IRC log of #europython for Tuesday, 2010-04-13

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pinnerGood evening, all!19:54
voidspaceEvening john19:54
voidspacethanks for the twitter reminder19:54
voidspaceI had forgotten19:54
Joe202Good evening. Can't stay for long, though, as I'm offto Cabridge dojo.19:55
pinnervoidspace: hello!, it has some uses, then...19:55
voidspacedefinitely :-)19:55
pinnerHi Joe, let us know what it's like!19:55
Joe202Will do.19:55
pinnervoidspace: good progress on maing the PSF less US-centric, eh?19:56
voidspaceI think so19:56
voidspacequite a few non-US members now19:56
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voidspacea good European contingent19:56
pinnervoidspace: so we need to make the ep PSF meeting count for somethings, mal is trying19:57
pinnerhello Alex!19:57
voidspacehi moreati19:57
moreatievening all19:57
voidspacepinner: if we make it public I wonder what exactly we will be able to *do*19:57
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voidspacepinner: but that is up to mal :-)19:57
samasturhi all19:57
pinnervoidspace: are you suggesting subterfuge?19:58
voidspaceis having a psf meeting for psf members subterfuge?19:58
pinnersamustar: Hi, pardon my ignorance, who are you?19:58
pinnervoidspace: hardly, but US member may disagree! not that they're insular or anything19:59
pinnerShall we start?20:00
samasturmarko samastur...I volunteered a few weeks ago and entered my name on wiki, but haven't done much else20:00
voidspacepinner: uhm... you may have got my response the wrong way round - I'm dubious about making it public, not the other way round...20:00
samasturalso had to miss previous meeting20:00
pinnersamustar: thanks20:00
pinnervoidspace: OK, so psf members and invitees only?20:01
pinnerTOPIC Apologies20:01
voidspacepinner: well, I think we are likely to be able to *achieve* more psf business that way - but it entirely depends on what we are trying to achieve with the meeting20:02
pinnerI have apologies from contrary (travelling) and zeth (in Florence without power for his laptop)20:02
voidspacezeth has all the best excuses...20:02
pinnervoidspace: sounds like we need a separate discussion20:02
voidspacepinner: agreed - with mal involved20:03
voidspacepinner: possibly on psf-members list20:03
pinnerbut zeth is supposed to text me with the results of his action points, not received yet20:03
pinnerTOPIC Talks/Talks Submissions20:04
pinnerAwaiting zeth input on action points20:05
pinnerJoe202: how are we fixed for numbers and quality of talks?20:05
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pinnerHello Q!20:06
conchhi all20:06
pinnerconch : we're on Talks/Submissions20:06
Joe202Sorry, I haven't looked at it since the last Saturday meeting.20:06
conchpinner: thanks20:06
* pinner looking at talks submissions20:08
voidspaceI submitted a talk on Silverlight and got the confimation email - but couldn't see it in the admin interface20:08
voidspaceso I was worried about whether it was really there or not20:08
voidspaceI will check again...20:08
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pinnerwe seem to have 21, plus 2 from Brett cannon, plus 4 from Raymond Hettinger, plus 1 Guido session20:08
voidspacehmmm... 21 means no more than last time20:09
pinner( Guido wants to do a moderated Questions and Answer session )20:09
voidspaceI am concerned whether it is working at all!20:09
moreatiWe have 28 submissions, no dupes that I can spot. Something may be up with submission -> talk script20:09
moreativoidspace, if that submission was New *and* Improved then it's in the submissions list20:10
pinnermoreati: maybe no one has run it20:10
voidspacemoreati: no it isn't20:10
voidspacemoreati: that is a unittest talk20:10
voidspacemoreati: I submitted another one20:10
Joe202Sorry, time for me to go.20:10
moreativoidspace, Python in the browser is there also20:11
voidspacemoreati: ah, cool20:11
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pinnermoreati: shall we look at it together one day?20:11
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voidspacemoreati: thanks - I was still looking for my password :-)20:11
voidspaceI am less concerned now20:11
moreativoidspace, let me know if you want it reset while i'm in there20:11
pinnerOK, so we need to chase more talks20:11
moreativoidspace, your password20:11
voidspacemoreati: ah, understood20:11
