IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2010-03-31

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N900evilmicrob deals poorly with largee scanned images00:02
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ptlThe updates on the N900 are locked, thus chat on this channel is also locked?00:08
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Lynoureptl: Clearly not.00:08
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Goliath23is there a release date for PR1.2 for the n900 yet?00:10
ShadowJKNo, Nokia does not announce the date of firmware updates in advance.00:11
Goliath23ah. okay00:11
fralslcuk: cough!00:11
ds3so.... are there any other mail clients besides modest and claws?00:12
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lcukfrals, :D00:12
lcukhiya dude00:12
lcukhen i coughed it was after someone said his fmms was borking system00:12
fralsno new reply on t.m.o so i assume it wasnt that serious ;o00:13
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ds3any change that fmms can be enhanced to remember the current connection; disconnect; connect to the right APN; get MMS; and restore original connection?00:13
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infobotds3 meant: any chance that fmms can be enhanced to remember the current connection; disconnect; connect to the right APN; get MMS; and restore original connection?00:13
fralsit *could* but its pretty disruptive to force a disconnection and the api docs explicitly say "dont use this in your application" so ehh yaeh00:14
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ds3it is very annoying having to manually manage the connection shuffling00:15
ds3esp. when I am already on WiFi at the moment ;)00:15
fralsif you enable experimental mode it *should* autoconnect00:15
fralsmight/might not work thou and might make the phone unable to get a gprs connection up afterwards until a reboot00:15
fralsnot that ive ever had that happen in actual use00:16
ds3how do I enable experimental mode?00:16
fralsget 0.5.4 and just open configuration00:17
ds3where do I get 0.5.4? I have 0.5.3 but that's downloaded via the app mgr00:17
fralsuh i uploaded it yesterday00:17
ds3so I should refresh my list, I take it00:18
fralsdunno hasnt showed up on my device either, might be something fubar with repos or what not00:18
fralseither way i gotta head back to bed00:18
ds3oh okay... thanks00:18
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fralsbasically you can enable it in 0.5.3 with gconftool-2 -s /apps/fmms/exp --type int 1 or something similar00:19
ds3I'll try to get 0.5.400:20
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, wait, did you identify a "bq24150" on your N900? Because the L3&L4 manual says bq2145000:20
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ShadowJKoh nevermind, elsewhere in the manual it says bq2415000:20
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anotnacu[dates in devel have stopped showing in app manager for many people00:29
SpeedEvilfor all AIUI00:30
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ptlprobably to prepare for PR1.200:30
SpeedEviltill 1.2 release00:30
ptlit's gonna be april 100:30
ptlsimultaneous with Meego Day 100:31
ptlit has to be00:31
SpeedEvilor Jan 14 in uk00:31
ptlJan 14 2011?00:31
anotnacthere is rumours pr 1.2 is not ready started by jussi with these comments on twitter lol
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ptlhow can't it be ready if the packages are already into the SDK?00:35
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SpeedEvilptl, delays for 1.1.1 firmware was over a month00:35
* noobmonk3y aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh's00:37
anotnacit cant be too long away if it id decision to update everything early for pr 1.2 was very bad move00:37
Shapeshifterwhy do people care so much about update release dates00:38
ptlbecause we want it to be soon00:38
ptlwe want to plan00:38
Shapeshifterwhat is the point. you're just making yourself more stressed out. chill.00:38
ptlsince our N900 is an integral part of our life, as a productivity gadget00:38
Shapeshiftersip on a cup of tea or something.00:38
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anotnacwhy do ppl care about the gym00:38
Shapeshifterptl: sorry to break it to you, but pr1.2. isn't going to improve your life all that much.00:39
anotnacto better what they have00:39
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SpeedEvilupdated 1.2 means extras is not stalled00:40
ptlShapeshifter: I am convinced otherwise, specially now that I'll be only able to update my apps cleanly after the PR1.2 migration00:41
SpeedEvilwhich is probably more important to me.00:41
Shapeshifterptl: so, it's gonna be soon00:41
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ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: you got a point00:41
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Shapeshifterbut looking at the list, I don't spot any brilliant changes00:42
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anotnacdid nokia not offer senior community members opportunity to beta test this time like PR 1.100:46
nidObug 8043 is fixed, so im happy00:46
povbotBug AVI Streaming  broken. Local playback works fine.00:46
Shapeshifterjust brings it back to my mind how utterly stupid releases are00:47
Shapeshifterrolling release ftw.00:47
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SpeedEvilrolling has its own issues00:53
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ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: main issue with rolling is that you're more or less supposed ot ideally update regularly. risk of breakage/annoyance increases the longer the intervals between updates, basically. but on a device like the n900 - in contrary to a server - you can practically update every day without any problem.00:55
SpeedEvilnot on all devices.00:55
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SpeedEvilI want to be able to schedule. At times downloading a new patch to blocks - say - could be expensive.00:56
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ptlthat's why we need to know PR release dates00:57
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: updating once every two weeks would still be more then enough00:57
SpeedEvilalso - each config gets _lots_ less testing for issues than a release00:57
SpeedEvilwhich has its own costs if it leads to users contacting nokia/...00:57
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ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: why would a whole config need testing. also, testing should be automated if the developers did some proper engineering beforehand00:57
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SpeedEvilbecause sometimes seemingly unrelated stuff can bork the device experience.00:58
Shapeshifterlike that avi streaming bug. apparently worked in internal version in january. nidO needed to wait 3 months to profit.00:58
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ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: well I'm starting to troll here, but seemingly unrelated stuff should be unrelated. if it's still related, that relation should be obvious and documented. ;)01:00
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SpeedEvilbut it's not on a resource constrained device.01:00
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SpeedEvilworking out if foo update touches bar's files is trivial.01:01
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SpeedEvilworking out if foo update that changes it to call baz, not bar, and use more cpu when changing desktops causing sound to stutter for people making skype calls over PAN - say - is hard.01:03
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ShadowJKhm, does fmtx widget know yet how to scan for empty frequencies?01:03
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ShadowJKthe fmtx driver seems to support it01:06
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: that may be true, but if it's a non-critical update (i.e. just about some video streaming, and not essential connectivity/battery-charging/bootloader/whatever) a package can be released after little testing, as protest will quickly arise and be documented by the users and the devs can react. in any case, it's much more agile. I'd say, more most things, except the core (bootloader and that), releasing updates when they're ...01:06
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Shapeshifter... ready is simply much more efficient and profitable for everyone.01:06
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ShadowJKThough the chip allegedly also able to automatically choose free freuqencies, support for that doesn't seem to exist in the driver01:06
SpeedEvilrolling with a beta testers program would work01:07
SpeedEvilso you could opt in for earl01:07
SpeedEvil2 week earlier01:07
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Shapeshifteralso a good idea, yeah.01:12
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: positively bq24150a01:29
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C-S-BEveryone(this is OT) Ive an interview for a linux/win hosting company etc tomorrow.They are going to give me a technical exam. Anyone have any ideas  what it might invole?01:39
C-S-BI'm at a loss as to what to 'revise'01:39
SpeedEvilwhat do they do01:39
SpeedEvilwhat might customers ask or want from you01:39
jacekowskiwhere i can buy nokia headphones01:40
jacekowskifor n90001:40
jacekowskiand what's a part number for them?01:40
jacekowskiis it wh-205?01:40
ShadowJKC-S-B, what position are you interviewing for?01:42
* haltdef strangles built in media player01:42
C-S-BIT Systems Engineer / Web Systems Engineer01:43
jacekowskihosting company01:43
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ShadowJKKnowing apache and php setup in and out would probably help, i guess01:44
jacekowskimost likely - perl/python/bash or other kind of scripting01:44
rangeDeployment, non disruptive updates, troubleshooting basics. Maybe a scripting test. Depends on if someone in the hiring process has ever been at google et al :)01:44
rangeThose tend to ask the strange questions.01:45
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: DO NOT buy original N900 headset! It's crap, and you get a zillion better ones for less01:46
C-S-Bperl/php is desirable.01:46
jacekowskiC-S-B: you are applying for a position ad red technology?01:46
jacekowskiLocation: http://www.redtechnology.com01:47
jacekowskiServer: Microsoft-IIS/6.001:47
jacekowskiX-Powered-By: ASP.NET01:47
C-S-Bwell im there tomorrow for an interview01:47
jacekowskiit seems they are windows based01:47
C-S-BYeah, I think they're an ms shop with some linux solutions01:47
jacekowskiand they say nothing about linux01:48
jacekowskiand it's hard to tell who you will be speaking to01:48
C-S-Bthey do mention it, but briefly.01:49
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C-S-Bthey want bind and postfix knowledge.01:49
jacekowskiif you will end up with stupid recruitment bloke that knows fuck all about what company is doing and he's just comparing your answers to what he have prepared01:49
nidOC-S-B: bind is easy01:49
C-S-Band explicitly state linux01:49
nidOjust reading up, also01:49
C-S-Bi know bind enough.01:49
jacekowskinidO: don't underestimate it01:49
nidOI dont, i've been working with it for 10 years01:49
C-S-Bbut i know it can get deep01:50
jacekowskinidO: basic DNS setup is simple01:50
nidOC-S-B: which host?01:50
jacekowskinidO: it's more DNS system rather than bind - but still - i would expect people to know it01:50
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nidOshame they use postfix though01:51
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nidOat least it's not qmail though I guess01:52
jacekowskiexim sucks01:52
jacekowskiand qmail isn't MTA01:52
jacekowskiqmail is a program pretending to be MTA01:52
nidOwell yeah it is, its just a dreadful one01:52
jacekowskinidO: it doesn't comply to standards01:52
nidOofc it doesnt, because it's dreadful.01:53
jacekowskiand that doesn't leave you with many alternatives01:53
nidOexim's perfectly good01:53
jacekowskioh god01:53
jacekowskidon't even use that name01:53
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C-S-Bwell thanks for giving me some ideas01:53
C-S-Bi think it might be easy since its win...01:54
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C-S-Bi know subnetting and networking01:54
nidOdepends what kind of knowledge they want and what you have01:54
jacekowskiC-S-B: really?01:54
rangeC-S-B: Normally they want to look if you can think outside the box a bit.01:54
jacekowskiC-S-B: what do you know about routing01:54
C-S-Betc, thats a usual thig they ask01:54
nidOcomplex iis/ad/.net management is more complicated than keeping an apache system running01:54
ptlthere IS wpasupplicant on easy-debian01:54
C-S-Bwell, room to learn.01:55
ptlcould I connect to a WPA2/LEAP AP using it?01:55
ptlbecause the N900 does not support LEAP natively01:55
C-S-Bjacekowski, how are you asking that.01:55
C-S-Bin what tone?01:55
nidOany idea what kind of level of infrastructure redtechnology have?01:56
jacekowskiin tone of making you aware that there is still lot to learn01:56
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C-S-Bi know.01:56
jacekowskibut as nidO mentioned - gather knowledge about them01:57
jacekowskiso you can learn about what they use01:57
C-S-Bthats what ive been doing, i appreciate the hep guys.01:57
nidOthey seem to have a fairly substantial network of their own, so theyre probably going to want someone in a systems engineer role to know switches and routers pretty much in and out01:57
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C-S-BnidO, hows it compare to what you do?01:58
jacekowskijacekowski:~# nc 2501:58
jacekowski220 ESMTP PureD-SpamFilter01:58
C-S-Bive usually been a win/linux server admin01:58
C-S-Band network admin01:58
jacekowskiC-S-B: emm, cisco switches and routers01:59
jacekowskieverything else tries to replicate cisco interface01:59
nidOI don't need to deal with backbone/border routers much as theyre handled by our colocation providers, our technical involvement starts at our switches in our racks01:59
nidOred seem to have their own peering and border routers so youll probably want to know ios pretty well01:59
C-S-Bi dont know cisco, but I have my gf's uncle who is high up there and can get me docs.01:59
C-S-Bive touched on ios in my last job02:00
C-S-Bthey dont require it in the job spec however, i think they are into training,02:00
nidOdepends what they want to recruit you for though really, whether they need someone adminning their networks or whether you're getting hired as a helpdesk monkey02:00
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jacekowskinidO: everybody can get their own peering02:01
nidOofc they can, most hosts dont have their own routers handling it though02:02
jacekowskistill knowing ios will be a +02:03
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jacekowskiC-S-B: did they specified any distro?02:10
jacekowskiC-S-B: i would recommend to be prepared to know locations of some basic system files02:10
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jacekowskiC-S-B: and some distro specific files as well02:10
jacekowskiand read the manuals02:10
jacekowskii was once asked what does option -l does with ls02:10
jacekowskiand couple similiar questions02:10
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nidOits difficult to judge how to approach it without knowing the scale of the business and whos interviewing you though really - if it's another tech doing the interview, chances are that more than just asking you to rattle off facts and knowledge theyll be looking to see if you're sharp enough to approach problems you *dont* know the answer to logically to find/figure out a solution02:13
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Gizmokid2005frals: you around?02:16
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C-S-Bjacekowski, thanks for everything, i appreciate getting my brain engaged.02:27
C-S-Band nidO, as ever. ;) cheers02:28
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b-man|ubuntu - the geekiest shirt ever...02:35
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njsf_re Hi all02:40
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ShadowJK: I checked schematics vs bq24150 datasheet. There's NO indication we could NOT use the vbus-boost mode and get usb-host power @ 200mA02:48
lcukDocScrutinizer, which device are you on about02:48
lcukive sene you talking last day or so02:48
lcukwhats the board02:49
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DocScrutinizerI'm checking the N900 2JH-21 board02:49
lcukcool, any particular goal?  from google its the battery board02:50
DocScrutinizerbq24150 is N900's battery charger chip02:50
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: means I'd bet real amounts of money on feasibility of power from N900 to USB, for hostmode02:52
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lcuk:) sounds like a cool thing to study02:52
DocScrutinizerIt sounds to me like a cool thing to actually be able and use N900 as USB host, plug in memsticks, cameras, IR-dongles, you name it02:54
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lcukDocScrutinizer, if it were in host mode, that would also allow 2 n900s to connect to each other wouldnt it?  or can it do that now (to setup network between them)02:55
DocScrutinizeraaah, the PHY chip, the F... fri.... PHY. Seems nobody knows for sure what we got there02:55
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DocScrutinizernah, it needs one of them in hostmode. Then you could even flash one from the other XP02:56
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SpeedEvillcuk, not without a very wierd cable02:56
SpeedEvilerr - no02:56
SpeedEvilyou don't need to cross the Ds02:56
lcukrehome a pair of them into a book format :)02:56
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: not VBUS, but protocol for sure02:56
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DocScrutinizerD+/- are not crossed02:57
lcukSpeedEvil, i just like this pic:
lcukif usb would help conserve power02:57
cehtehlcuk: jealous about ipad? :)02:58
DocScrutinizernintendo DS02:58
lcukcehteh, been on my mind for a while02:58
lcukway before ipad02:59
lcukand likely ds02:59
Lumpio-That's just silly.02:59
ds3VBUS shouldn't matter too much. afterall, the 770 couldn't feed VBUS02:59
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lcukLumpio-, why?
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lcukLumpio-, sometimes you perform tasks on a mobile device that need more space03:03
lcukimagine snapping a portion of it off and having it on a different screen03:03
lcukthe list of emails on one03:03
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lcukthe specific selection on another03:03
lcuk2 pieces of the same app03:03
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lcukor using gimp with the image on one part and the controls on another03:04
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lcukwhen you have one screen the apps are just like now and use overlaying/stacked windows03:05
lcukbut just add extra bricks03:05
SpeedEvilUnfortunately with current devices, they stop working if you snap bits off.03:05
lcukthat last pic i pasted has example03:06
lcukall 3 devices are live updating03:06
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lcukthe top has whole app03:06
lcukthe middle has a list of all skecthes03:06
lcukthe bottom is working on a single one03:06
lcukbut they all update live in realtime03:06
DocScrutinizerds3: yeah, and of course it doesn't matter you can't connect memorysticks to 770?03:07
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man_in_ltopit's been a while since i've really played around with my n810 and the python+maemo tutorial i was using has disappeared03:16
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man_in_ltopi'm trying to remember if there's a specific maemo/hildon/whatever file open dialog that i'd need to code for03:16
Lumpio-lcuk: It's neat as a concept but I can't imagine myself carrying around a device with enough screen space to snap into three and still be able to display something meaningful on all of them03:19
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Lumpio-If I wanted to carry that much stuff around I might as well carry a laptop03:19
lcukLumpio-, i routinely carry 2 n900s03:19
lcuki rarely carry a laptop03:20
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Lumpio-ok >_>03:21
Lumpio-I'll have to wait until we get devices thin enough to fit three into the space of one N90003:21
lcukdont need 3 - thats just me playing at home03:22
Lumpio-Stack them when on the go, break them apart when you got the space03:22
Lumpio-Well, two03:22
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rasterLumpio-: there are already devices half as thin as the n90003:25
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ech0Nokiais there mms support yet? i want to send a picture via txt...03:51
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prontolook into fmms ech0Nokia03:54
calamariI currently have an Android G1 that I use for IM, gmail, web browsing, photography, maps/navigation, and debian ARM.  Does the n900 handle all of that?03:54
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Robot101yes, although its maemo rather than debian03:55
haltdefis there a way to disable cell and wifi but leave bluetooth on?03:55
calamaridoes it run an X server?03:55
pronto ech0Nokia03:55
Robot101but its .deb based and plenty of packages and sdk to build etc03:55
Robot101yeah uses X03:56
calamariRobot101, cool thanks03:56
calamariwish it had a better keyboard, that's the only thing holding me back hehe03:56
prontocalamari: you get used to the keyboard03:56
Robot101camera is great - maps isn't quite as good as google unfortunately but it is usable03:56
prontoech0Nokia: and i can confrim myself fmms works03:56
Robot101although, browser does work with full fat google maps03:57
calamariwas going to say, I could just pull up the webpage hehe03:57
Robot101you swipe from the left to get a pointer and you can click/pan03:57
Robot101which is a really nice touch03:57
calamariI'm guessing the web browser is awesome?03:57
Robot101even flash for streetview if you're keen :)03:57
prontothe webbroswer is firefox with a modded UI03:57
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Robot101it's basically firefox, yeah. it can get overwhelmed on very heavy js or flash pages but I find it very usable most of the time03:58
calamarianyone running qemu on it?03:58
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Robot101on the device? no, ppl usually run qemu for developing for the device... :)03:59
Robot101I think there's a dosbox port for retro gaming actually :)03:59
calamariuser mode qemu-i386 is killing me on android, doesn't work03:59
calamaritrying to run a closed source i386 daemon for accessing my corporate network04:00
calamariI heard that some of the device drivers are closed source.. but they are accessible on the device without special pain, right?  so I can change netowrk settings and all that?04:01
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calamaribtw, sorry for all these elementary questions and thanks for being patient and answering them :)04:05
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Robot101calamari: networking config daemon is closed, but normal network tools like ifconfig etc also work if you want to go behind its back04:11
calamariexcellent :)04:12
calamarithen if I can get qemu to cooperate, what I'm trying just might work! hehe04:12
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calamariokay this kicks google sky maps ass
calamariI'm sold haha04:15
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ptlcalamari: stellarium is in the repositories already, but for me it didn't work quite as well as in the video04:19
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calamarioh? what happened?04:19
calamarijust slower?04:20
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ech0Nokiawhat to set mmsc to on fmms for tmobile?04:22
cehtehits announced that stellarium is incomplete yet :/04:26
cehtehtoo bad the device has no compass, that would be a awesome usecase04:27
ptlcalamari: not slower, but had some bugs04:28
calamarilooks like orrery is another option04:28
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ptlcehteh: I've read somewhere that you can work around that pointing your N900 to some star and then the program uses the accelerometer to track the position04:29
cehtehoh moment the stellarium there isnt the one from the repos?04:29
ptlI mean, the rotation04:29
ptlcehteh: it is04:29
cehtehptl: the accelerometer cant track rotation and its *by* far not sensible enouhg for such04:29
* cehteh reisntalls stellarium04:30
ptlcehteh: nevertheless, I read it somewhere04:30
cehtehyes thats bullshit04:30
cehtehif the camera would be sensible enough you could try to lock it on a start (or some other background feature)04:31
cehtehwell motion tracking cries for SDP04:31
cehtehstar formation recognition would be also cool .. but certainly beyond the cameras capabilities04:32
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cehtehtoo less resolution, too less senstivity, too wide angle04:32
crashanddie_too less?04:33
cehtehfor tracking stars on the sky04:33
calamaricehteh, just take multiple frames and sum them04:33
cehteh(well and the optics cant even handle the 5mp)04:34
calamarioh do the pictures look bad?04:34
cehtehwell in dark yes04:34
crashanddie_too little? too small? Not too less. less is a non-comparable adverb.04:34
cehtehbut for normal photos, the n900 cam is excellent04:34
calamariahh there is one other app I use .. it silently records all my phone calls.  anything like that for n900?04:34
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crashanddie_or it can be the superlative of least04:35
crashanddie_sorry, other way around, its superlative is least04:35
b-man17calamari: - some awesome pictures i took with my n900 as an example ;)04:36
crashanddie_calamari: you have a sensor which is measured in millimeters, and it's still a very small numbers04:36
crashanddie_calamari: so the noise in low-light environment is quite extreme04:36
crashanddie_even at an ISO of 10004:36
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ptlcalamari: recaller04:37
calamarib-man17, nice!04:37
b-man17ty :)04:37
calamariwish that would be here.. it hit 90 F today :)04:38
* crashanddie_ longs for the day the us finally starts using a real measurement system04:38
b-man17lol, it's suppose to be 80+ here this weekend xD04:38
* b-man17 took those pictures back in January04:39
b-man17the seasons swing wildly here xD04:39
ptlreal measurement system == metric system?04:39
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crashanddie_ptl: yeah, for example04:40
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crashanddie_I've actually stopped converting for those lazy yanks04:41
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crashanddie_I'm using real units, it's your job to convert it.04:41
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b-man17it's unfortunate that the US doesn't use the metric system..04:43
calamarihas nothing to do with laziness04:43
calamariyeah it is, because I don't have the mental image of metric lengths and Celsius temps that you do04:44
b-man17lol, hey, i'm in the us - ohio to be exact xD04:44
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ptlYou have: tempF(90)04:45
ptlYou want: tempC 32.22222204:45
crashanddie_calamari: then train yourself to. It's not hard, you can very easily remember a few numbers and then do the math in your head04:46
crashanddie_calamari: except for temperature, I can convert nearly anything from metric to empirical and back without an issue04:47
b-man17i personally think that if you grew up with metric, it would be easer to understand - whereas a person who has not grown up with it will find it a bit confusing04:47
