IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2011-03-08

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mikhaspvanhoof, nice mail. But isn't it obvious that EDS only came in because of the decision to drop Buteo? Apparently, there's no interest in making SyncEvolution work with anything else but EDS.00:05
mikhasAgain, another non-technical decision, I might say ;-)00:05
pvanhoofI'm not aware of what Buteo is. Is that something for synchronizing PIM data?00:05
pvanhoofah yes, reading that part00:05
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pvanhoofThe problem is that on harmattan quite a few of Nokia's softwares use Tracker and also hope for the PIM data to be there00:06
mikhaswell, it's certainly good to demand concrete numbers, not just handwaving00:06
pvanhoofThis is among the reasons why the E-mail team although having their own storage, also store into RDF (because some apps do queries for which they need to know about this, and they don't want to merge queries from different sources together themselves. plus they want to join on the metadata from different domains)00:07
pvanhoofWell yes, I do wonder about those scalability issues. The point of tracker is of course to scale pretty ok00:07
pvanhoofBut it's optimized per use-case. It also has quite a few optimization possibilities. And focus on performance has historically been on the query side, not entry side. Data entry optimizations have only recently started00:08
pvanhoofSo yes, some concrete numbers and how measurements where made would help a lot00:08
* timeless_w7ip chuckles00:08
timeless_w7ipdata entry by the browser was shown to be abysmal ages ago00:09
pvanhoofBrowsers don't need to insert thousands of things, so if the use-case is only bookmark management then I can imagine that the priority for that was low00:10
timeless_w7ipon harmattan, things use tracker because someone ordered things to use tracker00:10
timeless_w7ipwell, users don't use bookmarks, they use history00:10
pvanhoofThe reason is applications integrating with each other's metadata and context00:10
mikhastimeless_w7ip, right, and not perhaps because of a fully integrated search00:10
timeless_w7ipso you're talking about every page ever visited00:10
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timeless_w7ipmikhas: some hand waving00:10
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pvanhooftimeless_w7ip, that's still not a very frequent use-case. And I wonder what the query was, because that should be reasonably fast00:10
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timeless_w7ippvanhoof: insertion, not query00:11
timeless_w7ipunless you consider INSERT to be a QUERY00:11
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pvanhoofYes, sparql update is also a query form00:11
* timeless_w7ip shrugs00:11
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timeless_w7ipi didn't do it, from memory the way it was done was stupid00:11
pvanhoofYou insert-where, and the where part is a query like select00:11
timeless_w7ipbut that's not my area of interest00:11
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timeless_w7ipit was awful00:11
timeless_w7ipand as for whether the browser was considered a priority use case00:12
timeless_w7ipthe whole design was absolutely insane00:12
pvanhoofTo insert a history should be straightforward now that I look at the ontology for browser history ..00:12
pvanhoofCan you elaborate why?00:12
timeless_w7ipthen there was the fun thing about how there were multiple URI fields floating around00:12
timeless_w7ipso when someone tried to dispatch a browser object, it failed00:12
timeless_w7ipbecause someone was expecting a different URI00:13
timeless_w7ipthe wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many from which to choose00:13
pvanhoofWhat about multiple uri fields?00:13
* pvanhoof doesn't understand this part :)00:13
pvanhoofnie:url is the only URL field00:13
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timeless_w7ipthere was a second one hidden somewhere else00:14
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pvanhoofWhich one?00:14
* timeless_w7ip shrugs00:14
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timeless_w7ipwe're talking about stupidity from last spring or summer00:14
pvanhoofOk, and that stupidity is now fixed?00:14
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timeless_w7ipi think at the time someone added a hack00:14
timeless_w7ipsince ontologies tend to last forever, i'd assume it wasn't fixed properly00:15
timeless_w7ipsince in general that's impossible00:15
timeless_w7ipif you have access to the internal bug tracker, you could probably find the report00:15
pvanhoofah, there's nfo:uri too, that sounds like should be nie:url, but anyway00:15
timeless_w7ipcongrats, you found it!00:15
timeless_w7ipsee. it doesn't take a browser engineer!00:15
pvanhoofBut why was there no bug report about this?00:16
timeless_w7ipthere was00:16
