IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-03-26

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Veggenelb: why wouldn't I want Alt_L on something and Mod1 to Alt_L?00:00
m-ckoyote: television stations are broadcasting digital signals these days... wonder if the N800 will ever be able to tune the shows there00:00
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elbVeggen: you can do that, sure00:01
elb(and there's no real downside)00:01
m-c... would need a tuner + MPEG2 decoder in one application00:02
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elbm-c: the n800 tuner almost certainly doesn't provide the necessary bandwidth00:05
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m-celb: huh - never considered the bandwidth on a tuner...00:05
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elbbasically all a tuner *is* is a notch filter of a particular bandwidth and center ;-)00:06
elbplus some goop to extract the signal from its carrier and center it somewhere useful00:06
Veggenhmm. worked, but keystroke was awkward.00:07
elbhmmm notch filter is not the right term, it's the reverse of a notch00:07
Veggenthink I want ctrl-shift and not fn-shift00:07
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Veggeneek. that had side effects, fn-shift to Alt_l00:10
Veggensuddenly, my bare fn stopped working.00:10
elbuh oh ;-)00:10
elbI use Fn+shift for ]00:11
Veggenand I need an exclamation-mark.anyone00:11
elbwhich is probably a bad binding00:11
elbbut I need Ctrl-]00:11
Veggenthanks :)00:13
Veggenmy fn key back.00:13
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VeggenI put { and [ back where the ( is. chr+k for { and chr+shift+k for [00:14
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pupnikyou know the USA has overthrown the got in somalia?00:15
pupnikyeah, they overthrew a stable govt!00:15
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m-c"the got" ?00:15
pupnikthe washington post said00:16
pupnikthere were three al quaeda in somalia00:16
pupnikso the cia got the ethopian army to invade00:16
Veggenelb: your keystroke is a little awkward on mine, but possible :)00:16
pupnikand hundreds of thousands of people have fled!00:16
pupnikit's really fun!00:16
elbVeggen: where did you put ]?00:16
elbhmmm I didn't know chr could work that way00:17
elbis that an additional xkb hack?00:18
m-cpupnik: you can find an audience for your discussion in #politics00:18
Veggenelb: I took away the popup on chr.00:18
pupnikshitloads of people getting killed00:18
Veggenelb: maps th keys I need directly instead.00:18
pupniki don't respect borders00:19
Veggenthere's enough keys to take from :)00:19
* koyote grins00:20
koyotelet's get into fm versus am, ssb, cw, and phase modulation!00:20
elbpupnik: do you have some sort of source for this?00:22
elbI'm interested in it, but ... "the US invaded" versus "the Ethiopian army invaded" are two very different things00:22
elbthat leaves aside calling the Somalian government "stable", of course ;-)00:23
Veggenelb: setting COMP to ISO_Level5_Shift and modifier_map Mod3 to ISO_Level5_Shift and you can map keys on chr and chr+shift too. and maybe chr+shift+fn00:23
pupnikelb yes it was all usa00:24
Veggensee EIGHT_LEVEL-examples in standard xkb map.00:24
elbis that a source?00:24
elbVeggen: yeah, I'm using some eight-level mappings, but only as a side effect00:25
pupnikno it is a challenge00:25
elbbut my Chr key bound to the menu00:25
pupniki am a qualified commentator00:25
elbI see00:25
elbVeggen: assume there was a verb in that last sentence ;-)00:26
Veggenelb: oh? I don't need a menu key. I bound the original menu key to the left to Ctrl_L instead and had myself an extra ctrl.00:26
pupnikelb is the source00:26
elbI meant the Chr menu thing00:26
elbnot the menu menu00:27
pupniklisten to the interviews for the past year00:27
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elbI actually use the menu key pretty often00:27
pupnikand then get back to me00:27
elbI doubt I could take a year's worth of propaganda in one sitting00:27
Veggenelb: yah, I don't :) or I decided to bind it all in xkb instead.00:27
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pupnikelb did the CIA overthrow the iranian government in 1953?00:28
elbI'm sure it did00:28
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elbthere is no world strife but that caused by the US government, of course00:29
elbHitler and Stalin were merely pawns in the US bid for world domination00:29
pupnikyou dumb fuck, the mainstream news is the propaganda00:29
pupnikit is pure lies00:29
KotCzarnyhitler was a good friend of us00:29
KotCzarnyhe just wanted to speed up nwo00:30
KotCzarnyin his own way00:30
* m-c ignores.00:30
elbI like how you moved directly to ad hominem without even a single sentence of logical defense00:30
elbI think we're done here00:30
pupniki deal in shorthand with shitiots00:30
pupnikmassive propaganda apparatus00:31
elbI see00:31
KotCzarnysame with mao00:31
pupnikelb denies it00:31
elbwhat did I deny, exactly?00:31
elbhelp me understand00:31
pupnikUSA invading somalia00:31
elbin fact, I did no such thing00:31
elbin actuality, I asked for information on the matter00:31
elbbut you were too busy being offended a priori to provide useful information, as far as I can tell00:32
elbthen came the blind name-calling00:32
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elbso, yeah ... I'm done here00:32
pupnikthey just bombed somalia00:33
pupniksorry you're uninformed00:33
KotCzarnyanyone is?00:33
pupnikit's just a prod to investigate yourself00:33
elbwhy don't you provide information, instead of spewing vitriol00:33
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elboh, you're talking about YEARS ago00:34
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elbthe fact that you barged into #maemo with this information led me to believe you were speaking of a new initiative00:35
elb(sorry guys, I should never have encouraged him)00:36
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pupnikthe USA is engaging in proxy war in somalia00:38
pupnikthe country had just recovered from decades of civil war00:39
pupnikthe regional islamists had restored a modicum of peace and stablitiy00:39
pupnikand begun to create a new civil society00:39
lcukthe us is involved in a lot of things they shouldn't be, but this isn't a political channel00:39
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pupnikthat was not acceptable to the herren in the usa00:39
pupniksorry. hundreds of thousands of dead00:39
pupnikmy country at fault00:39
pupnikthought i should let you know00:40
pupniklike. you know00:40
pupnika good opponent to the nazis00:40
pupnikit's not politics00:40
pupnikjust informing of genocide00:41
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Veggenhmmm. I can't have two modifiers on same key. nuts, where to put alt ?00:41
elbVeggen: you can put two modifiers on the same key using xmodmap00:41
elbI don't know how to do it in xkb00:41
Veggennot in xkb?00:41
elbprobably, but I don't know how00:41
Veggenwell. they seem to interfer when I try.00:42
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Veggenelb: an example?00:47
Veggendid interfer when I tried.00:47
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elbfor xmodmap?00:48
elbadd Alt_L = (keysym)00:48
elball Meta_L = (keysym)00:48
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Veggenelf: I want Mod1 to shift-ctrl and (obviously) ctrl to a bare ctrl.00:49
Veggencan I do that?00:49
elboh, wait ... you're trying to do the opposite of what I just said, then?00:50
elberr, no00:50
* elb is a bit confused00:50
elbyou can't bind mod1 to other modifiers00:50
elbyou would have to bind a *keysym* to other modifiers00:51
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elbkeys and modifiers are entirely orthogonal00:51
Veggenwell, yah.00:51
elband ... I'm not sure if a single key can trigger more than one *modifier* or not00:51
Veggendidn't seem like.00:51
elba single keysym can trigger more than one keycode00:52
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elberr, wait ... a single keycode can trigger more than one keysym00:52
elbcurse this terminology ;-)00:52
elbX keyboard handling is about the most baroque thing I've ever dealt with00:52
VeggenI only just started xkb hacking, was used to more xmodmap before, but never got the hang of modifiers.00:53
elbok, so, if you have a particular keysym, you can put it on both Ctrl and Shift00:53
elbdoing precisely what I said above, with two add lines00:54
koyotedid we just lose part of the ice sheet?00:54
Veggensure. but that would lose me either ctrl or shift ? :)00:54
elbice sheet?00:54
VeggenI'm trying tongain a modifier here.00:54
Veggento gain.00:55
koyoteelb: big frozen water masses in antartica00:55
elball right, let me look and see what you're trying to do, again :-)00:55
koyotedon't worry about it. glboal warming is a myth00:55
elbkoyote: hah I thought you were referencing something to do with maemo00:55
koyoteno, my wife just sent me a KSR bingo sms00:55
elbso you want the keystroke shift+ctrl to produce mod1 instead of shift and control00:56
elbI think you'd have to give up another key for that, actually00:56
Veggenelb: nuts. maybe I need to give up my precious left ctrl.00:56
elbit surprises me if there was global warming-related loss of part of the ice sheet *this* year, in particular, since this year is the coldest worldwide winter on record in half a century00:56
elbVeggen: good luck with that00:56
elbI think when I looked, the keycode for left and right ctrl was the same00:57
Veggenelb: there is no left ctrl.00:57
VeggenI mapped it to the menu key.00:57
Veggenbut I needed a ctrl to be there :)00:57
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elbhuh, that says antarctica saw massive melt this year00:59
elbI wonder why that is00:59
koyoteno idea00:59
koyotesome gaseuous vertebrate00:59
koyotes divine will00:59
elbI mean in the context of the fact that this is an anomalously cold year worldwide01:00
elbone would have expected massive melt, say, *last* year01:00
elbalthough perhaps the southern summer is not as cold as the northern winter01:00
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elb"global warming" may be a long-term answer, but it's a stupid rejoinder to short-term questions01:02
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koyotenot entirely01:02
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koyoteafter all, when you ask a question likely to be answered by global warming, there's a problem with the question01:03
koyoteso, why did the shelf collapse? that's not a good question.01:03
koyoteit's 6 doctoral theses to adequately explain.01:03
Paavothe temperatures vary in funny ways. in finland this has been the warmest winter in recorded history01:03
Paavoin fact, there _was no winter_ according to the thermal definition01:04
elbyes, temperatures over history are almost entirely unpredictable01:04
VeggenPaavo: it's actually white and snowy on the ground outside here now. we have a mild coastal clima here on west cost of Norway...01:05
elbbut nonetheless, I am wondering if the antarctic was freakishly warm this year01:06
Paavoand tomorrow it's going to be very white and very snowy here as well. something like 10-20 cm snowfall predicted for tomorrow01:06
elbthe arctic was not, but I don't know of any reason why the poles should behave alike01:06
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Paavothis is after seeing green grass and over +5 temperatures in february01:07
koyotesee, one warm year isn't enough to lose hundreds of square miles of a continent like that01:07
koyoteit's a lot more chaotic and complicated.01:07
Paavo <- compare this year with last year01:07
elbyes, but the *probability* of a massive collapse is going to be higher in a warm year than a cold year, all other things being equal01:08
elbbut what I actually asked about was the local ice melt01:08
elbnot the collapse itself01:08
elbfloating ice melt will be much more directly related to air and water temperatures01:09
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elbPaavo: wow01:09
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koyotemaybe i should move to finland01:12
koyoteat this rate the sacramento valley is going to be deadly01:13
Paavonote february 2007 and the -18 C average over 24 hours. that meant that the night was a bit chilly.01:13
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elbkoyote: you have a long way to go before that01:14
koyotemuch colder than the part of iceland i lived in, actually01:14
elbwe're still several degrees away from the middle ages01:14
elbI probably wouldn't sell into this housing market on account of it ;-)01:15
koyoteelb: oh, i dunno. we've had some pretty amazing heat streaks here. and the lower winter snowpack is really hurting us01:15
koyotewe could dustbowl and go 45 all summer easily within 5 years01:15
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elbdustbowl is more likely to be a vegetation destruction problem than a temperature problem, at this point01:16
elb(like the western plains)01:16
koyotenot here.01:16
koyoteno snowpack, no water.01:16
koyoteas i said before, it's complicated. you can't two word sound byte this stuff01:16
elbwas the sacramento valley a dustbowl in the middle ages?01:17
koyoteno, but it had no heat retention due to several million people and it was completely forested01:17
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elbright, vegetation destruction01:17
elbI think I already said that ;-)01:18
koyotewas the sahara BIGGER than it is now in the "middle ages"? no01:18
koyotebut without the temperature problem, the sacramento valley has been fairly stable01:18
koyotewe cut the forests down, yes, but not to pave them. we grow a signifigant portion of the world's food here.01:19
elbyes, that area of the country earned us the Asian name of "rice country"01:20
