheeledbeastyer and everyone else calls it american football :)16:02
DocScrutinizer05imperial football16:03
DocScrutinizer05though that's not even an empire thing16:04
jon_ystandard football vs imperial football :)16:04
sixwheeledbeastmetric football surely16:04
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keriometric = standard16:05
DocScrutinizer05SI football?16:05
jon_yhmm, how does score conversion work?16:05
jon_y13.5 to 1 metric goal16:06
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* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks a little since kmail1.9.10 is *totally* fubar16:06
DocScrutinizer05alas kmail2 is also fubar16:07
DocScrutinizer05honestly who wants MySQL instead of maildir16:07
jon_ymysql on a phone?16:08
kerioDocScrutinizer05: stop using kde, for crying out loud16:09
kerioyou keep complaining about everything, it's clearly not a DE you like16:09
jacekowskiKDE is great16:09
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DocScrutinizer05no, I like the integration into addressbook and whatnot else16:09
keriojacekowski: is not16:09
jacekowskiyes it is16:09
DocScrutinizer05and until "recently" kmail did a very nice job for me16:10
DocScrutinizer05kde4 however fubared everything16:10
DocScrutinizer05incl the kde3-kmail available16:12
DocScrutinizer05on my 3 year old "old" system I had a way more recent kmail1.9.xx version than available now on this "new" system16:13
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Macermetric football lol16:22
Macerkde uses mysql for mail?16:23
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WizardNumberNextkernel timers again: I presume that frequency would have some infulence on granulity of timers. Does it?17:24
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topro_WizardNumberNext: you are talking about kernel hz? i.e. 200?17:50
teotwakiWizardNumberNext: yes17:51
WizardNumberNextno, about biggest kernel timers resolution available17:51
teotwakiWizardNumberNext: unless you use hardware timers17:51
WizardNumberNextit was said 50ms17:51
topro_with default kernel on n900 i experienced 50ms timer res. so I think the kernel hast 200HZ set17:52
WizardNumberNextso assume it would be 50ms for 500MHz. Would it be it say around 30-35ms for 850MHz?17:52
infobottopro_ meant: with default kernel on n900 i experienced 50ms timer res. so I think the kernel has 200HZ set17:52
teotwakiWizardNumberNext: not at all17:52
freemangordontopro: iirc it is CONFIG_HZ=100 or 12817:53
WizardNumberNextCONFIG_HZ=200 would produce 5ms, not 50ms17:53
topro_hmm, but that would not match my observation that i.e. gettimeofday returns values as multiple of 50ms17:53
WizardNumberNexttopro - that is what I am talking about17:53
teotwakibecause gettimeofday would have to rely on relatively standard features provided by the system.17:54
freemangordonafaik this is not highres timer17:54
WizardNumberNextexactly that one, but do you think frequency would have any impact on it?17:54
freemangordonteotwaki: :nod:17:54
freemangordonWizardNumberNext: no way17:54
teotwakiDoesn't mean that gtod is the way to get access to the high resolution timers.17:54
topro_is there a high res timer with n900 default maemo kernel?17:55
WizardNumberNextfreemangordon: explain. I do not understand why it won't have impact. What is reason?17:55
freemangordonWizardNumberNext: because core clock is not used for that purpose afaik17:56
teotwakiWizardNumberNext: I'm assuming the code is something along the lines of ticks = CPU_FREQ / 50000; which means you get x ticks before the counter is incremented. Also, this may be handled through the cpu governor.17:56
freemangordontopro: check what gstreamer uses17:56
freemangordonor PA, or something17:57
topro_ok, i'll see17:57
WizardNumberNextfreemangordon, then either 32kHz or clock for almost every external to SoC HW would be the refence?17:57
freemangordonI guess so17:58
WizardNumberNextI think that would oly thing which would make sense17:58
freemangordoniirc there are a couple of external clock sources17:59
freemangordonqhich one is used IDK17:59
DocScrutinizer05asking on #opensuse-kde for a user who built  kdepim with kmail1.>9.x for suse12.1  -- duuuude are those suse kde devels a bunch of blockheads17:59
topro_can I read kernel CONFIG_HZ used to compile kernel from running kernel, i.e. /proc or /sys?17:59
WizardNumberNexttopro, yes but I think you have to load some module18:00
WizardNumberNextdon't remeber name18:00
WizardNumberNextconfigs I pressume18:00
WizardNumberNextsth like this18:01
WizardNumberNextit would appear as /proc/configs.gz afair18:01
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topro_it would be /proc/config.gz, but I can't find any module to load which would provide it18:06
WizardNumberNextI just did it18:06
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topro_2.6.28-omap1 running here, no mudule named configs.ko18:07