timeless_w7ip*shrug* surely you can find it00:16
timeless_w7ipi'd like to pretend i don't have access to that bug traccker00:16
timeless_w7ipmy account expired last year, and i only accidentally reenabled it00:16
timeless_w7ipi have better things to do00:16
* pvanhoof searches. I wonder what the reason was00:16
pvanhoofAnyway, it also doesn't make things more difficult to have that field, nor do you have to use it00:17
* timeless_w7ip chuckles00:17
timeless_w7ipmy team's dead00:17
pvanhoofah ok00:17
timeless_w7ipwe don't have to do *anything*00:17
timeless_w7ipand no one in their right mind would touch this crap00:17
timeless_w7ipso yes, i don't have to use it00:17
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timeless_w7ipbut please don't tell me you have the perfect product00:17
timeless_w7ipbecause i've waded through it, and i still remember the stench00:18
timeless_w7ipsorry, i'm not happy right now, someone played ping pong with me00:18
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timeless_w7ipand i bet you could find the bugs that talk about insertion performance if you tried ;-)00:19
timeless_w7ipnote that i am not claiming the browser code to do the insertion was high quality00:19
timeless_w7ipi make no claims about high quality code00:19
mikhasall software is crap00:19
mikhasnow that we agreed on that, can we move on?00:19
pvanhooftimeless_w7ip, No im not saying tracker is perfect00:20
pvanhoofI just have questions about EDS00:20
timeless_w7ipi seem to remember disliking eds :)00:20
pvanhoofLegitimate ones00:20
* timeless_w7ip can't remember why00:20
pvanhoofAnd tbh isn't Arjan's current reply eum ... community compatible :)00:20
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pvanhoofThat's pretty much an "Meego is now an Intel-only shop" reply00:21
timeless_w7ipurl? urn? uri?00:21
pvanhoofAh, maybe I only received it yet00:21
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timeless_w7ipnie:url? nfo:uri?00:21
pvanhoofah no, it's on the ML00:21
timeless_w7ipthere are urls for that00:21
pvanhoofHarmattan isn't Maemo00:22
pvanhoofIt should have something to do with MeeGo. Reinventing the wheel yet again is eum a terrible idea00:22
timeless_w7ipit isn't frankenstein either00:22
pvanhoofSo basically MeeGo is going to make the exact same mistake Nokia did when it went from Fremantle to Harmattan :)00:23
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* pvanhoof goes back to coding :)00:24
ali1234meh... if harmetten is compliant, it's meego. if not, it isn't. up to whoever is developing it. i don't see why nokia should get a special pass on compliance.00:25
pvanhoofMaybe because Nokia steered development?00:25
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pvanhoofMight have something to do with it00:26
ali1234i don't think that's a valid reason00:26
ali1234especially if they steered it off a cliff00:26
ali1234but hey00:26
ali1234we will see00:26
pvanhoofEither way, still no reason for Intel to make the exact same mistakes00:27
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pvanhoofNokia's developers didn't steer it off the cliff, upper management made a strange decision recently00:27
ShadowJKheh, wasn't it a year ago that tracker authors appeared on irc and ensured us it was "fixed"?00:27
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pvanhoofA year ago sparql and sparql update were introduced I think00:28
pvanhoofThat's a bit more than a year ago I think00:28
ali1234the mistake nokia made was never supporting the old thing after the new thing came out00:28
pvanhoofRight, sounds similar to what Intel is doing with MeeGo now isn't it?00:29
ali1234they could rewrite the firmware every year and nobody would care if they made it work on the old hardware00:29
ali1234since meego has no hardware yet, this isn't a problem00:29
ShadowJKand complaints about performance coming from @intel.con is damn frightening, they've got beefy hw to run it on :)00:29
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timeless_w7ipali: supporting old things wasn't really the problem00:29
ali1234it was from what i could see00:29
pvanhoofShadowJK, Intel gave Tracker patches, the Tracker team at full priority reviewed and reworked the patch and that patch is now in. it's called the UpdateArray API00:30
timeless_w7ipali: consider it this way00:30
timeless_w7ipif you don't rewrite things, but instead incrementally improve00:30
pvanhoofIn fact has Intel contributed several patches and all of those pieces of work are integrated in tracker00:30
timeless_w7ipthe likelihood of things still working on older hardware is much higher00:30
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pvanhoofSo upstream tracker isn't reluctant to help intel improving things00:30
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timeless_w7ipbut the real problem is that nokia's business model involves selling units00:31
timeless_w7ipand nokia is run by bean counters00:32
