IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2008-08-04

RST38hso could a correctly directed hit with a fork00:00
RST38hnow, REALLY sleep.00:00
pupnikgood night RST38h `00:01
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lirinight RST, go to sleep already :)00:02
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BinkyCan i ask a question?00:17
BinkyWhere the hell is the MMC slot on the 770?00:18
BinkyThat door down in the right?00:18
BinkySorry, mine was second handed and came with the MMC on.00:19
BinkyOk, thanks!00:19
BinkyCan i remove it with the 770 on?00:20
liriseems that the version I have installed on the 2nd hand N810 is OS2008 version 1.2007.42-19 which I'm guessing is rather old...00:23
blafaselSo what? Flash it, if you want.00:24
blafaselBackup your stuff though00:24
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liriwhats the current OS 2008 version? are the changes considerable?00:26
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Macerwhat are the chances? :)00:29
blafaselMacer: Ouch00:30
blafaselAnother case of "Don't try to be too smart with ads"00:30
Macerthe banner is probably random00:30
Macerit just happened like that by chance00:30
blafaselNo, probably using context, like adsense.00:30
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Macerwhen keepin it real goes wrong00:32
lirithe swap button on the N810 is the top button from the 2 left buttons on the side?00:33
mikkov_looks like i have openlierox beta5 working..00:35
blafaselliri: Using the windows flasher? It shows you the right pictogram. But yes.00:35
mikkov_or not00:35
blafaselThe one with two rectangles/windows00:35
liriBlafasel: I'm reading about the flasher (probably will be with linux) on the wiki page00:36
blafaselliri: Okay. So - Yes ;)00:36
liriBlafasel: thanks :)00:36
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liriBlafasel: is there a chance to damage the device and ender it un-bootable or somehing?00:36
kpeldo you guys remember what is the name of the applet that checks your gmail account?00:38
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GeneralAntilleslbt, think you could slim down the MultiBoot section a bit?00:40
blafaselliri: Sure, drop it from the 5th floor or something.00:40
GeneralAntillesIt's really weighing the article down.00:40
blafaselliri: With updates? No, don't think so. I heard of no "brick" and I don't believe you can brick it (easily, without force).00:41
GeneralAntillesBricking requires something going wrong during the ~3ms window of the NOLO flashing.00:41
GeneralAntilleseven then, you can still revive it with the right cable.00:41
liriBlafasel: I'm not talking about dropping it. I'm talking about the reflash operation, just don't want to end up with a bricked device00:42
GeneralAntillesYou pretty much can't00:42
GeneralAntillesI've been in the tablet world for more than 2 years and never once seen anybody brick it flashing.00:42
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blafaselSee above. The point is: The chance bricking your device is probably lower than the change that someone drives you over when you leave the house ;)00:43
GeneralAntillesWe could run the numbers for you if you like, but NOLO is about 9KB in total00:44
blafaselI need to sleep, can't type anymore.00:44
GeneralAntillesand the flash runs at about 5-7MB/sec00:44
GeneralAntillesYou do the math.00:44
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liriheh ok00:46
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lbtGeneralAntilles: yes - it's not done yet00:48
liriis the current flash version for N810 newer than 1.2007.42-19?00:48
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solmumahakpel: mnotify00:49
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GeneralAntillesliri, significantly.00:50
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kpelsolarion: thanks00:52
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Macerwow they just can't make horror stuff like they used to.01:13
blafaselWell, what did you expect. Even the X-Files movie sucks badly. Very, very badly.01:15
lcuknoooooooo dont tell me that01:19
blafaselYou didn't watch it yet?01:20
lcukno, and i dont wanna know anything about it01:20
blafaselNo spoilers at all. I just didn't like it.01:21
blafaselWatched the original version, because I wanted to have the real voices..01:21
lcuki understand its full title is X-Files:Last chance at milking the cow"01:21
lcukbut i wanna see it anyway01:21
blafaselI mean.. What's up with dubbing every movie over here anyway.01:21
lcukwhere are you?01:21
blafaselEvery frikking movie is in german. Always.01:22
lcukahhh - i suppose things need dubbing then01:22
blafaselIt's hard to find original versions over here in a decent cinema01:22
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lcukblafasel, i can see why though01:23
lcukits a shame theres no way to get a computer to do a translation using the original actors voiceprint01:23
blafasellcuk: Explain it to me ;)01:24
lcuki suppose it will happen eventually01:24
blafaselHmm.. Currently you just have very strange expectations.01:24
blafaselBruce Willis? Completely different voice, very famous over here (the dubbed one)01:24
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lcukwell if i were a cinema owner here i know 99% of my customers couldnt speak german.  i would want an english language film01:25
blafaselMore stupid example: Eddie Murphy. You don't want to listen to the german version..01:25
lcukother way round is surely true01:25
blafasellcuk: It's a matter of education, imo.01:25
mikkov_over here only childrens movies are dubbed (and Simpsons: The Movie)01:25
lcukso get in your time machine and train everyone01:25
lcuki agree with you01:25
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lcukbut any major change would take 50 years plus?01:26
blafaselmikkov_: Where are you from?01:27
lcukwedont your respective countries produce any homegrown movies?01:28
lcukdo they sell as well01:28
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mikkov_finnish movies sell nowaday pretty well here01:29
mikkov_15 years ago finnish movier were complete joke01:29
blafaselYes, most do01:29
pupnikeliminating or reducing current copyright monopoly protections would open up the world of art to the people again: individuals playing instruments and singing, independent artists rising to prominence on popular meritocracy01:29
lcukit does work, and producing films and programs natively does more than a simple dubb - it incorporates local language traditions jokes or situations01:30
blafaselAnyway, time to sleep - lots of work tomorrow. G'Night01:30
lcukgnite blafasel01:30
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lcukpupnik, copyright in reasonable terms helps the individuals01:31
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pupniki know of valid arguments which support that lcuk01:32
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lcukits just a very big machine you work against and the odds against an independent are stacked01:32
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lcukbut a tiny piece of grit can cause the whole thing to sieze :)  how you doin today01:33
pupnikweird i guess01:34
lcukbleugh.   did i see you talkin emulators before?01:35
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lbt'night all01:51
lcukgnite lbt01:52
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Xamuskis there any calendaring app for maemo better than gpe-calendar?02:35
bef0rddon't know if is better though02:37
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[yzf600]I wrote a pygtk app for my maemo04:05
[yzf600]It opens up port 21234 and listens for any connections04:06
[yzf600]I can't connect to it, however04:06
[yzf600]I have debugged the socket on my localhost (desktop) and it works like a charm04:06
pupnikwaitaminute.  does n810 gps give altitude info?04:06
[yzf600]the client just can't connect to the pygtk app on the maemo: socket.error: (111, 'Connection refused')04:06
[yzf600]is there some network settings I need to tweak to get it to accept connections?04:07
bef0rdI don't think so, are you sure the socket is listening?04:08
[yzf600]I'm pretty sure04:09
[yzf600]I set up a gobject for it:         sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)04:10
[yzf600]        sock.bind( (self.server_addr, self.rx_port) )04:10
[yzf600]        sock.listen(1)04:10
[yzf600]        gobject.io_add_watch(sock, gobject.IO_IN, self.rx_data)04:10
bef0rdI'm not into python programming, but I would do the following to check it, install netcat, run nc -lvvp 21234 and try to connect to it04:11
[yzf600]unless the gobject mechanism doesn't work the same on the maemo pygtk04:11
[yzf600]you mean run netcat on my 770?04:11
bef0rdif you are unable to connect, then it means there's indeed something blocking the connection04:11
bef0rdyea, its available on extras04:12
[yzf600]ah yea04:12
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[yzf600]btw - does this work on a shell : apt-get install xxxx ?04:14
bef0rdyou need to get root access first04:14
[yzf600]I am root04:15
bef0rdit works :)04:15
[yzf600]would you happen to know what package netcat is on the gregale (n770) release ?04:15
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[yzf600]apt-get install netcat didn't work04:15
lcukapt-cache search netcat should tell you04:15
bef0rdoh, don't know if its available for that version04:15
[yzf600]nope, no netcat for me04:16
lcukthough bef0rd is right, its most likely not standard04:16
lcuktheres a repo search site gronmayer or something04:16
lcuki think you can filter to specific release repos04:16
lcuklooking however, it is only listing it for os200704:18
[yzf600]so I can put the client on the maemo and have it talk to the server on my desktop04:18
[yzf600]but putting the server on the maemo, and the client on the desktop does not work04:18
lcuki have a python remote control app here which connects to my home computer04:19
lcukon my 2008 machine it works everytiem theres a connection04:19
[yzf600]that sounds like the remote control app is a client and you desktop is the server04:20
lcukthe desktop listens for connections then sends keystrokes out to the app on top04:21
[yzf600]I'm confused04:22
[yzf600]do you press buttons on the nokia screen, and those are sent to your desktop where something is updated?04:22
lcukyes - i play movies on my big screen computer and control them from the nokia04:23
[yzf600]oh - ok04:23
lcukbut thats what you just said you could flip your app to04:23
lcukor did i mishear you04:23
[yzf600]I can get connections from the nokia - desktop04:23
[yzf600]but I can't get desktop -> nokia04:23
[yzf600]I'm thinking something in the network settings is blocking it04:24
[yzf600]perhaps I should try a different port number04:24
lcukits most likely at your big computer end04:24
lcuktry running both the client and the server onm the nokia04:24
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[yzf600]good idea04:24
lcuktry connecting via loopback04:24
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[yzf600]both running local works04:25
lcukis your desktop linux or windows?04:25
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[yzf600]desktop linux04:25
lcukheh, i know nothing about firewalls and networks in linux - but the tablet is pretty open on the network04:26
lcukfrom what i can gather04:26
bef0rdsome routers block traffic from LAN to WLAN04:26
bef0rdmine had an option for that04:26
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lcukyes, without explicit rules thats a possibility04:27
lcukanyway, hope you get it working04:27
lcukim off 2 bed04:27
[yzf600]my nokia does respond to pings and I can ssh into it04:27
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[yzf600]thanks for your suggestions04:27
bef0rdah ok04:28
bef0rdnight lcuk.04:28
[yzf600]different port (1234 instead of 21234) didn't help any04:28
lcuktry a lower standard port - i know things like webservers work04:28
bef0rdtry starting it as root?04:28
bef0rdopenssh runs as root04:28
[yzf600]I am root04:28
[yzf600]port 999 didn't work04:29
[yzf600]let me try 8004:30
[yzf600]no luck with 8004:30
bef0rdtry stoping ssh and using 22 :P04:30
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[yzf600]killed sshd before I fixed the file04:34
[yzf600]and vi is a bitch to use via xterm on nokia04:35
bef0rdnano ftw04:35
[yzf600]hmm - I can't bind to port 22 - permission denied04:38
jaskarunning as user?04:39
jaskayou need root or capabilities to bind below 102404:39
[yzf600]didn't realize xterm runs as "user"04:41
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[yzf600]nmap scan of nokia only shows 1 open port04:57
[yzf600]port 2204:57
[yzf600]iptables show up empty04:58
[yzf600]I wonder why port 22 is open, but my app running at 1234 can't be seen04:58
[yzf600]anyone know of any other apps for the nokia that accept socket connections?04:59
[yzf600]besides ssh?04:59
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bef0rddid you install nc?05:00
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[yzf600]nc isn't available for os2006 I think05:01
[yzf600]ehhh - I have to go to bed05:02
[yzf600]perhaps the solution will come to me in my sleep :)05:03
bef0rddid you check gronmayer repos list?05:03
[yzf600]thanks bef0rd05:03
[yzf600]I'll check those tomorrow05:03
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GAN800Awesome . . . Barrage nuked my Application menu.05:12
mikkov_what happened?05:14
GAN800Didn't install cleanly and now the application menu is blank.05:16
bef0rdit worked for me05:17
mikkov_did you have some error message? (i packaged barrage)05:17
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GAN800Didn't bother to check the logs, just 'Install failed'.05:17
mikkov_try update-desktop-database, though i'm not sure if that is even related05:19
mikkov_/usr/share/applications/hildon has .desktop files there?05:20
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GAN800'No directories in update-desktop-database search path could be processed and updated.'05:22
GAN800Wonder if I've got fs corruption.05:23
mikkov_that update thing shouldn't return anything05:23
GAN800apt-getting it for a real log.05:24
GAN800PATH is messed up. . . .05:26
GAN800Hrm, maybe that shit gphoto2 package that stuck all of its stuff in /usr/local/05:26
GAN800Apologies, mikkov_, for the misfired accusation.05:27
mikkov_that's ok05:27
mikkov_so gphoto2 did something nasty?05:28
GAN800Likely, don't feel like poking at the package on the tablet.05:29
GAN800Check it out and maybe send a nasty letter to the packager if its screwy05:29
GAN800Once I get back to a real machine.05:30
GAN800Either way, packages putting stuff in /usr/local/ is BAD BAD BAD.05:30
GAN800Somebody want to pastebin their /etc/profile for me?05:31
mikkov_lines are a little bit screwed05:33
GAN800Hrm, same thing here05:34
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timelesshi gan80006:00
timelesscheck out :)06:00
GAN800Hey, timeless06:02
GAN800Back from the States?06:02
timelesswell, is YVR back from the states?06:03
timelessi suppose maybev? :)06:03
* GAN800 really doesn't love the new logo.06:03
timelessnot my fault06:04
timelessis it applied right?06:04
timelessYVR's server bans mxr.maemo.org06:04
GAN800Yeah, looks fine.06:04
timelessi can hit and mxr.mozilla.org06:04
timelessvery very strange06:04
timelessi'll be back to reality in 48 hrs or so06:04
* GAN800 is on vacation.06:05
GAN800Hehe, spotty internet out here.06:05
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timelessyvr offers free wifi, until it failed to allow, i thought it was perfect06:12
bmidgleyRST38h, johnx: fwiw, the current a2dp does have a little arm asm in the inner loop06:12
GAN800TPA has awesome free wifi06:12
bmidgleyit copies stuff around too much but the computation is fairly tight now afaict06:14
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Maceranybody here get kopete working with ssl support?07:28
Maceri'd sure love to know how you did it07:28
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makoshow often do you guys have to reboot you n810?07:31
RST38hX-Fade: Here?07:33
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makosdoes maemo freeze much on you guys'07:42
makosok...been freexing on me alot lately07:46
makosmaybe i should reflash07:46
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RST38hGA: Have you heard of any problems committing stuff to extras lately?08:05
RST38hGarage refuses scp08:05
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, I don't have Extras access.08:13
GeneralAntillesand haven't been here for a few days.08:13
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* GeneralAntilles is on vacation.08:13
GeneralAntillesAlright, somebody k-line his ass already. . . .08:13
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GeneralAntillesSo, uh, no, I haven't heard anything.08:13
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GeneralAntillesStupid JIRC client.08:19
