IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Thursday, 2010-01-14

GeneralAntilles"something else"00:02
timeless_mbpdid you look at the bug i mentioned?00:07
timeless_mbpi'm using 51-1 and following the amended steps to reproduce still generates junk00:07
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, will test in a bit.00:19
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Anidelwhich bug?00:30
povbot`Bug 4053: Confusing behaviour when saving to a file that matches an existing directory00:31
Anidelyeah read above.. let's see00:31
Anidelbtw is there a bug for FM showing folders twice?00:33
Anidelif I tap yes to overwrite, it seems it saved it.. but it didn't00:38
timeless_mbpAnidel: i sure hope so00:50
timeless_mbphowever i haven't looked00:50
timeless_mbpit's been around for ages00:50
timeless_mbpplease do find out00:50
timeless_mbp(it isn't fixed in 51-1 fwiw)00:50
AnidelI'm on 51-100:50
timeless_mbpoh, sorry :)00:50
* timeless_mbp too00:50
Anidelit didn't.. the Z.jpg is still there as dir00:51
Anidelit didn't error00:51
timeless_mbpright, so, can you save me from yelling at this idiot?00:51
Anidelyou do yell00:51
Anidelthis is basic stuff00:51
* timeless_mbp sighs00:51
Anideldidn't check if the file name was or not a dir00:52
Anidelit didn't check the removal of the previous file00:52
timeless_mbp"dear sir, did you try following the steps to reproduce? they specifically talk about image viewer. any behavior in any other application would be a different bug"00:52
Anidelto name a few00:52
timeless_mbphis errors and steps seem afaict to relate to file manager00:52
timeless_mbpwhich would be nice, if the bug had anything to do w/ file manager ...00:53
timeless_mbp(i question whether the outcome he got is acceptable, but afaict it's entirely outside the scope of the bug)00:53
timeless_mbpit's hard not to be incredulous when faced with such comments00:54
* timeless_mbp looks for a nice solid brick wall against which to bang a certain head00:54
timeless_mbp(my own, none other are handy, although it might do this guy some good)00:54
Anidelis the "Photos" app called "Images" in yours?00:55
timeless_mbpImage Viewer00:55
Anidelah.. I guess US English ?00:55
timeless_mbp_my_ us english00:55
timeless_mbpbut the bug is filed in the correct product/component in both the internal and external bug tracker00:56
timeless_mbpif the engineer is confused about its component, the engineer is free to ask for clarification00:56
Anidelhe's wrong clearly.. he didn't reproduce the steps (as you just said)... just.. comment back :)00:57
timeless_mbpplease note, the bug was filed against diablo00:57
timeless_mbpthe name of the app was images when it was filed00:57
Anidelwell it's fine.. he should know from the produc/component00:58
Anidelat least he asks if we're talking about the same issue :)01:02
timeless_mbpis it ok for me to treat him like a child?01:02
Anidelnot really to me.. if he insists.. then..01:02
timeless_mbp> Is these the same issue your talking?"01:03
timeless_mbpNo. Please follow the steps to reproduce. This bug (filed in the Image viewer component) is about ... the Image viewer, not the file manager.01:03
timeless_mbpis that sufficient?01:03
Anidellooks it is..01:04
timeless_mbpok, submitted01:04
timeless_mbpit's now past my bedtime01:04
timeless_mbpand people wonder why i prefer to use the external bug tracker...01:05
timeless_mbpamong other things, even though the names are changed to protect the guilty01:05
timeless_mbpat least i can get sympathy from customers01:05
Anidel:) weren't you going to bed?01:05
timeless_mbpi need to finish reading my email :)01:06
* timeless_mbp is an addict01:06
Anidelah yes :)01:06
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jebba   andre_ may find that interesting when he returns03:20
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timeless_mbpcable guy came10:35
timeless_mbphe turned the box to manual program10:35
timeless_mbpand pointed out that the cable box is broken10:35
timeless_mbpand then he left10:35
timeless_mbpat least he came early in the day10:35
* timeless_mbp still has no working cable10:35