pvanhoofThe team had to rework the patch because the way intel had it implemented was sending multiple insert queries as one transaction. This means that if one is wrong, all fail. That's not legitimate. If one is wrong, only one can error and the others might have to resume (if they don't depend on each other)00:32
timeless_w7ipif someone had a way to show that keeping users on old hardware gained money for nokia, then there'd be more reason to continue to support old hardware00:32
pvanhoofDevelopment on tracker happens 100% upstream, not sure what Nokia's bean counters have to do with that00:32
timeless_w7ippvanhoof: this is to ali123400:33
pvanhoofah ok00:33
ShadowJKI'm not saying they're reluctant. I'm just amused that this daemon which has ranked high on list of user frustration is now after being "fixed" also on dev list of frustrations :) Good thing someone is taking notice and trying to come up with a solution though00:33
timeless_w7ipdifferent conversation00:33
pvanhoofShadowJK, what is the solution?00:33
timeless_w7ipali: make sense?00:33
ali1234yes, it makes sense. i still don't like it though00:33
timeless_w7ipali: note that the other problem is unit volume00:34
ShadowJKIntel approach of one big query makes sense. A single one takes/took like 5-10 secs on maemo5 :)00:34
pvanhoofWhat do you mean one big query?00:34
timeless_w7ipif you make 10 units of device 1. 100 units of device 2. 1000 units of device 3. and plan to make 10,000 units of device 400:34
lardman~curse FF on Ubuntu not working with
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, FF on Ubuntu not working with !00:34
ShadowJKmultiple as one transaction00:35
timeless_w7ipthe return on any effort for devices 1..3 is less than the sales for device 400:35
pvanhoofShadowJK, And which query takes 5-10 s on maemo5? And what has Fremantle to do with this?00:35
timeless_w7ipwhich means if you allocate resources you take everything for device 400:35
pvanhoofShadowJK, yes and that solution is in Harmattan's Tracker00:35
timeless_w7iplardman: ff1.0.9?00:35
lardman3.6.14 apparently00:36
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timeless_w7ip(actually, i don't think i've seen ff1.* in a while, but i'm pretty sure i saw a or something not too long ago)00:36
timeless_w7iplardman: please try ff4b1200:36
timeless_w7ip(or if ff4rc1 is available...)00:36
lardmantimeless_office: I'll see if it's in the Ubuntu repos00:36
lardmantimeless_w7ip: see above ;)00:36
timeless_w7ipbtw, you get points for having .14 instead of .1300:36
timeless_w7ipiirc there's a ppa00:37
timeless_w7ipthe package is firefox-4.0 :o00:38
timeless_w7iphow nice of them, you can probably have both installed at the same time :o00:38
* lardman needs an apt line00:38
timeless_w7ipif you have js enabled there's a link you can click which gives you the apt lines00:39
lardmanah ok, will take a look see00:39
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timeless_w7ipoh, it's a select, not a link. whatever.00:39
timeless_w7ipoh, no, it's both, you have to click 'Technical details about this PPA ' first00:40
timeless_w7ipthen you use the select00:40
ali1234sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily00:42
ali1234job done00:42
timeless_w7ipali: bah, too simple00:42
ShadowJKpvanhoof, anything that triggers fsync or fdatasync on ext3 on flash and you can expect all other I/O to block for 2-10s :)00:42
timeless_w7ipwe like complicated stuff00:42
pvanhoofShadowJK, you do know that tracker's rdf store only does fsync on its journal, right?00:42
pvanhoofShadowJK, tracker's rdf store's sqlite database uses synchronization=off00:43
ali1234i think you need to put /ppa on the end so it's alittle more complicated00:43
pvanhoofShadowJK, just saying, read the source my friend00:43
ShadowJKBut presumably intel isn't running ext3 on flash, so I wonder what it's doing for them to make them sad00:43
timeless_w7ip  or fwiw00:43
pvanhoofShadowJK, Also note that tracker doesn't do an fsync automatically:00:43
timeless_w7ipand magically, you can switch from one to the other :o00:44
pvanhoofShadowJK, i'll explain why: it's not expected that the device can be shutdown uncleanly. And fsync is only useful when you can shut down the FS uncleanly00:44
* timeless_w7ip wonders why SPARQL is only a link on one of those00:44
pvanhoofShadowJK, there is a DBus call Resources.Sync() that does the fsync on the journal, though. If apps what to be sure00:44
pvanhoofBut since that's easily readable in the source-code, no need to explain that00:44
timeless_w7ipanswer: it's defined as an identifier in libqttracker which apparently hasn't been found by the crawler00:45
pvanhooftimeless_w7ip, documentation is here:
timeless_w7ipnot interested :)00:45
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timeless_w7ipi'm not an app developer00:45
timeless_w7ipi own, so i'm advertising it :)00:46
pvanhoofAh it was just a troll ? :)00:46