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GeneralAntillesSomebody remove that in a few hours. :P08:21
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RST38hGA: If you ban people, at least do it right08:29
RST38hOtherwise he will come back =)08:30
GeneralAntillesI don't want him gone08:30
GeneralAntillesJust for the duration of his retardation.08:31
RaytrayWhat could you be possibly doing to have that happen a million times?08:31
GeneralAntillesand not get k-lined?08:31
GeneralAntillesMaybe trying to paste the same 20 lines into #ubuntu over and over and over?08:31
GeneralAntillesRST38h, hopefully by the time he gets around to evading the ban he'll has stopped flooding. ;)08:32
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: RST38h, hopefully by the time he gets around to evading the ban he'll have stopped flooding. ;)08:32
RST38hGA: Depends on whether he was doing it on purpose *or* was a vicitm of someone else08:33
* GeneralAntilles shuoldn't try to do useful things on itT.08:33
GeneralAntillesRST38h, well, he hasn't come back so far. :P08:34
RST38hMake a list of posts answering 99% common questions, keep it in some file and Copy&Paste =)08:34
GeneralAntillesI should put together a bot.08:35
RST38hGA: Either couldn't figure out "this irc thing" or was called off by his mother for dinner/bath/sleep =)08:35
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GeneralAntillesHi, qwerty12.08:35
qwerty12Hi RST38h08:36
qwerty12The alarm actually got me up at 6:30. Imagine that...08:36
GeneralAntillesMan, California is way in the past.08:37
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RST38hyour 6:30 is our 9:3008:39
RST38hAnd Chinese have been up for at least 5 hours by now =)08:39
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RaytrayYour 9:30 is my 1:40:1708:40
RST38hRaytray: Then what are you doing here? =)~08:41
RST38hAnyways, work.08:41
RaytrayI had a nice conversation with a friend and now I'm a bit alert to go to sleep yet. That and I'm kind of homing they might call back. :P08:41
infobotRaytray meant: I had a nice conversation with a friend and now I'm a bit alert to go to sleep yet. That and I'm kind of hoping they might call back. :P08:43
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RST38hTHEY will definitely call you back, Raytray08:46
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RaytrayJust trying to get me to stay up allnight? :P08:47
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qwerty12If you can't trust a man who is in the future, who can you trust? :P08:48
GeneralAntillesDefinitely not qwerty12.08:48
qwerty12And that is evil FAIL in the morning.08:49
qwerty12To me that is.08:49
* GeneralAntilles wishes he could figure out this stupid PATH issue.08:49
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Luriaanyone used the iptables in the repositories?08:50
GeneralAntillesSomebody needs to murder the guy who put together that gphoto2 package.08:50
qwerty12Ouch, I'm just reading your problem :(08:50
GeneralAntillesroot seems to be OK, but user and apt-get aren't happy.08:51
* GeneralAntilles wishes he had a real computer to test with.08:51
GeneralAntilles /etc/profile /root /home/user08:51
GeneralAntillesWhere else could the problem be?08:52
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qwerty12Which gphoto package were you using?08:52
GeneralAntillesWould check the package, but not on an XP laptop. :P08:53
qwerty12Hehe, hmm, not sure how that package was done but it doesn't look like it was done with standard debian tools. dh_make would have wanted it to go in /usr by default08:54
qwerty12I think jott has a [proper] package of gphoto208:54
GeneralAntilles /usr/local is just plain evil08:54
GeneralAntillesYeah, I pulled this one off an EDGE connection in about a 20 minute window of connectivity in Yosemite two days ago after the camera filled up too quickly. ;)08:55
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qwerty12I'll see if I can reboot into linux and mount up the diablo image. I'd offer files off my tablet but due to lack of charger, it is dead for timebeing.08:57
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GeneralAntillesMeh, don't worry yourself.08:57
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GeneralAntillesI have other people I can coerce into giving me things.08:57
GeneralAntillesWont have much time to troubleshoot for the next couple days, anyway.08:58
GeneralAntillesOut for a day or two.09:01
GeneralAntillesMay pop in tomorrow evening.09:01
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qwerty12ffs, I install a "kernel service" and this wireless adapter disconnects my connection to the 'net09:13
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bef0rdkernel service?09:18
qwerty12Windows, no idea what that means but libusb-win32 says it was installing one of them...09:18
bef0rdoh heh, windows >_>09:19
qwerty12Usually, I'm a linux user but this morning I needed the rapidshare downloaders...09:19
bef0rdI've had to use it too :X I used to dual boot, bud I decided to remove it completly like 6 months ago09:24
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qwerty12Hmm, anyone want to make initfs logos under windows? Only bit of 0xFFFF I can get to compile...09:31
qwerty12(the logotool that is)09:31
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Italodancei can race for u?09:31
Italodancey scene09:33
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bef0rdoh internet slang :|09:34
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Luriabtw, bef0rd thanks for the heads up re: defcon09:37
bef0rdLuria, no problem09:38
Luriai exchanged emails with avs, we'll probably meet up at some point09:38
Luriahe suggested using iptables, which i now see is in some repo on my it... anyone tried it? does stock diablo have kernel support for it?09:39
avsI hope so09:39
Luriaoh hey09:39
Luriadidnt see ya there09:40
Luriawas distracted, sending a fb message explaining the old login timing attack (to build user lists) to a nascent (or willing to learn) hacker, of sorts.09:41
qwerty12iptables binary already comes with diablo09:41
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Luriadidnt seem to be there09:42
qwerty12Are you root?09:42
Luriaof course09:42
qwerty12Hmm, I know it's there on my device...09:42
Luriais there a locate type command in diablo09:42
Luriaor whereis or something09:43
XTLiNot really09:43
qwerty12You can get slocate from free's debfarm repo. I use it on my device, works nicely09:43
Luriak thanks09:43
bef0rdmine has iptables too09:43
qwerty12but for now, you'll have to stick with find if you don't want to install anything09:43
XTLi~# which iptables09:43
qwerty12Yep, it *is* installed by default on a diablo device09:43
Lurialemme look again09:44
qwerty12the update repo has it listed too09:44
Luriai saw it in apt-cache09:44
qwerty12it should be on the device09:44
Luriabut i dont think the binary was there. im sure im wrong, tho, as all of you have it09:44
Luriaholy crap is the email client buggy09:45
Luriait crashed 2sec into a fresh boot09:45
XTLiapt-cache policy iptables09:45
XTLiSee if it's installed09:46
XTLiDpkg -L it to see where09:46
LuriaXTLi, are you on a n8x0?09:47
XTLiN810, yes. But haven't kept too close track on sw09:48
Luriano, was wondering about the odd capitalization. :-)09:49
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XTLiRight :)09:49
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Luriabtw, whats the best bash? i see three versions in the repos09:53
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Luriaok, seems to be working now. weird.09:54
Luriathanks for the help09:54
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Luriadamn, i wish i could obfuscate ip packet source and destination09:57
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bef0rdit would be easier to shutdown the wireless connection on the n810 at defcon :P09:59
Luriatrue, but what fun would that be10:01
Luriai bought a 500mw 802.11g usb thing today10:01
Luriaa little big to call it a dongle, i guess10:02
Luriai doubt/wonder if it will show in time10:02
bef0rddefcon is next week?10:02
Luriathis friday10:03
Luriablackhat is now10:03
Luriabut out of my budget :-)10:03
Luriaim getting in thurs, hopefully i can preregister on thurs10:04
Luriai wish they took preorders10:05
Luriaafk, beer+cig = :)10:05
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lirilol bef0rd10:11
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bef0rdheh, i'd like to go to defcon10:15
bef0rdactually to any decent security conference / meeting10:16
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liribef0rd: I know what you mean10:24
liribef0rd: I'm totally in another place in the world, can't imagine how I could get there anyhow10:25
liribef0rd: actually the OSiM conference sounds interesting too and it's even in Europe, would be nice to attend it10:25
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bef0rdyea, I have no money though :( I went to a 'security' conference here, a guy was showing some shell code on the screen and everybody was like 'omg hack :O'10:26
liriI guess people are amazed easily10:28
liriat least those with not much of a clue10:28
liriIt's hard to amaze us oldschool guys10:28
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* aquatix saw a presentation of a hypervisor hack, now that was cool10:28
aquatixsomehow turn the current OS into a VM using hardware virtualisation without skipping a beat and the OS noticing10:29
* liri still has backup CDs of his Remote Access BBS directory back from 96' or so when he was running a 36k modem10:29
RST38hput it only and make it telnettable =)10:29
infobotRST38h meant: put it online and make it telnettable =)10:29
aquatixtry to re-write those, as cd-r's tend to get unreadable after a while10:29
aquatixwould be a shame10:30
liriactually when the Internet cought up with everyone, the guys who were running BBSs like me moved to a telnet version of it, though I figured the time for BBSs kinda died so I just quit10:30
liribut I was running it straight for about 4-5 years I think10:30
lirihere's a quick wiz - I called it THC BBS, anyone know what THC stands for?10:31
aspectthe hackers choice!10:31
lirilol yeah10:31
aspectthose were the days :)10:31
liriI was inspired with the group at the time10:31
lirieven had a few email changed with van hauser10:31
lirihe's a nice guy10:31
aspectthey had a good name too ;-)10:31
lirilol definitely10:32
liriI'm gonna get you a screenshot of the BBS directories I found just for the laugh of it :)10:32
aspectsounds great10:32
liriI found that backup CD by accident when I was re-arranging my collection a couple of weeks ago10:32
liriI was totally shocked that I actually had that copy10:32
bef0rdwell, I'm not *that* old school hehe10:32
liriI installed DOSbox on one of my windows machines to try and access it heh, was fun10:33
aspectsomewhere I've got backups of the stuff I was trading around BBSes back in the day ... should be some great stuff in there10:33
liriaspect: definitely worth the look for it :)10:33
aspectwriting intros and diskmags in turbo pascal to try and get cred with the warez/hacker crowd :)10:34
RST38hCould somebody check if MG shows up ion Diablo Extras?10:34
* bef0rd checks10:34
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bef0rdsega 8bit console emulator10:35
liriaspect: you know what I misss10:36
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liriaspect: the "paging to sysop"10:36
liriaspect: now that's a sound I'm gonna miss10:36
aspectymodem-g was the best advance ever10:38
aspectchat with sysop while transferring files10:39
aspecteven uploading the zip files which extracted files into ..\..\users.dat ;-)10:40
Luriabtw, hopetracker.donthax.me10:40
Lurialiri, thats for you10:41
RST38hbedf0rd: Is vgb there as well?10:41
Luriaah. the days of pascal and pcboard...10:41
Luriaanyone remeber rip bbses?10:42
bef0rdRST38h, yea, I installed it this morning10:42
RST38hNow, just need to find X-Fade and figure out ssh access problem...10:42
macouteLuria: i used to run my own back in the days10:43
Luriarip or pcboard?10:43
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Luriaaquatix, btw, that tracker has a vm and security lecture, tho i havent watched it, nor did i attend when i was at hope10:44
macouteLuria: pcboard10:44
Luriaha. i set up a fake bbs with my school's permission, using their pcboard 14.5 license to get the hayes sysop discount on the new 28.8 vfc modem and (awesome) serial board.10:46
aquatixLuria: hm?10:46
Luriaused a spare line at home and "made" a temporary bbs with the help of some schoolmates help of10:47
Luriaerr, typo :-)10:47
liriLuria: nice thanks10:47
liriLuria: I was afk :p10:47
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Luriaadam savagre was awesome10:47
Luriadamn, my eeepc needs a backlit kybd10:48
aquatixyeah, those should be default on laptops10:48
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aquatixsame with a light sensor10:48
Luriacold boot was awesome and hardcore, as was port knocking10:49
Luriahow do i pwn was funny and somewhat insightful10:49
Luriahardware obfuscation was also good10:50
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Luriaunfortunately, there are still ~70 talks that are missing10:51
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Luriaactually, macoute, i remember coming home from high school and seeing a call in from hayes to validate the "existence" of the bbs10:54
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Luriaah yes, thank you google for supplimenting memories of '9410:55
Luriathe hayes esp serial board10:55
Luriaa 16550af on steroids10:56
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aquatixLuria: i knew that one was coming :)11:00
Luriabef0rd, which "security conference" was that?11:00
Italodancewell i am sad :(11:01
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* Luria is catching up with the scroll back buffer11:01
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ItalodanceLuria where r u from?11:02
aquatixwhite hats++11:03
Luriawas it the presenters or the audience (or both) that sucked?11:03
bef0rdmost of the presenters heh, 2 of them were good though11:03
Luriaafter hope and defcon, im thinking about berlin in the winter11:04
Italodancemy problem isn't solved yet
Luriai guess im getting back into this11:04
bef0rdIt was here in Colombia, I supposed it was not going to be very good, but I had to go anyway11:04
Luriai understand11:05
Luriasorry to hear that though11:05
Luriaive been thinking about the offensive security certs11:05
Luriaanyone have any experience or opinions?11:06
LuriaItalodance, why not clear out your repositories, add the active ones from gronmeyer and update your package list?11:07
liriwell I'm quite offensive but I'm not certified11:07
liriI kid people, curse, alot of these stuff...11:07
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avs"offensive" certs?11:07
Luriaavs, the bt3 people11:07
liriavs: he means black hat kinda stuff11:07
Luriatheyll be at defcon11:07
liritalking about bt... bt is now composed of 2 teams, one of which is Israeli :-)11:08
Lurialiri, you israeli?11:08
liriLuria: yep11:08
Luriawhere from?11:08
liriLuria: you weren't here when I was made fun of when asking about GPS functionality in N810 and I was asked if I was going to put it in a Tank? lol11:08
Luriaheh. guess not.11:09
liriLuria: Ramat Gan, it's like 2 minutes from Tel Aviv11:09
Luriaani makir gush dan, achi11:09
Luriaah, bezeq. memories...11:10
liriLuria: heh, hazak11:10
liriLuria: you israeli?11:10
Luriana'im me'od11:10
Luriano, new yorker11:10
liriLuria: ahh, jewish or what?11:10
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Luriayeah, also a stint at heb u (har ha-tzofim)11:11
Luriabut i brought my hebrew along with me  ;-)11:12
JaffaMorning, all11:12
Luriaso, israelis on the bt crew?11:13
Luriayou know them?11:13
liriLuria: well before it was BT it was called whoopix and the team behind it are Israeli, yes11:14
liriLuria: we're talking about the same thing here right? BT being BackTack11:14
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liriso yes11:14
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liriI don't know them personally though I heard that Mati is good11:15
liribut again, can't really comment on it11:15
bef0rdi thought you were talking about bluetooth heh11:15
lirilol bef0rd11:15
Luriau'lai yesh hanacha "mishpachtit" lol11:15
liriLuria: I mean, anyone can piece together a distribution full of tools. the question is if these guys truly are skilled... that's another story and I don't really know11:15
liriLuria: lol11:16
Luriafair enough11:16
liriLuria: lo nir'e li11:16
Luriagam li. k'mo ha dag nachash, ein frayerim :-)11:16
MaceN800is there some sort of distro for n800?11:17
Luriait seems there is some cissp credit given for the courses, so they cant be too bad11:17
qwerty12I think there is angstrom too11:17
Luriadebian, maemo, android sorta... go to itt11:18
MaceN800debian? like an actual debian distro for n800??11:18
