IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Tuesday, 2010-01-12

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jukey_I got 1700 bug mails :)00:40
jukey_not bad at all00:40
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Anidelso in a week or so the real update should come out.. what will happen to people that haven't update to 44?00:45
VDVsxwill die :P00:46
VDVsxno update for them, I guess00:47
jukey_dou you mean the poor guys using 51? ;)00:47
VDVsxsince 51 depends on 4400:47
GeneralAntillesAnidel, the fixes in 44 are already in 5100:47
jukey_well to know00:47
Anidelwell no..00:47
Anidelthe upgrade from 42 to 51 won't work00:48
Anidelthat's why they've released 44 right?00:48
VDVsxI bet on that00:48
VDVsxAnidel, yes00:48
Anidelor at least that's what I understood00:48
Anidelso.. if I am still on 42 and 51 comes out..00:48
AnidelI'll see that only.. what'll happen?00:48
jukey_maybe you will only see 44 then?00:49
Anidelhi Jukey :)00:49
AnidelI hope so :)00:49
jukey_an other thing would be a flashable image of 51 for  everybody00:50
Anidelmay be they'll make clear to who has < 44 to flash upgrade to 51.. we'll see00:50
jukey_are you still using 42?00:51
Anidelnope :)00:51
Anideljust wondering..00:51
jukey_ah okay00:51
Anideleheh is Ovi Store available to you ?00:51
Anidelit's not for me :(00:52
jukey_I downloaded the whole store this evening00:52
Anideldamn :)00:53
jukey_I can't remember how life was before I got the snow globe :)00:53
Anidel:p stop :P00:53
jukey_OK :)00:55
jukey_have to sleep now00:55
jukey_cu ;)00:55
Anidelgood night :) c u00:56
Anideland say hi to Tanja00:56
jukey_I'll do :) greetings to Samantha too00:56
Anidelthanks :)00:56
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VDVsxAnidel, did you tried ?00:57
Anidellet's try that00:57
Anidelthere it is :)00:58
VDVsxAnidel, friend advise don't download Angry birds game, is very addictive :p00:58
Anidelwill now .. had to reboot for the wifi bug00:59
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GAN900Troubleshooting flashing issues is the worst.05:27
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* andre__ wonders what to do with
povbot`Bug 7827: Email accounts (seemingly) get connected automatically when not requested16:06
jukeynot sure but is the "Online editing of email account will cause it to disconnect and will cancel any current operations. Continue anyway?" message not shown also in offline mode?16:10
jukeyyes it is :)16:10
andre__how weird16:15
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timeless_mbpjukey: well16:54
timeless_mbpthose things suck in all sorts of depressing ways16:54
timeless_mbpmaking unrelated changes to MfE sync settings causes your active sync to be terminated :(16:54
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andre__hmm. people claiming timezone changes without being able to provide proof...19:45
anidelI didn't encounter that at all19:46
andre__unrelated, but I'm surprised that Maemo5 does not use tzdata but instead an ancient glibc. garrrr19:47
anidelfile a bug :) it'll be fixed in Maemo 6 :P19:47
andre__anidel, heh. :-/ yeah, currently I am afraid that this will happen, actually19:48
anidelwhy ?19:49
andre__something like "Fixed in Harmattan" as we had it for "Fixed in Fremantle".19:49
andre__as written, "afraid".19:49
jebbamy timezone is still screwed. So when i restore data and such all my calendar entries get bumped around an hour. Major hassle.  (filed bug about argentina / Buenos aires).19:50
jebbai wish we didnt have to wait for these huge code drops to get updates.19:50
anidelah afraid of the fixed in harmattan not about the bug being reported.. sorry19:50
andre__jebba, PR1.219:50
jebbaug, not even pr1.1?19:50
anidelthis reminds me to file a bug against Camera app... some settings are not kept when switching modes and often I get flash to flash even when told not to19:51
jebbawell, i guess not then  ;)    i guess i'll just have to get around to kludging it locally19:52
andre__jebba, I also wonder sometimes... probably a question of human ressources, made by management... just guessing though :-/19:53
jebbabetter to do many small updates than one big bomb of code....19:54
jebbaandre__: timeless mentioned in the bug it's fixed in glibc 2.5.1-1eglibc22+0m5.  Is that not pr1.1?