crashanddie_(roughly though)04:47
calamarioh I have the 2.54 cm=1 inch memorized04:47
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* b-man17 somewhat has km-units-to-mile-units memorized :)04:49
ptllet's see if I can open my thesis in lyx on the N90004:49
crashanddie_3ft = 1m, 1 yard ~= 1m, 1lb = 500gr, 1m = 1.5 km, etc04:49
crashanddie_australia went metric, you don't see them complaining, quite the contrary04:50
crashanddie_and the uk is just a mess, they don't know what to use and when04:50
crashanddie_when it's cold they use celsius, when it's warm they use fahrenheid04:50
crashanddie_"OMG it's -4!!!", "OMG it's 100 DEGREES"04:50
ptlhmmm, sort of04:50
ptlI need to customize it further04:50
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calamarithere was a stretch of freeway here (I-19) that was measured in kilometers, but the speed limit signs were still in mph04:51
crashanddie_and sorry, but the US just sound ridiculous when you watch CNN, and they go "And a new blizzard might be underway, as temperatures have dropped down to 10 degrees"04:52
calamaribut I think they replaced the km markers with mile markers04:52
calamariproblem 1 is watching CNN04:52
cehtehhow about we all using planck units? :)04:52
crashanddie_I remember this guy getting caught speeding, he was doing something like 240 kph, he went to court, and they asked him why he was driving so fast, and he said he hadn't broken the law04:53
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crashanddie_they asked him to explain,and he said that according to some old law, the official time measurement in France (where he was caught) was the second, and the official distance measurement was the meter. Hence, when the speed limit showed "130", he read it as "130 meters per second"04:54
crashanddie_which equates as something like 450 kph04:54
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calamarithe sign didn't specify the units?04:56
ptlhe was freed?04:56
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crashanddie_And he was right, at the time, there was no legal specification of the units used on roadsigns04:56
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crashanddie_well, the story goes he got off, no idea if it's true though04:57
bullet`hello room04:57
bullet`no pr1.2 still ?04:57
crashanddie_hey bullet`04:57
crashanddie_bullet`: did your n900 update, or prompt you for an update?04:57
ptlbullet`: it's out already04:57
ptlbullet`: I am still downloading it04:57
ptlbullet`: go to Application Manager and click on update!04:58
cehtehhail our test-bunny :)04:58
bullet`tried last night .. cant connect to internet here in office right now, so will try in the evening04:58
bullet`is it out really ??? now huge threads on tmo !! ??04:58
ptlI was kidding.04:59
ptlnot really. ;)04:59
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njsf_ptl: you are sadistic :)04:59
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man_in_ltopsadistic or masochistic?05:03
ptlI'm waiting too05:04
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man_in_ltopwaiting for a mirror so you can take pleasure from watching yourself hurt yourself?05:04
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Ken-YoungI don't care about pr1.2 . I just want more episodes of Little Snow Fairy Sugar in the Ovi Store.05:06
njsf_man_in_ltop: I think that for that to be effective, the mirror should be defective so he would have the additional pain of not properly watching himself get hurt05:06
ml-mobileKen-Young: you just confused me real good05:06
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ptlmasochism is a paradox. If I take pleasure in taking pain, the pleasure shoudl cancel out due to the fact that masochists like pain, not pleasure, so it would take pain in not taking pain.05:07
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man_in_ltopptl, i don't think psychology works like that05:08
njsf_oh, Ken-Young, you are an Ovi Store connoisseur... I just ignore it. It is just sooo inconvenient to go there... Nokia really shot Ovi store on the foot by making those apps user/hidden...05:08
crashanddie_ptl: fuck off with your shallow pseudo-deep thoughts.05:08
Ken-Youngnjsf, When I read the specs for the N900 I thought to myself *finally* a device to what Little Snow Fairy Sugar videos on.05:09
calamarigoes the n900 gps still work without reception?05:09
njsf_They would integrate better with those apps showing in HAM, but a special header that would launch the proper Ovi store page for payment if needed05:09
calamarisorry.. cell reception05:09
ml-mobileKen-Young: N900 can play DVD quality video no problem05:09
ptlcrashanddie_: you seem stressed!05:10
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njsf_calamari: the GPS yes, but Ovi needs it. Mapper works ok if you already have the maps cached...05:12
njsf_Ovi == Ovi Maps05:12
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crashanddie_ptl: I certainly am05:13
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crashanddie_ptl: the matter of fact, though, is that masochism is simply feeling pleasure things that most individuals associate with pain. One very good example is the fact that all humans are masochists when it comes to sex (as are dolphins). The body goes through quite a very, very horrible process when orgasming, yet we feel incredible pleasure.05:14
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njsf_pain/pleasure, it is all just eletro-chemical stimulation...05:16
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crashanddie_you secrete extreme levels of pheromones, extreme levels of adrenaline, endorphine and whatnot, your heart rate accelerates to higher levels than most top sportsmen would feel comfortable with, your blood vesels constrict and your osat levels plumet and rise chaotically every second due to incoherent breathing05:16
crashanddie_Most of these usually indicate impending death. Not for nothing that philosophers during the 17th and 18th century called orgasm "La petite mort" (small death)05:17
ptlthat's very instructive, but I was just making a pun.05:17
crashanddie_I know, I was just being overly pedantic :)05:18
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calamariis this true?  " No call logs/ call timers / missed calls / No message waiting indicator. "05:19
ptlI truly hope death is a giant orgasm, since orgasm is a small death.05:20
ptlbecause the time will come for me someday05:20
ptlok, this is another pun. Don't kick me, please.05:21
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bullet`what is going on here05:30
bullet`unusual talk05:30
bullet`seems like ppl r really waiting for 1.2 :p05:30
Ken-YoungYup.  I don't undestand why they can't give a release date.05:30
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ml-mobilebecause release dates can slip05:32
Ken-Youngml-mobile, Sure.   But they don't always.05:33
Ken-YoungEven if they said "Definately not before June" that would be nice to know.05:34
ml-mobilenot always, but being noncomittal about a release date is easier than missing one and having the unwashed masses come after you05:34
calamaribtw has there been any mention of a successor to the n900?05:36
rm_youcalamari: way back when at the summit they mentioned the next hardware revision was planned to have multitouch... no NEW news tho AFAIK05:38
Ken-Youngcalamari, If they won't tell us when the next firmware release will happen, imagine how secretive they are about upcoming devices.05:39
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* ptl wonders if it be called the Nokia N910 or the Nokia N1000.05:43
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bullet`well rough dates has been given05:45
bullet`end of march like05:45
bullet`they should atleast release a rc of final pr 1.2 :) for those who agree :)05:45
anotnacit will be just the N905:45
bullet`installing an unstable firmware05:45
Ken-Youngbullet`, Yes, there are quite a few of us who don't mind reflashing our phones.05:46
calamariI guess what I'm wondering is if the n900 is about to go EOL and I should wait05:47
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Ken-Youngcalamari, I think there would be a lot more hard news available about a successor cevice if it were going to be available in the next few months.05:50
infobotKen-Young meant: calamari, I think there would be a lot more hard news available about a successor device if it were going to be available in the next few months.05:50
calamarihaha nifty little bot you have there05:50
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Ken-YoungPeople had seen the N900 months before it was available for purchase.05:51
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Ken-YoungSome were distributed to developers at conferences, etc.05:52
bullet`whats a EOL ?05:52
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Ken-YoungEnd of life.05:52
bullet`oh no way05:52
bullet`i think n900 has good life ahead05:52
bullet`this qt thing happening and stuff05:53
bullet`i refuse to believe there is a sudden death to n90005:53
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bullet`new devices will be announced and will be here in few months05:55
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FlavioFerreiraBrAnybody has been used MaemoThemeMaker?06:02
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DocScrutinizerhello?? the N900 *started* selling less than half a year ago, and you fear EOL? c'mon get a brain06:16
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crashanddie_calamari: EOL not quite yet, but another Maemo/MeeGo device is definitely possible.06:18
DocScrutinizereven if they roll out N900++ tomorrow, this by no means is EOL for N900. Especially since next device is probably without kbd and with capacitive touchscreen. A *lot* of people will hate it and go for a N900 even if it were slower and more expensive than the successor06:19
calamariDocScrutinizer, thanks, I didn't realize it was only 6 months old06:19
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crashanddie_calamari: less than that, it only started shipping what... december?06:20
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ptlnot me06:26
ptlwrong window, sorry06:26
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bullet`december yes06:30
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bullet`and when is meego dropping ?06:33
bullet`that also had to be end of march06:33
bullet`31rst march is here06:33
ptl1 april is day one06:34
bullet`i am not taking 1rst april for anything now06:35
bullet`maybe a 600mb file on 1rst april full of 0 ascii !!!06:35
bullet` :)06:35
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ds3Curses to the @#%#@$@%$#$%@#$@ USB charging06:43
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FlavioFerreiraBrSomeone has been used MaemoThemeMaker?06:56
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crashanddie_0 ascii?07:04
FlavioFerreiraBr Someone has been used MaemoThemeMaker?07:05
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FlavioFerreiraBranybody has got any contact with theme creation for maemo ?07:09
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* GAN900 chuckles at the voting overview.07:26
GAN900Polarizing candidates FTW!07:26
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cehtehhehe i didnt apply :P07:32
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crashanddie_GAN900: results out?07:34
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GAN900crashanddie, somebody needs to run the calcs07:35
crashanddie_I'm at work, I can :)07:35
GAN900The raw votes are up, though.07:35
crashanddie_it's not like I have anything to do or anything07:35
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crashanddie_GAN900: link?07:35
GAN900dneary should have the calcs on the wiki somewhere07:36
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Stskeepsthat's not a lot of vote07:36
GAN900though I'm sure he would prefer if it weren't publicly pre-announced.07:36
GAN900People suck.07:37
crashanddie_GAN900: that a ridiculously small amount of vote07:37
Stskeepsi think the personal attacks thread probably didn't help07:38
GAN900More candidates you have the fewer votes you get, apparently?07:38
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GAN900Stskeeps, what a mess that was07:39
GAN900At least it only lasted about a page and a half.07:39
bullet`what r u guys talking about ?07:40
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Stskeepsbullet`: council elections07:41
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Guest89994hey guys,do you know how to change wallpapers with api ?07:46
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crashanddie_GAN900: what's the algorithm again?07:48
GAN900crashanddie_, don't recall the specifics. Should be on the wiki, though.07:49
crashanddie_only two guys cast a blank vote though, that's good07:50
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Triztdamn, there was something I forgot to do... but then no clue whom to vote for07:55
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bullet`can u plz help me fix this07:58
bullet`on cygwin i get this warning07:58
bullet`cygwin warning:07:58
bullet`  MS-DOS style path detected: /usr/local/bin/E:\Program07:58
bullet`  Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /usr/local/bin/E:/Program07:58
bullet`  CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.07:58
bullet`  Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:07:58
bullet`Can't find E:\Program on PATH.07:58
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crashanddie_if I may cast an initial spell on the vote data07:58
crashanddie_Randall, Andrew, Ryan07:58
crashanddie_First votes: Randall 97, Andrew 84, Ryan 7207:59
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crashanddie_May not be official based on the sliding vote system07:59
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* RST38h moos evilly08:01
RST38hcrashanddie: Start by asking yourself if it matters...08:01
crashanddie_In second sliding vote, three lead are: Ryan 87, Andrew 78, Randall 6908:02
crashanddie_Third sliding vote, Andrew 57, Randall 56, Attila Csipa (Attila77/achipa) 4208:03
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crashanddie_GAN900: grats08:05
crashanddie_Jaffa: grats08:06
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errordeveloperthat's complete output from the installer ..08:19
errordeveloperi get the same problem using GUI and script itself08:19
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RST38hmoorning johnx08:21
johnxI'm playing with dbus-monitor on the N900 trying to watch for signals related to bluetooth device connections and not having much luck08:22
RST38hare there any? or maybe it is not leaving bluez stack?08:22
johnxI am using the --system flag, and running this on a desktop linux box (Ubuntu 10.04 beta) shows interesting things on bluetooth connect, but doesn't show anything on the N90008:22
johnxRST38h, that's an interesting thought. I'd assumed they'd use dbus for all the bluez related communications, but maybe they have their own message passing solution08:23
RST38hif any...08:23
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johnxwell, I think they have to be using some kind of message passing to get the PIN... and to trigger the "foobar baz headphones connected" status ribbon08:27
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johnxok, I'll open this up a bit further: Does anyone know a sane way to sense when a specific bluetooth device connects to the N900 without polling all the time?08:37
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lucentnon-software slightly OT question for the masses;  Where to get a replacement N900 stylus?08:59
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lucentI tried searching online retailers but I did not find a clear product to replace the stylus, looking for fellow N900 owners to chime in?09:00
cpscottilucent.. there is some topic at talk.maemo for that09:00
cpscottiwith some e-bay links09:00
lucentoh, eBay?  No official Nokia product, then hrmm09:01
cpscottiwelll.. probably there is but it will cost 1/2 a new cell phone09:02
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lucentthat must be a joke09:03
lucentcpscotti: thanks for the link, regardless of my plight09:04
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MiXu-There are plenty of real cheap styluses in but none are specifically for N900.09:05
lucentif this is uncommon, I will try to contact Nokia for a replacement and then buy a secondary stylus to use09:06
cpscottilucent: ur wlcm09:06
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cehtehlucent: the original stylus costs 6 Eur (plus any premium the repair shop adds) .. should be available/orderable at official nokia repair shops09:10
cehtehah .. heh ok you found that list09:11
lucentI'm in US location though, still searching how to buy it from here09:12
cehtehno nokia care point somewhere there?09:12
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lucentI don't think that there is, I am in Jackson, WY USA09:13
cehtehno idea09:14
johnxI don't think Nokia cares in the US :)09:14
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cehtehhehe there was a talk about maemo on the chemnizer linuxtage with nice sales figures09:15
njsf_johnx: when LTE is prevalent in the US Nokia will care a LOT09:16
johnxwill the US actually use the same LTE freq as the EU?09:16
bullet`LTE is ?09:16
MiXu-Is the EU LTE frequency decided?09:16
njsf_Long Term Evolution == 4G09:16
MiXu-wimax is also 4G, so it's not that simple :)09:16
njsf_I think the freq. is a red herring.09:16
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johnxMiXu-, LTE is the "4G" protocol people will actually use in numbers09:17
MiXu-johnx: Yes, most likely so.09:17
njsf_MiXu-: ok ok, if you insist on full correctness LTE is a 4G protocol poised to be the most used09:17
MiXu-at least in the EU09:17
lucentWiMax is available in my city, and it is not competitive09:18
tybolltMiXu-: most likely? Dude LTE is in production :)09:18
johnxWould you actually bet money that WiMax will win out in any nation over LTE once LTE is actually available?09:18
tybolltLTE is some kind of industry backed somethng...09:18
MiXu-tybollt: I haven't seen a live LTE network yet, but there are wimax networks.09:18
tybolltwimax is what, qualcom and intel? :)09:18
tybolltMiXu-: LTE is live in Stockholm.09:19
MiXu-Ah, alright.09:19
lucenthey, guys, what I'm saying is I have access to WiMax and nobody wants it here where I live - it is too expensive and slow09:19
tybolltMiXu-: Granted there are only USB dongles, no phones - yet09:19
tybolltwimax is an intel tech - the other players don't care about it09:19
tybollt-> high prices09:19
Stskeepswell, n810w :P09:19
MiXu-I don't care either. I'm just pointing out that wimax has more coverage at the moment than LTE.09:20
tybolltLTE will be made by nokia/siemens, ericsson etc etc so logic says it should be more competetive price wise09:20
cehteh    look at page 5 :)09:20
cehtehN.AM = North America09:20
tybolltcehteh: or "NA" as the rest of us would've said it :P09:21
cehtehwell .. us market is odd compared to the rest09:21
JaffaMorning, all09:22
njsf_cehteh: you have not  seen Brazil market have you ?09:22
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cehtehROW ... rest of world09:22
njsf_Same kind of hodge-podge of TDMA/CDMA now almost GSM/EDGE/HSDPA fully09:22
njsf_Brazil is rest of the world, it is not US man09:23
tybolltJaffa:  looks like you made it then, congrats buddy :)09:23
njsf_don't redefine.09:23
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Jaffatybollt: thanks :)09:24
Stskeepscrashanddie_: random question, 3 people only? isn't there more in council?09:24
tybolltJaffa: (no, I don't know you, I'm just a suck up now you're in charge ;) ;)09:24
crashanddie_Stskeeps: is it 3 or 5?09:25
crashanddie_Can't remember09:25
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crashanddie_if it's 5 I'm an idiot :P09:25
tybolltmust... not... comment... ;)09:25
crashanddie_is it 5?09:25
Stskeepswell you are09:25
Stskeepslast council was texrat, qole, gcobb, penguinbait, vdvsx09:25
crashanddie_ok, well let's put it this way: the other 2 are too close to call09:25
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* lucent orders replacement stylus and learns Finnish in the process09:26
Jaffacrashanddie_: you sound like an American news channel09:26
Stskeepswhich, fox news?09:26
lucentStskeeps: "Faux News"09:26
tybolltnow now stskeeps, that is just plain derogatory :P09:27
JaffaAre positions r & 5 our Florida in 2000?09:27
* tybollt calls being jeb bush09:27
Jaffalucent: that still contains the word "news"09:27
johnxlucent, It's going to be awesome when you make make a simple translation mistake and end up with two palettes of frozen peas09:27
* njsf_ starts preparing to verify the vote,,,09:27
Jaffatybollt: Now the revolution's come, you can be last against the wall09:27
crashanddie_Jaffa: sorry09:28
tybolltJaffa: :D09:28
crashanddie_well, my bad, I'm tired09:28
* tybollt wonders why jaffa is playing rage-against-the-machine_bullet-in-your-head.mp3... hmmm ;)09:28
* Jaffa hopes that javispedro gets in09:28
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crashanddie_I've fixed my reply on tmo, by the same account (only 32% of votes tallied), the two other council members should be javispedro and attila7709:28
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crashanddie_again, this is only based on the first 2 sliding votes09:29
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* Jaffa now starts eyeing (eying?) up the big prize09:29
pupniki am not happy with responsiveness now09:30
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crashanddie_amazingly, around half of the voters have voted for 10 candidates (all 10 sliding votes)09:30
crashanddie_only 5% of voters have voted for one single candidate09:31
crashanddie_and only 2 have not voted at all (blank)09:31
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crashanddie_dneary will probably crap all over me for release those numbers, btw09:32
tybolltcrashanddie_: who were eligible to vote anyway? I assume it had something to do w/ karma?09:32
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pupnikdid you feel strongly for or against any particular candidates (not naming names) crashanddie_ ?09:32
crashanddie_I didn't vote09:33
Jaffatybollt: anyone with a maemo.olrg account older than 3 months and karma >= 1009:33
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tybolltJaffa: ack...09:33
tybolltthen I wasn't eligible, good shitz ;)09:33
crashanddie_pupnik: and yeah, obviously I feel strongly for some or against some...09:33
tybollt(means I'm no slacker ;)09:33
pupniki had trouble deciding, since i dont know how heavily i want to weigh specific positive attributes for the position09:34
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johnxnote: ignore my earlier rambling about problems with dbus/bluez on the N900. I was ssh'ed into the wrong Maemo device at the time ...09:36
* johnx facepalms09:37
lucentthat's, awesome.09:37
pupnikhow do i quantitatively evaluate "enthusiasm", "forum leadership", "technical advocacy"..09:37
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crashanddie_though, I'd like to know how many maemo users were eligible for votes09:38
tybollt do that all the time.. change ulimit and then still get the same problems... only to realize I was sshed into a remote box where I changed ulimits and not on my local machine ;)09:38
tybolltI do that*09:38
johnxpupnik, 5, 12389712/1232, and 1.3x10^1409:38
crashanddie_only 400 votes, while the community has nearly doubled...09:38
Stskeepscommunity doubled but not as many has gotten into the community processes09:38
pupniknot bad johnx :)09:39
Stskeepsand while it has doubled we've mostly had a lame duck council09:39
tybolltmmmh duck *drool*09:39
* njsf_ thinks the duck season is still a long time away09:40
johnxduck drool? gross09:40
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pupnikthere is a chinese soup made from bird saliva09:40
squidd_I bet that tastes good09:42
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lucentgrr, I have to launch Qt app from commandline to access the uSD media09:45
crashanddie_results generated by OpenSTV:Winners are Randall Arnold (texrat), Andrew Flegg (Jaffa), Attila Csipa (Attila77/achipa), Javier S. Pedro (JaviSPedro), and Ryan Abel (GeneralAntilles).09:45
lucentQt app file browse won't go to the uSD media09:45
tybolltlucent: usd?09:45
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Stskeepscrashanddie_: at least it seems like we'll have a sane council09:46
lucenttybollt: "microSD"09:46
lucentsorry my use of the lowercase U for 'mu'09:46
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crashanddie_Stskeeps: don't talk too soon, there's still Texrat, GA and Jaffa on there09:46
tybolltso GA made it?09:47
tybolltGood shitz09:47
Stskeepscrashanddie_: i believe the most constructive meetings are the ones where people disagree slightly09:47
crashanddie_as long as they are sane enough to be able to agree to disagree, and move on09:47
crashanddie_how many times have we seen important matters getting dragged along for years because of petty fights between politicians09:47
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crashanddie_and how many times have we seen utterly unimportant matters getting way too much attention for the same reason09:48
tybolltcrashanddie_: or like the missus who promptly sent the laptop flying across the room last night when I told her she was wrong... now wouldn't that kind of behaviour be good for council meetings? :)09:48
johnxcrashanddie, how many times have we seen right win out through persistence?09:48
Jaffacrashanddie_: thanks for running them through OpenSTV09:48
Stskeepstybollt: better than a missus pouring salt water in your electronics09:49
tybollthehe ouch you had that? :S09:49
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Stskeepsno, story from ex-gf of what her mother did to one of the mother's ex bfs after he cheated on her..09:50
johnxheh. I actually "resurrected" a co-workers macbook this last weekend. They were lucky that it had actually been just plain tap water that had gotten spilled on it09:51
Stskeepsi saw someone who had poured red wine on their macbook09:51
Stskeepsit got sucked into the screen from one of the corners09:52
lucentokay I bought three replacement N900 stylus for $23 USD, if anyone wants to buy one for $8 in the US then I can probably mail it in a plain envelope ;)09:52
johnxStskeeps, bummer09:52
johnxI saw rum and coke go through a dell ... and it was running the next morning with no intervention09:52
Stskeepsi think the drains in keyboard should be standard inventory :P09:53
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johnxit must cost quite a bit to design that in09:53
johnxLenovo dropped them off of the lower-end thinkpads09:53
tybolltI once dropped my Siemens mobile (the small silvery one) ina mug of beer - fucker worked after being entirly submerged for ~five minutes, granted the screen was entirely bust09:54
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* johnx is looking forward to a generation of gadgets that is *much* more water resistant than what we have right now09:56
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crashanddie_johnx & Stskeeps: I spilt beer on my macbook within the first week of having it10:00
crashanddie_I'm suspecting that Jobs' liver didn't just have cancer, he's been drinking and teaching his hardware how to do it too!10:00
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johnxheh. well, having taken apart a white macbook now I can tell you they don't have a terribly good provision for dealing with liquids poured through the kayboard (AFAICT)10:01
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crashanddie_didn't notice any issues with it10:01
crashanddie_I do it on a weekly basis10:02