pinnerclosing date is supposed to be at the end of this month...20:12
voidspacemoreati: found it - it was an obscure one created by zeth20:12
voidspacewe should publicise that more then20:12
voidspacelet people know the deadline is approaching20:12
voidspacecan someone do a blog entry?20:12
pinnerACTION All to solicit more talks20:13
samasturok, I am guessing you mean through our personal blogs?20:13
moreatiI'll take that action, and hit the mailing lists tomorrow20:13
voidspaceI meant the official blog20:13
voidspacebut both20:13
moreatisamastur, every little helps20:13
pinnervoidspace: are there any recycled PyCON US talks (preferably from Europeans) we should be trying to get?20:13
voidspaceoff the top of my head not sure20:14
voidspaceI don't go to conferences for the talks :-)20:15
pinnervoidspace: please will you put you thinking cap on after the meeting and give us a list of people to chase from the US con, maybe put it on the wiki20:15
voidspaceI will check with Holger Krekel about his talk - they were good20:16
voidspaceand we need a PyPy talk, I can ask on IRC20:16
pinner_dboddie: Hi, we're on Talks, a bit short of them, got 30-ish I think20:16
voidspacehas Armin submitted a PyPy talk?20:16
pinnervoidspace: with a Python language summit on, there shouldn't be a problem!20:16
_dboddiepinner: I'll have a word with people.20:17
voidspacehmmm - well, Holger is not so involved with PyPy, fijal is moving to South Africa and Samuele is moving job20:17
pinnerhello paul, we're just wrapping up the talks item20:17
voidspaceso I'm not sure what the PyPy status is - many of the contributors are now from the US20:17
moreativoidspace, not that I can spot20:17
pinnervoidspace: so Samuele is leaving OpenEnd? wher is he going?20:18
pboddieI keep considering submitting one or two, but I'm never sure if I've got the material.20:18
voidspacepinner: Canonical20:18
pinnervoidspace: he may regret that20:18
voidspaceI know lots of people who work for Canonical and love it...20:19
pinnerpboddie: you'be been too modest for too long...20:19
pboddieThat's talks about Python and, say, MoinMoin, not the faked up "Python and Horses" talk I put through the submissions system as a test/joke.20:19
* pboddie is drinking Lemsip.20:20
voidspaceI have harangued the PyPy people on IRC anyway20:20
_dboddiePython and Lemsip...20:20
pinnerpboddie: how about the social aspects of organising a conference as well: after your years of experience it could be revealing!20:20
pboddieI keep thinking it would be cool to get Mark Dufour in to do a talk about Shed Skin.20:20
voidspacethat would be great20:21
voidspaceShedSkin is very interesting20:21
pboddiepinner: Python and Cats, if you buy into the whole "herding cats" metaphor. ;-)20:21
pinnerOK, the ideas are flowing, let's keep it that way, I think we have20:21
pboddievoidspace: I could send him a mail about it. I'm currently trying to Debianise his software.20:22
voidspaceha - poor man20:22
pinnerACTION voidspace will create a wiki page of ideas for talks/speakers, say from PyCon US20:22
_dboddieI could ask someone who gave a talk at SCALE if he wants to do a repeat performance at EP.20:23
pinnerACTION everyone will rack their brains and solicit talks20:23
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pboddie (hidden on the Wiki's organisers' page)20:23
pinner_dboddie: good idea20:23
pinnerpboddie: thanks!20:23
voidspacethere we go - wiki page created....20:23
pinnerso, revised action...20:23
pinnerACTION use for this exercise.20:24
pinnerTOPIC Sponsorship20:25
pinnerAQpologies, I was late getting the new text to the designer, but they have it now and the Sponsors Brochure should be available later this week20:26
pinnerTim Couper has got £500 from a well-wisher, witha free hand as to what we do with it20:26
conchThere is a meeting set up for this Friday to discuss co-sponsorship with Pycon ITaly20:26
pinnerand Bytemark Hosting have told me that they definitely want to sponsor us this year, amount tbd when they see the brochure20:27
pinnerconch: Oh good!20:27
conchWhen we have the brochure we need to decide which of us approach which prospective sponsors20:28
_dboddieAnyone else interested in the co-sponsorship meeting on Friday should send pinner, conch or me a mail and we'll let you know the details.20:29
* _dboddie forgot who else was on the sponsorship team... :-/20:30
pinnerconch: when is your meeting with PyCon IT, ie can we get together and make a list before it - I'm back in Friday am20:30