Luriathere is a forum section11:18
avsluria, cissp cpes aren't really a very strong  proof of quality11:18
bef0rdPoky Linux I mean
Luriafor alternative distros11:18
Luriatrue, but if they do a decent job of covering the supposed course material, it could be interesting11:18
bef0rddoes nit-debian use maemo kernel wireless module?11:19
Luriaplus i heard a rumor that some of the 1st level materials are on some torrent site... something about a bay or something11:19
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qwerty12Luria, the bay near Sverige?11:20
Luriado they have pirates or ninjas?11:20
MaceN800the debian install looks very interesting11:21
qwerty12They have a pirate party :/11:21
Luriaoh, then probably, yeah11:21
doc|homeLuria: better than that, pirate boats carrying ninjas. Ninjas for land actions. Pirates for sea actions. Unstoppable11:21
MaceN800does it come with dev tools to build from source for armel?11:21
Luriapirates wear black hats, ninjas, hoods11:21
qwerty12MaceN800, It does the debootstrap on the tablet11:22
Luriaso, pirates in the bay11:22
KhertanHo !11:22
Luriawith the black hat booty11:22
MaceN800looks like i have something to do tomorrow then ;)11:22
KhertanHi ! (pirate version )11:23
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MaceN800i want to install this deb distro11:23
MaceN800what wm does it use?11:23
qwerty12Khertan, Oh! I was thinking of something else, ignore me. lack of sleep...11:23
MaceN800or do you use whatever?11:23
Khertan(ho == hi.pirate_version())11:23
Khertanqwerty12 > and what do u think ?11:23
Luriaice or kde, iirc11:24
qwerty12MaceN800, Matchbox with xfce panel. it used to use full xfce but matchbox is better suited to tablets11:24
qwerty12Khertan, nothing...11:24
Luriawhoops, really? did i misread the debian thread?11:24
MaceN800good interface?11:25
X-FadeRST38h: Ssh problem? Tell me? ;)11:25
oilinkiwhat is browserd and why it eats 50% of the memory?11:25
RST38hoilinki: resident part of the microb11:25
MaceN800do all the features work that you would find in maemo/hildon?11:25
RST38hX-Fade: Refuses scp login, tells the key is wrong11:25
qwerty12browserd = The shit part of microb for diablo11:25
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RST38hyep, somebody should tell nokia guys responsible for it to kework it11:26
Khertanoilinki > a stupid idea, that preload some part of microb11:26
oilinkimy browser is not even started yet.11:26
X-FadeRST38h: I'll check what the error is.11:26
RST38htakes memory, sometimes eats cpu cycles, does not do anything visibly good11:26
oilinkiah. preload with huge demand of memory.11:26
Khertanoilinki > yes ... a stupid idea ...11:26
Luriai was wondering why performance seems to have crapped out since chinook11:26
qwerty12Someone should dpkg-repack the chinook version of microb and icd...11:27
Luriai used to be able to do 6+ windows, now i get lockups on three11:27
MaceN800i really want to install this debian distro now11:27
X-FadeRST38h: Remind me your username again :)11:27
* RST38h finds tendency to keep huge parts of maemo apps resident disturbing11:27
MaceN800hope it doesnt suck11:27
RST38hX-Fade: fms11:28
oilinkithen how about the maemo-launcher processes? seems to eat a lot of memory as well. can be killed?11:28
Luriai take it microb will crap out if browserd goes away?11:28
qwerty12oilinki, no, don't kill it11:28
qwerty12Luria, yep11:28
* Khertan hope he can say what he think about this resident thing to maemo dev at summit11:28
RST38hWe have now got 12MB of Modest in memory, 11-17MB of browserd, and I am pretty sure somebody will make Python resident shortly11:28
qwerty12RST38h, python-launcher-daemon comes to mind but that one helps :)11:28
KhertanRST38h > already done11:28
Luriabtw, wtf is up with modest?11:29
RST38hKhertan: Python is optional for now11:29
KhertanRST38h > python-launcher11:29
RST38hLuria: Nothing11:29
RST38hLuria: Just disable it11:29
Luriai boot my n810 and 2 seconds later, internal email crash11:29
RST38hLuria: Modest does not work properly.11:29
Luriai need gpg anyway11:29
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X-FadeRST38h: What is your ip?11:30
Luriawill things go wrong if it is uninstalled?11:30
RST38hX-Fade: Good question but I am sure it ends with ultranet.ru11:30
qwerty12Luria, yes. osso-software-version depends on it11:30
Luriai thought so11:30
RST38hLuria: Don't need to uninstall it, just disable the sucker11:30
Luriaso to disable it, i need to edit some init somewhere?11:30
RST38hLuria: Remove all your email accounts form it11:31
X-FadeRST38h: Or can you try it now, so I can monitor :)11:31
qwerty12And disable the automatic update in settings11:31
RST38hLuria: This will leave it in memory (unfortunately) but will prevent it from doing harm11:31
RST38hX-Fade: Can't - I am at work11:31
Luriaare you kidding11:31
RST38hLuria: no :(11:31
X-FadeRST38h: Ok, what time did you try it last?11:31
Luriaits like 1 step forward, two back11:31
RST38hX-Fade: 9:00-9:40 EU time11:32
RST38hWait, no... 9:00-9:40 MSK makes it 8:00-8:40 EU time11:32
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Luriai love how stable rtcomm is, which isnt "released," but email doesnt work, doesnt support encryption, but takes up memory11:32
X-FadeRST38h: Well, server is in finland time ;)11:32
RST38hLuria: The real problem was that the author did not concern himself with anything but very intricate IMAP protocol implementation11:33
Luriais the IE team working at nokia?11:33
RST38hX-Fade: Is .FI GMT+2?11:33
RST38hLuria: So the rest of the stuff got untested / unfixed11:33
RST38hX-Fade: you are on Moscow time then, 9:00-9:4011:33
RST38hOh, shit, no daylight savings... :)11:34
Luriais there any way to minimize the memory footprint?11:34
RST38hX-Fade: Sorry for the mess. Google says that you are an hour behind so login attempt must have happened in 8:00-8:40 EEST11:34
qwerty12If there was, we'd all be doing it :)11:34
RST38hLuria: there is11:35
qwerty12Don't use it?11:35
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RST38hLuria: 1. Find whatever config runs modest and disable it there11:35
RST38hLuria: 2. Find where media crawler starts and disable it11:35
* liri is searching dealextreme for a micro to mini sd adapter for the N810...11:35
X-FadeRST38h: Ok, I think I found your ip.11:35
RST38hAFAIK, there is no way to disable browserd11:36
liriI found and
liriany ideas if these are good?11:36
bef0rdrtcomm is pretty good indeed11:36
liribef0rd: whats rtcomm advantage over pidgin?11:36
X-FadeRST38h: The only thing I see is an incoming connection. Nothing more.11:36
bef0rdliri,  rtcomm supports voip11:37
Luriavoice and integration11:37
bef0rdwith Google Talk, gizmo, SIP11:37
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Luriaone less thing to run, to take up screen real estate11:37
MaceN800this deb distro looks awesome11:37
doc|homedeb distro?11:37
qwerty12doc|home, debian-nit11:37
liriI'm used for pidgin already11:38
RST38hX-Fade: Right - it refused login11:38
doc|homeqwerty12: got a link?11:38
lirionce I reflash the device and hack it I might also check rtcomm11:38
bef0rdrtcomm is preinstalled11:38
doc|homemaemo mostly works, i'm hesitant to go fucking with shit11:38
MaceN800xfce looks like gnome11:38
liricould someone check one of those links above for the microsd adapter and tell me if this is the right one to get for the N81011:38
doc|homeI have enough of that with the freerunner11:38
qwerty12You install it on a seperate partition11:38
doc|homedoes look nice though11:39
* doc|home long time fan of xfce11:39
Lurialiri, as someone who stil uses gaim and pidgin on another machine11:39
XTLiXfce is gnome with a bit of cde thrown in11:39
MaceN800will nit-debian built apps support cups?11:39
doc|homedoes it have a webkit browser?11:39
Luriadump it, go with rtcomm11:39
XTLiWorst of both worlds11:39
bef0rdliri, yes11:39
Luriaunless you need otr, which no one uses11:39
bef0rdLuria, are you using rtcomm beta?11:39
MaceN800if it can print with cups i'm sold heh11:40
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liribef0rd: thanks I wasn't sure if this would fit the N810 or not11:40
liribef0rd: so I'll buy it11:40
Luriai used it on chinook, and i installed it again tonight11:40
bef0rdMaceN800, I think it does11:40
Luriai stopped using my it for a while11:40
liriLuria: otr?11:40
Luriaoff the record messaging11:40
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MaceN800bef0rd what browser are they using in the screenshots?11:40
* bef0rd checks11:41
MaceN800can you build armel ffox? ;)11:41
qwerty12Yes. If you like uber slowness.11:41
bef0rdit looks like epiphany11:41
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MaceN800i'll install it when i get home11:42
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Luriacan i get safari for it?11:42
MaceN800i need a browser that's supported by bank sites ;)11:42
Luriait would go well with my decor.11:43
MaceN800and ajax support would be nice11:43
bef0rdyea, its epiphany but it doesn't say if its using gecko or webkit backend11:43
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MaceN800i think gecko11:43
qwerty12I want safari on the tablet just for
MaceN800it does support the bt modem right?11:44
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bef0rdbut I'll probably install nit-debian next week end heh11:48
lbtjohnx: Stskeeps: about the nit-debian wiki. It says "deb chinook free non-free" change chinook to diablo - should that be diablo/tools?11:48
MaceN800ok. i'll try it out tomorrow11:48
Luriak, 'nite11:49
qwerty12Stskeeps, it shouldn't be diablo at all. the diablo sdk repo doesn't carry a subversion11:49
MaceN800i can always rebuild the maemo/kde install if nit sucks11:49
bef0rdg' night11:49
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qwerty12Hmm, installing gnu utils for windows = good way to break batch files :/11:50
bef0rdif you have enough space there is information at the wiki to setup multiples boots11:50
MaceN800i have 8G/8G11:50
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MaceN800but i dont like using the external11:51
RST38hqwerty: and "dir"11:51
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MaceN800maybe i'll get another 8G to swap out11:51
RST38hFor some reason my "dir" command has become case-sensitive now11:51
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lbtMaceN800: I've been doing this:  not quite there yet but feel free to comment11:52
qwerty12RST38h, heh. It wasn't gnuutils but the perl install that I got :/11:52
MaceN800heh... i dont mind wiping it11:53
qwerty12lbt, which part of the script does not work?11:54
X-FadeRST38h: I can't find why you can't connect. I'll ask Ferenc to look into it.11:54
MaceN800n800 is just a toy right now until i find the best way to use it11:54
lbtscript is fine :) It doesn't boot afterwards11:54
lbtI read on ITT that rootfs may be 'light'11:54
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lbtand I haven't got a console to see why the boot fails11:55
X-Fadezap: Ping?11:55
MaceN800ok tell you how it goes in a few hrs when i get home11:56
MaceN800screenshots look promising11:56
qwerty12Ah. It could be because you are using block2mtd11:56
qwerty12. mtdram which does work (at least for initfs modding) would probably require a server with 5GB of ram to mount a rootfs (I have to use 88MB of straight ram to mount a 2.1MB image. People with 1GB of ram can't even mount it)11:56
lbtgot it11:56
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lbtI do modprobe mtdblock11:57
MaceN800i have an 8G server if you need a shell... fbsd tho11:57
MaceN800if you want to mod on it11:58
qwerty12MaceN800, Thanks but I have no need for it personally, just a comment :)11:58
lbtsorry - missed your earlier comment  d'oh11:58
lbtI don't think there is a problem with the script - rsync is fine etc. however...11:58
RST38hX-Fade: will experiment with it when I get home tonight11:59
qwerty12block2mtd works when I read files off a jffs2 image but then trying to make an new image using it always fails for me11:59
lbtOK - I'm just reading ATM11:59
lbtthis guy:
X-FadeRST38h: Ok.11:59
MaceN800i need to set up apache and vhost n800.rancorous.net11:59
RST38hX-Fade: BTW, any idea if I can host Pack Rat at rm_you's server is having some problems11:59
lbtRe-checking the contents, I found rootfs.jffs2 lacks ... a whole bunch of nodes within /dev/12:00
RST38hX-Fade: And also I wanted to do a few more experiments like static dependency checking across repositories12:00
lbtI only tried b4 bed last night so just something for l8r12:00
lbtand I'm happy to extract and then mkfs.jffs2 to modify12:01
qwerty12Maybe they are generated on first boot. You could use flasher to reflash the diablo image and then reflash an image of fanoush initfs and then backup the rootfs using usb networking after it has been flashed:
lbtyes - I was hoping for a fiasco extraction based scripted approach.12:02
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lbtlooking at itt post though...12:02
qwerty12You may also want to look at
lbtah- 6 minutes and 4 seconds after kernel boot - that explains that then. I was looking in linuxrc etc for a bg'ed sleep/reboot...12:06
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lbtI've also hacked linuxrc to loop around the menu to allow retries if a boot fails (rather than just dropping to flash boot). This allows incremental connections from usb-nw to tweak initfs and then retry menu entries (ie forgot to specify ext module in menu)12:08
rm_youRST38h: is it still killing it every night?12:08
lbtanyway - work now.... bbl12:10
rm_youit works when i do it manually... so it must be something with permissions12:10
lbtThis "classic" quantum sex joke just in:12:12
lbtQ: Why didn't Heisenberg have a good sex life?12:12
lbtA: Because when he had the time he didn't have the energy, and when he had the energy he didn't have the time.12:13
qwerty12Someone should have just slipped him a blue pill12:13
hrwso does someone integrated bootmenu into diablo initfs?12:14
qwerty12hrw, fanoush has done it for a long time12:14
qwerty12I did it before fanoush for the diablo betas :P12:14
hrwhmm.. would have to look at it then12:14
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qwerty12I've currently got my bootmenu set up so I can switch the framebuffer into automatic mode and get boot messages12:15
hrw1gb card now cost 1.5 eur..12:16
RST38hrm_you: yep, it's dead now12:16
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hrwXTLi: 1.512:19
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hrwdid someone tested n810 with class2/4/6 cards?12:23
hrwdoes it have a sense to spend extra money to get class6 card?12:23
rm_youRST38h: ok, testing one more thing12:24
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macoutehrw: is there a way to get the info of the class of the card without removing the card?12:25
macoutei have my root fs on the card so i wouldnt want to remove it ;)12:26
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Khertanhrw > tested with a class 4 and class 6 on n800 ...12:36
Khertanno many differencies12:36
Khertanspecially for my use :)12:36
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hrwKhertan: its 50% price difference between class4 and 612:39
hrw65 pln for 8gb class4 and 97 pln for 8gb class612:39
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zapX-Fade: yes?12:46
X-Fadezap: I found the problem with your packages.12:46
zapand whats it?12:47
X-Fadezap: It didn't like the Original-maintainer after the files section.12:47
zapgot it12:47
X-Fadezap: I have changed the script to fix that.12:47
X-Fadezap: And they are now all in extras-devel.12:47
zapwhich script, my control file?12:47
zapor the builder?12:47
X-Fadezap: No our queue manager.12:47
zapah cool12:47
zapthank you very much12:48
zapI wanted to ask you long ago :)12:48
zapwhy DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS does not contain 'thumb' in builder?12:48
zap(and perhaps vfp?)12:48
X-Fadezap: Default scratchbox settings. If you want something else, you need to specify it yourself?12:49
zapWell maemo-policy.pdf says that my control file has to support the 'thumb' keyword12:49
zapbut it's not enabled unless DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains "thumb"12:49
zapsame about vfp12:50
X-Fadezap: Can you write a mail to -developers about that? So we can discuss the implementation there?12:50
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kulvezap: afaik, vfp isn't thumb, so you can't really mix those12:54
zapkulve: that's the problem of package maintainer to enable support for EITHER thumb OR vfp13:00
zapbut imho the builder must say he wants BOTH thumb AND vfp13:00
zapfor example, maemo mapper would definitely gain from vfp, and it's not using it13:01
zap(the bitmap scaling/rotation code uses floating point)13:01
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Khertanrah ... glade will make me crazy !13:18
zapwhats wrong with it?13:19
zapso far I was very pleased13:19
Khertani don't like it :)13:20
Khertanand more on windows ...13:20
