IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-01-02

p|seems 'python build' find the wrong gcc path on scratchbox (chinook)00:03
mazzenrutledge: it's not "repository"00:07
mazzenwait a second, please00:07
mazzenrutledge: please try . i'm not sure if this fix your issue, but try it. it's better than nothing00:09
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rutledgeleave off extras/ in other words00:09
mazzenchange repository to repostory00:10
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rutledgeno the spelling of repository is fine00:15
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rutledgenow that I figured out how to ssh in again (it's been a while) I can just use apt instead of that horrid GUI00:16
ustunozgurcan osso-xterm load .profile? how?00:21
ustunozguri mean ash00:21
rutledgefor me it loads .profile00:22
rutledgevia ssh00:22
disqooh somebody from bilkent00:22
ustunozgurit loads /etc/profile for me from ssh00:25
disqdid you check the ITT forums about this?00:25
ustunozgurno, not yet. got the machine yesterday :)00:26
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disqwhich one, n800, 810, or the 770?00:26
disqflashed OS2008 yet?00:27
rutledgeyes I see, if there is a /home/user/.profile, it doesn't affect the xterm00:27
rutledgebut you can type . ./.profile00:28
ustunozgurdisq:  no, not yet.00:28
ustunozgurshould I?00:28
disqyeah it's great00:29
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|tbb|how to update osso-xterm00:50
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|tbb|rm_you: anything new on a2dp patch00:53
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blahdeblahwow - this N800 rocks00:57
kbsinghblahdeblah: nice01:00
kbsinghwhat are you doing with it ?01:01
blahdeblahl'm new to N800 and maemo but not to Linux or Free Software.  Where is this a good place to ask general user questions, or development only?01:01
blahdeblahs/Where is/Is/01:01
infobotblahdeblah meant: l'm new to N800 and maemo but not to Linux or Free Software.  Is this a good place to ask general user questions, or development only?01:01
blahdeblahNice bot - it understands regexps!01:02
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rm_you|tbb|: not really, was gone for new years01:02
blahdeblahkbsingh: I'm trying to replace a Dell Axim X50v, and avoid buying a laptop. :-)01:03
rm_you|tbb|: but i did get mplayer to build right, so more testing today :)01:03
kbsinghblahdeblah: might work out01:04
skiburdoes the RSS feed reader  app broken?01:04
kbsinghi have a n810 and trying to get wired ethernet going on this01:04
kbsinghskibur: absordly, its broken for me as well.  just wont start up01:05
kbsinghabsurdly even01:05
rm_youkbsingh: Supposedly USB ethernet works if you're connecting to a linux machine... is that what you're doing?01:05
blahdeblahskibur: anything that lists every item in a feed in the same document without breaking it up into separate messages is very broken, IMO01:05
skiburhum,  mine will not update01:05
blahdeblahI hear claws mail has an RSS reader - does anyone know whether it is any good?01:05
kbsinghrm_you: not really, i guess you mean using usbserial and ppp over that to a machine ?01:06
MangoFusionblahdeblah: axim x50v? haha, i had one of those. what a nightmare01:06
ustunozgur|tbb|: I did an upgrade after adding maemo-hackers repo, and now I have profile sourcing in ash,01:06
kbsinghi need something to plug a real enet cat5 into01:06
MangoFusionmy n800 by comparison is much more useful01:06
rm_youkbsingh: like, just a usb cable like used for flashing...01:06
rm_youkbsingh: lemmie see if i can find the documents on it01:06
kbsinghrm_you: thanks but thats not what i need01:07
rm_youah ok01:07
blahdeblahMangoFusion: It worked pretty well for me for 3 years, but it's getting a bit long in the tooth now, and a bit inflexible.  I'm finding the N800 great, but i've only had it for a couple of days, so i'm still finding my feet.01:07
rm_youkbsingh: are you trying to get a usb ethernet dongle working or something?01:07
kbsinghi need to be able to plug the n810 into a real network that has no computers on it and ssh / telnet around01:07
kbsinghrm_you: thats the plan01:08
kbsinghnot sure which one to  get01:08
rm_youwell, good luck... you get the USB host part working at least?01:08
MangoFusionblahdeblah: i couldn't quite find a place for mine. then the battery started going. and of course the OS always seemed to be annoyingly slow (even when i upgraded)01:08
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rm_youI'm not sure how hard that is supposed to be in os2008, but i've been planning on testing it... bought the cable like a month ago in preparation01:08
MangoFusioni have higher hopes for my n800 though01:09
blahdeblahMe too01:09
kbsinghi suppose it starts with me getting a sandbox up and the kernel sources01:09
MangoFusionjust need to set up a dev environment and hey presto01:09
MangoFusion(that's the plan, anyway)01:09
* czr peeks01:09
kbsinghMangoFusion:  famous last words01:09
MangoFusionhaha yes01:09
rm_youyeah, the sandbox setup for the n800 is amazingly simple... i just came from Zaurus development like a year ago, and that was ridiculously hard in comparison :/01:10
MangoFusioni thought zaurus was supposed to be good01:10
kbsinghman, getting ctrl and p at the same time is hard on this thing01:10
MangoFusionor was that *used* to be good?01:10
rm_youthe platform? or the development system? >_>01:11
rm_youthe platform was awesome, but comparatively kinda bleh now01:11
blahdeblahThe most fricking annoying thing about this N800 is that i can't select 24 hour time.  And they marked the bug as "RESOLVED LATER" - how is that resolved?01:11
rm_youthe dev system with bit-bake was ridiculous... it took like 5 hours to set up, on a FAST system01:11
rm_youblahdeblah: in 2008? seriously? that's... dumb01:11
czrrm_you, try installing maemo sdk when there's a new OS release01:12
* kbsingh bbl01:12
blahdeblahrm_you: Yep - upgrading to 2008 was the first thing i did when i got it.01:12
MangoFusionme too01:12
rm_youi just upgraded yesterday (had the device for like four months now in os2007)01:12
blahdeblahApparently this has been a bug since OS2005, which i'd never even heard of until i looked up the bug in bugzilla01:12
rm_youi was hesitant because everything was working excellently already... but i really wanted to work on a2dp dev in 200801:13
rm_youi'm only kinda regretting the flash >_>01:13
rm_youbut when a2dp support gets better in 2008, things should settle down... it's actually WORSE at the moment :(01:13
blahdeblahYeah - and i hear backup and restore isn't that great yet.01:14
blahdeblahWhat's a2dp, BTW?01:14
rm_youbluetooth stereo audio protocol01:14
rm_youso i can listen to music on my bluetooth wireless headphones01:15
rm_youand eventually (hopefully... but will need a lot of improvement first) watch movies :P01:15
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blahdeblahThanks for the chat, folks.  Gotta go & feed the kids some breakfast.  :-)  Will be seeing you all again "real soon now".  :-)01:15
rm_youyeah, brb lunch :P01:16
* kbsingh goes back to fingering his ps3/fedora01:16
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czralterego, hey man, happy new year :-)01:17
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czrand all of you other maemoers too :-)01:17
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kbsinghrar, a new year01:18
kbsinghhave a good one01:18
czrI promise to!01:19
inzczr, you mean maemoaners01:20
czrmaemowieners :-)01:20
czrhey inz too01:20
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kbsinghguys, in oss-xterm, how do i get a ctrl keystroke on the toolbar ?01:25
kbsinghjust pressing it does not work, and neither does ^p01:25
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kbsinghnor does ControlP01:27
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halleyIt should be magically adding it to the toolbar, separate from the ones you added.01:28
kbsinghhalley: how do i type in a trl p in the value box ?01:29
kbsinghalso there is no plus sign on the keyboard01:29
kbsinghand Chr menu does not have it either01:29
kbsinghwait :)01:30
* kbsingh spots a + key01:30
|tbb|kbsingh: whatever key you need01:31
kbsingh|tbb|: ty01:32
* kbsingh looks01:32
kbsinghhumm not what i need01:33
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kbsinghi need to work out howto get a key combo into the xterm toolbar / shortcuts bar01:34
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inzkbsingh, <ctrl>p01:34
kbsinghah lets try that01:34
inzAt least that's the way I coded it ^^01:35
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kbsinghinz works, ty01:35
halleydocumentation ftw01:35
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kbsinghhalley: where are the docs on this ?01:36
halleyMy comment was to inz, or whomever should have produced docs.01:36
kbsinghaah. i thought i was overlooking something01:37
inzhalley, I'm no technical writer01:37
kbsinghbut yea a hint of sorts would help01:37
|tbb|is it possible to make the toolbar bigger01:37
inz|tbb|, in "my" version (i.e. the one from maemo-hackers) just write longer labels, in the "official" 2008 version, probably not01:38
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kbsinghaaaggg no, how about make it smaller ? atleast 6px on top and 6px on the bottom could be trimmed without changing font size or anything extra01:39
Spac0rare the core tools like package manager or config screen open source in OS2008?01:39
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kbsinghinz: how about some way to loose that scrollbar on the right ?01:39
kbsinghis that possible01:40
SXN_KommandErhey guys01:40
kbsinghhalley: yea that, not quiteused to the kb as yet01:40