conchIt's on the calling notice for the meeting20:30
conchsimone, fpliger, me and you20:30
conchpinner: 1500 CEST20:31
conch1400 BST20:31
pinnerconch: OK, that will be fine, I'll start making a list this evening20:31
conchpinner: good, thanks20:31
voidspacesvn st20:32
pinnerSo that is looking OK, better than I thought a while back, anyway20:32
pinnerTOPIC Registration20:33
voidspacesorry about that20:33
pinner124 delegates registered, 24 of them booked Tutorials20:33
pinnerNot too bad, but Registration has slowed down, and we need to publicise more I think20:34
pinnerPyCon IT Quattro will be a good opportunity, who is going? It's not far away20:35
pboddieThere are a few events coming up soon.20:35
voidspaceI am going to PyCon IT20:35
voidspacefor the first time20:36
pinnervoidspace: you sound like a volunteer, then ;-)20:36
voidspacea reminder or two will help20:36
voidspaceemail me while I am there and remind me to do a lightning talk20:36
_dboddievoidspace: It's in early May, isn't it? Are you giving a full talk as well?20:36
voidspaceI'm doing two talks20:37
pinnerwe need two things: a Publicity talks and an exhortation for volunteers20:37
_dboddieAndrew Dalke and Emily Bache are running a one day conference in Gothenburg in late May.20:38
moreatiWe can combine the call for papers reminder with a 'look who's already speaking' message20:38
voidspacewe should publicise that Guido is coming20:38
conch_dboddie: 7/8/9 May20:38
voidspaceit should be on the front page of the website in big letters!20:38
pinner40 or so people said that they would help when the Italian team were putting in their bid for 2011/1220:38
* _dboddie is considering going to GothPyCon.20:39
voidspace_dboddie: bit of a Goth are you...20:39
_dboddievoidspace: GothCon was in February...20:39
voidspaceSeriously can we note that Guido, Raymond and Brett are speaking on the front page of the website20:39
voidspaceand do a blog entry about it20:39
voidspacethat should be a big draw20:40
pinnervoidspace: you're right, can't believe it's missing, I'll do that..20:41
voidspaceI thought it might be a secret or something20:41
* _dboddie wonders if it's too late to run a EuroPython candidate in the UK general election...20:41
voidspacebut Guido twittered it20:41
pinnerACTION pinner to get GvR etc as speakers on website Home page20:42
pinnervoidspace: I'd hoped to keept GvR's attendance quiet, but its' too late for taht now,plus it's a draw..20:43
voidspaceseems like an enormous publicity opportunity20:43
pinner_dboddie: UKIP wouldn't like it, so it must be 'a good idea';-)20:44
pinnerTOPIC Accommodation20:44
pinnerResponse from accountant still awaited20:44
pinnerACTION pinner to chase accountant re Accommodation handling and VAT20:45
pinnerOtherwise this action is closed, right moreati?20:45
moreatiI believe so, the difference in bookings between the old rate and the new rate was 138.20:46
moreatiie we owed people who booked20:46
moreatiJohn went through those who had overpayed, and refunded any over £1020:47
pinnerthat is 138 GBP was the *total* for all delegates affected20:47
pinnerand we have made 'appropriate' refunds, ie if the refund exceed the cost of doing it.20:48
moreatiTotal refunds came to £140, because there were 2 people < £10, who actual would have owed us20:48
moreatiSo, that matter cna be closed20:48
pinnerTOPIC Infrastructure/Tech Team20:48
moreatiunless there are any questions20:48
pinnermoreati: we had none last meeting, and no one has questioned the new rates.20:49
_dboddieNo questions from me.20:49
moreatihoorah, moving on then :)20:49
pinnerOK, let's try again (for Nick's bot)...20:50
conchI'm afraid the wiki updates are still outstanding, but not forgotten.20:50
pinnerTOPIC Infrastructure/Tech Team20:50
conchI've been spending time pulling cables, but should catch up this week20:50
pinnerbut I updated the EP list, 68 new members subscribed, giving 550 total membership20:51
pinneralready one has unsubscribed20:51
pinnerI don't know how these people expect to stay in touch, I can guess that they certainly won't want to help...20:51
pinnerNo doubt that, as usual, we'll keep being asked the same questions...20:52
* pinner sighs20:52
pboddieIs this the main europython list? There are a lot of lurkers on there.20:52
samastursome people feel they get too much email already20:53