Khertancrash a lot13:20
Khertanyes i know ... but i m at work !13:20
zapit never crashed for me13:22
zapbut I'm on Linux...13:22
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Khertanzap> work much better on nux13:24
Khertanand my main problem with glade (and gtk) ... it s that all my interface isn't terrible ...13:24
zapwhat you mean terrible13:24
zapif you're used to Windows API, just forget the GUI approaches from windows13:25
zapgtk is 'think different'13:25
Khertani found them ... how to say .... ugly13:25
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Khertanzap> i'm not used to windows api (never use it :) )13:25
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zapthen I don't see your problem13:25
zapgtk is a pretty, simple and effective API13:25
Khertanthe problem ... me :)13:26
Khertani'm a coder ...13:26
zaptry to grok gtk13:26
Khertannot a designer :)13:26
Khertanand my ui is ugly13:26
Khertan"try to grok gtk" << what does this mean ?13:26
zapwell maybe you can find someone to build interfaces or you :)13:27
Khertani ve tryed edje ... but not very well integrated in maemo13:27
zapwhat are you designing?13:27
XTLiMake it simpler13:27
zapwhat is edje?13:28
forgeA library13:28
forgeA part of EFL13:28
Khertana library like libglade, that enable you to make gui like the canola one13:28
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ranithi, i compiled the phonon-gstreamer separately for desktop succesfully but while compiling for the maemo device, it doesn't suport openGL , what should i replace the openGL with..? the pro file is
glasszap: hows vfp vs. fixed point performance in stuff like scaling, texturemapping or such?13:29
XTLiMeaning slow?13:29
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Khertangoogle for "how to make beautiful gtk interface" ... first result "GTK+ NetHack"13:29
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Khertani understand a much more the GTK Style now :)13:30
zapglass: of course fixed-point is fasted than vfp, but maemo mapper already uses some library that does it in floating-point13:30
Khertanmaybe i should make a ncurse gui ...13:30
zapranit: thats a cool joke13:30
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zap"it doesn't suport openGL , what should i replace the openGL with" <- hahaha13:31
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VeggenKhertan: I once, in the pre-web-bank-era, was part of implementing an ncurses bank client.13:31
Khertanranit > ncurse ?13:31
KhertanVeggen> :) i'ven't know this time :)13:32
KhertanVeggen> my bank client was made in cocoa :)13:32
zapKhertan: well gtk interface and canola-like interface are two completely different things13:32
VeggenIt wasn't in the pre-web-time, it was around 1998-1999, but it was around the time where people still made fat clients.13:32
kulveranit: no replacement for open gl13:33
zapwe're still full of hope though :)13:33
VeggenIt did, however, result in a pretty good screen-oriented ncurses-library that I'm gonna try fish out from the corporate veils.13:33
Veggen(some day)13:33
ranitthen is there any way i can compile the phonon-gstreamer, kulve13:33
Khertanzap> yes ... but i don't want to make a canola-like ... just use the lib to make a great design :)13:34
zapKhertan: I believe you can make great design with gtk as well13:34
Khertankulve>ncurse could replace it :)13:34
VeggenI didn't remember/think of keeping it from myself, and anyways I don't own the rights. But I think it's actually good enough quality that I could have it released, I think.13:34
Khertanzap > some can ... me not :)13:34
VeggenAnd it's void of any business-logic whatsoever.13:34
kulveranit: I'm not familiar with the project, so I can't say, sorry13:35
zapKhertan: its like somebody thinks "I'll buy this Canon Mark III and then every my shot will be a masterpiece"13:35
XTLiIsn't there a sw Mesa libGL port?13:35
VeggenIt's a little bit weird to use, though, since it's screen-oriented :) This is because it was intented for usage with a 3270-emulator-thing for customers with 3270-terminals.13:35
XTLizap: lot of people seem to13:36
zapXTLi: but for some reason it doesn't happen :)13:36
XTLiInstead, they'll video the rattling of the shutter13:36
Khertanzap > why not ? with interface builder from apple it s a lot simpliest to make beautifull interface13:36
Khertanzap > of course you still can make crappy things13:37
zapKhertan: it includes a "masterpiece mode" button?13:37
XTLiVeggen: :-D13:37
Khertanzap> no, but some auto features to help :)13:37
zapI don't know, never used apples, but I had no real problems with glide13:38
Veggen(off topic) more expensive cameras usually give more possibilities, but quality will probably not improve significantly between Canon 450D and Canon Mark III for "normal people".13:38
Khertanzap > the problem isn't glade again ... more me :)13:38
Khertanhave you ever see mCalendar ?13:38
XTLiQuality of content especially13:38
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Khertani found the gui ugly13:38
zapKhertan: no, but I'll try to find it13:38
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* Khertan will try to come to summit with the maemo logo that should win ....
hrwKhertan: ugly is lightly told13:41
Khertanhrw> hum ... don't understand the mean of your text ... this is worst than ugly ... or just a few ugly ?13:41
ranitany one who have compiled phonon-gstreamer(Qt)  for maemo ??13:42
hrwKhertan: it is worst that ugly13:42
Khertanhrw > :)13:43
Khertanhrw > remember that this is for a stylus free interface13:44
zapKhertan: I forgot my school French, but doesn't "Ajouter" mean "Help" ?13:44
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KhertanAjouter == Add13:44
zapah ok13:44
Khertan(it s in fact gtk-add)13:44
zapand what's mercredi 23?13:45
KhertanWednesday 2313:45
zapand what means "Free"?13:46
KhertanWhen you click on the "Free Button" it display the free time available in the day13:46
Khertanso don't really need to look at disponibility ... click on free and you see it immediatly13:47
zapI would remove the time and the "juillet 2008" buttons13:47
zapthe time is duplicated in the status bar13:47
zapand "juillet" can be changed in the top bar13:48
zapinstead, you can make the "juillet" in the top bar clikable (button without borders)13:48
zapthen, the "Next" and "Prev" buttons could be made larger, there is too much precious screen space lost on left and right side of them13:49
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Khertanwhen you click on "Juillet" bottom button it display all event for the month jully13:49
zapand finally, I would add a little space between all controls (3 pixels or so) so that they don't glue together13:49
zaphow do you remove events btw? I see "Add" but no "Remove"?13:50
Khertanin current displayed date in the top bar, click on it provide a calendar to go directly to a date13:50
Khertanremoving event is made in the event details itself ...13:51
zapaha, ok13:51
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Khertanthe event details screen is a bit different now ...13:52
hrwKhertan: can we get agenda view?13:52
Khertanhrw > what do u call agenda view ?13:52
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Khertansomething with colored box where we can't see the event ?13:52
hrwKhertan: list of events13:53
Khertanthis is already a list of events13:53
Khertandisplayed in a list13:53
XTLiBusy/free view?13:53
hrwah. ok13:53
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KhertanXTLi> with a free view :)13:53
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Khertanbut i m still studying how to make a better ui13:54
Khertanand mainly fix google synchro problem13:54
XTLi<- Lagged. Gui or net, either way13:54
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Khertansome reccurent event with by day setting is displayed at wrong date13:55
Khertanso ... i ll be back ...13:55
Khertangoing to eat13:55
Khertanthx for your advice zap13:55
zapjust trying to help with something13:56
zapmaybe use a bandy list, like most PIM apps?13:57
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zapone white entry, one colored13:57
zapmakes it easier for eyes to distinguish one event from another13:57
zapalso will make your app more colorful, it's quite B/W right now13:58
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zapthe buttons "next" and "prev" will move depending on the title... thats bad. I would make the center item expandable, and the buttons non-expandable so that they stay always at margins14:01
zapand perhaps leave only the icon, no need for text14:02
Andy80zap: what app are you talking about?14:02
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zap<quote="title">logs at</quote>14:02
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XTLiZebra chainform look is pretty handy in subtle tones14:04
XTLiWhat are those really called in english?14:06
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hrwXTLi: alternative backgrounds?14:18
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ridermanHi, are there some DBUS - pros here?14:19
nomisriderman: specific questions are more likely to get answers.14:22
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ridermanokay, then here my question: I`ve got a Nokia 770 and want to be able to know how many percent of my battery are left. So I tried a small tool named battery-status but this didn`t work.14:24
ridermanNow i`m playin around with the D-BUS and i allready can find out how many Bars are shown in the Battery-Icon14:25
ridermanbut how can I get the time that is left for the battery?14:25
ridermanexcuse my bad english, I`m German...14:25
nomisriderman: the english is ok  :)14:27
ridermanwith this command I get the Number of bars shown in the battery-icon: dbus-send --system /com/nokia/bme/request
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nomisriderman: yeah, I am unsure how well documented the bme stuff is. It is one of the proprietary parts unfortunately.14:28
ridermanand with this I want to get the time left: dbus-send --system /com/nokia/bme/request - I`ve been reading around many hours and normally, this should work, but it just doesn`t want to...14:29
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johnxriderman, batterystatus seems to get lots of info14:30
johnxdid you look at the source? (apologies if you already looked)14:31
ridermanat the source of the tool battery-status? Yes, allreda looked at it... The problem is that this tool doesnt work either on my 77014:32
johnxsorry, just looked over. didn't see that this was for a 770...14:32
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ridermanthis tool also works with
zapriderman: even doesn't work in OS2008HE?14:33
nomismhm, I don't seem to get status messages with dbus-send14:33
ridermani had the OS2008HE for some time and there it didn`t work, too. But now i`ve the normal OS2006 again14:34
ridermanyou have to run dbus-monitor --system in an other terminal14:34
zapand you don't see the rpc's used to get the information you're interested in?14:35
ridermanwhat are rpc`s ?14:35
zapI mean, with dbus-monitor14:35
zaprpc == remote procedure call14:36
ridermanah okay14:36
nomisquite likely the timeleft_info_req has been added in later revisions of bme then, or?14:36
ridermanthis could be!14:36
zapdoes the stock statusbar applet show it?14:37
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zapin this case it's very possible14:37
zapI think the time left is computed by some heuristic14:37
zapyou could do the same14:37
ridermanthe applet shows only the battery with 1-4 bars14:37
MoRpHeUzanybody from brussels here ? =)14:37
zapriderman: you can't get the battery charge in percents?14:37
ridermanthis is what I want :)14:38
andre___anybody in here running chinook who could email me his "/etc/operator_settings" file?14:38
zapMoRpHeUz: only brussels cabbage here14:38
hrwandre___: chinook not diablo?14:38
ridermanthe battery-status prog does this by calculating it ot of the time left value14:38
zapriderman: try to look in /sys then, I think it contains full info14:38
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andre___hrw, yes, chinook14:39
andre___hrw, want to compare regressions :)14:39
Ecamjust got home.. let me see about installing this nit-debian distro14:39
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andre___hrw: i just need more hardware to be able to run everything here ;-)14:40
hrwandre___: or qemu14:40
ridermanso you think the value is saved somewhere in /sys/power ?14:40
MoRpHeUzzap: =)14:40
andre___hmm. that would be an option, indeed14:40
ridermanthis would be the easiest way...14:41
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zapriderman: its not in /sys/power14:41
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zapits somewhere under /sys/bus/platform/i2c/ or something like that14:41
ridermanah okay, thank you! I`ll just search a bit there now :)14:42
Macorwhat was the nit-debian site again for install instructions? i know someone said it here earlier14:44
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ridermanmy god... there are many files :)15:03
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lcukthere are many files, all alike.15:07
lcuk> N.15:08
lcukYou walk North.  In a clearing near the glen is a folder and some binaries.  You are likely to be eaten by a grue.15:08
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XTLi> find . -type f -name 'treasure'15:23
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ranit i am trying to run an app with phonon support on meamo device but it's not playing the mp3 file.. so i decided to compile the phonon and phonon-gstreamer separatlely and make it work, but unfortunatly maemo doesn't support openGL and i am stuck... what to do.?15:27
hrwbuild without gl15:29
aquatixXTLi: You find a dark pit. The tip of a tentacle slowly creeps over the edge, then quickly grasps your legs and drags you into the eternal darkness. In the distance you hear grues scream their last breath. Darkness envelopes you.15:30
* aquatix is in an evil mood15:30
aquatixmaybe i should start a MUD15:31
ridermanI don`t find anything in this file-jungle... any Idea for what filename i could search?15:31
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MacorFailed to fetch  404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:33
Macorhm... wtf15:33
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RaytrayRST38h, you were right. :P15:33
Macor <- these instructions are broken for diablo15:34
X-FadeMacor: diablo doesn't have a single sdk repository anymore.15:34
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X-FadeMacor: diablo/sdk and diablo/tols15:35
infobotX-Fade meant: Macor: diablo/sdk and diablo/tools15:35
Macoryeah... that sucks heh15:35
Macorguess i have to change those in the lists file15:35
StskeepsMacor: did you add that repo yourself manually or?15:35
ranitbut this is the outcome ....., hrw15:36
Macoryes manually15:36
StskeepsMacor: so technically it has nothing to deal with nit-debian? ;)15:36
hrwranit: no --without-gl option?15:36
Macordeb diablo free non-free15:36
Macorso i'm guess it would look like that?15:36
Macornot nit-debian.. but the install instructions on their page says to "just replace chinook with diablo"15:37
Macorwhich doesn't work15:37
X-FadeMacor: deb diablo/sdk free non-free15:37
Macorah i see15:37
Macorand diablo/tools15:38
StskeepsMacor: yeah, you're right - thanks, i'll edit it15:38
Macorfor extras it looks like it would be ...15:39
Macor diablo free non-free15:40
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Macorsorry.. mean dists?15:41
Stskeepsi'm working a bit on a solution where i can avoid having to introduce dependancies to maemo at all.. the whole repo business is a bit messy at times :)15:41
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Stskeepshmm. what Maemo distribution is 'screenÃ' in, in Diablo?15:42
Stskeeps / repo15:42
Stskeeps(yes, i checked gronmayer)15:42
Macoryeah.. i'm still trying to figure out how to set up the one15:43
Stskeepsseems like screen is missing in Maemo extras15:44
Stskeepsfor diablo15:44
Macordeb diablo/sdk free non-free15:44
Stskeepsdoes apt-get install screen work then?15:44
Macorthat's what their site says to use15:44
Macori'm actually trying to install subversion :)15:45
MacorFailed to fetch  404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:45
Macorbastard :)15:45
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StskeepsMacor: just get maemo extras enabled and subversion might be there?15:46
Stskeepsi'm honestly not sure :P15:47
mikkov_Macor: extras is diablo free non-free15:47
Khertanthere is a dists ...15:47
Khertanthere is one useless dists ...15:47
Khertanthere is one useless "dists" ...15:47
Macoryeah.. i noticed ;)15:47
zapriderman: any success?15:48
MacorPackage subversion is not available, but is referred to by another package.15:48
Macorwow are you kidding me :)15:48
Macori'm about to just downjload the deb manually haha15:48
ridermanno... still searching15:48