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pvanhoofok ic :)00:46
timeless_w7iplegitimate on topic advertising!00:46
ali1234that's not a troll, this is a troll: "hey, isn't tracker that thing that made my ubuntu go really slow?"00:47
* timeless_w7ip chuckles00:47
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pvanhoofyes, those are the correct places for fsync use timeless_w7ip (that doesn't mean that these syscalls are called constantly, they are called when you do Resources.Sync() in DBus from an app)00:47
pvanhoofali1234, which version of Tracker? 0.6.x isn't the same project anymore00:48
ali1234i dunno, i was just trolling00:48
lardmanaaargh, even ff 4.0 is beaten by the Samsung site00:48
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* timeless_w7ip ponders00:48
lardmanworks under Win7 64bit mind you with ff4.x00:48
ShadowJKOn the other hand, EDS used to be the largest swapstorm trigger on my desktop computer until I figured out how to uninstall it (and then app developers started spawning mysqld instead, *sigh*) :)00:48
pvanhoofShadowJK, right. Which is why I have questions about EDS on the ML00:49
lardmantimeless_w7ip: just locks up trying to download some kernel source code00:49
timeless_w7ipi'm surprised you haven't complained about sqlite300:49
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timeless_w7ippvanhoof: hey00:49
timeless_w7ipwhat's the opposite of g_open()?00:49
ShadowJKif eds uses some fsync happy sqlite3 we'd be back to fremantle or diablo level of pain :)00:50
pvanhoofMight be just close()00:50
timeless_w7ipoddly no.00:50
timeless_w7ip(to g_close?)00:50
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pvanhoofShadowJK, I know they are not using synchronous=off in sqlite, so yes they are causing that libsqlite3 does fsyncs00:51
timeless_w7ipboy that's logical00:51
ali1234it has no opposite?00:51
pvanhoofAnd if they are using it, then they should have a journal themselves, and afaik they don't have that00:51
timeless_w7ipali: right00:51
timeless_w7ipyou just have to use close()00:51
timeless_w7ipali: see my last link00:51
ShadowJKoh joy, so that's 5s freeze for every little event that gets stuffed into eds then :D00:51
ali1234yes, i did00:51
ShadowJKalthough btrfs would hide some of it00:52
pvanhooftimeless_w7ip, I think windows's open() isn't the same as posix or something and so the glib ppl wrapped it. Whereas close is the same everywhere, or something like that00:52
timeless_w7ip55 #if defined(G_OS_UNIX) && !defined(G_STDIO_NO_WRAP_ON_UNIX)00:52
pvanhoofNo idea, sometimes those wraps are for platform portability, sometimes I find them strange too00:52
* lardman assumes this is a sign from God telling me to not look at kernel source this evening00:52
javispedrotimeless_w7ip: g_* <stdio> family of glib functions just wrap those that accept filenames in order to potentially do charset conversion00:53
pvanhoofShadowJK, im not saying eds will cause that behaviour. It might be that eds will be used far less often for writing things to. Tracker on harmattan, however, is being written to constantly by applications (which is the applications doing that, not tracker, mind you)00:53
pvanhoofShadowJK, so that meant that such fsync() hickups where not acceptable, and that's why it uses synchronous=off mode and does it have its own journal00:54
timeless_w7ipjavispedro: clever00:54
timeless_w7ipoh right00:54
pvanhoofThe journal is also used when making backups. Making a backup is just a copy of the journal to your destination.00:54
pvanhoofRestore is just placing your backup at the position of the journal, nuking meta.db, and replaying the journal00:54
timeless_w7ipbecause the _open() call is probably file system encoding whereas _wopen() is probably ucs32 or something00:54
timeless_w7iperr ucs200:55
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ShadowJKpvanhoof, this sounds very sensible :)00:55
pvanhoofShadowJK, tracker developers are sensible. But they do receive a lot of hate unfortunately. Apparently because Fremantle's tracker was bad. But on harmattan it's a completely different project00:55
javispedrohey, I've been doing sqlite on n900 stuff recently too =)00:56
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* javispedro also decided to do synchronous=0 but also journal=memory, otherwise it max at some tens of exclusive transactions per second...00:57
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ShadowJKpvanhoof, seems it has been getting reinvented by different team for each release then?00:57
pvanhoofShadowJK, in fremantle the current team had to deliver something in a very terse timeframe, meanwhile was a group of developers starting on a superior solution. then the team merged and worked only the new project only00:58
pvanhoofso, part of the current team had to deliver something in a very terse ..00:58
timeless_w7ipshadowjk: actually on this, i think they did a good job00:58
pvanhoofSo ill fully accept that fremantle's tracker was piece of shit00:58
