IRC log of #europython for Friday, 2009-11-06

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mattiambv: ;]15:16
mattiHow are you?15:17
ambvjust finished my master's degree15:33
ambvgot through the final exam on Tuesday15:33
ambvso behold15:33
_dboddieambv: Congratulations!15:39
ambv_dboddie: thanks :)15:40
_dboddieambv: What are you a master of?15:40
ambv_dboddie: the f-ed up thing is, I don't really know15:41
ambvthe thing is, I am a BScE in computing science15:41
ambvcontinuing the same studies I received a Master's degree15:41
ambvthat's basically in computing science as well15:41
ambvbut the English translation provided by the university15:41
ambvstates that the MSc is in IT15:42
ambvwhich is really radically inferior15:42
mattiambv: Very nice! Congratulations!15:43
mattiambv: You are lucky actually ;]15:43
ambv_dboddie: I studied in Poland do in my native language it seems I'm a computing science major15:43
mattiambv: As studying in Poland is free, basically.15:43
mattiambv: MSc in UK is quite expensive ;/15:43
ambvmatti: yup, that's one of the few good things about living in Poland15:44
mattiambv: :)15:44
mattiambv: I've decided to take another course towards BSc as well.15:45
mattiambv: Then perhaps PhD, not sure yet.15:45
ambvhell no15:45
ambvdon't do PhD15:45
mattiWhy not?15:45
ambvmy observations are that PhD, or even the act of trying to get it, makes you mentally disconnected15:46
mattiI already have BSc is Physics, but people look at it with some sort of "a grin" when I apply for IT jobs.15:46
mattiambv: In what way15:46
ambvour company is seeking Python developers since about a month15:46
mattiIs it?15:47
mattiRemote work as well?15:47
ambvnope, Poznan based only.15:47
mattiI could do some part time ;) Even for very little salary, just to get more hands on, as RIM prefers Ruby and Lua and... Java... to Python.15:47
mattiambv: Shame.15:47
ambvsorry, not my decision actually.15:48
mattiI know.15:48
mattiNo worries.15:48
mattiI presume you are having troubles with people?15:48
ambvbut the really challenging thing is that we got a couple of PhD (actual or wannabes) come for interviews.15:48
mattiI mean, finding people?15:48
ambvthe first one wanted to get approx. twice the salary our best developer is receiving.15:49
ambvand based on my two fairly basic Python interview questions, he has little to none experience with the language.15:49
mattiI reckon PhD-wannabe wants BIG salary for their title (or titles) and they are like... dreamers... floating away... somewhere and somehow different direction than what company have in mind.15:49
mattiWhy do they apply then?15:50
ambvthe second one who came to the company actually got the job15:50
ambvbecause he was the boss's old friend from studies15:50
mattiOh god.15:50
mattiI hate that.15:50
ambvhe was acting as he was better than the rest of us15:50
ambveven calling the team "snots" over the phone15:50
mattiBut no every PhD student is like that, isnt it?15:51
mattiThey are some humble ones as well.15:51
mattiFor instance, zeth15:51
* matti hugs zeth 15:51
ambvI don't know. Based on who went for PhD from my Master's studies... it seems that most of PhD students really ARE like that.15:52
ambvstill yet15:52
ambvthat's not the last example15:52
mattiCarry on15:52
ambvthe PhD hired is already on the recoil15:52
ambvbecause basically the whole team is able to easily show his incompetence and dreamy attitude (that we should be oh so methodological)15:53
mgedminwe have one phd in our office, he's okay15:53
ambvmgedmin: respect him, he's a rarity15:54
mgedminmaybe lacks confidence in his programming skills a bit15:54
mattimgedmin: As I said, not all of them are like those described by ambv15:54
mattimgedmin: What is the point for a company to get PhD student on-board?15:54
mattiI wonder.15:54
ambvmatti: so I expect the PhD to surrender in less that three weeks15:54
ambvbut the best part is that he's not the last example15:54
mattiambv: Hehe, is you team making bets already?15:54
ambvyup, we were since we heard him calling us 'snots' over the phone15:55
mattiambv: Don't keep me in such state of anxiety, tell me! I want the last example!15:55
ambvtoday I interviewed a guy that's a PhD in physics15:55
ambvhe claims 10 years experience with Python15:55
ambvnumerous open source activity15:56
mattiDid you Googled him?15:56
ambvpapers, conference attendance, certificates15:56
ambvyup, a little, seems  to be more of a teacher than a scientist15:56
mattiAt the end...15:56
mattiHe fail terribly on something, didnt he?15:57
ambvbut still, we gave him a chance, despite his statement that he wants to get at least 150 PLN an hour15:57
mattiIs that a lot?15:57
