IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Thursday, 2015-10-15

*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory07:00
*** kraucrow has quit IRC08:10
*** kraucrow has joined #parallax-manufactory08:11
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory08:33
*** niekas has quit IRC08:33
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory10:32
*** niekas has quit IRC10:39
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory10:52
*** niekas has quit IRC12:48
*** povbot_ has joined #parallax-manufactory13:40 [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots -- please register your IRC nick and auto-identify:
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory14:41
*** niekas has quit IRC14:59
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory15:03
*** niekas has quit IRC15:21
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory17:02
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory17:55
*** niekas has quit IRC18:13
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory18:20
*** sirex has quit IRC18:41
*** niekas has quit IRC18:46

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