KotCzarny90% of the population is going to die anyway01:20
KotCzarnyaccording to nwo plans01:20
KotCzarnyso it doesn't matter01:20
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koyotei have kids. it matters01:22
KotCzarnyonly for you01:23
KotCzarny'single cell doesn't matter in an organism'01:23
Paavooh well, death rate per capita is 1 anyway01:24
koyotei don't buy the gould/skinner crap. :)01:24
koyotewe're gods. we should be treated and treat each other as such01:24
KotCzarnybut there are few that are addicted to power01:25
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KotCzarnyand have plans for the rest01:25
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Kekerotanyone know where i can get macchanger for os200801:30
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Toma-Is there a replacement grep that can handle -e in the 770 repos?01:41
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koyoteis there anything i actually have to do in 2008 to enable host mode for the usb?02:27
koyoteto use a keyboard?02:27
cLinmy ssh on n800 isn't working02:28
cLinthats weird02:28
KotCzarnyping it02:28
KotCzarnykoyote: have you switched it to the host mode?02:29
cLini can access it thru my n800 but can't elsewhere02:29
cLini just used it last night too02:29
cLinthats weird02:29
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koyotehow do i switch to host mode?02:31
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ttmrichterIs there some way to bring an N800 up in something other than runlevel 2?  I accidentally borked the runlevel 2 init scripts and can't start the machine.03:01
KotCzarnyuse fanoush usb rescue03:01
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ttmrichterKotCzarny: Is this something I can google quickly?03:04
KotCzarnywords: fanoush init ?03:04
KotCzarnyor better03:05
KotCzarnyfanoush flasher03:05
ttmrichterI have to re-flash?  This is what I'm trying to avoid doing.03:05
KotCzarnyor just:
KotCzarnyonly initfs, not your actual system03:05
ttmrichterInteresting.  So I reflash just the initfs and this allows me to enter different runlevels, I'm presuming?03:06
KotCzarnyrunlevels, i don't know03:06
KotCzarnybut you can telnet into it03:06
KotCzarnyi think03:06
KotCzarnyor just go into some kind of 'single' mode03:07
ttmrichterAh, yes.  Just read that.  I can telnet/ssh in.  Which is EXACTLY what I need.  Single mode helps too (that would be runlevel 0).03:07
KotCzarnyerm, no03:07
KotCzarnyrunlevel 0 is reboot03:07
KotCzarnyrunlevel 1 is single03:07
ttmrichterD'oh!  Yeah, my mistake.03:07
ttmrichterI'm not used to runlevel-based systems.  :)03:07
KotCzarnyno problem03:08
ttmrichterI keep getting the numbers screwed up.03:08
ttmrichterI remember runlevel 2 (because it's ubiquitous) and runlevel S (because it's actually mnemonic!).03:08
KotCzarnyi personally use ramdisk for rescueing on my pcs03:08
ttmrichterOn my PCs I use liveCDs.03:08
KotCzarnysomething like that03:08
ttmrichterMuch easier to rescue a PC than an N800.  :)03:09
KotCzarnybut made by myself03:09
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KotCzarnyso it has gcc/distcc/sshd03:09
KotCzarnyand fits into 20mb03:09
KotCzarnyquite easy way to bootup a cluster03:09
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scibotAny idea if there's a way to temporarily disable the backlight from automatically dimming and/or switching off.03:15
scibotHaving to tap it every minute while I try to draw a photo I have on screen is annoying.03:16
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KotCzarnyscibot: there was a way to add more options for timeout03:16
KotCzarnyfe. 60 minutes03:16
KotCzarnylet me check03:16
scibotThanks. =)03:17
KotCzarnygconftool-2 --type "list" --list-type "int" --set "/system/osso/dsm/display/possible_display_dim_tim03:17
KotCzarnyeouts" "[10,30,60,120,300,600,3600]"03:17
KotCzarnygconftool-2 --type "list" --list-type "int" --set "/system/osso/dsm/display/possible_display_blank_t03:17
KotCzarnyimeouts" "[30,60,120,300,600,3600]"03:17
KotCzarnygot fragmented03:18
KotCzarnyi hope you will see how to use it03:18
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scibotYep, thanks again.03:18
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skiburDo we have rotation on the N800/N810?03:53
jottskibur: yes,
KotCzarnyand it rocks03:54
KotCzarnyand you can move menubar03:54
KotCzarnylike in windows03:54
KotCzarnysome bugs with programs03:55
KotCzarnybut you will be only using it with www/ebooks03:55
KotCzarnyand those work beautifully03:55
skiburwill need to backup my current OS03:56
skiburchecking Jott's site03:56
jottit should actually be save03:56
KotCzarnyit is03:56
jottyou just flash the kernel and update xmap03:56
jottit is03:56
jottstill a backup can't be wrong ;)03:57
KotCzarnybut cloning os to mmc is even better option03:58
jottthat's just another word for "backup" :)03:58
jottno, everything else is less! :)03:59
skiburwonder if it will affect KDE03:59
jottactually KDE should work fine even with kde xrandr tray thingy i suppose03:59
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Kekerotdo you guys use wayfinder for gps?04:00
skiburhow can I boot from SD card?04:01
skiburI already have the flasher at boot time04:01
jottuse fanoush initfs04:01
KotCzarnyskibur: look for a howto04:01
skiburwhat format should the file be on the sd card?04:01
jottno file, full / on an ext3 (or similar) partition04:02
skiburo ok04:02
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skiburI used to have to OS04:02
jottbut you could probably also do some loop back container madness :)04:02
skiburOS2007 and OS200804:02
skiburN800 and SD Card Internal04:03
jottKekerot: <- i use this for gps ;)04:03
Kekerotthanks jott that seems much cheaper04:04
skiburwonder if Nokia will ever add rotation to the upcoming OS2008 update04:05
jottskibur: i doubt it.. too much work to make it really clean for to less gain.04:06
jottbut as long as we can use it, it's fine ;)04:07
koyotesharp did it04:07
jottsharp had qtopia not maemo :P04:07
skiburF-it  it works04:07
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koyotejott: point being that very few things people ask for are reinventing the wheel04:10
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koyotebetter time might be spent looking at what people have, need, want and designing around that as a new and comprehensive os change instead of dot incrementing04:10
Kekerotwhat is the latest macOS you can get running on a tablet with basilisk04:16
WorkingOnWisewhat changes do I need to make to the cloning process if I want to use ext3 on my sd card , when I clone the os to the sd card? I see nothing about ext3, and the ./ (0-4) fails. the error is this -  Unable to identify target device and partition with a valid linux filesystem (type 83). I partitioned the card with 7.2Gb ext3 partition and .5gb fat32 partition using my laptop. I also tried the .5gb fat 32 first, and s04:19
koyoteyou don't like your sd card?04:20
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WorkingOnWisewhat do u mean koyote?04:21
WorkingOnWisekoyote: what do you mean?04:25
koyoteext3 on flash?04:25
koyotemaximizing writes, minimizes life of card04:25
KotCzarnynot really04:26
KotCzarnyonly if you enable journal=data04:26
koyoteokay, only if you use ext3 in ext2 mode do you not kill your flash04:26
WorkingOnWiseI am chosing ext3 for the journaling abilities so it wont have to to an fschk acter a crash, or after x number of mounts04:27
jotthehe like writing to fats at a fixed location :) .. (hopefully the card is smarter than that ;)04:27
* koyote raises an eyebrow04:29
koyote1: I've lost more data with ext3 than ext204:29
koyote2: journalling gives you a false sense of security. stuff fails, just because your inodes are safe doesn't mean much in the larger view04:30
KotCzarnybut still04:30
KotCzarnychecking 8gb ext2 after battery fail?04:30
WorkingOnWisei've never seen a data loss at all on ext2 or 3, except for hardware failures04:30
KotCzarnyevery time?04:31
koyote3: I have worn out flash, and it sucks04:31 long would THAT take?! Didn't even concider that...04:31
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WorkingOnWisekoyote: over what period of time?04:31
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koyoteon the hp200 I think I blew one up in 6 months. lot of weird traffic across that one04:32
koyotea couple others in the 18 month range04:32
KotCzarnywas it ext3?04:32
WorkingOnWisewhat's an hp200?04:32
jottwhile true; do dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/mmc1; done  ;p04:32
koyoteotoh, I have a few that have lasted several years, but I don't exactly put swap on them :)04:32
koyoteWorkingOnWise: one had ext3 and jfs at various times, the other 2 were FAT3204:33
KotCzarnyso it doesn't matter, fat or ext3 from your perspective04:33
koyoteWorkingOnWise: a PCXT you could hold in your hand04:33
WorkingOnWiseso it doesnt sound like a file system thing...04:33
koyotebefore you were born :)04:33
KotCzarnyhah, mlc flash?04:34
koyoteWorkingOnWise: no, but a file system that generates more writes will shorten the life of the card.04:34
WorkingOnWiseum...not likely koyote04:34
freelikegnuwhy not use blue tooth headphones, then you have real wireless radio :D04:34
koyotehumor tag, I don't actually expect you are 1204:34
WorkingOnWiselol....good....sometimes I still act it tho04:35
koyote*shrug* we've been over this a dozen times on #eeepc and on the eee wiki.04:35
freelikegnuoh crap I was way far back in the chat buffer04:35
koyoteput ext3 and while you are at it a swap partition on there.04:35
KotCzarnywith some gap between04:35
WorkingOnWiseactually, I want swap on the built in flash I think04:36
KotCzarnyno you don't.04:36
KotCzarnyremember that built in flash is soldered04:36
KotCzarnyonce it's worn out. it's dead.04:36
jottis it? :)04:36
KotCzarnyisn't it?04:36
WorkingOnWiseah....and if i wear it out I'm buyin a new it04:36
jottthe 2gb in n810? no one opened this thing yet and made photos :P04:36
KotCzarnyif you put it that way04:36
KotCzarnyjott: i have n80004:37
KotCzarnyso don't look at me04:37
WorkingOnWiseme too04:37
jottKotCzarny: nothing new to me :)04:37
KotCzarnyjott: do you have n810?04:37
KotCzarny:)04:37 to do the clone on an ext3 partition...04:37
jottyou have 3 guesses ;)04:37
KotCzarnyjott: can i get 50/50 ?04:37
WorkingOnWisei already used 'em04:38
jottWorkingOnWise: mount the / partition somewhere and rsync it over04:38
WorkingOnWiseI can rsync a live os?04:38
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jottjust mount the / partition somewhere else and don't just copy "/" then you'll be pretty safe..04:40
jott(you could also rsync / with the right arguments)04:40
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jottthere is some more or less correct wiki entry somewhere :)04:40
WorkingOnWiseI guess I could mess with it. it's not like I'm gonna hurt the primary OS04:43
WorkingOnWiseand I do have rsync installed on the tablet04:44
koyoteforget ext3, use ext2, make it a 2gb parition and leave the other 6 fat and use rsync for backups often04:46
jottfat is evil :p04:47
KotCzarnymore like 'dumb'04:47
jottand evil.. :)04:47
KotCzarnydon't attribute evil to what can be explained with dumbness04:48
jott(more fat32/vfat is evil ;)04:48
jottlike microsoft patent evil :)04:48
Kekerothas anyone tried emulating macOS on nit?04:58
KotCzarnyno macos on my nokia!04:58
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johnxKekerot, yup, look at itt. basiliskII I think is what it's called. 68k macs only05:32
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amen1why I can not insmod in my n810?06:24
amen1Nokia-N810-42-19:/# /sbin/insmod  /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ext2.ko06:24
amen1insmod: cannot insert '/mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/ext2.ko': Unknown symbol in module (-1): No such file or directory06:24
KotCzarnyNo such file or directory06:24
KotCzarnyprobably you need another module06:24
GeneralAntillesBecause it doesn't exist there?06:24
KotCzarnydon't remember the name06:24
johnxalso, you have to handle module dependencies manually because modprobe doesn't work out of the box06:25
johnxext2 depends on symbols in mbd.ko IIRC06:25
KotCzarnyor do: mkdir /lib/modules; cp -a /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1 /lib/modules/06:25
KotCzarnyTHEN you could simply do modprobe ext206:25
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KotCzarnysymlink would work too06:26
amen1oh, thanks06:26
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Italodancemorning guys06:39
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Kekerotwhat does it mean by tar on here?06:50
Kekerotit it just a program to unzip tar files06:50
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tank-manwhere does it say tar06:54
koyote`i have bt keyboard06:55
Kekerotit says you should have     *  osso-xterm06:57
Kekerot    * tar06:57
Kekerot    * becomeroot06:57
KotCzarnyyou have tar from busybox06:57
koyote`emacs irc. so happy06:57
KotCzarnyn800 ftw!06:58
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Naviwoo hoo, 300 bytes per second06:59
NaviBlazing fast download speed06:59
Kekerotwhen i save a tar.gz file on my n810 it says there is no application to open file07:00
Navitar xvzf <file>.tar.gz within osso-xterm07:00
johnxKekerot, you need xarchiver or just untar it in the terminal with the command Navi just gave you07:00
Italodancehi johnx  how are ya? :D07:01
Kekeroti tried to install osso-xterm but ther was only an os 2007 version on maemo.org07:01
koyote`is included in os200807:02
koyote`in utilities07:02
Kekerotoh ok i thought it was a different terminal07:02
koyote`now i need to get angband working07:05
koyote`but later07:06
koyote`i go lay down07:06
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cLin^how hard would it to make a home applet that mimics something like a paintprogram07:14