crashanddie_stops the shaking even though is has some hickups sometimes10:02
crashanddie_Plus it goes to sleep a lot faster10:02
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VDVsxJaffa, congrats :)10:02
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VDVsxGAN900, congrats :)10:03
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crashanddie_VDVsx: so, what do you think of the new council?10:06
crashanddie_VDVsx: who would you like to see as the council chair?10:06
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jogahmm...I wonder if this is some bug with batterygraph or if it's supposed to be like this...I've been recharging for about 1.5 hours now and the percentage/charge in the graph is a horizontal line, no progress is being made according to it10:07
jogaif I do lshal|grep battery it also shows 11%10:07
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jogathe battery indicator is rolling so I would expect it to charge10:08
VDVsxcrashanddie_, I like it :D sorry for the rest of the candidates, but my favorite 'set' was chosen ;)10:08
crashanddie_It's amazing to see how little the transferable vote changes in the end10:08
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jogaand now, suddenly that I refreshed the graph again a few times, it immediately jumped to 57%10:09
joganow, why is that...10:09
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johnxjoga, have you checked into the thread? I seem to remember something about that being mentioned by the developer10:09
* man_in_ltop waves10:09
jogajohnx: no, I haven't checked yet10:09
tybolltcrashanddie_: seriously - you will make pie charts - right? :)10:09
man_in_ltopanyone know how to use gtk.FileChooserButton in pygtk? :)10:09
crashanddie_I mean, I computed it through an excel spreadsheet, I ran it as a single non-transferable vote, and as a full meek/scottish STV, and all the results were exactly the same10:09
crashanddie_tybollt: the charts are on tmo :P10:09
tybolltmeh :$10:10
johnxI think the batterygraph updates from one source (the most accurate one) and the UI uses multiple sources to "guess" at the battery percentage10:10
johnx(by the UI I mean Nokia's stuff)10:10
tybolltif you get sudden "jumps" when charging a battery10:10
crashanddie_tybollt: no, but it is an important point. It's been 3 elections where there was *no* difference between full SNTV, or any of the STVs (except for cambridge stv, but that always changes everything, and requires two voting sessions)10:11
tybolltand it is consistent throughout a series of charges -> you may have a dead cell in your battery10:11
crashanddie_so why do we bother with the STV if it doesn't change anything?10:11
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jogatybollt: I'm not sure if it's because a couple of days ago I used a nokia charger (with the small tip) with the adapter bundled with n900, and it didn't seem to supply enough power to the device because it shut down while recharging (and playing music). couldn't get it to boot for a while until I let it recharge for half an hour or so, I was worried it somehow damaged the battery but not sure if that's very probable10:12
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tybolltjoga: no10:13
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tybolltjoga: don't worry about it10:13
jogaI let it charge over the night with that same charger, and noted that the graph showed it recharging extremely slowly, like just 30% or so in the course of 7 hours10:13
tybolltjoga: however yes that can happen, that the battery drains although it is being charged10:13
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tybolltjoga: the charger is a charger only - not a PSU10:14
crashanddie_joga: also, please note that you need to "treat your battery well"10:14
crashanddie_joga: I have noticed that if you let your battery drain, the next charge will be "less powerful"10:14
jogaI try not to treat it badly ;)10:14
jogathat was the first time ever that it has drained so completely10:14
crashanddie_joga: however, if you charge it regularly before it drains completely, you get better milleage (at least I do)10:14
crashanddie_If I allow it to drain, I'll be lucky to have a day's use out of it. If I recharge it before it drains completely for 3 or 4 days, I'll get 2 days of use out of the battery10:15
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tybolltI'll make sure to have joga indicted on grounds of battery cruelty10:15
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tybolltthis is outrageous ;-)10:15
jogawhat I'm just curious about is that after I updated batterygraph it seems to be reporting incorrect or imprecise values (or something's wrong with updating it)10:15
crashanddie_~burn joga10:15
* infobot pours gasoline all over joga, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze10:15
jogabut I guess that's not a big deal if it works10:15
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crashanddie_~clamor No to battery abuse10:16
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crashanddie_~answer me10:16
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infobotyes :(10:16
tybollt~sup biatch10:16
johnx~lart crashanddie10:16
* infobot --purges crashanddie10:16
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crashanddie_~rape johnx10:17
* infobot takes johnx behind the WallMart and makes a few grunts and screams10:17
johnxjoga, so it used to show a 'normal' graph while charging?10:17
crashanddie_~spam johnx10:17
* infobot subscribes johnx to every possible mailing list he can find on the 'net AND arranges for johnx to get at least 50 snail mail spams a day10:17
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dan2003i was doin an at-get upgrade last night, which recomened an apt-get -f install, as it was going the status led went white (i though - uhu, reboot iminent, think its the watchdog that does it) and sure enough it rebooted a few seconds later, now the thing reboots consaly just as it start to load the desktop. can this be resolved without reflashing? is there a way to access bootloader menu? (i'm quite experienced with linux so think i have a chnance if i can10:17
dan2003just get to some cmd prompt)10:17
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infobothmm... op is a wallet10:18
jogajohnx: I mean, it used to show a 'precise' graph, ie. such that is constantly updating with proper values while charging (a smooth slope upwards), now I seem to get like "11%...*sudden jump*.....57%.......*sudden jump?*.....x %"10:18
crashanddie_dan2003: do NOT use apt-get upgrade10:18
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crashanddie_joga: the sensor in the battery isn't meant to be extremely accurate10:18
jogajohnx: but I've only got those when I've manually pressed refresh in the graph, not sure if I would get them otherwise10:18
crashanddie_joga: don't forget, it's a phone, not a laptop battery10:18
jogacrashanddie_: point is, it *was* accurate, now it's useless10:19
crashanddie_my bad, i'll stfu10:19
johnxjoga, I still think the best info you'll get will come out of that thread. As I recall, people had very similar questions, and the author explained how he gathered info from the battery10:19
dan2003crashanddie_: oops, one of the fourms on sugests it. was try to resolve a strnage issue where the device reported as beeing on pr1.1.1 but the update manage said it was avaible to be installed, but only via PC10:20
johnxdan2003, off the top of my head, I don't think there's a good way to do what you want10:20
jogajohnx: fair enough, I guess I'll read it when I have time10:20
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* RST38h back10:20
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crashanddie_dan2003: if you're doing it for a specific reason, and it was recommended by a good member on TMO, you should be fine. Sadly sometimes the rootfs can get completely full, which causes stuff to crash, and then when it attempts to boot it crashes again and again10:21
johnxdan2003, wait, are you saying you already have bootmenu installed?10:21
crashanddie_dan2003: unless you have bootmenu installed, you won't be able to access it, as johnx just pointed out while I was writing it10:22
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dan2003johnx: aha, no i have not previosuly installed bootmenu, i was hoping for some key press at boot tat would reveal one or drop me to a rescu shell10:24
* noobmonk3y waves10:24
dan2003the rootfs had around 50meg free last time i checked, (quite recently)10:25
tybolltcrashanddie_: actually I had more problems and more useless laptop batts then had I ever phone ones...10:25
johnxthough I keep wondering if there's anything that prevents a flashable bootmenu-ized initfs from being made except for copyright concerns10:25
crashanddie_did i say the contrary?10:25
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tybolltcrashanddie_: no... I'm just saying :)10:25
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cehtehmy rootfs is full .. grr10:26
noobmonk3ymeh meh10:26
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cehtehi guess thats not fixed in 1.2 .. putting /usr/share on emmc or so10:28
cehtehme does just that now10:28
johnxerrr...just make sure you don't put anything there that's needed before it's mounted ...10:29
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cehtehmhm .. but how?10:30
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* johnx shrugs10:30
dan2003interesting how rthe alarm clock still works and has a ui - i guess thats a seperarte very small fw /(initramfs) ui and sounds all the same as when main ui is running10:30
Stskeepsdan2003: as it in waking up the device?10:31
Stskeepsthat's actually full X :P10:31
dan2003yes, from fully poered off10:31
johnxdan2003, can you get the N900 to be a USB client while in that mode?10:31
dan2003but it wont bootnormally, just keeps rebooting10:31
dan2003i will check10:31
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dan2003might have to wait till 7:30 tomorrow morning tho10:32
cehtehit boots :)10:32
johnxcehteh, lucky lucky10:32
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cehtehi meant for alarm10:32
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cehtehfor share i am still rsyncing10:32
cehtehah done10:32
johnxcehteh, taking bets on it booting? :)10:33
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dan2003from powered off, pluggin usb make the nokia screen comeup, and the MyDocs partition appear as normal, no acess to rootfs by looks of it10:33
cehtehrather, how do  make it bulltet proof10:34
cehtehadding a small boot script which would restore it when the first boot fails10:34
johnxdan2003, I'm trying to think of some way you could get the device to react to a file copied onto that partition10:34
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johnxcehteh, good thought. if I were you, I'd install bootmenu :)10:35
cehtehwhat does that do?10:35
dan2003just someway to dsiable the watchdog would resolve the issue10:35
* johnx wonders if that can still be disable by the flasher10:35
dan2003the white light that comes up saying a reboot is cocuringmust be watchdog realtes - it comes on , but i can see the desktop continueung to load as for a short while after the white light is on10:36
cehtehjohnx: what does bootmenu offer?10:36
styleany ideas why nokia ovi store says that my phone isnt supported?10:36
johnxcehteh, emergency telnetd10:36
cehtehyou have a china clone n900? :)10:36
jogahmm...ok, the battery thing seems to be because apparently charge is not updated while charging (anymore??), if I do lshal|grep charge_level the value only updates a few seconds after I've disconnected the cord10:36
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stylecehteh: no10:37
cehtehjohnx: on what wlan? adhoc?10:37
johnxusb ethernet10:37
cehtehuhm havent set that up, i better make a boot script restoring /usr/share on failure10:38
FredrIQcharging state is really out of sync in N90010:38
johnx(as long as N900 has the same features as N8x0 bootmenu, that is)10:38
FredrIQit's annoying10:38
Stskeepsdoesn't, yet10:38
Stskeeps(usb networking)10:38
johnxah, bummer10:38
* johnx redacts10:38
cehtehhacking a few lines into rcS  ..10:39
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jogaweird anyway...if I scroll back the batterygraph display to the point where the older version was in use, I see smooth slopes when charging, which would indicate that the charge state *does* get updated unless it has just interpolated it somehow, but not anymore10:41
jogaoh well.10:41
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cehteh.. any bets on that? :)10:42
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johnxlooks good. make sure it actually gets run in time :)10:42
* cehteh makes a test with a fake dir10:43
cehteh /etc/init.d/rcS  runs pretty early .. but lemme check10:43
dan2003im trying to use eclipse/esbox to reflash my phone, but at the check phone id stage it keeps tellingme don't have an internet connection! any idea what that is about?10:45
dan2003its always managed to down all the other bits and bobs wen doing development and it decides it needs to install something10:46
johnxwhat OS is your desktop running? Is there a reason you aren't just using the commandline flasher?10:46
* noobmonk3y should really get outta bed n goto work :(10:46
dan2003johnx: Linux/Gentto, only reason is that i didnt know there was one ;010:47
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johnxnoobmonk3y, boooo! don't do that!10:47
noobmonk3yonly got 14 minutes.... :(10:47
johnxI'm helping :)10:47
dan2003ah! i suspeect its my Ornage mobile inernet be as uselss as usueal, when i try to access webpage i just get a squid proxy error atm10:48
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dan2003johnx: thanks, i will check that out10:49
Wolfiehow freaky was this... my N900 was fully charged yesterday as I left the workplace. Now as I came back to work this morning, it beeped of low battery10:49
Stskeepslet it charge when you charge (sleep)10:50
Wolfieand only last weekend I had the phone survive a three-day weekend without recharging10:50
johnx24 hours is closer to normal10:50
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jacekowskiWolfie: skype running?10:50
jacekowskiWolfie: weak gsm coverage?10:50
Wolfiejacekowski: nope. I should've not had any services on10:51
johnxprobably has to do with either 1) usage or if it was just idling in both cases 2) cell tower coverage10:51
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cehtehbtw sip isnt integrated as well as skype or?10:51
Wolfieand the coverage shouldn't be too weak there10:51
jacekowskiyeah coverage is battery killer10:51
noobmonk3yright... work :( see yall laters10:51
dan2003k - brb - need to reconnect my bb10:51
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WolfieYesterday, when i charged the phone via USB, the charging LED did blink weirdly slow...10:51
* johnx brought USB -> micro-A cable to work10:52
Wolfiei'm ready to write this off as a one-off oddity, but thought to ask here if someone else had experienced such fluctiations10:52
johnxI think most people are pretty used to getting a work-day of use or so10:52
johnxalso: keep in mind that running it flat repeatedly will reduce the overall battery lifetime10:53
Wolfiejohnx: are you sure? isn't that NiCD-batteries? isn't the n900 battery a li-ion, meaning it likes to be drained on each cycle, and constantly keeping it in charge will break it easier?10:54
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Wolfiehm, or perhaps I meant NiMH... can't remember10:54
Wolfiethe older ones, anyways :)10:54
johnxWolfie, got it exactly backwards :)10:54
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cehteh /damnit :P10:56
johnxcehteh, not booting?10:57
cehtehbooting test seems to boot twice .. and reactivates the old dir10:57
cehtehi make a dry test :)10:57
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tybolltWolfie: li-ion doesn't like being drained, li-cd does10:58
cehtehcreate a /usr/sharetest and /usr/sharetest.bak  .. and it swaped it in on reboot10:58
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Wolfietybollt: so, li-ion simply doesn't care, it just don't like cycles in general?10:58
johnxtybollt, where can I purchase these li-cd batteries you speak of? :)10:58
tybolltWolfie: li-cd develops "memory" if it is constantly not discharged (that is why licd chargers often comes w/ a "discharge" function).10:58
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Wolfiei've never heard of li-cd...10:59
tybolltnicd - ffs10:59
Wolfieah, thought as much :D10:59
tybolltsplitting cunthairs are we? :)10:59
Wolfienever tried, so couldn't say11:00
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johnxtybollt, crap, I thought I turned that webcam off ... errr O_o;11:00
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Wolfietybollt: actually, it develops bubbles around the anode (or was it cathode. both?), which inhibits the chemicals to react with the metals :)11:02
johnxli-ions and li-polymers don't being deep cycled all the time. only exception is (AFAIR) it's best to store them at 40% of you're planning to not use them for loooong periods of time. They don't have a good shelf life anyways though so it's best to just buy new though11:02
Wolfieor, so was it explained somewhere11:02
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Wolfiejohnx: duly noted11:03
cehtehman ...11:03
cehteheither rcS is called twice .. or a normal shutdown/startup procedure boots the device twice11:04
cehtehi suspect the later11:04
jaskalithium-6 deuteride batteries, good energy density but cant be recharged :)11:04
tybolltwe need fuel cells11:04
johnxI want my 20-year radio-isotope generator ;)11:05
johnxcehteh, think it might be called on shutdown and startup?11:05
tybolltpocket-tjernobyl - today - half price11:05
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johnxmaybe store a timestamp and use that to guess whether it runs twice at boot or once on shutdown, once at boot?11:05
cehtehnormally not11:05
johnxthough I can tell you that lots of stuff in /usr/share is probably needed before /opt is mounted, such as icons and theme pixmaps11:06
cehtehi just double the code that i requires two restarts to activate11:06
cehtehah moment11:06
cehtehi am stupid .. rcS does the mounting11:07
cehtehi put it on /home/share not opt11:07
cehteheh thats the same11:08
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cehtehanother reboot11:10
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cehtehok that twice-checking works11:12
cehtehnow lets get serious11:13
johnxtry johnx->get_serious(): Uncaught exception!11:13
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cehtehwell still booting another time .. :P11:14
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johnxpast 1AM here. 'night all11:17
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cehtehok rebooting ..11:20
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cehtehgreat ... did not work11:24
noobmonk3yany pyqt experts on? :D :D11:25
Wolfienoobmonk3y: try #qt-maemo instead11:25
noobmonk3yIn 3 weeks i have never had one person respond in there11:26
noobmonk3yi find the bbc website has given me more qt advice then #qt-maemo ;)11:26
cehtehbecause no one is expert11:26
noobmonk3ylol cehteh11:26
noobmonk3yi an find lots of examples of what i want on teh web, just not for maemo, when i do it is always gtk :(11:27
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faleI knew that maemo 6 would have been released in the second quarter of 2010, but now, with meego etc, the plan changed?11:29
nidOno, harmattan's basically just been renamed "a meego instance"11:30
falenidO: then it will be released in the second quarter of '10? :)11:31
hrwwho knows...11:31
nidOI dont know that it was ever scheduled for a q2 release11:31
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faleoh, I see11:31
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pupnikso from whence do you 'know' that, fale ?11:32
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falepupnik: it was on en.wikipedia before it was changed after the meego announcement11:33
pupnikinteresting :) ty11:33
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Anss|if it is in wikipedia, it cannot be false then :)11:33
pupniknot for long :)11:34
* Arif_ sneezes11:36
* tybollt sneezes11:37
* nidO cooks more bacon11:37
* Arif_ is done with exams for this week11:37
nidOso many years since I had to sit an exam \o/11:38
Arif_that's because you're old11:38
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nidOa grandad at 25. :<11:38
* tybollt hands Arif_ a bottle of clearasil - here brat - go wild11:39
Arif_that's not edible11:39
Arif_I'd rather have something getting rid of all that hair....11:40
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* RST38h hands Arif_ a propane torch11:53
* Arif_ pokes RST38h with it11:54
* tybollt hands arif gelatinous petrol11:54
* Arif_ sells it11:54
tybolltno, that was a hair removing kit11:54
Arif_comes back after a day anyway11:55
* noobmonk3y hands Arif_ some tweezers11:55
tybolltno that's the point, use that kit and it will not come back11:55
Arif_I'm sure it iwll11:55
nidObe a girl and buy an epilator11:55
* Arif_ goes to hunt for breakfast11:55
noobmonk3yarif - too much bleach = no hair ;)11:55
Arif_aw..but I like my hair.. :D11:56
noobmonk3ysupposedly more stress also = no hair ;)11:56
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* Arif_ hands noobmonk3y some stress11:58
* noobmonk3y fondles the stress11:58
nidOstress? he works for the nhs in their it dept, sits on his ass all day twiddling his thumbs11:58
Arif_it's stressing to decide what to eat for lunch11:59
* tybollt find it appaling how retarded the average american joe (that is opposed to the healthcare reform) is.12:00
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noobmonk3ylol nidO12:00
noobmonk3yslight difference, i'm the lead customer - so my job is to reign in NHS IT peoples.......12:00
noobmonk3yso v stressful!12:00
tybolltzOMG what if I end up in the emergency room at the same time as a poorian \o/12:00
noobmonk3yspend most of my life translating geek into board reports12:00
nidOso you have to make technical shit look flashy and colourful12:01
Arif_tybollt, America has health care? :O12:01
nidOshouldnt be hard12:01
noobmonk3ynidO:  - well bit simpler, i ask, techy people give, i confirm they aint bullshitting, and translate that into english - less colours and no flashyness ;)12:01
Arif_noobmonk3y try making Maemo 5 look flashy and colorful :P12:02
tybolltnoobmonk3y is a marketing person?12:02
nidObut boards like flashy and colourful!12:02
noobmonk3yArif_:  ;) lol..... i know i work miracles n all..... but woah12:02
* tybollt nauseated now :-o :-o12:02
nidOand, knowing the nhs, with the biggest, most overblown budget imaginable attached to the colours12:02
noobmonk3ytybollt:  - technically i'm a techy...... but meh... "advisor/Specialist" according to my job title12:02
noobmonk3ybig budget?12:02
Arif_you specialize in starbucks?12:03
noobmonk3yArif_:  depends what day of the week it is to what i specialise in ;)12:03
noobmonk3ytoday will be pub lunches12:03
lcuknoobmonk3y, you no longer have "hitman" in your job title?12:03
Arif_go eat döner!12:03
noobmonk3ylol lcuk  ;)12:03
* noobmonk3y does want a new job... but the NHS is kinda comfy.......12:04
Arif_does it pay comfy?12:04
noobmonk3yArif_:  i currently have 32 days holiday + bank hols ;)12:04
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noobmonk3ythe lack of pay isnt too bad....12:04
lcukit puts him back together when he gets papercuts from opening computer boxes12:05
noobmonk3ylcuk:  me open things? thats what my staff are for lol12:05
* Arif_ >>MediaPlayer Classic<< [03-30 22-12-06 Alem FM 01.ts] - [00:27:36 / 06:00:02] - [16.96GB (~823.11KB/s) - n/a - N/A]12:07
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crashanddieArif_: no scripts in this channel please12:10
crashanddiewell, no auto-announce scripts12:10
Arif_it's manual12:10
Arif_but ok12:10
crashanddielcuk: what are your thoughts about the elections?12:10
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crashanddie~spank Scelt12:11
* infobot bends Scelt over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on Scelt's pasty white buttocks.12:11
lcukcrashanddie, havent looked yet, wheres the announce12:11
* Scelt giggles12:11
noobmonk3ylcuk: tmo12:12
lcuktells me much i dont randomly browse in daytime, thx crashanddie12:12
noobmonk3y399.... that's still mopre then last one isn't it?12:14
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crashanddienot sure12:14
noobmonk3yahhh the man who will know ;)12:14
noobmonk3ydneary: welcome ;)12:14
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dneary_Anyone want a sneak preview of the election results?12:15
dneary_hi noobmonk3y12:15
noobmonk3ythey are on the forums?!12:15
tybolltdneary_: huh? they are on tmo aren't they?12:15
dnearyHmm - looks like I'm on IRC twice12:15
Stskeepsdneary_: sure, even though people got in early and ran through openstv :P12:15
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noobmonk3ydneary:  -
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noobmonk3ymeh which twin of dneary  or dneary_  are we talking too?! ;)12:16
dneary_tybollt, Link?12:16
noobmonk3yde ja vu12:17
crashanddienoobmonk3y: indeed12:17
dneary_Ah - Crash Anddie did provisional results12:17
dneary_crashanddie, Did you find my "how to generate election results" docs OK?12:17
crashanddiedneary_: didn't use them12:17
Stskeepsresults are same anyway?12:18
crashanddiedneary_: initially just went through the results with an excel spreadsheet (where those graphs come from), then used OpenVST, but I used the wrong algorithm -- all of the results are the same though12:18
dneary_Let's hope so...12:18
Stskeeps(and what are the url for those?)12:18
dneary_Same on first count...12:18
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dneary_Stskeeps, If you look in "Maemo.org_team" there are some links under my name for various docmaster processes12:19
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Stskeepsdneary_: cool12:19
dneary_Stskeeps, See "Task:Document processes"12:19
crashanddiedneary_: I did first count, scottish vst, meek vst, then lma pointed me to fractional12:20
crashanddieluckily they all give the same results12:21
Stskeepslooks like a good council this time around12:23
dneary_crashanddie, Yup, fractional's what we use, because the results are reproducible12:23
dneary_Same result every time12:23
* Jaffa waits for dneary's official results before modifying his signature ;-)12:24
crashanddieJaffa: you need to be sworn in, Valerio has to spit on your hair.12:24
dneary_crashanddie, There were some close run eliminations... in round 5, Cosimo was eliminated with 21.417 votes, and hopbeat had 22.06712:24
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crashanddiedneary_: you're talking chinese right about now :P12:26
crashanddiedneary_: I just run excel spreadsheets and then discovered openvst :P12:26
Arif_home/user is root right?12:26
dneary_Open STV12:26
crashanddiesame thing12:26
Arif_as in rootfs12:26
dneary_"Single transferrable vote"12:26
crashanddieyeah yeah, I'm tired mate12:26
dneary_You French, always looking to change acronyms12:27
* Arif_ wonders how Quake3 is going to fit there12:27
dneary_UN won't do, it has to be ONU12:27
crashanddienot french you plonker12:27
dneary_AIDS has to be SIDA12:27
dneary_Same thing12:27
* Jaffa grins12:27
* RST38h plugs SCART into dneary12:27
crashanddielol... SCART = PERITEL12:27
dneary_RST38h, What's SCART again?12:27
crashanddiehaha, pre-emptive translation12:28
dneary_JaviSPedro got elected ahead of andy80 on tmo transfers, basically12:28
RST38hNot that it is going to change anything though...12:28
dneary_yodude, zehjotkah, hopbeat12:28
dneary_+7, +4, +5 for javispedro, +2, +3, +3 for andy8012:29
dneary_Stretched his lead from 8 in round 4 to 17 in round 812:30
dneary_Well, I find stuff like that interesting & useful12:30
