IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Tuesday, 2014-02-04

*** povbot has joined #parallax-manufactory13:31
*** urso has joined #parallax-manufactory13:50
*** urso has quit IRC14:00
*** urso has joined #parallax-manufactory14:00
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory14:06
*** sirex has quit IRC14:55
*** niekas has quit IRC15:04
*** bacilla has quit IRC16:25
*** bacilla has joined #parallax-manufactory16:25
*** bacilla has quit IRC16:25
*** bacilla has joined #parallax-manufactory16:25
*** Guest41558 is now known as Netas3k17:53
*** niekas has joined #parallax-manufactory18:18
*** Pawka has quit IRC18:24
*** urso has quit IRC18:41
*** bacilla has quit IRC19:00
*** niekas has quit IRC19:02
*** bacilla has joined #parallax-manufactory20:14
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory20:34
*** urso has joined #parallax-manufactory20:42
*** bacilla has quit IRC21:05
*** bacilla has joined #parallax-manufactory21:06
*** povbot_ has joined #parallax-manufactory21:31 [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support:
*** ZinovaS has joined #parallax-manufactory21:32
*** povbot has quit IRC21:32
*** ZinovaS_ has quit IRC21:32
*** Pawka has quit IRC21:45
*** urso has quit IRC22:56

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