IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Wednesday, 2010-07-07

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wolf^andre___, have you seen fapman?19:33
andre___wolf^, what/who is that?19:35
wolf^andre___, faster application manager,
wolf^andre___, quite a proof of concept for bugs 7409, 1055119:36
andre___oh nice19:37
andre___sorry, got to go (/me on holidays)19:38
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*** MohammadAG51 has joined #maemo-bugs20:52
MohammadAG51bug 10854, what's your take on it?20:52
povbotBug portrait mode calculator not available20:52
wolf^invalid, portrait mode is not supported officially21:02
MohammadAG51i closed it21:08
MohammadAG51he reopened it21:08
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*** MohammadAG is now known as MohammadAG|GER21:30
*** lcuk has joined #maemo-bugs21:42
* lcuk did not know this chan existed o_O21:42
MohammadAG|GERwell, now you know21:43
lcukof course!21:47
lcukwolf^, rotation is indeed not supported officially21:47
lcukdoes mohammad7410 come in here btw or is he only emaily?   or have i been talking to you all along MohammadAG|GER21:49
MohammadAG|GERlcuk, is that a stupid question, or a stupid one?21:53
MohammadAG|GERlcuk, you have been talking to me all along21:53
lcukahh but are you the same 7410 Mohammad variation21:53
MohammadAG|GERlcuk, don't tell me you didn't know that, I already showed you when we discussed cloaks :P21:54
lcukshowing me means nothing, you have a special class of memory :p21:54
lcukjust like you didnt know lcuk == :D21:55
* lcuk loves confusion21:55
MohammadAG|GERI expected a full name21:56
MohammadAG|GERgood thing I didn't know you were liquid21:56
MohammadAG|GERotherwise I would've ignored the bug21:56
lcukmeh :P21:57
MohammadAG|GERlol bugzilla shows  Wed Jul 7 2010 18:56:58 GMT+321:57
MohammadAG|GERhow is fmms a quip :P21:57
lcukadd new quips21:58
lcuki know bmo is a bit hard to navigate ;) someone mightv got lost21:59
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*** MohammadAG|GER is now known as MohammadAG23:20
*** george9 has joined #maemo-bugs23:49
george9is there anyone?23:50
lcukyes george923:50
lcuk\o hi23:50
george9can you help me?23:50
MohammadAG#maemo :)23:50
george9i have to chage the room?23:51
MohammadAG/part then /join #maemo23:51
lcukgeorge9, it does depend what you need help with - mostly in irc, you do not ask to ask - you just ask your question23:52
george9then i change the room?23:53
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