RST38hOnly useful if the council does something useful.12:31
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pupniklet some sign ndas and provide some early testing acces for early feedback12:32
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tybolltgood thing GenA is in there12:39
tybollta bit of healthy scpticism (IMHO :)12:39
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tybolltalthough he's been largely invisible in here for some time now (campaigning? :)12:40
madduckhow does one dial those special codes, e.g. *#06# with the n900?12:40
tybolltdid you just ask that? :S12:41
madduckdid i?12:41
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SpeedEvilmadduck, ussd widget12:42
SpeedEvilin extras12:42
SpeedEvilor is it -devel12:42
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madduckfound, thanks!12:43
mecelots of fun threads on tmo today. Must be frid.... wait what?12:43
noobmonk3ymece: pr1.2.1.1 out already?! ;)12:43
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madduckhm, ussd-widget is not quite what I was looking for, it seems to be a automation widget for ussd queries12:44
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madducki want to do one-time things (e.g. recharge my prepay)12:45
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tybolltmadduck: if toy flip your phone over12:46
mecenoobmonk3y, Yeah.. it escaped captivity apparently.12:46
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tybolltmadduck: you get a calling interface - right? where you can make phone calls12:46
tybolltmadduck: know that one?12:46
tybolltmadduck: there's a dial pad there12:46
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madducktybollt: it does not accept USSD codes12:47
tybolltehr sure it does12:47
madduckdid you try it?12:47
tybolltdid YOU12:47
madduckit works for *#06#12:47
madduckbut it does not work for the USSD codes my provider gives me12:47
tybolltpoint in bloody case12:47
mecewhat format are cursors in?12:48
madducksays "invalid number"12:48
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KhertanHi !12:48
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meceoh xcursor is a file format.12:49
mecehow interesting.12:49
nidOinstall ussd widget12:49
nidOthen install ussd dialpad12:49
nidOdial number12:49
mecenidO, you forgot the most important step: ?12:50
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madducknidO: cannot find ussd dialpad though. :(12:50
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mecemadduck, it's a widget12:52
meceoh. righty, my bad.12:52
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Khertan^^ funny :)12:53
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meceKhertan, :D:D12:53
mecealso, having wind trapped can cause serious pain sometimes. Not something to laugh about. *giggle*12:54
madducka bit of a shame i need a separate dial pad for ussd12:54
mecemadduck, not for long I hear.12:55
noobmonk3ymece:  hush your rumours!12:55
meceI also hear that Kevin Spacey is gay.12:55
RST38hKhertan: I have to admit that the level of humor on tmo has somewhat...fallen12:55
noobmonk3ythat aint no rumour12:55
meceRST38h, low-brow, is the best brow!12:56
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Khertan4D ... what a wonderfull dev language ... where -0 isn't equal to 012:58
Khertanhuhu funny !12:58
Khertanlost 3 hours to understand why i got a bug in one of my soft !12:58
SpeedEvilthat is a data type thing12:58
Khertanfor a long int ?12:58
SpeedEvilit can be more efficient on some hardware12:59
Khertanhumm ...12:59
Khertanyep but it s not happen everywhere12:59
Khertanjust under some case12:59
Khertanlike running the soft on seven :)12:59
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Khertanand of course the internal debugger doesn't show you -0 :)13:00
Khertanbut zero13:00
Khertanelse it ll not be funny13:00
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ccookeMorning, all13:00
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SpeedEvilthat is a bug13:01
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SpeedEvilif the language differentiates, the debugger needs to too.13:01
Arif_can you set the calendar to start in month view?13:01
SpeedEvilfile a bug.13:01
KhertanSpeedEvil: not from the point of view of the developpers of the software :)13:01
KhertanSpeedEvil: lol... if only they have a bug tracker13:02
marmouteHow are the -0 "int" stored in memory...13:02
tbfKhertan: signed zero comes from IEEE 754 -−0_(number)13:02
tbfKhertan: but yes, proper implementations of IEEE 754 shall treat +0 as equal to -013:02
marmouteas tbf point it should be stored in float to get signed zéro.13:02
Khertantbf: but as they didn't follow everythings else of ieee 754 ... why just this part :)13:03
marmouteand most processors an IEE754 capable now13:03
Khertanand ... hum ... it s clearly a bug13:03
Lumpio-Wait, -0 in an integer? >_>13:03
Khertanyep :)13:03
Lumpio-What are you running on, one's complement?13:03
Khertanhey ... it s a rad ... not a low language :)13:04 :)13:04
Lumpio-Looks awful13:04
Lumpio-By the looks of it it's aimed more at tie-wearing managers than programmers13:04
Khertannot false13:05
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marmouteone's complement integer. I don't wanna look any  benchmark for this13:05
juhovh4D doesn't have true, it has only not false :P13:05
mecehey so you think n900 could render cursor if one replaces the transparent cursor with a visible one?13:05
Khertanin fact ... there is true, false and undefined13:06
juhovhKhertan: seriously?13:06
Lumpio-True, False and FileNotFound13:06
crashanddiewe all know 0 doesn't exist13:06
Kurppa_mece: it can render the cursor, I've seen it in a couple of softwares.13:06
Jaffadneary_: How's it going with official results?13:07
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dneary_Jaffa: They'll be in the DB in a minute13:07
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Jaffadneary_: Cool, thanks13:08
meceKurppa_, ok.. it's xcursor I guess.13:08
meceit doesn't have xcursorgen, but I guess if I generate a cursor in debian I can copy it to the phone..13:09
tbfmece: it's a regular xorg server. you just have to show a cursor. check the browser for instance.13:10
mecetbf, I meant on the desktop, not in a particular program. Anyway the default cursors are all symlinked to a transparent cursor it seems.13:11
Khertanjuhovh: yep :)13:11
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Kurppa_At least in some early builds, the cursor was visible by default.13:11
Kurppa_On desktop as well.13:11
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tybolltthat ought to be swedentoid_mbp13:18
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pupnik13-18 fish on bunny hill :/13:34
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GAN900tybollt, sorry, been busy lately. ;)13:39
* noobmonk3y relaxes........13:40
* noobmonk3y relaxed too much........ something smells........13:40
Arif_on what memory is /home/user/ located?13:41
noobmonk3ythats the 32gigger isnt it?13:41
noobmonk3ymydocs is under that?13:41
Arif_isn't that MyDocs13:41
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noobmonk3ywell mydocs is in user isnt it?13:41
Arif_that's the weirdness of Linux13:42
* noobmonk3y runs a df13:42
Arif_any folder can be anywhere13:42
noobmonk3ygood point13:42
noobmonk3ymydocs is somewhere else13:42
Arif_I want to install quake 313:43
Arif_but it tells me to put stuff in /home/user/.q3a13:43
* Arif_ has the feeling that's the 256MB chip13:43
noobmonk3yhmm dont think so13:43
noobmonk3yhome opt is13:44
lcukno thats on a 2gb partition13:44
lcuksame as opt13:44
lcuk/home/user is part of it13:44
noobmonk3ythats what i meant13:44
lcuk/home/opt too13:44
noobmonk3ylcuk: was just being cleverererer13:44
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* Arif_ downloa......finds his Q3 CD13:44
lcuk/home/user/MyDocs is a bigger partition13:44
Arif_I know there's 27GB, 2GB, and 256MB13:44
lcukVDVsx, morning, you arent council anymore :p13:44
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lcukthank you for your hard service :)13:45
noobmonk3yawwwwwww poor VDVsx13:45
* noobmonk3y wants VDVsx back on the council, where do i vote? ;)13:45
rmrfchikkick him from channel then?13:45
VDVsxlcuk, aahha, was just about to request a change to my cloak13:45
* noobmonk3y is eating wotsits13:45
tybolltrmrfchik: how russian of you... next will you suggest gulag? :)13:45
lcukVDVsx, what color cloak are you getting this time? :)13:46
rmrfchiktybollt: gulag in anachronizm. we use nanojail today13:46
VDVsxblack one :)13:46
X-Fadelcuk: invisibility cloak :)13:46
rmrfchikall in russia is nano, if u don't know13:46
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tybolltrmrfchik: na z'darovje tovarich13:46
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lcukX-Fade, lol13:46
rmrfchiktybollt: matrieshka! balalaika!13:47
* Arif_ waves at X-Fade with a stick13:48
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* noobmonk3y blames lcuk for being out of date already!13:48
dneary_Took a while because of a little permissions issue, but thanks to Niels the results are official & online now:
dneary_Jaffa, Happy? :)13:49
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noobmonk3ywell done dneary_13:49
* Arif_ never heard of some of those people :P13:50
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* noobmonk3y thinks Arif_ needs to troll more often13:51
dneary_noobmonk3y, Thanks - although the 400 people who voted did the hard work :)13:51
Arif_pf, I never troll13:51
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X-FadeArif_: Who? "Exhausted", "Surplus" and "Threshold" ? :D13:51
noobmonk3ydneary_:  397.... + 2 who obviously didn't ;)13:51
dneary_Interesting to see the transfer patterns, though - esp. for the 4, 5 & 6 place finishers13:51
rmrfchikunfair! when I tried to troll you... you... ignore me!13:51
noobmonk3yrmrfchik:  did you troll in russian? ;)13:51
Arif_hopbeat, zehjotkah, andy8013:52
noobmonk3ywow... under the influence of vodka?13:52
rmrfchikengrish as usual13:52
Arif_first time I read those nicks :D13:52
noobmonk3ydarn, i must have been on a trolling holiday when you trolled :(13:52
dneary_Atilla got elected on transfers from Texrat and Jaffa's surplus, and Andrew Black's elimination13:52
dneary_Attila, I mean13:52
noobmonk3yArif_: hopbeat and zehj are always on tmo13:52
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rmrfchiknoobmonk3y: there is no "influence of vodka" in russia. there is "influence of vodka absence"13:52
noobmonk3ylol rmrfchik13:52
MarcusMJUST UNBOXED MY n900! :o13:53
MarcusMit's pretty :')13:53
dneary_JaviSPedro vgot elected mostly on transfers from hopbeat, zehjotkah and YoDude, which put him quite far ahead of andy8013:53
tybolltMarcusM: lucky basterd ;)13:53
noobmonk3yyay MarcusM13:53
Arif_MarcusM IS IT SHINY AND BLACK?13:53
rmrfchikMarcusM: box it back! it going to eat you.13:53
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Arif_with some camera silver thingy13:53
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MarcusMI will not do such thing!13:53
MarcusMive waited for the mailman to come for 3 hours now13:53
tybollta true nerd indeed13:54
tybolltwelcome, you're among friends13:54
Arif_take off the black thing from the screen13:54
Lumpio-remember to put the battery in before charging13:54
* tybollt spanks arif - be nice. :)13:54
Arif_I am!13:54
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Nitialomg, almost wasted my money to apple remote.. bluemaemo ftw!13:54
FredrIQi didn't charge before first run. :313:54
tybolltNitial: Huh?13:55
dneary_So the tmo pary got Texrat and JaviSPedro elected, while the ml party got Jaffa, GA and Attila elected13:55
rmrfchikNitial: the right sentence is "wasted my money to apple" period.13:55
dneary_(that's an unfair categorisation but hey...)13:55
rmrfchikdespite "remote/whatever"13:55
Arif_someone get QtIrrecco to work13:55
lcukdneary_, how do you know which groups elected who?13:55
MiXu-Arif_: Amen13:55
nidOqtirreco works fine13:56
nidOjust most of the remotes are borked13:56
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nidOrecord working ones and theyll run with it fine13:56
Arif_then tell me how to get proper remotes for a TechnoTrend S2-320013:56
nidOget an ir rx, record the codes, and write the config file13:56
Arif_get a whatnow?13:56
dneary_And you could identify tmo candidates as Texrat, JaviSPedro, zehjotkah, YoDude and hopbeat, and ml candidates as Jaffa, GA, Attila77, andy80 and andrewfblack13:56
nidOinfrared receiver13:56
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X-Fadeirreco works fine, although the ir power is so limited you need to be very close and aim rather precise.13:56
SpeedEvilIR ecieveer.13:56
dneary_lcuk, You look at where the transfers went13:57
MiXu-nidO: N900 doesn't have a receiver? O_o13:57
FredrIQthe first thing i downloaded was xchat. :P13:57
dneary_Eg: look at how many 1st preference votes JaviSPedro got: 32.0013:57
SpeedEvilwhere is the xmitter? Next to the shitter button?13:57
MiXu-Oh O_o13:57
tybolltnidO: that's an awfull lot of work... lirc is huge it should have all the remotes needed I don't see what qtirreco can fail there :-|13:57
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nidOwell. I saw speculation a while back that there is actually a receiver in there13:57
MarcusMhow do i update this beast? :P the firmware13:57
nidObut just no software for it13:57
SpeedEvilnidO, there is not13:57
dneary_Then you look at how many he ended up with in the decisive round (round 8 for him): 55.713:58
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cos^what's the status of maemo development on 64-bit os  nowadays?13:58
tybolltSpeedEvil: most... epic... freudian slip.. evah...13:58
nidOtybollt - the lirc remotes can be used by rewriting them to be formatted correctly13:58
SpeedEvilnidO, the only way round is possibly using the camera.13:58
cos^last time i checked scratchbox didin't work very well on a 64bit distro13:58
lcukahh dneary i see13:58
nidOassuming there is actually a remote for the device you want and it has the right codes in them13:58
dneary_And you see where the extra 23 votes came from, 17 of them came from the eliminations & transfer of votes from hopbeat, zehjotkah and YoDude13:58
tybolltnidO: \o/ I don't want to freaking rewrite anything, grrr13:58
X-FadeBuy a $2 lirc device and record codes on your PC :)13:59
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dneary_Do the same for Attila, you'll see that he didn't do well compared to JaviSP in the transfers of those candidates, but did a lot better in the distribution of Javva & Texrat's surplus, and in the elimination of andrewfblack13:59
FredrIQmarcusm, go to program manager, click upgrade13:59
MarcusMFredrIQ: And that updates it? Perfect, thanks!13:59
dneary_(he went from 29 1st pref votes to 74 in round 8)13:59
FredrIQbut it will discover it self after ½h14:00
MiXu-Ok, so the way I see it, QtIrreco just needs to support lirc config files, right?14:00
X-FadeMiXu-: it does?14:00
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MiXu-What was the talk about rewriting configs?14:00
dneary_And those extra 45 votes came from texrat (+7), Jaffa (+4), andrewfblack (+9) and hopbeat (+17)14:01
nidOit does, but a sizeable portion of them dont work properly without adjusting their names and a bit of the formatting. I dont know whwether thats a problem with the configs, or with qtirreco14:01
ahmedammarhello all, I have some questions regarding xserver-xorg-video-fbdev_0.4.0 in maemo5 sources14:01
dneary_Oh - interesting14:01
MiXu-ah, got it.14:01
dneary_Is hopbeat a member of the Developer's Party, with Attila, andrewfblack & andy80, perhaps?14:01
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dneary_(this is all me talking out of my ass, for the most part)14:02
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MarcusMif my "connect automaticly" is set to "WLAN" it only does WLAN, right?14:02
MarcusMso i dont have to fear a high fee14:02
Stskeeps:nod: monitor your phone icons though14:02
ahmedammaranyone know if I should be able to build this on non maemo system? I can't find whereEURASIA_TAG_STRIDE_* are defined14:02
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* Arif_ offers MarcusM a better 3G plan14:04
X-Fadeahmedammar: My guess is that that is from SGX drivers.14:04
Jaffadneary_: I'd categorise neither hopbeat nor andrewfblack as developers really14:05
Jaffadneary_: Although I could be doing them a disservice.14:05
ahmedammarX-Fade, great, but which version of these drivers are being used?14:05
X-Fadeahmedammar: Depends on the release.14:05
dneary_Jaffa, When trying to identify "constituencies", it's best to figure out whose supporters also voted for other candidates (1 2 or 2 1)14:05
ahmedammarX-Fade, freemantle?14:05
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dneary_So I'm open to your suggestions :)14:06
X-Fadeahmedammar: That doesn't exist.14:06
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ahmedammarX-Fade, maemo5? sorry I don't know much about maemo releases14:06
X-Fadeahmedammar: But if you mean fremantle, it still depends on which sdk release.14:06
Stskeepseurasia sounds like SGX14:06
ahmedammarX-Fade, I just wanted to try out this fbdev on an omap14:06
MarcusMStskeeps: How can I see if it's using WLAN?14:07
StskeepsMarcusM: icons in status menu is different14:07
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Stskeepsread the manual, please :(14:07
Stskeepser, :)14:07
ahmedammarStskeeps, X-Fade, i agree, i just can't find them defined in last two TI Graphics SDKS and
MarcusMits in swedish while im danish14:07
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MarcusMwait, norwegian i think14:07
Stskeepsahmedammar: nokia's sgx libs are modded14:07
Arif_3G is a round white icon thingy14:08
ahmedammarStskeeps, great :(14:08
ahmedammarwell that's not very open.14:08
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Stskeepsahmedammar: looked at the maemo omap project?14:08
Stskeepsand maemo isn't open, just 43%14:08
Jaffadneary_: Some kind of cluster plot of votes would be cool; might help identify the groups for labelling purposes14:08
Arif_wlan looks like a dot with half round circles above it14:08
MarcusMthe updater seems a little slow.14:09
dneary_Jaffa, That soulds like a nice little project for you to take on ;)14:09
Arif_what updater?14:09
MarcusMfirmware updater I believe it is14:09
MarcusMwhile lookin gfor updates, not updating14:09
Arif_yeah that can take a while14:09
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StskeepsMarcusM: so you got a paper route to pay it off14:10
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MarcusMStskeeps: Nope, I got my dad to pay the 50%, which I then have to pay back by my library work ._.14:10
StskeepsMarcusM: ah, you'll love your n900 at a library14:10
MarcusMI'm putting the books in the right place etc14:10
MarcusMStskeeps: Indeed :P rofl14:11
Arif_sounds interesting14:11
Stskeepsdecent money14:11
Arif_the N900 has a lot of ways to entertain you...14:11
ahmedammarStskeeps, ok, when you say the sgx is moded, where are the mods? are they available as the patches to the kernel in kernel-omap3.git?14:12
Arif_too bad most isn't done properly :(14:12
dneary_Jaffa, I was going to announce the election results...14:13
Stskeepsahmedammar: the libs are modded14:14
Stskeepskernel part too-ish14:14
ahmedammarStskeeps, yeah i've read that14:16
ahmedammarStskeeps, so how has nokia modified the libs? they got access to the source from imgtec?14:16
ahmedammarStskeeps, is this tied to an old DSS as well?14:17
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Stskeepsahmedammar: you're asking a lot of questions i have no idea about :)14:17
Stskeepsi doubt it is tied to an old dss, considering maemo runs dss214:17
ahmedammarStskeeps, any idea who would have more knowledge?14:18
Stskeepsahmedammar: well, let's start out with what you're trying to accomplish14:18
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noobmonk3yto rule the world pinky.....14:18
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ahmedammarStskeeps, basically I would like an accelerated X using SGX14:19
* noobmonk3y hums the pinky and the brain theme tune......14:19
ahmedammarStskeeps, only ppl that seem to have that are maemo.14:19
ahmedammarso here I am :)14:19
* Arif_ whistles14:19
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Stskeepsahmedammar: right14:21
Jaffadneary_: Indeed14:21
Stskeepsahmedammar: the key is in building the xserver-xorg-video-fbdev against the sgx14:21
ahmedammarStskeeps, indeed, and i'm so close.14:21
Stskeepsahmedammar: what errors are you getting?14:21
ahmedammarStskeeps, i'll show you, but the lack of EURASIA_TAG_STRIDE_* definitions was my first hit14:22
Stskeepsahmedammar: that's kinda awkward, is that in the fbdev source?14:22
ahmedammarStskeeps, if you have a maemo sdk installed can you search for those defines?14:22
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ahmedammarStskeeps, yes.14:22
Stskeepscould you pastebin me the section? i'm kinda in the middle of something :)14:23
ahmedammarStskeeps, i'm in the process of installing the sdk just to find out what the heck nokia has done.14:23
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ahmedammarStskeeps, sure, sec, need to get to where I was before downgrading all sorts of X14:24
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* noobmonk3y is collllllllld14:27
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* Arif_ is h....wait14:28
MarcusMwhen im trying to update, it says "Resolving host timed out:
MarcusMon some of the catalogues14:28
Stskeepsare you on wifi?14:28
Arif_I get the same14:28
MarcusMor what it's called in english (god, i hate to use a danish version)14:28
Arif_I just tried to update14:28
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Arif_well, check for14:28
MarcusMfor? :p14:29
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Arif_for updates14:29
Arif_maybe thats why the process went so fast14:30
MarcusMit didnt find any, due to that error on 3 of them14:30
MarcusMit wasnt that fast tbh14:30
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MarcusMtrying the lovely x-term<3 apt-get update14:31
MarcusMdo i need root for that?14:31
Arif_use the damn app manager14:31
Arif_you nerd14:31
MarcusMwell, that thing isnt working ;P14:31
X-FadeMarcusM: AM calls apt, so the result should not be different.14:32
Arif_then fix it!14:32
MarcusMbut how :(14:32
StskeepsMarcusM: don't use apt-get if you're a new user, it will potentially destroy your device14:32
Stskeepsas in, your current setup14:32
MarcusMStskeeps: I'm kind of used to apt-get with Ubuntu14:33
Arif_he just got it, I doubt he has sest up anything :(14:33
MarcusMI dunno how to fix the damn app manager14:33
MarcusMwith the resolving host blabla14:33
StskeepsMarcusM: try to turn off wifi power saving14:33
Sceltso pr1.2 is out now?14:33
Arif_it is14:33
X-FadeMarcusM: Can you browse other sites in your browser?14:33
SceltArif_: dunno. im asking14:33
Arif_I heard its not14:33
MarcusMgiving it a shot X-Fade, just got it so, gotta get used to it :P14:34
Sceltis it ever gonna be?14:34
Arif_no14:34 works perfect14:34
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MarcusMProgram Manager -> Update -> Errors :(14:36
X-FadeMarcusM: Disconnect from wifi and connect again?14:36
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MarcusMi'll run the update one more time and try that14:36
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MarcusMnow it is stuck on "Checking for updates, please wait "14:38
MarcusMhaven't got any % at all14:38
Arif_that takes a while14:38
MarcusMthe first one even?14:38
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Arif_all of them14:39
Arif_mine sits at the start, fills up in a second14:39
Arif_then deplates and fills again!14:39
MarcusMlooking in the manual, it says that if there's a "programvare", I assume that is firmware, it should indicate a [!] logo on the status field14:40
* noobmonk3y is off to the pub14:40
Arif_the ! means any program has an update14:40
Arif_if it's new firmware it'll say Maemo 5 in the update menu14:40
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Stskeepsmy god, i have to shoot some documentation writers for their horrid danish14:41
Arif_Danish for firmware I guess :P14:41
asjyou won't miss it14:41
MarcusMArif_: nah, norwegian. The manual is norwegian ._.14:42
MarcusMquestion though: what is all this talk about having to flash the n900 to update the firmware?14:42
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X-FadeMarcusM: How about you change the language to English and leave it there :)14:42
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Arif_if you use it like an idiot you need to flash it with the PC :P14:42
MarcusMX-Fade good idea :P14:42
* MohammadAG needs quick help, PLEASE!14:42
MarcusMArif_: But some places it says you have to flash it before updating14:42
MohammadAGvolume key isn't raising volume, blocker in calls14:43
X-FadeMohammadAG: Key stuck? Or can you set the volume in the top menu?14:43
MohammadAGX-Fade, noobmonk3y's healthcheck detects it14:44
MarcusMsudo gainroot: enable RD mode if you want _break_ your device14:44
MohammadAGMarcusM, rootsh, it's in extras14:44
X-FadeMohammadAG: Don't trust someone called noobmonk3y ;)14:44
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MohammadAGi'm not sure which app to blame this one14:45
Arif_MohammadAG you need to press left to increase volume in calls? :o14:46
MohammadAGused picodrive, sixaxis driver and bluemaemo14:46
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MohammadAGArif_, no software respone14:46
MohammadAGcalls songs media player w/e14:46
X-FadeMohammadAG: Reboot doesn't help?14:46
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Arif_maybe the button is broken14:47
MohammadAGX-Fade, first thing I tried14:47
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MohammadAGArif_, it shows up as a press in healthcheck14:47
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MohammadAGi actually thought the button was broke14:47
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X-FadeMohammadAG: And pressing the other side of the button doesn't register?14:48
MohammadAGX-Fade, both buttons register as presses, but they don't change volume14:48
MohammadAGoh and they work in xchat14:49
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MohammadAGchannel right/left14:49
X-FadeThere must be some deamon listening to those events.14:49
ahmedammarStskeeps, got my link?14:49
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MarcusMupdate manager still stuck on "checking for updates ._:14:50
Arif_maybe there a lot of updates! :P14:50
StskeepsMarcusM: what wifi AP do you have?14:50
MohammadAGUGH kernel is a broken package14:50
MohammadAGwtf nokia14:50
MarcusMap means?14:50
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MohammadAGaccess point14:50
MiXu-Updating the package list takes a long time for extras-devel14:51
StskeepsMohammadAG: broken?14:51
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MiXu-could be something like 20 seconds14:51
MarcusMMiXu-: haven't done that yet. Just got the n900 like an hour ago14:51
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Arif_and already you broke it14:51
MohammadAGStskeeps, keys work, function doesn't14:51
StskeepsMohammadAG: what?14:52
MarcusMtrying to translate now: "Some catalogues aren't reachable. Check the details etc"14:52
Arif_I had the same :D14:52
Arif_with the media player14:52
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MarcusMthen it says "Resolving host timed out:" again :(14:52
MohammadAGStskeeps, lol thought you were talking about my problem14:52
MohammadAGkernel-flasher: PreDepends: kernel (= 2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5+0hid1) but 2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5 is to be installed14:52
StskeepsMohammadAG: 'kernel is a broken package'14:52
MarcusMwhen i go there, it says permission denied14:53