pinnerconch: any other progress on TT? Any more volunteers?20:53
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conchpinner: no20:53
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pinnersamastur: it's not a great deal from EP, especially if they get a digest, and it saves us a lot of work if they read the list messages!20:54
pinnerHi Lukas!20:54
pinnerHi Christian!20:54
* pboddie is swimming around in the ep2010 site directory.20:54
_dboddieMrTopf: You've arrived during the Infrastructure/Tech Team topic. :-)20:54
samasturI know, but python developers are still also users with all that entails20:54
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pinnerconch: the usual apathy, then... let's try the direct approach more20:55
ghumsorry late I am20:55
MrTopfwell, just coincidence that I am here as I am in another meeting and IRC was still open20:55
MrTopfbut I might peek in20:55
pinnerHello Herr Blutwurst!20:55
conchpinner: we should be able to gain more local support, we haven't pushed much yet...20:56
pinnerACTION conch/pinner to try recruiting volunteers20:56
pinnerconch: yes, but it ws supposed to come more from Europe, not Brum (although Brum *is* is Europe, I think (don't tell Nigel Farage ;-)20:57
pinnerconch: maybe bring it up in Friday's IRC?20:57
conchpinner: yes will do20:59
pinnerTOPIC Publicity20:59
pinnerI think we covered this in Registration20:59
pinnerHas anyone anything to add?20:59
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pinnerNo. which brings us to21:00
pinnerTOPIC Keynotes and invited speakers21:01
voidspaceany news?21:01
_dboddieAre you still talking to theatrical agents? ;-)21:01
pinnerGuid has confirmed and registered, as I said earlier he wants to do a moderated ( by a web tool) Question and Answer sessions21:02
pinnersounds good to me21:02
pboddieDave and I wondered if pinner knows Simon Phipps from his UKUUG gig. Could be interesting from a Free Software perspective and maybe could tell us about Sun's sponsorship shenanigans. ;-)21:02
pinnerconch: we should talk about this in Tech Team21:02
pinnerpboddie: I will try21:03
pinnerACTION pinner to try to get Sun rep, eg Simon Phipps.21:03
pboddieBesides, all these ex-Sun people have plenty of free time these days. ;-)21:03
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_dboddiepinner: Any progress on the other potential keynoters?21:04
_dboddie(or after-dinner speakers?)21:04
pinnerAlso, I'm expecting to get Hilary Mason and Aleks Krotoski, we need the Google Female Bursary for this21:04
pinnerHilary is OK, provided we can fund the flights21:05
pinnerAleks is away ignoring email for two weeks.21:05
moreatipinner, if Guido's talking about web q&a, he probably has in mind an existing Google question web app but I cant find the link21:05
pinnerI now have a good contact method for Stephen Fry, will try this this week.21:05
voidspacegoogle moderator21:05
voidspacepinner: great21:05
moreativoidspace, ah thank you21:05
voidspacemoderator is a good tool for panels if we have any21:06
ghumpinner: WHICH hilary mason?21:06
pinnerand I've tried Jon 'maddog' Hall with no results, seems he's 'on safari' in South America.21:06
voidspaceaa_ and I are going to use it for the testing panel21:06
* ghum googelt many actresses21:06
ghum this one?21:07
pinnerghum: search for her on youtube, She works for bit.ly21:07
voidspaceSpotify use Python a lot21:07
voidspaceso does the lhc21:07
_dboddieghum: Sometimes I think you just use the EP meeting as an excuse to Google for actresses. ;-)21:07
voidspacea talk on the LHC would be *awesome*21:07
aa_apologies, got to go to asda then pick up the wife from work21:07
voidspaceaa_: naughty!21:08
pinnerghum: yes, that one21:08
ghumdboddie: I would not give excuses for googling actresses :)21:08
pinneraa_ goodnight, thanks for coming Ali!21:08
pboddievoidspace: CERN uses Python a lot - it's just my former colleagues there who would rather use duct tape, Perl, Java and Big Enterprise gear.21:08
* ghum now adds +python to the femal name googling21:08
voidspaceCarl Bolz is going over there to see if they can get performance improvements by switching to PyPy21:08
voidspaceunfortunately on a date possibly clashing with EuroPython :-(21:09
pinnervoidspace: maybe we should be trying to get TB-L as well21:09
pboddieTim Berners-Lee.21:09
moreatiSir Tim Berners Lee21:09
voidspacethat would also be awesome21:09
pinnervoidspace; Tim Berners-Lee21:09
