IRC log of #europython for Thursday, 2011-04-14

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*** Neo-- has joined #europython12:22
*** kakashi has joined #europython14:37
kakashi salut tout le monde: voila je suis un faux debutant en python, alors je veux realiser des mini projet pour evoluer rapidement, c'est pour cela que je veu former une equipe de debutant pour realiser un petit jeu pour que tout le monde benifice de cette experience.14:41
kakashialors qui est partant???14:42
dboddie_kakashi: Je suis desole, mais je ne parlais pas francais.14:50
kakashiah ok14:52
kakashihello everyone,I am a newbie in python, so I want to make mini project to evolve rapidly, that is why I seen a team of newbie and intermediate to realize a little game for everyone Benefit this experiment.14:55
dboddie_Are you looking for people to help you with this?14:58
kakashimaybe .but exactly am lookin for peopel who are newbie, and wish to evolve15:13
dboddie_Ah, OK. This channel is probably not the right place for that. You could try asking on another Python channel or try one of the mailing lists.15:24
dboddie_kakashi: If you are looking for French speakers/writers, try this page:
kakashiok thanks15:29
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*** Neo-- has quit IRC18:45
*** Neo-- has joined #europython22:05

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