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StskeepsMarcusM: go into settings->internet connections and find the place where you disable power saving14:53
Arif_I too get access denied14:53
MarcusMprolly because its from pc though Arif_14:53
twoutersMarcusM: do you have rootsh installed? Because then you would be able to run apt-get from xterm and see what that gives14:54
Stskeepstwouters: DNS not resolving is not really a apt problem, connectivity is14:54
MohammadAGdoes the multiple line C++ comment work in a sources.list file?14:55
twoutersoh. didn't notice that resolving issues were mentioned14:56
MarcusMStskeeps: I dont see such thing there. hmm, ill keep looking14:56
twoutersMohammadAG: don't think so14:56
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MohammadAGdropped my N900 onto a thick carpet today, and the slider is more firm14:58
MarcusMweird. it can download rootsh, but not update...14:58
Stskeepsthick carpets are dangerous for n900s14:58
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MohammadAGStskeeps, lol14:58
Arif_MarcusM, powersaving is in advanced AP settings14:59
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MarcusMArif_: aha, okay (:14:59
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MarcusMfor some reason, I see the machine working when doing apt-get update.15:00
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talmaiI have a problem submiting package to extras-devel nonfree15:02
talmaii got the invite, set the public key on account settings but i get an error "permission denied (publickey)"15:03
MarcusMhow do i check the firmware version btw?15:04
MarcusMuname -r?15:04
Arif_settings>device info15:04
Arif_...or that15:04
Arif_its at the bottom though!15:04
X-Fadetalmai: What is your username?15:04
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MarcusMversion 2.2009.51-1?15:05
MarcusM /cry15:05
Arif_that's pr1.115:05
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X-Fadetalmai: Ah, was looking at your issue.15:05
Arif_but 1.1.1 doesn't fix anything noteworthy anyway15:05
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MarcusMwould be nice eto have it working though :D15:05
X-Fadetalmai: We are having a problem with the creation of homedirs because of the number of users.15:06
X-FadeLinux complains about more than 32k links on ext3.15:06
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X-FadeWe now need to move homedirs to another structure, so it will take some time for this to be fixed.15:06
MarcusMwhe nupdating, should the Distribution and Components be empty? (In the catalogue details)15:06
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talmaiX-fade: thanks for the info15:07
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Arif_mm, no?15:07
X-Fadetalmai: Will reply to your mail as soon as we have fixed this.15:07
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aolcan I launch application menu and the battery level menu through DBUS ?15:08
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aolI already know how to minimize the app for task switcher15:08
MohammadAG_nope, kernel reflash didn't work15:09
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MohammadAG_i wonder what the daemon is15:10
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JaffaX-Fade: Did you see the request to remove qype from the repos btw? Developer is getting disgruntled:
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X-FadeJaffa: Sorry, talk is so much noise lately I don't have time to follow it.15:14
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lcuki hope thats not the developers official request15:14
tybolltaol: me too!15:15
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tybolltwhile :; do /msg aol me too! ; done15:15
MarcusMcould someone explain what a DNS is? i think my problem is the same as
JaffaX-Fade: The request was made to maemo-developers IIRC15:15
aoltybollt: err what?15:16
hrwJaffa: confirmed15:16
X-FadeHmm I really must have missed it.15:16
nidOMarcusM: dns is what turns a domain name into an IP that's routable to the system hosting the site/content in question15:17
nidObeyond that, it gets complicated for end-users.15:17
X-FadeJaffa: Removed now.15:17
Surfaand vice versa15:17
MarcusMhmm. shit :/ very annoying if it wont start working ._.15:17
JaffaX-Fade: Thanks15:17
nidOalso, tmo just died for me, so im guessing there are problems15:17
Jaffatmo dead?15:18
MarcusMi can easily install apps, but I cant update. wtf :S15:18
X-FadeMarcusM: Try 3G?15:18
MarcusMX-Fade: Wouldn't want to use money on that when I can use the wifi right next om ._.15:19
MarcusMto me15:19
MarcusMbtw, where is ifconfig in X-Term?15:19
X-FadeMarcusM: N900 and no unlimited 3G?15:19
Ken-YoungMarcusM, /sbin/ifconfig15:19
* Arkenoi noticed strange thing in 3g networks: "bad" spots which may drain your battery in 3-4 hours (!) and keep draining even while charger is plugged in (the phone consumes more power than charger can provide)15:20
Arif_I keep accidentally resetting my data counter ;(15:20
Arkenoii am unlucky to have one of those happen to be at my home in St Petersburg15:20
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nidOif you're in a crappy reception area 3g will gobble your battery very quickly15:20
MarcusMcould someone explain why the n900 can install apps, but not update? :P heh15:21
kyle__my data counter widget keeps going to some random negative number once i hit > 2GB15:22
aolMarcusM: I have same problem on tha application manager. apt-get upgrade still works15:23
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MarcusMand that works just as apt-get update?15:23
aolyou need to do 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade'15:24
aolupdate just updates the repository info15:24
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MarcusMim sad :(15:28
MiXu-Which repository fails to update?15:29
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MarcusMi start getting errors on the downloads one15:29
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MiXu-that's odd15:30
MarcusM85% [Working]15:30
MarcusMBAM ERROR15:30
MiXu-do you get an error code in the log?15:30
MarcusMcould it be the httpS?15:30
MarcusMresolving host timed out:
StskeepsMarcusM: did you turn off power saving?15:31
MiXu-Does it say access denied if you open that url with your pc?15:31
MarcusMStskeeps: Yep.15:31
MarcusMyes, MiXu15:31
Surfaresolving works fine with me15:31
MiXu-you can 1) try changing your dns or 2) use the direct ip to
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MarcusMby pinging I guess?15:32
Surfai suggest that you wait an hour or two and stop debugging for now :)15:32
MiXu-well yes, you can get the IP by pinging :)15:32
MarcusMSurfa: Are you sure that'll work? :P15:32
Surfayoure probably not finding anything and it starts to work anyway15:32
nidOswitch your dns servers for the connection to those provided by opendns15:32
nidOthen retry it15:32
MiXu-or google's dns: and
Surfabot sure but it's very likely15:33
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Surfanot :)15:33
MarcusMMiXu-: as prim and the other as sec?15:33
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MarcusMtrying the google dns now15:35
Surfathis somehow sounds useless unless you absolutely need to do something right now15:35
MarcusMI had the exact though15:36
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MarcusMMiXu-: Same error with google dns15:38
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MarcusMhow would i copy my sim contacts?15:40
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noobmonk3yX-Fade:  lol!15:49
* noobmonk3y was at the pub :D15:49
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andrewfblackGAN900: that site you tested for me yesterday did you test menu on N900 or computer?15:50
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ahmedammarStskeeps, ok after getting the sdk I found those definitions15:54
ahmedammar/usr/include/SGX/hwdefs/sgxdefs.h:#define EURASIA_TAG_STRIDE_THRESHOLD015:54
ahmedammarStskeeps, so do you know someone I can get in touch with to find out how nokia have managed to modify the sgx libs?15:54
MarcusMSurfa: Do you srsly think it is possible it will get fixed sometime?15:55
* Arif_ sneezes15:56
Stskeepsahmedammar: give maemo-developers@ mailing list a try15:56
Surfamarcusm, typically dns problems do, but of course i cant be sure15:57
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MarcusMSurfa: I'd have to ask my father about it.. Can you recommend me any apps etc? (:15:57
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MarcusMdamn that FM sender is epic!16:00
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MarcusMis the device made for a little vibration when pressing on the touchscreen?16:02
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MarcusMsometimes it does that16:02
toggles_wMarcusM: yes, you can turn it off16:02
andrewfblackMicroB is still based on Mozzila right?16:02
MarcusMtoggles_w: Lovely16:02
toggles_wdrove me insane, felt like the build quality was crap16:03
Sceltandrewfblack: or was it Mozzaralle?16:03
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MarcusMtoggles_w: exactly! it scared me...16:03
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andrewfblackCan't figure out why Microb wont let me change a <div> from hidden to show16:04
ahmedammarStskeeps, ok, thanks for the help.16:05
X-Fadeandrewfblack: display or visibility?16:05
andrewfblackX-Fade: visibility16:05
X-Fadeandrewfblack: visibility:visible ?16:06
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noobmonk3yMarcusM: ?16:07
noobmonk3ysorry was reading back16:07
noobmonk3yignore me16:07
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noobmonk3yenjoying it? :D16:08
andrewfblackX-Fade: works in Chrome, and IE havn't tested firefox but doesn't work in Microb16:08
MarcusMis python installed by default on n900?16:08
noobmonk3ymarcus no, but installing an app with it will install it16:09
MarcusMnvm me16:09
noobmonk3yoh the libs anyway16:09
MarcusMnoobmonk3y: Know which one?16:09
noobmonk3ybut think python itself may be?16:09
X-Fadeandrewfblack: Show is not valid16:09
X-Fadeandrewfblack: visible16:09
noobmonk3yerm, mine installs nearly everything lol16:09
noobmonk3ypygtkeditor is another one etc16:09
MarcusMisnt pygtk just an editor, or does it install the libs as well?16:09
noobmonk3yit installys the pythong libs too - as it runs the python files from it16:10
andrewfblackX-Fade: I think I got it now just wish I could test it on phone at work16:10
noobmonk3yandrewfblack:  need some help testing?16:10
noobmonk3ymarcus - take heed on the rootfs wiki page, would install python optify too ;)16:11
MarcusMaha :D lovely16:11
andrewfblackX-Fade: problem was I was using an old script and =show was a varible I was using that depended on browser type to save on code I removed most of script but forgot to change varible16:11
noobmonk3yapt-get install pymaemo-optify apt-get clean16:11
noobmonk3y(2 commands in that line lol)16:11
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andrewfblacknoobmonk3y: I need some but I need to clear with Reggie getting some people access to the location of our forum dev sandbox I really need to do some more testing before move to next minimalist version this time16:12
* andrewfblack needs a better way to contact Reggie he never anwsers PMs16:13
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noobmonk3ykk :)16:14
noobmonk3yi hear if you knock three times, he comes a runnin16:14
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* andrewfblack has removed almost 1000 lines of code from minimalist theme16:15
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* MarcusM can't update the n900 due to resolving host timed-out :(16:16
MarcusMfirmware update.16:17
MarcusM3 out of 4 catalogues get timed out16:17
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noobmonk3yMarcusM:  something has been up with some of the catalogues for the last few days, but firmware updates should be ok?16:18
noobmonk3ywhat version you going to - from etc?16:18
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MarcusMfrom the retail version. pr1.1 i think some ppl called it on irc.16:18
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MarcusMi just received the n900 by mail16:18
noobmonk3yahhhh cool :D16:18
MarcusMim trying to update it using update manager16:18
MarcusMbut resolving host bla bla16:18
MarcusMsome says it's because of DNS thingy16:18
noobmonk3yif you installed healthcheck it will tell your the current version number and readable name (like pr1.1)16:19
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MarcusMany way to put the n900 on standby? or should i just leave it "on" while doing AFK stuff16:20
Stskeepsjust let it lock screen16:20
MarcusMokay, bye bye for now then. time to get a shower. (:16:21
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noobmonk3yMarcusM:  side slider :D - i use it all the time to lock the screen16:26
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noobmonk3ymeh... lots of dns issues coming up with app manager today... is the server about to explode? ;)16:30
noobmonk3y(and lots of repeat threads in tmo :D)16:31
X-Fadenoobmonk3y: Looking into this for a while now, this is running at the akamai end.16:32
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TheOnehi @all16:33
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TheOnei need some help with my brand new n90016:33
MarcusMTheOne: Congrats with it TheOne, I got mine today as well!16:33
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MarcusMnoobmonk3y: You've heard others have same issue as me?16:34
TheOneMarcusM: thx16:34
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TheOnemy problem is that everytime the display light turn off all open apps are closed16:35
nidOdns traversals for the repository addresses are really bloated16:35
TheOneis there a setting where i can disable that?16:35
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noobmonk3yyeah marcus16:36
noobmonk3yposts appearing on tmo16:36
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noobmonk3ybut if x-fade is on it - then tis all good16:36
noobmonk3yhi TheOne16:36
noobmonk3yall apps close?16:36
TheOnehi noobmonk3y16:36
TheOnee.g the browser16:36
noobmonk3ythat doesnt sound right?16:36
frosty`yeah that sounds pretty bad16:37
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X-FadenidO: Akamai's edge thingie [tm]16:37
noobmonk3yTheOne:  on a brand new device?16:37
TheOnei read the documentation and if i stay some seconds the light turns off - one touch, light turns on again and the browser is closed16:37
MarcusMwhen im going to it says that the connection is untrusted. could that be an issue with my n900 as well?16:37
nidOhaving that second cname through does seem to add pointless complexity to the lookup16:37
TheOnenoobmonk3y: yes/no - i buy it on ebay, but it is not used16:38
noobmonk3yok that really doesnt sound good.... sounds like you need to reflash and see if that helps TheOne  (Firmware and emmc) -
TheOneoh my good16:39
noobmonk3yMarcusM:  naaaa - thats normal16:39
TheOnegod ^^16:39
MarcusMnoobmonk3y: Damn,16:39
noobmonk3yTheOne:  flashing will be fine, if it is new, took me about 10 mins in total16:39
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noobmonk3yMarcusM:  just testing on mine16:39
MarcusMMarcusM: Fair enough.16:39
noobmonk3yMarcusM:  same here, sure that is the right page?16:41
X-FadeMarcusM: What do you expect to get from btw? :)16:41
MarcusMnoobmonk3y: Can you update yourself?16:41
noobmonk3yupdate myself? lol16:41
MarcusMX-Fade: Trying to figure out the reason it's timing out.16:41
* noobmonk3y is not firmware last time i checked16:41
X-FadeMarcusM: Yes, but apart from that?16:41
X-FadeMarcusM: Why are you wasting your time with hitting refresh? :)16:41
noobmonk3yMarcusM:  thats not a timeout, but a squiffy address isnt it?16:41
MarcusMX-Fade: Check the repositories. :P16:41
noobmonk3ylet x-fade fix it i'd say :)16:42
MarcusMFIX IT NOW :O16:42
X-FadeMarcusM: All software of interest is not there?16:42
MarcusMX-Fade: Unfortunately, my updater won't finish as 3 catalogues fail out of 4.16:42
X-FadeMarcusM: Just disable them then?16:42
MarcusMX-Fade: Did so, and that resulted in no updates at all. And that can't be right, because I just bought it.16:43
X-FadeMarcusM: No?16:43
X-FadeMarcusM: That is expected behavoir?16:43
X-FadeNo app updates.16:43
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X-FadeBecause none are installed :)16:43
MarcusMX-Fade: What about firm16:43
X-FadeMarcusM: Just flash the most recent?16:43
nidOhe'd likely get a firmware update or two16:43
X-FadeWill give you a better rootfs anyway.16:44
MarcusMX-Fade: that could be a solution, indeed, but as nid0 says, I should have a firmware update or 216:44
Stskeepsbut yeah, just flash to a new release16:44
X-FadeMarcusM: Yeah, those are in downloads.* But flashing is better anyway.16:44
twoutersMarcusM: I think it's just one16:44
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MarcusMIt's just that I feel a little insecure by doing it that way :P But i have to give a shot.16:45
X-FadeMarcusM: Your device is empty. Nothing to lose.16:45
MarcusMCorrect, but couldnt I fuck it up badly? (:16:46
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StskeepsMarcusM: got windows 64-bit?16:46
MarcusMUbuntu 32 bit16:46
MarcusMAnd Linux Mint16:46
MarcusMAnd Windows 716:47
MarcusMAnd Xp16:47
Stskeepsshould be fine then16:47
MarcusMSo choose one ._.16:47
MarcusMAnd vista incase my dad didnt reformat yet16:47
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X-FadeMarcusM: Try the windows flasher :)16:47
MarcusMAnd hwy not the debian one? :P16:48
X-FadeNot sure if we trust you to use the linux one.16:48
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MarcusMThanks :D16:48
TheOnenoobmonk3y: i try to flash the device later when the battery is fully charged16:49
MarcusMWait. So by flashing the n900 with the newest "flasher-tool", it gets updated? or do I need some kind of image?16:49
TheOnebut it sounds painless16:49
Stskeepsyou need an image from
TheOnei hope it is ^^16:49
noobmonk3y:D good idea ;) - i did it on about 70% was fine for me16:49
X-FadeMarcusM: Download the windows one from nokia.com16:49
noobmonk3yMarcusM:  you need the image -
X-FadeMarcusM: That is a gui one one can use without any knowledge or opportunity to mess things up.16:50
MarcusMAh ye, needed the firmware image16:50
noobmonk3yand that would give you the latest firmware ;)16:50
MarcusMX-Fade: I enjoy opportunities :(16:50
X-FadeMarcusM: Then read the page an follow instructions.16:50
noobmonk3yworst comes to the worst, you will need to reflash again, might as well learn now ;)16:51
noobmonk3y(when you have less on your device ;))16:51
MarcusMwhen new firmware I guess?16:51
noobmonk3yerm, well no, technically you can update OTA - worked fine for me before16:51
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noobmonk3ybut as the repos are having a moment, flashing will let you do it now16:52
TheOnenoobmonk3y: is the hosted flasher deb for debian lenny?16:52
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* noobmonk3y got lost..... lenny blah blah - me = not linuxy - best to ask x-fade16:53
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TheOnedebian stable16:53
TheOnenot testing/experimental16:53
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TheOneX-Fade: can you answer the question?16:54
noobmonk3yhe may be gusy fixing things ;) :D16:54
X-FadeTheOne: No, I windows version all the way for him.16:54
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marcusmollerhehe. trying out irc on the n90016:54
TheOneno, my question was, is the hosted flasher deb file for debian lenny?16:54
marcusmollerworks fine16:55
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noobmonk3ymarmoute: xchat? :D16:56
noobmonk3ysry marmoute - he left and auto complete scuppered me16:56
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MarcusMoh gwad17:01
noobmonk3ywb MarcusM17:01
MarcusMi just tried to put the n900 on the tv using AV cable; it is greyscale ._.17:01
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MarcusMgray that is17:03
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madduckhas osso-abook been ported to other architectures? can i use it on my regular debian machine somehow?17:03
SpeedEvilyou have it set to the right standard?17:03
* noobmonk3y lost my tv out cable :(17:04
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TheOnenoobmonk3y: i really need an update, the installed version is 1.2009.42-1117:05
noobmonk3yTheOne:  you really really do ;)17:05
TheOneis there an extra german version or do i need the global version?17:06
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TheOnei see only an extra for the uk17:06
petterihmm.. maybe pr 1.2 tomorrow then :)17:06
noobmonk3yTheOne:  where are you in the world?17:07
noobmonk3yuk is behind, well uk vodafone is anyway17:07
noobmonk3yi went with the global one :D17:07
noobmonk3yahhh, i used to live in hamburg ;)17:07
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TheOnemoin ;)17:08
lcukn900 orbital upgrades will commence at same time as other upgrades17:08
lcukso users on the space station can relax17:08
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* noobmonk3y blinks17:08
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TheOnedoes the over the air update, update the firmware too?17:09
noobmonk3yyup TheOne17:09
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TheOneah cool, maybe i had should continue with the update at the first start17:10
TheOnethere was an orange symbol on the status field17:10
TheOnei ignored that17:10
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TheOneso what way is now recommend to update for lastest version - over the air update or manuel flash with flasher?17:11
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MarcusMI wonder why TheOne got a orange symbol when I didnt.. hmm17:13
MarcusMYes, mine is just as new as his :P17:14
laurihey guys17:14
TheOnei configure my wifi connection first ;)17:14
TheOnei think thats the reason17:14
laurican you tell me from which Nokian department Maemo originated? Beta labs?17:14
lauriany link would be highly appreciated17:14
Stskeepswhatever the asylum area is called ;)17:15
MarcusMDoes Ovi Maps use data only, or wifi as well (incase you want to see where your house is rofl)17:15
X-Fadelauri: Maemo Devices, or now MeeGo Devices.17:15
StskeepsMarcusM: can use both, i think17:15
MarcusMoh wait, the gps isnt data ofc, but it says at start, that it is likely to receive/send data17:15
lauriX-Fade: any links? people involved? blog posts?17:16
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noobmonk3ywas explaining to someone that they needed to optimise things, and i used the word optify.... grrrrrrrr17:18
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lauriX-Fade: I am looking for the 'success story' of Maemo17:19
noobmonk3yMarcusM: i think there is an ovi bug using data17:19
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MarcusMwhen i look in menu -> more I see an app called Facebook which requires install. is it possible to install this using terminal? (is it likely it is called apt-get install facebook?)17:20
noobmonk3yMarcusM: i think there is a way to download the maps so it c an be used offline with gps, not tried tho17:20
MarcusMthing is I get an unknown error when tyring to install17:20
MarcusMnoobmonk3y: aha, okay17:20
noobmonk3yif the app is called facebook, then possibly yes :D17:20
MarcusM"couldn't find package facebook", afraid not :p17:21
noobmonk3ythere is a way to search packages by apt-get17:22
petterilauri: try googling nokia osso team17:22
noobmonk3ybut i honestly am not a linuxy person17:22
DocAvalanchethe part I definitely like the most: ""There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.""17:23
noobmonk3ytry apt-get search face*    maybe?17:23
frosty`noobmonk3y: is it full apt?17:23
frosty`cause it would be apt-cache search then17:23
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MarcusMapt-cache | grep facebook17:25
noobmonk3yfrosty`:  - thankeee, you prob right ;)17:25
noobmonk3ynaaa, think apt-cache search face* should work?17:25
frosty`MarcusM: apt-cache search facebook17:25
MarcusMaha, thx17:25
frosty`havn't spent time in my n900 yet.. so that could be wrong17:26
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noobmonk3yfrosty`:  - that worked for me ;)17:26
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noobmonk3yright, coffee and meeting, back in a bit17:27
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Arkenoiis there a software keyboard layout matching "wrong" russian keyboard (with 4 arrow keys etc)?17:29
Arkenoisome people sell phones with "incorrect" keyboards here17:29
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FIQ-botJoined channel. If you want me to part (requires access-level 5), type !FIQ part. If this channel is an official network channel and you're an IRC Operator, type "!FIQ official" for preventing this channel from being joined in the future. You can also just ban me, but it will mean that I can join this channel in the future (if someone command me to join it). Join command used by: (self/unknown)17:37
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DocAvalancheFIQ-bot: info17:38
frosty`!FIQ info17:38
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DocScrutinizerFIQ-bot: ?17:39
DocScrutinizerFIQ-bot: help17:39
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Guest59449why did he join at all?17:40
Guest59449!FIQ official17:40
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Guest59449it's not official, but that will work for preventing this17:40
DocScrutinizerwhat a shitty bot is THAT?17:41
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DocScrutinizerThe fact I have to ask that question qualifies it for a kickban17:41
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Guest59449i usually make useless bots when i'm bored. :317:42
Guest59449and i don't mind if you kb it17:42
toggles_wFIQ-bot: SHOWCOMMANDS17:42
DocScrutinizerIRC common sense is bots have to announce who's their owner and maybe what's their purpose as well17:42
toggles_wDocScrutinizer: seems you have to /msg the thing17:43
lcuk"I am a pusher bot"17:43
lcukpac chooey umf17:43
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noobmonk3ydang that was a quick meeting17:45
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DocScrutinizer~seen fiq-bot17:47
infobotfiq-bot <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 9m 57s ago, saying: 'Joined channel. If you want me to part (requires access-level 5), type !FIQ part. If this channel is an official network channel and you're an IRC Operator, type "!FIQ official" for preventing this channel from being joined in the future. You can also just ban me, but it will mean that I can join this channel in the future (if someone ...17:47
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dmj726_n900What's the deal with -devel right now?  Is it safe?17:49
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DocScrutinizernot from what I read on ML. No change yet17:49
hrwdmj726_n900: it is safe as was before - things may work or may not17:50
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dmj726_n900ok so no weird 1.2 issues?17:50
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DocScrutinizerseems devels testing if autobuilder1.2 works for their package is considered higher priority than devels shipping updates to real testers17:51
hrwI did not said that17:51
infobotflashing is, like,
hrwDocScrutinizer: life17:51
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* DocScrutinizer stabs Stskeeps17:52
dmj726_n900If I install updates it's not going to install pr1.2 versions right?17:52
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: what17:52
DocScrutinizerjust hi17:53
dmj726_n900just build them first?17:53
DocScrutinizerand *burrp* on autobuilder1.2 issue17:53
