IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Monday, 2013-08-05

*** ReekenX|afk is now known as ReekenX06:11
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fk_lxI have a question regarding hackerspace11:21
fk_lxI'm planning to go around some hackerspaces and make an open workshop/installfest connected with Sailfish and SDK11:21
fk_lxthought also about going to Vilnus (btw. I've never been there)11:22
fk_lxso wanted to ask how the hackerspace is working there and who to ask to help me11:22
Pawkahey fk_lx!11:27
PawkaWe can talk in 1,5 hour while it is lunch time here :-)11:27
fk_lxah, ok11:28
fk_lxno problem11:28
fk_lxwill be hanging on IRC11:28
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fk_lxPawka: any chance to talk now?13:21
Pawkafk_lx, yep13:28
PawkaI'm back :-)13:28
Pawkafk_lx, our hs situation is quite sad, we do not have physical location right now.13:29
PawkaBut community still exists.13:29
PawkaIf you are still interested to arrange workshop, I or other guys can help you to find some place, arvertise and invite interested persons.13:30
fk_lxit's more like installfest with maybe some hacking - writing simple apps13:32
fk_lxso place with WiFi is enough13:33
PawkaYeah yeah I got it. We've arranged Ubuntu install fests some time ago  ;-)13:33
fk_lxfor now I'm planning to go to Progressbar which is hackerspace in Bratislava, Slovakia and to Warsaw Hackerspace in Warsaw13:33
fk_lxalso considering Budapest13:33
fk_lxVilnus would be great13:34
PawkaWhen you are planing to visit all those?13:34
Pawkaon August?13:34
fk_lxI want to do that in phases13:34
fk_lxso Bratislava + Budapest13:34
fk_lxand Warsaw + Vilnus13:34
fk_lxon weekends13:35
PawkaSo you would spend all week traveling between countries? ;-)13:35
fk_lxnot week, weekend13:35
fk_lxyeah it might sound crazy13:35
Pawkabut still sounds nice :)13:36
PawkaWhere are you from by the way/13:36
fk_lxSouthern Poland, near Katowice13:36
fk_lxso I have around 4h travelling to Bratislava13:36
PawkaNot so far.13:37
fk_lxand from Bratislava it's not so far to Budapest13:37
fk_lxso I'm planning to visit those on 10th and 11th of August13:38
PawkaBy the way how many persons do you expect to participate in installfest?13:38
fk_lxdon't know will see13:38
fk_lxI know at least few persons from Slovakia and Hungary who would be interested in participating13:38
fk_lxbut I think it won't be a large group13:39
fk_lxso a place with WiFi and some power source is enough13:39
fk_lxand hackerspaces are ideally for that13:39
Pawkathat would be easy to arrange13:39
fk_lxbtw. I wish you will find a place for your hackerspace, it eases a lot of things13:39
PawkaYeah we had one13:40
Pawkajust funding has ended  :-)13:40
fk_lxI see13:40
fk_lxbtw. I know one person from Lithuania who would be interested in that installfest, but he is now in UK ;-)13:40
PawkaAnd I guess there were not enough members to collect $ for rent.13:40
Pawkawho is he?13:41
fk_lxhis nick is Sledges13:42
fk_lxand his name Simonas13:42
fk_lxI'll look for his last name, because it's hard for me even to pronnounce13:42
Pawka:-/ I don't know him. :)13:43
PawkaSimonas Leleiva13:43
fk_lxyes, that's right13:44
fk_lxhardware guy13:44
PawkaProbably that is the reason why I do not know him :-)13:45
fk_lxanyway do you know any place in Vilnus when I could do such kind of small install fest13:48
PawkaIt really depends on the date, because I would need to make reservation somewhere.13:49
PawkaSo just ping me when you'll have exact date13:49
Pawkaand we'll find something.13:50
Pawkabtw do you have some webpage with event like Facebook event for this installfest?13:50
Pawkawith additional info, pre-requirements, etc..13:51
fk_lxnot yet13:52
fk_lxbut it's a matter of very short time13:52
fk_lxwhen I will have some dates confirmed we can plan the date for event in Vilnus13:53
fk_lxI might even come for two days13:54
fk_lxone for sightseeing ;-)13:54
Pawkagood choice ;-)13:54
fk_lxit would be a pity to visit Vilnus and not see the city13:54
PawkaWhen you'll have prepared info somewhere, I'll write to our local communities.13:56
PawkaOk need get back to work, talk to you later.13:56
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