Spac0rhi, SXN_KommandEr from the beautifull city01:40
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halleySpac0r, the app manager is a gui over apt-get.  Neither gui is likely "open".01:40
SXN_KommandEri just got a program working on the N770 and im happy.  but is there a way of doing faster text input than on-screen kbd?01:41
inzkbsingh, I'll implement that if I ever make a new version01:41
deejoeSXN_KommandEr: you can get a bluetooth hardware keyboard01:41
inzkbsingh, but now that nokia seems to be picking up some maintainership, I might not do any more releases01:41
Spac0rhalley, so basically the config screen app and sub apps aren't open sourced?01:41
kbsinghinz you the man01:41
deejoeor you can install openssh-server and then ssh in from another computer01:41
SXN_KommandErdeejoe thats not a bad idea but costs 100$01:41
deejoeSXN_KommandEr: I got one for about half that.01:42
deejoethe folding ones cost that much01:42
SXN_KommandEropenssh-server sounds better, if i run an X application from the ssh console will it display on the N770 display?01:42
deejoebut an apple bt keyboard can be had for less.01:42
halleyamazon had the folding one for US$30 a few weeks ago.01:42
SXN_KommandEroh man 30$ is a great price01:42
kbsinghigo have a nice keyboard01:42
SXN_KommandErapple bt kbd goes fro how much?01:42
halleySXN_KommandEr, you can run x apps from ssh and it appear on the tablet, yes.01:43
|tbb|i would like to open n810 programs over ssh on desktop pc, but i dont get it01:43
kbsinghthe other thing that might make some more room on the screen is that smart typing guessing bar at the bottom01:43
kbsinghthat really should be turn on/off'able01:44
halley|tbb|, are you setting DISPLAY on your ssh?01:44
SXN_KommandErthat smart typing thing is useless when typing hot code at a REPL prompt01:44
|tbb|how ?01:44
halleykbsingh, I installed scim-anthy and it got rid of that guessbar.01:44
deejoesmart typing is also not good when entering passwords in an xterm01:45
kbsinghhalley: that also turns off the chr menu and for me the fn key also01:45
SXN_KommandErlol passwords yeah01:45
halleykbsingh, well, chr works differently yes, but fn still works.  Just not sticky.01:45
kbsinghcompleetely disabled fn for me01:46
kbsinghagh! typo's galore01:46
SXN_KommandErbasic dumb questions:  how do i figure out what version im using on the n770?  also if i do end up selling it, how do i wipe the thing down and reset it?01:46
kbsinghok, sigsleep chaps01:46
halleyIt's not an n770 or N770, it's a 770.01:46
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halley|tbb|, I don't like unprovoked /msg01:47
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halley|tbb|, if you're asking how, then you're not doing it.01:47
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|tbb|i dont know how01:47
halley|tbb|, you have to have an X11 service on the pc, for example.01:47
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SXN_KommandErhow do i know what version im using on the 770?01:50
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ustunozgurSXN_KommandEr:  control panel- about product01:51
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SXN_KommandErControl Panel -> Device -> About Product   thanks01:52
SXN_KommandErOS 2006, is that good enough or is it worth upgrading a 770?01:52
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rm_youis there a maemo-hackers equivalent xterm for os2008?01:58
rm_youthe default is bleh, i miss my advanced xterm from 200701:59
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inzrm_you, I guess I'll have to make one02:01
inzrm_you, though because the new a-i will refuse to overwrite "official" packages with one from another repo, I'll have to re-brand it02:01
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ph|beranyone have kismet running on the 810?02:03
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|tbb|inz: do u know how to bring os2008 applications viassh to  the desktop pc02:08
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ph|berssh -X02:09
inz|tbb|, I have not tried and don't know the default config of the ssh package02:10
inz|tbb|, ssh -X helps if X11 forwarding is enabled in the server02:10
inz|tbb|, (or ssh -Y)02:10
|tbb|ssh -X doesnt worked for me02:11
deejoewhich kind of doesn't work does it do?02:12
|tbb|the applications still starting on internettablet02:13
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rm_youtry changing DISPLAY= ?02:16
rm_youwhat is $DISPLAY now?02:16
|tbb|echo $DISPLAY says :0.002:17
|tbb|on desktop pc02:17
SXN_KommandErhow do i know if im running gregale or mistral?02:17
rm_youright but02:17
SXN_KommandEri dont understand the 770 timeline of upgrades02:17
rm_youwhen you ssh -X into your n81002:17
|tbb|Nokia-N810-50-2:~# echo $DISPLAY02:18
rm_youdoes that say "localhost:0.0"?02:18
|tbb|nope also :0.002:20
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rm_youwhat is "�"02:22
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|tbb|its not there anymore02:23
|tbb|after loggin in it says :0.002:24
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rm_youwell, i don't remember exactly what it's supposed to be... i haven't played with that stuff in a while02:28
rm_youyou can try looking up a normal X forwarding tutorial and see if you can figure out what it's supposed to be, and just set it manually...02:28
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rm_youthough the problem is that i'm not sure X is built with forwarding enabled02:29
dospodhey anybody have adduser for it200802:29
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rm_youtrying to get gnokii? :P02:30
|tbb| when i setup the wlan connection manually from console (iwconfig ....) and im successfully connected to the ap. ping works. when i then try to start the browser it always trys to connect to an ap. is there a way to browse internet without the browser itself try to find an ap to connect02:30
dospodmhm lol02:30
rm_youheh, tell me if you figure it out :P02:30
dospodok lol02:31
dospodbut i need adduser to start02:31
dospodim sure it wouldnt be hard to port02:33
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dospodits surprising its noot on it2008 yet02:36
|tbb|any idea what i can do stop microb  trying to connect to an ap02:36
blahdeblahHi all.  What's the best way to conserve battery power (other than turning off) when i'm not using my N800?02:36
rm_you|tbb|: connection preferences in the control panel02:37
rm_you|tbb|: you can set it to never automatically connect02:37
alteregoblahdeblah, make sure you're in offline mode and there's no web browser window open.02:37
rm_youblahdeblah: offline mode02:37
disqblahdeblah: lock screen & keys in os2008 (this will turn off the screen too)02:37
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rm_youblahdeblah: and make the screen turn off quickly02:37
disqand yeah offlinemode is good02:37
rm_youdisq: oddly enough, my lock screen and keys no longer blanks the screen for me in 2008 >_> it's annoying02:38
blahdeblahalterego: Why no web browser window?02:38
disqyeah i imagine it would be02:38
dospodapps running causes drain02:38
disqit sometimes doesn't blank here too, but that's usually when i touch the screen immediately after locking it or so02:38
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blahdeblahOK - i'll try offline mode.  Last night i just locked the screen & keys and came back this morning and it was completely dead.02:39
SXN_KommandEri installed becomeroot, how do i use it?02:40
dospodsudo gainroot in terminal02:41
|tbb|rm_you: doesnt work02:41
SXN_KommandErthank you dospod, it worked nicely02:41
dospodur welcome02:41
dospodits one of the few things i know how to do02:42
|tbb|always when i try to open a site and im not connected through the applet, it trys to connect  or ask where it should connect02:42
SXN_KommandErdospod :)02:42
rm_you|tbb|: oh. yeah. it does that :( dunno02:42
SXN_KommandErwhen i do install ssh with 'apt-get install ssh' will it start the sshd server automatically so i can logon from my desktop?02:43
SXN_KommandErah ok it says it started the OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd02:44
|tbb|i would like to have a script which automaticly connect the device through an ap, via gps data, so if im in the range of an ap it should connect to this, 5 metres belong it should connect to another ap .....02:44
dospodthe n800 is a cool device :]02:45
|tbb|but i not figured it out how i can stop microb from searching for  an ap02:45
dospodtbb that would be hard to script02:45
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|tbb|i dont think thats to hard02:46
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SXN_KommandErwow sshd started, i logged in, and changed to user 'user' wow wow wow on a 77002:47
dospodtbb have fun ;)02:48
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rm_you|tbb|: well, it already connects to any AP you saved if you get close >_> so just having an AP map would be enough, i would think02:49
SXN_KommandErok so when i login via ssh i start an app that makes a toplevel X window, i guess its not 'hildonized' so it doesnt show up in the left pane of active apps, is there a way around this?02:49
|tbb|i often got the problem the device connect trough an ap which is saved in the preferences. but this ap stays on another town has the same essid02:50
|tbb|this sucks02:50
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|tbb|if i figured out how to stop microb searching for a connection while im allready on another connection that would be enough02:51
|tbb|then i will trying to script what i have posted before02:52
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rm_youpatched mplayer package, seems to increase the alsa buffer significantly, and as a result reduce some of the a2dp playback issues03:08
