IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2011-03-13

npmi regularly see "curl error for ..." reading metadata00:01
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npmplus stuff about unexpected return codes (430?)00:03
wazd_lcuk: no, this guy has long hair, I don't :P00:03
lcukwazd_, where is the video?00:03
lcukof not you00:03
wazd_oh no00:04
wazd_not mine :)00:04
wazd_there it is00:04
lcukwazd_, yeah, that guy (who is not you :P) was the one who was using the trampoline in the brewery00:05
wazd_lcuk: aaah, yeah00:06
wazd_lcuk: that was me :)00:06
lcukthat was one hell of an awesome night!00:06
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npmgabrbedd: does the zypper issue have to do with "zypper wp" being broken as well00:06
wazd_still has video from it btw :D00:06
gabrbeddnpm: how is `wp` broken?00:07
npmchecking again... seems to miss stuff although now that i just tested ... it found it ok.00:07
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npmesp if you install from an external repo00:08
lcukwazd_, I am watching the video00:09
lcukbut you are refering to your presentation often, I think other shave uploaded their slides and linked them on the conf site - do you have yours uploaded?00:09
lcuks/shave/s have/00:10
infobotlcuk meant: but you are refering to your presentation often, I think other s have uploaded their slides and linked them on the conf site - do you have yours uploaded?00:10
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npmfor example if you install google chrome via ... then do 'zypper wp /usr/bin/google-chrome'  and 'zypper wp /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome' -- neither work00:11
npmeven though chrome does00:11
npmbut underlying, "rpm -qf /usr/bin/google-chrome" works00:12
wazd_lcuk: I guess no :(00:12
wazd_lcuk: forgot bout it totally :(00:12
lcukwazd_, do you still have the ppt for them?00:12
npmthus zypper seems unable to access RPM info00:13
wazd_lcuk: yep, somewhere00:13
gabrbeddnpm: `zypper wp google-chrome` is a known limitation of zypper.00:13
npmit is? is there a bug or specific thing that causes it?00:14
gabrbeddOTOH, yum supports this.00:14
npmyes, yum works fine00:14
npmexcept it doesn't give me repo priorities like zypper00:14
gabrbeddI found a bug report or ML post in upstream zypper where it was classified as WONTFIX00:14
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npmwhich is how i make the "meegolem hack" safe (unless you allow zypper to start deinstalling meego :-))00:15
gabrbeddit works stable with .so files, though.00:15
gabrbeddFWIW, the information is in the cache... zypper just doesn't use it.00:15
npmsort of00:15
npmon the .so files00:15
npmi wonder if there's some customization to make it use the cache info00:16
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gabrbeddnpm: I'd say that 80% of the time `zypper search` does what you need.00:23
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shadeslayerhi, mic-image-writer has been stuck for the last 5 minutes at 100 %01:30
shadeslayerany ideas?01:30
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vgradeshadeslayer, the write will use ram to buffer to the slow flash, give it time01:33
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shadeslayervgrade: ok so i have some questions01:33
shadeslayera) is a 2GB microsd card enough?01:33
vgradeshadeslayer, no I don't wear frocks :)01:33
shadeslayerb) i unmounted my microsd card via clockworkmod01:33
shadeslayervgrade: lol01:33
shadeslayervgrade: i was hoping to assist you guys in porting meego to the HTC Desire01:34
shadeslayer( unmounted it after the disk was written 100 % but the time kept on going )01:34
vgradeDesire, thats the Nexus One01:34
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shadeslayerpretty much yes01:35
shadeslayernearly same hardware ... except the desire has no secondary mike and a optical trackball01:35
shadeslayeroh and more RAM01:35
vgradeI think termana had some sucess with that01:35
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vgradeI've not done a build for sometime now01:35
vgradethings have moved on on the repos01:36
vgradeand meegotouch01:36
shadeslayeryeah .. i had to fix some repos manually01:36
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shadeslayerthat's my desire.ks01:36
vgradeI'm working tegra2 and pandaboard but still have an eye on nexus01:36
vgradelardman had a great idea this week on getting acelerated gfx going01:37
shadeslayerpandaboards are awesome01:37
lbt_hey vgrade01:37
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vgradelbt_, hi01:38
lbtjust attempting to make a joggler image01:38
TSCHAKeeevgrade: ;)01:38