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DocScrutinizerwhat a weird idea to host two basically dijunct OS in one repo17:54
dmj726_n900ext up, the Windows 7 and Mac OSX repo.17:55
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dmj726_n900one fat binary for both!17:55
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DrGrovHello everyone. What's happening?17:57
DrGrovAny cool & good news ?17:57
DocScrutinizeryeah, I'm feeling as grumpy as usual :-P17:58
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DocScrutinizerisn't that cool&good?17:58
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DrGrovDocScrutinizer: yeah, that is really good. grumpy is not too shabby feeling on a Wednesday.18:03
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DrGrovDocScrutinizer: i was though hoping for a more cool news flash regarding the release of PR 1.218:06
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: :-)18:06
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madduckis there a "Phone Switch" application for the N900? Can I keep my contacts synchronised with another Nokia phone?18:06
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* DocScrutinizer declares Pr1.2 to be the non-topic of the week18:07
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* noobmonk3y blinks18:07
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: aha, so no talk about PR 1.2 is allowed? :-P18:08
* noobmonk3y slaps DrGrov 18:08
DrGrovnoobmonk3y: you god damn....18:08
* noobmonk3y cuddles DrGrov 18:09
DrGrovnoobmonk3y: well i will be damned. make up your mind already lol18:09
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* noobmonk3y slaps then cuddles DrGrov, over and over again18:09
noobmonk3ylike any normal healthy relationship i say...18:10
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madduckget a room! ;)18:10
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, . Do your debug pads match the schem?18:10
* noobmonk3y rents a room.......18:10
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, As mine don't.18:10
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DrGrovnoobmonk3y: yeah, i agree. a bit of hard, rough action and then some sweet love in between. yeah, a fully normal, yet healthy relationship.18:11
noobmonk3y:D - anyway , PR 1.2 out yet?18:11
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: compare the flatbed scans in to the schematics photos on p.14/15. I haven't noticed any diffs18:12
DrGrovnoobmonk3y: don't you change the subject now god damn18:12
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, can't18:12
noobmonk3yok, PR1.2.1 out?18:12
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, on N900.18:12
MohammadAG_noobmonk3y, should be out by tomorrow18:12
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: oh, I see18:13
noobmonk3ySpeedEvil: prob can, but will take ages ;)18:13
DrGrovanyone know anything about Motorola Milestone? is it a serious contender to the N900?18:13
noobmonk3yMohammadAG_: along with the free rocket ride to the moon with every download? ;)18:13
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, so browsing huge images sucks. The number of pads is the same? As that means it's a diifferent rev to mine.18:13
hrwDrGrov: for sure it has more apps/games18:13
DrGrovhello MohammadAG_. I read your sharings on the PR 1.2. You wrote something about this, right? Screenshots and everything...18:13
MohammadAG_noobmonk3y, nah they changed it to mars18:13
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MohammadAG_about what?18:13
DrGrovhrw: but it can't be a serious contender?18:14
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DrGrovMohammadAG_: on Pr 1.2?18:14
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: the boards look absolutely identical to me18:14
noobmonk3yDrGrov:  on the sdk18:14
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MohammadAG_DrGrov, yeah I put up some screenies from the SDK18:14
DrGrovMohammadAG_: yes, on the SDK.18:14
hrwDrGrov: I am not familiar with android so cannot answer18:14
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, when did you buy yours?18:14
DrGrovhrw: ah, i got a bit scared there but i see it has android so that makes me puke.18:14
hrwDrGrov: maemo5 is far from being perfect18:15
DrGrovMohammadAG_: what did you think about the PR 1.2 SDK?18:15
hrwDrGrov: calendar suxx for example18:15
DrGrovhrw: yeah, it's not perfect. i give you that. but android then again... need to have a google account get apps etc.18:15
DrGrovhrw: not my cup of tea so to speak.18:15
MohammadAG_DrGrov, crap, but for a reason, it was updated before my N900 was and i can't build anything right18:16
DrGrovhrw: the calendar is actually not too bad though. yes, it suxx but not too bad.18:16
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: preorder at nokia webshop. came with the very first batch officially shipped18:16
hrwDrGrov: please...18:16
MohammadAG_other than that, it's ok, nothing major18:16
MohammadAG_couldn't find the live wallpapers18:16
hrwDrGrov: alarm times are shown wrong, no edit of repeatable events, crappy month view.... want more examples?18:16
DrGrovMohammadAG_: ok, so can't expect anything serious then but default nokia quality then...18:16
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DrGrovhrw: no, actually i can work with my own N900 calender.18:17
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, go18:17
hrwDrGrov: I cant18:17
MohammadAG_DrGrov, nope, just some fixes, new features (not a lot) and a makeover18:17
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, got mine end of nov.18:17
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer, preorder too.18:17
DrGrovhrw: oh, too bad :( actually i am happy with the calendar in the n900. i just need a few small things with the calendar. nothing major.18:17
hrwDrGrov: I have events which needs editing but I prefer to not do that because calendar will destroy repeating18:17
hrwDrGrov: I have events which repeat on first Tuesday of month18:18
DrGrovMohammadAG_: oh, makeover in a positive manner?18:18
hrwDrGrov: n900 calendar destroys them on edit18:18
DrGrovhrw: oh, shit... i actually don't do calendar shit so much. just a few here and a few there...18:18
MohammadAG_DrGrov, yeah, a UI makeover, menu, browser etc...18:18
DocScrutinizerDrGrov: from what I gather, milestone has a cryptographic locked bootloader and kernel. don't-touch-me-FOSS18:18
MohammadAG_i like app manager, seems to be faster in PR1.2, might actually use it18:19
DrGrovMohammadAG_: oh, that is not too bad then. eagerly awaiting the PR 1.2. oh, that is even better news that the app manager i faster. i do like the app manager for all my needs.18:19
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DrGrovDocScrutinizer: wtf did you just say? :D FOSS? :D18:19
DocScrutinizersorry :-OP18:20
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: no problem :)18:20
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: just messing with you :) so, a don't touch me FOSS means literally what exactly?18:21
dmj726_n9001he means you can't install your own custom kernel or OS.18:21
dmj726_n9001on the milestone.18:21
dmj726_n9001FOSS is Free and Open Source Software.18:22
infobotsomebody said foss was Free and Open Source Software18:22
DocScrutinizerit means you not only can't modify the OS kernel that ships with milestone, it also means you even can't load a different OS (like e.g mer on maemo devices would do) - the bootloader refuses to load any kernel that's not signed by motorola18:23
hrwDocScrutinizer: appmanager got speedup in 1.1.1 already18:23
* noobmonk3y signs motorola on the forehead........18:23
DocScrutinizerhrw: ???18:23
hrwops, that was to MohammadAG_18:24
hrwsorry DocScrutinizer18:24
MohammadAG_hrw, not as much as in PR1.2, seems much snappier18:24
* andrewfblack just removed over 80k per page from minimalist theme18:25
hrwMohammadAG_: in x86 sdk or on device?18:25
MohammadAG_(note that it could be a CPU thing, but I asked Speed Evil about it and his app manager (and mine) keeps ignoring packages)18:25
dmj726_n9001I'm thinking of ways to make my GSoC project more useful for sighted people.18:25
MohammadAG_didn't want to highlight/ping him, so i added a space :)18:25
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dmj726_n9001Perhaps a way to take better notes fromthe book you're reading?18:26
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DocScrutinizerdmj726_n9001: interesting. Though I have no idea what you're talking about exactly18:28
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SpeedEvilignores apps?18:31
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SpeedEvilAlso - highlights are generally ok. Apart from when I'm doing well in blocks.18:32
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* Arif_ yawns18:35
SpeedEvilfun. taking a picture - which failed for some reason.18:36
SpeedEvilcamera now just shows that image when started.18:36
* noobmonk3y is goin home18:37
nidOjesus the copyright thread in community's really come alive this afternoon18:37
noobmonk3yjesus copyrighted a thread?18:38
* noobmonk3y blinks18:38
nidOimaginary people cant copyright anything18:38
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mgedminhasn't jis copyright expired yet?  it's death + 75 years, no?18:38
* noobmonk3y better go pack for his Christian holiday ;)18:38
Arif_nidO, probably one person blattering on about people stealing and other people not caring18:39
SpeedEvilClearly jesus's copyright will have expired on any works.18:39
lcukhow do i get the first 2mb of a 40mb file into a new file?18:39
Arif_what file is it?18:40
Shapeshifterlcuk: dd?18:40
Arif_copy the first 2MB in a hex editor? :P18:40
SpeedEvilhowever - what is the copyright position following a second coming?18:40
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lcukShapeshifter, mm "dd if=one of=two ..." ?18:40
Shapeshifterdd in=file of=other_file count=1 bs=2048000 or something18:40
nidOArif_ yeah basically, dread123's the most moronic muppet i've seen in a while18:40
Shapeshifteroh s/in/if/18:41
Arif_SpeedEvil, thou shalt not warez...18:41
Shapeshifterand maybe you want a different byte count18:41
ShadowJKdmj726_n9001, you're doing accessibility for blind?18:41
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Arif_I thought I was the only visually impaired N900 user =P18:42
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Shapeshifterlcuk: 2 097 152 bytes?18:42
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lcukyeah ish18:42
lcukahhh thanks Shapeshifter18:42
lcukdidnt see you had posted cmd18:42
DocScrutinizerdmj726_n9001: really nice project.18:42
Shapeshifterlcuk: sorry didn't highlight18:42
lcukthat should work \o18:43
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SpeedEvilArif_, ?18:43
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Arif_The n900 has the right combination of hardware and software for an accessibility device.18:44
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dmj726_n9001DocScrutinizer: any ways you think I could improve it?18:45
Arif_I use the camera to find classes @ uni :D18:45
guimana possibility to use the wap on maemo5?18:45
lcukwell, that was worthwhile \@/  now i chopped it i didnt know mp4 kept indexes/info at the tail of the file18:45
ShadowJKn900 has no wap browser18:45
guimanno plugin, no work around?18:45
Arif_I thought wap died in 200218:46
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guiman;-) sfr use it and a lot of services are always based on wap?18:46
DocScrutinizerlcuk: lol, you can't chop mp4 or any other compressed format like you would do with e.g. a textfile18:47
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lcukused to be able to with avi18:47
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lcukor was it mpeg normal18:47
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nidOmpeg yes, not compressed18:47
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Celesteh_hey, is there active devlopment on erming? anybody know?18:48
ShadowJK"not compressed"?18:48
lcukcompressed, but the stream info is at head of file18:48
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Shapeshifterlcuk: well if you know how long the info data is at the end, you can do something like dd if=foo of=bar skip=$((lengh_of_file-lenght_of_data)) count=1 bs=lenght_of_data18:48
nidOwell, not compressed into a wrapped container as mp4 or avi is18:48
lcukvobs too afaik18:48
lcukShapeshifter, not worth it18:48
lcukthx tho18:48
ShadowJKmpeg has a sync word and the necessary stuff for decodig is repeated often enough :)18:49
lcukyeah it was avis that had an index at the end, but it could be rebuilt easily18:49
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DocScrutinizerdmj726_n9001: I suggest not to defocus on trying to make a specialized app (here: accessability) do things that are more or less offtopic.18:51
dmj726_n9001arif: how do you do that?18:53
DocScrutinizer(crop media files) anyway there are specialized tools for that. And there's good reason there are18:53
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dmj726_n9001Perhaps leave that to others if they are interested.  My accessibility app's code would be available to everyone.18:53
Arif_dmj726_n9001, use the camera to zoom and read the room tags18:54
Arif_I can only read text when its like.....very near my eyes ={18:54
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dmj726_n9001arif: what is your vision like?18:55
MohammadAG_what daemons listens to when headphones are plugged in and adjusts volume18:55
* ShadowJK re-encoded a 30 minute h264/aac file to mpeg4/mp2 with mencoder on n900 in attempt to run down mugen's battery18:55
ShadowJKthe cpu seems to use surprisingly little power at full tilt18:55
dmj726_n9001arif: myopia?18:55
Arif_dmj726_n9001, both eyes have aniridia18:56
SpeedEvilwhat does keyboard completion, and is it open?18:56
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: (daemon) I guess that should be mce, no?18:56
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Arif_one eye's retina is totally useless and the other one barely works18:56
MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, does it handle the volume keys too?18:56
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DocScrutinizeractually I got no idea at all, just wild guessing18:57
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greenflyMohammadAG_: it might be connected to pulse audio18:58
ShadowJKhildon input method I'd guess?18:58
greenflyMohammadAG_: ie. it might just remember wherever the headphone volume was set to last time18:58
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MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, yep it was mce18:58
MohammadAG_but still can't change volume using the keys :/18:59
MohammadAG_greenfly, mce18:59
MohammadAG_dockane, thanks18:59
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dmj726_n9001arif: would you be interested in testing for me?19:00
Arif_sure :)19:00
DrGrovanyone know of any xmms/audacious music player for the N900? or something similar to xmms or audacious?19:01
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* DocScrutinizer considers building a phone out of the N900 kit on his desk ;-P19:02
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Texratanyone home?19:14
Texratah good19:14
jogaI'm about to leave home19:14
* Texrat fires up pr0n in solitary peace19:15
Texratpupnik you here?19:15
Stskeepslo texrat19:15
Stskeepsand congrats19:15
Texrathey stskeeps19:15
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Stskeepsgood to see a sane council19:15
Texratpupnik I take it you and Carol had a good time?19:16
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* Texrat is not sane19:18
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Stskeepsall things considered, you're the right kind :P19:18
MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, wonderful! thanks!19:18
Texratthere's a right kind of insane?  cool19:19
* MohammadAG_ backs up19:19
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khertanhi !19:24
khertanas now the ovi store is online ... does there is news about paid application ?19:25
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nidOpaid maemo apps arent available atm19:26
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khertanthx for the answer19:27
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khertanso i suppose dev cannot still submit apps for maemo :(19:28
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nidOyou can19:28
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nidObut not paid ones19:28
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Texrataren't paid maemo apps waiting for Harmattan?19:28
khertannidO : i cannot register19:28
khertanso i don t see how i ll be able to submit free app for maemo19:29
nidOhm, no vat number?19:29
khertanstill require vat number which not all company have in france19:29
nidOmight be an idea to email their publisher support address19:30
nidOsee if theres any way theyll take a registration with different info19:30
khertanyou mean again ?19:30
* Arkenoi just purchased replacement n900 with 4 arrow keys and russian layout19:30
khertanthey didnt answer19:30
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nidOpost to the publisher forum then maybe?19:31
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Arif_people still think Ovi store will get content19:34
Arif_how cute19:34
lardmanafternoon all19:34
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Arif_ohai thar19:34
nidOArif_ go publish some!19:34
* Arif_ publishes a burp app19:34
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* dmj726_n9001 runs off to extras.19:35
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lcukhi lardman Khertan_19:35
Khertan_sorry was disconnected19:36
lardmanhey Khertan_, lcuk19:36
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TheOnecan someone tell me a command to print the battery status in percentage?19:42
Arif_the N900 doesn't support printing19:42
ShadowJKhal-device bme19:42
mgedminheh, my phone suppored printing address-book entries via IrDA19:42
TheOneno, i mean on commandline19:42
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mgedminit was fun seeing an A4 page come out with just a small 10pt phone number in the upper-left corner19:43
Arif_mgedmin, most phones can print pictures and the like over IR19:43
Arif_The N900 misses such annoying features <319:43
marcusmollerstill getting host timedout while looking for updates :(19:44
C-S-Bwho needs to print from a phone, or print full stop.19:44
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Arif_marcusmoller flash manually!19:44
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MohammadAGumm, flasher-3.5 doesn't support x64?19:44
TheOneShadowJK: thx19:45
* MohammadAG facepalms19:45
nidOmy e90 could print over wifi :(19:45
MohammadAGThe N900 can print from Easy Debian19:45
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Arif_I can draw whatever I want to write on a piece of paper by the time thats started up19:45
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MohammadAG<Arif_> no19:47
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* MohammadAG goes back to Ubuntu 32bit19:47
C-S-BMohammadAG dont do it!!!19:47
C-S-Bcan you not even force architecture/19:47
MarcusMArif_: is it possible to brick it by flashing it?19:47
C-S-BmohammadAG boot from a usb into 32bit19:48
Arif_MarcusM I haven't ever flashed my phone19:48
SpeedEvilI have, worked fine.19:48
mgedminMarcusM, Bad Things can happen if you interrupt the flashing process when it's flashing the boot loader, AFAIU19:48
MohammadAGC-S-B, how do I force it?19:49
mgedminit may refuse to flash over USB after that and you'll need to go some Nokia shop that has a jtag (?) flashing device19:49
SpeedEvilwhich is a .01s window19:49
* mgedmin wonders if installing ia32-libs would allow the flasher to work on 64-bit ubuntu19:49
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dmj726_n9001either that or a 32 bit chroot19:50
C-S-BmohammadAG sudo dpkg --force-architecture19:50
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C-S-BmohammadAG you may need some 32bit libs19:50
mgedminC-S-B, flasher is not distributed in a .deb, AFAIK19:50
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MohammadAGmgedmin, it is19:50
mgedminoh? cool19:50
MohammadAGand a tar.gz19:50
mgedminsince when, though?19:50
mgedminsince 3.5?19:51
MohammadAGthink so19:51
C-S-Blet me know if that works ok mohammadAG as ill be doing it once i get my laptop up and running19:51
* mgedmin wishes imported "likes" counts from Google Reader19:51
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mgedminit's a big hassle to go click on the heart icon19:52
mgedminfirst it asks for authentication in a form that looks like it has broken CSS19:52
mgedminthen it forgets you clicked on the heard and you have to go find the post *again* in a huuuge page19:52
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mgedminand then when you click it reloads the whole page and then does AJAXy stuff with a spinner spinning much longer than it feels comfortable before it deigns to register your vote19:53
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mgedminwhat's that little white square about in ? CSS bug?19:54
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Trizttimeless; if seeing "undisclosed_pstn:345", does it mean that there is missing translation in the GB English translation?19:57
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lardmanOT, but anyone know how to show deleted (but not purged) messages in Kontact?19:57
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andrewfblackwow dead last in election.20:01
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andrewfblackGAN900: Ping20:03
GAN900andrewfblack, need more face time. :P20:03
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andrewfblackGAN900: what you mean?20:04
* MohammadAG_ can't figure out how to install MeeGo20:04
MohammadAG_kernel image seems to be missing20:04
andrewfblackGAN900: I reduced Minimalist theme from 250kb a page to around 50kb a page20:04
lardmanhey GAN900, congrats20:05
lardmanand to everyone else20:05
ShadowJKandrewfblack, I saw swwing typos in the html code20:05
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andrewfblackShadowJK: I'm not surprised this the code I started with was really messed up and written by someone whos first lanuage is spanish.  Can you post the types to minimalist theme thread?20:06
ShadowJKI think I did, to about 4 different threads where people complained about minimalist jump to first unread not working20:07
ShadowJKiirc page is full of </table| instead of </table> or something similar20:08
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andrewfblackShadowJK: I'll take a look at it20:12
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noobmonk3ygo on then, who's already installed it, and got meego working?20:16
noobmonk3yi'm intruiged but need my phone next week, so dont want to damage it lol20:16
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Arif_does it have a better media player?20:17
noobmonk3yand ffs my ebay sale is stupidly low with 20 mins left on it!!20:17
RST38hOh yesss:
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noobmonk3yanyone want a cheap laptop ;)20:17
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Arif_I already have a laptop :P20:17
noobmonk3yi have 3 :) - soon to be 2 :( - need the cash20:18
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DocScrutinizerlardman: trash?20:18
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noobmonk3yhmmmm ebay is full of last second bidders isnt it?20:18
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andrewfblackShadowJK: I can't find </table| anywhere in the template files20:18
lardmanDocScrutinizer: sorry I should have been clearer, they are marked for deletion on the imap server (from another email app), but weren't deleted in Kontact itself20:19
ea_suterhello folks20:19
lcukandrewfblack, have you checked in the </kitchen|20:19
noobmonk3yanyway, so no one has got meego going yet? ;)20:19
noobmonk3yshocked :P20:19
MohammadAG_noobmonk3y, already flashed20:19
noobmonk3yMohammadAG_,  :D i expect screenies and a full review lol20:19
Arif_MohammadAG_ hows moogo? :P20:19
noobmonk3ydoes the phone part work?20:20
andrewfblacklcuk: lol20:20
MohammadAG_Arif_, bash-y20:20
* noobmonk3y moo's for moogo20:20
MohammadAG_noobmonk3y, it's just a shell, atm20:20
MohammadAG_or I'm missing something20:20
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MohammadAG_more of an eye test, font's very small20:20
noobmonk3yloadsa extra bits there20:20
MohammadAG_well at least they got rid of BusyBox20:20
noobmonk3yall code tho lol20:20
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* lardman wonders if he should actually try TMO for the first time this month to catch up on the goings on20:21
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noobmonk3ymeh 14 mins left, no extra bidders... cmmon fleabay gimme lots of money!20:21
noobmonk3ylardman,  - really?20:21
noobmonk3yput your best trolling suit on ;)20:21
lardmannah you're right, madness20:21
MohammadAG_noobmonk3y, proximity, just a reminder (hey you asked for one :) )20:21
noobmonk3yooo good remonedr!20:22
noobmonk3ywell crack on with the code after fleabaying20:22
DocScrutinizerhoooooray, no more messybox \o/20:22
nidOnoobmonk3y whatre you selling?20:23
s2n where can i find resources for developing a msn application?20:23
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nidOs2n you want to develop an msn client from the ground up?20:24
MohammadAG_noobmonk3y, someone I know has the same laptop lol20:24
noobmonk3yYeah me, i have 2 lol20:24
Shapeshifters2n: why on earth would you want to do that?20:24
Arif_woo, a 41st MSN client on Maemo \o/20:24
noobmonk3yhehe tis a good old lappy20:24
noobmonk3y£160 is a hell of a bargain, hardly been used!20:25
ShapeshifterA) MSN is crap. B) there's billions already.20:25
GAN900andrewfblack, email me. Stopped at a light right now. ;)20:25
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noobmonk3ylol GAN90020:25
GAN900lardman, thanks!20:25
nidOs2n, thats a mammoth enormous project that's basically far beyond the scope of one person who doesn't know where to start20:25
nidOyou'd probably be much better lending your hand to one of the many other actively developed clients20:25
andrewfblackGAN900: lol not chatting while driving20:25
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GAN900No, sitting at the world's longest red light. ;)20:26
microlith"Seriously Officer, I wasn't texting while driving!"20:26
* noobmonk3y is going for a ciggy20:26
nidOArif_ : maemo may have several msn applications, but it could really do with one that properly supports msnp1820:26
Arif_nidO, you can say that about most things on Maemo actually20:27
Arif_it has a dozen alternatives but none work well :p20:27
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nidOwell, I wouldnt be adverse to another client that works properly. amsn are working on implementing msnp18, but afaik theyre the only people that are20:27
nidOthe maemo-dedicated msn clients arent going anywhere it seems20:28
s2nwhat about a to do list... is there any good one existing ?20:28
Arif_msnp18 in the conversations plugin is what I want20:28
Arif_s2n if you want you can create a media player that doesn't suck :)20:28
nidOpersonally i'm not that desperate about the conversations plugin - there are advantages to having im separate from it20:28
Arif_yeah, all my MSN contacts are in the contact list now :(20:29
nidOexactly, I dont much like that20:29
Arif_and you can't clean up20:29
Arif_that'll remove the contacts from MSN too20:29
Arif_which is retarded :D20:29
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s2nhave anyone checked the new ideas for gsoc-maemo there is one Mywallet ... any opinion for that/20:30
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s2nhere is the link if anyone wants to see..
