IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Thursday, 2010-03-25

*** GAN9001 is now known as GAN90000:14
*** GAN900 has quit IRC00:14
*** GAN900 has joined #maemo-bugs00:14
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*** T7g has joined #maemo-bugs01:42
*** wolf^ has quit IRC02:29
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*** GAN900 has quit IRC02:29
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*** GAN900 has joined #maemo-bugs02:32
*** njsf_ has joined #maemo-bugs02:32
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*** wolf^ has joined #maemo-bugs02:32
*** t7g_ has joined #maemo-bugs02:44
*** kimitake has joined #maemo-bugs02:45
*** T7g has quit IRC02:47
*** kimitake is now known as kimitake_idle02:48
*** mikkov has quit IRC03:37
*** mikkov has joined #maemo-bugs03:49
*** kimitake_idle has quit IRC04:04
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*** flukebox has joined #maemo-bugs04:53
*** flukebox has quit IRC08:06
*** t7g__ has joined #maemo-bugs08:32
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*** mikhas has joined #maemo-bugs10:17
*** Sockt has joined #maemo-bugs11:22
Socktis there a bug that will prevent any appl installtion to take effect ?11:27
*** t7g_ has joined #maemo-bugs11:43
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*** tbf has joined #maemo-bugs12:26
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*** andre__ has joined #maemo-bugs12:27
*** VDVsx has joined #maemo-bugs14:32
*** andre__ has quit IRC14:46
*** VDVsx has quit IRC14:47
*** tbf has quit IRC16:09
*** tbf has joined #maemo-bugs16:10
*** flukebox has joined #maemo-bugs16:12
*** MohammadAG_ has joined #maemo-bugs17:11
*** MohammadAG_ has quit IRC17:24
*** tbf has quit IRC17:38
*** mikhas has quit IRC18:02
*** GAN900 has quit IRC20:08
*** GAN900 has joined #maemo-bugs20:08
*** flukebox has quit IRC20:26
*** flukebox has joined #maemo-bugs20:53
*** flukebox has quit IRC22:23
*** tbf has joined #maemo-bugs22:37
*** GAN900 has quit IRC23:25
*** GAN900 has joined #maemo-bugs23:27
*** GAN900 has quit IRC23:35
*** GAN900 has joined #maemo-bugs23:38

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