IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2012-11-05

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freemangordonPali: something like that. but it is not TV-out, it is DVI00:00
freemangordonit just happens I have TV-set connected there00:00
freemangordonvideo-card is dual-headed00:00
freemangordonBTW i know you don;t know how it works under XP, that is why I explained :D00:01
Paliif you can move mplayer window to second output, then press here F and it will be in fullscreen00:01
Pali(on second output)00:01
freemangordonPali: sure, but that is just a workaround. And this is more or less unusable as I see only the back of the second display00:02
Paliback of second display?00:03
freemangordonanyway, thanks, will continue my fight :D00:03
PaliI do not understand...00:03
freemangordonit is rotated in such a way that I see only its back00:04
vi__mrs vi_ just got a nexus 7...00:04
vi__with host mode!00:04
freemangordonI don't see the image when I am in front of my primary display00:04
vi__(that does not support writing to external media)00:04
vi__the ability to mount external filesystems without the option to write to them.00:05
vi__oh google such a faux pas!00:05
freemangordonPali: I use the second display to watch videos. Or better said my daugther watches videos while I use my PC :D00:06
freemangordonanyway, thanks for the effort :)00:06
infobotrumour has it, bbl is be back later00:07
Palifreemangordon, as I understand correctly, you want to tell mplayer to start fullscreen playback on specified output?00:08
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freemangordonPali: no, to clone the video which plays on the primary as fullscreen on the secondary00:14
Paliso you want to clone video window (which is on first output) to fullscreen second00:16
vi__fakeroot apt-get install maemo-sdk-debug00:17
vi__fails with:00:17
vi__fakeroot: preload library `' not found, aborting.00:18
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vi__fakeroot: preload library `' not found, aborting.00:21
vi__^the fuck this means?00:22
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vi__wow, all I had to do was wget libfakeroot from merlin1991 server00:30
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DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: AV/TV-out as on N900 is not app nor is it a generic display setup, there's a 'daemon' mirroring the video framebuffer to second display00:45
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ZogG_laptopok night guys00:48
DocScrutinizer05usual "config display" multihead setup tools just offer either the most commonly used multidisplay (N adjacent displays form one large screen), or a complete mirroring of 1st display to secondary00:49
DocScrutinizer05night ZogG_laptop00:49
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vi__I may now have a scratchbox environment...00:51
vi__freemangordon: ping.00:51
vi__That was a slice of velvety cake compared to bitbakes punch in the dick with a cheesegrater.00:52
DocScrutinizer05vi__: \o/00:52
vi__now all I need is a spare n900 or 2 to test shit on.00:53
DocScrutinizer05first you need shit to test ;-P00:53
vi__packages I want to update:00:53
vi__some kind of xterm that does not blow goats.00:54
DocScrutinizer05start with "hello world" ;-)00:54
vi__DocScrutinizer05: I was thinking gnu fortune...00:54
vi__EAT IT COWSAY.00:54
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DocScrutinizer05xterm blows goats?00:56
vi__DocScrutinizer05: 2 pixel border making it 79 chars wide.00:57
vi__no middle click paste.00:57
SysaxedHello. I'm trying to install hamachi on n900 but I'm getting this error "getopts: not found". Is there any fix for that? or maybe I can simply link getopts to getopt?00:57
DocScrutinizer05middle click paste ? :-o LOL00:57
DocScrutinizer05ok ok ok00:57
DocScrutinizer05great to hear you're using h-e-n00:58
vi__lol all you like. taking my fingures off the KB just to open the silly menu to get to copy and paste is a PITA.00:58
vi__DocScrutinizer05: me?00:58
vi__DocScrutinizer05: no, middle click paste from the keyboard.00:58
DocScrutinizer05what else would you do do issue a middle click, than use a 3+ button USB mouse?00:59
vi__shift+touch screen.00:59
vi__shift+touch screen==middle click00:59
vi__function+touch screen==right click00:59
vi__mrxvt is almost perfect but you cannot change the font size.01:00
SysaxedI'm pretty sure that shift+touch is a right click01:00
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, vi-kbd is
vi__Sysaxed: tbh I cannot remember.01:00
vi__the point is osso-xterm ignores middle click.01:01
vi__and it is slow.01:01
Sysaxedvi__, yep, I'm using your keyboard.01:01
vi__Sysaxed: it is everyones keyboard!01:01
vi__Sysaxed: if you have suggestions let me know.01:01
DocScrutinizer05vi__: I'd rather try to follow the idea of "shift+ctrl+v" - at least this works on my desktop xterm01:02
DocScrutinizer05even in ssh seeion to N900, so it's obviously something with X and local xterm01:03
vi__DocScrutinizer05: generally yes, however ctrl+shift is a pain in the ass.01:03
vi__yes, osso-xterm is the POS in the equation.01:03
DocScrutinizer05once it works, it's for sure no problem to remap it to arbitrary other key cobos. Particularly for master of awesome kbd mapping01:04
vi__if you load up xterm or mrxvt middle click paste works.01:04
Sysaxedctrl+shift is fine :)01:04
vi__DocScrutinizer05: hey, you came up with the title of the page.  I merely filled it in!01:05
Sysaxedvi__, I have a question... how come shift+fn+j,k,z or x types two symbols instead of one?01:05
vi__written by DocScrutinizer0501:06
DocScrutinizer05vi__: you're aware you as well could've 'filled in' lkSAoueQU:edit page on wiki?01:06
vi__I did'nt want to spoil the fun.01:07
DocScrutinizer05Sysaxed: I hope it's somehow expplaining stuff so normal users can understand01:07
vi__I can change the wiki if people feel the title is too obnoxious.01:08
vi__anyway, gtg01:08
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DocScrutinizer05errr vi grrr01:09
SysaxedDocScrutinizer05, it's fine :)01:09
Sysaxedvi_, as a suggestion - set Delete key as fn+backspace01:10