cLin^so i can scribble notes and clicking a button saves it, clicking another one locks the program so u can't accidentally write on it07:15
Italodancehey someone has hildon-libs0 (>= 0.12.20-1)>07:15
KotCzarnynice idea07:15
KotCzarnyclin: making it transparent would rock07:17
KotCzarnyor layered07:17
KotCzarnylike a notebook07:17
KotCzarnyand integrating with calendar app07:17
Kekerotahh i cant extract it with xarchiver07:17
Kekerottar: unrecognized option `--keep-old-files'07:17
KekerotBusyBox v1.6.1 (2007-09-27 18:08:59 EEST) multi-call binary07:17
KekerotUsage: tar -[czxtvO] [-f TARFILE] [-C DIR] [FILE(s)] ...07:17
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Navitar xvzf <file>.tar.gz07:19
Kekeroti tried but it said no such file07:21
Kekerotdo i need to get it to the directory07:21
Navitar xvzf /path/to/<file>.tar.gz07:21
KotCzarnyif you tell someone to unpack your stuff07:22
Naviand it'll extract it to your current directory07:22
KotCzarnydo you have to tell them where's your stuff is07:22
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cLin^KotCzarny, you should make it07:24
KotCzarnyclin: probably07:24
cLin^seriously. i sometimes need somethingf i can just quickly scribble a note07:24
cLin^like a todo07:24
KotCzarnythough i have to do something else07:24
cLin^then press button to lock it07:24
cLin^press button seq to unlock it07:24
cLin^another button to save07:24
cLin^one to clear and one to switch from erase/pencil07:24
KotCzarnyhack some sketch program?07:25
cLin^like mypaint07:25
cLin^thats actually really nice07:25
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cLin^just needs the button lock and transparency07:25
KotCzarnyand desktopness07:25
cLin^make it KotCzarny you will be praised07:25
cLin^i know a lot of ppl want that07:25
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KekerotNavi how does maemo have files setup, like the file is in documents so is it /documents/file.tar.gz ?07:26
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cLin^do itttt07:26
NaviMyDocs within your home directory07:26
Navias user, it'll be /home/user/MyDocs07:27
cLin^can someone make it though?07:29
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ryoohki_how do i install a package to the sd card rather than to the internal flash memory?07:45
tank-manryoohki_, easy way is just to boot from the sd card07:48
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ryoohki_KotCzarny: yup, i live in mountain view07:48
ryoohki_KotCzarny: yup, i live in mountain view, california07:48
KotCzarnyhow fast it is?07:48
ryoohki_tank-man: how about the hard way where i specifiy where i want the files to go, mmc1 or mmc2?07:50
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ryoohki_it's rate limited to 1mbs but it's bit lower07:50
tank-manhard way is read the man page on apt-whatever07:50
KotCzarnyryoohki_: it won't work because you will have to setup paths etc.07:50
ryoohki_tank-man: i'm familar with apt-get but it's a serious oversite not let people choose where to put the apps07:51
KotCzarnythe easiest way would be to clone os to mmc and boot off it07:51
tank-mani browsed the man page for it and remember seeing you can set where to install stuff07:52
ryoohki_tank-man: it says not enough room and to set a different location to install to without saying how to do that07:52
tank-manyou are more familiar with apt=get than me07:53
ryoohki_wget => 55,473,005    60.79K/s07:53
ryoohki_75,067,793    49.37K/s, and also, 24,645        26.57K/s07:54
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Italodance! >:(08:14
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oilinkiwell... at least it works with firefox.. :)08:39
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Italodancehere is it  :D08:45
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oilinkibtw. can you recommend an IRCNet server with free access? seems to be vanishedf from dns08:46
KotCzarnyor .net08:46
KotCzarnyi always forget08:46
christefanoItalodance: what's mosh?08:47
GeneralAntillesHadn't noticed Quim's comments there before.08:47
Italodancechristefano it depends to maemo maps08:47
oilinkiKotCzarny: thanks. I'll try that one08:48
christefanoItalodance: maemo mapper or the default maps app?08:49
Italodancechristefano maemo mapper08:50
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Italodancei found it   :D08:52
christefanothasks, Italodance.08:54
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oilinkiKotCzarny: worked out fine. thanks for info.09:03
KotCzarnybut it's probably another network09:03
KotCzarnyyou wanted ircnet09:03
KotCzarnyyup, efnet09:04
oilinkiI got my ircnet :)09:07
amen1I compiled directfb for my n810, when I run the dfb example programs ,. the screen goes dark, why?09:07
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ttmrichterOK, what is the trick for actually getting the application manager to either a) stop saying that a given set of packages needs updating or b) actually update the god-damned packages?!09:08
KotCzarnya/ don't use app-manager09:09
KotCzarnyb/ use apt-get install09:09
ttmrichterThe packages in question -- makedev 2.3.1-73oss-4 and libglade2-0 1:2.6.2-1indt1 -- are both in the Maemo Chinook repository and yet I can't update them because they're missing.09:09
amen1Anyone knows?09:09
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ttmrichterOK, so how do I use apt-get install when I can't get to root because I can't install software with <expletive deleted> app-manager?09:09
ttmrichterI get applet errors whenever I try sudo.09:10
KotCzarnywhat errors?09:10
ttmrichterIt just says "applet error".09:11
ttmrichterTypical UNIX fashion it provides no information.  It is assumed the user knows what error they made.09:11
KotCzarnynothing else?09:11
ttmrichterNothing else.09:11
KotCzarnystrace ?09:11
ttmrichterstrace being?09:12
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KotCzarnysudo strace apt-get install something09:12
KotCzarnyor strace sudo09:12
KotCzarnyi don't remember09:12
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GeneralAntillesWhat's the Application manager log say? :\09:13
ttmrichterI'm trying to figure out when, precisely, I asked for a headache today.09:13
ttmrichterNow the root password isn't working.09:13
KotCzarnyit's blank09:14
ttmrichterI'm really tempted to test the flight characteristics of my N800 today.09:14
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GeneralAntillesDid the internal card get corrupted?09:14
GeneralAntillesWhat error does Application manager give.09:14
GeneralAntillesNobody can help you if you don't give information.09:14
Italodancettmrichter flight characteristics? what is it?09:14
ttmrichterApplication manager says that it can't update the packages I named because they don't exist.09:15
ttmrichterThat's it.09:15
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KotCzarnytry removing repos?09:15
ttmrichterIf I give a blank password on sudo I get no behaviour at all.  Just back to user prompt.09:15
KotCzarnyand leaving only system ones09:15
ttmrichterI have removed all repos and installed only the Nokia ones.09:15
ttmrichterSame issue.09:15
GeneralAntillesuser doesn't have a password09:15
GeneralAntillesand isn't in sudoers by default09:15
GeneralAntillesso you can't usod.09:16
ttmrichterOK, so back to the original question: how do I get access to apt-get if I can't get to root?09:16
GeneralAntillesFlash it to R&D mode.09:16
GeneralAntillesor install becomeroot09:16
GeneralAntillesor easyroot09:16
ttmrichterWith a broken app manager?09:16
GeneralAntillesYou said it was broken updating09:16
GeneralAntillesCan you install new stuff?09:17
ttmrichterI'll try, but the way this thing is going today I'm not going to be holding my breath, to put it mildly.09:17
GeneralAntillesMeh, nothing is unsolvable.09:17
KotCzarny'sorry i can help, but i will forward you to another person that will ask the same set of questions'09:17
GeneralAntillesLots and lots of people use Application manager without trouble09:17
ttmrichterOh, GOOD GOD!  Now every category is prefixed with "".  So it's ""utils and ""user and ""this and ""that.09:18
GeneralAntillesso obivously it's not an unfiable problem.09:18
KotCzarnymatrix mode09:18
KotCzarnynot a problem09:18
GeneralAntillesWhat were you screwing around with? :\09:18
ttmrichterI reflashed.09:18
KotCzarnyalso called redpill mode09:18
GeneralAntillesWhat did you do to break Application manager?09:18
ttmrichterAnd app manager gives a tiny column for the application name and a huge column for the version.  So I can read the version with plenty of whitespace and I can't read the application name at all.09:19
GeneralAntillesThe only possible stumbling point with Application manager on a fresh install is a corrupt internal flash card.09:19
GeneralAntillesFixed in SVN09:19
KotCzarnyttmrichter: known problem with an app-manager09:19
GeneralAntillesShould be updated with Diablo.09:19
ttmrichterSo, back to the original question: how do I install apps with a broken app manager?09:19
GeneralAntillesJust reflash again.09:20
KotCzarnyttmrichter: you don't have ssh installed?09:20
ttmrichterWhen I go full-screen I can get enough to see much of the title.  No gainroot package listed.09:20
ttmrichterWhat was the other one called?09:20
GeneralAntillesBut neither of them are in Extras09:21
ttmrichterI think it's time for flight tests.09:21
GeneralAntillesSo if you don't have those repositories in the catalog, then you wont see them.09:21
GeneralAntillesJust download the .deb09:21
GeneralAntillesSave the attitude for people who aren't trying to help you. :)09:21
Italodanceeasyroot is shit and disn't work09:21
GeneralAntillesItalodance, that's straight up incorrect.09:22
KotCzarnyand ga will install it for you09:22
GeneralAntillesIt works fine.09:22
KotCzarnywith his magic pass09:22
GeneralAntillesBetter than becomeroot, even.09:22
GeneralAntillesYOU just don't know how to use it.09:22
ttmrichterSorry about the attitude.  Was just expecting to do other things on my day off, not wrestle with this crap.09:22
ttmrichterI'm just going to reflash.09:22
GeneralAntillesGood plan.09:22
ItalodanceGeneralAntilles can use it connect to internet with usb?09:22
ttmrichterSee if any of this clears up.09:22
ttmrichterSpecifically I'm going to tell it *NOT* to restore from backup when it reboots.09:23
GeneralAntillesItalodance, that's not what easyroot does.09:23
GeneralAntillesAlso a good plan.09:23
KotCzarnyttmrichter: your situation is similiar to locking yourself out of house with keys inside09:23
GeneralAntilleseasyroot lets you get a rootshell without having to enable R&D mode.09:23
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KotCzarnyjust don't forget to install ssh as the first thing09:23
KotCzarnythat will save you from being helpless09:24
ItalodanceGeneralAntilles tell me exactly what can it do?09:24
GeneralAntillesI just did.09:24
ttmrichterI was planning to install ssh first-thing.09:25
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ttmrichterThings... interfered.09:25
KotCzarnymurphy's law09:25
KotCzarnyhmm, can you remove packages with app-manager?09:26
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ttmrichterI'll find out after the reflash.09:27
KotCzarnyafter reflash it doesn't matter09:27
KotCzarnyas it will be working i guess09:27
ttmrichterIt didn't the first time....09:27
ttmrichterOf course I foolishly thought restoring from backup was OK.09:28
GeneralAntillesThe only thing that can go wrong with Application manager on a completely fresh install is the internal flash card being corrupt.09:28
ttmrichterI'm beginning to think this was a mistake.  ;)09:28
GeneralAntillesRestoring from backup restores all of the settings you broke last time around.09:28
ttmrichterThe setting I broke last time around was a screwup in /etc/rc2.d09:28
ttmrichterThat wasn't backed up.09:28
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KotCzarnyhow could you screw up /etc without root access?09:29
ttmrichterI *HAD* root access in the past.09:29
GeneralAntillesIt was.09:29
ttmrichterJust after reflashing it was gone.09:29
GeneralAntillesThrough what method?09:29
ttmrichterReflashing?  ./flasher-3.0 -F <file> -R -f09:29
GeneralAntillesNo, root access.09:29
KotCzarnyttmrichter: backup only restores some user settings, not system scripts09:30
KotCzarnyjust for info09:30
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ttmrichterI think I used gainroot way back when.09:30
GeneralAntillesThat would be why you didn't have root access after the reflash.09:31
ttmrichterThen used SSH to log in and changed passwords around.09:31
GeneralAntillesInstalled applications aren't backed up.09:31
ttmrichterAnd KotCzarny, I was COUNTING on it not restoring system scripts.  Otherwise I'd never be able to boot.  ;)09:31
ttmrichterHaving a script in rc2.d hang turns out to be really bad for the boot process.09:31
KotCzarnyboot loop?09:32
ttmrichterWell, it was a network script that was running before, of course, there was a network to connect to.  And the script, upon failure, tried again.  And again.  And again.09:32
KotCzarny i know the pain09:33
KotCzarnybefore i added nosshfs to mount -a in slackware09:33
KotCzarnyanyway, reflash i relatively painless09:33
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KotCzarnyat least that part you can't break09:34
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ttmrichterTrust me.  I'm the kind of guy that'll find a way to break the unbreakable.09:35
KotCzarnyno no09:35
KotCzarnyi don't say it's unbreakable09:35
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KotCzarnythere's always a hammer09:36
KotCzarnyonly that reflashing is 99.9% safe09:36
ttmrichterI'm the .01.09:36
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ttmrichter.1, even.09:36
KotCzarnyonly if you actively pursue it09:37