WizardNumberNextthere was some other way to get config in case of lack of config in boot and proc, but I cannot seem to remember18:08
WizardNumberNextthis is from kp5118:11
topro_so could it be that high-res timer has 50ms?18:11
WizardNumberNextwho knows, that could be axplaination18:11
topro_no, that makes no sens18:11
WizardNumberNextbut then this not really hrt18:12
topro_as highres would be worse than kernel-hz18:12
WizardNumberNextbecause because 128Hz is 7.8ms per cycle18:12
WizardNumberNextyou should be able to see resolution of timers in proc somewhere18:14
WizardNumberNexthrt is reported to have resolution of 91553ns, if I get decription right18:16
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ShadowJKhow are you testing timer res?18:17
WizardNumberNextI am not, kernel reports that in /proc/timer_list18:17
qwazixwhat a pain is to install maemo sdk without the installers...18:20
freemangordonqwazix: just use vmware image18:20
DocScrutinizer05  .resolution: 1 nsecs18:21
DocScrutinizer05  .get_time:   ktime_get_real18:21
WizardNumberNextfor cpu18:21
DocScrutinizer05  .resolution: 1 nsecs18:21
DocScrutinizer05  .get_time:   ktime_get18:21
WizardNumberNextsee end of file18:21
DocScrutinizer05Clock Event Device: gp timer18:22
DocScrutinizer05 max_delta_ns:   13107245478740118:22
WizardNumberNextmaybe gtod takes enough context to make it always 50ms?18:22
DocScrutinizer05 min_delta_ns:   9155318:22
WizardNumberNextwelcome to the club - same here18:22
DocScrutinizer05this is GeneralPurpose18:23
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WizardNumberNextbut it is used as interrupt for hrt18:23
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WizardNumberNextI have no idea if 3430 have hrt by itself18:23
DocScrutinizer05sure, why not18:24
DocScrutinizer05anyway:  event_handler:  hrtimer_interrupt18:24
WizardNumberNextlinux are providing drivers for devices, which are created by SW18:24
WizardNumberNextbut on the other side there is no other timer which have anything to do with hrt18:25
DocScrutinizer05I wonder why this timer topic comes up reliably every other day18:25
WizardNumberNextwhere on both amd64 mb I have 3 hrt (each) and I can see them in /proc/timer_list18:26
WizardNumberNextI am just curious18:26
WizardNumberNextI like to know abilities and limitation of HW I use18:26
WizardNumberNextsorry 3 hpet on each MB and 1 hrt on each cpu core18:30
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: because it's unresolved19:09
kerioand i, for one, welcome our new timer overlords19:09
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: what's unresolved?19:30
keriothe timing thing, or something19:30
kerioor was unresolved19:30
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DocScrutinizer05rather "or something"19:30
DocScrutinizer05it wasn't unresolved, it was a missing link to the right howto, if anything19:31
DocScrutinizer05missing as in "I never bothered so I wasn't able to help"19:32
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DocScrutinizer05\o/ kpim4.4 with kmail1.13, NO akonadi crap! FINALLY20:08
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DocScrutinizer05hail and kudos to pheinlein20:10
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DocScrutinizer05still has requirements of akonadi, but it seems the kmail part is not particularly feckered up by it20:18
DocScrutinizer05probably just for allowing this kerry-beagle stuff20:19
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DocScrutinizer05[personal notice] Good luck Ivan! Thanks for all the help in council and board! please visit as often as you can, we'll miss you badly20:28
sixwheeledbeastagreed, just been reading that.20:29
kerioDocScrutinizer05: what happened?20:30
DocScrutinizer05Ivan steps down from council and board20:30
kerio"There's still a lot to do but I have absolute confidence in current Council and Board."20:30
DocScrutinizer05which is... a disaster - for us20:30
NIN101thx Ivan.20:30
kerioDocScrutinizer05: indeed20:31
qwazixAnother big thank you from me20:31
Estel_what an unpredictable event, I've never seen that coming. BTW, the problem about administration "hiring" was solved?20:32
kerioEstel_: sidestepped, for now20:33
DocScrutinizer05there is no administrators in maemo20:33
DocScrutinizer05teotwaki: I tried to find 2013 in pipermal, but it seems borked20:33
jacekowskihow's the OSUOSL thing working out?20:33
kerioisn't falk a sysadmin?20:34
keriojacekowski: in all likelyhood, we'll use the free hosting from iphh20:34
DocScrutinizer05kerio: falk is sysop20:34
keriowhat's the difference? :o20:34
keriojacekowski: warfare lives ~10 minutes away from the iphh datacenter20:35
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991, woody, chem|st all are maintainers20:35
DocScrutinizer05administrator is ambiguous20:35
DocScrutinizer05I the heck should CC maemo-community ML on all those mails20:40
DocScrutinizer05absolutely no reason to do that stuff begind the scenes20:41