Sysaxedit's not going to work in xterm because it's shit, but anywhere elese it works01:11
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Sysaxedoh lol, it's too late, he left...01:14
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Sysaxedanyway, is there anything I can do with my getopts problem?01:15
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: av/tv on n900 is a HW feature01:15
freemangordonin DSS01:16
freemangordonit is an overlay clone, video overlay goes through the resizer pipeline and ends in TV encoder01:17
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* DocScrutinizer05 just looked at that hooker800, wondered what strange ideas made Nokia think it was a good idea to donate a windows phone to each of the maemo devie program members, and laughs out loud01:24
DocScrutinizer05everyone who got a N950 meego developer device eventually got a hooker800 for free01:26
Sysaxednow try to get maemo working on it :DDD01:26
DocScrutinizer05not worth the effort01:27
DocScrutinizer05maemo anyway isn't exactly portable01:27
SysaxedI wish they stopped doing phones for dumb asses and start making ones for human beings01:30
DocScrutinizer05I really should sell this lumia800 device, while it's not rotten and forgotten01:32
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DocScrutinizer05if it earns me 20 bucks, that's already a pizza and beer01:32
Sysaxedoh, that's why they sent phones...01:33
Sysaxedto pay for the maemo effort :)01:34
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SkryI wouldnt mind someone sending me free phones :|04:25
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zimba12_has this ever been fixed: ?06:50
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: maemo isn't very portable, but hildon-desktop should be08:06
ShadowJKzimba12_; dunno about gmail, but I have gigantic email account and it works fast enough, but only shows like 500 emails at a time or something like that08:08
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timmy_i use kvpnc on my computer to connent to a pptp server, on my n900, i have installed all the necessary packages and enabled all the important modules to be able to connect to the server, now i can successfully connect to that server through my phone, but unfortunately it seems that pppd does not replace the default route, how can i do this? this is the command line i use to connect to that server : pppd call kvpnc.uni09:35
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freemangordononce USB port has fallen, what is the chance to repair it?11:19
freemangordoni.e. is there any, given I have access to soldering stations and such11:19
jacekowskibut possible11:20
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freemangordonjacekowski: would you elaborate11:21
jacekowskiyou can get correct signals from places on the pcb11:22
jacekowskibut mechanically it will still be an issue11:23
freemangordonwell, there are strong enough glues, I was thinking mostly about electrical part11:25
infobotit has been said that usbfix is - and **NEVER** use epoxy (unless you want to seal your device for underwater)11:25
DocScrutinizer51glue NOT recommended11:26
DocScrutinizer51doesn't work11:26
DocScrutinizer51solder the shite down tough11:26
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, docscrutinizer51 is jOERG, a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko, who, unfortunately, turned a little psycho lately, so fails to maintain chanop responsibilities @ #maemo. His main life goal sems to (now) about depreciating Current Maemo Council, and, especially, it's chair. Also, see "zealot" on wikipedia, before start of any discussion with DocScrutinizer11:26
Cor-Aiindeed wtf o.O11:27
DocScrutinizer51~-forget DocScrutinizer5111:28
DocScrutinizer51~forget DocScrutinizer5111:28
infobotDocScrutinizer51: i forgot docscrutinizer5111:28
DocScrutinizer51~factinfo DocScrutinizer5111:29
infobotDocScrutinizer51: there's no such factoid as docscrutinizer5111:29
chem|stuh that was estel I guess11:29
DocScrutinizer51~unforget DocScrutinizer5111:29
infobotDocScrutinizer51: Successfully recovered 'docscrutinizer51'.  Have fun now.11:29
DocScrutinizer51~factinfo DocScrutinizer5111:29
infobotdocscrutinizer51 -- created by Estel_ <> at Sat Jun  2 16:06:45 2012 (155 days); last modified 42s ago  by docscrutinizer51; it has been requested 3 times, last by Cor-Ai, 2m 27s ago.11:29
DocScrutinizer51~forget DocScrutinizer5111:29
infobotDocScrutinizer51: i forgot docscrutinizer5111:29
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DocScrutinizer51~DocScrutinizer51 is <reply>see DocScrutinizer11:32
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer5111:32
DocScrutinizer51~lock DocScrutinizer5111:32
infobotDocScrutinizer51: locking factoid docscrutinizer5111:32
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DocScrutinizer51FU estel!!! >:-(11:33
Cor-Aiwell that was fun :D so your j0ERG?! :p11:33
DocScrutinizer51a /whois might tellya11:33
Cor-Aiwho ever that is..11:33
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DocScrutinizer51~factinfo joerg11:35
infobotjoerg -- created by jOERG <> at Thu Oct 23 12:00:02 2008 (1473 days); it has been requested 42 times, last by DocScrutinizer05 at Fri Aug 31 13:02:14 2012; it has been locked by jOERG.11:35
DocScrutinizer51~factinfo DocScrutinizer5111:35
infobotdocscrutinizer51 -- created by DocScrutinizer51 <~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg> 3m 18s ago; it has been locked by DocScrutinizer51.11:35
DocScrutinizer51~factinfo DocScrutinizer0511:35
infobotdocscrutinizer05 -- created by vi__ <5860d978@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> at Fri Jul 27 09:02:56 2012 (101 days); last modified at Fri Jul 27 09:03:55 2012 by DocScrutinizer05!~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg; it has been requested 2 times, last by kerio at Fri Jul 27 03:05:23 2012; it has been locked by DocScrutinizer05.11:35
DocScrutinizer51~factinfo DocScrutinizer0611:36
infobotdocscrutinizer06 -- created by DocScrutinizer05 <~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg> at Fri Jul 27 09:04:41 2012 (101 days); it has been locked by DocScrutinizer05.11:36