ttmrichterLike flight lessons?  :)09:37
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KotCzarnyyeah, send it flying to my appartment09:37
KotCzarnyi would gladly take care of poor thingie09:37
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KotCzarnyi'll feed with with juicy volts and yummy amps09:38
ttmrichterI'm not sure I can throw over the Pacific (or over continental Asia depending on where you live).09:38
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KotCzarnylet other people help you09:38
ttmrichterWell, let's see what a clean install with no backups does for app manager.09:38
Italodancemaemo-mapper can recieve gps with bluetooth?09:39
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GeneralAntillesThat's kinda the whole point, Italodance.09:40
ItalodanceGeneralAntilles saw the link for my first use on maemo mapper09:41
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AStormwhere can I get osso-pdf-reader back from?10:10
GeneralAntillesMount the rootfs and extract it from there.10:14
AStormnote "back"10:15
AStormso, I have to mount the real image on my pc10:15
AStormor what?10:15
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GeneralAntillesDownload the FIASCO image10:20
GeneralAntillesunpack it10:20
GeneralAntillesmount the rootfs.10:20
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KotCzarnyisn't it osso-pdf-viewer ?10:22
KotCzarnybut you will have to compile it yourself :)10:24
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*** l7_ has quit IRC10:26 FBReader can read my e-books on my mmc2  and totally it can't find my mmc2  why?10:27
KotCzarnyok, bedtime, night ppl10:29
JaffaMorning, all10:30
Italodancehi Jaffa10:31
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AStormKotCzarny: once my dev image works10:36
AStormvmware hates me for some reason10:36
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AStormand scratchbox directly doesn't worj either10:37
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Italodancecan someone reply me?10:37
AStormidk anything about fbreader10:38
Italodancemy FBReader can't read my e-books on my mmc2  and totally it can't find my mmc2  why?10:39
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AStormok, so once I have the rootfs, what should I run?10:48
GeneralAntillesYou have to mount the jffs2 image.10:49
GeneralAntillesSetup a loopback blah blah blah10:49
GeneralAntillesThere's a guide on google.10:49
AStormthat I know10:49
AStormwhat then?10:49
GeneralAntillesOnce you've mounted it, then pull the pdf reader from wherever it is on there and move it to the tablet.10:49
AStormthat'll break the package system10:50
AStormI have to grab the deb10:50
GeneralAntillesThere is no deb.10:50
GeneralAntillesYou could repackage it I suppose.10:51
AStormwhy nokia didn't provide a deb for their own package?10:51
AStormthey thought no one would uninstall it?10:52
GeneralAntillesIt's a bundled application10:52
GeneralAntillesThey don't provide debs for bundled applications.10:52
AStormyeah yeah10:52
GeneralAntillesIt's not uninstallable with Application manager.10:52
GeneralAntillesYou've hit an edge-case, congratulations. :\10:53
AStormit is, redpill10:53
GeneralAntillesRedpill doesn't count.10:53
AStormnow, the problem is evince fails on huge documents10:53
AStormgets outofmemory and reboots the device10:53
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AStormsomeone forgot that large documents can't be cached wholly in ram10:55
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wom-hmm, fbreader and screen rotate. that could make nice pair :)10:56
GeneralAntillesOr assumed they wouldn't be working with a 128MB device. :P10:57
GeneralAntilleswom-, FBReader already rotates without hacks.10:57
wom-GeneralAntilles: oh it does.. even better10:57
GeneralAntillesYou can even setup the hotkeys based on orientation.10:57
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Kekerotcan anyone help me install basilisk? :X11:00
GeneralAntillesThere's a complete guide on ITT.11:01
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Kekeroti extracted it all and everything but I dont know where actual files are11:03
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AStormhmm, I still need a working dhclient11:09
AStormKotCzarny: your dhcp package only has the server11:09
Kekeroti think basilisk is installed now but where the heck does maemo put the files11:09
AStormand pump fail miserably11:10
GeneralAntillesIt's a tarball, isn't it?11:10
GeneralAntillesIf so, then maemo isn't involved.11:10
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Kekerotoh i see11:12
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Kekerotlook like it broke at this part mv BasiliskII /user/home11:20
pupniklmao @ the old guy at 8:39 in part 3 of the CIA in tibet11:26
pupnikoop wrong chan11:26
Lynouregot us curious, though11:26
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AStormpump doesn't work for some reason11:40
AStormeven though the interface is statically configured11:40
AStormsomething is missing11:40
Kekerotanyone know why mv BasiliskII /user/home wont work? the BasiliskII binary is in the directory but it says "No such file or directory"11:41
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X-FadeKekerot: Because that dir doesn't exist? :)11:42
X-FadeKekerot: /home/user perhaps?11:43
Kekerotbut that directory does exist11:43
Kekeroti can see it and i did ls -l and saw the stuff in it11:43
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AStormnokia is doing something funny on connect12:01
AStormsomething with dbus I can't get12:02
janianyone knows about tap-and-hold animation for gtk widgets ?12:03
AStormI see dbus messages flying, like a proxies member being set12:03
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AStormufortunately, I can only see dbus broadcasts12:04
AStormI need some debug version of it to get what happens on wlan connection12:05
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AStormI'll have to peruse a mailing list12:13
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error_developer_has anyone got a working usb OTG plugin package?13:32
error_developer_i did try the one from the garage ..13:33
error_developer_that crashed13:33
error_developer_and didn't actually have the module itself :(13:33
GeneralAntillesOTG or host-mode?13:33
GeneralAntillesOTG is done in hardware.13:33
error_developer_hm ..13:33
error_developer_i read about g_ether before ..13:34
error_developer_right ..13:34
error_developer_so have to somehow debug that13:34
error_developer_right ..13:34
error_developer_GeneralAntilles: what actually this OTG stands for ..?13:34
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error_developer_right ..13:43
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error_developer_so meant to work very easy ..13:44
error_developer_is it quick to get the other side to work13:44
error_developer_i'm doing this rmotely, and the trfic if quite bad :(13:45
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b0unc3what happens to I get a lot of errors...13:55
kulveit seems to be broken once again13:56
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X-Fadeb0unc3: Looking into it already..13:56
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aquatixX-Fade: what framework does use? and what is midcom? :)14:01
X-Fadeaquatix: Midgard.14:01
aquatixah :)14:01
X-Fadeb0unc3: Do you still see them?14:05
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woodong50where is utorrent of maemo?14:09
Italodancewoodong50  utorrent14:10
Italodancewe have aria2 and ctorrent14:10
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woodong50is it impossible to install utorrent on n800?14:11
Italodancewoodong50 i don't think...u can use ctorrent?14:11
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GeneralAntilleswoodong50, did you see Transmission?14:16
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ItalodanceGeneralAntilles i saw ur pic :D14:17
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woodong50where is ctorrent install file14:18
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tbfbah... really sucks for profiling, that all the maemo stuff is compiled with -fomit-frame-pointers14:24
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Khertantbf > haha !14:38
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aquatixit vomits on pointers? ;)14:39
aquatixcan't really argue with that14:39
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WorkingOnWiseFirst problem: I haveI been beating my head on the wall all morning wondering y the simplified clone process is so complicated. The script says it cant find mbcache.ko. The script looks for it in /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.18-omap1 the /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/ 'uname -r' .  I can clearly see mbcache.ko is in mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1. I am using sudo gainroot. Why cant the script see the module?15:24
WorkingOnWiseuname -r does output 2.6.21-omap115:25
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johnxyou sure it isn't using the old kernel name somewhere else?15:27
* johnx has no real idea...15:27
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GeneralAntillesThat seems likely, johnx.15:28
WorkingOnWiseI'm just following the script logic, and the first ting it does is sets the dir for the modules.15:28
GeneralAntillesI ran into that following a tutorial, anyway.15:29
WorkingOnWiseI'nn edit the script to only look at the correct path and see.15:29
* GeneralAntilles didn't have any trouble when he used the script.15:29
GeneralAntillesBut I suppose I'd already loaded the modules when I got to that point.15:30
GeneralAntillesThere may be other issues involved, though, as I don't recall anybody else complaining about that issue with the scripts.15:30
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: There may be other issues involved, though, as I don't recall anybody else complaining about that issue with the script.15:30
WorkingOnWisethat brings up problem 2: The location for modules is readonly so I cant copy more modules into that dir. There are already modules for ext2, ext3, so this isn't a show stopper atm.15:32
johnxeven better than readonly (which can be changed), it's also almost completely full15:33
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johnxThe problems are worse than you think! yay!15:33
GeneralAntillesHooray, embedded!15:34
WorkingOnWiseso how do u get additionaf file system support?15:34
johnxyou put the modules somewhere else and deal with loading them somehow15:34
johnxI think the standard practice is to create a /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ and ln -s the included modules into place, then cp your own custom stuff in there as well15:35
WorkingOnWiseor jump that hurdle after i have cloned onto my roomy 8gb sd, right?15:35
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trickieone way i experimented with my own additional modules is to load them via a intit.d script, although that requires kernel support for your rootfs built in or as modules the initfs15:40
trickieor you could make your own initfs, and remove the modules there you do not need and then add your own modules to /lib/modules...15:41
trickieand then load the original modules from your rootfs15:41
trickiekernel support for your rootfs's filesystem i meant15:42
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WorkingOnWiseI haveI been beating my head on the wall all morning wondering y the simplified clone process is so complicated. The script says it cant find mbcache.ko. The script looks for it in /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap, and I can clearly see mbcache.ko is in that dir. I am using sudo gainroot. Why cant the script see the module?15:49
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trickieWorkingOnWise: whats the from?15:53
infobottrickie meant: WorkingOnWise: where's the from?15:53
WorkingOnWiseit's part of the directions to clone the OS to an sd card on the forum at ITT15:54
GeneralAntillesWoo spam.15:54
WorkingOnWiseinfobot: your an idiot15:54
GeneralAntillesIt's a bot.15:54
WorkingOnWisethanks GeneralAntilles. thats what I'm working from trickie15:55
trickieoki, ill check  it out15:55
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trickieWorkingOnWise: and it dies on './ 3' ?15:56
WorkingOnWisenope. ./ 015:57
trickiehmm strange15:59
WorkingOnWiseI'm gonna flash back to the base OS2008 and start from the beginning. If the simplified steps there don't work then, you can have a nice N800 if u can catch it as it zings past City Hall.15:59
trickieWorkingOnWise: can add 'echo $BINDIR' to line 4216:00
trickieand see what it thinks is the path16:00
WorkingOnWiseok. I'll try that first.16:01
aquatixWorkingOnWise: zing it my way ;)16:01
jottwhy fight with a script if manual cloning is straight forward? :)16:02
* aquatix forgot his n810 at home :(16:02
jottthis script even copied the stupid mountpoints from the wiki :O16:03
trickieWorkingOnWise: have you tried the manual way? its even easier16:03
johnxthey're magic mount points :P16:03
WorkingOnWisebecause I aint wrappin my head around the whole depmod not working right, and cant figure out how to get ext3 support manually....16:04
johnxWorkingOnWise, insmod jbd.ko ; insmod mbcache.ko ; insmod ext3.ko ; echo success!16:04
WorkingOnWiseI have been lullid by the word simplified! The only thing that has been simple in the init thingy...I have a boot menu now...16:04
jotteasy way: copy all modules from initfs to /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ and run depmod :)16:05
WorkingOnWisejohnx: do those insmod commands need to be run every time, or are they "sticky"?16:05
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johnxeh? fanoush's bootmenu takes care of loading the right things for booting to sd card16:06
