IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Sunday, 2010-02-14

*** t7g_ has quit IRC02:01
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*** VDVsx has quit IRC02:15
*** Arnoud has joined #maemo-bugs11:56
*** Arnoud has left #maemo-bugs11:56
*** Arnoud has joined #maemo-bugs11:57
*** Arnoud has left #maemo-bugs11:57
*** andre__ has joined #maemo-bugs20:02
*** andre__ has joined #maemo-bugs20:02
andre__hmm, somebody really wants to help me keeping track, because I cannot see any other reasons why somebody tried to subscribe me to 50 email newsletters. ;-)20:10
*** andre__ has quit IRC20:37
GeneralAntillesBleh, FIXED INTERALLY? :(20:59

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