freemangordonDocScrutinizer51: what I see on the picture the lady sent me, it cannot be resoldered, as copper is ungued11:36
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DocScrutinizer51also the huuuge copper planes left and right of recptacle?11:37
DocScrutinizer51the green areas?11:37
freemangordonI have only a picture of the port, the big square planes seem unglued, not desoldered11:38
freemangordonshe told me she dropped the phone with charger connected :D11:40
DocScrutinizer51possible, but usbfix suggests to solder USB component to fresh previously unused areas11:40
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DocScrutinizer51see ~usbfix11:40
freemangordonis there such?11:40
freemangordonhmm, it will be possible then11:41
DocScrutinizer51there are detailed pictures11:41
freemangordonok, hanks a lot11:41
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freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: one thing I am unable to find the answer - is it possible to reuse the old port?11:57
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DocScrutinizer51freemangordon: if the 5 electical pins are all ok, it's possible, though deprecated - port may got dmaged mechanically12:13
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DocScrutinizer51new port is a tad hard to find, but finally there are some onfleabay for cents/unit12:15
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vi__usb ports?12:17
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DocScrutinizer51aka micro-USB receptacle component12:21
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DocScrutinizer51also mouser and/or digikey may have some12:24
DocScrutinizer51sorry IRCing from N900, so no access to my 'database' on home PC right now12:25
DocScrutinizer51(otherwise I  had fixed that estel mess in infobot in a less public way as well)12:26
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DocScrutinizer51~listkeys docscrut12:27
infobotFactoid search of 'docscrut' by key (10): docscrutinizer51 #DEL# ;; docscrutinizer05 ;; docscrutinizer51 ;; docscrutinizer's pager ;; docscrutinizer ;; docscrutinizing #DEL# ;; docscrutinizing ;; docscrutinizer #DEL# ;; docscrutinizer06 ;; docscrutinizing, #DEL#.12:27
DocScrutinizer51~listkeys joerg12:28
infobotFactoid search of 'joerg' by key (2): joerg #DEL# ;; joerg.12:28
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vi__DocScrutinizer51: lols12:31
vi__did he write some bad stuff about you?12:31
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DocScrutinizer51they switched my XP (bad enough) station at work to FSCKNG VISTA :-((((14:51
DocScrutinizer51resign or lart the PC?14:51
DocScrutinizer51or is there @"howtolive with fubar OS" guide I never heard about? Maybe pills could help?14:52
* DocScrutinizer51 feels terrible nausea, and rage14:53
DocScrutinizer51trying to say to myself "couldve been worse, they might have got youwin8"14:57
DocScrutinizer51doesn't help14:57
ShadowJKwtf vista?14:59
jaskaindeed. wtf15:00
ShadowJKvista is unfixable. It raped the hd all day. Leaving it running overnight is required atleast once a week. Leaving it on for a week or two after fresh install too. This will moderate the hd rape a little bit.15:01
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ShadowJKwhy would they move to visa and not 7?15:01
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ShadowJKI dont know what's up with Vista. Some computer "professionals" say that to "fix" the memory-hogging issues with Vista, MS completely disabled disk caching to free ram.15:06
ShadowJKBut this sounds too stupid to be true.15:06
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fastaHow can I autoconnect to wifi?15:09
fastaBecause for some reason that's not happening.15:09
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vi__wtf. vista?15:18
vi__truely microsofts windows ME.15:18
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zimba12_ShadowJK: mine is incredibly slow, did you tweak Modest somehow?16:10
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vi__is this the n800 bastard cousin 3 times removed?16:58
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vi__cpu freqs 500-805 uses avaerage 10mA more than 250-60017:10
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aklsis there any way to change behavior of the powerbutton, camera button, volume keys and nokia lock thing?17:16
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vi_on what device?17:18
aklsn900 of course17:18
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vi_camera button is easy, you can install shortcutd17:19
vi_it will let you assign custom functions to the camera key that work as long as the camera slide is closed.17:19
Sysaxedvi_, btw, yesterday you've asked about keyboard improvements. Change blue+backspace to Delete key. It's not going to work in xterm but anywhere else it works17:20
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Sysaxedvi_, nice one! what about others?17:20
vi_Sysaxed: true, however I want the ability to backspace when I have blue locked (when entering ip addresses for example)17:20
Sysaxedvi_, maybe it's just you17:21
Sysaxedbut I guess that people use delete key more often than backspacing ip address17:21
vi_Sysaxed: The most common assignment to camera key is task manager on camera focus,17:21
vi_Once you get used to that, there is NO going back.17:22
vi_trying to use n900 without it is like having a lobotomy.17:22
vi_personally I have skip music track assigned to camera key full press.17:23
vi_shortcutd also lets you define your own actions for the proximity sensor.17:23
vi_skip track, run command etc.17:23
vi_anything really.17:24
vi_I seem to recall there was a dbus-scripts thing for swapping the power key and the lock slider.17:24
vi_Actually the more I think about it, a power button/lock slider swap would be sweet.17:25
vi_However I would far rather is was acheived without the need for dbus-dcripts.17:25
vi_There is also a thing called long-press that allows you to assign a custom action to a long hold of the lock slider.17:26