vgradelbt, you will probably have the same issues as shadeslayer, repos moving etc01:39
lbtI have a custom .ks01:39
shadeslayerlbt: yeah me too01:39
vgradelbt, do you have the emgd latest stuff01:39
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shadeslayerthat's it? :D01:40
vgradeTSCHAKeee, nice, you didn't reply to the ARM question01:40
TSCHAKeeewhat was that?01:41
lbtshadeslayer: just the important changes01:41
vgradelbt, 1875, nice. not tried those yet01:41
shadeslayerlbt: so should i add that stuff?01:41
lbtshadeslayer: dunno... it's writing to usb now01:41
shadeslayerlol .. it's 5 AM here01:41
shadeslayerlbt: okay01:41
shadeslayersame here01:41
vgradeshadeslayer, no EMGD is for intel GMA500 gfx01:41
lbtI'll be astonished if it boots ;)01:41
shadeslayervgrade: okay .. i'm a newbie here ;P01:42
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shadeslayervgrade: i don't see anything about EMGD in the ks file01:43
lbtshadeslayer: emgd is only needed for Intel GPUs01:43
lbtthe GMA500 specifically01:44
vgradelbt, the problem will be if the 1875 requires a patch to the kernel01:44
lbtvgrade: OK01:44
shadeslayerlbt: can you tell me the exact line number?01:44
vgradelbt, I think I saw a related IVI kernel commit around the time of the 1875 commit01:44
shadeslayeri've actually taken this ks from the wiki and changed the repos01:44
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vgradegot to go guys, bye , let me know how you get on01:45
shadeslayerthanks man01:45
lbto/ vgrade01:45
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shadeslayerlbt: how long are you around?01:47
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lbtshadeslayer: not long I'm afraid01:47
lbtwill be up in 10hrs01:47
shadeslayerlbt: quick question, does installing this have a risk of bricking my phone?01:48
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lbtN900 ?01:48
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lbtI couldn't say01:48
shadeslayerlbt: so that ks is for a N900?01:48
lbtI wasn't aware of a Desire port01:48
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shadeslayeri've finished compiling the kernel01:49
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shadeslayeralso have a RAW file01:49
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lbtI couldn't comment on the bricking over what's said on the wiki01:49
lbtit's more to do with how recoverable the phone is01:50
lbtthan meego01:50
lbtmmm .... sounds like it boots from SD01:50
shadeslayeras long as recovery is fine, i can fix it01:50
lbtso that's usually pretty safe01:50
shadeslayerthat's what i'm thinking as well01:51
* shadeslayer is waiting for mic to finish writing01:51
lbt"Don't except something working perfectly, for me it just start the UI and nothing more, no touchscreen, no status icons... "01:51
lbtwooo ..... sync finished !01:51
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wazd_hmm, either meego don't have context menu, or my right-click is broken :)01:56
thiago_homeideapad right-click is broken01:57
wazd_thiago_home: that was predictable :)01:57
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thiago_homein fact, clicking is broken on the ideapad touchpad01:58
thiago_hometapping works01:58
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wazd_thiago_home: oh... Is that a hardware problem?02:03
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thiago_homethe synaptics driver doesn't read it, for whatever reason02:03
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npmi can right click on touchpad02:14
thiago_homeI can only if I have an external USB mouse attached02:15
thiago_homenot on the touchpad02:15
npmmine works on internal02:15
lcukthiago_home, I believe the 1.1 update 4 cured that02:15
npmhowever, sometimes it fails... may or may not have to do with this:
lcukat least it seemed to recently02:15
_MeeeGoBot_Bug 14186 nor, Undecided, ---,, NEW, kseriod spins and high "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad interrupt" --> fan spins while idling02:15
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TSCHAKeeevgrade: yes03:36
TSCHAKeeevgrade: we have had ARM builds on WinCE since 2004, and on Nokia 770/N800/N810/N900 since 2007.03:37
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cBuckleand un-officially on SmartQ V7 ;)03:38
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* npm adds kelp pills to shopping list ...03:53
npmwhen can we rename it "MeGlow"03:54
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lcukis there anything nice in the new daily testing image that people have noticed? or has nobody looked on n900 image yet?04:01
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lcukManchester UK MeeGo meet-up?