timeless_w7ipthey managed to split and do best effort and close to ideal impl00:58
timeless_w7ippvanhoof: it actually did work though, sadly i don't have the proof00:59
pvanhoofBut I think that by now each and every line of tracker 0.6 has been replaced00:59
timeless_w7ipbecause the one good demo of it isn't available anymore00:59
* timeless_w7ip has a terrible time remembering the nameof the useful search engine00:59
pvanhoofthat's closed00:59
pvanhoofand it's for text search only, not for relationships between resources01:00
timeless_w7ipyeah, but it was an excellent demo showing that the fremantle tracker actually worked01:00
pvanhoofI don't think that was on fremantle..01:00
pvanhoofMaybe they made a demo of course01:00
timeless_w7iprelationships smationships01:00
timeless_w7ippvanhoof: hypothetically it was available for use and perhaps even offered to he ovi store01:00
pvanhoofI know that a team at nokia opens meta.db manually and reads textual data and then makes it searchable on a quite good textsearch solution01:00
timeless_w7iphypothetically i was happy for many months01:01
pvanhoofI think that might be veveo01:01
pvanhoofBut it duplicates the data01:01
* timeless_w7ip shrugs01:01
pvanhoofYeh not nice solution01:01
timeless_w7ipthat happens anyway01:01
pvanhoofTracker's own FTS is disabled on harmattan (for that reason) btw01:01
timeless_w7iptracker is already a duplicate of data01:01
pvanhoofFTS in tracker is an index on the textual data btw01:02
pvanhoofSo the textual data is in meta.db anyway, the FTS is an index on that01:02
timeless_w7ipwhat, so it doesn't clutter the other thing?01:02
pvanhoofBut that FTS is ifdeffed out of harmattan's tracker01:02
pvanhoofSince it's not used, making the index is an unneeded performance impact01:02
timeless_w7ipactually, i think most of the problems w/ tracker on the n900 had to do w/ the crawlers01:03
pvanhoofBut tbh I don't know how veveo works, and if I'd know I'd be NDAd01:03
timeless_w7ipwhich were not really tracker, and were just buggy and sloppy in their own right01:03
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ShadowJKMostly users are angry at the indexers (of any software) doing one of 3 things: a) indexing. b) not indexing. c) triggering crashes in dsp code when indexing, requiring reboots to recover :)01:03
pvanhoofYes but again, tracker on n900 is completely different than what I'm talking about here01:03
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timeless_w7ipall i know is that hypothetically there was this thing from veveo which made me happy on the n900 :)01:03
pvanhoofShadowJK, yes, should all be fixed01:04
timeless_w7ipuntil i stopped being able to install it :(01:04
pvanhoofShadowJK, there are some know problems about the thumbnailer on video thumbnails atm. Being solved01:04
ali1234ShadowJK: you forgot 4) using 100% CPU to reindex every file on the device because i uploaded 1 new jpg01:04
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ShadowJKor on diablo it triggered device reboots because the crawler was so heavy watchdog thought device had hung :)01:04
pvanhoofShadowJK, some formats sometimes cause DSP crashes. Actually the problem is almost always in gstreamer or some DSP code somewhere, not the thumbnailer itself01:04
* timeless_w7ip sighs01:04
pvanhoofYou can trigger the same crash by just playing the movie01:04
timeless_w7ipdsp crashes = scary as hell01:04
javispedrousers are angry at indexers period ;)01:05
pvanhoofyes well, if the requirement is: make thumbnails!01:05
pvanhoofYou know :)01:05
timeless_w7ip"arbitrary code execution + full root exploit"01:05
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pvanhoofAnd the video crashes the dsp01:05
pvanhoofthen you know, what will the first process be that crashes the dsp?01:05
pvanhoofSo who gets the blame?01:05
* timeless_w7ip chuckles01:05
timeless_w7ipfirst to find01:05
timeless_w7ipso tracker :)01:05
pvanhoofNot really fair to blame the thumbnailer, right? It just happens to be the first :)01:05
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timeless_w7ipfair? who plays fair?01:06
ShadowJKneed a good fuzzing :)01:06
pvanhoofWell tracker's metadata extraction doesn't use the dsp01:06
pvanhoofIt's the thumbnailer01:06
timeless_w7ippvanhoof: most people don't know the difference01:06
timeless_w7ipso they'll still blame tracker :)01:06
pvanhoofFor us thumbnailer and tracker are seperate, for people reporting bugs they are the same :)01:06
timeless_w7iptomato, potato, who cares? they're both fruit of the ground01:07
* timeless_w7ip frowns01:07
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timeless_w7ipprobably the only person in this channel who could recognize that statement is sivang01:07
timeless_w7ipgoogle + boreh if you want to understand the reference01:08
pvanhoofShadowJK, so on the topic of indexing...01:09