vi_The function of the power key is defined in /etc/mce/mce.ini17:27
vi_long press/short press/double press etc.17:27
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Sysaxedvi_, damn :D17:31
Sysaxedsounds nice17:31
Sysaxedwell, I'm trying to find a better way to lock screen17:31
Sysaxedpower button double press opens up a menu for a second17:31
Sysaxedwhich makes music in cmus stop17:31
Sysaxedsame for making it go back17:31
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SysaxedI thought maybe I could make it so power button single press simply locks the screen and same one press unlocks it too17:32
Sysaxedcan't use the switch - it's gone17:32
SysaxedI mean... the thing on top of it is worn out17:32
Sysaxedso I can only use it with a nail17:32
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Sysaxed<vi_> The function of the power key is defined in /etc/mce/mce.ini17:38
Sysaxedbut it's not possible to set your own action17:38
Sysaxedthere are only 4 available17:38
StyXman4 is better than 117:40
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vi_yes, meego mce is superior in that respect, however no one has felt the need to backport it.17:50
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Sysaxeddoes it work with n900?17:54
vi_That looks like an n8x0 program.17:58
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Sysaxed 10. Put both thumbs of either side of the desktop and release 1 thumb for quick desktop transition.18:04
Sysaxedtricky :D18:04
Sysaxedvi_, try it :D18:07
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vi_where did you read this?18:17
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vi_you can kind of scroll down in microb if you put your thumb on the top left corner and tap the bottom right.18:20
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Sysaxedis there any way to disable this swipe to unlock thing?18:23
Sysaxedso I can unlock with a single press18:23
Sysaxedwithout swiping18:23
Sysaxedmy pockets are not fucking aliens that like to use my phone from time to time18:23
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vi_Sysaxed: I wish, however the lockscreen thing is closed source.18:31
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vi_swipe to unlock is stupid ass shit.18:31
Sysaxedbut I don't want to modify it's code18:31
vi_Like some retard said in a board meeting 'hey guys we NEED swipe to unlock'.18:31
SysaxedI want to remove it fully18:31
vi_well there is an alternative called qtlockscreen.18:32
vi_or something.18:32
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Sysaxedvi_, but really, where is the file located?18:34
Sysaxedor smth18:34
Sysaxedwhat's going to happen if I totally remove it?18:34
vi_remove the tklockscreen plugin?18:40
vi_I have literally no idea.18:40
vi_Be a hero and find out...for science.18:40
vi_(make a backup first).18:40
Sysaxedno, the default one18:41
Sysaxedor how does tklockscreen gets rid of the default one?18:41
Sysaxedgtg :_:18:43
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Sysaxedwhere's vi :D19:11
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Sysaxedwtf, there are custom lock screens, but no app to remove it?19:19
Sysaxedif it's closed source, then how come people were able to replace it?19:19
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Palisomebody here who know how is custom lock screen implemented?19:21
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Sysaxedvi has mentioned that it's possible to assign camera key and other things using shortcutd. Does it work when the screen is locked?19:25
PaliI do not know how locksreen in maemo working...19:30
Palibut I think it can be connected to mce19:31
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entitledI've set the camera key to control media player with shortcutd19:40
entitleddoesen't seem to work while locked19:40
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merlin1991Pali: custom lock screen by mag is a dirty hack20:15
merlin1991it renders another window ontop of the nokia lock screen20:16
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DocScrutinizer05hey Woody14619b, how's life? :-)20:32
Woody14619bhey :) Sorry, was chatting w/ the manager about something.20:33
Woody14619bGoing well, over all.  Still a little tired/beat-up & recovering from the flu, but with a weekend of rest behind me, much better.20:33
Woody14619bHow you been?  All reved up for  Council life. ;)20:34
Woody14619b.oO(And why is this on my b alias?  Damn net splits...20:35
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Woody14619k.  That's better. :)20:37
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DocScrutinizer05((<vi_> yes, meego mce is superior in that respect, however no one has felt the need to backport it.)) incorrect, alas much of fremantle mce is done in plugins (libs) that are closed and _not_ available from meego20:38
DocScrutinizer05so nobody finished task when starting to RE or backport mce20:39
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: I'm basically not yet in touch with any council stuff20:41
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Woody14619Well, that's going to update/change soon. :)20:42
DocScrutinizer05been tortured by 3 day flu and dentist sessions all around that20:42
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DocScrutinizer05a really lovely combo20:43
DocScrutinizer05and today they switched my workstation at job from winXP to winVista :-o20:43
DocScrutinizer05I'm still shivering from the strike20:44
ajalkaneA win win day. No wonder you seem so happy!20:44
DocScrutinizer05yeah, the relief to not have to worry about admin of my own PC... really a great thing20:45
kerio>win win20:46
kerioi see what you did there20:46
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chem|stWoody14619: just read your PM...21:00
Woody14619docscrutinizer05: Vista?  Why.  Jump to Win7.  Vista is a mess. :P21:01
chem|styou should find a PM stating that you got points, if not so you did not get any21:01
Woody14619chem|st: I kinda thought as much, but.. at the same time figured I may have deserved a few. ;)21:01