rm_youstill uses almost 90% CPU, so you can't do anything ELSE... but it doesn't seem to cut out in the middle of songs03:09
rm_youplaying mp3s on a2dp very nicely, actually03:13
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|tbb|wasnt able to install it, ive tried it the it says not enough space (confuse) ive uninstalled the mplayer package then completly and tried to install your packet then dependencie problems. installing the official mplayer package then it worked03:28
rm_youall i had to do was apt-get remove mplayer (official)03:29
rm_youand then dpkg -i my mplayer03:29
rm_youyou have an n800 or n810?03:29
|tbb|tried that also,03:29
rm_youthough i don't think it matters for 200803:29
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rm_youmine is an n800... that's all i can think of?03:29
rm_youbut i compiled it for n8x003:30
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|tbb|got my headphones not here anyway03:30
rm_youah :(03:30
rm_youi am curious if anyone else will have the same problem...03:31
rm_youcause it doesnt really make sense03:31
rm_youwhat dependency problem?03:31
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CrooperIs there a classic Mac emulation for itos200803:33
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|tbb|libmad0 >= 0.15.1b is not installe libogg0 is not installed libtheora is not installed03:34
rm_youcan you not apt-get install those>03:36
rm_youi do have those on my system...03:36
|tbb|next time gotta go to bed now03:37
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astro76Crooper, not that I know of03:37
CrooperOkay astro76 thanks03:38
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blahdeblahNewbie question: what are my options for PIM/PDA-style functionality?  I've heard of gpe, but couldn't find it anywhere on (at least not for OS2008), and i don't really want to give Google all my data.  :-)04:22
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blahdeblahAnd another newbie question: after using my bluetooth keyboard, i no longer get the character recognition block down the bottom when i click in a text field.  All i get is a grey bar with 'abc' on the bottom right.  How do i get back the handwriting recognition?04:24
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rm_youAnyone here able to help test a2dp audio stuff?04:45
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valdis3blahdeblah, you can also get the gpe set of PIM applications at
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blast007anyone know if there is a build of synergy for OS2008?04:54
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unique311no os2008 synergy yet.04:59
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unique311but you should try to os2007 version.05:00
rm_youomg! videos play with a2dp, and no lag! AMAZING05:00
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saltywhere is the repository list in maemo?05:02
legindwhich OS?05:06
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leginder hildon not holdon05:12
Distrm_you: a2dp in what?05:16
rm_youi just packaged up a deb...05:17
DistHow should a2dp work actually? =D05:18
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DistJust use the current pairing or does it need something else?05:19
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rm_youfollow johnx's instructions here, steps 0-4:
rm_youand then follow my instructions here:
rm_youthe important part are the two changes to the mplayer config05:21
rm_youerr... in my post. since i didn't really number them05:22
DistHmm, I have a few hours to sleep so I will do that now. =D05:23
rm_you:P tell me how that works for you05:24
DistBut I'll check on those when I wake up05:24
rm_youworking nicely here05:24
Distoh btw, delay=0.2 is very likely something that's going to be changing every time you connect. Atleast on other platforms it varies a lot for me.. That's really REALLY annoying..05:28
rm_youyeah >_>05:30
rm_youit's kinda annoying05:31
rm_youbut better than nothing05:31
rm_youthough i didn't have that issue on 2007, when i had videos "semi" working with a2dp05:31
rm_youand i really think it has more to do with the initialization time on the video, meaning small low quality videos like yotube rips will need 0 delay, wheras my very high quality (1200ish bitrate) 30 minute videos need something like 0.405:32
rm_youjust based on the testing i've done so far05:33
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blast007unique311: I tried to install a version of synergy for Maemo, and it said it was incompatible05:34
blast007so I'll try building my own05:34
blahdeblahDoes anyone know whether you can or should remove the default screen protector when installing a new one?  Mine is already looking scratched after only 2 days of use.05:35
rm_youwhich model?05:36
blahdeblahI just realised i didn't say that.  N80005:36
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rm_youpeople keep talking about a screen protector, but i've never been able to tell if i had one or not05:36
rm_youi don't think my n800 has one <_<05:36
blahdeblahMine is clearly visible at the edges of the screen.  It came preinstalled05:36
rm_youwell... i bought mine used... so maybe the original owner took it off for me?05:37
rm_youi don't think it is there, and if it is, it doesn't scratch at all and i certainly can't tell :P05:37
blahdeblahMaybe.  Mine also had a little tab/catch thingy attached to it, presumably to make it possible to remove it.05:37
rm_youwell then, if i assume mine has been removed... then yes, it is possible to remove it, and the actual screen doesn't appear to scratch :P05:38
blahdeblahI'd rather not take that risk...05:38
rm_youyeah, i probably wouldn't either :/05:38
rm_youwhen did you buy yours?05:39
blahdeblahI bought a couple of protectors in a separate auction when i got my N800 - just before Christmas.05:39
rm_youmine is about 6 months old, at least... so maybe they changed how they do screen protectors?05:39
shack008ni kept it on, but ironically the plastik of this 'protector' scratches veery easily, it become ugly soon05:39
blahdeblahshack008n: yeah - that's what i'm finding.05:40
blahdeblahI only got my N800 in the mail on NYE, and after 2 days of off/on use it's rather ugly.05:40
shack008nit's not supposed to be a screen protector in fact :)05:41
rm_youheh... i use my fingernail 99% of the time on mine, and i use it probably a good hour or two minimum every day, and have for the past 3-4 months05:41
blahdeblahshack008n: What is it - just a cover?05:41
blahdeblahi.e. for dust?05:41
rm_youit's prolly just one of those plastic covers like on new cell phones/watches :P05:41
shack008nyeah, that's why they package it with the label to quickly peel it off05:42
shack008nthe screen doesn't scratch tough(but i'm very careful too)05:43
blahdeblahHmmm.  Sounds like it's time to break out the real (3rd party) screen protectors05:43
rm_youyeah, i use the soft case that came with it ALL THE TIME05:43
rm_youbut i just shove it in my pocket :P05:43
rm_youno issues so far with that05:44
shack008nunfortunately it's a bit too big in my pocket05:44
rm_youi have cargo pants <_< i went over this a few days ago, lol05:44
shack008nah that was you...05:45
rm_youa pocket for cables and GPS puck, a pocket for earbuds and bluetooth keyboard, and a pocket for n800 :P05:45
shack008nyah i remember05:45
rm_youi hope i don't become "cargo pants guy" :P05:45
rm_youwould much rather be "mplayer a2dp video guy"05:46
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shack008nyou just kind of declared yourself as such now :p05:47
rm_yoummm 3 hours of battery on constant bluetooth + video05:47
rm_younot bad05:47
shack008nbt is cheap05:48
rm_youyeah it's mostly the near 100% cpu usable for video + a2dp encoding05:48
unique311blast07, it should build without any problems.05:48
shack008ni'd like to use only that here since my pc is just 5mt from here05:48
blast007unique311: yup, it did, now to test it  ;)05:49
shack008ni need a decent tool to setup pan first05:49
unique311i guess when i build quicksynergy for os2008, i'll also include synergy with it.05:49
rm_youi kinda wonder if networking over bluetooth works05:49
rm_youthat would be cool, cause i don't have a wireless router all the time, but i always have my other tablet, which has wired and bluetooth05:50
unique311blast007,  quicksynergy is a gui frontend for synergy.05:50
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rm_youanyone know how to check my n800's cpu speed?06:04
rm_you/proc/cpuinfo doesn't seem to have that info for some reason <_<06:04
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shack008nrm_you: if you tell me how to paste a line of text from gmail i can tell you06:09
rm_youfunction -> copy?06:10
rm_youthe little button on the bottom left06:10
shack008nyeah but the message itself is not editable, so no vkbd06:11
shack008ncat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq06:11
rm_youtap and hold for the alt-menu?06:12
shack008nand pasting deosn't fucking work in ssh, grrrr06:12
rm_you? it doesnt?06:13
shack008nnot here (2008beta)06:13
rm_youstill running beta?06:14
shack008nheh, waiting for the repos to get back06:14
rm_youjust do the quick fix06:14
rm_youecho >> /etc/hosts06:15
shack008nyeah, i know06:16
shack008ndoes restore actually work btw?06:16
rm_younever tried it myself06:16
rm_youi just copy my user folder onto an SD06:17
shack008nreinstalling everything would really screw me off06:17
rm_youit's not too bad...06:17
Fang64I take it nokia isn't bad from vacation?06:17
rm_youyou could always try it, and report back :P06:17
rm_youand if it doesn't, just reflash again06:17