* lcuk did not see the thread earlier04:15
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TSCHAKeeelbt_away: is there a way i can force the compiler to compile a package without all the funky cflags that OBS adds?07:37
TSCHAKeeelbt_away: and just use the cflags that configure provides?07:38
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shadeslayerso i have a cursor like thing on my screen ... 'x'07:43
shadeslayerthe one which is usually used to kill stuff ...07:43
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TSCHAKeeethat's the default cursor, bub07:49
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shadeslayerTSCHAKeee: any ideas how to see the log messages?07:50
TSCHAKeeelog in, root/meego07:50
shadeslayerTSCHAKeee: this is a desire07:50
TSCHAKeeeonce you're logged in, you can go to /var/log07:51
TSCHAKeeeand read the log messages07:51
TSCHAKeeethey're in /var/log07:51
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shadeslayeryeah i'm mounting the micro SD carda and checking them via the PC07:51
shadeslayerlets hope they are there07:51
TSCHAKeeeyou mean you're too fucking scared to ctrl-alt-F1 to a console?07:52
shadeslayerTSCHAKeee: dude .. this is not a N900 :D07:53
TSCHAKeeecan you not attach a keyboard?07:53
shadeslayerboot.log :
pupnikthere are some interesting use-cases that are possible with a wristwatch graphical client for a smartphone07:58
shadeslayerloads of file descriptor errors07:58
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rigvedhi everyone...i'm interested in the meego project. but i do not have the ava dev phone nor do i have a VT enabled processor. is there any way that i can contribute to the OS dev?11:33
pupawaymeego runs on netbooks and the n900 phone11:33
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rigvedpupaway: ok. will try the netbook image then.11:34
Stskeepsrigved: you can develop on atom and arm too11:34
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rigvedStskeeps: will i be able to use chroot for such, as i do not access to any dev platform that has arm or atom. i can test the image on my coll PCs but can't do dev there.11:37
rigvedStskeeps, pupaway: thanks for your help11:38
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Stskeepsrigved: ssse3 is basically needed for x86 side at least11:39
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rigvedStskeeps: ok. i checked the cpu flags. i have ssse3. thanks again for your help. now i'll try to get a basic dev env working11:48
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shadeslayerthis image is taking up too much time to write11:51
shadeslayera 1000 secs gone by11:52
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CosmoHillI'm defiantly only physically awake12:05
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CosmoHillnever before has tea been so confusing to make12:06
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CosmoHillwow, since when has youtube supported 4K?12:07
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thiago_home4k resolution?12:11
CosmoHill"In July 2010, YouTube began streaming certain videos at a resolution of up to 4096 x 2304 (in the 16:9 aspect ratio) to 4096 x 3072 (4:3).[1] Registered users at YouTube are allowed to upload videos with a resolution higher than 1080p."12:11
thiago_homewhat's the bandwidth required to watch one of those live?12:12
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thiago_homeI have a friend who works for Cisco and he told me that their 4k prototypes have 4 HDMI cables to transport the info12:13
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CosmoHillReally? but single link HDMI supports 10.2Gb/s12:16
thiago_homemaybe because they were connecting to 4 1080p screens...12:16
CosmoHillthat makes a lot more sense then, I thought they were connecting one device12:17
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jonnorthiago_home: the data is a "bit" more compressed than over HDMI. But still pretty solid bandwith required, I can imagine12:17
thiago_homeI thought HDMI transmitted uncompressed12:18
thiago_home4096x3072 x 30 x 4 = 1440 MB/s12:19
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shadeslayeris there someway other than mic-image-writer i can write my RAW image file to?12:19
shadeslayerbecause the writer is stuck at 100 %12:20
shadeslayerStskeeps: doesn't work for some reason on my HTC Desire12:20
shadeslayerends up booting into Android12:20
Stskeepshardware adaptation is hard :P12:20
shadeslayeri spent last night reading about kickstart12:21
shadeslayerand writing a kickstart file12:21
shadeslayeri actually managed to get it running once12:21
shadeslayerwhere i had a x cursor12:21
shadeslayerbut that's all that happenend12:21
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shadeslayer/bin/dd: writing `/dev/sdb': No space left on device12:22
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shadeslayerwhich one of these do i NOT need?