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chem|stWoody14619: not if someone else started, my opinion21:02
chem|stdidn't check for further replies from mods yet21:03
Woody14619:) Well, not a huge issue to me either way.  Nothing bad enough to get a boot, I figued. ;)21:03
chem|stWoody14619: usually I have a look who I strike and how hard it has to be21:03
chem|stin some few cases people start an argument with the mod giving infraction points21:04
chem|stmost of the time people calm down when it comes to moderation and getting infrractions, just a few do not learn from mistakes21:05
chem|stif I'd be hard someone would be gone for a month by my hand, but I requested to have someone else click the button if need be21:06
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DocScrutinizer05trolls on tmo?21:10
ajalkaneOnly Lumiaman is keeping that place sane21:11
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chem|stajalkane: you have no idea21:12
chem|stgood morning crashanddie21:12
ajalkanechem|st: hehe yeah, I can actually imagine. Such a relatively large discussion site as that will get fair amount of spam and trolling21:13
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: same people as always21:14
chem|stthere was no big change in members...21:14
DocScrutinizer05I feel like suffering, toss me a link please21:14
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vi__what has become of this plae???21:21
infobotit has been said that tm0 is trolls, mooses and orangutans21:21
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Sysaxed_what the fuck21:29
ajalkaneheh... that thread is pretty good example of "Sup dawg, I heard you like trolling, so I posted on your forum so you can look at trolling while I'm trolling your forum"21:30
keriooh estel, you so silly21:30
Sysaxed_how come shortcutd developers have only made 1 possible custom shell command??21:30
Sysaxed_4 triggers, one command21:31
* rZr : # Have you noticed offline ? Can it be rescued ? #MeeGo #TiZen21:31
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Sysaxed_you'd better fix registration problem. I can't get to my account for weeks21:32
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Sysaxed_ motherfuck!!!!21:43
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kerioyo deepy\SIGSEGV, how's it going21:54
keriowith your life and/your n90021:54
infobotkerio meant: with or life and/your n90021:55
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kerioah fuck21:55
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: I'm absolutely puzzled by what's going to happen with council voting now, and seems I'm not the only one. Are we voting for a 3-heads council now, or are we not voting at all, or maybe something still different which I couldn't even think of?22:00
DocScrutinizer05are there 5 candidates or not?22:01
DocScrutinizer05will we vote 3 out of 5 like I once thought would happen?22:01
Woody14619There are 5 candidates.  And by the election rules for Council, that means no election.  All 5 will be appointed.22:02
DocScrutinizer05that's what I thought last as as well22:02
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Woody14619The Board followed the bylaws, which were correctly updated to say "less than 6" would trigger an election of 3.22:03
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DocScrutinizer05but then...:
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Woody14619That was true for 4 candidates running.22:04
DocScrutinizer05maybe I did get that wrong, but how's that going to work when no election at all?22:04
DocScrutinizer05at 30.10. there were already 522:05
DocScrutinizer05since nomination closed 28.22:05
Woody14619Ivan/Qwazix may not have fully realized the situation.  Indeed, even Rob thought there was an "option" of an eleciton.  But this is not the first time this has happened.22:06
Woody14619There was another election, in the past, with exactly 5 candidates.  All 5 were appointed.22:06
Woody14619Jaffa and Rob both validated this when it was mentioned.22:06
DocScrutinizer05so maybe you're the right person to straighten the confusion with a clear post22:06
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: was that on extended nomination (the past 5 vote) or initial?22:07
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Woody14619I will... But frankly it was taking a little time to get replies from people for it.  My reading of the rules makes it clear to me what must happen for 5 candidates.  But then I'd been accused of not seeking input before, so... I took the time to do so.22:08
DocScrutinizer05(just out of interest)22:08
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Woody14619I honestly do not know.  I could ask that, though I'm not sure it makes much of a difference?22:09
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DocScrutinizer05nah, doesn't make any difference22:09
DocScrutinizer05what would make a funny difference was ivgalvez stepping down now, after first claiming I'm not allowed to22:09
DocScrutinizer05nevertheless I wish he did22:10
DocScrutinizer05if that's what he prefers to do22:10
DocScrutinizer05so we could get a real vote and I could get a chance to get away without that 6 months sentence22:10
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Woody14619I think he's taken to the idea of acting as a conduit between the two bodies, which I think is a good idea honestly.22:11
DocScrutinizer05that's been my original plan as well, and the reason I self-nominated for board. SD69 wasn't amused, and then I wasn't either by that22:12
Woody14619The rule in question is rule 10 at
Woody14619> 10. If fewer than 5 candidates stand for election, the 3 with the most votes are elected to the council.22:12
Woody14619There are not fewer than 5... There are exactly 5.  Which means rule 5 is in effect.22:13
DocScrutinizer05honestly, those rules are quite ambiguous22:13
Woody14619> 5. The 5 nominees voted for most, as counted by a single transferrable vote system are elected.22:13
Woody14619I don't see how...22:13
Woody14619They're broken... I'll grant you that.  But ambiguous?  Not really.22:13
DocScrutinizer05or rather, illogical for the niche cases22:14