rm_youFang64: apparently not >_> kinda ridiculous06:17
shack008nyeah, they sold so many units for xmas and now most of those people can't do anything with them06:18
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BlafaselI really don't understand the Nokia product page(s). Where am I supposed to see if the N810 supports 3G/UMTS?10:40
tsavolayou're supposed to know that a priori10:41
tsavola(it doesn't support those)10:41
BlafaselOkay, I'm more and more clueless, obviously. I partly blame that on the fact that I found out about the device mere days ago.. ;) Right now it seems that the device isn't a phone at all (again, the Nokia pages suck here) or only for GSM at best?10:44
onionBlafasel: it's not a phone so no GSM, 3G, etc...10:45
onionBlafasel: you can connect with wlan or with a bluetooth enabled phone10:46
BlafaselThanks for pointing that out. So the only "phone" like capabilities are the skype/gtalk etc. software solutions? Sad.10:46
Blafaselonion: Naa.. Defies the whole purpose. ;) I do have a decent 3G phone, carrying both makes no sense. Thanks a lot.10:47
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onionBlafasel: it's not supposed to be a phone.. more a "portable web browser" or Internet tablet :)10:49
tsavolathat's just a bad excuse for the missing gsm chip :)10:49
ptmanI'm confident that the gsm chip will come10:50
ptmanNokia just wants to make a stable platform first10:50
BlafaselSad. =(10:51
ptmanwhy make a stable platform?10:51
onionhaven't seen anyone complaining that the asus eee is not a phone10:51
BlafaselBecause the way it is it's just a supersized PDA?10:52
BlafaselSure, it has its uses. It's just not what I expected/want.10:52
tsavolaptman: including gsm chip in the first hardware versions and developing a stable platform are not mutually exclusive things10:52
trulscan't please everyone10:52
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desrtis there a pymaemo channel?10:53
sibbedevices with gsm chips have more strict regulations i guess.. for example, if it's a phone you must be able to make emergency calls with it. so no "hackability" / open source in that part of hardware/software...10:55
BlafaselWhat about the openmoko/green phone stuff?10:56
legindBlafasel, it's supposed to be open to the core, with the sole exception being the GPS module11:01
legindwhich they are legally obliged to make closed source11:01
BlafaselYep, I know about that regulations (similar stuff applies for wifi as well, afaik), just wanted to break the "Hard to combine with OS stuff" argument.11:03
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AD-N770good morning and happy new year11:10
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hahlohow bot tells about becomeroot? info11:26
djcbhahlo, sudo gainroot11:26
hahlook thanks11:27
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* jeddy3 just got flatrate 3g, and is enjoying the n800 even more than before 11:34
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jeddy3jabber->msn/icq gateways rocks11:36
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BlafaselYep, I'm running one as well ;)11:48
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wald0there's a abiword available for chinook ?11:54
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hahloinfobot: becomeroot12:05
hahloinfobot: !becomeroot12:05
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sikor_sxewhen i use the hildon file chooser dialog, my app crashes with "GLIB ERROR ** GLib - The thread system is not yet initialized.12:15
sikor_sxewhat could be the reason for this behaviour12:16
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inzsikor, you haven't called g_thread_init() and the file chooser dialog wants to use threads12:17
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sikor_sxei didn't spot this is the tutorial12:20
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jeddy3has anyone experienced with ad-54 (n85/n95 headset) with n800/n810?12:25
* jeddy3 is interested if there is anyway to make the playback control remote keys to work12:26
sikor_sxei would be surprised if they would work out of the box12:27
sikor_sxen95 is symbian12:27
jeddy3sikor_sxe, they don't work ootb :)12:27
jeddy3sikor_sxe, well, the sound works but not keys12:27
sikor_sxewhen you open osso-xterm12:28
jeddy3sikor_sxe, it does not give any kernel messages12:29
sikor_sxeah ok12:29
jeddy3sikor_sxe, but included headset doensn't either so12:29
jeddy3sikor_sxe, the thing os2007 the included one DID (don't now about ad-54), so what i was wondering about was if anyone knows where included headset gives feedback12:30
sikor_sxei just saw the button on the headphones12:30
sikor_sxewhat effect does the button have actually?12:32
sikor_sxei just plugged them in and it seems to have no effect (at least on vegalume)12:33
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jeddy3should answer skype/SIP calls etc12:33
sikor_sxe(i'm not the kind of guy listening to mp3s on his phone :) )12:33
jeddy3would be sweet if it would generate event to bind (and supersweet if ad-54 with all it's buttons would generate different events) :)12:34
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sikor_sxehere it generates a kernel message when the headphones are plugged in12:35
tsavolai bet it generates a d-bus event12:35
sikor_sxei think so too12:35
jeddy3sikor_sxe, os2007?12:35
sikor_sxenope os200812:36
jeddy3sikor_sxe, hmm12:36
sikor_sxeif maemo was consequently implemented by nokia (and this my impression so far) then the headphones would be interfaced with HAL12:37
jeddy3sikor_sxe, you get feedback in dmesg? what does it say?12:38
sikor_sxenot from the button12:39
jeddy3sikor_sxe, ah12:39
* jeddy3 reads correctly12:39
sikor_sxe"headphone (GPIO 107) is now connected12:39
jeddy3sikor_sxe, yes, it does that for me too, in os2007 i also got message about button press12:40
jeddy3how would one get feedback from HAL/d-bus?12:41
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sikor_sxei did a hal-device | grep headphone12:46
sikor_sxethere is /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/headphone12:46
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jeddy3sikor_sxe, nod, but that only gives if it's connected or not :)12:47
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sikor_sxeisn't this related to the button?12:48
sikor_sxethe button being the only thing which is of interest to the OS12:49
jeddy3sikor_sxe, i think this is related to connection-status...the system wants to know if sound should be in speakers or not12:51
sikor_sxethat's not os functionality i think12:52
sikor_sxeusually this is plain hardware12:52
sikor_sxe1 sec12:53
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sikor_sxei'm wrong12:54
sikor_sxecommon headphones do trigger kernel messages aswell12:55
sikor_sxethis is specific to the n800 then12:55
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sikor_sxeinz: i did include "g_thread_init(NULL);" call, now the app crashes when opening the hildon file chooser dialog with: " D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up;"13:00
sikor_sxethis is in scratchbox13:00
inzHmm, then you might need run-standalnoe13:02
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sikor_sxeah, i just did13:04
sikor_sxenow at least it crashes without any error message :)13:04
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sikor_sxeactually with run standalone it crashes even with the gtk dialog :|13:06
sikor_sxethe app runs on the n800 however13:07
sikor_sxewhat does run-standalone do?13:07
kulvesets up environment variables13:09
kulvelike gtk theme and dbus stuff13:09
sikor_sxeyeah i just checked13:11
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sikor_sxecould the problem be that i'm developing directly in armel target?13:11
kulveI just SB just for compiling. Then I copy the stuff to the device (with scp) and run it there (over ssh)13:13
kulveI just use SB..13:13
inzqemu is far from perfect, so if you want to test on PC, use i386 target13:14
dpb_use the x86 target if you want to develop just with scratchbox, that's why the x86 target is there..13:14
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sikor_sxei see13:15
sikor_sxekulve's solution seems quite sophisticated to me13:15
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dpb_yeah, but not everyone has devices13:16
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sikor_sxekulve: i got openssh-server installed, what user login do you use?13:17
jeddy3ok, so i get dbus-signals on pressing button on included headset, but nothing with hs-54 :/13:18
kulvebut maybe it would be more secure to use the "user" user..13:18
VeggenI always log in as "user".13:18
Veggenold habits.13:18
sikor_sxedoes it have a password?13:18
kulvesikor_sxe: root has13:19
kulveuser doesn't13:19
Veggen..but you can set one.13:19
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sikor_sxeso with openssh-server installed, my n800 is practically exposed to everyone in the network13:19
kulvesikor_sxe: the openssh server package sets a new root passwd nowadays13:19
kulvesikor_sxe: well, you can't login as root using the ssh anymore unless the device is in R&D mode or you use ssh keys13:20
timelesskulve: you've seen capture-root, right?13:23
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kulvetimeless: right13:24
* timeless goes back to not understanding web sites13:24
sikor_sxehow do i get the ip of my n800 :]13:25
timelessconnection manager (next to control panel)13:25
timelessapp menu, first submenu, last menuitem13:25
timelessor something like that13:25
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sikor_sxeah ifconfig isn't in user path13:26
timeless/sbin/ isn't13:26
