IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Wednesday, 2010-08-11

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jukeyhi there14:39
jukeyI missed bug 11111 for seconds :)14:39
povbotBug Can't answer call when bluetooth headphones are used14:39
jukeyDoes anyone know into which category and component this bug should be put: Bug 11112 ?14:40
povbotBug (Bluetooth) headset microphone is on during alert signalization (Calendar and clock)14:40
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wolf^andre__, are you interested in 100% powervr crasher?23:08
wolf^andre__, also kills lock slider and power button23:08
andre__wolf^, oh, why not? :)23:51
andre__but what exactly is powervr?23:51
wolf^andre__, 3d accel23:51

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