StskeepsMacor: i'll make you a tar.gz of the current svn, sec15:48
zapriderman: I can tell you how its called on N81015:49
ridermanthat would be nice :)15:49
StskeepsMacor: blah, nevermind, installer needs subversion too (..)15:49
Stskeepsor not.. sec15:49
Macori was talking about subversion itself15:50
StskeepsMacor: yeah, i'd say getting the .deb yourself is easier :P15:50
Macorit seems like it would be easier to just download the deb than to rely on the repostories15:50
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nomisriderman: joh, das ist ziemlich lästig. Es wäre schon cool, wenn man irgendwo eine Dokumentation aller DBus-APIs hätte, insbesonders von den proprietären Komponenten.15:52
Macorok.. got it15:53
Macorguess i can continue with this nit install now :)15:53
hrwnomis: dokładnie tak jak mówisz15:55
nomishrw: bless you!  ;)15:55
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nomishrw: It actually was intended to be a private message. I was just complaining about a lack of documentation of the dbus api of the proprietary components.15:56
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hrwnomis: propertiary stuff is curse of maemo15:56
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nomisdbus is not really introspectable, is it?15:57
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lbtStskeeps: Macor: I noted the self same issue on here this morning - I couldn't find a way to register on the Trac site to edit the wiki though15:58
MacorPackage binutils is not available, but is referred to by another package.15:59
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Stskeepslbt: yeah, wiki editing is for coders only for now, but bug reports are always welcome16:01
Stskeepsnoting those issues when they arise16:02
Macorwhat rep is binutils a part of?16:02
Macorthe installer doesn't seem to want to install binutils16:02
* zap would like to know to what LED refers /sys/class/leds/cover16:02
pvanhoofHow do I detect if the keyboard is opened on a n810?16:03
zapvia a GPIO16:03
nomispvanhoof: there is a dbus message for that.16:04
pvanhoofnomis, you know which one?16:04
zapmy guess is, if its undocumented, better don't use it16:04
Kegetyswhen you slide the keyboard open/closed it prints it in dmesg I think16:05
nomispvanhoof: sorry, it is gconf. /system/osso/af/slide-open16:05
Macoris there a diablo rep with binutils on it ? i suppose it's not a part of maemo or maemo extras16:05
pvanhoofnomis, aha so I just listen for that key using GConf?16:05
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nomispvanhoof: yeah.16:06
Macoronly rep i have found is chinook16:06
mikkov_Macor: binutils is in sdk or tools repo16:06
Macormikkov_ - in .. ok.. i'll look for it16:07
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ridermanhm... now I found something interesting... theres a file in /sys/devices/platform/omap_uwire/spi2.0 named vbatt but the value into it is 016:07
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ridermanthe temperature is stored in temp0 and temp1 in this path, but I dont need this :)16:08
Macorok.. progress.. thanks16:12
Macorseems to be going good now16:13
* Macor crosses his fingers and hopes debian installs :)16:14
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ridermanlol, it even recognizes if the battery-cover is open or closed16:15
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Kegetysthats for N800 maybe to prepare for the inner SD card to be removed16:17
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zapriderman: it seems the battery voltage sensor is in the "tahvo" chip, if I'm not mistaken16:17
Kegetysit would be nice to have a button for stylus in/out, could be used to change UI between finger/stylus style16:18
zapyou can use the keyboard out/in gpio for that16:19
zapat least for proof-of-concept16:19
ridermanokay, I`ll have a look... it found some locations with tahvo...16:19
Kegetysit has some trigger in it?16:19
XTLiStylus being in or out doesn't treally mean you're in any mode16:19
zapKegetys: of course, OS always knows if keyboard is open or closed16:19
Kegetyszap: stylus != keyboard :)16:20
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XTLiMine is often lying on the table and I interact on a whim16:20
Kegetysit would be better imo than the current system where some elements are big and some are small, you could also have some way to manually toggle it16:20
XTLiThis must have been talked to death before somewgere16:21
RST38hMake it a rule to cover light sensor every time you remove the stylus16:21
KegetysI haven't ever talked about it, if you dont want to talk about it then dont talk :P16:21
RST38hThis way you can use light sensor as the stylus-out flag =)16:21
XTLiUnfingerable elements are a problem, though16:21
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KegetysI personally find the huge elements to be more annoying as I usually use the stylus16:22
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Kegetyslike the browser shortcut menu16:22
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Macorhm ... does it matter if i use LBA or not when making a 1G fat32/vfat partition for this debian install?16:26
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hrwMacor: it does not16:27
Macorthen 0B it is16:28
Macorjust wanted to be able to use swap and have a little space on it for the hildon on the internal flash16:29
RST38hThe Knights Templar are demanding that the Vatican give them back their good name and, possibly, billions in assets into the bargain, 700 years after the order was brutally suppressed by a joint venture between the Pope and the King of France.16:29
Macorsounds like black people in the US demanding money for slavery :)16:30
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zapeven worse, afaik the Templar order was completely wiped away off the place of planet16:30
zaptoday anybody may call himself a Templar and require payments16:30
Macorwell.. that's what you get for going against Jesus :)16:31
RST38hNot really, they have got real descendants16:31
Macorbecause that is definately something Jesus would want16:31
zapthats a urban legend16:31
Macoras is taught in the new testament16:31
RST38hThey do look inbred though:
zapspreaded by the so-called new templars16:31
Macori think they are just trying to scam gold from the church :)16:31
zapsure they are16:31
RST38hThen they should declare a Crusade and lay siege on Vatican16:32
RST38hIsn't it the knightly thing to do?16:32
zapare you sure they know which side to grab  sword from?16:32
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Macorhm.. is 128M really big enough for a swap for this?16:33
RST38hWell, that is of no concern to the public16:33
Macordon't they still have the vatican guard.. in like.. old school knight clothes protecting the vatican?16:33
kpelthat's the swiss guard and i don't think they are dressed as knights16:34
Macori vaguely remember seeing that in euro trip16:34
Macorwhere do the swiss come into this?16:34
nomisno, they are dressed as clowns.16:34
Macorone day the pop decided to find the most neutral country in the world and say "you're going to have to protect us"16:34
kpelno idea, but that's how the guard is called16:34
Macori guess because the swiss have all the countries' monies stored in their vaults16:35
kpelall the blood covered, unlaundered monies16:36
Macorhm.. do i set a bootable flag on any of these partitions?16:36
hrwthats swiss guard indeed16:36
hrwThe Papal Swiss Guard in the Vatican was founded in 1506 and is the only Swiss Guard that still exists.16:36
Macorin order to get nit-debian to boot? it doesn't say anything about it in the instructions16:36
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Macorto ext3 ... or not to ext3.. that is the question16:39
XTLiOh.. They really are dressed like clowns16:40
Macorheh... yeah .. i picked ext3... but on an 8G flash16:40
Macoryeah. they look all yellow16:40
Macorwith chef hats on16:40
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Macorwell.. it seems to be finally installing to the partition.. this looks like it's going to take a year so i'm going to sleep.. hopefully it doesn't run into problems16:42
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Macori hope this nit-debian install doesn't suck :)16:44
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XTLiDamn. It's probably too late for me to apply16:48
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Macorfor the swiss guard? :)16:49
Macorjust walk up to the vatican in a monk suit whipping yourself in tongue16:50
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XTLiMaybe a foreign legion..16:50
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Macorwow.. nit-debian has a ton of debs for armel16:51
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Macorsure looks promising.. as long as cups works.. i'm a happy camper.. and maybe my bt keyboard.. that would be nice too :)16:52
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RST38hHehe, MPAA wants to illegalize analog video outputs16:54
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ridermanargh... I find everything thinkable but no battery voltage or battery percents16:56
XTLiNothing you can derive them from?16:57
pupniki'm never paying to see a movie again in my life16:57
solmumahapupnik: what sucked?16:58
pupnikTim Buckley - Song to the Siren:
pupnik"Oh my heart, oh my heart... shies from the sorrow."16:58
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pupnikthat, and there are better things to do with time, solmumaha16:59
solmumahacould be17:00
solmumahalet me know if you find something17:01
pupnik   bill hicks - revelations17:04
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ridermanOkay... enough for today - I`ll try tomorrow agin... bye17:07
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StskeepsMacor: you succeeded?17:24
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BinkyOk, I dont be want to be arrogant or anything,  but i would like anyone to answer quickly. I bought a 2 GB card. My 770 says is corrupted or not formated. Can i format the card with it in the device and the deevice connected via USB? I don't know if it's mounted, because if i do as root umount /media/mmc1 it says umount invalid argument.17:27
Khertandoes gnome-vfs is available on diablo ?17:27
Khertandoes we can mount drive by ssh with it ?17:27
pupnikBinky: you should be able to format it vfat with a card reader17:27
hrwBinky: I would format it with external card reader17:28
hrwI do not know does 770 kernel handled 2GB sd cards17:28
pupnikmy 770 handles and formats 2GB rs-mmc, but i forgot if it's an updated kernel17:28
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Binkypupnik,  hrw  , i would if i have one. That's why i'm so desesperated17:28
BinkyI have the first OS2006 release.17:29
pupnikso can you format with it connected to usb... is the question17:29
pupnikhrw - do you know?17:29
StskeepsBinky: i think fanoush's page mentions something about it17:29
BinkyStskeeps, thank you, i'll give it a look17:30
Binkypupnik, yes, it is17:30
hrwKhertan: there is gnome-vfs but no idea about ssh17:30
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hrwit should be formatable *IF* tablet see it properly17:30
hrwBinky: insert card into 770 and check dmesg does it recognize card17:31
Khertanhrw > ok thanks ... i ll look17:31
hrwthere was a problem with >1GB sd cards several kernel versions ago17:31
Binky[ 2226.326995] FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors17:31
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Khertanif someone doesn't know what to do ... i ve pycripto to compile and update to extras devel :)17:32
Binky[ 2226.327087] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on mmcblk0p117:32
hrwBinky: tried to format it with os2006?17:32
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BinkyFrom File Manager?  If i click it says is not inserted17:34
BinkyAnd with efs2progs (or something like it) i have to umount it, where i didn't suceed17:34
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hrwBinky: please pastebin dmesg when you insert card17:48
infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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Binky[ 4331.519226] MMC2: Command timeout, CMD717:52
BinkyOh, i don't get it17:52
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hrwok, so it does not like it rather17:52
BinkyHere it is full17:53
hrwno card then17:53
BinkyIt is inserted in slot, but if i connect 770 to my pc, i'm able to write data17:54
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hrwthen try to format it from pc17:54
hrwbut I do not have too good thinking about it17:55
BinkyWhen connected to my pc, can i format it or will i break something because its inserted?17:55
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BinkyMy 770 is not under warranty... lol17:55
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hrwBinky: mine never was17:57
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BinkyAs mine (second-handed)17:58
BinkyBut is the second week it's in my possesion17:58
hrwBinky: I am first owner of that 770 but I got it boxed from Nokia guy18:00
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BinkySo, you got it free?18:01
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BinkyLucky you...18:01
hrwotherwise I would not buy it - its too underpowered to be usable18:02
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BinkyI'm going to reflash, bye18:09
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hrwt_s_o: ?18:10
t_s_oi missed what device you where talking about18:10
t_s_oi have one here thats whitescreened. but as its a us model that expansys sold of to cover orders in europe, nokia wont touch it for some silly reason...18:15
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MakeGhoHas anyone got maemotex to work in n810? Would be so nice to get it :/18:18
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zapIs it quiet here, or my network connection is gone?18:31
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pupnik  800-watt Optibike on dirt track chases train.18:32
pupnikshh, don't disturb the coders18:32
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zapcool, electric bike is my dream18:34
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pupnikthat gang of young colorado freaks kicked all of the swiss', german, china's, japan's and korea's e-bike asses with that thing18:41
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zap$9000, OMG18:44
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* qwerty12 refrains from demonstrating the rabbit joke involving a farmer and a knife18:50
qwerty12(well imaginary knife anyway. and imaginary rabbit come think of it too)18:50
pupnikyou can get chinese grandmother e-bikes for a few hundred dollars zap18:51
zapthis one, for example
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JZAhi I got a question regarding the performance of the maemo platform on email and imap18:53
JZAI tried to get my gmail on imap on my n800 but I saw my app collapse by so much email. I wonder if it download the email to the system or can I fine tune it to show me the email of a period of time18:54
johnxJZA, is this OS2007 or the latest OS2008?18:54
johnxnevermind then...just wondering18:55
johnxout of curiosity, how many messages do you have?18:55
JZAa lo18:55
JZAaround 3000018:55
johnxdid you ever considering archiving or labeling some?18:56
JZAI actually dont mind getting email, I just want to be able to send.18:56
zapIt makes sense to create a folder called "Archive" and move all the contents of the inbox there18:57
JZAjohnx: do u mean archieve on n800 or on the Gmail account (web)18:57
johnxon the gmail web interface18:57
zapbut anyway, you better set up a account in the built-in mail application and read/write mail through it18:57
JZAjohnx, well I'll give it a try18:58
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zapJZA: sorry for my bad English, what you did not understand?18:59
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camdenhi folks19:19
camdendoes anybody know how to install a .deb into the removable card space?19:19
camdenie freeciv won't fit into my program memory so I wish to install it onto my sd card.19:20
mgedmincamden: it's very difficult19:21
camdenI was worried about that19:21
mgedminyou'd have to reformat the SD card as ext2 (or ext3) and then set up bind mounts or symlinks or something19:21
mgedminor just copy your root fs onto it19:21
hrwo mgedmin19:22
hrwmgedmin: hi, how was pythoon conf?19:22
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bef0rdcamden, well you can probably move some data files, not executables from /usr/share to the sd card to free some space, and then simlynk19:27
nemoIt isn't practical to, say, just remount /usr onto the sd card?19:29
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nemo... I suppose that was also entail never removing the SD card again :)19:30