jottyou just need the modules loaded for the cloning - once you boot from ext3, initfs handles the loading16:06
johnxjust look at bootmenu.conf16:06
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johnxyou've probably spent way more effort trying to troubleshoot what this script is doing rather than just do it the "long way" in the first place...16:07
jottlong aka ~3-5 commands :)16:07
cyberholicHi everyone, just in case the one or another of you uses my Mojocafe project on his/her device: the website-domain has changed! The website can now be reached through and the blog through .....16:08
jottcyberholic: going international, eh? :)16:08
GeneralAntillesAll the tutorials out there suck.16:08
Lynourehmm, never ever heard of mojocafe...16:08
GeneralAntillesYou guys should take pity on the poor people and write up a guide that doesn't suck. :P16:08
LynoureIs that just spam, or something clickworth?16:09
cyberholicLynoure: have put it nearly everywhere so that people can test it out on their devices :)16:09
WorkingOnWiseohhhhhhhhh.....Now I get it!!!!! I have been thinking that the modules need to be loaded, no that the boot menu would do it for me....I thought that if I did the insmod thing, i can see the ext3 partition but then on reboot there'd be no ext3 module loading so I would still have no acces to the ext3 partition I just cloned....16:09
johnxLynoure, it's legitimate. :)16:09
aquatixcyberholic: wow, spiffy site :)16:09
johnxGeneralAntilles, you found the problem, that makes it yours. :P16:09
aquatixnow to find out what mojocafe is16:09
GeneralAntillesI found nothing!16:09
cyberholicLynoure: no spam as long you do not want to pimp up your device *gg*16:09
cyberholicaquatix: thanks!16:09
cyberholicaquatix: wait!..... what does spiffy mean? lol.16:10
* GeneralAntilles furiously downgrades the severity of a bunch of bugzilla bugs to look busy.16:10
johnxs/found/complained about/16:10
infobotjohnx meant: GeneralAntilles, you complained about the problem, that makes it yours. :P16:10
aquatixcyberholic: shiny ;)16:10
GeneralAntillesYou two are the ones complaining about stupid mount points. :P16:10
cyberholicaquatix thanks a lot! *feeling a bit ashamed*16:10
aquatixah, flash... meh :P16:10
cyberholicbut well, shiny in these days does not automaticly mean that it is cool :)16:10
aquatixbrowsing now16:11
aquatixlooks interesting though16:11
cyberholicin case you wanna see how it works on your device:
cyberholic*i assume you have a n800 or n810* :)16:11
Lynourecyberholic: oh, it's your site?16:11
GeneralAntillescyberholic, where's my magazine? :P16:11
cyberholici am a webdesigner... well, at least i try to be one :)16:12
aquatixit might help to create an `about' page with wtf mojocafe is :)16:12
aquatixseems like some applets16:12
cyberholicGeneral: you mean Atarashi?16:12
Lynourecyberholic: some feedback: do explain somewhere what these mojos are... now there is very little info other than screenshots16:12
GeneralAntillesWhatever it was called.16:12
cyberholicyeah, you both are correct - i am working on an "about page". And a gallery to post the photos of the blog showing my device glancing up my flat :)16:13
GeneralAntillesAha, I see it.16:13
aquatixLynoure: yeah, some About page would be nice16:14
aquatixcyberholic: ah, online applets16:14
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cyberholicaquatix: correct. At least the newsfeeds and the webcam applets can be called online ones - the clocks arent realy :)16:15
cyberholicI made an applet called "Webcam Traveller". It randomly switches between two dozens of webcams. It makes me mad to look outside the window and see snow, while looking on my device shows the Virgin Islands with 30 degrees celsius :(16:17
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* GeneralAntilles wants some snow.16:17
* GeneralAntilles had the AC running last week.16:17
cyberholicWHAT? how many degreees you have where oyu live?16:17
GeneralAntillesHighs are in the mid-80s16:18
trickieGeneralAntilles: id be more than happy to swap you16:18
cyberholictrickie: ill come witcha :)16:19
solmumahai got snow last night, around 30 cm. not too happy about it16:19
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cyberholici HATE snow16:19
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trickiebeats rain16:19
solmumahaspent an hour getting car unstuck16:19
cyberholicsol: have you tried dynamite?16:20
johnxnot a big fan of lots of snow all winter long, but driving in snow once in a while is fun :D16:20
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solmumahai like snow but not when you get that much at once16:21
johnxthat's understandable16:21
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aquatixi love snow16:22
aquatixbut it doesn't stay put nowadays here16:22
trickiestill beats raining all the time16:22
solmumahait didn't snow that much, but after several months you end up with pretty deep corridors. heavy wind filled them16:23
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aquatixwe had some snow last week though16:23
aquatixthis week even16:23
aquatixsolmumaha: where do you live?16:24
solmumahain finland16:24
aquatixah :)16:24
cyberholicaquatix: the toothbrush photo is AWESOME!16:24
aquatixcyberholic: ha, thanks :)16:24
aquatixi should take more pics16:24
aquatixbut i'm swamped :(16:25
trickieaquatix: you in NL?16:25
* johnx should get a better camera16:26
inzsolmumaha, I have the same situation, all the plowed areas are ful of snow -- and I have fever and thus no energy to clean it up16:26
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X-Fadetrickie: "Stadsschouwburg Velsen" should give you a clue ;)16:27
johnxliving in an apartment means that other people get to deal with snow :P16:27
solmumahainz: luckily i have a snow blower, but someone stole my gasoline canister16:28
aquatixtrickie: yeah16:28
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trickieX-Fade: well actually the most recent photos made me ask, as the houses/apartements look dutch and the amount of snow looked familiar16:29
aquatixtrickie: houses all look the same nowadays16:29
X-Fadetrickie: Yeah, me too.16:29
aquatixyou can see in what year the neighbourhood is build16:30
trickiefor sure16:30
aquatixoh well, i'm happy with my maissonette anyway ;)16:30
trickiehe he16:32
cyberholicok guys, i have to go back to work. in case you have a wish for a special Mojo in mojocafe contact me! See ya later my friends ... oh... THE SUN! the sun is coming out! i have to go now!16:32
aquatixnoooes! the sun is coming!16:32
* aquatix hides16:32
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MangoFusiondarn, wish i was good at soldering. two of the switches in my nokia phone have... err... fallen off16:39
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aquatixMangoFusion: right ;)16:40
aquatixelectronics murderer!16:40
MangoFusionwonder if i can get it fixed through warranty16:41
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MangoFusionthough then again i dropped the phone and it went bouncy bounce, so maybe not16:42
aquatixdon't tell them you dropped it16:44
aquatixand try16:44
errordeveloperright ..16:49
errordeveloperi'm still trying to get the otg-usb plugin to work ..16:49
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errordeveloperi don't get ifconfig showing anything like usb016:50
errordeveloperis it just like that ?16:50
errordeveloperand it actully freezes :(16:51
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MangoFusioncould do that i guess16:54
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WorkingOnWiseare the maemo repos slow as molasas in March, or it the N800 download mechanism slow as molasas in March?16:57
WorkingOnWisewrong forum for that type of ?? sorry16:57
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*** mourad has joined #maemo17:03 it isn't. What was I thinking. Are the repos and download section of the maemo site down? cant get to either one on my tablet17:05
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aquatixnot sure whether the repositories are affected17:05
WorkingOnWisenow it's working...grrrr.17:07
johnxaren't the repos served out of akamai's cache?17:07
johnxs/repos/ repos/17:08
infobotjohnx meant: aren't the repos served out of akamai's cache?17:08
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WorkingOnWisethreat of throwing everything with a cpu into the wood stove did it!17:08
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aquatixWorkingOnWise: threatening with a hammer works too17:12
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ertwrocwhy when I type in scratbox pkg-config --libs dbus-1 I get "No package 'dbus-1' found?18:02
johnxI don't know18:04
johnxit "works for me"18:04
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ertwrocok, now it works :)18:06
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ertwrocbut I get error: /usr/include/dbus-1.0/sbus/dbus.h:30:2 #error "Please define DBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE (...) hmm what's going on? For pc I compiled it without problem18:08
kulvenew dbusses doesn't require that anymore18:09
kulveI don't know what is "new" in this case..18:09
ertwroccan I do anything?18:10
kulve"#define DBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE" before the include18:11
kulveit was meant to say to the developers that the API wasn't stable yet18:11
ertwrocthanks a lot18:14
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cbx33hey guys18:45
cbx33is there a good podcast downloader for the n800, like gpodder18:46
qwerty12gpodder exists for N800 :p18:46
cbx33from where?18:46
GeneralAntillesOr use Canola18:46
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oilinkicanola can not do automatic fetching?18:47
oilinkior is there some setting where I can define, check the feeds every 1 hour?18:48
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cbx33qwerty12, where do I get gpodder from?18:48
qwerty12I & General just posted links.18:48
cbx33not paying attention18:48
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GeneralAntillesNot at the moment, cbx33, but it's on the roadmap.18:49
cbx33GeneralAntilles, what did you mean18:49
qwerty12I think he meant oilinki18:49
GeneralAntillesCanola will do automatic fetching at some point.18:50
* cbx33 is again not paying attention18:50
GeneralAntillesActually, it may do it now in the latest beta18:50
GeneralAntillesI haven't checked18:50
GeneralAntillesBut podcasts did get a big overhaul.18:50
oilinkiGeneralAntilles: ok. thanks. I'll keep on using it.18:51
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* GeneralAntilles doesn't use podcasts except on roadtrips.18:51
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GeneralAntilless/messed up grammar/correct grammar/18:52
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oilinkioh.. ups.18:55
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qwerty12Lol, what is the point of that :P?18:56
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GeneralAntillesHaha, qwerty12, I just realized there were two different people there.18:56
GeneralAntillesColloquy sucks at picking nick colors. :\18:56
GeneralAntillesI was wondering what an "oilinki" was and why I would mean it. :D18:57
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qwerty12Lol, are they same colour? (the names)18:57
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qwerty12Lol :D18:57
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GeneralAntillesNames of similar length have the unfortunate tendency of frequently being the same color.18:58
GeneralAntillesI could make the hash suck less, but I'm way too lazy.18:58
oilinkiI'm wondering if there will be any april fools joke on ;)18:58
DavieyHi, i can't see how to plan a route with maemo-mapper18:59
GeneralAntillesDaviey, use the built-in help18:59
GeneralAntillesIt's REALLY good.18:59
Davieyusing the latest version, but i can't find the "Location" submenu under context, any ideas?18:59
qwerty12GeneralAntilles: Eek, I'm using X-Chat. I find its assortment of colours odd :P but I guess it works.18:59
GeneralAntillesgnuite also has it online for easier perusal.18:59
GeneralAntillesXchat is better at hashing.18:59
GeneralAntillesI wish there were a client with enough colors for everybody to actually be unique.18:59
DavieyYeah, following that - but the "Location" menu under context doesn't seem to be there :/19:00
GeneralAntillesqverty12, you can change the colors in prefs.19:00
qwerty12Ah ok, thanks :)19:00
Davieyirssi supports multiple colours :)19:00
GeneralAntillesirssi doesn't really scale well to my use.19:00
GeneralAntillesand a screen session really wouldn't provide much benefit for my use.19:00
qwerty12I tried irssi on N800, I'll admit, not exactly a computer but I wasn't really impressed.19:01
DavieyGeneralAntilles: i use it for over 240 channels, WFM19:01
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GeneralAntillesDaviey, I'm not saying that it's not awesome, or that it doesn't scale well19:02
GeneralAntillesit just doesn't scale well for ME.19:02
Davieyfair enough19:02
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GeneralAntillesFor as long as IRC has been around, it's surprising how bad most of the clients are.19:03
lcddit's hard to imagine any console program being very usable on the tablets19:04
derfWhat's really astounding is how bad console clients were _before_ irssi.19:06
derf"Let's just dump all of the text from all of the channels in the same window."19:06
GeneralAntillesToo true, derf.19:06
oilinkiderf: I used to use ircII until last year.. good enough19:07
MangoFusionwish someone ported MS Comic Chat over to the NIT19:07
MangoFusionthat would be a cool irc client ;)19:07
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LynoureIt's the combination of irc and ADD like need to follow every channel every moment that makes it hard. Things work quite sweet with most clients with 5 or so channels :)19:08
