IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Wednesday, 2011-11-02

*** ggoZ has joined #parallax-manufactory00:33
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*** hackerdearia has quit IRC04:45
*** hackerdearia has joined #parallax-manufactory04:45
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory05:24
*** ReekenX has quit IRC06:37
*** akoncius has quit IRC07:19
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory08:01
*** Pawka has quit IRC08:43
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory10:27
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*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory10:29
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory11:51
*** sirex has quit IRC11:51
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory11:51
*** ReekenX has quit IRC12:28
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory12:32
*** JackLeo has joined #parallax-manufactory12:48
*** ggoZ has joined #parallax-manufactory12:51
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory13:22
*** emilis_info has joined #parallax-manufactory13:51
glowkaip čia mūsų daug šiandien14:39
ggoZpusė botų, pusė trolių14:42
*** akoncius has joined #parallax-manufactory15:10
*** emilis_info has quit IRC15:49
* Pawka prie botų.15:57
* akoncius prie žmonių16:26
* kamiccolo prie no-i16:35
*** emilis_info has joined #parallax-manufactory16:43
Pawkačia tik botai ir troliai.16:47
ggoZ( )16:55
*** ReekenX has quit IRC16:55
*** JackLeo has quit IRC16:57
*** emilis_info has quit IRC17:07
*** Pawka has quit IRC17:33
glowkokią bjaurybę radau... -- -- per 10 firefox tabų perėjau kol radau kuriame puslapy šitas trackeris sudiegtas kai headeriuose pamačiau kad siuntinėjasi kažkas fone, ir spėkit kokiam puslapy šitą trackerį radau?17:43
glowblack-fucking listint jį17:44
ggoZReport autoriui17:45
ggoZjust blacklist17:46
ggoZdelete from subjective internet17:46
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory17:56
*** akoncius_ has joined #parallax-manufactory17:57
*** akoncius has quit IRC18:00
*** akoncius_ is now known as akoncius18:00
*** sirex has quit IRC18:22
*** ReekenX has quit IRC19:32
*** Pawka has joined #parallax-manufactory19:48
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory20:31
*** sirex has quit IRC20:31
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory20:31
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory22:20
*** sirex has quit IRC22:22
*** ReekenX has quit IRC22:43
ggoZ""" In some places, as you all know, bloggers are imprisoned and abused  for criticizing the government.  In others, there is widespread  censorship of content that government deems politically unacceptable. Look, folks, again, no surprise, the United States -- and I suspect  most of you, I hope -- stand against these acts and for Internet  freedom. """23:26
ggoZthe fuck is wrong with that place23:41
*** Pawka has quit IRC23:59

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