ambvwhich gives you over 25K full time15:57
ambvthe Polish president does not earn that much15:57
ambvbut still15:58
mattiWell, he certainly is a character ;]15:58
ambvwe thought, hell, maybe he will be The Man15:58
mattiBig ego tho.15:58
ambvmaybe he'll be the new lead15:58
matti... and...15:58
mattiand ...15:58
ambv(Google tells me 25K PLN is around 5300 GBP)15:58
ambvbut you can't really directly compare. costs of living being different and stuff. summing it up: 25K is astronomical.15:59
_dboddieI guess you need to make sure that these guys actually know how to write code rather than just wave their arms.15:59
ambvon to the guy:15:59
_dboddieThat problem isn't restricted to people with PhDs.15:59
ambv1. he actually yelled at me when I asked him to write some code on the whiteboard15:59
ambvyup, he told me I am being ridiculous by asking him to write code during the interview16:01
mattiOf course.16:01
_dboddieSounds like someone is afraid of writing code. It might the fear of being shown up.16:02
mattiHe dare you to even ask him anything during the interview.16:02
matti_dboddie: I am usually quite nervous during the interviews.16:02
ambvbut I told him that he's trying to get a job as a developer, and as such, his daily work will involve coding. the real reason behind seing people code isn't to check whether they remember the std lib by heart. it's to see how they operate with idioms.16:02
_dboddiematti: When interviewing or as a candidate?16:02
ambvso he tried to write SOMETHING16:02
matti_dboddie: Both.16:02
ambvand then...16:03
ambv2. he started indexing a Python list starting from 116:03
matti_dboddie: I reckon it is easier with age and experience.16:03
_dboddiematti: Or if you have a few drinks beforehand. ;-)16:03
mattiambv: Hehehe.16:03
ambv3. he told me that preparing a domain model with 3 classes is impossible without prior formalisation of the problem16:04
matti_dboddie: Tried that once with coffee...16:04
ambv4. he didn't know how to check the length of a list16:04
matti_dboddie: I did slightly too much ...caffeeeine ;p16:04
ambv5. when I told him it's "len", he wrote "list.len()"16:04
matti_dboddie: They invited me for the second interview, but I was not allowed coffee ;p16:04
mattiambv: 10 years you say.16:05
mattiEven I am not that bad.16:05
ambvbut I was really hopeful.16:05
_dboddie10 years of Python 3? ;-)16:05
matti_dboddie: ;p16:05
ambv_dboddie: don't laugh16:05
ambvthere was a guy today also16:05
mattiambv: I want to work for half of his salary.16:06
ambvclaiming he wrote his BSc thesis project in Python 2.616:06
ambv4 years ago16:06
mattiambv: I refuse to do interview.16:06
mattiambv: And I dont want to write code.16:06
mattiambv: Plus I want to mokney patch list build in, so I can have .list() instance method in 2.{5,6}+ :)16:06
mattiambv: Do you agree?16:06
_dboddiematti: If you can travel through time as well, ambv will give you the job!16:06
matti_dboddie: Sure thing I do!16:07
matti_dboddie: ;p16:07
matti_dboddie: But I refuse to prove it ;p16:07
ambvso, to sum up the PhD story of the last miserable guy.16:07
ambvI let him show what he's actually good at and asked about one of the projects.16:07
ambvhe explained that it is a massive simulation framework in C++ with an XML interface and Python client bindings.16:08
ambvwhen I asked what XML parser they used16:08
ambvhe told me: "there was this function we wrote"16:08
ambvI asked again: "what parser did the function use?"16:08
mattiambv: What would be the ratio of competent-people to incompetent-people you interview?16:08
ambvhe replied: "the function was parsing XML, I don't understand your question"16:09
ambvso, fail fail fail. epic fail.16:09
ambvmatti: I'd say 1 hacker for every 10 losers.16:09
mattiThat's bad.16:09
ambvthe problem with the hackers is that they usually want to work remotely, as yourself.16:10
mattiI am merely a humble python user.16:10
mattiNot much of a hacker.16:10
ambvworking remotely does not scale in our environment where most of the work is done in a pretty confident manner. we don't even have the source code on our local computers.16:10
mattiToo much languages on my plate, hard to get one at the master level.16:10
ambvmatti: don't "humble" me. i only talk to hackers.16:10
mattiI have to look after code in Lua, Java, Ruby and Perl... plus Python and C/C++.16:11
mattiToo much sometimes.16:11
ambvyup, that's hard.16:11
mattiAfter a week in Perl I keep adding ; everywhere.16:11
mattiAfter a week in Ruby I would like to use closuers everywhere.16:11
mattiAfter a week in C++ I need a psychotherapy.16:12
mattiAnd God my witness...16:12
mattiI damn HATE Java.16:12
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