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pvanhoofIt was planned to ship the device with a preinstalled database, so no initial indexing would be needed. That support was planned to be made usable for distributions too01:10
pvanhoofRight now with the WP7 announcement I think it's fair to say that priorities have changed01:10
timeless_w7ipoddly, in theory priorities for harmattan haven't changed much01:11
ShadowJKYou need a way to detect when the user is at least 30 seconds' distance away from device, and a way to undo memory related side-effects of crawling when user starts approaching device :)01:11
timeless_w7ipwell, other than actually focusing *more* attn on harmattan01:11
pvanhoofAs for indexing itself it should have been greatly improved. But there are still improvements possible. For example we have one request to make the signal that tells apps that a file's metadata is deleted happen faster on a unlink of a file01:11
timeless_w7ipshadowjk: well....01:11
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pvanhoofRight now that's between 1 and 3s on the proto I think, and that's unacceptable idd01:11
timeless_w7ipyou can detect motion and proximity01:12
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timeless_w7ipyou can also detect cpu usage01:12
pvanhoofShadowJK, well we had plans to integrate with the power management01:12
timeless_w7ipa device that's stationary but using a lot of cpu is playing a movie or recording a video01:12
pvanhoofFor example, the most battery intensive task isn't indexing but thumbnailing01:12
timeless_w7ip= don't harm01:12
ShadowJKkill mass-storage mode to avoid sudden appearance of files :)01:12
timeless_w7ipa device that's stationary with the screen blanked is a good candidate for indexing01:12
pvanhoofThumbnails can be requested on background priority. Right now that uses SCHED_IDLE, but we want to improve that so that it only gets started on wall-power, for example01:13
pvanhoofBut again, priorities have shifted01:13
pvanhoofElse this would be implemented around this time01:13
pvanhoofSCHED_IDLE is pretty much what you propose btw01:13
ali1234wall-power &! usb please01:13
timeless_w7ipali: we know how m many amps we're getting01:14
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pvanhoofDo anything with the device, and the processes that you make do something are all higher prioritized than SCHED_IDLE01:14
timeless_w7ipif it's >0.5, then it's a wall01:14
ali1234nothing worse than pluggin in usb to do something and then the phone starts going nuts and doing everything but what you want01:14
pvanhoofali1234, that's why I said wall-power and not USB-power01:14
pvanhoofThere are three levels of wattage I think, only the highest is wall-power01:14
ali1234well, some phones have separate wall power and can't charge on usb... some *nokia* phones that is01:14
SpeedEvilwall power + no user01:14
timeless_w7ipsadly, i doubt the ui distinguishes between wall and pc01:14
pvanhoofContext-Framework can give you those details01:14
ShadowJKwell, CPU was never much of an issue I think? I/O and memory starvation is the thing making UIs stutter :)01:14
diego_Is it possible to run the QEMU emulator in a Windows 7 32-bit VM? I had tried using 64-bit version but it would keep crashing and it also crashes in my VM when I'm trying to use the Netbook Emulator. Any help?01:15
ali1234therefore these are not mutually exclusive01:15
timeless_w7ippvanhoof: actually, there's more01:15
timeless_w7ip0.1 <...> 0.5, 1.0 .. 1.201:15
timeless_w7ipat least with the n900 those were all possible01:15
pvanhooftimeless_w7ip, yes possible. I didn't yet have to look into it because .. priorites01:15
timeless_w7ipyou could probably end up w/ 1.1 too if you found the right wall01:15
ShadowJKN900 can distinguish 500mA USB from 500mA wallcharger too.01:15
timeless_w7ipshadowjk: does it visibly?01:16
pvanhoofOn fremantle was tracker also requesting thumbnails for all images that it saw, it doesn't do that on harmattan01:16
ali1234well yeah... when you plug in on USB it says "what do you want to do?"01:16
pvanhoofapps must request thumbnails themselves, always01:16
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pvanhoofSo that on fremantle was mind-boggling stupid01:16
* timeless_w7ip nods01:16
ShadowJKAnd dunno if bme exports it, but it is (or was) in /sys atleast01:17
pvanhoofThat's something I think somebody should patch out of tracker 0.6 and overwrite on all n900s01:17
SpeedEvilali1234: Only on USB host, not on charger.01:17
timeless_w7ippvanhoof: can you talk to the cssu people about it?01:17
ali1234SpeedEvil: exactly01:17
pvanhoofSome apps will not show thumbnails correctly, but those are wrong to be honest01:17
SpeedEvilDoing thumbnails in tracker is not stupid.01:17
pvanhoofThat's the apps that don't use the thumbnail api, but expect thumbnails to be on the FS01:17
SpeedEvilBut it should never, ever impact the user.01:17
ali1234this is what i am saying: if usb storage, or pc suite, or the other one are active, don't index01:17