shadeslayeranything else i can use to slim down the image?12:24
shadeslayerit's about 100 megs bigger12:25
Stskeepsshadeslayer: -sample-media12:25
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shadeslayerdo i need both of them?12:26
thiago_homeGLESv1 is also unnecessary12:26
thiago_homewell, for Qt. I hear some games find it useful.12:26
shadeslayerokay so remove both?12:26
Stskeepsshadeslayer: sample-media is about 150mb and not needed12:26
thiago_homeyou need GLESv212:26
shadeslayerStskeeps:  i don't see sample-media in my ks12:27
shadeslayerhere's the entire file
Stskeepsmight be in a package group12:27
shadeslayerso %packages --excludedocs --excludesample-media ?12:28
Stskeepsjust add -sample-media12:29
Stskeepsminus in front maeks it not include it12:29
Stskeepsout of curiousity: how many years do you expect your fridge to work, from when you buy it?12:31
thiago_homethough my parents have just retired a fridge that was 15 years old12:32
Stskeepsand how long does smartphone companies usually keep making updates to their phones?12:32
thiago_home2 years, 3 at most12:33
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shadeslayerit's still 1.9 GB12:37
shadeslayeri need a bigger microsd card :/12:37
Stskeepschange your partition lines then12:37
timeless_w7ipon that note, my washing machine died recently, i need to deal w/ it :(12:39
shadeslayeri don't see any12:39
Stskeepsshadeslayer: well that might by why then12:41
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shadeslayerthe image is still pretty big13:01
CosmoHilltimeless_w7ip: ours only dies with a full load and water in it13:05
timophyou could make the partition smaller if there a lot of empty space13:05
timophpart / --size=1800  --ondisk mmcblk0p --fstype=btrfs13:05
timophreduce the size param13:06
CosmoHillcould you strip out man pages / documents and debugging flags?13:06
timeless_w7ipcosmohill: mine isn't turning on13:06
CosmoHillhopefully it's just a fuse somewhere13:07
timeless_w7ipit's possible the plug came out or somethign similarly annoying13:07
timeless_w7ipor that i need to replace a fuse13:07
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shadeslayertimeless_w7ip: yeah i did that13:18
shadeslayerlets see now13:18
timeless_w7ipyeah, i didn't think you had a bad washing machine :)13:18
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timeless_w7ipbut if you have a good one, could we trade? :)13:18
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timophit should help since just removing packages won't make the partions any smaller..13:19
shadeslayertimoph: so that reduces the image to 1800 megs?13:19
timophthe partition sizes are set in the .ks13:19
timophshadeslayer: 1800 is the default13:20
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timophtry something like 160013:20
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timophif the image size is something like 1.7G after that, it worked :)13:22
shadeslayertimoph: since i have different hardware do you think i should copy the compiled kernel modules to the sd card?13:23
shadeslayeror will the packages suffice13:23
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shadeslayerit's writing now13:41
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wazdHello all13:57
thiago_homehey wazd13:58
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wazdI have one more netbook UI specific question. Is there a built-in method to draw a shadow under "popped" icon in meego toolbar or I should have separate icon for this?14:00
wazdthiago_home: o/14:00
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timeless_w7ipthiago: hey, do you know the story behind 'numerusforms'?14:24
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valianholtGood day! Is there any gps/map solution for MeeGo already please?15:26
valianholtMaybe open street map client?15:26
valianholtThis is the main feature which will allow me to use MeeGo as regular everyday OS since 1.2 will be released15:26
pcfevalianholt: I am a happy user of mappero.15:28
valianholtme also with N900, so is it ported? :O15:28
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pcfeBUT, I only use it when on foot/public transport and I live in Helsinki, we get public transport rouiting here15:29
pcfegah, my bad, reading would have helped, sorry15:29
valianholtsure, I don't own a car15:29
valianholtbut I need foot navigation a lot15:29
pcfeI read maemo instead of the meego you wrote15:29
valianholtyes that's the point, with Maemo there is no problem15:29
valianholtis there any way how to view app repositories of MeeGo from web browser?15:30
valianholtlike Maemo for example?15:30
valianholtfile structure is enough15:31
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timeless_w7ipvalianholt?15:37 ?15:37
timeless_w7ipor ?15:37
timeless_w7ipdepending on what you mean by an app repository15:37
timeless_w7ipsounds like you  mean
* timeless_w7ip doesn't think an equivalent is particularly ready yet15:38
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valianholtno equivalent of maemo downloads needed, just simple package file structure15:39