DocScrutinizer05behind, even20:41
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teotwakiDocScrutinizer05: well finally one of you has grown a brain.20:44
teotwakiThe amount of secrecy Maemo has been plagued with is ridiculous.20:44
teotwakiI've always said I never understood the private lists and such.20:44
kerioteotwaki: lawyers20:45
teotwakiI can understand there's a private forum for the moderators on tmo20:45
teotwakibecause it is useful to have a place to discuss "I did this to this user, because he said this."20:45
teotwakiBecause people aren't online at the same time, and actions aren't exactly transparent.20:45
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DocScrutinizer05same applies to sysops20:52
DocScrutinizer05we have 2 irc channels for that20:52
DocScrutinizer05there are even *some* things like early notice from ivan to council and board about him stepping down that for good (or at least understandable) reasons are not public20:54
DocScrutinizer05but stuff like probably better gets discussed on a public forum tazher that a closed ML20:55
jacekowskii think there is too much "paperwork" now20:56
DocScrutinizer05that's why the tech staff does virtually all on IRC20:56
DocScrutinizer05we don't need persistent documentation for everyday business, we need short RTT20:58
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DocScrutinizer05since our "protocol" is highly interactive20:59
DocScrutinizer05sending a mail is almost an insult ;-)20:59
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Estel_small question, as I'm sure someone did it already - I've switched to another GSM plan with limited minutes, as I use VoIP, most of the times. I would like to use my minutes from GSM plan, then, after that, call using voip only. I'm thinking about some semi-automatic solution, that would warn me when certain ammount of outgoing minutes have been spent (*not* including voip talking), or even without warning, just allowing me to check it wi20:59
Estel_thout logging into my mobile provider EULA20:59
Estel_anyone know such solution for N900?20:59
Estel_of course for VoIP I use N900's native solution20:59
Estel_thanks in advance21:00
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DocScrutinizer05will NOT cut an established call just because your free minutes expired during it21:03
DocScrutinizer05calculation always done at end of call - you're free tp tweak the algorithm to switch when less than N free minures left over21:04
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: calculation always done at end of call - you're free to tweak the algorithm to switch when less than N free minures left over21:04
DocScrutinizer05am i online?21:05
infobotaw, gee, DocScrutinizer0521:05
DocScrutinizer05well, i attribute it to manners then21:06
kerioDocScrutinizer05: passive aggressive much?21:07
DocScrutinizer05nah, you consider expecting a thank-you agressive?21:08
kerionah, but IRC is an async medium21:09
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Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  thanks you. Ever considered, that people use bouncers and may be AFK at the moment? :)22:06
Estel_You know, real life, kids, wife(s), the things that people tend to have in real life, which happens to people that are *not*incolved in maemo's politics22:08
Estel_jokes aside, reading it22:09
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*** Estel_ was kicked by teotwaki (fuck off you douche. Really nice touch to insult everyone in the channel, and then call "humour" to try and defend you case. Fuckface.)22:10
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teotwakis/u c/ur c/22:11
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Estel_You have been kicked from #maemo by teotwaki (fuck off you douche. Really nice touch to insult everyone in the channel, and then call "humour" to try and defend you case. Fuckface.)22:17
Estel_"passive agression" :P22:17
teotwakiI have to admit22:18
teotwakiNo passivity there :)22:18
ShadowJKwhy do you have to do this22:18
Estel_cmon, got a sense of humour. I'm sure not even DocScrutinizer05 was offended by that one, he jokes about no real life himself ;) keep your cool and calm down.22:19
ShadowJKI'm not sure what's supposed to be funny. I don't see anything funny or offensive or insulting until suddenly people are accusing people of being insulting and then people getting kicked22:20
ShadowJKcould someone please explain what's going on?22:21
kerioShadowJK: backscroll22:21
ShadowJKkerio; still not understanding or seeing22:21
Estel_ShadowJK, if we're talking serious for a moment, I'm so used to it in Maemo's reality for ~two years, that I totally stopped carrying, and got amused by teotwaki's rage outburst. Same for tmo and chemist - I think we must acknowledge that this is how maemo"community" look those days22:22
ShadowJKI do vaguely recall random rage outbursts before and then also had no clue what it was about.22:23
