IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Monday, 2012-01-30

*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory00:01
*** ReekenX has quit IRC00:20
*** N|O|X has joined #parallax-manufactory00:33
*** N|O|X has quit IRC00:33
*** ggoZ has quit IRC01:57
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory07:57
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory08:28
*** ReekenX has quit IRC09:31
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory10:18
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory10:23
*** JackLeo has joined #parallax-manufactory11:13
*** sirex has quit IRC13:30
*** ggoZ has joined #parallax-manufactory14:59
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory15:56
*** sirex has quit IRC17:10
*** ggoZ has quit IRC17:28
*** Pawka has quit IRC18:32
*** JackLeo has quit IRC19:12
*** ReekenX has quit IRC19:17
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory20:25
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory20:37
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory21:36
*** ggoZ has joined #parallax-manufactory21:59
*** Pawka has quit IRC22:09
*** sirex has quit IRC23:13
*** emilis_info has joined #parallax-manufactory23:57
emilis_infoggoZ, esi?23:58
emilis_infoskaitinėjuos apie ACTA23:58
emilis_infokokie to teisininko Gedimino kontaktai?23:59
emilis_infoyra groupse?23:59
emilis_infobiškį linkų jam mestelsiu23:59

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