lardmanhmm, bbl20:32
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noobmonk3ymeh 2 mins left20:33
s2nIs it going to help in any way?20:33
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nidOthat wallet app seems pretty straightforward20:33
nidOprobably not the most beneficial idea on that list though20:34
* Arif_ opens a fake account and bids 3000 euro on noobmonk3y's laptop20:34
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noobmonk3ywould mean i can re-list n get more lol20:34
noobmonk3yright common last minute bidders20:34
noobmonk3y40 secs!20:34
s2nanything more that ca be added to make it more beneficial.20:34
* SpeedEvil bids with 7s to go.20:35
nidOjust went up £1520:35
SpeedEvil(nolt on that)20:35
C-S-Bwhats the link?20:35
nidOsold :P20:35
noobmonk3ystill cheap20:35
s2nwhat about the to do list?/20:35
nidOnot really20:35
nidO£175 for that spec second hand isnt bad atall20:36
noobmonk3ya guy said he would bid up to 240... and didnt even bid lol20:36
ShadowJKandrewfblack, i'm on n900 now so can't view source sanely :(20:36
noobmonk3yvery very cheap i say!20:36
nidOnot terribly20:36
C-S-Bnoobmonk3y, nice laptop. You're a new linux user? whats the netbook you have.20:36
Arif_noobmonk3y is used to getting money by sitting around20:36
noobmonk3ygot an acer aspire, 2 (soon to be one hp), a dell, and a custom pc, but yeah new to linux :D20:37
Arif_talking about wasting money20:37
s2nany pick on the to do list?20:37
nidOpff, lots of pc's is the way to go20:37
noobmonk3ylol Arif_  - half of them are company hand me downs20:37
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noobmonk3yi work in it lol20:37
nidOI have one there > and 2 there <20:37
nidOand a laptop over there \/20:38
noobmonk3ybut the pc and the hp are mine20:38
noobmonk3yand an n900 v there?20:38
nidOand a media tablet in the post20:38
nidOand an n900 right there /\20:38
C-S-Bnoobmonk3y, im on an acer aspire one.20:38
noobmonk3yyay :D20:38
noobmonk3ygood ickle netbooks20:38
C-S-Bwith lucid lynx20:38
Arif_I'm thinking of getting a DSi XL20:38
C-S-BArif_, NOOOOOOOO20:38
noobmonk3yArif_,  meh20:38
s2nIs there anything maemo really lacks and is easy to develop??20:39
C-S-Bnoobmonk3y, I reckon you would have got more if you have of just stuck vista on there.20:39
noobmonk3yyeah, extra effort :P20:39
C-S-Bextra money!20:39
noobmonk3ydid a 3 day bid so i could get some cash for my holiday next week20:39
Arif_why not XD20:39
C-S-BMy brother bought a dsi xl for my mum and they are massive and ugly20:40
C-S-Bget a pandora.20:40
C-S-Bn900 with gaming controls :P20:40
Arif_you say the DSi XL is ugly and reccomend the pandora20:40
nidOget a touchbook \o/20:40
microlithminus the whole phone-thing20:40
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C-S-Bwell to be honest, the psp, hacked is the best console on the move20:41
Arif_the PSP only has 4 games20:41
Arif_which I played20:41
C-S-Bbefore getting the n900, i used the psp for emulation, net, rss and skype20:41
Shapeshifterlol wow, ovi store now has 5 stars and not just 320:41
C-S-Bthough skype is shit.20:41
Shapeshifternow that's progress for you20:41
C-S-Bwhat has 5 stars?20:42
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Arif_it took them a whole day to implement that Shapeshifter, show some love!@20:42
ShapeshifterC-S-B: rating system20:42
* C-S-B should actually install and play angry birds20:42
nidOin fairness, they did also implement maemo content publishing20:42
Arif_oh and it now can remember your account for 2 weeks20:42
C-S-BShapeshifter, my question was what app has 5 out of 5 stars, sorry20:42
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ShapeshifterC-S-B: no, I mean, earlier, ovi store only offered 1, 2 or 3 stars20:42
Arif_nidO, too bad no one cares about moomo 5 ;(20:42
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C-S-BShapeshifter, I understand! lol20:43
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C-S-BShapeshifter, I was asking what app has obtained the 5 stars20:43
s2ncan anyone give me any suggestion on an application that i can develop and will help maemo community..20:44
nidOthats easy to develop?20:44
Arif_s2n, a driver for the N95 remote20:44
Arif_has 5 stars!20:44
s2ni am rookie... need sumthing easy20:45
MohammadAG_C-S-B, flasher works btw, thanks20:45
C-S-Bis there a hid profile for using the n900 as a bluetooth mouse for the comp?20:45
C-S-BMohammadAG_, yaye! i did a help.20:45
nidOif you specifically want something easy, then a wallet app might be a good way to go20:45
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nidOC-S-B there is, you need to enable it manually though, and it doesnt work very well in most cases20:46
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MohammadAG_nidO, he needs the opposite20:46
C-S-Bwould like a remote for xbmc over bluetooth.20:46
MohammadAG_he needs to control a PC using the N900, use BlueMaemo20:46
nidOah yeah, i got as far as "is there a hid profile"20:46
C-S-Bso install bluemaemo?20:47
C-S-Byou guys are my google :P20:47
SpeedEvilhas anyone gotten using  bt keyb sorted?20:47
MohammadAG_well one for one :)20:47
MohammadAG_SpeedEvil, I use my SU-8W20:47
SpeedEvilI used wiki suggestions but to nol avail.20:47
s2nit is actually my idea but since it is quite straight forward i was havig 2nd thoughts. what about  the to do list20:47
nidObt keyboards work alright for some people, not others20:47
nidOs2n well there are already several to-do style options20:48
SpeedEvilMohammadAG_, did you need to do anythikng other than coment out the exclusion of the iknput moldule, and then pair?20:48
C-S-Bwhats the best text editor ? anyone says vi, they die or send me a cheat sheet.20:48
nidOyour main problem is that simple to code + really really useful generally = already been coded20:48
MohammadAG_SpeedEvil, restart the BT service (stop bluetoothd) or just reboot20:49
Arif_C-S-B, tried leafpad?20:49
s2nyah rite..20:49
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C-S-Bnano isnt available in the reapo is it?20:49
nidOoh you mean on the device20:49
MohammadAG_C-S-B, it is20:49
SpeedEvilIt simply flashes the data transfer light on the keyb - and the bt icon goes blue for a momnet on keypress. nothing appears.20:49
nidOit should be, but you might want leafpad anyway20:49
Arkenoiany other four-arrows russian keyboard users here?20:49
MohammadAG_SpeedEvil, maybe you need to enter the code and press enter on the keyboard?20:50
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MohammadAG_(paring code)20:50
mgedminC-S-B, how about vim then?20:50
SpeedEvilMohammadAG_, done that. paired okay20:50
mgedmincomes with its own cheat-sheet prebundled20:50
mgedminvimtutor rules, :help also20:50
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* SpeedEvil retriesx.20:50
C-S-Bvi/vim I've never got along with them. but thanks for the recommendation20:50
C-S-BI do use vi, but I avoid.20:51
nidOgo with nano or leafpad20:51
C-S-Bor both!20:51
s2nnido, thank you for your help...20:51
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MohammadAG_SpeedEvil, although I highly doubt it, do you have SIXAXIS support installed? they conflict with each other20:51
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meceanyone use dosbox for games here?20:52
SpeedEvilhmm. different behaviour now. it asks whenever I press a key if I want to accept connecion. no sixaxis20:52
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG_, just thinking, what if peoples proximity sensors aren't working? lol20:53
TriztMohammadAG_; how does it go with meego?20:53
noobmonk3yi mean h/c app... idea yesterday20:54
Arif_noobmonk3y have you sold your lepdop?20:54
noobmonk3yfor peanuts.... :(20:54
Arif_175 peanutes?20:54
noobmonk3yhoney roasted ones i hope20:54
Arif_nutes? :D20:54
MohammadAG_Trizt, it's just a shell, for now20:54
noobmonk3yforeign peanuts maybe?20:54
Arif_what about roasted sunflower seeds20:54
noobmonk3ymeh no thanks20:55
MohammadAG_noobmonk3y, well your app would double as a proximity test then20:55
Triztoh, I thought it was more than shell20:55
noobmonk3ylol MohammadAG_20:55
MohammadAG_was gonna update a screenie but I found that one20:55
TheOnenoobmonk3y: flashing/updating my n900 was really easy, but now the documentation and example files are gone20:55
TriztMohammadAG_; yhanks for the link20:56
noobmonk3yTheOne, did you do a backup?20:56
noobmonk3yshould ask you to restore after20:56
noobmonk3yit then reinstalls everything :D20:56
TheOneno :D20:56
TriztI guess I'll wait a while longer20:56
mgedminbut docs are in /home/MyDocs, right?  it's not cleared when flashing20:56
mgedminunless you flashed the eMMC image too?20:56
noobmonk3yTheOne,  - lesson one, a bit late, allways do a backup ;)20:56
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noobmonk3yall the starter apps are on the app manager20:57
TheOneno if i open the filemanager there is no folder20:57
noobmonk3yno folder?20:57
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noobmonk3yno mydocs?!20:57
MohammadAG_<mgedmin> but docs are in /home/MyDocs, right?  it's not cleared when flashing20:57
nidOif only he had an updated version of healthcheck with backup warnings...20:57
TheOneno folder, no mydocs20:57
noobmonk3yohhhhhk, did you flash with windows xp or something? lol20:57
mgedminMohammadAG_, right, thanks20:58
MohammadAG_np :)20:58
noobmonk3ycan you go into terminal and type df -h .... should let you know whats there20:58
TheOneno i flash with debian20:58
noobmonk3yalso did you flash the emmc?20:58
* noobmonk3y 's jokes dont work20:58
MohammadAG_whoops, just deleted the .apt-archive-cache folder, oh well20:58
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TheOnethats what i did - flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R20:58
MohammadAG_TheOne, the documentation should stay20:59
TheOnedid i forgot something ?20:59
noobmonk3yhmm dont think you forgot but there are 2 things you can flash20:59
MohammadAG_TheOne, err nope20:59
noobmonk3yjust sounds a bit odd20:59
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MohammadAG_TheOne, can you save/delete anything from Nokia N900 (MyDocs)20:59
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lcukTheOne, you need kernel too20:59
noobmonk3ythankee lcuk21:00
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lcukgives actual expected command line21:00
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TheOnestep 1.4 ?
Shapeshifterbut the store still sucks big time. no reviews on app page.21:01
MohammadAG_lcuk, umm21:01
MohammadAG_he's not talking about MeeGo21:01
* lcuk shouldnt change channels so rapidly21:01
MohammadAG_apology accepted :P21:01
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TheOneyes i mean maemo NOT meego21:02
meceyou running meego lcuk?21:02
lcukim busy doing other things21:03
TheOneso is step 1.4 the necessary step?21:03
MohammadAG_TheOne, install rootsh and try (after typing root and enter in terminal) fsck.vfat -a /dev/mmcblk0p121:03
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TheOneMohammadAG: okay fsck finished now21:13
TheOnewhat should i do now?21:13
MohammadAG_TheOne, reboot :)21:14
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MohammadAG_TheOne, you didn't highlight me, so I didn't notice your question :)21:15
t-tanI'm just uploading kernel-maemo-flasher with kexec support21:15
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TheOneah yeah i forget the underline21:15
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TheOnenext time ;)21:15
MohammadAG_t-tan, I was looking for you the other day, inserting the joikuspot module seems to give an error, module format isn't supported (or something similar)21:16
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MohammadAGTheOne, nah, you don't need to now :)21:16
MohammadAGoh and you can use tab to complete nick names21:16
jatti installed the facebook widget from the ovo store, the app. manager says the widget is installed but I don,t find it in the widgets menu21:16
jattwhat could be the reason?21:17
TheOneoh that is cool, i doesnt know that, thx21:17
t-tanMohammadAG: ok, I21:17
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TheOneMohammadAG: thank you very much, the folder "Nokia N900" is now availble again21:18
t-tanI'll try to fix that in the next versioon21:18
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C-S-B-N900does the browser have ingcognito mode/ private browsing. never know when the gs is going to check history fro pr0n.21:18
TheOnei think i the restart was the magic ^^21:18
MohammadAGTheOne, no probs :)21:19
MohammadAGTheOne, actually the fsck was, your partition was corrupt21:19
MohammadAGthe reboot was just so you don't have to remount it manually (umount to unmount and mount to mount it again), I just figured it'd be faster21:20
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TheOnebut if that, fsck had show me that right?21:20
MohammadAGTheOne, -a fixes it automatically21:20
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TheOnewithout any notice?21:20
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MohammadAGTheOne, you'll see something about clusters, it won't ask you about anything21:21
apoiriert-tan: how is the uploaded kernel ? Where can we download it ?21:22
C-S-B-N900GPG error: fremantle Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG E40DC434616730BD Extras repositories (Fremantle Extras) <>21:22
C-S-B-N900is that just me?21:23
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t-tanIt's still building on autobuilder. You'll need to install the package kernel-maemo-flasher from the System catalogue. only version maemo18 has kexec support21:24
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Shapeshifteralso funny; all 1-star old-ovi reviews are now 3-star21:30
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Shapeshifterso the ratings are all skewed21:30
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s2ni want to develop application using qt with maemo sdk. is there any link giving steps to setup qt with maemo21:33
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MohammadAGgonna repartiton, brb21:36
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Arif_Shapeshifter, there are a few 0 star items in N900 store too :D21:37
ShapeshifterArif_: yeah but the old ones with 1 star were upgraded to 3 in the 3->5 star change21:38
Arif_anything to make the store look good :)21:38
Arif_they can now start adding actually useful stuff21:38
Arif_angry birds is boring21:39
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s2nhelp required in setting up qt with maemo21:41
t-tanthe kernel package is ready and available from extras-devel (version maemo18)21:41
Shapeshifters2n: there's nothing to "set up". qt comes with maemo, and it's also in the SDK.21:41
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s2ncan you give the step do i have to use virtual machine21:42
toggles_wAnyone else see the Nokia peeps on covent garden on the weekend offering to turn OVI maps on for free turn by turn?21:43
Shapeshifters2n: what do you mean? are you saying you don't have the SDK installed yet?21:43
toggles_wThey completely failed when my cousin and I gave them n900's, they claimed they were fake phones ;-)21:43
Shapeshifters2n: no, what? no, you'r not saying, or no, you haven't got it installed?21:43
s2ni havent got it ionstalled21:43
Shapeshifters2n: are you on linux?21:44
s2nno windows21:44
Shapeshifters2n: so you need linux, or a virtual machine with a linux. I think there's a pre-made image somewhere, let me see....21:44
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Shapeshifters2n: here you go21:45
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Shapeshiftertoggles_w: lol good story21:47
toggles_wwas quite amusing yanking their chains, they didn't even know what it was21:48
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toggles_wprobably weren't even Nokia just daily hires21:48
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: did any freerunner batteries ever explode btw?21:52
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s2nshapeshifter, thank you21:54
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* noobmonk3y just can't be assed21:55
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* Arif_ throws a Moogo device at noobmonk3y21:58
* noobmonk3y farts21:58
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C-S-B-N900GPG error: fremantle Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG E40DC434616730BD Extras repositories (Fremantle Extras) <>22:04
C-S-B-N900is that just me?22:04
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noobmonk3ylots of peeps getting it22:05
kaylnarishi! i've come here by following a link in the maemo wiki.22:05
noobmonk3yX-Fade was riding around the room on the servers earlier screaming "Gimme my 1.2 biatches" .....22:06
noobmonk3yhi kaylnaris22:06
kaylnarissince today i havo got an n900.22:06
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noobmonk3yenjoying it? :DF22:06
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kaylnarisbut i think i found a bug: after synching my calendar with my old nokia e51 some entries disaqqeared22:07
noobmonk3y:| :| :|22:07
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noobmonk3ythat doesnt sound good :(22:07
noobmonk3ycan you not re-sync and select not to overwrite? - hope it re-adds?22:08
noobmonk3ybrb 2 mins22:08
kaylnaristhese entries are visible in the month view22:08
kaylnarisbut not in week mode or day mode22:09
kaylnarisi've tried deleting the calendar and synced again, but the same entries disappeared22:10
kaylnarisbtw i used bluetooth to sync22:11
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: we got a few pregnant ones due to a nasty kernel hack reenabling the MainBatteryCharger thus spoiling the basically good job PCF50633 was doing. And yes there've been very few reports of nasty hackers eploding a battery, though they probably did that by alien charging or shorting it22:12
gxbencan someone tell me where the microsd is supposed to be mounted on maemo5/n900 ?22:13
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puzzledon a N900 anyone know what the applet is called with the camera and video in the dropdown when you click on the time?22:13
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noobmonk3yhmmm kaylnaris  you say you can see them in monthly?22:15
noobmonk3ybut not in daily?22:15
DocScrutinizerpuzzled: load applet22:15
mortalwow, you can blow up the battery with software22:15
puzzledgxben: in a terminal try fdisk -l22:15
mortalthat is a nice feature22:15
puzzledDocScrutinizer: thanks22:15
DocScrutinizermortal: nope you can't22:16
noobmonk3ykaylnaris,  - hmmm have you searched the forums? not sure if anyone else has the prob. i dont really use the calendar much :|22:16
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DocScrutinizero at least it will take you 6 months of continued malicious treatment of the cell22:16
gxbenpuzzled, thx but i don't have micro sd22:16
gxbenjust need to fix my s/w to detect it22:16
puzzledgxben: right :) lemme check what mine says22:16
gxbenbefore i can release :)22:16
noobmonk3yanyone know of a decent loading bar/spinner etc in pyqt?22:17
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kaylnarisnoobmonk3y: in monthly there is a bar indicating anitem for thar day, but in daily view there is only an emty list22:17
Shapeshifterbtw, people talk of video... I haven't found how to video record with the n900? is it supposed to be able to do that?22:18
noobmonk3ykaylnaris, hmmm are they all full day appointments?22:18
noobmonk3yShapeshifter,  think so22:18
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: select video mode in camera22:18
kaylnarisrhey are yearly repeated entries like birthdays or holidays22:19
iPeter-Hi. I dont know is this ot in here but: is there any kb shortcut to select next input in microb22:19
noobmonk3yok so they dont show up specifically at a time of day22:19
noobmonk3y(a bit like in outlook, they show at the top)22:19
puzzledgxben: overview of mounts here:
noobmonk3ymight just be a setting not selected22:19
ShadowJKYou know, we could enable charging from "dumb chargers" by telling the charging chip to charge :)22:19
Shapeshifterthat's quite good22:19
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gxbenpuzzled, thx, has your system been customized for having so many mountpoints ?22:20
noobmonk3ykaylnaris, in settings is it showing all calendars....22:20
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noobmonk3ywb KaylNaris222:21
KaylNaris2oops my maemo browser crashed22:21
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I have a slightly pregnant N810 battery :-)22:21
ShadowJKIt's barely noticeable though22:21
noobmonk3ykaylnaris, in settings is it showing all calendars....22:21
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: so what? it basically does that without anybody telling it to do so. And nokia charger *is* a dumb charger22:21
SpeedEvilswolen batteries are a really bad isea to keep using22:21
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I mean without the D+/- shorting need22:21
gxbenpuzzled, forget about my question22:21
noobmonk3ykaylnaris, do they show in weekly ok?22:22
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, I'm not using it anymore. It made bme abort() :)22:22
KaylNaris2Calendar settings show three calendars: Birthday, n900 and private. All three are checked22:22
DocScrutinizerd+/- shorting is for 100mA->500mA only22:22
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, 100 -> "unlimited" I thought?22:22
* SpeedEvil goes to check the oven with his drying li-ions.22:22
KaylNaris2they dont show in weekly, neither22:22
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: not afaik. bq24150 default is 50022:22
noobmonk3ycan you edit one of them? maybe they are set as being early appointments like 0100? - try setting them to all day?22:23
DocScrutinizerfor more you need to tell the chip it's ok, via I2C22:23
SpeedEvilit wonMt go over 500:22:23
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, oh I get the impression that it doesn't want to do much anything if it thinks the host is alive on i2c..22:23
noobmonk3y(obv you prob cant do it if they dont show in adgenda view?22:23
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: I'm not thru with hte ds22:24
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KaylNaris2they don't show in agenda view22:24
dreginis anyone using EGit with Eclipse?22:24
noobmonk3yaghhhh thats really odd22:24
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, it seems overly complicated for no good reason :-)22:24
DocScrutinizerbut iirc it charges for some 32min with either 100 or - on OTG signal  with 50022:24
KaylNaris2it's a little strange, it happens only for some entries22:24
iPeter-Hi. I dont know is this ot in here but: is there any kb shortcut to select next input in microb?22:24
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: believe me there's plenty of good reason22:25
ShadowJKI think if it detects i2c activity it goes into 32 second mode, where it needs a poke from host every 32 seconds in order to not abort and raise an error22:25
iPeter-with imput i mean example. username then i want select pw area with kb.. how?22:25
gxbenpuzzled, thx a lot, you've been very helpful22:25
iPeter-SpeedEvil: what ket is tab in n90022:25
SpeedEvildunno if it'd work.22:26
iPeter-ill try22:26
noobmonk3ybrb 1 sec, phone22:26
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Stskeepsso, who still has a N8x0?22:27
iPeter-SpeedEvil: doesnt work :/22:27
* javispedro waves22:27
Stskeepsjavispedro: silly sidenote, but MeeGo base system ran at on point on my N810 :P22:27
Stskeepsprobably still does22:27
javispedroI don't see why not22:27
Stskeeps'tis armv5tel atm22:28
javispedroyou still could we get the binaries gang built for n810 + meego (if they're not binary compatible?)22:28
javispedros/still/still think22:28
C-S-B-N900do we have a guess at 1.2?22:28
Stskeepsjavispedro: i'm having in my idle time a project with recompiling fremantle for n8x022:29
X-FadeC-S-B-N900: Does it look better now?22:29
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C-S-B-N900does what?22:29
X-FadeC-S-B-N900: The GPG error.22:29
javispedroStskeeps: very nice!22:30
X-FadeStskeeps: lol, idle time. Do you have any?22:30
C-S-B-N900X-Fade: yeah, what happenede?22:31
StskeepsX-Fade: when waiting for qt to compile, yes22:31
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javispedroX-Fade: quoting my own campaign (I still wonder who quoted that from my ;)), everyone finds time for tasks they like!22:31
thopiekarwhat do exspect to write at Project schedule in the student proposal formular for gsoc?22:31
X-FadeC-S-B-N900: The .gpg file got cached too long by some servers.22:31
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C-S-B-N900X-Fade: if your were monitoring the issue, thanks22:32
tripzeroso my screen blinks annoyingly when i'm trying to do something while in a call22:32
KaylNaris2noobmonk3y: thanks for your comments! I think i'll do a little mor research22:32
tripzeroanything i can do to fix that?22:32
javispedrowow, so the meego drop boots to xorg. nice.22:32
noobmonk3yKaylNaris2, sorry was on the phone22:32
noobmonk3yjust looking up possible causes22:33
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KaylNaris2no problem :-)22:33
X-FadeC-S-B-N900: yes, should not happen again. (I hope)22:33
