IRC log of #parallax-manufactory for Monday, 2011-08-29

*** jauler has quit IRC00:58
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory06:55
*** ReekenX has quit IRC07:14
*** sirex has joined #parallax-manufactory08:54
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory10:50
glowkaip jum darbo reikalavimai: ;]11:02
ReekenXglow: Kažkada seniai buvau gavęs formą kurią reikia užpildyti norint eiti į darbo pokalbį:
ReekenXglow: Čia to paties epaso :)11:19
glowtoks truputį jausmas kad ieško frontendo, backendo ir DBA viename žmoguje11:21
Pawkačia toks jausmas, kad siekia nesurasti nieko :-)12:19
ReekenXPawka: Arba primti vieną, kuris atstotų pusė darbuotojų. Protinga mintis, ypač tokiais sunkiais laikais :)13:01
*** ReekenX has quit IRC13:25
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory13:47
*** ReekenX has quit IRC15:03
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory15:14
*** ggoZ has joined #parallax-manufactory16:06
ReekenXggoZ: Hai16:53
*** Pawka has quit IRC16:58
*** ReekenX has quit IRC18:01
*** sirex has quit IRC18:07
*** ReekenX has joined #parallax-manufactory18:59
*** ggoZ has quit IRC19:30
*** sirex_ has joined #parallax-manufactory20:03
*** ReekenX has quit IRC23:13
*** sirex_ has quit IRC23:15

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