Woody14619Agreed.  But they also don't give leway for me, as Chair, to randomly override them.22:14
Woody14619They have an ammendment process (rule 12), which should be used to repair them.22:14
DocScrutinizer05the one who phrased rule10 never thought about applying it after nomination extension. It sounds like it's not thoroughly thought over at all22:15
DocScrutinizer05yep, overirde rules isn't exactly easy22:15
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Woody14619But then, in 3 months, Maemo Council (rep to Nokia) is pretty much moot.  Foundation Council (in bylaws) is then relevant, and they rules there are already "fixed" to be more sane.22:15
Woody14619Agreed...  Which is why I wanted the bylaws to be reviewed and ironed well.  To avoid just this situation later.22:16
Woody14619Which I personally feel, we did a reasonable job at.22:16
Woody14619But as for annoucements, yes.  That's happening.  So... Be prepared to show up at 18:00 UTC for your first Council meeting / hand-off. ;)22:17
DocScrutinizer05I peronally would've tailored rules/bylaws sth like "for each seat of council (up to the max of 5) there have to be 2 candidates running. So for less than 10 candidates the council will be 4..."22:18
Woody14619If you're sly about it, you could even pre-mail and pre-meet with the others and fanagle your way into getting a pre-agreement that you'll take on Chair, just like the start of last cycle... ;)22:18
DocScrutinizer05but the we'd have pair council counts, which also was a point we didn't want22:18
Woody14619Now see... where were you the past 3 months with that suggestion? ;)22:19
DocScrutinizer05involved in fighting the flames22:19
DocScrutinizer05and job eating me22:20
Woody14619The other issue with that is you have to set bounds on upper/lower limits.  Nobody wants a council of 1 or 2...22:20
Woody14619Nor do they want a coucil of 9.  Nor any even number.  Nor, nor, nor...22:20
Woody14619Better just to codify it as we did in the bylaws.22:20
DocScrutinizer05was just a momentary thought22:21
DocScrutinizer05circling around the insanity of 4 or 3 or 5 candidates22:21
Woody14619Under 4 candidates, extend nominations.  Under 6, elect 3.  Under 8, elect 5.  Else elect 7.22:21
DocScrutinizer05or that22:21
Sysaxed_what is a softpoweroff feature?22:22
Woody14619That's how bylaws are for Board.22:22
DocScrutinizer05Sysaxed_: a good question22:22
DocScrutinizer05Sysaxed_: probably an extended more radical screenlock22:22
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Woody14619Foundation Council is similar, but "Under 8, elect 5. Elec elect 7" just reads "Else elect 5." :)22:22
DocScrutinizer05that also shuts down lots of the processes22:22
Sysaxed_DocScrutinizer05, so I can recieve calls in this mode?22:23
DocScrutinizer05dunno, maybe22:23
Sysaxed_I'll try it22:23
Woody14619What device is this?  N9?22:23
DocScrutinizer05I seem to recall mce.ini has a config to keep wlan up during soft-powerdown22:23
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DocScrutinizer05I anyway guess it's very similar to ACT_DEAD, the state you get when plugging a powered down phone to charger22:24
Woody14619Sysaxed_: Maybe for alarm state a well?  If a scheduled alarm is due?22:24
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: it will wake up from true powerdown on RTC alarm22:25
Sysaxed_okay, I'll try both and then come back22:25
Sysaxed_DocScrutinizer05, OH, really????22:25
DocScrutinizer05I tested that some 3 years ago ;-)22:25
Sysaxed_so I can turn my phone off before going to bed?22:26
DocScrutinizer05I guess you can, yes22:26
DocScrutinizer05just try it :-D22:26
DocScrutinizer05*before* going to sleep22:26
Sysaxed_see ya in 20 mins22:27
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DocScrutinizer05much appreciated22:27
Siceloiirc all phones do that, at least all Nokia ones22:27
DocScrutinizer05that's why I tested it on - like - day 20 of my N900 period22:27
DocScrutinizer05and I recall me thinking "so good so far"22:28
Woody14619Also, FWIW:
DocScrutinizer05btw this feature, plus the 911 call, are what makes lockscreen and stuff so annoyingly complex22:29
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Woody14619Last time there were 5 nominees, and no election.22:30
DocScrutinizer05c'mon, gimme the one detail already :-)22:30
Woody14619.oO(I may, in fact, just steal this page and change the date/names for the blog post... ;)22:30
DocScrutinizer05with or without nomination extension?22:31
Woody14619Looks like without.  As the initial time table would have put nomination closing at the 14th, and this is dated the 19th.22:32
Woody14619Election announcement:
DocScrutinizer05thought as much22:32
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DocScrutinizer05I couldn't remember any election similar to the current one ;-)22:33
Woody14619In fact, it looks like the new Council took effect as voting would have been stating.22:33
Woody14619Instead of waiting until after vote would have been done...  which is what I was told happeened. :P22:34
DocScrutinizer05makes sense and in line with what I recently posted22:35
DocScrutinizer05voting being virtual and of 0.0s duration22:36
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DocScrutinizer05which again gave me flames of fools bitching about fake votes and other bullshit22:36
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DocScrutinizer05probably been e*_ again22:37
DocScrutinizer05I already forgot22:37
DocScrutinizer05I kinda feel silly to stick to the rules so much, but then it's those who like to read the rules in whatever bent way they like who accuse me of doing what in fact they do22:40
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DocScrutinizer05aaah eeew22:41
* DocScrutinizer05 looks at a DVD+RW, remembers dentist session due tomorrow, and that there's need to bring an empty DVD for the x-ray22:41
DocScrutinizer05figure, they charge me €€€ but don't have a DVD to hand me the x-ray .bmp22:43
DocScrutinizer05"if you want those files, bring an empty DVD please"22:43
DocScrutinizer05you'd think that pricetag would include media22:44