valianholtor ftp structure15:39
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valianholtthis is what I wanted, thanks a lot!15:41
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timeless_w7ipit isn't guaranteed to be current, i think there's a slightly newer one in draft-repo.meego.com15:42
timeless_w7ipi'm still working out some kinks15:42
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wazdopen-sourced OS uses 1k euro font as the default, meheh16:05
wazdoh, I guess I'm slightly wrong. It's just a logo font16:07
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esdfanyone managed to run meego on n8 yet?16:10
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timeless_w7ipesdf: you have a signing key for the n8?16:14
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timeless_w7ipstandard nokia phones will not let you flash something that isn't signed...16:14
thiago_homeesdf: don't forget that it's an ARMv6 with proprietary OpenGL drivers16:14
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wazdOh my, just had a major Google fail16:15
* CosmoHill updates the FAQ16:15
esdftimeless_w7ip: how do you mean? wtf is signing key?16:15
wazdtried to google for "meego applications" and it said "Did you mean "maemo applications?" :D16:15
CosmoHillfunny, I swear the iphone was on the FAQ16:15
timeless_w7ipesdf: ever heard of trusted computing?16:15
timeless_w7ipwazd: nice16:15
CosmoHillesdf: short, non-techy answer: no16:16
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esdftimeless_w7ip: you mean that microsoft bullshit?16:16
timeless_w7ipesdf: phones are not like the open computers with which you're familiar16:16
thiago_homeesdf: no16:16
thiago_homeesdf: have you ever flashed a phone with an image you created yourself?16:16
timeless_w7ipesdf: it's a general industry concept16:16
esdfim quite new16:16
esdfto smartphones16:16
esdfand mobile tralala16:16
thiago_homeesdf: simple answer: you can't16:16
timeless_w7ipthe fact that microsoft is involved is because microsoft is in the industry16:16
CosmoHillNokia N8 is pre-MS16:17
thiago_homethe HW doesn't let you run any software you may want16:17
esdfowell at least complete ui rewrite for symbian 3 is coming in pr2.016:17
timeless_w7ipyou're sad that you can't do something that no one promised you'd be able to do?16:17
esdfi hope it's the qt rewrite16:17
esdfthat was announced16:17
esdftimeless_w7ip: i'm sad just because i hoped for some mangling with my device, and now i found out i can't16:17
timeless_w7ipwell, um16:18
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timeless_w7ipnext time you should do your research *before* you buy16:18
esdfwell it's really same shit for every phone more or less16:18
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esdfi wanted to buy n90016:18
timeless_w7ipwhy didn't you?16:18
esdfbut wasn't anywhere in stores, so i went with n816:18
CosmoHillthis seem alright:16:18
CosmoHill== Phones MeeGo will not run on ==16:18
CosmoHill* Nokia N8, requires signed images from Nokia16:18
CosmoHill* Apple iPhone, closed platform16:18
esdfi'm in croatia, it's 2 yrs old, it's nowhere to be found here:/16:19
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esdftho, i kinda wish i waited just a tiny bit longer to get e716:19
timeless_w7ipa group here bought out the last supply of n900s from the local store16:19
wazdCosmoHill: well, they somehow managed to run android on the iphone :P16:19
esdfsince it seems completely kickass16:19
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timeless_w7ipwazd: using a root exploit you can do all sorts of amusing things16:19
esdftimeless_w7ip: anyone givin out 1 for free? ;P16:20
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CosmoHillwazd: not really open source if they charge you $30 per phone16:20
wazdoh my!16:20
esdfanyway, dont get me wrong, i'm quite happy with n8 and i dont regret it buying it over some android or iphone16:20
timeless_w7iplooks like you could pick one up for 300usd +s/h16:20
timeless_w7ipwhich reminds me16:21
CosmoHilloh god it's spam16:21
timeless_w7ipi need to upload my n8 photos16:21
dm8tbrwith the whole nokia meego device circus I'm seriously considering to just go for a E7 as my business device and ignore the crap. (and keep the n900 as my private device)16:21
* timeless_w7ip has about a hundred of them16:21
CosmoHillI tried to leave the iphone android website and it goes "wait, I'll let you have it for $19!"16:21
timeless_w7ipdm8tbr: fwiw, i had the option of expensing an e7 or n8 to nokia16:21
dm8tbrI'm running meego on my Archos tablets that has to be enough16:21
esdfE7 is nice yeah16:21
timeless_w7ipi'd tried the e7 and found the keyboard edges painful16:21
timeless_w7ipso i chose the n816:21
esdfwhat are the advantages over n8 tho? (aside from physical qwerty)?16:21
dm8tbrtimeless_w7ip: I'm trying to get one to try exactly that out16:21
wazddm8tbr: screen16:22
esdfi'm surprised with how long n8's battery runs16:22
timeless_w7ipesdf: yeah16:22