timelessthe s means superuser or something13:26
kulveneither is /usr/sbin13:26
jumpulayou have to be root for those to be in path13:27
kulveI've always thinked those are for System binaries..13:27
sikor_sxesometimes ifconfig is symlinked in /usr/bin13:27
kulvedaemons etc that a normal user doesn't need to know13:27
timelesskulve: that's the difference between / and /usr :)13:27
timelesss is some sort of super :)13:27
jumpulalike gasoline in germany13:28
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timelessclaims it's "system & admin utilities"13:28
sikor_sxewell, shh user@n800 wants a password13:29
sikor_sxeshould i set a password on the n800?13:29
timelesssikor_sxe: you'd need to set one13:29
sikor_sxeah k13:29
timelesspersonally, i ssh root@device13:29
timelessthen su user13:29
timelessyou could add an ssh key for user13:30
timelessthat should work13:30
Veggentimeless: I always ssh in as user, then use sudo.13:30
sikor_sxe"the password for user cannot be changed."13:30
Veggen(if I need to, as on any Linux-box)13:30
Veggencan not?13:30
Veggenyou'll probably need to do it as root.13:30
sikor_sxewell... i don't want to fuck up things13:31
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timelessuse an ssh key13:31
Veggendoesn't seem to fuck up things to set up a passwd for user.13:32
timelesspasswords are too risky :)13:33
VeggenAnd I can't see why it should.13:33
dpb_Internet is too risky, don't network the device.13:33
timelessdpb: yeah, too bad the device auto networks :)13:33
yy-YYG night:P13:33
* timeless sighs13:33
dpb_Doesn't if you don't setup the network13:34
timelessInternal error. Application '...' closed.13:34
timelessdpb: walking around can cause that problem :)13:34
sikor_sxegreat, ssh-key worked13:35
sikor_sxewhat is the standard root password openssh-server sets?13:37
timelesssikor: you can't use it13:37
timelessinstall capture-root (see link above)13:37
timelessit'll copy the key you have for user to root so you can ssh to root13:37
timelesssikor: otherwise you need to enable r&d mode13:38
sikor_sxeah, ok. so i don't have to worry13:38
timelessi'm assuming that it's a pam feature13:38
* timeless hasn't actually asked someone how it was implemented, but pam would make sense13:38
sikor_sxechinook seems to have problems displaying the gtk-toolbar13:40
sikor_sxei noticed this is other applications yet13:40
sikor_sxeit might be a widget-style issue13:41
sikor_sxewhen i click on gtk toolbar buttons the blue shivering is somehow misplaced. it's smaller than the button and thus there are 1.5 blue buttons on 1 button13:42
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sikor_sxedid anyone notice this yet?13:43
sikor_sxei'll take a screenshot13:43
billyb11should the "Browse Installable Applications" process work in scratchbox?  Did I screw up the scratchbox install?13:44
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mgedminfunny bug: in OS2008, when the keyboard is locked, you can still open the Tasks menu13:53
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sikor_sxeit seems hildon has problems with "gtk_toolbar_set_style (GTK_TOOLBAR (toolbar1), GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH)"13:54
sikor_sxeif there is no text written on the buttons, everything seems to be fine13:55
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BlafaselSome more (probably stupid) questions: If you combine the N810 with a phone, how good does is the phone support? Does it support calling directly from the N810? Are there applets for text messages, managing contacts, syncing?13:57
glass_dialup functionality is good... otherwise not really, i'd think13:58
glass_dunno if somebodys ported gnokii and such13:58
dpb_you can exchange files too13:58
kulveyeah, gnokii is there13:58
glass_yeah obexftp13:58
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kulveI've quickly tested cellphonetool (or something like that) and I could send nicely sms from it13:59
glass_depends on what the phone is obviously too13:59
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BlafaselHmm.. I can get the N810 for 70 Euro (subsidy has its good sides) or go for (and wait for) the openmoko phone. But the N810 looks really great, apart from the missing gsm stuff.. Hmpf.14:04
BlafaselLast dumb question of the day: Is there useable support for java (or j2me or whatever) or even better mono for maemo?14:04
glass_70e for n810??14:04
glass_i think theres some mono efforts14:05
glass_and some java.. not sure of there being a really finished j2me vm tho14:05
glass_pythons pretty popular14:05
BlafaselNaa.. Cannot stand it and I'm asking for private projects, not 3rd party stuff ;)14:06
BlafaselYep, 70e (but with a contract renewal)14:06
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glass_what other choices would you have?14:07
BlafaselWhat do you mean?14:08
BlafaselIn terms of other phones?14:09
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dpb_"other" phones. N8X0 isn't a phone.. :)14:10
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glass_billyb11: in terms of what other devices you could get14:11
glass_Blafasel: that is14:11
Blafaseldpb_: Yep, sad enough. ;)14:11
glass_just trying to judge if 70e is cheap, thats all14:11
Blafaselglass_: Uhm - probably everything? I'm not limited to what my service provider offers, I can use 3rd party shops. I do want a linux based device, though14:12
glass_Blafasel: just meaning that if you could get a n95 for 70e, then the 810 for 70e wouldn't be cheap, if the other contract attributes stayed the same14:13
glass_Blafasel: you don't have much choices in the linux(that is exposed to user) + mobile phone combo category14:13
Blafaselglass_: The n95 (8GB version) would cost 270.. ;)14:13
glass_openmoko and thats about it14:13
glass_Blafasel: that sounds about right, if n810 was 7014:14
Blafaselglass_: The discontinued/dead greenphone as well. And some motorola phones are linux based and somewhat hackable14:14
glass_yeah greenphone but i didn't count it as it's discontinued14:14
glass_i didn't count the motos14:14
glass_not really that available or hackable14:14
Blafaselglass_: Why? Do you think that's a bad price? I payed about the same for my K800i 1,5 years ago.14:14
glass_Blafasel: it's about market price probably14:14
glass_Blafasel: i dunno the exacts of your contract of course14:15
glass_Blafasel: but n95 8gb should be 200-300e more than n810, i think14:15
BlafaselWell, I don't like the symbian stuff, so that's no option (and too pricey for too little benefits from my pov/for my usecases).14:18
glass_was just thinking if you could sell the n810 for more than it probably costs you in reality through the contract14:19
glass_in that case you could have just gotten it and played around with it and sell it off14:19
glass_if it doesn't suit you14:19
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glass_obviously there can't be any simlocks or such in a non phone device14:19
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BlafaselNot a bad idea..14:24
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BlafaselOkay, count me in. ;) Just ordered the beast.14:29
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glass_have fun with it14:31
KhertanHi !14:31
glass_i still just have a 77014:31
Blafaselglass_: That is without a keyboard, more like the 800, right?14:32
glass_the first model14:32
Tepa^^^Does anyone know is there x-chat port coming to os2008?14:32
Khertanthere is one x-chat version in  os2008 repository14:33
Khertani haven't tryed it ...14:33
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Tepa^^^Khertan: what repository I have to add to find it? There is no such at moment in my device14:38
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Khertanthere is a search box14:41
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DaniloCesarTepa^^^, I used a hildonise x-chat for os2007, but I think that works in 2008 too.14:47
Tepa^^^I'll try it later today. Now I have to go...14:50
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yy-YYexcuse me:P15:29
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hahlotimeless: how did you get that info from becomeroot one day?15:32
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ZicI've just installed a scratchbox with the chinook SDK ... But after run it in Xephyr I can't install more application with Software Tools ...15:35
Zicidea ?15:36
Zicrepositories are ok, I think15:36
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drwxhi! do you know a way to talkwith a friend between a pc (linux or windows) and the N800 with webcam?15:42
drwxor is it only possible with 2 N80015:42
Blafaselekiga, perhaps?15:42
drwxekiga is not ready on N80015:43
drwxgizmo works with cam?15:43
sikor_sxeZic: you have to use apt-get on the console15:44
mardi_Gizmo works N800 < PC15:44
drwxwith cam?15:44
shackandrwx: I've been told so15:45
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drwxI'm trying it15:45
timelessgizmo version 4 (beta) on windows15:46
timelessversions <4 don't support video15:46
drwxgizmo on N800 has got cam? and linux?15:46
drwxit's ok for N80015:47
timelesslast i checked there was no gizmo 4 (beta or otherwise) for linux (excluding itos for which they did release one...)15:47
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timelessso n800, n810, windows, but not random linux :)15:47
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drwxso I reboot on windows to try it! thank you15:52
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skkismet on the n770 is pretty cool16:29
skworks pretty good too16:29
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eber_do anybody knows where i could find python-osso for os2008 ?16:31
eber_"python abook" sorry (i mistyped)16:31