samasturyes, but doesn't he give same speech everywhere?21:10
pinnerbut we're in danger of having *too many* invted speakers21:10
ghumright pinner is21:10
voidspacehah - a better problem to have than  too few21:10
samasturonly if most of them say yes21:10
ghumhaving 1 keynote a day should be enough21:11
voidspaceTB-L and Stephen Fry sounds great21:11
voidspacethe others I haven't heard of...21:11
_dboddieYou can always run morning and evening keynotes.21:11
pinnersamastur: well, I haven't seen it!21:11
samasturok :)21:11
pinner_dboddie: I guess too mmay is better than too few21:11
_dboddieLet's see how things pan out.21:12
samasturthis may sound PC, but would be great if it wasn't all male group21:12
pinnerIs William Shatner living in the UK now? he might be interesting...21:12
ghumMr Shatner? for a talk "how to live after the fame?"21:13
pinnersamastur: Hilary Mason, Aleks Krotoski are definitely female21:13
moreatiI thought he was dead21:13
pinnermoreati: very much alive and well at age 7921:13
ghumhe would be helpfull for an advertisment against tatoos, but what has he to do with Python?21:13
pinnerghum: your ncc module?21:14
moreatighum, proof that Python is ready for the Enterprise21:14
samasturpinner: I know...I just hope we get it or if not, somebody else21:14
ghumCool. Wiliam Shatner about "python for the enterprise"21:14
samasturAleks was great at dConstruct21:14
ghumway cool21:14
samasturget them21:14
samasturdamn...kind of obvious that English is not my language21:15
pinnersamastur: we'll try21:15
ghumJames Doohan could talk about the app engine, if he would not be dead :(21:15
pinnersmustar: ? not obvious at all. If you'd said 'have them', that would be a different matter...21:16
pinnerEnough frivolity..21:16
pinnerACTION pinner (and anyone else) to continue trying to get well-known invited speakers21:17
pinnerTOPIC Volunteers21:17
pinnerAs with Publicity, I think we've covered this under other headings, already21:17
pinnerNo dissension? so..21:18
pinnerTOPIC Next meeting21:18
pinnerTwo weeks interval agin would bring us to Tuesday 27th April, same time, same place21:19
pinnerghum: does that mean !ok ?21:20
ghumno, that is the yoda way of saying ok21:20
pinnerDECISION Tuesday 27th April, 18:00 BST, 19:00 CEST, at freenode #europython21:21
pinnerTOPIC Any Other Business21:21
pinnerI have none21:21
pboddieShould there be some main site editing?21:21
* ghum compliments pinner for reminding of meeting with CEST added!21:21
pboddieLike changing the "extra early bird" note.21:21
pinnerghum: a true European, that's me ;-)21:22
pinnerpboddie: where?21:22
pboddieOn the front page. It's in my editor now.21:22
moreatiit's the top news item on the front page21:22
pboddieNo, that's just a news item. Above that!21:23
mattiMeeting is always when I am heading back home.21:24
pinnermatti: Hi! but you're input is always welcome21:25
mattiBTW, I was able to put EPC posters on all the news boards at RIM.21:25
mattiHi pinner! :) Thanks!21:25
mattiI am not complaining... just tired. ;]21:25
moreatipinner, How's the Perl going btw?21:26
pboddieI can edit the site, but I'm not sure if I can run the special script. I also suggest changing the menu structure slightly - it's a bit at the moment.21:26
pinnermoreatI; Intersting, very..21:26
pinnermatti: great, thanks21:26
mattiThere is a London DevOps meeting @ Guardian towards the end of the month. I plan to meniton EPC to the people there.21:26
pinnerpboddie: I've done that now, but the news but needs seeing to21:27
mattiBesides that I was not much of a help due to chronic lack of time :( *cries*21:27
pinnermatti: good, also please try to get some talks, Simon Willison is always late with his submissions, but we;re closing earlier this year if we can21:28
samasturisn't simon going around world in summer_21:28
samasturand getting married21:28
pinnerOK, I think...21:28
pinnerThanks for coming every one,21:29
pboddiepinner: Any objections to splitting the quick-links into Activities (Talks, ...) and Practical Information (Venue, Travel, ...)?21:29
mattipinner: WHat do you mean?21:30
pinnerpboddie: I'd rather rjt was involved, he finds it difficult to make tehse meetings, but I have no objection otherwise21:31
pboddiepinner: OK, I'll send him a mail.21:31
pinnermatti: I just thougt it was time to close the meeting, nothing to do with simonw getting married21:31