Woody14619Should be glad you can get them at all... I requested them and was told they can't give them out. :P22:44
Woody14619Not even to the patient they're of.  Something about copyright laws here. :P22:44
DocScrutinizer05that's plain mad22:45
Woody14619Same thing that allows wedding photographers to deny couples to make copies of their own purchased pictures...22:45
DocScrutinizer05what about *your* copyright of own pictures?22:45
Woody14619US laws are not the most consumer friendly....22:45
DocScrutinizer05US is the land of fools22:45
DocScrutinizer05in that regard for sure22:46
DocScrutinizer05no other country would allow a grany to sue toshiba for not writing in the manual of they wave that it's not suited for drying alive cats22:47
DocScrutinizer05s/they wave/their microwave/22:47
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: no other country would allow a grany to sue toshiba for not writing in the manual of their microwave that it's not suited for drying alive cats22:47
GeneralAntillesWoody14619, why wouldn't they own copyright?22:47
GeneralAntillesWedding photographers make their money off of copyright22:47
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GeneralAntillesIf you're having trouble getting copies of your stuff from your dentist, change your dentist.22:48
Woody14619Agreed... I'm saying that x-ray groups in the US are using the same regulation to deny giving out of x-ray materials.22:48
DocScrutinizer05indeed, either they own the (c) then they simply said "FU we don't wanna give you those" basically, or they don't own then who else does?22:49
Woody14619And no, photographers don't need copyright of everyone wedding photos...22:49
GeneralAntillesBut they get it22:49
GeneralAntillesIf you don't like the agreement, don't sign the contract. :P22:49
GeneralAntillesVote with your wallet22:49
Woody14619They could, in fact, chage for their time, like most people.22:49
Woody14619Agreed.. Which is why when I go to deal with that, I'll be dealing with one that doesn't have that in the contract.22:50
DocScrutinizer05sure, they could say "costs you $$$ to make us give you those x-rays"22:50
DocScrutinizer05but to say they mustn't give you is a lie22:50
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer05, many places do, many other places will happily give you a copy in nearly whatever format you like.22:50
Woody14619But reality is, if all groups that provide x-rays in a 100-mile radius of you do the same thing, your options are limited.22:50
GeneralAntillesWell, health care is a special messed up case22:51
GeneralAntillessince it's not even vaguely a free market.22:51
DocScrutinizer05my first concern would be my doctor lying at me22:51
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer05, the doctor wont be the one telling you that.22:51
* Woody14619 has actually gotten his x-rays to show to a 3rd party doctor "on loan" and scanned them in many cases. :)22:51
GeneralAntillesThat'd be the idiot clerk who makes $10/hour.22:52
DocScrutinizer05nah, his desk chick will22:52
DocScrutinizer05GeneralAntilles: ^^^22:52
Woody14619I at one point debated setting up a "medical service" that did nothing but allow you to tranfer your records to them so you could get access to everything in your file.22:53
DocScrutinizer05for 10$/h you can't get better lies22:53
Woody14619You see, one other law on the books here, is that you have the right to demand all records from a medical provider be transfered to another provider/service.22:53
DocScrutinizer05pretty reasonable that you yourself aren't any such 3rd party22:54
Woody14619One could probably setup a business (given the right level of demand) to offer just that. :)22:54
SysaxedSO! I've tested out softpoweroff... and... can't tell anything about it... NOTHING HAPPENED. It went into offline mode and locked the screen, but when I unlocked it - everything was still on... all apps and stuff22:54
SysaxedLED glitched to a constant WHITE color22:55
DocScrutinizer05well, indeed here in Germany we're about to implement that on a centralized basis22:55
Sysaxedand when I've tried to get it back... well, it was strange22:55
DocScrutinizer05with smartcard, encryption and all22:55
DocScrutinizer05epic failso far22:55
Sysaxedso I really don't know what happens after that softpoweroff feature22:55
Sysaxedseems like fucking nothing useful22:55
Sysaxedabout alarm clock - YES, it works. turn it off and you may be sure that it'll wake up to wake you up :)22:56
DocScrutinizer05might be the reason why it's never been used22:56
DocScrutinizer05great my memory didn't fail on that22:56
DocScrutinizer05(softoff) smells like rotten legacy from a former concept to do suspend-to-ram or sth22:59
DocScrutinizer05maybe some 770 owners know more about it22:59
SysaxedOH... suspend to RAM...23:00
Sysaxedbut it looked like SHIT, not like suspend-to-ram23:01
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DocScrutinizer05that's why I said 'rotten'23:01
Sysaxedwhat's the point of suspending to ram, if display is off, all light are off, and even cpu is off cuz everything is sleeping?23:01
DocScrutinizer05suspend-to-ram is worthless anyway on N90023:01
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DocScrutinizer05even worse, Sysaxed: device will wake up from susp2ram after a few seconds, awakened by modem23:02
Sysaxedwell, if it was hibernation, then I could find some use for that23:03
DocScrutinizer05since modem keeps reporting status (like signal level etc)23:03
Sysaxedthat's why it went to offline mode?23:03
DocScrutinizer05might be23:03
Sysaxedallright.. anyway - forget about it :D23:03
DocScrutinizer05dunno how obsolete and rotten it is, even if it's actually susp2ram23:04
DocScrutinizer05which is mere handwaving on my side23:04
DocScrutinizer05Sysaxed: syslog would leave you wiser23:05
DocScrutinizer05about what softoff actually does23:05
DocScrutinizer05if it's actually entering 'another runlevel' (we got upstart, so no real runlevels anyway), it might still be useful when tweaked to meet your needs23:07
Sysaxedit doesn't work anyway... so23:07
DocScrutinizer05yeah, it's for sure no turnkey ready solution for anything23:08
DocScrutinizer05it might open some options23:08
