IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Wednesday, 2010-02-24

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* andre__ wonders if the email he got "from Nokia" is spam or not. Interesting cornercase14:00
VDVsxandre__, I got a spam sms from Nokia when I was inside the Nokia building, that a Interesting cornercase :D14:57
andre__easy workaround: avoid nokia buildings.15:01
fralsandre__: am i correct when i understood this bug as going from "cant reproduce" to "fixed in xx" to "WONTFIX"?
povbotBug 7576: Capitalization on smileys lost15:06
fralsim slightly confused :P15:06
andre__not "fixed in xx" but "will be fixed in xx" ;-)15:07
andre__that was the plan of a developer. and then it turned out to be quite complicated.15:07
fralsright ok, cheers15:07
andre__yeah. teh fun. :-P15:08
fralsi blame my lack of reading comprehension on detoxing from coke :P15:08
frals(as in coca cola :P)15:08
andre__Nokia's bugtracker is not really less noisy than the one sometimes :-P15:08
andre__ah, the boring "coke" you mean :-P15:09
* GeneralAntilles wishes the stupid smilies would respect the autocomplete setting.16:27
* frals wishes the stupid smilies would just die17:25
GeneralAntillesThat too.17:26
VDVsx:D ;D :) ;) :p ;p :=)17:42
* VDVsx hides17:42
GeneralAntillesPlaintext I can handle17:52
GeneralAntillesStupid Nokia graphic designer interpretations I can't.17:52
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