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andre__yay, I see an update in App Manager to 2.2009.51-1.11:08
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timeless_mbpandre__: eh12:21
timeless_mbpyou actually have 44-1 on a device?12:22
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andre__timeless_mbp, yes12:27
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jebbaso is this the new kernel? kernel_2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5.dsc14:43
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anidelhi there16:17
anidelprobably someone already made the question.. is the 51-1 just released the same as the "beta" we had?16:18
GeneralAntillesYes. . . . :\16:18
anidelthanks :)16:18
GeneralAntillesandre__, shouldn't that be 5.1? :)16:25
andre__51 = 5.1 ? heh16:26
andre__ah. you mean the version fields?16:26
andre__probably right. but I'm lazy :)16:26
GeneralAntilles==  5.116:26
andre__I'd keep it as it is currently...16:27
andre__we have to many names already anyway16:27
GeneralAntillesBut it's wrong. :P16:27
andre__I haven't seen it mentioned as "Maemo 5.1" yet either, so PROVE it's wrong! :-P16:27
andre__so if PR1.2 is version 15.2010.68-7, what will that become than? 5.15?16:28
GeneralAntillesIt wont be 15.*16:28
GeneralAntillesThe first number is the release. PR1.0, PR1.1, PR1.2, etc.16:28
andre__how do you know?16:28
GeneralAntillesBecause that's how the version string is set up?16:29
andre__I assume you don't have access to internal stuff.16:29
GeneralAntillesrelease number.year.week-build number16:29
andre__simply expect the weirdest naming decisions.16:29
GeneralAntillesThat's been consistent since 1.0.16:29
GeneralAntillesSo I have some pretty strong confidence in it16:30
GeneralAntillesbesides, so what if PR1.2 is 15.*?16:30
GeneralAntillesIt's still 5.216:30
andre__you're probably right, but I won't change it right now...16:31
* GeneralAntilles 's internal pedant is planning evil things for andre__. :P16:31
GeneralAntillesandre__, nevermind, thes17:01
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anidelhey Andre.. will it take too much time for you to explain what a Fix should suppose to do for a bug? i.e. often you just comment "fixed in this build version" but often it's unclear how the fix has been implemented, like for example in bug #537221:00
andre__anidel, yes, it will take time, especially when developers are too lazy to elaborate :)21:03
andre__let me take a look at that one21:03
andre__    Fixes: NB#142941 - Snap to grid for Home applets/shortcuts21:04
andre__    * data/transitions.ini: Add snap to grid key/values.21:04
andre__    * src/home/hd-home-view.c (snap_coordinate_to_grid,21:04
andre__    snap_widget_to_grid): Add snap to grid support.21:04
andre__    * debian/changelog: update21:04
andre__that's what I can offer here :)21:04
anidelthat's enough.. and means that that is not fixed :)21:05
anidelI don't see the snap to grid,, probably it'll be added in a later release?21:05
andre__Let me reopen :)21:05
anidelthanks :)21:05
andre__it should definitely be in PR1.1 :)21:05
andre__I'll reopen both21:05
anidelbut be ready.. someone will complain that want back free replacement :) hopefully it's a setting or something21:06
andre__I cannot edit anymore.21:07
andre__anybody else able to?21:07
anidelno idea...21:08
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fralsandre__: its been locked, GeneralAntilles can edit i *think*21:24
frals(iirc he locked it after qgim suggesting it)21:24
andre__but i wrote of half of this page!!! :-P21:30
GeneralAntillesandre__, upgraded your account.21:31
andre__yay, an upgrade for free.21:31
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anidelandre you scare people!!! :)21:56
anidel"Heh - Andre scares me only a little less than Bugzilla himself. :p I did enter a bug today, though"21:56
GeneralAntillesanidel, Talk?21:56
andre__who said that? :-P21:56
andre__hey, nobody said anything about "social behaviour required" in that job description!21:57
anidelif you give me PR1.2 Beta then I can make names21:57
anideland even region of living !:)21:57