eber_i don't want to write c code just to import my address book (yuk :p)16:34
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Disteber_: I think stage repository has python on it16:36
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eber_what's stage repository ?16:37
eber_i'm using python from maemo repository, but it doesn't include python-abook16:37
eber_oh, i've already configured repositories from this page16:38
Dist <- also "Temp fix for broken Chinook" and "Temp fix for broken Chinook Extras"16:38
eber_are the repo still broken ?16:39
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eber_i installed everything with this fix16:41
Takunique311: ping16:42
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eber_i think people making python packages forgot this one for the 2008 release16:43
luck^hi eber_, we have plans to include these missing packages in the next release16:44
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luck^just waiting to get repository fixed16:45
eber_when is it scheduled ?16:45
luck^eber_, I will wait until next week16:46
eber_ok thanks a lot16:47
eber_do you know another way to create contact entries easily ? (import function drops categories)16:47
eber_i think i can live with uncategorized contacts until next week :-)16:48
luck^eber_ :( no.. lauro moura was working with python-abook bindings16:48
luck^eber_, ok :)16:49
eber_contact application is a bit slow with 1K contacts :)16:55
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Zic<sikor_sxe> Zic: you have to use apt-get on the console <= sorry, I'm late, but thanks to you ;)16:58
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lardmanFull of the joys of the New Year? :)17:13
disqhey Tak! :)17:13
Takyeah, the joys of going back to work after a 10-day vacation ;-)17:16
lardmandare I ask if there's any news on the discount codes....?17:16
giskardi don't know17:17
giskardbut i would be happy hear something from nokia17:17
lardmansame here17:17
* Tak hear no evil, etc.17:18
VeggenTak: mmm, my motivation isn't fully restored, yet.17:19
VeggenI need a fun project to participate in.17:19
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lardmanI can offer you debugging either an mp3 or vorbis dsp task17:19
VeggenTak: I had a fun job lined up. Had resigned for my job. Had three days left of my resignation period - when the new company went broke.17:19
VeggenKind of demotivates you a little ;)17:19
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VeggenSo I retracted the resignation, and continued at the old job.17:20
VeggenWhich isn't a bad job, but the new one was gonna be more fun.17:21
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Takvegai: wow, that sucks17:22
Robot101Veggen: well, at least they let you stay17:23
Takerr, Veggen also17:23
Takmy job isn't fun enough to inspire me to heights of self-motivation17:24
VeggenTak: No, I have the same problems. I need technically challenging projects, but without that, the non-project parts aren't all that fun.17:25
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VeggenTak: So ideally, if I can fill my time with projects 100% of the time, it's great fun.17:25
sikor_sxehow can i tell wheter a gtk window is in fullscreen mode?17:25
sikor_sxein c17:25
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TakYou can't.17:33
lardmancan't you get the horiz and vertical size of the window and look at that?17:34
Takwindow could be maximized without being in fullscreen mode (in a non-maemo context)17:35
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sikor_sxegtk coding is the worst, at least in c17:37
sikor_sxein qt: setWindowState(windowState() ^ Qt::WindowFullScreen);17:38
Takmeh - at least you don't need a precompiler for gtk code17:38
skwhy don't you use python for gtk?17:38
sikor_sxei am porting an application17:38
sikor_sxei'm not the c guy, i've always been using oop languages17:40
derfsikor_sxe: gdk_window_get_state()&GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN17:41
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skword, i do a little c here and there17:41
sknot much anymore17:41
sikor_sxei really hope there will be some qt integration with hildon17:42
Takwow - the doc for gtk_window_fullscreen says there's no way to get it17:42
sikor_sxetalks about fetching some event17:42
Takfuck, qt is a bloated pile of steaming vomit that nokia was wise to avoid17:42
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* Tak not opinionated or anything17:44
sikor_sxei mean there are certainly reasons why nokia avoided qt17:44
sikor_sxebut it's a good toolkit17:44
jumpulathe licence probably being the foremost17:45
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sikor_sxei had the first qt4 app running on my n800 in 15 minutes17:45
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sikor_sxeand that included learning the qmake utility17:45
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sikor_sxejumpula: afaik qt is plain gpl17:46
sikor_sxeyou can buy a commercial license, tho17:46
Taklgpl is an attractive license for this kind of product17:47
trulssikor_sxe: how does it integrate into haldon? and are there py-bindings for n800?17:48
sikor_sxewell, the apps looked quite native. i think the problem is the keyboard here17:48
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sikor_sxeand there are python buildings, yes17:49
sikor_sxei have the impression that python is the preferred language for maemo development right now17:49
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jumpulasikor_sxe: yes, but the problem is that if you want to publish closed-source software which is using qt, you'll need a licence for that17:51
jumpulaand that is probably (just guessing here) the main reason17:51
Zicsikor_sxe: does exist a package which install a default set of packages are by default in OS2008 ?17:53
Zic(my english is poor, I know ;))17:53
jumpulaand it's not just about that whether n wants/doesn't want to keep things open17:53
jumpulathere are things like skype, etc..17:53
sikor_sxewhich uses qt afaik17:54
jumpulayeah, but, again, you'll need the licence :)17:54
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jumpulatrolltech's skype client can hardly be an example, because trolltech is the company you should get the licence from17:55
jumpulaso yeah, they have their own closed-source skype :)17:55
zoranrecall their green phone?17:55
sikor_sxeZic: you installed and in scratchbox?17:56
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Zicsibbe: yes17:56
jumpulagreenphone is trolltech also17:56
Zicsikor_sxe: yes17:56
zoranjumpula, they dumped green phone17:56
jumpulai know17:56
jumpulai don't know if it had any skype client17:57
zorannone knows why17:57
sikor_sxeZic: the rest of the packages you should install the the debian way. apt-get install, etc...17:57
zoranopenmoko could have17:57
jumpulaif they get the licence17:57
Zicsikor_sxe: When I run Xephyr, I have only Hello World, Configuration/Package Tools installed by default after running SDK scripts17:57
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Zicsikor_sxe: no meta-package exist ?17:57
sikor_sxeZic: yes. so do i17:57
jumpulaor qt turns magically lgpl or something..17:58
sikor_sxei don't know about qtopia, if it's any good17:58
sikor_sxei am very content with the current maemo framework17:58
sikor_sxei just don't like coding in gtk/c17:59
sikor_sxemono could be good17:59
sikor_sxei wrote some stuff in mono-gtk, that was quite pleasant18:00
Takmeh, the problem is that the device isn't powerful enough to handle a high-level framework like ruby/python/mono gracefully18:00
zoranlicence is what should worry about18:00
sikor_sxei have yet to check out gtkmm18:00
sikor_sxeTak: yeah, that's why qt would be cool18:00
TakI advise you to check out gtkmm, in that case18:01
sikor_sxebecause it allows rapid development and speed18:01
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Takgtk development is super-rapid, even in C18:01
Tak1) Whip up the interface using glade18:01
sikor_sxemaybe with glade and stuff18:01
Tak2) Write a few callbacks18:01
Tak3) Drink beer18:02
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lardmanI think 3,1,2 might work better18:03
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ZicCanola 2 is written in Python, isnt'it ?18:05
sikor_sxedang, i don't get this fullscreen toggle to work :?18:05
ZicI think it's the only one software I'm running in Python on my N800 :]18:05
sikor_sxeobfuscated python then18:06
zoranpython is worth for more backend jobs18:06
Zictrue :)18:06
zoranperl also18:07
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sikor_sxeunfullscreen doesn't work, because:  GLIB CRITICAL ** Gdk - gdk_window_get_state: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed18:09
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Takpaste the code at ?18:10
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zoranTak, does work with js and cookies?18:11
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sikor_sxeworks for fullscreen, but not for unfullscreening18:13
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* Tak shrugs @ zoran 18:14
Blafaselsikor_sxe: Well, the assertion seems to think that you're passing the wrong stuff. Is window really a window? ;)18:15
sikor_sxeit seems like "gdk_window_get_state(window) & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN" is always 018:15
sikor_sxeyeah, it's not the assertion18:15
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Blafaselsikor_sxe: No, gdk_window_get_state(window) fails according to your paste18:15
sikor_sxeah, ok18:16
sikor_sxefailing means returning 0 then i guess18:16
BlafaselPossible. Check the docs for that method and double-check what you're passing in (or try to find out what GDK_IS_WINDOW expects/checks)18:17