timeless_w7ipthe n8's battery life is impressive16:22
esdfi mean... i listen to music 2 days in a row, 4-6hrs a day16:22
esdfand it didnt die on me16:22
esdf+ i had still in it 1 day of calls left16:22
wazdlong battery lie is so 200516:22
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esdfi was like omg this phone is $$$$16:22
CosmoHillyes, 4 dollars!16:22
timeless_w7ipwazd: try 200016:22
esdfim reading bout android phones, battery life 1d16:23
esdfiOS - less then16:23
wazdtimeless_w7ip: maybe :)16:23
thiago_homegone are the days when battery life was part of the advertisement16:23
timeless_w7ipwhich reminds me16:23
CosmoHilldoesn't MeeGo murder batteries?16:23
thiago_homeCosmoHill: depends on the HW16:23
timeless_w7iptime to swap my n900's battery16:23
CosmoHillI'll take that as a yes16:23
esdfany site with qt apps for n8?16:23
CosmoHillovi store?16:23
lcukesdf, ovi16:24
esdfovi store is a clusterfuck16:24
esdfsearching for something there16:24
esdfis impossible16:24
esdflike using bing search :D16:24
esdfi enter "voyager" in ovi store, 0 results16:24
timeless_w7ipjust grab 'putty'16:24
CosmoHillbing search is alright and could you mind your language16:24
lcukwell many of my friends seem to have no trouble nowadays gettign stuff from ovi16:24
esdfthen i enter "voyage" and voyager home screen turns out 20th16:24
esdfit's just a bad search engine16:24
timeless_w7iplcuk: can they get SkyFire?16:24
timeless_w7ipi tried, and failed16:24
timeless_w7ipi also tried a couple of other things16:25
esdfto the point of trying to use ovi store as lass as possible16:25
lcuktimeless_w7ip, idk16:25
timeless_w7ipovi store has issues16:25
timeless_w7ipesdf: "little"16:25
esdfah ok thanks16:25
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lcukyeah it does, but that does not mean it is useless16:25
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timeless_w7iptrue, it's merely unusable :)16:25
esdflcuk: for me it's close to useless16:25
esdfi mean, i dont feel like scrolling endless screens to find app i might like just because keywords entered in search dont give any results for some reason16:26
matrixx_I've liked ovi store mobile ui, but don't like to browse it with a real browser, cause that has huge issues16:26
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esdfoh nice new ovi version, maybe that fixes some issues16:27
matrixxbut at least the experience with n8 is ok16:27
esdftimeless_w7ip: btw there's putty in ovi store? :S16:27
timeless_w7ipesdf: it isn't16:28
timeless_w7ipyou go elsewhere for it16:28
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timeless_w7ipgoogle :)16:28
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esdfnah i thought there's some putty version in ovi16:28
esdfI do have putty already on my phone16:28
CosmoHillputty is windows only16:28
timeless_w7ipcosmo: err, no16:28
esdfjust the problem is, that it's really slow on response16:28
timeless_w7ipputty is actually rather portable16:28
matrixxI have touch putty in my n816:28
esdfdoes it respond to your input fast?16:28
matrixxso, not win only16:28
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esdfi need to wait like... 30s for it to respond16:29
timeless_w7ipthat's putty for linux :)16:29
esdfwhen i ssh into my box, reattach irssi for example16:29
matrixxfast enough, but I dislike my vkb16:29
esdftimeless_w7ip: putty for linux? funny16:29
esdfmatrixx: got soem link to where you got it from16:29
timeless_w7ipesdf: it works to prove a point16:29
matrixxesdf: wait a sec16:29
timeless_w7ippeople don't believe symbian is a real os16:29
esdfisnt symbian based on linux?16:30
CosmoHillson of a bitch, I indirectly know that guy16:30
timeless_w7ipcosmo: which guy?16:30
CosmoHillthe one who wrote putty16:30
matrixxomg, my system almost died when I typed "touch putty" to firefox search field :D16:30
CosmoHillthe tech's daughter went to university with him16:30
dm8tbresdf: I used to have a problem with putty on series8016:31
dm8tbresdf: it would take ages to connect16:31
wazdwhich reminds me16:31
wazd <- what do you think?16:31
CosmoHillwazd: error 50316:31
esdfdm8tbr: well like i said, it does ssh into my box quite fast, but when i issue a command, for instance screen -dr xyz16:31
esdfit takes ages for putty to respond16:31
dm8tbrthat's rather weird16:31
dm8tbrwazd: cute, too bad that netbook's going away ;)16:32
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matrixxesdf: apparently I need to reboot my system :( you can find the putty by searching "touch putty", if I recall correctly, it was made by some finnish guy :)16:32
lcukwazd, which day on the chart is "today"16:32
esdfmatrixx: hmm let me check who made mine16:32
lcukand is it possible to have the top weather icon actually show the weath for it?16:32
esdfbtw someone should port sony vegas to symbian3 :DD it'd be a shame for n8 to not have it considering it's hardware haha :D16:33
timeless_w7ipesdf =~ s/it's/its/16:33
CosmoHilllcuk: you mean like how the mac calendar icon displays todays date?16:33
CosmoHillesdf: he's correcting your grammar16:33