anidelGAN900, no twitter :)21:57
anidela public tweet reply :p21:58
GeneralAntillesanidel, lol.21:58
anidelbut she's joking :) ops.. she21:58
anideldamn now you can find her name easily ! I'm not good at keeping secrets :)21:58
GeneralAntillesWe need a "I'm the bugmaster! rawr" shirt for andre__ after so many fools bitching about his "attitude"21:58
andre__do so many people?21:59
andre__damn, I want URLs!21:59
anidelanyway : "I gathered he's a good guy, but anyone who can tame a monster like godzilla's brother is a little scary!"21:59
GeneralAntillesandre__, just a few over the last couple days.21:59
andre__WHERE IS THIS FROM?!?! :-)21:59
anidelthat's why you scare here .. she's Kathy btw21:59
andre__sorry, I didn't have much time for in the last days21:59
andre__Kathy is totally okay21:59
andre__but I totally agree that I've become pretty direct with people adding useless comments to bugzilla21:59
anidelI know , we're just having some fun21:59
andre__and that I could become a bit friendlier again, yeah :-/21:59
anidelandre__, I've seen a reply today about someone complaining about your attitude.. but I think you've been very professional and not rude at all22:00
andre__see for example22:00
povbotBug 5357: Does not accept GSM (USSD) Codes starting with *#22:00
anidelbugzilla comments are not made to chit chat22:00
andre__I'm often quite direct. That's a cultural difference sometimes22:00
anidelbeing direct is not being rude22:00
GeneralAntillesandre__, 2 ones above and a little below this one:
andre__but if I want Nokians to be around in bugzilla, I must get people into shutting up when hacing nothing to say... :-/22:01
anidelyeah that's the one I'm speaking about22:01
* andre__ should go to after some beers tonight and tell people the truth :-D22:01
anideltell me if you do :) I won't miss the show22:01
GeneralAntillesandre__, I'd just focus on a adjective usage. ;)22:02
andre__darn, people complain about instead of complaining to me about me. na, na, naaaa! :-)22:02
GeneralAntillesThat worked for me.22:02
andre__"useless" is a bit too strong probably22:02
andre__I should stick with "unhelpful" instead22:02
andre__but if I suck sometimes, please do tell me. I'm willing to learn :)22:03
anidelc98 in 5357 doesn't take into account the context in which we're talking22:03
GeneralAntillesOr "superfluous"22:03
andre__and if all goes wrong, the council can still fire me :-P22:03
anidelOr "totally inappropriate" :)22:03
GeneralAntillesandre__, well, I think you suck but I don't know that there's much you can do to fix it. :P22:03
anidelwell is says he knows.. but I don't think he realizes22:03
andre__GeneralAntilles, ehehe.22:04
anidelor that we can do to fix it :)22:04
andre__GeneralAntilles, I take that partially for real :-)22:04
andre__"Usually it's better to not do such public job at all rather then trying to work 16 hours per day, have an headache due to overload and write comments which make people feel... strange."22:04
andre__irmin has a good point, yeah.22:04
anidelgotta go now.. still in the office at 8pm is not good at all :()22:05
anidelsee you later guys...22:05
GeneralAntillesLater, anidel.22:05
anidellater gan22:05
anidellater andre rawrrr22:05
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GeneralAntillesandre__, yes, but it's always more fun when you hand somebody their ass.22:05
andre__argh, gone. anyway: thanks for making me aware of that thread. really.22:06
GeneralAntillesThink of it as a morale booster for your triagers. :P22:06
andre__I prefer to talk to people instead of about them :)22:06
andre__so now I have the chance at least :)22:06
andre__fuck, it's 9PM already? yeah, that 16hours comment wasn't that wrong. sigh22:06
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andre__now if I could only find Kathy's quote that Anidel posted.... :)22:23
andre__twitter! now that thingy I don't use :)22:25
andre__cool, thanks a lot!22:25
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andre__good night everybody... :-)22:38
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fralsnp, and gnite :)22:50
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