IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Friday, 2012-01-06

*** ReekenX has quit IRC00:12
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory07:41
*** Pawka has quit IRC08:59
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory09:09
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory09:24
*** ReekenX has quit IRC09:48
*** JackLeo has joined #parallax-manufactory10:20
*** JackLeo has quit IRC10:32
*** JackLeo has joined #parallax-manufactory10:33
*** JackLeo has quit IRC10:37
*** JackLeo has joined #parallax-manufactory10:38
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory11:19
*** N|O|X has joined #parallax-manufactory12:48
*** N|O|X has quit IRC15:03
*** N|O|X has joined #parallax-manufactory15:04
*** ggoZ has joined #parallax-manufactory15:12
*** ChanServ changes topic to " | IRC logs at"15:22
*** N|O|X has quit IRC15:28
*** N|O|X has joined #parallax-manufactory15:30
*** ReekenX has quit IRC16:13
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory16:15
*** N|O|X has quit IRC16:22
*** N|O|X has joined #parallax-manufactory16:23
*** ReekenX has quit IRC16:27
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory16:27
*** ReekenX has quit IRC16:44
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory17:08
*** JackLeo has quit IRC18:34
*** sirex has quit IRC18:44
*** ReekenX has quit IRC18:49

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