IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Thursday, 2011-12-01

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*** hackerdearia has quit IRC01:48
*** ggoZ has quit IRC01:52
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*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory08:08
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory08:38
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory09:13
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*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory10:29
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*** ggoZ has joined #parallax-manufactory16:26
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*** Pawka has quit IRC19:21
ggoZ07:39:44 PM) Lolita: trade bitcoins over a mobile SMS based VPN um IRC19:45
ggoZ(07:39:59 PM) Lolita: what do you think19:45
ggoZ(07:40:08 PM) Lolita: $10.24 gig19:45
ggoZ(07:40:11 PM) Lolita: hell no19:45
ggoZ(07:40:21 PM) Lolita: $0.10 per gig19:45
ggoZ(07:40:39 PM) Lolita: $.50 per mile19:45
ggoZ(07:40:45 PM) Lolita: that sounds better19:45
ggoZ(07:40:52 PM) ***Lolita yawns19:45
ggoZ(07:41:00 PM) Lolita: we got this shit guys19:45
ggoZprasidėjo piratepad'o spazmai :s20:02
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory20:02
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N|O|XHey ho20:46
N|O|XIf anyone feels lucky...20:50
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*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory21:19
ggoZįkelkit kas į topiką21:26
ggoZvietoje /nexus/21:26
ggoZdėl ko visas fuzzas skaitykite mailing listą21:34
ggoZmanau savotiškai reikia atšvęsti21:34
ggoZglow, Kamiccolo, Pawka, ReekenX, hackerdearia a??21:37
ReekenXggoZ: Jau subscrib... Oj, teisingai būtų pasakyti: jau užprenumeravau :)21:41
ggoZąąąą, šit kaip lietuviškai tatai vadinasi, "užsiprenumeravau" - treniruotė pirštams :))21:42
ggoZUžhaipinam tuštumą link'ais ! \o21:47
* ggoZ brb iki parduotuvės21:47
*** Pawka has quit IRC22:39
*** JackLeo has joined #parallax-manufactory23:25
JackLeoggoZ, Sorry jei pasirodys - spaminu reddita. gal kam įdomus straipsniai bus23:26
JackLeo-_- you are doing that too much. try again in 6 minutes.23:27
ggoZjei kas pasirodys kad smaini gausi downvote'u :D23:27
ggoZkeep up the hype23:27
JackLeoredditas mane stabdo :D23:29
JackLeo7 linkus noriu sharint, po kiekvieno 6 minutės... 42 min? o_023:30
JackLeoggoZ, gal galima kaip paspartint visą procesą? kokiu trusted useriu redite ar ko panašaus gealima ikišt?23:35
ggoZkad net aš kaip owneris subredito turiu laukti 6min23:36
JackLeona tai irgi būdas išlupt reddit gold userius23:37
JackLeoggoZ, kas gero tada papasakok :D ka naujo užmatei23:39
JackLeoggoZ, You've submitted several links recently that haven't been doing very well. You'll have to wait a while before you can submit again, or write to the moderators of this reddit and ask for an exemption.23:55
ggoZpripostinai, dai dabar skaitau23:55
JackLeoplease give me exemption what ever the hell that is23:55
JackLeoggoZ, ar man nebepostint nieko geriau :D23:59
ggoZkiek dar turi :D23:59
JackLeoComputer Science, Math and Clever Dolphins23:59

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