bef0rdif its not ext3 / ext2 I'm not sure if it gonna work, aren't there /usr/bin executables?19:30
nemobef0rd: well. ext3 sure, that's not a problem19:31
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nemoand I guess if I unmounted it the real /usr would appear - but then I'd have issue of keeping 'em in sync19:31
nemo'spose some other space-sucking low hanging fruit would be a better target19:31
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nemoon my computer, that is usually /home :)19:31
nemobef0rd: that symlink sounds like a better idea :)19:32
camdenwell, I have no problem moving files, making symlinks, and such, but it's a lot of trouble. for now I'll remove the wasteful apps.19:33
camdenthanks for the advice folks.19:33
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bef0rdheh, I actually only did that with lxdoom folder, I wanted to add several custom wads19:33
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hrwhave a nice evening - I go for a walk19:49
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hendryis there strace on diablo?20:05
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johnxI believe it's available from a repository20:10
jotthendry: yes, in diablo/tools repository.20:10
lcukjohnx, the holy grail is also available from a repository, as is elvis.   the trick is knowing which repo20:11
johnxlcuk, has strace. no idea about elvis. Jesus is ... right behind you! watch out!20:11
lcukthe FSM will protect me20:11
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lcukhis noodly appendage is installed20:12
* nemo looks for FSM in cowsay20:13
johnxapt-cache search fsm20:13
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nemoaww. not there20:13
nemoguess I'll have to make one20:13
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zetherooI have no sound on video playback on the N80020:14
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zetherooplease help20:15
zapstock media player or mplayer?20:15
johnxyou need to tell us a little more info20:15
nemoany video or a particular video? :)20:15
zetherooI am using the default media player20:15
johnxhave you tested more than one file? are you sure the sound isn't set to mute?20:15
lcukvolume up there and in control panel?20:15
zetherooI just copied an mpeg4 to the SD card20:15
johnxwhat have you done/installed recently?20:16
zetheroovolume is all up20:16
zetherooand sound is working20:16
lcukcheck other files20:16
zetheroojust not on the vid20:16
johnxdoes the included video play? and what error do you get?20:16
zetheroohave not installed anything in months20:16
zetheroothe video plays very well20:16
johnxalright, so a certain video you have isn't compatible20:17
johnxis that correct?20:17
zaptry mplayer, it's better and eats more formats20:17
zetheroois not compatible?20:17
johnxa certain video you have doesn't work, but others do, right?20:17
zapsound could be encoded in a whacky format20:17
johnx"mpeg4" is a name that contains a lot of sub-formats20:17
zetherooAudio Codec: MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3 (MP3)20:18
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zapthats strange then20:18
zapbut anyway, try mplayer20:18
zetherooChannel: Stereo20:18
zetheroois mplayer in the repos?20:18
zapshould be20:18
zapyes, it is20:18
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zetherooI had tried another mp4 file and the sound was there .. but off-sync20:19
lcukzetheroo, any chance your audio system is in use?20:19
lcukahhh right20:19
zetherooaudio on the device is working throughout20:19
zetheroobut there is not other media playing other than the vid20:20
johnxwhat is the resolution of the video that had out-of-sync sound?20:20
zetheroooof.. I dunno20:20
zetheroowould it make a diff?20:20
zetheroothe one I am trying to play now is 320 x 24020:20
zapsure, N8x0 cannot play high-res videos20:21
zapmplayer can handle up to something like 512x30420:21
zapand stock media player up to 400x24020:21
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meusi need some help20:22
meusi'm trying to load plugin outside of the plugin loader on maemo (diablo 4.1 is the one i'm testing)20:22
meusand i'm trying to load them with python20:23
zetheroothe dimensions of the off-sync file was also 320 x 24020:23
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meusactually i don't know what i'm doing wrong with liboss20:23
zetherooAudio Codec: MPEG-4 AAC audio20:23
meusor if i need to use dbus20:23
lcukzetheroo, reboto your nit, something might have screwed up with mp3?20:23
lcukreboot even20:23
lcukmorgon freeman is in hospital :O20:24
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meussomebody know something about this topic?20:25
zetheroook mplayer is not at all playing this file... the sound is all scambled and the picture moves once every 10 seconds20:25
zetherooany ideas?20:26
lcuktry it on desktop20:27
meuszetheroo: is mplayer working fine with another kind of videos?20:27
zetherootry the video on a computer?20:28
zetherooI have .. it works perfectly20:28
zapvery strange20:28
zaplooks as if your video uses a very high bitrate20:29
zaptoo high for 320x24020:29
zapwhat size (MB) and what length (hours/minutes) is it?20:29
meuszetheroo: is mplayer playing the audio fine?20:29
zetheroothe file is 1 hour and 14 min20:30
zetheroo280 MB20:30
zetherooAudio Bitrate: 128 kbps20:31
zetherooVLC plays it perfectly in Ubuntu20:31
zetherooTotem does not play it though20:31
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zaplooks fine20:32
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zap300kbit video, 128kbit audio20:33
zappretty easy to decode20:33
zapcan you split a small piece of it so that I can download and see it?20:34
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zapwith avidemux2 for example20:34
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zetheroohow would I do that?20:34
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zapinstall avidemux2 (apt-get install avidemux2) then open the video in it, set start and end point, select "copy" mode and save20:35
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zapsomething like a 1Mb piece would be fine20:35
zetherooI have avidmux ... its what I used to convert this video20:35
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zapYou may want to try this converter:
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zetheroook I have a 3.6 mb file20:38
zetheroohow can I send it to you?20:38
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zapjust like that :)20:38!20:38
RST38hlet us catch and torture him in our underground chamber!20:39
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ap31r0nanyone that can help with python, dbus and/or libosso?20:42
RST38hdepends. ask.20:43
zapok lets see it...20:43
ap31r0nok, i wanna load hildondesktop plugins20:44
ap31r0nwithout using the plugins loader of maemo20:44
ap31r0nand i don't know what i'm doing wrong with libosso20:44
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ap31r0n(those are python plugins and the example i took of the loader is the one into the python-maemo web)20:45
ap31r0nso i create the osso.Context20:46
ap31r0nand the osso.Plugin20:46
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ap31r0nbut the osso.plugin_execute doesn't work20:46
ap31r0ni cannot execute it inside scratchbox or inside the device (N800 + Maemo Diablo)20:47
zapzetheroo: okay, here's my diagnosøû20:48
zetheroozap: ok20:48
zapzetheroo: the AVI index is somewhat broken (?)20:48
zapzetheroo: try playing from command line with the -forceidx switch20:48
zapthen it plays fine and the CPU load is around 30%20:48
zetheroothis seems a bit over my head20:49
zapokay, step-by-step: 1. open a terminal (know how to do it)?20:49
zapnow enter: mplayer /media/mmc1/*.avi20:50
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zap(provided your avi file is in /media/mmc1)20:50
zetheroodo I need to be doing this in the N800 or on the computer?20:50
zapon N80020:50
zapn800! :)20:50
zetheroooh ha20:50
zapokay, it has a screen keyboard anyway :)20:51
zapa bit easier on n810 but never mind20:51
zetheroook so the terminal is open20:51
RST38hAnybody good at drawing icons?20:51
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zapRST38h: borrow without shame from /usr/share/icons20:52
zap(if your program is GPLd, that is)20:52
JZAhi is there a developer here? i want to have a very basic app for my n80020:52
lcukthey are cc i believe20:52
RST38hzap: It is not20:52
RST38hzap: And I can't find the right icons anyway20:52
JZAbasically a dialg and 2 buttons, one to insert text, the other to send an the other to quit20:52
JZAis there like a template of gui that I can just connect.20:52
RST38hzap: So looking for someone to draw three svg icons20:53
JZAI got a simple bashscript "oneliner" that I want to put a gui on it.20:53
zapzetheroo: how its going?20:53
zetheroostill trying to enter the proper command20:54
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zap'free' as in 'GPL' :)20:54
RST38hWell, if it is LGPL then I do not mind20:55
RST38hFull GPL won't do though20:55
zapRST38h: you may take a look at the internets, there are sites with absolutely free icons20:55
RST38hzap: I already looked, really20:55
RST38hAnd even painted a few icons myself20:55
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RST38hThe remaining three are ones I can't figure out on my own =(20:55
zapunfortunately I'm not much of a painter :)20:56
zetheroozap: ok I did it and its opened like before... garbled sound and jumpy video20:56
zapzetheroo: okay, now press the Up arrow (to open the old command again) and add -forceidx to the end of command (after a space)20:56
lcukzetheroo, watch it on your big one and put it out of your mind for a while - you could have seen it all by now20:56
zetheroolcuk: you don't understand ... I am doing this becasue I will need to take video with me on a trip... on this unit20:57
zetheroozap: ok one sec20:57
zapzetheroo: but in any case, I would recommend to use my program that I pointed above - it will easily generate video that is playable on N8x020:57
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RST38hlcuk: The ones in the archive are nice20:59
zetheroozap: still the same with the -forceidx at the back of the command20:59
RST38hNo match though.20:59
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zapzetheroo: strange, although I tried with -forceidx right after 'mplayer'20:59
* RST38h has to show a SEGA console, a ColecoVision console, and a GameBoy Advance20:59
zape.g. mplayer -forceidx /media/mmc1/*.avi20:59
zetheroozap: oh ok20:59
zapnot sure if it matters, I'll try again with -forceidx at the end21:00
zaphmm no, it works at the end too21:00
zapzetheroo: okay, then you may fix the index on your PC21:00
lcukRST38h, just cheat and write the words in an icon - it will suffice for v1 wont it?21:01
zetheroozap: one thing though ... the file on the PDA ends with .mpeg not .avi21:01
zapis it mpeg4?21:01
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zaplooks like you embedded a MPEG4 stream into a .mpeg file21:01
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zapdon't do that, its pretty non-standard21:02
lcukzetheroo, have you tried running it through one of the media converters?21:02
zetheroozap: when I just copied the file to the SD card the N800 could not open it at all becasue it said it did not have a program to open it with.... so I renamed it to .mpeg21:02
zapso it's an AVI container really?21:02
RST38hlcuk: It won't =(21:02
lcukeither the nokia one or the one zap said21:02
* RST38h wants correct icons not just some icons - those he can draw himself21:03
lcuk:( RST38h then do a quick GIS for the keywords and make an icon from the preview bitmaps21:03
zapzetheroo: try this on your PC: mencoder -forceidx -oac copy -ovc copy myfile.avi -o myfile-fixed.avi21:03
zapthen copy myfile-fixed.avi to N8x0 and try playing it21:04
zapthis worked for the clip you sent me21:04
RST38hlcuk: need 3 icons for Maemo alone + 88x88 .SVG icon for S60 + some icons for UIQ + of course a windows icon21:04
RST38hlcuk: So it has to be in SVG21:04
runeholhi, I have a N810 and I'm trying to make the CPU go as fast as possible21:05
zapzetheroo: and plays even with the stock media player21:06
runeholI've borrowed some cpufreq sysctls from , although they didn't have much effect on my test case21:06
runeholare there any othe tricks I should use?21:06
zapN810 uses a overclocked CPU anyways21:06
zapthe normal running speed for OMAP2420 is 330MHz and on N810 it's clocked at 40021:07
runehol(I don't care about battery life)21:07
zapand about frying your CPU? :)21:07
runeholyeah, I care a little about that :)21:07
zapthere's a temperature sensor in the chip though21:08
runeholbut just for short-time testing, it shouldn't matter too much21:08
zapwell I guess you will want to look at the kernel sources21:08
zapthere should be the code to clock the CPU21:08
Luriai thought the 2420 speed is supposed to be set by vendor from something like ~100mhz - 1ghz21:08
zapyou will want to patch it :)21:08
runeholreally? so changing the cpufreq configuration isn't enough?21:09
zapLuria: well, on Texas Instruments OMAP2420 page it says the speed is 330Mhz21:09
zaprunehol: cpufreq module exposes only four speeds, and the max is 40021:09
zapif you want more, you will have to modify the cpufreq driver21:09
runeholwell, 400 should be fine21:09
zapit's at 400 already21:10
runeholthe strange thing is that changing the cpufreq configuration didn't seem to have any effect at all21:10
zap(when under load, that is)21:10
runeholwhich let me to believe that I did it incorrectly21:10
zapif you see no effect, it means that the speed governor works very well ;)21:10
runeholI've basically done the following as root:21:10
runeholecho performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor21:10
runeholecho 400000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq21:10
johnxin a constant load situation ondemand should be fine21:11
runeholyeah, I suppose that might be it. I could try setting the max scaling frequency and see if performance goes down21:11
johnxit's when the load dips down then comes back up often that it doesn't cope all that well...21:11
zap[root@tota|/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats]cat time_in_state21:11
zap165000 3311170421:11
zap266000 2689021:11
zap330000 34660321:11
zap400000 534314821:11
zaprunehol: try the above21:12
zapyou'll see how much time it spends at every frequence21:12
Luria330 to 1ghz21:12
runeholyeah, I saw the 400000 stats increase after having pegged it21:12
Luriathats it; ~120 (iirc) is power save idle21:12
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Lurianote, this does not mean the n8x0 can safely do this given the cooling issues with its form factor21:13
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zapthats why you'll want a plugin that shows CPU temperature21:13
zapand unfortunately, I don't know about one21:13
johnxthere's a little temp monitor app21:14
runeholokay, and the speed of my test case goes down when setting scaling_max_freq to 165 MHz21:14
runeholso basically, cpufreq does great out of the box21:14
johnxdon't know if it pulls from the CPU or another internal sensor...21:14
runeholthanks for the help21:14
zapjohnx: it's some device on the i2c-1 bus21:15
zapdunno where's that physically21:15
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johnxthe temp monitor I'm thinking of is at nitapps.com21:15
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zapyes I've seen it, but it's a command-line app iirc21:16
Luriaoh, i like nitapps.21:17
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Luriai just realized i have the repo...21:17
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lirithe diablo image to reflash the n810 is 128mb big?21:17
Luriathere about21:17
Luria... 129103249 2008-07-30 15:58 RX-44_DIABLO_4.2008.23-14_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin21:18
Lurianeed an md5sum? :-)21:19
hendryjott: thanks btw21:19
lcukrunehol, simplest cpu switching is just to change the ummmm gimme a minute21:19
Luria(speaking of, i had an infinite reboot on my first flash. i dont know if it was because i used the static flasher or had a corrupted d/l, so i changed both21:20
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zapzetheroo: any success?21:20
lcukrunehol, are you trying to set the speed from console, or something within your app21:20
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lcukand finally, runehol changing the scaling_governor is best way to work, you can choose things like powersave to always stay slow, or performance to always run fastest (400).  the default governor (ondemand) does what it says on the tin, but does not scale equally so your app speeds up and slows down - it throws off all sorts of timings21:22
liriI'm on Windows already so I'll use Nokia's software to reflash it21:23
liridoes it provide checksum?21:23
Luriadunno, havent used it in months21:23
Luriaim sure it will be fine21:23