esdftimeless_w7ip: ah yeah16:33
lcukCosmoHill, IDK16:33
lcukbut if you want to get me a mac, I would see for you16:34
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lcukCosmoHill, I am used to a calendar showing me well, the calendar16:34
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CosmoHilllcuk: i mean the dock icon16:35
lcukCosmoHill, Iknow it has a dock, but never looked at its contents16:35
wazddm8tbr: orly? :)16:36
wazdlcuk: none, that's just a viual test. icons are just placeholders too :)16:36
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lcukwazd, roger16:37
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matrixxesdf: I downloaded putty from here:
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esdfthink i have the same thing, but thanks, ill give it a try16:41
timeless_w7ipesdf: oh, you want to grab about half a dozen google apps16:42
timeless_w7ipyou can get them from
timeless_w7ipbut skip latitude, it's a dated dupe of maps16:43
esdftimeless_w7ip: only one i grabbed from there is youtube16:43
esdfdon't know if i should get google maps since ovi maps seem great16:43
timeless_w7ipgrab at least maps16:43
timeless_w7ipif you use gmail, grab it16:43
CosmoHilldoesn't google maps require you to have internet access?16:44
esdfhmm, i do have mobile documents for gmail and other stuff16:44
timeless_w7ipalso you probably want mIRGGI, Opera Mobile, Opera Mini, Skype16:45
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timeless_w7ipcosmo: generally, yeah16:45
timeless_w7ipbut its map info isn't going to tell you that detroit is in canada16:45
timeless_w7ipnor will it teleport you from the south pole to the north pole if you look at it funny16:45
CosmoHillyou've not seen my phone at it16:46
CosmoHillhave you*16:46
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* lcuk waits patiently for stepping disk technology16:46
CosmoHilllcuk: btw, the black tape on the right is not bright red tape cos it came off16:47
timeless_w7ipphone abuser16:47
* timeless_w7ip reports cosmohill16:47
CosmoHillselect keys are over rated16:47
berndhsthe phone has already reported Cosmo16:47
* timeless_w7ip sighs16:48
CosmoHillit's my everyday phone btw16:48
* timeless_w7ip should really send these pictures to an album service16:48
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* timeless_w7ip tries to remember how to trash an app on S^316:49
CosmoHillhave you tired opening it16:49
lcuktimeless_w7ip, this was a sign up at the telecommunications weekend I went to yesterday, it was in the BT Busby area, have a squint at some of the answers:
timeless_w7ipS^3 gets points for the worst ui for uninstalling apps that i can remember16:52
timeless_w7ipit even makes M5 seem good16:52
CosmoHilllcuk: that yellow one on the left looks like my hand writing16:53
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CosmoHilllcuk: also, is that a penis on the far right?16:53
lcukhold on, I might have a better shot of that16:55
lcukI took a few photos16:55
lcukCosmoHill, no it appears to be a childs drawing of a person16:55
lcukyou are seeing the feet16:56
* timeless_w7ip tries to remember the password for gallery16:56
* lcuk giggles tho16:56
lcuk "Less personal. Whats wrong with talking to someone or writing a letter?"16:58
lcukor the COD black ops reference, you choose16:58
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CosmoHill"it's not that I don't like you, it's just my spam box thinks you're a dick"17:06
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timeless_w7ipit's missing some gems17:18
timeless_w7ipespecially the messages when you try to exit offline mode w/o a sim inserted17:18
RST38hso what is wrong with it?17:19
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RST38h[asking because I will have to deal with E7 pretty soon, so need toknow what to expect]17:19
timeless_w7iprst: which?17:19
timeless_w7ipthe one that says "please insert sim"17:19
timeless_w7ipor the one that says "please insert sim and reboot"17:20
timeless_w7iprst: browse through the gallery17:20
timeless_w7ipoh, do note that the strings are different for en-gb and en-us17:20
timeless_w7ipthe first 2 days are en-gb the third day is en-us17:20
timeless_w7ip(thanks thiago)17:20
timeless_w7ipand when i say different, i mean randomly different17:21
RST38hDon'tcare about localization17:21
RST38hThe screenshots look innocuous though17:21
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CosmoHillhow do you insert the sim without rebooting?17:21
timeless_w7ipcosmohill: um, inserting a sim w/o rebooting is trivial if your sim slot isn't behind the battery :)17:22
timeless_w7ipit's the using part that's more exciting17:22
timeless_w7ipand that depends on hardware and software17:22
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* CosmoHill wonders if he can install a 3G modem in his laptop (PCI-E)17:24
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lbtgoddam forums17:49
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lcukheh which thread lbt17:53
lbtnah.... just "forums" ....17:54