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oilinkiok. what would be a good and open server/clients for chat like irc?19:08
Lynoureunfortunately I tend to have about 30 channels or querys, on average. Not much more useful than the five most relevant, really.19:09
oilinkiwhich would have clients for mobile phones, windows, linux, mac etc?19:09
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GeneralAntillesxchat and irssi are the most ubiquitous.19:09
oilinkiand which protocol? sip ja jabber?19:10
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Lynoureoilinki: unless you are in the position to move whole groups, I'd stick to irc :)19:10
oilinkiLynoure: heh. well. I'm thinking how to get the irc-style chats for common usage19:11
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GeneralAntilles"common usage"?19:11
oilinkiGeneralAntilles: make it popular. there are some web-based chat's on the web pages, but I have not seen any good ones19:12
GeneralAntillespjirc is OK19:12
GeneralAntillesThere's no need to change the protocol to make it popular.19:12
GeneralAntillesThe clients tend to be more of a problem19:13
Lynoureoilinki: it's already a lot more popular than it was in 1991...19:13
GeneralAntillesplus the exposure.19:13
oilinkipjirc looks good on the mobile phone?19:13
GeneralAntillesReally, I feel no need to make IRC any more popular than it is.19:13
oilinkiI mean, it should be something that the common users would like adapt to19:14
GeneralAntillesJust look at what happened when Ubuntu got popular. :P19:14
LynoureGeneralAntilles: servers too... I don't think the protocol can stand a network being very popular... gets heavy during splits19:14
GeneralAntilles(or the NITs <_<)19:14
oilinkiLynoure: yes. and more popular than it was in 1990 too :)19:14
GeneralAntillesDo you REALLY want to attract the AOL chatroom types to IRC? :P19:15
LynoureGeneralAntilles: looked at some distro's offtopic channels? =)19:15
oilinkiok what about separate servers? no interconnection to any other network. just for let's say hobbyists/19:15
Lynoureor some of the freenode social channels19:15
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oilinkiGeneralAntilles: I have no idea who are on AOL chatrooms, but I guess I can be happy about it :)19:16
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* GeneralAntilles was an AOL user in the early-mid 90s.19:17
* GeneralAntilles shudders.19:17
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qwerty12I really hate AOL, I'm not sure how it differs in the USA but I really hate the AOL software etc19:17
GeneralAntillesIt's only gotten worse with each version increment.19:18
GeneralAntilles1.0-4.0 weren't THAT bad.19:18
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LynoureI've only touched AOL software once, for testing19:18
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oilinkiseems like AOL is the irc's counterpart for hitler-card :)19:21
oilinkiall the talk stops19:22
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oilinkistill going back to the server/client solution for a chat. do you see that sip or jabber would be better than irc in the future?19:23
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Lynourebetter in some specific way?19:25
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snake_mountainGreetings from mars.  Anyone here have ogg support working?19:25
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GeneralAntillesEh, the protocol wont really change things.19:25
oilinkiLynoure: as the client availability for masses, automatic configuration etc.19:26
kulveI'm using silc nowadays in place of irc19:27
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Lynoureoilinki: irc clients have already gotten pretty good... I suppose jabber clients will get better also with time19:28
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oilinkiwell, I guess irc could do. which clients are easy to configure for windows or s60?19:30
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oilinkis60 ota would be great, but not likely :)19:30
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Lynoureoilinki: I don't use either of those systems for irc, sorry19:32
jottbut you can be sure that there are clients for both :)19:33
wom-hmm, where is locale information stored. like time/date format. python's locale doesn't seem to get it right19:33
GNUrantewhere OS2008 wireless manager saves the passwords?19:33
oilinkisilky seems to look quite ok19:33
qwerty12In Gconf19:33
wom-qwerty12: whats the key19:34
qwerty12I mean about the wifi question :)19:34
wom-ah :)19:34
wom-well, locale most likely is also in gconf, just has to find the key :)19:34
jottsearch for IAP19:35
jott.. /system/osso/connectivity/IAP19:36
GNUrantejott: thank you19:36
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qwerty12Is "gcc: /scratchbox/compilers/host-gcc/host-gcc.specs: No such file or directory19:38
qwerty12error: command '/scratchbox/compilers/host-gcc/bin/gcc' failed with exit status 119:38
qwerty12" a usual error?#19:38
kulveI don't think so..19:38
kulveat least I haven't seen that..19:38
qwerty12ok thanks. I'm un7zing the vmware appliance. I'll mount the image in my Ubuntu and move the host-gcc folder from the vmware image. I have nothing to lose.19:39
kulvedoesn't sound like something that will work..19:40
kulvewhat are you trying to do? Do you have host-gcc toolchain installed?19:40
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konttoriHi everyone!19:41
* konttori has been testing writing home applets on python19:41
qwerty12kulve: I'm trying to compile a program in ARMEL target. My host-gcc folder is empty, save a symlink to a lib file.19:41
qwerty12konttori: Hi :)19:42
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wom-how is the applet coming?19:42
kulveqwerty12: I think nobody is interested about host-gcc when compiling "normal" application in armel target..19:42
konttoriwell, I'm just testing the way to do stuff atm.19:43
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qwerty12This program cares :(. I've even tried symlinking the host-gcc to the current toolchain it uses : cs2005q3.2-glibc2.5-arm19:44
kulvethe host-gcc needs to be a host-gcc for SB, you cannot use any other toolchain19:44
wom-konttori: have you seen this
konttoriyeah. I have19:45
kulvelike that one19:45
qwerty12kulve: Ok, thanks. I'll look into it.19:45
qwerty12My favourite and the only python home applets I know are here:
wom-konttori: you have done lots of python on maemo, right? have you had ever need to format some dates and times so that they use proper locale setting19:46
konttoriWell, I've done some python on maemo.19:46
konttoriNo, I haven't needed to convert datetimes19:47
konttoribut you should be able to do it like this:19:47
konttoriimport locale19:47
konttorilocale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')19:47
wom-konttori: I just need to and python locale doesn't seem to work..19:47
wom-konttori: ok i will try that before i say it doesn't work :)19:48
konttoriat least it's not setting to the env locale if you don't run that command first19:48
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wom-konttori: ok that was it.. thank you :D19:49
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qwerty12Ok, I managed to get this program to compile. I'm not hot on dh_make but can you redirect where make install installs?19:51
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kulvein the debian rules file?19:54
kulvehmm.. I don't have dh_make in my rules at all19:55
qwerty12No, I mean without creating a deb. I'm pretty lazy, I just tar.gz little releases. But I have luck today, I have dh_make working :)19:55
kulvecreating a deb is simple. Normally a 4 line rules file is enough..19:56
henriquedoes anyone know some documentation about how contacts work in maemo?19:56
qwerty12kulve: I had trouble last time, I'm not really a developer at heart :D19:57
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henriqueI would like to know how the interfaces can to link contacts with user accounts, the maemo's addressbook database seem to not have anything to link these two things19:57
henriqueso, given a contact how do I know the accounts which allow me to make a conversation with him?19:59
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Yanch0Hi, I have installed Maemo as per these instructions : .. When I try to load it, and go to Install Hello World Application, I get an OK dialago, but it does not feautre in the Installed Applications. This is the full log : - Any idea please?20:23
wazdGood evening all)20:23
qwerty12Hello wazd :)20:24
wazdAny Hildon guru's here?)20:25
wazdI have 2 questions :)20:25
konttoriBy the way, cairo on python is mind bogglingly great! Especially in home applets!!!20:25
* konttori leaves20:25
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wazdDamn! Kontorri, get back here! I need you!)20:25
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konttoridid you have something in mind?20:26
wazdAw! you're here!)20:26
h3sp4wnCan anyone enlighten me on exactly how the countrycode thing works - where the mac address is stored etc (what I can do to get past it) don't mind soldering a jtag / serial if I need to - I cannot see anything illegal about modding it to work in the UK20:26
konttoriI had to check one bit of code before I close down the computer20:27
wazdCan you help me a bit with Hildon objects. Is there a graduated volume bar object? Like in built in brightness settings20:27
wazdI haven't found any man bout it so I don't know how to make more/less than 5 grades :)20:28
wazdor is it possible20:28
konttoriwell, you have the volume bar for example in the volume control status bar applet20:29
konttoriso, yes, there should be a widget for it20:29
wazdnono, i need not volume bar :)20:29
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konttoriahh.. what then?20:30
wazdI need a widget like in brightness20:30
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wazdwith "square" grades20:30
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wazdmaybe "control bar" is that thing?)20:32
konttoriAhh... like that. Well. I'm not sure, but HildonControlbar might be the one you need. If not, just create it yourself20:32
qwerty12Does anyone have debhelper installed on internet tablet? I would install dpkg says it needs 45 MB to install and I only have 20MB left. I need someone to test something. PM me at Internet Tablet Talk (user name qwerty12) as I'm not on IRC as much and I have to go soon.20:32
wazdOk, thanks a lot :)20:32
konttorinp. Sorry that I didn't have the andswer immediately. But you found it yourself:
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konttoriok. have a great evening all!20:33
wazdFinger friendly interfaces ownz :)20:33
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koyotewow. some odd bugs in kbdd20:33
wazdAw, hell, i've forgot to ask second question :)20:36
wazdDoes anybody knows is it possible to scale hildon widgets?)20:36
KotCzarnywazd: probably20:36
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KotCzarnyat least they're theme settable20:37
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GeneralAntilleswazd, yes.20:39
wazdok, i'll hack it out, thanks :)20:39
wazdoh, great :)20:39
GeneralAntillesNot at all familiar with the specifics, though. :P20:39
wazdso i can make control bar wider for example?20:39
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* lcuk ooohs and ahhhhs at eee touch20:43
* lcuk doesnt think it will replace this form factor tho20:43
mgedminwhat's eee touch?20:44
lcuknew model discussed for release - slightly bigger screen but with touch20:44
mgedminis that the same or different from the 9" model?20:46
Cptnodegardwhats the best maps reposotory for maemo mapper?20:47
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mgedminbest in what sense?  freedom -> openstreetmap;  coverage -> probably google maps20:47
mgedminfor certain locations "best" maybe different from the globally average "best"20:48
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mgedmine.g. there are towns with better openstreetmap than google maps coverage20:48
mgedminotoh osm's rendered is not as good20:48
mgedminand the colours clash somewhat with maemo mapper's route and track markers20:48
Cptnodegardtbh im a bit lost with the whole thing, how to make it download a map for an entire area like the maps aplication does20:48
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elbopenstreetmap's renderings are suckola20:49
mgedminspeaking of maemo mapper, any plans to make it work with the OS2008 gps infrastructure?20:49
elbmgedmin: in what sense?20:49
elbit plays nicely as it is, as best I can tell20:49
mgedminCptnodegard: maps -> manage maps...20:49
mgedminhas the area download20:49
lcukwhat format are the maps supplied onboard the 810?20:49
mgedminelb: colour clash?  the red track is hard to see on the reddish-pink street20:50
elbmgedmin: no, I think it was to do with the way labels were applied20:50
elbI forget, I quit using it early on20:50
luddeki think the maps for the map program on os2008 is better than the ones i fid for maemo mapper, is there at possibility to use the os2008 maps or map program on os2007?20:50
Cptnodegardim zooming and zooming on my location but all i see is the ineter-europe road and the train tracks, does that mean nothing else is covered?20:50
elblike, I think it didn't label streets at farther zoom levels where Google Maps did, or something20:51
mgedminelb: I was trying to clarify your "mgedmin: in what sense?"20:51
mgedminmaemo mapper + os2008?  it doesn't integrate with the gps daemon20:51
elbmgedmin: oh, I meant ... in what sense do you want the GPS to work with the os2008 gps infrastructure20:51
elbright, it doesn't, but it still seems to play nicely20:51
