IRC log of #harmattan for Sunday, 2015-10-25

*** ajalkane_ has joined #harmattan00:16
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*** teleshoes has joined #harmattan03:16
teleshoesjust got a new n9 and its one of the country variants, 340 for denmark03:17
teleshoesany advice on best firmware image to flash?03:18
teleshoesive never had to flash a 9** fw image before and it makes me nervous03:18
teleshoesshould i just stick with the denmark fw?03:19
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*** Roth has joined #harmattan07:17
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coderuspull sim tray and download firmware for your product code10:44
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*** piggz has joined #harmattan14:09
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*** tigerfoot_ is now known as tigerfoot14:56
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*** rashm2k1 has joined #harmattan20:17
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*** ced117 has quit IRC23:06
*** louisdk has quit IRC23:22

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