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ShadowJKAnd at those times when I asked for explanation, people got angrier and angrier, and refused to explain why :)22:24
teotwakiShadowJK: Estel_ is a troll, who thinks he has a special bond with DocScrutinizer05 because they're both German. Somehow, in his deluded mind, the ops of #maemo have turned on him, while he was on the council. He was trying to get control over opdom in #maemo, and we kinda told him to fuck off.22:24
kerioteotwaki: Estel_ is not german22:25
teotwakioh, my bad then.22:25
Estel_tried to change that for a while, but decided, that I have better things to do, so either turn it into joke and keep doing own things without giving a f**k about this, or go away and screw thisd place, I decided to do 1st22:25
ShadowJKteotwaki; does it matter at all whether he thinks the ops have turned on him or not22:25
teotwakiEver since, he's been calling us "operators gone rogue", because we wouldn't submit to his tantrums. #maemo has never been *under* the so called control of He abused his IRC cloak by keeping it to council long after his time on the council expired.22:26
Estel_ShadowJK,  if you're really interested, teotwaki felt "offended" by my two lines before kick occured, and decided, that he is entitled to abuse chanop again ;)22:26
Estel_teotwaki,  pack of bullshit22:26
Estel_I never used irc cloak myself22:26
Estel_someone else appointed it and took it away22:26
ShadowJKteotwaki; i don't know who is op or not, who is council or not, and who is cabal or not, who is nokia or not, ms or not, and should it matter at all?22:27
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Estel_for me, you're just childlish funny guy which just "happen" to have chanop, and tend to abuse it from time to time - nothing personal. You're just pathetic in your outrage burst, and it seem that even most calm and neutral people like ShadowJK are getting upset about it22:28
ShadowJKTwo lines before? ping/pong? or your connectivity issues to your bouncer? or your wife/kids distracting you? huh.22:28
Estel_not my buisness - just think about how pathetic you've become, pal.22:28
Estel_wife/kids distracting, probably22:28
teotwakiShadowJK: nope, I just know that doc's been having a rough time, and for some reason, Estel_ does get to him on occasion. I think it's my role to remove trolls, people who try to get to people, on purpose.22:28
Estel_well, everything is good reason to kick somebody, ifyou don't like him personally22:28
teotwakiactually, you're the only person I've kicked in the past year, so yeah, probably :)22:29
ShadowJKWell I'd like to submit to the secret chanops, policy change to in the future not kick people that get distracted by family members :)22:29
teotwakiI didn't ban him, I didn't disrupt an active conversation. I just reminded Estel_ of where the limits are. Could I have done it differently? Possibly.22:30
ShadowJKAlthough, if toddlers crawl over someone's keyboard, I guess kicking would be acceptable22:30
ShadowJKsame for cats and dogs too22:30
Estel_I get distracted by real life again, so feel free to kick *waves*22:30
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xessorry.... maybe i have missed something, but please explain me one thing. Which is the purpose that make people stay logged here?22:32
NIN101Some keep maemo alive and want to support users or ask for help. Others troll.22:33
ShadowJKthe purpose to make people stay logged? You mean channel logging?22:33
ShadowJKor are you asking what's the purpose to be in this channel?22:34
xesShadowJK: logged on inside #maemo channel22:34
ShadowJKIt's kinda strange anyway, estel has never appeared like a troll to me22:36
DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: well, then you missed some really funny days during last year22:36
DocScrutinizer05anyway, I think nothing really happened, and nobody got anything to discuss. A kick is nothing more than somebody clapping hands in the forest, if you have autojoin odds are you don't even notice it. Move on everybody, nothing to see here22:38
ShadowJKbursts of random ragekicks like these make me feel sick and makes me want to close xchat every time they happen22:40
DocScrutinizer05Estel_: I am aware IRC is no realtime medium, but usually it's good practice when you ask something you wait at least 60s for an answer, since maybe others hurry to help you and it's disappointing when you do that for the bin22:40
DocScrutinizer05there's well known TLAs for that, like22:41
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DocScrutinizer05meh, according to my own rationale of some time ago, seconded by teotwaki, here's a copy to let you know about last news with server migration:
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Estel_DocScrutinizer05,  sure, I always *try* to stay for a while when asking about something - still, sometimes, things in RL demand immediate attention. Anyway, it's just thing of "people mean well", I suppose. While I agree nothing happened, I'm also a little saddended, that kicks etc become "clapping in the arm", especially, that as teotwaki said, he haven't used it on anyone else for years. Looks like personal to me (or personal problems a23:04
Estel_t his side ;) ), which I wouldn't like to see on #maemo moderators. Well, it seems that "we" are no longer such respectful community, and here I agree totally with ShadowJK. Well, as good old stones used to sing, "you can't always get what you want"23:04
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Estel_ShadowJK,  btw, acussing others of being "trolls" become kind of "trendy" in maemo community. You don't agree with someone, or don't like him, he is "troll"23:06
Estel_gurus of one camp are trolls of another, and you have 2-3 such camps in maemo nowadays. Sad times.23:06
jacekowskino longer respectful?23:06
Estel_back on track- I checked scripts, and they're great23:06
jacekowskii don't think it was ever respectful23:06
Estel_I just wonder, if there is a chance to count mms's on N900, somehow23:06
jacekowskiat least not in past 3-4 years i've been visiting this channel23:07
Estel_I would gladly upgrade those scripts, as on many countries, 1 mms = 1 sms = 1 monute23:07
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infobotEstel_ meant: I would gladly upgrade those scripts, as on many countries, 1 mms = 1 sms = 1 minute23:07
Estel_and in 1 mms one can put more text than in tens of sms'es23:08
Estel_sending mms require connecting to "special", custom access point23:09
Estel_(GSM one)23:10
Estel_counting such connections could be a way to count mms'es23:10
Estel_any ideas?23:10
Estel_(but connection is also made when mms is received, which is free)23:10
eccerr0rI was wanting AT&T to charge 1 minute for an SMS...23:12
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Estel_well, in poland, it is 3 sms for minute. Or 2, don't remember.23:15
DocScrutinizer05you need a hook into fmms for that23:16
eccerr0rthat's VERY fair I wish that were the case everywhere23:16
eccerr0rstupid AT&T rips us off on SMS23:16
DocScrutinizer05nothing else will probably count mms and distinguish between in and out23:16
eccerr0ror probably "smart" ... they're making a killing23:16
* ShadowJK hasn't tried fmms yet :)23:17
eccerr0rI haven't installed the mms extension onto my n900, what happens if someone sends me a mms?23:18
Estel_ffms wasn't updated for ages, I wonder how source code looks23:18
eccerr0rno notification or anything?23:18
Estel_eccerr0r,  if you have fmms installed, you just receive it23:18
Estel_like sms or mail23:18
Estel_N900 connects to mmc access point of your provider, witnout disrupting your current connections (so called "havoc" mode)23:19
Estel_same when you send one23:19
eccerr0rI do not have fmms installed.  I just notice when I use the email to sms gateway, if I send an email too long I get an mms instead23:19
Estel_it's half-integrated to addressbook too, (you can send to contacts from addressbook, and they're named using data from addressbook too)23:19
Estel_no clue about email to sms gateways23:20
Estel_but without fmms you won't rexeive mms on N900 at all23:20
Estel_BTW I would love if someone would fix splitting sms'es on N90023:20
Estel_when you use special chars, it automagically senda them using less optimized symbols table23:21
Estel_so using single special, common character, you get 3x more sms'es send that it would be necessary23:21
Estel_it just uses method of "if any special character, send sms using biggest codebase"23:22
Estel_s/codebase/coding table/23:22
infobotEstel_ meant: it just uses method of "if any special character, send sms using biggest coding table"23:22
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DocScrutinizer05if your device isn't registered at your carrier as mms-enabled, then you usually receive a SMS with a URL where you can download the MMs content23:23
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DocScrutinizer05Estel_: that's how SMS are specified23:24
DocScrutinizer05joining split SMS is not a standard nevertheless afaik, so all you could do is find out what's the set of methods to split that you want to support23:25
eccerr0rah... Ok, I was hoping it would work that way,getting an sms that had a link to the mms content... but I should just install fmms23:25
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Estel_there is problem with so-called wap-push sms'es on N900 though23:51
Estel_at least, in whatever provider's service sms with link to downl.oad something, it never worked for me23:51
Estel_only plain sms'es with url as text23:51
Estel_I'm not sure if every carrier use same method for non-mms-compliant devices? or some use wap-push, which is supported by 99% of devices?23:52
Estel_btw I wonder how mms achieve N900 registering as mms-compliant...23:52
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