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Milhouse | So what's this for - will we be able to discuss bugs with Nokia/Maemo developers? Or will there only be community developers discussing bugs in their apps? | 15:28 |
Milhouse | I've got a ton of bugs I'd like to discuss with Nokia developers! | 15:28 |
jebba | Milhouse: this is more for http://wiki.maemo.org/Bugsquad | 15:30 |
jebba | you may have better luck about specific bugs in #maemo. | 15:31 |
Milhouse | ah ok. | 15:31 |
jebba | but if you have questions about bugzilla, or what types of bugs should be filed and such, this would be the place. | 15:31 |
Milhouse | nah i'm cool with that - just thought this might be an oppurtunity to improve communication with people responsible for bugs - obviously not | 15:32 |
Milhouse | s/bugs/fixing bugs/ | 15:32 |
Milhouse | hmmm... no bot either ;) | 15:33 |
jebba | well, devs certainly do hang out here & in #maemo so you can talk to them directly. | 15:35 |
jebba | but actual nokia employees are very scarce on weekends. | 15:35 |
Milhouse | true, might be better to gauge activity during a weekday | 15:36 |
Milhouse | who would be responsible for the nokia messaging bugs? any chance of finding them here? | 15:36 |
Milhouse | here being any of the channels | 15:36 |
jebba | not sure off hand. I'd suggest going through bugs.maemo.org to see if it has been reported yet, and if so, adding useful info to the report. If not, open a new bug. Definitely the best way to go about gettng things fixed. | 15:39 |
Milhouse | it has, i did (i opened it - no love) | 15:41 |
Milhouse | remains unassigned - so probably ignored by the internal tracking system fixated developer | 15:42 |
Milhouse | bug 6955 if you can help | 15:43 |
Milhouse | other than handing over my NM username and password not much more I can add to that bug which is 100% reproducible for all NM accounts I've created | 15:44 |
* jebba looks | 15:59 | |
jebba | Milhouse: is your bug that it shows the advanced setup window unncessarily? (e.g. it should know that info, hell, it's a nokia server), or that even after you enter that info, you can't log in?= | 16:01 |
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Milhouse | Hi jebba - sorry went away. Yes the problem is that it already knows the info - worked fine on my N85 without asking me to re-enter the mailserver details I had already entered at email.nokia.com | 17:15 |
Milhouse | So why is it asking me again? Obviously a glitch between the N900 and Nokia Messaging which I'd like to help fix assuming anyone is interested in fixing it. :) | 17:15 |
jebba | so you *can* check your mail fine, it's just prompting unneccessarily | 17:16 |
Milhouse | On the N85 I just entered my NM username and password and bingo, all setup. On the N900, I enter my NM username and password, then I have to re-enter all of my email settings | 17:16 |
Milhouse | Yes, correct - it's failing to retrieve my email settings from the nokia server | 17:16 |
Milhouse | I've setup about 3 seperate Nokia Messaging accounts and they all fail in the same way. I only have one email account defined in each Nokia Messaging account and it's always the same one - for my ISP (Zen.co.uk) so perhaps the glitch is to do with "unusual" email servers. | 17:18 |
jebba | ok, well at least you can check your mail. | 17:18 |
Milhouse | The point is that for anyone coming to the N900 from previous devices it appears that Nokia Messaging is not working - it's _very_ confusing | 17:19 |
jebba | ok. I'll update the bug to clarify that part though. When I read it I thought the problem might be you couldn't check your mail | 17:19 |
Milhouse | I don't consider it as important whether I can check my mail or not. The _process_ is broken, which is the point being made. | 17:20 |
Milhouse | NM simply isn't doing what it says on the tin for some accounts, reasons unknown. | 17:20 |
jebba | Milhouse: ya, i'm not saying it's not a valid bug, i'm just saying it wasnt clear to me what the actual bug was, now i know and will add the info to the bz report. thx :) | 17:21 |
Milhouse | I'm getting the impression you don't think it important that the user is left confused and has to jump through unecessary hoops, so it's not imporatnt that the setup client doesn't actually work | 17:22 |
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jebba | whatever you want to think Milhouse. What the hell do I care? I'm trying to help you. I dont work for nokia. I don't work for maemo. I don't work for you. You are some complete stranger probably on the opposite end of the world from me that i offered to help. I read your bug report. It wasnt clear to me. I asked and got clarification and added it to the bug report so when some nokia guy does come around and read it, he doesn't do the s | 17:25 |
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Milhouse | Fine - I'll update it with the detail that a broken process isn't acceptable whether I can get a working email setup or not | 17:29 |
Milhouse | I know you're only trying to help, it just comes across that you're ignoring a bug because there's a tedious work aroudn - they might be good enough for you, as you can tell it's not for me. | 17:30 |
Milhouse | s/they/that/ | 17:31 |
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