IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Wednesday, 2013-05-01

*** vakaras has quit IRC00:09
*** N|O|X has quit IRC00:41
ggoZstrazdas: koks autorius/veikalas cyberpunkinis kuri minejai kadaise?00:56
*** sirex has quit IRC01:13
strazdasgooZ: cyberpunkinis? nepamenu, gal gali konkrečiau?01:15
strazdasggoZ: (:01:16
strazdasggoZ: va šitie:
strazdasggoZ: beja, ačiū už Transcript linką, sudomino (:01:17
ggoZstrazdas: aciu :)01:41
ggoZbtw, siemet Ghost in the Shell naujas OVA eteri pasieks01:42
*** ggoZ has quit IRC01:43
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*** strazdas has quit IRC02:05
*** ReekenX|afk is now known as ReekenX_06:59
*** N|O|X has joined #parallax-manufactory10:16
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory10:23
*** N|O|X has quit IRC10:34
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*** strazdas has joined #parallax-manufactory10:52
*** ReekenX_ has quit IRC10:53
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*** sirex has quit IRC11:07
*** N|O|X has quit IRC12:32
*** N|O|X has joined #parallax-manufactory12:43
*** N|O|X has quit IRC12:58
*** ReekenX_ is now known as ReekenX13:10
*** ReekenX is now known as ReekenX|afk14:11
*** ReekenX|afk is now known as ReekenX14:28
*** strazdas has quit IRC15:14
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*** strazdas has quit IRC17:09
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*** vakaras has joined #parallax-manufactory17:58
*** ReekenX is now known as ReekenX|afk19:12
*** tahu has quit IRC20:52
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*** tahu has quit IRC21:09
*** tahu has joined #parallax-manufactory21:13

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