lcukWould it add to the conversation here if when a new forum thread were posted it got mentioned here by meegobot?17:54
* lbt tries to recaill the last time he got "access denied" to his local email17:54
lcukI noticed a bug # with that problem again recently17:55
lbtI hate forums so very very much17:55
lbtso very much17:55
lcukmeh, they are just like irc but with bigger textboxes17:55
lbtthey are a great way to lose information and get old info17:56
lcukI think they should be viewed based on comment ratings17:57
lcukslashdot does it - it lets you filter the signal/noise nicely and condense a lively conversation in the threads into what is deemed important information17:57
lcukjust viewing a thread and only showing those highly thanked posts would be a good start17:58
Stskeepslbt: OBS uses a cache when using remote links, right?18:00
lbtit uses caches generally18:01
lbtthey cover remote links18:01
Stskeepsi'm doing a fun little on howto "build downwards" from let's say a armv7l down to a armv5tel, or ssse3 to non-ssse3..18:02
lbtsounds useful18:03
Stskeepsi found out how to succesfully and cleanly build a hardfp armv6 earlier, so18:03
Stskeepswith correct ELF headers and all18:03
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lbtxf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O (Operation not permitted)18:05
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Stskeepsuse xorg-x11-server-setuid18:06
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lbtI am .... but   -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1926672 2011-03-03 04:48 /usr/bin/Xorg18:10
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Stskeeps-f raw or -f fs/18:13
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lbtheh .... it reports the kernel command line in the log... but not it's own18:14
lbtand of course it goes <defunct> before top catches it18:14
lbtuxlaunch log says :   starting X server with: "/usr/bin/Xorg :0 -dpi 120 -nolisten tcp -noreset -auth /home/meego/.Xauthority vt2"18:15
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lbtand /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch doesn't help ....18:17
lbtyup... hardcoded into the binary....18:18
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lbtvgrade: ping18:58
CosmoHilloh crap, if we beat man city we then have to play man u19:01
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valianholthow do I know if the package is for netbook / handset / etc.?19:10
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Stskeepsvalianholt: package groups19:10
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lbtStskeeps: having drmOpenByBusid  issues :  is this a kernel/driver drm mismatch ?19:16
Stskeepsthat's normal, ignore it19:16
Stskeepsi think19:17
lbtAddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 019:17
Stskeepsi haven't spent too much time on my joggler recently19:17
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vgradelbt, checking the pastie now22:05
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lbtvgrade: had a very depressing day beating my head against emgd ....22:06
vgradelbt, do you have an xorg.conf22:07
vgradelbt, the pastie had EDID on22:08
lbtbooting up now22:08
vgradeI don't think Joggler does EDID22:08
_MeeeGoBot_Bug nor, Undecided, ---, tero.kojo, NEED, Meego community ftp server or similar needed22:09
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vgradelbt, looks like thats one of the files which comes with the emgd package22:19
vgradelbt, give the one above a go22:19
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lbtI did ... 2nd pastie is using your xorg.conf22:19
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vgradesorry, just had my toffee pud22:20
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lbthot bananas soon22:21
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vgradelbt, ok looks more like one of mine now22:23
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vgradesec while I clear the desk for the joggler,
vgradelbt, probably going to be a kernel/userspace mismatch22:34
lbtI was guessing so - didn't get round to the kernel confi22:34
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vgradelbt, I think we need these patches in the Joggler adaptation kernel22:38
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lbtwell found22:40
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vgradeI knew there were associated kernel bits for the newer EMGD userspace, its on my list to update the apaptation kernel22:41
vgradeas a workaround you could always use the emgd from my repo which matches the kernel22:42
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vgradelbt, ok joggler up now, comparing with your log22:45
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vgradelbt, 374.641] drmOpenDevice: open result is 11, (OK), my log shows open result is 1222:59
vgradelbt, looks like there is a mismatch between the enums23:00
vgradelbt, I'll ping when I upgrade the adaptation kernel23:00
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