pvanhoofSpeedEvil, problem is that thumbnailing is very cpu and I/O intensive. So even if it doesn't impact the user, it still drains battery01:18
timeless_w7ipactually, usb has perhaps a dozen thingies01:18
pvanhoofSpeedEvil, and apps want immediate responsiveness for thumbnails that aren't cached to appear, so they all use high priority. Tracker's request use SCHED_IDLE on fremantle too. But SCHED_IDLE doesn't cause less battery drain01:18
timeless_w7ipthe n900 thankfully masks them as two categories01:18
pvanhoofAnd battery time is a bad selling point of the n900. Well, patch auto-thumbnailing out of tracker and it'll improve01:19
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pvanhoofOne line patch01:20
SpeedEvilpvanhoof: I mean something like only thumbnail if on power, and only if the system is idle for >10s, and only if you can do it without causing memory or IO pressure in case something is needed 'now'.01:20
SpeedEvilpvanhoof: Unless app actually requests thumb.01:20
pvanhoofSpeedEvil, yes, sure, all that isn't implemented as such on the n90001:20
ali1234could be worse, i mean, gnome-thumbnailer regularly crashes my computer when it tries to thumbnail 1.8GB tiff files and other such nonsense01:20
ShadowJKMy operator's packet data has been broken last few days. Battery life is measured in days now when radio isn't used :)01:20
pvanhoofAnd none of that is difficult. Just make the patches and propose. Im sure they'll accept the package01:20
pvanhoofali1234, fremantle's thumbnailer, althuogh a piece of shit software, has a size limit01:21
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pvanhoofHarmattan's uses quillimagefilter, which should cope with large images01:21
ali1234i'm sure the gnome one used to but obviously some nutcase with 32GB and 16 cores decided it wasn't needed01:21
pvanhoofI think quill uses tiling algorithms to make it work01:21
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timeless_w7ipali: why do you have 1.8gb tiffs?01:22
pvanhoofAnd well, the reason why gnome's thumbnailers crash on this is gdbpixbuf which basically decompresses the 1.8gb tiff file to a RGB ram buffer01:22
ShadowJKjpeg can be partially decoded to get a fast low res image :)01:22
pvanhoofWhich is a bad idea for 1.8Gb tiff files01:22
ali1234timeless_w7ip: minecraft01:22
diego_Hi, I wanted to know if it was possible to run the meego emulator for netbooks on a Windows 7 32-bit virtual machine. I just tried and it keeps hanging and crashing on me01:22
timeless_w7ip"what's that?" :)01:22
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SeshuCLStskeeps are you there?02:31
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javispedrodo we have someone to fill the void VDVsx left as organizer of GSOC?02:35
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javispedros/organizer/administrator, ...02:35
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* javispedro makes mental note to repeat question at at a better time.02:39
mikhasjavispedro, ask on the MeeGo ML?02:39
javispedrothere has been a few questions by prospective students with no answer, so right now I fear the answer is "not".02:40
javispedroAnd while a wanted to be a mentor, I'm not sure I will be able to find time to fill in the paperwork required to be an admin...02:41
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javispedrook, mail fired. please answer! =)02:58
timeless_w7ipanyone here familiar w/ spec files?02:58
* javispedro is a deb guy02:58
javispedroif you're asking what the mail is about, see a few lines above.02:58
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timeless_w7iphow about the role of someone who speaks .spec? :)02:59
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timeless_w7ipali1234? :)02:59
michaelg|noka spec.ialist?02:59
timeless_w7ipmichaelg|nok: can you help ? :)02:59
timeless_w7ipwhat does it mean for a spec file to have:03:00
michaelg|noknooo it's been a long time since I've written them03:00
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timeless_w7ipName: helloworld03:00
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timeless_w7ipObsoletes: helloworld03:00
michaelg|nokumm. that seems a bit confused though03:00
ngharoname of package03:01
ngharoand list of packages it replaces03:01
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timeless_w7ipngharo: see michaelg|nok's observation03:02
michaelg|nokalso surely helloworld is baked into the platform these days... :)03:02
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timeless_w7ipin this case, both lines had meego-netbook-settings03:03
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ngharooh, i see03:04
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berndhsperhaps its supposed to enforce only one of these to be present03:07
ali1234the only reason i can think of to do that is because the package is obsolete and not replaced by anything else03:08