mgedminessentially it can't use the n810's built-in gps unless some other apps does the d-bus magic and makes the built-in gpsd start20:51
GeneralAntillesCptnodegard, see the built-in help (also available online)20:51
elboh, really?20:51
Cptnodegardlcuk: the biggest files in the maps folder that the maps aplication made has the extension .qt20:51
GeneralAntillesIt's really quite excellent.20:51
elbI've never had it not see the GPS20:51
elbyou didn't set it to gpsd, did you?20:52
mgedmindo you use /dev/pgps or gpsd on localhost?20:52
elbthe instructions say to leave it set to 'autodetect bluetooth gps' or whatever20:52
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, Bluetooth field, leave the MAC blank.20:52
GeneralAntillesShould work fine.20:52
mgedminGeneralAntilles: that's cool but completely non-discoverable!20:52
lcukCptnodegard, so if i grab a couple of the smaller .qt files and see what i can make of them20:52
elbit's in the documentation20:52
mgedminI mean, WHO READS THE DOCUMENTATION, really???20:52
KotCzarnyi do20:52
lcuki did *cower*20:52
mgedminstrange person :)20:52
lcukwhile i was waiting for initial battery charge20:53
elbwherever it was was obvious enough that I knew it by the first time I ran maemo mapper20:53
elbit's like on the download page or something, even, I think20:53
GeneralAntillesI don't even have an N810 and I know. :P20:53
Cptnodegardlcuk, theres a shitload of files in the folder, most of which are.qt. some bin, some dat20:53
lcukyer im looking and ill see what i can discover20:54
lcukthere isnt a filemon equivilent for linux is there?20:54
lcukso i can watch what happens when i run map20:54
mgedminlcuk: strace can kinda do that20:55
Cptnodegardquick q: in maemo mapper, "cache DB" is where it will save maps i take it?20:55
mgedminwhat's the /dev/pgps option for?20:55
mgedminI have a /dev/pgps on the n810, but it doesn't work with maemo mapper ("can't connect to the GPS" after a timeout, iirc)20:56
Cptnodegardthe mpas license is worth it i think :/21:00
Cptnodegardeither that or i have to move21:00
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WorkingOnWiseok. I got it- OS2008 cloned onto my sd card. Tried it a second time on a fresh 1gb SD card. There were some extra details either left out, or not updated for OS2008. It takes all of 5 minutes to do once all the info is available! I'm putting the steps I usd in a blog later, but should I post it also in the howto I started with? It is reaallllyy long and doubt most people will read so far doen to actually see my post. It isn't21:02
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KotCzarnysome people do, so, yes21:05
KotCzarnyadd your notes for people like you21:05
WorkingOnWiselol....I dont like people KotCzarny...what then? :D21:05
KotCzarnyif you don't like people then don't use their work.21:06
KotCzarnyand DON'T ask us for help21:06
KotCzarnyand DON'T read howtos21:06
KotCzarnyand fuck you.21:06
lcukif the additional things you had to do enable the process to work better or smoother or complete some part left out, then please do add a comment.  amongst other things blog comments are searchable and if the information is valid the origignal posted may actually update the original21:07
WorkingOnWiselook u litttle piss ant....I was joking. Did u see the smile??21:07
KotCzarnypsychos smile too21:07
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lcukthey smile more than normal ppl21:08
lcukbut its the eyes that are a problem21:08
WorkingOnWiseI just spent a very frusterating trying to follow incomplete instructions for what has turned out to be a very simple task...and now I am asking what to do with my newfound info....and u cuss me out???!!!21:08
lcukthey are shifty21:08
KotCzarnyi suggested what you should do21:08
WorkingOnWisefrusterating morning21:09
KotCzarnyand you answered with 'i don't like people (i won't share then)'21:09
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WorkingOnWise(03:06:41 PM) KotCzarny: and fuck you.21:09
KotCzarny<WorkingOnWise> look u litttle piss ant....21:09
WorkingOnWise(03:05:54 PM) WorkingOnWise: lol....I dont like people KotCzarny...what then? :D21:09
elboh good, a paste war21:10
elbI love it21:10
lcuklol hey you two, i can read the scrollback21:10
elbnobody here has a scrollback21:10
* mgedmin brings the popcorn21:10
lcukgo on - repeat the repeats21:10
KotCzarnyelb: at least those are one liners21:10
aVirulencehi, can someone point me to a link to the webmail applet for chinook? I had it before, but I can't find it anymore21:10
WorkingOnWiseyes..I did say's true....whatever...clearly u are a waste of my keystrokes....21:10
KotCzarny<WorkingOnWise> yes..I did say's true....whatever...clearly u are a waste of my21:10
dtahtbotKotCzarny: Error: "keystrokes...." is not a valid command.21:10
lcukright ladies - can we have some order - WorkingOnWise, please do update the notes.  it will be worthwhile21:11
mgedminyay, even the bots jump into the fray!21:11
KotCzarnywhos bot it is anyway?21:11
KotCzarnyand what's it's purpose? :>21:11
WorkingOnWiseI will do that lcuk21:11
* KotCzarny shrugs21:12
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KotCzarnyi wonder when someone tries to put wince on IT21:13
aVirulenceLet me repeat my question for the one's that aren't reading through the flamewar ;-)  hi, can someone point me to a link to the webmail applet for chinook? I had it before, but I can't find it anymore21:13
Cptnodegardwebmail applet? gmail notifyer?21:14
KotCzarny'ossoemail' ?21:14
WorkingOnWiseI just get a lil cranky when ppl get pissy over what was clearly a comment in is a stereotypical script kiddie thing to blast out profanity when they have come to the end of their intelligence...21:14
KotCzarnyWorkingOnWise: it was you who started it21:15
aVirulenceCptnodegard, the gmail notifyer21:15
KotCzarnyi answered your question21:15
KotCzarnyyou responded with attitude21:15
GeneralAntillesWorkingOnWise, it's called /ignore. ;)21:15
GeneralAntillesTry it.21:15
WorkingOnWisenow  I'll go document my findings so others can avoin the frusteration I had this morning.21:15
KotCzarnyso in general you have the right to make 'a little jokes'21:16
WorkingOnWiseGeneralAntilles: yup....already did that :) thanks.21:16
KotCzarnyand everyone else is forbidden21:16
GeneralAntillesWelcome to the club. :D21:16
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KotCzarnyoh, the attitude21:16
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lcukwow - no1 has done enough to be ignored, mind you i didnt even know i could ignore people, so maybe eventually i might find some1 worthy21:17
Cptnodegard[20:15] <aVirulence> Cptnodegard, the gmail notifyer  <- i have it on my app installer, its called mnotify. so it has to be in some repository21:17
GeneralAntilless/1/one/g <_> >_<21:17
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aVirulenceCptnodegard, thanks, I guess I'll find it, thanks a lot21:18
lcuk\ignore GeneralAntilles ;)21:18
aVirulenceI didn't remember the name21:18
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lcuksometimes thou on irc it would be better to /erasefrommemory21:18
CptnodegardaVirulence, its in the nokia rep, so you prob have it now that you have the name :)21:19
KotCzarnywhat was seen, cannot be unseen21:19
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lcukmy eyes. the goggles, they do nothing.21:19
aVirulenceCptnodegard, yeah, found it, :)21:19
lcukWARNING: do not look into the IRC with your remaining eye21:20
KotCzarnythird eye21:21
WorkingOnWiseI am unclear one one thing....when I did insmod (modules I needed) , was that a one time thing? I rebooted the IT, then duplicated my steps to clone, and all went fine. AFTER it was done, I remembered that I didnt do the  insmod (modules I needed) again.21:21
lcuki never point that at the screen - the monitor wont ever be the same again21:21
KotCzarnyyou could see things as they really are21:22
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KotCzarnythat's really dangerous21:22
lcuknot really dangerous - its not like im expecting shards of glass or anything21:23
* GeneralAntilles remote-detonates lcuk's CRT.21:23
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lcukgood thing the CRT is in the dump21:23
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GeneralAntillesFoiled again.21:23
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WorkingOnWiseI hate foil21:24
* GeneralAntilles wraps himself in his cape and disappears in a puff of smoke.21:24
* lcuk puts his nice tinfoil hat on21:24
WorkingOnWiselol....smells like burning batteries21:24
* KotCzarny yawns21:24
* GeneralAntilles plots.21:24
* lcuk psets21:24
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WorkingOnWiseis insmod sticky? do I have to do it every time I reboot if I want those modules available?21:25
lcukwhat modules are you on about21:25
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elbinsmod is not sticky21:26
WorkingOnWiseright now just ext3 , but I want to try this out on reiserfs too21:26
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lcukreiserfs is dead isnt it? or am i mixing it up with someone else?21:27
KotCzarnydefine 'dead'21:27
lcukor did it just go back to russia?21:27
WorkingOnWiseit isnt...then that must mean the boot menu I installed is handleing the modules for me....21:27
WorkingOnWisereiserfs is in a questionable development state right now, but 3.6 is in use enough that I shouldn't ignore it....21:28
KotCzarnyYikes, isn't loading right now.21:29
WorkingOnWiseI am wanting to turn my tablet into a forensics analysis device for hard drives, cd's and dvd's21:29
KotCzarnywell, maybe it is21:29
WorkingOnWiseso reiserfs will be part of the tool kit....21:29
lcukto be honest, wouldnt a standard lappy be better for full forensics?21:30
elblappy should be struck from the lexicon21:30
elbpossibly along with anyone who finds it reasonable to utter it21:31
elbcome over here so I can strike you down, lcuk21:31
WorkingOnWiseit would....but the IT is way easier to carry, and recover if there is a problem.21:31
lcukok, tabletop computer21:31
WorkingOnWisemy lappy in on my lap right now...21:31
KotCzarnyelb: those are 'desktop replacements'21:32
elb'lappy' is a desktop replacement?21:32
elbI thought it was a travesty of an abbreviation for "laptop"21:32
lcukits a bit small for a desktop replacement, where would you put your lamp21:32
WorkingOnWiseI have always wanted a pc in my I got it and I'm gona push it's limits....see just what it can do.21:32
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lcukno prob working :)21:32
* lcuk feels the same way21:33
KotCzarnyelb: most laptops right now are big as hell21:33
WorkingOnWiseelb: it is...I'm lazy....I save 2 keystrokes every time i use it...21:33
elbyes, I know21:33
lcuki installed WOW on it the other day - im still waiting for the loading screen to come on21:33
elbbut that's just because people are stupid21:33
elband the industry provides what people want21:33
WorkingOnWiselol...u didn't really install WOW on an IT did u?21:33
KotCzarnyand noise as hell too21:33
WorkingOnWisethat would be painful...21:34
lcuki lied, elb, you must strike me down for that as well21:34
elbI demand a 500MHz ARM laptop with a full-size keyboard, wireless, and 12h of battery life21:34
WorkingOnWisethe framerate would ne fpm's21:34
elbthe framerate wouldn't matter since the processor isn't intel21:34
lcukelb, you can have 2/3 though ;)21:34
lcukyou could theoretically run it21:34
KotCzarnyelb: that will be n800 + igo slim + psp external battery pack21:34
elbKotCzarny: also a usable screen21:35
KotCzarnydefine usable21:35
lcukeee 9 inch touch....soon...21:35
elbenough pixels to do real work21:35
* lcuk drools21:35
elbon a display where you don't have to use them all for a single letter ;-)21:35
KotCzarnyhmm, usb projector?21:35
KotCzarnyoh, i know21:35
KotCzarny'screen magnifiers' :)21:36
elbthe n810 has a sexy display for sure, but you have to use such large-in-pixelsize fonts that it's not much of a "work" machine21:36
lcuki adore the arm processor - it reminds me of my amiga21:36
* lcuk still mourns it21:36
elbthe iBook 12" was pretty much the ultimate laptop, as far as form factor is concerned, I think21:36
elbif it were produced today with modern manufacturing, I'd buy it in a heartbeat21:36
KotCzarnyi prefer ibm x30-x3221:36
elb(because that would give it the 12h battery life)21:36
lcukelb - bigger eee + touch is close21:36
elblcuk: the eee would have to be a lot bigger21:37
elbits keyboard is nowhere NEAR full size21:37
lcukhumans have this thing for macro zooming - MOVE CLOSER21:37
KotCzarnytransparent osk21:37
KotCzarnylcuk: looking at objects closer than foot away is straining your eyes21:37
lcuki have an apple wireless kb and its not fullsize but it feels like it21:37
elblcuk: except that's not true at all21:37
KotCzarnyread: bling soon21:37
WorkingOnWiseis kde a reasonable DE for the N800? Or i it a novelty, just to say it can be done?21:38
lcuknovelty but i think ppl have compiled it21:38
elbthe apple wireless keyboard isn't full size?21:38
elbare you sure about that?21:38
lcukits geared for mouse21:38
elbI think its key centers are standard pitch21:38
lcukyer - its laptop sized - its not got all keys21:38
KotCzarnyi would love igo kb with trackpoint21:38
elboh, so, yeah, it's full sized21:38
lcukyes, maybe standard sized keys but not a full size keyboard21:38
elbnumber of keys is not what is meant by "full size"21:38
KotCzarnyor better yet optical track point21:38
elbthe number of keys is usually expressed by key count21:39
elbe.g., 102 or 104 key21:39
elbI don't care about all those extra keys, anyway, they're useless21:39
lcukahhh so a fullsize keyboard with only 3 keys is a bit lame21:39
elbanything with less than the standard qwerty layout (or insert your local layout) simply wouldn't be called a "keyboard" ;-)21:40