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C-S-B-N900any reason leafpads open menu is limited to mydocs?22:33
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noobmonk3ywell KaylNaris2 ... i can;t find any bugs posted or forum posts similar to your issue.....22:34
C-S-B-N900im sure i can load with arg from term, but limiting22:34
javispedroC-S-B: every hildon open dialog is limited to MyDocs22:34
noobmonk3yKaylNaris2,  might be best to first post a forum post, to see if anyone knows, then possibly a bug22:34
C-S-B-N900javispedro: is that because there are nteu with this phone?22:34
KaylNaris2noobmonk3y: okay i'll do that. Thanks a lot!22:35
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C-S-B-N900non technical end users.22:35
Arif_N900 has those?22:35
javispedroit has quite a few..22:35
C-S-B-N900lol, im afraid22:35
Arif_good to know I'm not the only one then22:35
tripzeroso my screen blinks annoyingly when i'm trying to do something while in a call... anyone experiencing this as well?22:35
javispedroArif_: you're here, you're a technical end user.22:36
Arif_tripzero, don't put the phone in your face22:36
javispedrotripzero: cause: proximity sensor. diagnosis: finger over proximity sensor.22:36
Arif_or keep your finger on the sensor at the top22:36
javispedro(or broken sensor, but you don't want that ;) )22:36
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tripzeroi was using a headset, but i may have had my finger in the wrong spot22:36
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: (sorry for long paste)    At the beginning of charging process, the bq24150/1 starts a 32-minute timer (T32min) that can be stopped by any write-action performed by host through I2C interface. Once the 32-minute timer is stopped, a 32-second timer (T32sec) is automatically started. The 32-second timer can be reset by host using I2C interface. Writing "1" to22:37
MyrttiDocScrutinizer: you got cut off22:37
MyrttiWriting "1" to22:37
C-S-B-N900DocScrutinizer: are you logging you findings anywhere.22:38
DocScrutinizernot really - paste was cut there22:38
ShadowJKhm, so it'll charge 32 minutes independently22:38
DocScrutinizerC-S-B-N900: chan is logged. bq24150 datasheet is public. Nothing worth calling home22:38
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, also the stuff about regulation voltage22:38
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ds3Okay... the N900 vs the N800 must be a zero sum game :/22:39
Stskeepsin terms of?22:39
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C-S-B-N900n900 > n80022:39
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Arif_the N800 has better screen/speakers I heard22:40
C-S-B-N900better screen?22:40
ProteousI heard that the n800 will make you lunch if you ask it nicely22:40
Proteousbut it only knows how to make cheese sammiches22:41
lbtthe N800 has a *bigger* screen... and Proteous, you know it does bacon22:41
javispedroand much better battery life figures22:41
Proteousmy n810 doesn't do bacon22:41
* Proteous cries22:41
ds3the N900 has one nice feature but there is also an annoying drawback to equalize things22:41
ShadowJKActually when surfing the web my N800 consumes more power than surfing web on N90022:41
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Proteoussurfing the web on the n800 is much more painfull due to the slow CPU22:42
ds3N900 - better screen; N800 - bigger screen; N900 - very very very annoying charging setup but it can directly charge from USB and so on22:42
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javispedro(though some say tear is faster than microb on n900 :) )22:42
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Proteouswget is way faster22:43
DocScrutinizerannoying charging setup? please elaborate22:43
Proteouswas wondering about that myself22:43
Proteousbreaking USB port maybe22:43
otuboHello friends, I was wondering if there's a way to simply switch on/off the GPS on N900 (Maemo 5).22:43
* Arif_ wonders whats annoying about plugging a cable in and waiting22:44
Arif_then again, that led can get annoying if its laying next to you...22:44
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C-S-B-N900otubo: in the settings menu.22:44
ProteousI broke the litle tabs off of my charging cable so it slides in and out of my n900 easily22:44
ShadowJKN8x0 is more flexible in what power source it accepts for charging :)22:44
ds3half the time it doesn't charge from USB (at least the icon doesn't animate)... and if I have a valid USB host connected to it, it gets confused rebooting22:44
* ShadowJK should solder himself a charging cable for N900 :/22:44
DocScrutinizerArif_: black sticky tape ;-P22:44
otuboIt works perfectly when I use an app that requires GPS, but takes some time to get the signal. My idea is to start the GPS and let it on stand by, and when start the map (or whatever that needs it) the GPS is already on and synced with the satelittes22:45
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Arif_I just turn it upside down22:45
DocScrutinizerds3: agreed22:45
ds3only work around seems to be unplug everything; wait a minute, hit power switch... let it boot and let it settle for about 5 minutes before doing any USB stuff or it just gets very confused22:45
C-S-B-N900otubo you need location test22:45
ProteousI haven't encountered that problem22:45
ds3DocScrutinizer: I blew probally half an hour trying to rig a test to see if it can play audio, charge, and run Mapper at the same time22:45
otuboC-S-B-N900, where do I find it?22:46
StskeepsMapper is a bit bad these days22:46
StskeepsMaep is better :P22:46
ds3it all started with media player getting very very very confused and not playing any files22:46
ds3so that led to an ordering reboot; but then the USB power charger and it went downhill from there22:46
ds3Stskeeps: I was happy with Maemo-mapper22:47
otuboStskeeps, Maep is a great app indeed22:47
Stskeepsi was too, on n8x022:47
Proteousds3, if you pug into a usb host that mounds the SD card and internal memory where you music is store then the music player gets confused...22:47
Stskeepsnow i kinda like Sygic too :P22:47
otuboI am thinking on contributing for this app, very helpfull for me22:47
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otuboC-S-B-N900, good, gonna take a look, thanks :-)22:47
ds3Proteous: I know about that one... avoided that22:48
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ds3when cable gets plugged in, I tap elsewhere to not use any USB services22:48
Proteousdoes that work?22:48
nidOhowd your interview go C-S-B22:48
ds3just annoying in a car since it does that each time I crank22:48
Proteousit askes that even with a dumb charger?22:49
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ds3Proteous: no, I have a real USB host on my radio22:49
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ds3so for each feature gain, there is an irritation paired with it22:49
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Proteousyou could make a special cable22:50
ds3the 200ohm thing between D+/D-?22:50
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Proteousnot sure of the specifics22:50
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jacekowskii think it's less22:51
jacekowskia lot less22:51
jacekowski45 ohms22:52
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ds3I intend to make a little adapter22:52
madduckhow can i insert diacritics with maemo/n900? like üöä?22:52
jacekowskidon't do it22:53
madduckoh, the symbol table has a digraph22:53
Stskeepser, sym22:53
jacekowskimaemo has problems with encodings i think22:53
madduckworks fine for me so far22:53
jacekowskiat least terminal has problems22:53
madduckUTF-8 all the way22:53
jacekowskinot in terminal22:53
madduckeven in terminal22:53
mgedminbusybox sh has problems with UTF-822:54
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mgedminas in: type diacritics in the shell command line, backspace deletes bytes, not characters22:54
mgedminnormal apps like vim work just fine22:54
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ShadowJKiirc 0-100kohm22:58
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* ShadowJK is about to solder the d+ d- lines together on his tekkeon22:58
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nidOthats gotta be about the biggest /facepalm ever22:59
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C-S-B-N900i need to solder something, need my fix.23:00
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C-S-B-N900i might see if i can jtag this 3rol 360 ive got.23:01
nidOC-S-B-N900 howd your interview go23:01
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C-S-B-N900alright, it was a very aggressive interview tbh.23:01
nidOwhad they ask you about?23:01
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C-S-B-N900alot of cisco, which they knew i didnt know.23:02
C-S-B-N900it was a default exam23:02
nidOso this company's fairly sizeable then23:02
ds3has anyone measured what the resistance between D+ and D- on the Nokia charger?23:02
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C-S-B-N900i knew all the linux stuff and some acronyms, but some of questions werent that great.23:03
nidOexamples? :D23:03
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DocScrutinizerseems a lot of companies think it's a great idea to put potential employees under pressure to see how they react. They'll always find a topic to make you sweat23:05
C-S-B-N900something like you have an iis 5 server and iis 6 server, you have 4 sites you want to host with seperate ips that can be accessed by both http and https, what else would you need software/ hw to get this to work.23:05
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nidO4 ssl certs.23:05
C-S-B-N900well i thought as such, but you can self sign.23:06
C-S-B-N900it would work with warnings23:06
nidOyou can, but self signed certs on public websites are a joke23:06
C-S-B-N900of course, but i didnt go into it saying public?23:07
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nidOwell, either way you still just need the 4 ssl certs, self-signed or otherwise :p23:07
ds3you'd need an install CD for Ubuntu or Redhat or some other distro23:07
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C-S-B-N900oh well, i want to touch more into hosting and cisco, and my cv shows i havent done that commercially.23:08
madduckhow does one import the cacert CA into maemo? the certificate manager doesn't seem to have an import functionality23:08
nidOwell yeah, getting more technical what you also need is the authority to fire whichever muppet's still running the iis5 system23:08
madduckand how can i remove CAs from that list23:08
C-S-B-N900they wouldnt have got me for interview.23:08
jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: how did you interview go23:08
C-S-B-N900see above, ok but pressured. not a friendly interview.23:09
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nidOwell, if that doesnt turn out ill give you a shout as and when we're looking for more tech staff :p23:09
C-S-B-N900thanks nidO23:10
C-S-B-N900i have a second interview for another company23:10
jacekowskinidO: what sort of place are you talking about?23:10
nidOoo, who?23:10
nidOjacekowski I work for a shared/vps host23:11
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C-S-B-N900some german company but it seems like a wintel job with little challenge. but they want to pay me over the odds if i get it.23:11
jacekowskiso most likely you would be looking for like a helpdesk staff23:12
jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: 1 and 1?23:12
nidOlocal network admin rather than for a host?23:12
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C-S-B-N900yeah, ad, desktops, printers etc...23:12
jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: what's a company name, 1and1?23:13
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C-S-B-N900i cant remember, its german.23:13
nidO1and1 is an actual host23:13
nidOif you're just looking after an office network it wont be them :P23:13
jacekowskithat's what he said23:13
jacekowskior no23:13
jacekowskiyou said that23:13
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nidO[21:12] <C-S-B-N900> yeah, ad, desktops, printers etc...23:14
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nidOcant see a host recruiting someone for that kinda role really23:14
C-S-B-N900its not an it company.23:14
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jacekowskii like to work for non it technical company23:14
jacekowskibecause there is always something new to learn23:15
C-S-B-N900and they pay you to do what they dont understand. :)23:15
Proteousand you get to be a hero23:15
nidOmy boss does that as it is23:15
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jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: pretty much yeah23:15
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Proteousyou look like a wizard when you replace a computer powersupply23:16
ProteousALL THOSE WIRES!!23:16
jacekowskibut that is sometimes a problem23:16
jacekowskibecause you end up with people that think they know more than you23:16
jacekowskiand they always remind you that they would do it 100x better23:16
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nidOyou also end up with people who're bemused that you cant pull micracles out of your ass23:16
Proteousluckly I don't have that problem23:16
ProteousnidO: that sometimes happens23:17
C-S-B-N900i would prefer to linux role, but my mate did raise a good point with me. in a windows support role you get the joy of returning to your working linux system at home. what a relief.23:17
Proteousalso there is the job security aspect23:17
nidO*cough*im the other way round*cough*23:17
Proteouswindows will always need admins23:17
Proteousit requires constant babying23:18
jacekowskilinux same23:18
Proteousnot as much23:18
jacekowskii would disagree23:18
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Proteousthat's fine :P23:18
C-S-B-N900nidO: your a win7 user no?23:18
nidOboth platforms need to be properly setup and maintained to work properly23:18
jacekowskiand there is one thing i hate in linux23:18
nidOC-S-B-N900: yeah my workstation's win723:18
Proteousthe commandline?23:18
jacekowskithe way how services are done23:18
nidOas is my fileserver/media server here23:18
jacekowskii mean - it's done very nicely in windows 723:18
Proteousyou like the windows way better?23:18
jacekowskidelayed start23:19
jacekowskiautomatic restart23:19
C-S-B-N900linux will stay up for ages only if configured right23:19
robl^laptopis there support for objective-c in maemo?23:19
jacekowskirobl^laptop: yes23:19
jacekowskirobl^laptop: kinda23:19
nidOC-S-B-N900: exactly the same as windows23:19
C-S-B-N900o rly?23:19
jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: i have windows and linux servers23:19
nidO"oh it crashes really often" = dont install wank unstable drivers.23:19
C-S-B-N900im of the mind that lin>win.23:20
jacekowskiand only restarts that happen are every 3 months when we do some disaster recovery plan testing23:20
nidOentirely depends on usage and needs, but for pure uptime capability, theres no difference23:20
iPeter-with imput i mean example. username then i want select pw area with kb.. how?23:20
nidOproperly configured = they run basically forever outside of planned reboots23:20
nidOimproperly configured = crash regularly23:20
iPeter-Hi. I dont know is this ot in here but: is there any kb shortcut to select next input in microb?23:20
ShadowJKThat's funny, n900 says "Charging" even if there's no power23:20
robl^laptopjacekowski: kinda?  I'm looking to port some GNUstep apps to maemo 5.  Just got an N900, and most of the SDK stuff seems to be c/C++ and python.  not much mention of objective-c.  any pointers?23:21
jacekowskirobl^laptop: it's linux23:21
jacekowskirobl^laptop: and in the end - processor supports only it's own native binary code23:21
jacekowskirobl^laptop: and everything is up to your toolchain23:21
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robl^laptopjacekowski: so just a debian arm  cross-compile?23:21
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jacekowskirobl^laptop: i don't think that official maemo toolchain has obj-c compiler23:21
C-S-B-N900tbh though, i just need a frigging job.23:21
jacekowskirobl^laptop: robl^laptop but i saw one23:22
jacekowskibut you can always build your own crosscompiler23:22
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nidOC-S-B-N900 are you keeping an eye on the community hangouts like the hosting forums? regular recruitment ads on em23:22
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robl^laptopjacekowski: ahh, ok.  I'll prolly end up building a cross-compiler toolchain then,23:23
robl^laptopjacekowski: thanks23:23
C-S-B-N900nidO: no, im not fixed on a hosting job, but it would be a good direction for me.23:24
nidOC-S-B-N900: one quick example:
nidOthey seem a pretty small outfit though so no idea whether it's actually full-time or what the salary's like23:24
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* noobmonk3y hmmmmmmmmmms23:25
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nidO is anotherone, theyre a bigger host23:25
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C-S-B-N900nidO: cheers , what kind of wage would you think this would be?23:26
noobmonk3yand ukhost4u deserved to be burned23:26
noobmonk3yalmost as bad as fasthosts23:26
nidOin terms of work-from-home purely tech support monkey salaries, you could be looking at anywhere from £13,000 - £25,000 depending on the level of work you're being recruited for23:27
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nidOif it's a bigger host looking for a pure sysadmin, maybe £18-20 upto perhaps 35k23:27
C-S-B-N900thats quite low,23:27
C-S-B-N900but then you do get to work at home. :)23:28
nidOtech support salaries do generally start low and do remember it's usually working from home, but if you're working for a bigger firm the wage will generally go up pretty steeply if you know your shit23:28
nidOmost hosting outfits will recruit the majority of tech staff for level1 support, but if you know what you're doing you can get bumped up to level2 or 3 in not much time23:29
* noobmonk3y can tell the difference between dog and cat crap, now thats knowing shit23:29
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nidOtech support for a smaller firm as a salaried position is a pretty cushy job at the end of the day though even if the wage isnt that great23:30
C-S-BnidO, just dropping an email to, they are down the road from me.23:31
nidOhandy. never used them myself, though obviously noobmonk3y's opinion of them's pretty low, maybe you can work to change that :p23:32
noobmonk3yfasthosts i've taken through court23:32
nidOtheyre definitely a low-price bulk host though, so quality's always going to suffer23:32
noobmonk3yreally do not touch23:32
noobmonk3yukhosts at least refunded when the fecked up......23:32
nidOfasthosts give the industry a bad name.23:32
nidOas do 1and123:32
nidOthere are precisely 2 *big* consumer-oriented hosts who arent terribad23:33
noobmonk3yright i need nicotene... pyqt and threading is not simple :(23:33
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Shapeshifterheh. minimum font size in xterminal is brilliant23:33
Shapeshifterits still readable but sooooo small23:33
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nidOtv-out to a massive screen, and no problems :D23:34
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dottedmagShapeshifter: what font do you use?23:36
Shapeshifterdroid sans mono23:36
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C-S-Bheres good luck to me.23:36
C-S-BWorking from home would be the wins.23:37
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C-S-Bright, back to the n900; see you on the other side23:37
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dottedmagShapeshifter: well, minimum seems unreadable for me, though the next one (with 40 lines in fullscreen) is really legible.23:38
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dottedmag4-th small size seem to form standard 80x25 or something similar.23:40
Shapeshifteryeah the smallest is extremely small. i basically need to stick my face to the screen23:40
Shapeshifter4th is what i use23:40
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dottedmagActually it's 94x25. Nice.23:41
dottedmagIs it possible to hide toolbar, btw?23:42
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C-S-B-N900little blue box23:42
C-S-B-N900with diag arrow.23:42
C-S-B-N900its not blue. :P23:42
dottedmagI'm talking about hiding the toolbar at the bottom, with this box with diag arrow :)23:43
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C-S-B-N900kill x?23:44
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dottedmagX? It isn't X-related, definitely client-side.23:44
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C-S-B-N900i know, but without x all youd have is cli.23:45
ShadowJKI don't think you'd have any CLI on N900 :)23:46
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C-S-B-N900nidO: im worried that ill have a bump with getting into the hosting as i dont have experience in it.23:46
noobmonk3yC-S-B-N900, naaaa, youll be fine23:46
noobmonk3yjust gotta accept an introduction job23:46
noobmonk3yhelpdesking usually23:46
dottedmagWell, if kernel's evdev for built-in keyboard is good enough, it should be half-decent vt23:47
nidOwell, most hosts will generally consider extensive knowledge of the control suite they use a plus, but certainly the bigger hosts will take people without it and train you up, as long as you have good general admin knowledge23:47
nidOand can figure your way round problems23:47
ShadowJKdottedmag, dunno if there's anything in the kernel by default to render text to screen :)23:47
dottedmaggah, no /proc/config.gz23:47
C-S-B-N900i can, but i find my cv doesn't reflect my abilities. i know more than ive done commercially.23:47
nidOwell, its a case of communicating that to your employer23:48
C-S-B-N900well, i hope they get back to me. :)23:48
nidOjust as a point, when I got the job im in now, I had no IT-related qualifications whatsoever and no previous experience actually working in the IT sector23:48
dottedmagShadowJK: usually CONFIG_VT and CONFIG_CONSOLE are left enabled. And there is /dev/fb*, so it should work out-of-box23:49
C-S-B-N900but i dont know cpanel etc, but doesn't mean i cant learn it when it comes to it.23:49
nidOI got the job based purely on the knowledge I told them I had, and my ability to demonstrate that during the interview23:49
ShadowJKdottedmag, well there's probably a reason the maemo early init scripts use a program to put text on screen :)23:49
C-S-B-N900awesome nidO23:49
C-S-B-N900what did you have to demonstrate out of interest23:50
C-S-B-N900at least i am fluent in english.23:50
nidOcpanel along with most suites is easy to pick up for a pure basic helpdesk role though, obviously the full ins and outs of adminning it are incredibly complex but a larger host will essentially just need you to be able to use it, and theyll teach you that23:50
nidOas long as you're a fairly quick study23:51
noobmonk3yhmmmmmmm menuBar.addSeparator() doesnt seem to work in pyqt.......23:51
C-S-B-N900nidO: i rule at self learning.23:51
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nidOtake my advice though23:51
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nidOif you come across a host that uses h-sphere and wants you to be able to administer it23:51
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nidOjust walk away.23:51
nidOh-sphere is absolutely atrociously bad software, it's dreadful, and it's an absolute nightmare to administer23:52
C-S-B-N900also, do you have a work phone or do you use your own, as well as laptop etc.23:52
dottedmagC-S-B-N900: once I developed Plesk migration tools, and usual task was "get some hosting panel, figure out it database structure and data placement, write script to convert everything to Plesk formats". Couple of weeks for every control panel. Once you know how does Apache / Postfix / etc work, it's quite easy.23:52
nidOthankfully for all those reasons, not a great deal of hosts use it.23:52
nidOmy work's entirely online - i've made maybe 5-10 work-related phone calls in almost 7 years23:53
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* Arif_ sneezes23:54
* noobmonk3y wants a new job :(23:54
Arif_sitting around got boring?23:54
C-S-B-N900do you need to use your own comp nidO ?23:54
C-S-B-N900noobmonk3y: what do you do?23:54
noobmonk3yIT advisor in the NHS, actually enjoy the job, just want a challege23:54
nidOyeah, for essentially any home-based tech role itll be your responsibility to sort a pc and net connection23:54
* C-S-B-N900 will soon stop hassling nidO 23:55
nidOno worries, i'm on company time for another 5 minutes23:55
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C-S-B-N900well the hinges for my vaio will be here after a world of pain and premium calls to sony(egypt)23:56
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C-S-B-N900would you believe it, when they call me, it comes up +2023:57
C-S-B-N900they dont even bother to do a local redirect to at least pretend they are down the road.23:57
nidOor, theyre really impressive for being honest and open about their location!23:58
nidOmr glass-is-half-empty.23:58
C-S-B-N900the service was terrible until this chick took over.23:59
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