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runehollcuk: I've just set it from xterm21:23
liriheh ok21:23
runeholI can see som jittering in the timing with the default governor21:24
Macorthat sucks21:24
runeholso I should probably whip up some scripts to set the governor when I need it21:24
Macori fell asleep while nit-debian was installing and there was some keymap thing that i was supposed to go through21:24
lcukrunehol, fair enough :)  when i was writing the code for liqbase i went through similar - but very substantial jitter.21:25
Macorso it just sat there :)21:25
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lcuki used to use a script from scratchbox which would echo the performance setting in, copy my app over, execute it and then knock the cpu back down after finishing21:26
StskeepsMacor, yeah, so it goes >P21:26
lcukrunehol,  was what i used for ages21:27
Macorhow crappy :) now i have to wait for it to unpack a ton of pkgs21:27
lcuknow i dont bother and run in performance all the time im plugged in21:27
Macori was hoping it would be done and  i could boot it by now21:27
Italodancewow 3G Modem drivers is coming to maemo :D  iphone will be loser again21:27
Macor3G modem drivers?21:28
runehollcuk: thanks21:28
Macorer. i've been using my 3G phone with it since i bought it :)21:28
lcukmacor, whats the iphone like for writing on?21:28
Kegetysfor usb modems maybe?21:29
Macori don't know. i don't have an iphone. i was talking about on my n80021:29
ItalodanceMacor what's ur phone?21:29
Italodanceno i am talking about21:29
Luriawhy cant nokia make 3/4 band hsdpa phones21:29
Italodancei wish my n800 had gsm for simcart :(21:30
ItalodanceIT Could Won The World And Iphone Will Hide21:31
Italodancelol Hulk.R5.XviD-PUKKA21:31
johnxRST38h, is there some trick to disabling the sound in vgba?21:32
MacorUnpacking oss-wireless-module (from .../oss-wireless-module-1.2-1.deb) ...21:33
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Macorwhat kind of wifi does an n800 use?21:34
ItalodanceMacor download wifi info app!21:34
Italodancehow are ya johnx?21:35
johnxpretty good21:35
johnxbut also tired21:35
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Italodanceany news for carman?21:35
Macorno. installing debian on my n80021:35
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ItalodanceBatman.The.Dark.Knight.720p.BluRay.x264-SEPTiC fake or no?21:37
johnxItalodance, this isn't a warez channel :/21:37
Italodancehehe y21:37
Macordoes this look like #l33thax0ingw4r3z?21:37
lcukmacor thats false advertising dude21:38
ap31r0nsomebody know how can i load hildondesktop home applets out of the maemo plugin loader(python or c)?21:39
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lcukap31r0n, you will have to build yourself something which gives the desktop framework without the desktop being there.   why do you want to unhook the applets ?21:42
ap31r0nwell, actually i'm developing some tools21:44
ap31r0nand i want to load or unload some applets21:45
ap31r0nfrom the main app21:45
ap31r0ndepending on the use21:45
lcukso you want your own applet framework?21:46
lcukcos wont your app have different features than the hildon desktop21:46
ap31r0nnot different features21:47
ap31r0ni can load them from the applet loader21:48
ap31r0nthe thing is that i'm changing the applets frequently21:48
lcukso you are writing a new control panel doofer to control the existing applets, or you have your own window and you want to host applets within it21:48
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ap31r0nwell, it's like the first thing21:49
ap31r0ni've an app21:49
ap31r0nand i want to load some applets son the Home21:49
ap31r0n(on the home)21:49
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ap31r0nfor example21:50
ap31r0ni have and editor and i want to load a "post it" with some notes like an applet21:50
ap31r0nfrom my app21:50
nano-What video format is best suited for the n810?21:50
ap31r0nor unload the old post-it21:50
zetheroozap: I have downloaded and installed that other app you told me of .... just wondering how long it takes for a video to convert?21:51
nano-Which one uses the least cpu?21:51
GAN800nano- xvid with mp321:51
GAN800Easy way to do it is to grab a copy og tablet-encode or ITVC21:51
GAN800make sure it's 44.1 or lower.21:51
GAN800There's a media encoding article at wiki.maemo.org21:52
GAN800Search for it, it'll tell you what you need to know.21:52
zetheroozap: you still here?21:53
lcukap31r0n, each applet on the desktop needs to have a .desktop file - wont that become unmanagable pretty soon requiring multiple .desktop files for each postit (whether shown or not?)21:53
zetherooanyone else know how to use TinyAVI?21:53
ap31r0nlcuk: uhm... i see21:53
zapzetheroo: yes21:54
zapzetheroo: whats the problem with it?21:54
zetheroozap: well it just seems to take much longer than Avidmux21:54
ap31r0nlcuk: well, that's not my problem21:54
ap31r0nlcuk: i only need one applet for managing that applet21:54
ap31r0nthat notes21:54
zapzetheroo: how much? For me it's about 20-30 minutes21:54
zetheroozap: well its at 2 percent .... its been about 5 min21:55
zetheroois that normal?21:55
zapwhat CPU do you have?21:55
GAN800~tablet-encode is Jaffa's media encoding suite.21:55
infobotGAN800: okay21:55
ap31r0nlcuk: the thing is that i want to control it from my app without copying it on the /usr/lib/hildon-desktop and /usr/share/applications/hildon-home ...21:55
Macoror hildon at all :)21:56
zetheroozap: its a Duo Core 2.0 GHZ21:56
GAN800Desktop applets aren't really meant to be loaded and unloaded dynamically all the time.21:56
zetheroozap: it just seemed that Avidmux was alot faster ...21:57
lcukim not sure if its possible21:57
zetheroozap: did a whole movie in about 25 min21:57
zapzetheroo: thats what I have on Core Duo 2/2.4Ghz21:57
GAN800Maybe not two-pads21:57
infobotGAN800 meant: Maybe not two-pass21:57
zapzetheroo: have you used two-pass encoding in avidemux?21:57
zetheroozap: not sure ... I did not manually change any settings21:58
GAN800tablet-encode is the way to go. ;)21:58
ap31r0nlcuk: anyway, do you think that i can load and unload one applet from my app without touching the applet loader?21:58
zapGAN800: have you tried my program, or it's just out of your head?21:58
zapGAN800: or you did any comparison?21:59
lcukap31r0n, ive just been looking, ive not found anything myself yet21:59
GAN800zap, something tablet-specific. I like and use tablet-encode. It's been around for a long time.22:00
zapzetheroo: what settings you were using, I'll try now22:00
zapGAN800: my prog is also tablet specific, so?22:01
MacorE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:02
zapzetheroo: what settings are you using, I'll try it here22:02
Macorson of a bitch!22:02
MacorChroot command failed: ['chroot', '/mnt/nit-debian', 'apt-get', 'install', '-y', '--force-yes', 'nit-env-stskeeps']22:02
zapzetheroo: encoding a 1.4Gb file with N8xx/mplayer medium quality settings?22:02
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zetheroozap: encoding a 700MB file with medium quality and size22:03
StskeepsMacor: could you put the whole screen on ?22:03
MacorStskeeps - sure22:03
StskeepsMacor: as i'll be able to figure out what goes on then :P22:03
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zetheroozap: Mplaer angine - best22:04
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zapzetheroo: by the way, you can encode two videos at once22:04
zapzetheroo: tinyavi will detect and use 2 cores if you have them22:04
zetheroozap: oh ok22:04
vandenoeveri'd like to compile a pure qt program for maemo diablo, what's the easiest way to do this?22:04
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MacorStskeeps -
Macorit seems to be from the keymap22:04
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Macorchrooting and installing nit-env-stskeeps seems to work fine22:05
Stskeepsthat's odd though22:06
GAN800zap, what advantage does your program offer over 'one more option'?22:06
Macorno wait.....22:06
zapGAN800: try and see22:06
zapand compare result size/quality22:06
GAN800Sorry, don't have the time or equipment for that right now.22:06
zetheroozap: I ma at 21 percent now22:06
Macorno it doesn't... it's nit-env-stskeeps22:06
Macori'll paste the error22:06
zapzetheroo: I'm at 5% and I started a couple minutes ago22:07
GAN800tablet-encode is just a mencoder front-end, it can be configured to do whatever.22:07
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zapGAN800: sure, so is tiny-avi22:07
GAN800Slightly different default settings aren't an advantage.22:07
StskeepsMacor: thanks in advantage, i don't have to rerun install myself then :P22:07
GAN800Why the need for two basically identical projects?22:07
zapGAN800: they aren't identical22:08
MacorStskeeps -
Macorso do i just re-run?22:08
Macorthat would suck :)22:08
lcukGAN800, why the need for 20000000000 basically the same media players?22:08
GAN800Two mencoder front-ends, why not patch tablet-encode instead?22:08
Macoryou wouldn't happen to know why it messed up would you?22:08
GAN800lcuk, they aren't the same22:09
zapGAN800: because I would have to rewrite it almost 100%22:09
lcukselect file, play music/video22:09
GAN800Significantly different interfaces.22:09
GAN800lcuk, oversimplified.22:09
Macori'll try to boot it and see what happens... if it doesn't boot i'll go ahead and re-run the installer and see how it goes22:09
Macorthat's really odd tho22:09
zapGUI = 66% of the code22:09
zetheroozap: I wish tinyAVI would use both cores for one file...22:09
zapzetheroo: actually it can, but I haven't enabled this22:10
GAN800Finger/stylus, feature-rich, lightweight.22:10
StskeepsMacor: no, you're quite close so :P22:10
StskeepsMacor: give me some minutes to track down a debian change22:10
zetheroozap: can I enable it?22:10
zapzetheroo: its more effective to encode two videos at once than one video in two threads22:10
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MacorStskeeps - ok... well if you know a way i can fix it from there by hand before rebooting22:11
zapzetheroo: its easy to enable that, but it depends what you will do more often22:11
Macori mean it just died on me for the x keymapping :)22:11
GAN800Anyway, zap, changing for the sake of changing doesn't work for me.22:12
zapGAN800: you see, I wrote tinyavi about a year ago22:12
StskeepsMacor: well the apt-get is last step before mv /sbin/start-stop-daemon /sbin/start-stop-daemon.FAKE; mv /sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL /sbin/start-stop-daemon22:13
Macorbut the apt-get dpkg is failing for that last pkg22:13
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Macornit-env-stskeeps won't install22:13
lcukwhats the error22:14
zapzetheroo: indeed, the last version is much slower than previous. Thats because I concentrated on highest quality :(22:14
Macori pasted it22:14
zapzetheroo: do you think it makes sense to drop quality in favour of encoding time, or make that selectable?22:14
hendryon my user terminal, `su` report applet requires root privileges! how do i get around this?:22:14
StskeepsMacor: yeah, cos it relies on a wide range of packages :) it's not a package with files, it's a metapackage, tells apt what to get22:15
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Macorwell.. let me see which pkg it actually failed on22:15
zetheroozap: I need to get as many videos as I can on a 4 GB SD card .... thats what I am thinking of the most...22:15
zapzetheroo: in this case current settings are the best for you22:16
MacorReloading system message bus config...Failed to open connection to system message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_s22:16
Macorocket: No such file or directory22:16
lcukzetheroo, taking your pron collection on holiday?22:16
zapzetheroo: and I would suggest you to put all the videos at once in the queue22:16
StskeepsMacor: yeah, that's the bug i'm looking at cos other people ran in it too22:16
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Macorwould the chroot matter for networking settings?22:17
zapzetheroo: you can add new files and press "Convert all", that won't affect the running conversion22:17
StskeepsMacor: hm?22:17
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zetheroolcuk: for my 3 year old daughter on a 14 hour flight ..22:17
Macorlike the resolv.conf is set for the localhost22:17
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zetheroozap: ok ...thanks22:17
Stskeepsyeah, that's fine22:17
lcukthat would be a firm no then22:18
Stskeepswith network manager you get resolvconf22:18
StskeepsMacor: you can apt-get install nit-env-basic and get a basic working installation22:18
Stskeepswhich you can boot into and ssh22:18
Macori'm trying it now22:18
ap31r0nlcuk: did you see something?¿22:19
Stskeepsi'll look into what happens with HAL in the meantime, after a smoke :P22:19
Macornope... same problem22:19
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lcukap31r0n, i didnt unfortunately22:19
StskeepsMacor: same error? that's odd22:19
ap31r0nlcuk: ok, thxs anyway22:20
MacorCan't start Hardware abstraction layer - please ensure dbus is running failed!22:20
Macoris there a dbus pkg that needs to be installed?22:20
Macorwithin the chroot?22:20
lcukhal returned: "im sorry Macor, i can't do that"22:20
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Macori can start over and try again and see what happens. maybe i missed a step22:21
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Macorbut hal is where it screws up... it tries to install hal then gnome-mount... network-manager.. etc22:22
Stskeepsyeah, i agree22:22
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Stskeepslemme just boot up my debian22:23
Macorit's either hal or dbus that's causing it22:24
liricongrads to me again, now on diablo22:24
Macorit has to be dbus22:28
Macordbus won't create a socket file22:29
Stskeepsit shouldn't, either22:30
Stskeepsit shouldn't try to start or reload it while installing22:30
Macorok well. i'll start from scratch and be careful with what i choose22:30
Macorand see what happens. maybe there is some minute step i missed22:30
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liriwhat about repos now after I upgraded to diablo?22:31
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StskeepsMacor: you said it failed before this?22:32
Stskeepsas in, before the first apt-get error?22:32
Macorit got up to the apt-get for hal and gave me those errors22:32
Macori didn't receive any other errors before that22:33
Stskeepsyou don't have to reinstall, just give me a couple of seconds :)22:33
Macori'm going to try again from scratch and see what happens. i'll also pick a different mirror22:33
Macori already reboot it :)... i guess i can mount and chroot again if you know how to fix it22:33
Stskeepsah, okay22:33
Stskeepsyeah, i have a good idea22:33
Macorok.. sec22:33
Macorah crap22:34
camdenlater folks.22:35
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Macori don't have a damn ext2/3 module loaded22:36
Macorwtf... that should be something that starts by default :)22:36
Stskeepstell the maemo people that :P22:36
Macorwhere the hell does maemo keep its modules?22:37
Stskeeps /mnt/initfs/lib/modules is a good place to start22:37
Stskeepsyou need to load mbcache and ext222:37
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Macorinsmod: cannot insert 'ext3.ko': Unknown symbol in module (-1): No such file or directory22:38
Macorthat's gay :) i'll just mount it as ext222:38
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Macormount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 on nit-debian/ failed22:39
Stskeepsyou need jbd.ko or something for ext322:40
Macorremind me to autoload those22:41
Macorwtf :) it's linux.. they should autoload by default22:42
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Macorok.. i'm chrooted now.. any idea how to fix?22:42
Macorwell.. that was different22:43
Macori have unset local settings22:45
liriis there no point in configuring diablo repos/extras?22:45
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Macorok.. i really must have missed something during the install Stskeeps ... i'm going to just start from scratch and see what happens22:46
StskeepsMacor: no, wait :P22:46
Stskeepsgot the solution now22:46
Stskeepssvn up in installer directory22:46
Stskeepsrun ./postdebootstrap /mnt/nit-debian (if you have it mounted there)22:46
Macoroutside chroot?22:46
MacorConnecting to||:80...22:47
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Stskeepsshould darn well be up :P22:48
Macorthat looks kinda ugly :)22:48
Macorwhat's with all that other stuff.. likt it's trying to chroot to /mnt/nit-debian on its own22:49
Stskeepsofcourse it does22:50
Stskeepsand it succeeds, too22:50
Stskeepsit needs to chroot in like everyone else to install packages22:50
Macori see22:50
Macorit just looks... :) brutish22:51
Macorok.. well.. this looks like it's going to take a minute22:51
Stskeepsyeah, coffee is okay, but not going for a movie22:51
Macorthat's what i was going off of22:51