elbor it would be modified, like "one-hand" or "special purpose" or whatever21:40
KotCzarnyletter entry apparatus21:40
MangoFusionlike ?21:40
lcukspeaking of keyboards - the 810 keyboard is squashy - ive been thinking about using an overlay and using the keyboard as an extension (like color selection ranges for drawing program)21:40
lcukyes mango21:40
lcukthats what i was thinking21:40
KotCzarnythere was a pirate and elite geek versions too21:41
lcukright, i smell food - time to go21:41
lcukback later, and KotCzarny dont get into any more fights :P21:41
KotCzarnyit would be hard21:41
lcukback later21:41
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AStormso, who will package osso-pdf-reader for me?22:42
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lcukAStorm, why cant you build it yourself?22:53
lcukor is this your program which needs actual real packaging22:53
AStormbecause my virtualbox and vmware hate me22:53
lcukim sure they dont hate you22:53
AStormvmware doesn't want to run22:53
lcukmildy dislike22:53
lcukthe specific image or vmware itself22:54
AStormand virtualbox doesn't build :/22:54
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qwerty12_N800astorm: out of curiosity,, what are you trying to build?22:54
lcukahhh i just got the player22:54
AStormI'll try it too22:54
AStormgcc b*ches about not being able to assign regs on some asm code22:55
AStormwith all v. of gcc I have22:56
AStormand various flags22:56
AStormI'll try w/o any22:56
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lcukwhats the asm for?22:57
AStormI guess for emulation22:57
lcukno, you say gcc complains - it complains when you are compiling what?22:57
lcukthe pdf reader?22:58
AStormwhen building target-i38622:58
AStormno, vvirtualbox!22:58
AStormI can't even run the scrfatchbox22:58
AStormhates my gentoo22:58
KotCzarnyastorm, give me your linux box host/ip/login and i will install you sb/sdk :)22:58
qwerty12_N800Are you trying to get sbox in vbox?22:58
KotCzarnyand pass too22:59
lcukand cc details22:59
AStormqwerty12_N800: yup22:59
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AStormKotCzarny: ya, and a few rootkits22:59
AStormthe Nokia installeer worked22:59
AStormbut sbox not22:59
tbfhmm.... apt-get cannot install flex for my scratchbox.... known problem, or is my source list incomplete?22:59
AStormmissing symbols22:59
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KotCzarnyyou installl sbox first23:00
AStormtoo new system I guess23:00
KotCzarnyTHEN sdk23:00
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qwerty12_N800ah! Take up kot's offer :d, sbox in proper linux, not emulated is better imho23:00
AStorm... that was sbox instaül script23:00
KotCzarnydoesn't matter23:00
KotCzarnymy slackware is up to date too23:00
* lcuk runs vmware image23:00
AStormworked, but sbox itself not23:00
KotCzarnywhat was the error?23:00
AStormslackware <<< gentoo ~sx8623:01
infobotit has been said that x86 is this frankinsteins monster of a system compaired to arm.23:01
KotCzarnygcc version 4.2.323:01
KotCzarnyquite recent23:01
AStorminfobot: so true23:01
KotCzarny /lib/ -> libc-2.7.so23:01
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AStormhere I have: 3.4, 4.2.3, 4.3.023:01
KotCzarnythen it's not recentliness23:02
AStormbtw, qemu doesn't want to build due to same error23:02
KotCzarnymore like gentoo-brokeness23:02
AStormI suspect flags23:02
AStormshouldn't, but...23:02
AStormwho knows23:02
AStormnow building vbox23:03
derfRunning out of registers means you should be compiling with either -fomit-frame-pointer, -fno-pic, or both.23:03
AStormI hope it can run .vmdk23:03
lcukso native building in native linux is failing23:03
derf-fno-pic probably won't work on Gentoo.23:03
AStormdeff: or w/o23:03
derfNo, compiling without those things means you will run out of registers even faster.23:04
AStormsame fail with pure -O223:04
qwerty12_N800AStorm, why not use vmware?23:04
AStormbecause it doesn't work?23:04
derfAnyway, sbox compiled just fine for me on Gentoo x86.23:04
lcukcos using scratchbox in linux in vmware in linux is a bit silly23:04
AStormI tried the binaray23:04
AStormso I'll try the build23:05
lcukvmware = perfect for windows :)23:05
KotCzarnyastorm: install binary packages then23:05
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AStormbbut then. vbox ought to build23:05
AStormKotCzarny: binaries failed23:05
KotCzarnywhat was the error?23:05
lcukAStorm, you said even vmware fails to run - sounds like major system b0rken23:06
AStormlet me write it down23:06
qwerty12_N800I installed vmware workstation, i had to use a little program in wine to finish my setup... :p23:06
KotCzarnyastorm: pastebin.com23:06
tbflcuk: well, some feel quite uncomfortable with that chroot hack, which scratchbox is23:06
AStormlcuk: they're missing GCC 4.2.0 symbol23:06
AStormmy libstdc++23:06
AStormand some GLIBC_2.723:07
lcuktbf, i thought chroot wasnt a hack and was normal expected run of the mill thing - like "oh i think i'll go to the toilet, just wait ill chroot myself"23:07
tbflcuk: i always fear to destroy my host system (out of stupidity), when dealing with scratchbox23:07
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AStormas for sbox binary: inconsistencies detected by ld.so23:08
lcukbut i thought whatever happens inside the chroot stays inside the chroot.  if nothing is symlinked to the outside world then all is good23:08
AStormsome assert failed23:08
KotCzarnyastorm: install slackware.23:08
AStormya, sure23:08
tbflcuk: well, for instance scratchbox shares the /proc file system with the host system23:08
AStormI could23:08
KotCzarnyhardrrives are cheap as dirt23:08
AStormnot lapptop23:09
qwerty12_N800or ubuntu/debian :p23:09
tbflcuk: so this chroot jail has giant holes23:09
lcuktbf, didnt know specifics :) thanks for that i will bear it in mind23:09
KotCzarnyastorm: livecd then?23:09
* lcuk is a windows user and linux n00b still 23:09
AStormKotCzarny: ya, need working nat and wifi23:09
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KotCzarnyget wrt54g23:09
AStorm(for the other guy)23:09
KotCzarnyon allegro they are <200pln already23:10
AStormsorry, no, what for?23:10
KotCzarnyfor nat and wifi?23:10
AStormbut I'll try building that sbox23:10
lcukawful lot of messing all this installing crap - generally if it doesnt work i assumed i screwed up and just restore from stable backup and start again23:10
AStorminstead of bins23:10
AStormI should do that too23:11
AStormthis ~x86 gentoo needs an update23:11
KotCzarnyworked for me at the first try23:11
KotCzarnyso i assume it's system specific differences23:11
AStormit's "too-much-experimentalitis"23:12
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AStormi prob. need newer binutils23:12
KotCzarnyor older23:12
KotCzarnyin slackware they moved back to .17 version23:13
AStormnah, 2.18 release now23:13
KotCzarnybecause .18 had ld bugs23:13
AStormI guess I hit one23:13
KotCzarnyso now you know why it didn't worked23:13
KotCzarnyand why you should use slackware ;)23:13
keesja real gentoo user would go for sbox2 or DIY toolchain23:13
AStormI'll update to 2.18.50.x23:14
AStormI can do cross to arm23:14
KotCzarnythat was the broken version23:14
AStormone is23:14
AStormI know which one23:14
qwerty12_N800sbox2 doesn't load for me :p23:14
AStormhave that one masked23:14
KotCzarnyastorm: .17 is still current in slack23:14
AStormI know23:15
AStormI need rebuilds in the system23:15
lcukis slack the build yourself or is that gentoo?23:15
KotCzarnylcuk: gentoo23:15
KotCzarnyslack is package based23:15
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KotCzarnyyou can compile it yourself from sources, but it's slack.23:15
KotCzarnyyou are too lazy to do it.23:16
KotCzarnyi mean, me.23:16
lcukcan you self build any on 810?23:16
AStormI'm used to building self23:16
AStormlcuk, no, need coreutils for that23:16
AStormand it conflicts with busybox23:16
lcukcouldnt you bootstrap yourself with sb and then jump into it?23:16
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* lcuk is doin the hand waving thing23:17
AStormlcuk, trying!23:17
AStormbut sbox isn't cooperating23:17
TuxProbeanyone with a couple pointers on gtkmm developement?23:18
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AStormI'll,debreak the gentoo23:18
KotCzarnybinutils- that was the offending version23:18
keesjlcuk: yes you can "debootstrap" a new thingy on a runnig internet tablet23:18
AStormKotCzarny: old now23:18
KotCzarnytime will tell how well they fixed it23:18
lcukcool, i might try reading the scrollback - i might understand it better now23:18
AStormI think I might know23:18
keesjTuxProbe: You have seen the whole site dedicated to it?23:18
AStormit's some glibc vs fpmath=sse thing23:19
TuxProbekeesj i did :-)23:19
AStormstupid glibc not filtering that out :P23:19
AStormthus any fp code = poof23:19
keesjTuxProbe: it looked impressive to me23:19
lcukTuxProbe, theres plenty of help on specific libraries out there - as long as you compile up with the maemo armel version most things you try should work.  ymmv though23:19
AStormalternatively, I'll rebuild the whole sys23:19
AStormgtkmm is nice23:20
TuxProbekeesj but i get looads of linking errors from Glib::ustring n some paperhead.h23:20
AStormunlike qt323:20
AStormTuxProbe: forgot to -lgtkmm?23:20
AStormor -lglib23:20
keesjTuxProbe: I know bollux about gtkmm.23:20
lcukTuxProbe, are you making your own gtkmm project or are you compiling someone elses23:20
TuxProbeon any other x86 (not from the maemo extras repo) it compiles fine23:21
AStormuhm, or -lglibmm23:21
TuxProbelcuk going for a port of one of my own apps23:21
TuxProbeand as far as -lglib, `pkg-config --libs --cflags glibmm-2.4` is all over the place :)23:21
lcukok, is your scratchbox environment setup and are you set into armel mode and do you have the gtkmmdevelopment  libraries installed in scratchbox23:22
TuxProbeyea sure, it compiles - though a bunch of linkage errors occurs23:22
KotCzarnytried linking by hand?23:22
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TuxProbeand so messy, i cant even figure out where _one_ of them origins from in the code hehe23:22
lcukdo other things compile and run when you build using scratchbox - ie have you tested23:23
TuxProbeahum yes23:24
lcuk(just covering the bases, we dont know you we dont know your setup and are just getting a level playing field)23:24
lcukyou've got a linkage problem.23:26
KotCzarny-lglib ?23:26
KotCzarnyglib2 probably23:27
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AStormyeah, my binutils are broke :P23:28
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AStormsamba fails to link i.e.23:28
KotCzarnygentoo, pfft23:28
AStormbut not other things23:28
KotCzarnydowngrade to .1723:29
KotCzarnybe safe23:29
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lcuk`pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags --libs`23:30
tbfstrange, strange, strange: so i rebuild the interesting packages in scratchbox with -fno-omit-frame-pointers....23:31
* lcuk was digging for howto setup gtkmm makefile23:31
tbf...still opreport doesn't show usefull call graphs23:31
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TuxProbelcuk aye, check out a cleaned compile23:33
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SwapperCan anyone tell me if x-chat port is active?23:37
lcukTuxProbe, what system do you normally compile this program on - and is the makefile not already configured - looking at your error report there are a lot of other references broken -> glib/gtk/gnome23:39
lcuk(at first glance)23:39
TuxProbeit works with the glibmm /glade/gtk distributed in gentoo and arch23:39
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lcukthere is a wiki page about porting somewhere on maemo23:40
lcukluckily it goes over getting a gtk game working :)23:42
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* lcuk karate chops KotCzarny and blames it on AStorm 23:45
* KotCzarny yawns23:45
KotCzarnygood thing i'm shielded with my monitor23:45
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KotCzarnyerm. screen23:45
lcuki dunno, internet violence just isnt the same with fancy LCD shields23:46
KotCzarnyit needs other means to pass through23:46
KotCzarnyie. between lines23:46
lcukthose robot tuxs could take off23:47
lcuka little penguin army fighting irc battles for us23:47
KotCzarnymy westell modem doesn't run on tuxes23:47
KotCzarnysometimes os differences can be a good thing23:47
SwapperGeneralAntilles, thx23:48
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* AStorm sends a squad of ninjas after lcuk23:52
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AStormnow, binutils
* lcuk randomizes all your symlinks and moves your pr0n folder23:53
TuxProbejust felt like sharing: ;-D23:53
AStormharhar, no access rignts23:53
TuxProbebootstrapping the good 'ol cow astorm? :)23:54
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AStormI guess maemo isn't secure23:54
AStormah. right23:54
KotCzarnyjust don't let strangers ssh access23:54
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AStormvmsplice isn't done on arm yet?23:55
lcuk"but he wasnt a stranger, i knew him from irc"23:55
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KotCzarnyzombie nation23:55
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AStormall your nokias are belong to us23:56
Veggenhmm. wonder what it'd take to convince citrix to compile for arm.23:56
TuxProbedisable-vmsplice-if-exploitable.c:133: error: `__NR_vmsplice' undeclared (first use in this function)23:56
lcukit would probably cost you an arm and a leg23:56
AStormVeggen: big $23:56
TuxProbearw hehe23:56
AStormTuxProbe: gbet better headers then23:57
Veggenlcuk: probably :P23:57
AStormah right23:57
Veggenlcux: companys home access solution is citrix based.23:57
lcukthen i guess you are out of the loop23:58

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