sikor_sxewell it is an window, i am fullscreening it :)18:18
BlafaselHrmpf. Damn you, online shop. The offer said "Shipping the N810 in 2-3 days", the confirmation mail says 1-2 weeks.18:18
TakGDK_WINDOW(window) ?18:19
skBlafasel : where'd you order from?18:19
derfsikor_sxe: Uh, a gtk_window is not a gdk_window.18:20
Blafaselsk: German reseller18:20
skah word18:20
sikor_sxeso, how do i implement a frigging fullscreen-toggle then?18:21
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derfGtkWidget.window is the GdkWindow associated with a widget (if it has been realized).18:23
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skcan you just call fullscreen( )?18:24
skthat's c++18:25
sikor_sxewell, i get a picture slowly18:25
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rm_youmorning :)18:25
* rm_you yawns18:26
sknot sure if that can help18:27
skbut there is a lot of sample code18:27
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VimSHappy New Year18:30
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ZicVimS: Happy Gnu Year too18:33
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bedboihi there18:49
bedboii suppose there's no news about discount codes18:49
rm_youwhat's the deal with that?18:50
rm_youa couple people have asked about them18:50
rm_youwhat discount codes?18:50
wndn810-for-100-euro-or-equivalent-in-your-money kind of discount code I suppose18:51
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rm_youthat's kinda crazy18:51
rm_youfor developers? or everyone?18:51
bedboicrazy? it's cool actually18:51
rm_youyes... crazy cool ;P18:52
Takwnd: if they wait much longer, 100E is going to be more than the regular price in USD ;-)18:52
wndTak, yeah, I think you're right :-)18:52
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rm_youah, thanks18:54
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giskardyes but no answer has been given18:58
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Segnale007Hi guys18:58
Segnale007I have a question18:58
TakYou do?18:58
Segnale007I have an modem/router locked from my ISP18:59
Segnale007and it allow a pppoe conncection only18:59
Segnale007How I can set up my wifi connection with my n800 and os2008 ?18:59
Segnale007it need a autorization pppow19:00
Takanybody have an opinion on C api for reading .zip files?19:00
Segnale007anyone know something and can help me to solve this ?19:00
|Rqgil has update a comment in the blog... they're having trouble with some stores19:02
|Rgo figure...19:02
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derf|R: Link?19:05
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giskard|R, thank you19:09
Segnale007anyone can help me fot set up a ppp connection on os2008 ?19:09
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kulveSegnale007: something else that using the mobile wizard?19:28
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Segnale007I don't found the mobile wizard for ppp wireless connection19:30
kulvesorry, I didn't read the backlog until now19:32
kulveso no ideas for that..19:33
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Taknobody, library for zip files?19:35
rm_youerrr... libzzip?19:36
TakI'm seeing libzip and libzzip - was wondering if one of those is standard, or if people are doing some hackishness with zlib, or what?19:38
Distrm_you: libogg libtheora.. where can I get those?19:38
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Distssh sucks in tunnels :(19:38
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rm_youDist: i believe they are in extras or extras-devel19:41
rm_youlemmie look19:41
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keesjHi an happy new year!19:41
skhappy new year19:42
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rm_youDist: they are in extras-devel19:43
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jga23is there anyway to get imagemagick on the n810?19:48
bedboiit should be simple to crosscompile it19:49
scibotIs there any info on using pygame at 400x240 or lower resolutions?19:49
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scibotk-s, You there?19:53
rm_youDist: you get that working?19:54
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Distrm_you: Just got home, data connection sucked while mobile19:55
DistI'm testing it now19:55
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bigupHello :)19:56
scibotWhat's the default root password under 2008?20:01
DistOn N810 it was disabled, just install openssh-server and it'll ask for new root password20:02
scibotAlso is XSP still valid under N8/1020:04
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Takxsp doubling reportedly still works with n81020:04
scibotSo it's still the way to go if I need a better frame rate?20:04
TakIMO yes20:05
scibotNow I just have to figure out how to take advantage of it in python and pygame. =/20:05
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Takalong with the standard stuff like: don't update the entire screen, just update the relevant area; etc20:05
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scibotI have to update the entire screen for the games I want to do.20:06
* Tak nods20:07
Distrm_you: I'll try with that extras-devel mplayer version so I'll try to see if there's any difference20:07
Taksame with emulation, for the most part20:07
DistShould have been that there's no dropped frames / lag? (bigger buffer?)20:07
konttorirutledge: you around?20:07
rm_youDist: the change I made is entirely related to alsa audio playback20:08
rm_youthe improvement is supposed to be in a2dp playback20:08
rm_youIE, removing skips20:09
rm_youin fact, Serge has pointed out a regression for alsa playback on videos when NOT using a2dp20:09
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Disterm, I'm swapping 20 megs, just terminal running =D20:10
konttoriis term leaking or something else?20:11
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rm_youkonttori: oh, hey20:11
rm_youkonttori: so, a2dp is fairly working :P20:11
konttorigreat! Congrats!20:11
konttorion mplayer?20:11
rm_youkonttori: does ukmp support mplayer?20:11
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konttoriDoes it take a lot of juice?20:11
Disthildon-desktop 17MB, osso-xterm 12MB, hildon-input-method 11MB, systemui 10MB20:12
konttoriwell, it does for videos.20:12
rm_youfairly, but i did a lot of my testing with Kagu, and i am able to play music and scroll through albums and edit playlist without skippage20:12
konttoriAnd... hmm...   lemme think... hmm.... hmm.... I could make it use mplayer for audio playback as well pretty easily.20:12
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konttoriI'll just need to get a commandline mplayer version for osx20:13
rm_youif you did, all you would need to do is have a bluetooth button like in the old Kagu, and the change it would need to make is switching from "-ao alsa:device=bluetooth" to.. well, not.20:13
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rm_youi would use UKMP as my primary player if not for kagu's mplayer support20:14
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rm_yousince it's kind of... well... entirely essential for my use :P20:14
konttoriHmm... tempting... ;)20:14
konttorianyway, should be pretty easy for me to add the support20:15
rm_youi would recommend that anyway20:15
rm_youmplayer support is always nice to have :)20:15
rm_youdoesn't mplayer support more formats?20:15
DistHmm, after restart I got about 50MB back, weird.. Now almost 30MB free20:16
rm_youbleh... well, in the meantime i have a regression to fix20:16
scibotOdd, can't connect to my N800 through SSH20:16
rm_youdarnit... I wish A) I had a wireless network here, B) My build-box wasn't in a different state and behind a bunch of firewalls, making file transfer aggrivating20:17
TakI hear that - I end up scping from build box to another box with bluetooth, then bt-xfer to device20:18
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scibotIt pings but it won't connect.20:21
Takssh server running?20:22
scibotNot sure20:22
Takcan you ssh to localhost from the device?20:22
rm_youTak: blegh.... though BT is an interesting option :P i guess i can do that instead of USB transfer >_>20:23
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Distrm_you: Ok, it's completely unusable with the default one20:26
Distmplayer -ao alsa:device=bluetooth -ac ffmp3 -msglevel all=620:26
DistI hear SOMETHING, but I wouldn't call this my favourite music20:26
DistPlain -ao alsa:device=bluetooth wouldn't give me anything20:27
rm_youheh, odd20:27
DistOh, now it does20:27
rm_youcause my build includes libmad support20:27
DistHmm, wtf20:27
rm_youthe default doesn't, i believe?20:27
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rm_youthus why my build requires libmad020:27
DistI'll paste this somewhere20:28
* hahlo i mixed becomeroot and capture-root :P20:28
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Distrm_you: Ah, sorry, it didn't work then because of me screwing that up20:29
DistError message for "-ao ao=alsa:device=bluetooth" could be better though =D20:30
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rm_youWhew, I just misunderstood Serge, my patch doesn't introduct a regression :P yay20:31
infobotrm_you meant: Whew, I just misunderstood Serge, my patch doesn't introduce a regression :P yay20:31
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rm_you<3 infobot20:32
DistHeh, 90 requests/s for 15 concurrent users with nginx running on N810..20:34
DistIt's nice20:34
rm_youlol wow20:34
rm_youyour n810 is running a webserver? :P20:35
DistSure =D20:35
rm_youthat actually gets hits?! :P20:35
DistWell.. =D20:35
DistI just happened to test that too =D20:35