StskeepsMacor: installers are brutish .. and since it's alpha software right now, it has to be verbose and show what's going on :)22:52
Macorsame error ;)22:52
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liriwhat are the chinook repositories info? seems to be outdated, listing only os 2007 repos22:53
Macorseems to go ok until it gets to nit-env-stskeeps then gives me locale errors and then just stops installing :)22:54
Stskeepsyeah, .. it's a debian error it seems like22:54
Stskeepsi'm trying to see if i can do anything better22:54
Macorthis installer has worked for others before?22:55
StskeepsMacor: yeah - including myself22:55
Macorit it has worked for other people then i think it would be best for me to just start from scratch and try again just to make sure i don't miss steps22:56
Macori probably rolled onto the keyboard while it was installing and i was asleep or something22:56
StskeepsMacor: nah, it won't help :P22:56
Stskeepscos other people ran into the same problem22:56
Stskeepsjust noone posted error logs :)22:56
Macorwell.. right now it is a final option .. it could very well be a problem with the mirror i'm using.. maybe they have a screwed up deb22:56
Macorthere could be quite a few variables why it isn't working.. maybe i have the chinese knockoff n800 that is missing a cpu instruction22:57
Macorbut i'll try that first and if it doesn't work then i'll keep pasting the error msgs i get to help you dev it22:57
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Stskeepswell, give me 3-4 minutes to write something and commit it, that would definately help :P22:58
Macorsorry. was grabbing some food23:00
Macorjust tell me when you're ready23:00
liritimely: I upgraded to diablo. I'm guessing only chinook repos is available now?23:01
StskeepsMacor: svn up; LC_ALL=C ./postdebootstrap /mnt/nit-debian23:02
StskeepsMacor: er, do sh refresh-base /mnt/nit-debian first23:02
Stskeepsjust so we have a clean slate23:03
timelyliri: depending on what you're actually doing23:03
timelythere are definitely diablo repos23:03
StskeepsMacor: ignore the last part :P23:03
timelyalthough the ones there ^^ are for developers not devices23:03
Stskeeps(the refresh-base stuff)23:03
MacorCptnodegard: cannot stat '../nit-base-packages': No such file or directory23:03
Macorfind: /mnt/nit-debian/nit-base-packages: No such file or directory23:03
timelyare you guys trying to debootstrap?23:04
StskeepsMacor: yeah, just realized you prolly didnt check out base packages from svn.. lemme guess, /mnt/nit-debian/nit-base-packages is empty?23:04
CptnodegardMacer: why you adressing me?23:04
Macorcpt - accident.. was supposed to be cp:23:04
Stskeepstimely: debugging post-debootstrap debian installer23:05
liritimely: I read that diablo sources have only a small set of applications available23:05
timelyliri: correct23:05
timelysources cover the open source portion of the platform23:05
StskeepsMacor: so is /mnt/nit-debian/nit-base-packages empty?23:05
timely(and my cross reference sadly is missing a couple of amusing pieces because it's missing a connecting node)23:05
liritimely: right, so where does that leave me? should I have both diablo and chinook repos? or only reone of them?23:06
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timelychinook shouldn't be any different if you're using source repos23:06
ryoohkiis the wimax edition out yet?!23:06
Macorthe dir isn't even there Stskeeps23:06
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timelyryoohki: ask sprint?23:06
ryoohkitimely: um, thanks, i think? :-)23:06
StskeepsMacor: alright.. cd /mnt/nit-debian; svn export
StskeepsMacor: and then do the postdebootstrap thing23:07
BinkyHi. I am going to reflash but, is it so important to have the battery full?23:07
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liritimely: no idea what are source repos or how to enable them. I got the N810 like yesterday and I reflashed to diablo. it now has no repositories configured23:07
StskeepsMacor: okay, my bad again :) i had 3 hours of sleep last night and it's starting to hit me23:08
Macorit's grabbing the base packages now23:08
MacorExported revision 33.23:09
Stskeepsoki, after that svn up in installer directory and do LC_ALL=C ./postdebootstrap /mnt/nit-debian23:09
timelyif you open application manager, does it really show 0 repositories?23:09
timelybecause um... that's not supposed to happen23:10
Macordidn't work Stskeeps23:10
timelyMacor: wrong ver of python?23:11
timelywho wrote
Stskeepstimely: nah, bad coder (me)23:11
Macorthings take time ;)23:12
StskeepsMacor: svn up in installer directory, it should give you revision 35, and the postdebootstrap line agai23:12
timelyStskeeps: i'd argue your filename should be until it's fairly finalized23:12
timelyimo you're violating their branding namespace23:12
MacorUpdated to revision 35.23:13
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Macorsame command? ...23:13
MacorLC_ALL=C ./postdebootstrap /mnt/nit-debian/23:13
Macorok... it's downloading linux-odules now23:14
Macorer.. modules too ;)23:14
Stskeepstimely: and so does the debian chroot project if we're getting technical. i'm considering just renaming the whole thing to get around this discussion. i do believe source files should have names after their function and not their author23:15
Stskeepsand in this case, it's a debian installer, debootstrapping and loading packages on top to make users that want to run debian on their tablets able to properly23:15
timelyStskeeps: my background is that of one of the people who forced proper naming for proejcts23:16
Macora while huh? :)23:16
Macorer... this is going to take a while was what i was trying to say23:16
timelyit's up to debian to give themselves a good or a bad name23:16
timelytreading on their name is a violation of their existence23:16
timelythe same applies to maemo (see Maemo (?) guidelines)23:16
Macorthat's a little harsh don't you think :)23:17
timelyand Linux and just about any other project23:17
timelyMacor: it's important...23:17
timelyi came in and thought "oh boy, debian's installer is buggy"23:17
timelythat's unfair to debian. and it's not my fault. his product was misleading23:17
MacorStskeeps ....23:18
StskeepsMacor: same error?23:18
Macorasking for root pw now ;)23:18
timelyyou have to set noe23:18
MacorChroot command failed: ['chroot', '/mnt/nit-debian/', 'passwd', 'root']23:19
StskeepsMacor: ..23:19
Macormy bad on that one...23:19
Macordamn wireless keyboard23:19
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Stskeepstimely: i don't care for project politics. i've had my fair share of fights with debian-legal. i'm in this to make a good product that people can use to have a debian experience that isn't bugy on the tablets and pave the way for a free alternative incase nokia decides to stop supporting the tablets.23:20
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Stskeepsand for people to have the most use of their tablets.23:20
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timelyStskeeps: i'd be shocked to hear debian would let you keep the name23:21
StskeepsMacor: hang on a second while i look at the source23:21
Macorsee... that's good old "don't give into the institution" type shit :)23:21
timelyi remember debian going after other projects over that23:21
MacorStskeeps - no.. i think that was my fault23:21
Macorjust give me a minute... i don't know why i did it but i reran the command by accident.... it takes like 5 mins.. i think my wireless keyboard just screwed up23:21
Stskeepstimely: read what i said at the first line. i'm going to change the name, most definately. also, there has been no release of this stuff as such, just people discovering what we're doing and loving it.23:21
Macortimely - then they are being far too restrictive :)23:21
Stskeepsand finding our svn23:22
timelyMacor: in short, the law isn't flexible on it23:22
timelyif you don't defend your marks, you lose them23:22
Macormarks in opensource? :)23:22
* Jaffa mutters darkly at #354223:22
Macorthat's microsoft talk there young man23:23
timelyMacor: nope23:23
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Macorit would be one thing if he were just doing it to be an immature child making bad code in order to hurt the name.. but he is actually trying to make a useful project and if anything the debian developers should be proud of it23:24
timelydoesn't matter23:24
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RST38hJaffa: You are still using Modest?23:25
JaffaRST38h: I'm attempting to make the software which comes with the device work. I'm all for a specific mobile device email client; but basically want something with GMail's conversations, good GMail IMAP integration and a cached mode when the network connection is unavailable or patchy (without me having to select 'Offline')23:26
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RST38hJaffa: You are being a masochist.23:27
JaffaIs there something which meets those requirements?23:27
JaffaPleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease :)23:27
RST38hJaffa: BTW, it looks like they are not going to fix the 100% CPU usage bug saying that "it will all be fixed when we fix futexes in the kernel"23:27
timelyRST38h: he wants software that "just works"23:28
timelyit's too much to ask, but he's still learning :)23:28
Jaffatsk :)23:28
* Jaffa 's in a "I hate computers"; "I hate writing software" and "I hate using software" mode at the moment.23:28
RST38htimely: I also want software that just works. But once I figure out some software does not work, I stop using it23:28
timelyah, so you're vindictive23:29
MangoFusionJaffa: the great outdoors welcomes you23:29
JaffaRST38h: figured I need to start making my morning commute more useful than sleeping for another 45 minutes.23:29
timelyhe's just an over eager optimist23:29
RST38hJaffa: I would probably try Claws, if I were you23:29
RST38hJaffa: Or PINE compiled for Maemo23:29
* Jaffa says this whilst writing a berating email to a developer who should know better23:29
RST38hJaffa: Complaining to Modest developers is useless. They are above your puny complaints.23:29
JaffaRST38h: I've yet to see a usable Claws UI on the tablet; but am willing to accept it may be possible to configure it.23:29
timelyjust install google mail for firefox w/ gears :)23:30
RST38hJaffa: They are the mighty wizards who conquer IMAP API specs on daily basis and write diatribes about templates and other C++ features to the Planet23:30
RST38hJaffa: What are *your concerns* in comparison with this?23:30
RST38hJaffa: I mean, between you and STL, who is more important to the Programmer?23:31
Jaffatimely: GMail's offline mode with gears isn't here yet is it? Rumoured to be a few weeks away AIUI23:31
RST38h[hint: "Jaffa" is a bad guess.]23:31
JaffaRST38h: :)23:31
timelylinux tm23:31
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timely :: Linux(TM) it different from conventional Linux?23:32
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Jaffatimely: btw, you don't want to get me on to the performance of the JS version of GMail with microb in my current mood ;-)23:32
timelyJaffa: ui=1 or ui=2 ?23:32
Jaffatimely: erm, let me check23:32
JaffaI tend to use the static HTML for quick reading, but it's not exactly usable for replying well-formedly23:33
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Jaffatimely: ui=123:35
Jaffatimely: issues partly related to size of GUI elements - probably more than anything else.23:36
JaffaRight. "Commit things better you numpty" email sent. Time for a cuppa and a cuddle with Mrs Jaffa & bump.23:37
Jaffaerr, hang on23:38
timelyJaffa: anyway, i think is properly branded23:38
timelyif people have complaints, they can give a yell23:38
timelywhen will get the refresh, and is a new motto included?23:38
Jaffatimely: cool :-D Not heard anything about a motto or tagline; I hope/expect not.23:39
lbtno tagline23:39
lbtaccording to peter23:39
timelylbt: what do you mean no tagline?23:39
timelyshould i actually delete the tagline from my alt text?23:39
Jaffatimely: I would.23:39
lbtI think the current "code in your hands"23:40
lbtis going23:40
timelyto /dev/null ?23:40
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lbtbut that's just my understanding23:40
timelylbt: so the alt text should be "" ?23:40
timelyplease load and confirm...23:40
lbtI gues....  anyhow - where do gconf settings get stored23:41
timely  /var/lib/gconf ?23:41
lbtneeds more yelloe23:41
lbtnot yellow enough23:41
lbtin my considered opinion23:42
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timelydid i pick the wrong logo?23:42
lbtthe logo is right23:42
lbtbut the page is too grey23:42
RST38htimely: btw, any way to disable browserd? current or potential?23:42
lbtand "About Cross-References" is the wrong font23:42
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lbtit clashes23:42
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timelyRST38h: not really23:43
lbtyou  need a sans-serif font23:43
timelylbt: write some css, i'll use it23:43
lbtI only do manly code.23:43
lbtcss is for girls23:43
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RST38htimely: are there at least plans to get rid of it?23:44
lbtthanks - found my gconf stuff23:44
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liritimely: it doesn't show 0 but it says the repos are unavailable23:47
timelyRST38h: absolutely not23:48
timelyi'm hoping to see mozilla moving to using a similar system too23:48
timely(not necessarily a true daemon, but at least a second process)23:48
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RST38htimely: it sucks.23:49
RST38htimely: takes memory. periodically goes into a 100% CPU loop.23:49
timelyRST38h: you're making a very stupid assumption23:49
RST38htmiely: Once it does that, it can only be killed using 3rd party apps because it has no close icon23:49
timelynamely that the browser wouldn't behave exactly the same way23:50
RST38htimely: Taking memory and 100% CPU loop are not assumptions23:50
RST38htimely: I can quit browser. I can't quit browserd23:50
timelyassuming that a non browserd browser wouldn't use 100% of the cpu is23:50
RST38htimely: Sure, it would23:50
RST38htimely: But it can be quit and browserd can't23:50
timelynot true actually23:51
RST38hWhat not true?23:51
timelyit's possible to have ui apps that aren't killable23:51
timelyall you need is for them to be stuck in a system call23:51
RST38hYes, but not in the case of MicroB23:51
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RST38hIn the case described above, it is not being stuck in a system call. Wouldn't take 100% CPU23:53
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timelyi'm not actually sure about that23:53
timelyit depends on how poorly implemented the system is23:53
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RST38htimely: Well, if you think about it you will see why it can't23:54
timelyfwiw in testing w/ microb pre browserd23:54
timelyit was possible for the [x] to be absolutely useless23:54
timelyi.e. you *couldn't* kill it from the ui23:54
timelyeven though it was using 100% of the cpu23:54
timelybecause it was *answering* "are you alive" (but not answering "please close")23:54
RST38hWell, you just had to wait for window manager to say "this app does not respond. kill?"23:54
timelydidn't work23:55
timelythe app responded to "i'm alive"23:55
timelyit just was too busy to handle "please close"23:55
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RST38hTo a termination message?23:55
RST38hit acknowledged termination message but did not close? Well, that had to be fixed inside MicroB23:56
RST38hBrowserd has nothing to do with it23:56
timelywell, given there was no browserd...23:56
timelythis was pre browserd23:56
timelybut no, i can't remember where the fault was23:56
RST38htimely: well, now it hangs in browserd and we do not even have the [x]23:56
timelyit could have been in the gecko side....23:56
timelyso get a stack trace23:57
lbtdoes anyone know about     qemu: Unsupported syscall: 26423:57
RST38htimely: Can I suggest something, given that browserd can't get keworked?23:57
timelyyou can suggest whatever you like, the likelihood of it being ignored depends on what it is23:57
timelylbt: buy a newer qemu :)23:57
RST38hlbt: Open file dialog?23:57
RST38htimely: Ok23:58
lbtRST38h: probably23:58
RST38htimely: Right now, there is always a copy of browserd lingering in memory and taking ~12MB RAM (5-6MB actually)23:58
RST38hlbt: Debug on real device, do not use emulation23:58
jottlbt: the qemu with sbox does not support all arm11 instructions.23:58
timelyor arm v623:59
RST38htimely: I suggest killing this copy if nobody uses it for, let us say, 15 minutes23:59
timelydepending on how you number your arms23:59
lbtOK - I always compiled and debugged i386 version23:59
lbtI see a few differences though23:59
timelyRST38h: that mostly defeats the goal23:59
RST38htimely: Not really, look23:59
lbts/I see/I _think_ I see/23:59
infobotlbt meant: I _think_ I see a few differences though23:59

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