povbot`Bug 6481: Libtimes: Buenos Aires, Argentina time off by 1 hour19:55
andre__don't know, don't have a device around running PR1.119:56
andre__I can only offer master (to become PR1.2) and a device running PR1.0.1 :-P19:56
timeless_mbpi have 1.119:56
timeless_mbpor rather 51-119:56
timeless_mbpbut i don't know how to check19:57
andre__dpkg -l glibc ? :-P19:57
timeless_mbpas there doesn't seem to be a glibc package installed on my device19:57
timeless_mbptried that =b19:57
anidelhas releasing pr1.1 beta to selected testers, helped?19:57
timeless_mbpun glibc-2..5.1-1eglibc <none>19:57
andre__libc6 maybe?19:57
timeless_mbpanidel: i'd say 'no'19:57
anideltimeless_mbp, why is that?19:58
timeless_mbpunless it gave management confidence that things weren't "too bad to ship"19:58
jebbaheh, timeless_mbp, it was you that said it was fixed!  ;)19:58
andre__libc6 instead of glibc.19:58
timeless_mbplibc6 2.5.1-1eglibc20+0m519:58
timeless_mbp= not fixed19:58
timeless_mbpjebba: i didn't specify when it would be fixed for end users19:59
timeless_mbpi certainly didn't resolve the bug :)19:59
jebbabummer.  Both Fedora and Debian had it fixed in less than two weeks.19:59
anideltimeless_mbp, they didn't ship the PR1.1 yet :) so no confidence19:59
timeless_mbpjebba: nokia rarely fixes something in less than 6 months20:00
andre__anidel, I don't expect big changes for PR1.1 anymore. actually, you could maybe even drop the "big"20:00
anidelandre__, I suppose it'll be released soon...20:00
jebbatimeless_mbp: i think in this next battle they are going to have to learn how to speed things up... 6 months is becoming an eternity now.20:01
timeless_mbpat this point we're fairly certain 51-1 will ship as is20:01
timeless_mbpthere might hypothetically be a minor release on top of that20:01
timeless_mbpas 44-1 was on top of 42-1120:01
timeless_mbpor there might not20:01
andre__anidel, I cross fingers for the same... because getting reports for a software version from weeks ago creates more and more overhead20:01
timeless_mbpmanagement is mercurial20:01
timeless_mbpi'm tired of bugs from 42/4420:01
andre__and I waste time.20:01
timeless_mbp51 is bad enough20:01
timeless_mbpe.g the lsof bug20:02
timeless_mbpwhich is gone in  5320:02
jebbait *could* be so fast moving. apt-get upgrade, done.20:02
timeless_mbphave you read tmo?20:02
anidelandre__, indeed I was puzzled to why they gave us this PR1.1 when they knew fixes for related bug reports would be fixed in PR1.2 at least20:02
timeless_mbphave you considered the class of user the n900 has?20:02
timeless_mbpit's roughly "idiots"20:02
jebbathey are still follwing some old process.... time to upgrade *them*20:02
jebba(or boot them)20:02
timeless_mbpoffering apt-get update or apt-get upgrade to them20:02
andre__anidel, branching policies...20:02
timeless_mbpis incredibly dangerous20:02
anidelandre__, get that, but then what's the point :)20:03
timeless_mbpanidel: and don't say "oh, it's ok, the users won't do that"20:03
jebbatimeless_mbp: well, via HAM20:03
timeless_mbpour users will follow any instructions written in any blog anywhere20:03
timeless_mbpc.f. redpill, etc20:03
anideltimeless_mbp, seen many that did20:03
anideltimeless_mbp, yeah a friend of mine who barely knows Windows was following a blog about that just to install ScummVM!20:03
jebbathey're just experimenting. I dont see any problem with that, they'll just have to sort it out.20:03
anidelred pill for scummvm that's in -devel :(20:04
jebbaseems HAM could apt-get upgrade for them easily enough.20:04
timeless_mbpjebba: given that bricking your device is always a possibility20:05
timeless_mbpand given how upset users get20:05
timeless_mbpeven when it's their fault20:05
anidelbut well, I for one am quite happy with what I have now20:05
timeless_mbpoh brother20:05
timeless_mbpi forgot to yell at the cable tv assholes20:05
timeless_mbp(see, i can be a livid end user too)20:05
anideltimeless_mbp, but people get over that easily.. they know it's risky and they accept the conseguences20:06
anideldon't think they're gonna blame Nokia for that brick20:06
anideltimeless_mbp, what about those guys ?20:06
timeless_mbpoh, they told me to buy a new cable wire and rewire my apartment20:06
timeless_mbpclaiming that'd fix my mpeg square problems20:06
anideltimeless_mbp, cool guys.. did you follow the hint? :)20:07
timeless_mbpand it didn't fix my problems20:07
timeless_mbpbut i have to yell at them during business hours20:07
timeless_mbpand they're finns20:07
anidelbut you now know it's not that and still got brand new cables and rewiring20:07
timeless_mbpthey're impervious to yelling20:07
timeless_mbpthey also refuse to allow me to speak to a manager20:07
anidelkidding :P20:08
timeless_mbpthe funny thing is20:08
timeless_mbpyou don't have to let the customer speak to a manager20:08
timeless_mbpyou can just pass them to a colleague20:08
timeless_mbpthe customer can't know the difference20:08
timeless_mbpbut by offering the customer a concession, you make the customer happy20:08
timeless_mbpfinns can't even get basics right.20:08
anideland a fool.. a happy fool20:08
timeless_mbpa happy fool is still happy20:09
anidelanyway.. gotta run from the office.. talk to you later from home.. bye20:09
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jebbatimeless_mbp: there's been *tons* of bricks already. Some due to users doing whatever with -devel (which is really an outcome of poor nokia design depending upon /opt) and many due to buggy software, which would have been nice to have updated the day they had a solution. Now it's been a few weeks at least. Just push one .deb per day instead of 100 all on one day or wahtever.20:09
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jebbawhy isn't even assigned to anyone?20:40
povbot`Bug 6481: Buenos Aires, Argentina time off by 1 hour20:40
andre__jebba, Assignee does not make much sense in actually20:48
timeless_mbpwell, it doesn't make sense for anything where primary work is done in another bug tracker21:12
timeless_mbpin for 'extras' it should make sense :)21:12
timeless_mbpand in the browser product, we try to vaguely use it21:13
andre__anybody having a Windows machine around who can tell me the timezone for Georgia/Tbilisi? :-P21:40
fralsnot sure its georgia/tbilisi, but its tbilisi at least ;)21:41
andre__frals, harhar, okay... which windows system is this?21:41
andre__because I love wasting time on :-P21:41
povbot`Bug 7813: Incorrect TimeZone info for Tbilisi, Georgia21:41
andre__can I trick you into commenting there? I think that guy doesn't believe me anymore anyway :-P21:42
* andre__ plans moving to his own timezone21:42
andre__thanks a lot!21:42
fralswant screen attached as well?21:45
andre__hehe, no :)21:46
fralsoki :)21:47
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jebbaandre__: a bit late, but this site is good:
andre__jebba, yupp, mentioned it already in the bug report :)23:05
fralsuh, nice quadruple post in that bug now :P23:13
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