rm_youWikipedia: Large sites that use nginx include:20:36
rm_youYouPorn [1]20:36
Takwow, YouPorn is running from a single N810?!20:36
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rm_youDist: so, you test my build yet?20:37
Distrm_you: I still don't get any music out of it20:37
rm_youdoes it report the buffersize as 25600?20:37
DistWell, I do for about 1 sec, then it dies for several seconds, then I get mangled sounds if anything20:37
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DistUmm, lost that line with more output20:39
DistOh, got it20:39
Dist|dec_audio: Allocating 4096 bytes for input buffer.20:40
Dist|dec_audio: Allocating 9216 + 65536 = 74752 bytes for output buffer.20:40
rm_youthat's for libmad20:40
rm_youshould be AO:20:40
DistUhm, can't find any =D20:41
rm_youalsa-init: got buffersize=????20:41
rm_youand then, "alsa: 44100 Hz/2channels/4bpf/???? bytes buffer/ Signed 16 bit Little Endian"20:42
DistOh, sorry, too many errors on screen =D20:42
Distalsa-init: got buffersize=2560020:42
rm_youyeah just quit like immediately20:42
rm_youwell, it definately got it...20:42
rm_youcan you paste your output somewhere?20:42
DistUhhh, wtf =D20:45
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DistJust rerunning that to get better logs, now it gives constant sound20:45
DistDifference being that I pipe the output to file20:46
rm_youso... working?20:46
rm_youyeah, theres another theory20:46
Distand again, not working if I don't20:46
rm_youtry the official mplayer again, and do that20:46
rm_yousomeone else in the thread mentioned something like that20:46
rm_youit's possible that the effort of writing to STDOUT is just a bit too much for it to handle20:47
rm_youeven though it's normally a very small amount of work20:47
DistHeh, great place to fail at20:47
* timeless ponders20:48
timelesswhy hasn't someone just made a proper docpurge package?20:49
Distrm_you: way more "broken pipe" (and skips) on this20:49
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rm_youwhat do you think20:50
DistAlmost unlistenable, your version was usable20:50
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rm_youtry with video via the mplayer GUI20:50
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rm_youand try Kagu too, if you have it20:50
DistYeah, I do, haven't used it almost at all yet though20:50
DistThere's some evil tunes every time I start playing something, but then it starts sounding better20:51
DistI'm just trying on some other mp3 files, just to check that everything is the same on those too20:52
DistBut I love how A2DP sounds when it works =D20:52
rm_youglad it is working20:53
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rm_youi was hoping it wasnt just a fluke on my device :P20:53
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legindhas anyone gotten video playback for H.264 working on os200820:53
legindor divx20:53
rm_youhavent tried20:54
rm_youi can try tho20:54
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legindyeah try it out.  from the forums I can gather that it has worked for some, but I can't get it to work20:55
Distrm_you: Hmm, if you stop, wait a while and start mplayer, do you get "old data" from some buffer to your headphones?20:55
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Distrm_you: Ah, 6 skips on this song, worst one about 2s (actually a flood of broken pipes), most less than 0.5s. With extras-devel version playback just stopped somewhere so long that I had sudden urge to ^c that.21:00
rm_youcan you send me the file somehow?21:01
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rm_youi haven't found an mp3 that will make mine skip21:02
DistCould have something to do with me having 2.6MB free again21:03
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Distrm_you: What does free say for you when no apps open, ssh in?21:03
rm_youfree: 766821:04
rm_youthat's with two xterms open21:05
DistA little break, Heroes is on.. ->21:05
rm_youbut not sshed21:05
rm_youlol :P21:05
DistOk, well close enough anyway21:05
rm_youdid you try video?21:05
DistNo, just crashed Kagu a few times =D21:05
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DistRescan helped though21:05
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rm_youyeah, not gonna argue with Heroes :P21:07
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rm_youDist: and to answer your question from a bit ago: no, it doesn't play old data... it starts right at the beginning of the new song, no bits of the old buffer or anything on mine21:17
DistI've got Jabra BT620s.. Might be something strange in that too21:20
rm_youi'm using Logitec LBT-HP100C2SV that i bought in Japan21:21
rm_younote, Logitec not Logitch :P21:21
infobotrm_you meant: note, Logitec not Logitech :P21:21
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Dists/(..)/chr hex/eg21:23
DistHmm, just testing21:23
Dists/(..)/chr hex $1/eg21:24
DistMaybe /e wouldn't be very good idea anyway in that21:24
Takheh, I tried to get him to do subexpression replacement before21:26
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rm_youlol yeah notsomuch21:39
DistJust literal stuff then huh?21:39
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keesjI installed it2008 on a 4G mmc card of the n800. it's almoost like the real thing.22:06
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luronit's like
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dospodhas anybody tried using an a-data 8 gig sdhc on the n8x0 series?22:14
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DistI wish I could get something bigger than 4GB for that minisd22:16
dospodcard is only 29.99 but i dont wanna buy it and have it fail on me22:16
DistIs that full sized sd?22:18
Palintheusdospod: I ordered one from newegg waiting on it to get here :/22:18
dospodDist what do you mean22:18
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DistBecause N810 only can use minisd :<22:18
Dist(or microsd with converter to minisd)22:19
dospodPalintheus you could always return it to newegg after a year but I dont feel like returning it to newegg\22:19
dospodwell I got a n800 so I can use full sized22:19
dospodand yes it is full sized22:19
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dospodand when using a gps on n800 do I have to download the maps in the maps application?22:21
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Jitendospod: There was a thread on Internet Tablet Talk forums about 8GB SDHC cards I think.22:46
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skiburanybody using kde at the moment on the their Tablet?22:50
pupnik770Jiten, theres a thread with a standardized benchmark test you can type for read and write speeds22:50
pupnik770it would be neat if n810 users used it22:51
Jitenpupnik770: yes, I saw that too but that was n810 only I think.22:51
svu_anyone knows when Quim is back from holidays? to get some update on discount codes...22:52
dospodIve seen kde on it but I dont wanna try it yet22:53
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pupnik770is there a kde available as an image22:56
pupnik770wheres the darn question mark on the stowaway US layout hehe22:56
pupnik770":<>oh there ?22:57
dospoddamn I know I say that sd card thread a few weeks ago but I can't seem to find it now22:57
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pupnik770":<>oh there ?23:14
pupnik770i love the 770 for IRC at the dinnertable23:14
pupnik770irc in general :P23:14
legindI love that xchat has been ported to maemo23:14
pupnik770do you use it?23:15
legindnot now23:15
pupnik770i cant maximize xchat .. can you?23:15
legindbut in general yes23:15
Takpupnik770: you need the skyhusker build.23:15
pupnik770ahh i shall googole23:15
Taklegind: fullscreen23:15
legindI can't get it out of fullscreen23:16
dospodwhy are maemo packages so scattered accross the web23:22
ski use ssh->bitchx for irc23:22
skworks fine23:22
skon n77023:22
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F463D9stupid question: (just unboxed my n810), trying to connect an old apple airport using 128-bit WEP, the n810 won't accept anything but a 5 character WEP key23:23
F463D9what am i doing wrong?23:23
Takdospod: because many developers don't want to deal with the garage repo23:23
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dospodit would be nice to have all apps in one place23:41
Takyes, it would23:41
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dospodlike i just found gtk-gnutell for it200823:42
dospodi wish i would have know about this sooner23:42
guerbyhmm how does one do copy/paste on a N810 (haven't read the manual yet :)23:45
dospoddepends what app ur in I believe23:45
guerbyI'm filling in E-mail account settings23:46
guerbywith the virtual kbd on N800 there's always an option to copy/paste on the left23:46
guerbybut no virtual kbd on N81023:46
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rm_youYeah, I thought about trying to set up a universal repository that would just include like, everything... but there are so many complications23:51
rm_youand it just really isn't feasible23:51
rm_youi mean, it could theoretically just have a list of repos and do rsync mirrors every couple of hours23:52
rm_youbut then you still have the problem that it's one person maintaining it, and if there's stuff I don't know about, there needs to be an application proceedure, etc...23:53
rm_youwell, if anyone has ideas on the subject... let me know :)23:53
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dospodIt would be nice to have a list of apps all in one place23:54
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keesjhmm sorry for the spam. sleepy time23:59
dospodhaha yea23:59
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