IRC log of #maemo-devel for Wednesday, 2010-12-22

*** thomasjfox has joined #maemo-devel00:10
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*** madsy is now known as Madsy03:23
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*** spiritd has joined #maemo-devel06:56
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Hq`hi, does anyone have experience configuring OBS for maemo?19:33
Hq`I've seen the wiki page and I have it running to the point where it starts building the package19:33
Hq`but fails because it cannot find qmake19:34
Hq`(yes, libqt4-dev gets installed)19:34
Venemomaybe try qmake-qt4. if it isn't okay, I don't have any ideas19:36
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Hq`ok, I'll have to try that tomorrow19:56
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