Sysaxedyeah, maybe23:09
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Sysaxedbut I'm still looking for any way to control music when n900 is locked23:09
DocScrutinizer05the method to trigger a state change seems well established and working, what you need is a meaningful state to change to23:10
DocScrutinizer05it's too heavy for music control, definitely23:10
DocScrutinizer05I guess what it does is sth like "sysctrl start softoff"23:11
DocScrutinizer05via dbus though23:11
DocScrutinizer05so basically if you neuter the sysctrl softoff state, the signal could trigger some dbus-scripting23:12
DocScrutinizer05again just handwaving23:12
DocScrutinizer05anyway, dinner time folks, cya23:13
Sysaxedno, i'm talking about ANY way to make it work23:13
Sysaxednot about softoff thing23:13
Sysaxedcuz I can't map any key to change music23:13
DocScrutinizer05CSSU has Pali's patches to alsaped policies that should put wired headset button music-control back to feasible23:15
PaliDocScrutinizer05, I patched prolog code which enabling wired headset button23:16
PaliSysaxed, you can always read input from /dev/input* to match which key was pressed and then do what you want23:17
Palireading from /dev/input* working always (if screen is locked too)23:17
Palifix, it is /dev/input/*23:18
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DocScrutinizer05this thread anyway23:19
Sysaxednice one!23:19
SysaxedPali, : 323:19
SysaxedI don't have any headset23:19
Sysaxedbut I hope that I can use volume keys and camera key?23:20
PaliDocScrutinizer05, so what is state of multiboot eci headsets?23:20
PaliSysaxed, every input event is in /dev/input/*23:20
Paliyou need only parse that files23:20
DocScrutinizer05it's a onewire serial communication23:21
DocScrutinizer05in theory it *might* be feasible with N900 hw23:22
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DocScrutinizer05with the proper realtime kernel drivers to read/write the right GPIO and convert serial to/from bytes23:23
DocScrutinizer05I seem to recall I even found some basic info about the data protocol used23:23
DocScrutinizer05somebody welknown here in this channel did some 'scope propes and snapshots and published them23:24
DocScrutinizer05alas I forgot who, and I'm too hungry and in a hurry to find out who's been the hero or where have been those pictures23:25
SysaxedPali, any clue on how to use these files? I've tried using cat and it worked, but it gave me some garbage.23:26
PaliSysaxed, you need to write some daemon in C23:27
Palithere is structure for data in that file23:27
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Sysaxedany pythong bindings for that?23:27
DocScrutinizer05reading dev/input7* isn't trivial, at least from shell23:28
Palifind C structure of data23:28
Paliand that you can write code in any language23:28
Pali(you need to know type of data, size, ...)23:28
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PaliSysaxed, use program evkey from bootmenu23:29
Paliit print keycode to stdout of each pressed key23:29
DocScrutinizer05Pali: you're awesome23:30
Sysaxedfor powerbutton too??23:30
SysaxedFUCK YEAH.23:30
DocScrutinizer05Pali: but wouldn't it eat away data from any other process listening concurrently?23:31
Palido not know23:31
Paliit is used in bootmenu23:31
DocScrutinizer05I'm afraid it would23:31
Palithen you can use Xevent23:32
DocScrutinizer05even if you could open /dev/input/* several times concurrently, I guess only one of the reading processes will "catch the byte"23:32
Paliyou can also get keys from X (not directly /dev/input/)23:32
PaliI will try to find if I have some example program23:33
DocScrutinizer05probably better23:33
Palixev is ok23:33
Palibut you need to find needed section :-)23:33
nox-bye doc23:34
PaliDocScrutinizer05, no I can ctrl+c process "cat /dev/input/<keyborad_id>"23:35
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DocScrutinizer05every time?23:35
Sysaxedsometimes it fucks up xterm23:35
Sysaxedso what is the best way? Should I try xev?23:36
DocScrutinizer05well, then it's working in a different way than other /dev/* devices23:36
Paliand I'm using (on desktop) program evrouter23:36
Palievrouter reading from all files /dev/input/* and doing some operations23:36
Paliand you can see that I'm still able to write to IRC :-)23:37
Sysaxedxev opens up a window23:37
Sysaxedwhich is not something I need23:37
Palixev not working on maemo due some window manager bug23:38
Sysaxedit works23:38
Palithere is fix somewhere on bugzilla23:38
Paliso it is fixed :-)23:38
PaliSysaxed, try to compile evrouter on maemo and configure it for your actions23:38
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SysaxedPali, isn't it possible to use xbindkeys for that? :O23:47
PaliI do not know all existing programs...23:47
Palibut each X program should work on Maemo23:48
Palibecause we have true linux with Xserver :-)23:48
DocScrutinizer51that's why maemo is linux, and android isn't23:48
Sysaxedyeah, I know23:49
SysaxedI'm just worried about nokia programmers eating key events like power key and others..23:49
Palipower key is different input file23:49
Palikeyboard is different23:50
Sysaxedvolume keys?23:50
Sysaxedlock switch?23:50
Palivolume are on keyborad23:50
Palilock swihch is GPIO key23:50
DocScrutinizer51F7 F8 iirc23:50
Paliand in maemo kernel is missing gpio input key driver23:51
Sysaxedokay.. camera key?23:51
Paliso gpio does not generate any standard input event23:51
Palicamera? good question, I do not know23:51
Palibut it is not part of keyborad23:51
Sysaxeddang it23:51
PaliI was not able to add camera button support to uboot...23:51
Sysaxedbut there are some apps23:52
Sysaxedlike shortcutd23:52
PaliDocScrutinizer51, how is camera keypress generated?23:52
SpeedEvilit's just on a gpio23:52
DocScrutinizer51sorry dunno23:52
Paligpio? or some device on i2c?23:52
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Sysaxedgpio? so how the fuck does shortcutd work?23:53
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SysaxedDocScrutinizer05, but these dbus messages are not generated when device is locked, right?23:59

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