mattiI still have troubles understanding. I had 4 hours of sleep behind me, I am quite slow today ;]21:32
mattiYou want me to chase him?21:32
pinnerpboddie: BTW, it was supposed to look 'a bit', for consistency in the Python world21:33
mattiOr send him greeting card since he is getting married?21:33
pinnermatti: please, at last we should know if it's on his radar if he has more personal things on his mind21:33
pboddiepinner: I was referring to the number of menu items - it gets quite overwhelming, although I'm not likely to help reduce them, exactly.21:34
pinnermatti: s/last/least/21:34
pinnerpboddie: I agree with that, they have grown somewhat, but this was Richard's response to feedback from 200921:35
pboddieI'll follow up with Richard.21:35
pinnerpboddie: thanks21:36
mattipinner: No problem, I will contact Simon!21:36
* pinner needs to go and have a beer after a day of learning Perl. Not sure where I go for a good one near Russell Square, though21:37
ghumwhy do you learn perl, pinner ?21:37
pinnermatti: this seems to have caused some comment in Python circles...21:38
mattiWell ...21:38
mattiI hope you are enjoying it ;p21:38
pinnerghum: to find out more, and maintain other peoples code, , and to be able to comment froma basis of knowledge, and to be able to convert Perl code to Python, Ok?21:39
ghumthat is a bunch of very valid reasons! I am asking because I once wrote some perl code, and it is not a pleasant memory21:40
mattiI can do P, P and R.21:40
mattiMost of the time at work we hack things in Ruby tho21:40
pinnermattii, yes it is quite enjoyable at this stage, don;t know about when its gets more advanced thought. Tutor (Dave Cross) is very good. Also Perl people often seem more open-minded that Python people.21:40
mattiLike ... puppet...21:41
mattipinner: Indeed.21:41
mattipinner: For some reason Ruby and Python communities tend to be very ... strict if I can say so.21:41
mattiPerl just ... does not care ;p21:41
mattiAnd CPAN is magic.21:41
pinnermatti: I'm mostly doing in things in Python nowadays, still a fair amount of C, and a moribund 4GL called Sculptor (not much nowadays, but we have some legacy code)21:42
mattiI envy you for C.21:43
ghumpinner: I would love to interview about perl21:43
mattiIt was quite some time since I was coding seriously in C.21:43
ghumespecially my topic "Things you should unlearn when coming from *"21:43
ghumI have some stuff concerning Java ... but nothing yet coming from perl and php21:43
pinnerC is good, but I never saw the point of all that arcane stuff in C++21:44
pboddiematti: CPAN? Boo! I had a horrible time with CPAN auto-upgrading stuff - easy_install is probably closer to cpan than people realise!21:44
pinnerghum: php == 'Perl for Hopeless Programmers'21:44
ghumpinner: I wrote an maintained an application in PHP once21:44
ghumbut my therapist helped me to erase that memory :(21:45
pinnerdevelopes seem to like PHP because it build and expectation in customers that they need support and are happy to pay for it if you fix the problems quickly21:46
pinnerghum: ho was your therapist? Guido?21:46
mattipinner: Have the tutor mentioned to you anything about Perl OO and how simplistic it is?21:47
ghumGuido does not do therapies ... he is great with software.21:47
pinnermattI: no, but he's told us about Windows Perl starting with 'vanilla' Perl >> 'strawberry' >> 'chocolate'21:49
pinnermatti: are you OK with the Programme Booklet again this year?21:49
mattiWhy not :}21:50
pinnermatti: actually he's said enough about OO for me to see that it is going to be horrendous, I guess I'll find out tomorrow21:51
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pinnermattI; Thanks! (for the booklet), I guess I know how much you put into it last year.21:51
* pinner waves goodnight21:52
ghumgn pinner, enjoy your beer21:52
pinnerThanks, Harald21:53
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DazWorrallholy late batman!21:54
DazWorrallcaught up on the logs, just wanted to say that I was the unsubscriber from the EP list, simply because I was already on there with a different email address and didnt want duplicates :)21:54
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ghumoki ;)21:55
ghumand bye for today21:55
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mattiOne thing.22:02
mattiWhat does John means by the booklet.22:02
_dboddiematti: I don't know. What did you do last year?22:04
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