berndhsso that you can't have 2 versions of the package03:08
timeless_w7ip"don't install me?"03:08
timeless_w7ip"upgrade and remove me?"03:08
ali1234more than that, also, "if i'm installed, uninstall me"03:08
ali1234but it's just a theory03:09
berndhsupgrade-and-remove-old would make sense, a little, but its a guess03:09
berndhsor maybe its a bug03:10
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timeless_w7ipso, anyone have meego and want to find out? :)03:17
ali1234which version?03:17
timeless_w7ipi think03:17
timeless_w7ipor the other way around03:17
timeless_w7ipnah, the way i wrote it03:18
ali1234no, which version of meego?03:18
timeless_w7ipmeego is versioned too?03:18
* timeless_w7ip ponders03:18
ali1234um... yeah03:18
timeless_w7ipis there a package that'll tell me? :)03:18
ali12341.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.80, 1.1.90...03:18
ali1234basically, is this stable, or trunk?03:19
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timeless_w7ipno clue sadly03:19
ali1234well, where did you get the rpm from?03:19
timeless_w7ipthe code i have to crawl the repo is capable of crawling anything03:19
timeless_w7ipand since i haven't version controlled it, i can't easily tell which one it crawled03:20
timeless_w7ipso, is there a package that actually would tell you which repo it is?03:20
berndhsits in the directory structure03:20
lcuk2javispedro, :) you joined twitter03:21
lcuk2evening chaps \o03:21
javispedrolcuk2: yeap, learning it03:21
timeless_w7ipis there a file that provides lsb_ stuff which would indicate the release?03:21
ali1234'meego-netbook-settings' isn't a package in netbook 1.1 stable03:23
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ali1234also, version is in /etc/meego-release03:24
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timeless_w7ip is the only meego-release file03:25
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ali1234meego-release-1.1-2.1.noarch provides it03:26
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ali1234that's presumably the source that generates it...03:27
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ali1234ok so trunk then03:28
ali1234which i don't currently have installed (nuked it for tablet demo)03:28
timeless_w7ipwell, you can grab the (s)rpm03:28
* timeless_w7ip wonders why meego-release isn't in mxr03:29
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berndhswhats the name of the src.rpm ?03:30
ali1234won't mean much to me03:31
berndhsi try to get it in a few mins03:31
berndhsconnman hung up again03:31
berndhsor my wifi is more hosed than normal, that could be too03:33
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lcuk2can I find out accurately within the OS what the image used is?03:39
lcuk2ecause Settings/Product Version is wrong on MeeGo atm03:39
ali1234how accurate?03:39
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lcuk2well more accurate than giving me a Maemo version number from last year would be good.03:39
_MeeeGoBot_Bug 14234 nor, Undecided, ---, michael.leibowitz, NEW, About Product Dialogue shows rootfs (Maemo) product string03:40
lcuk2timeless_w7ip, I was reminded by you digging that I needed to file that bug03:41
lcuk2I noticed it over the weekend and giggled a bit03:42
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lcuk2timeless_w7ip, in another thing you would find amusing03:42
lcuk2"TODO: License text needed for"03:42
lcuk2is on the same page03:42
berndhstimeless_w7ip: it builds it ok here, don't know what that means03:44
timeless_w7ipberndhs: is there a fille named README which doesn't look like a readme?03:45
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berndhslooks like instructions for something in the README03:45
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timeless_w7ipit feels like a strange README file03:45
berndhsit would probably execute as an sh script, but that's probably accidental03:46
timeless_w7ipso, i have a problem...03:47
timeless_w7ipsome of the packages i'm dealing with are evil03:47
timeless_w7ipwhich means that i'm going to need to not use rpmbuild -bp03:47
timeless_w7ipi'd like to leave a file explaining what i've done03:47
timeless_w7ipi was vaguely considering using 'README'03:47
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timeless_w7ipbut there are a couple of readme files in srpms03:47
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ali1234i would put a huge banner on every html page of that package03:48
timeless_w7ipi'm considering: README, meta-data/, sources/03:48
timeless_w7ipwhere the README is an explanation + rpmlint output03:48
berndhshow about README_why_I_put_it_here03:48
timeless_w7ipand meta-data/ is all the non tarball files from the srpm, with sources/ having all of the expanded tarballs03:49
ali1234i'm afraid people won;t see that03:49
timeless_w7ipberndhs: the xref has magic handling for README03:49
ali1234the way it will get used is people will link directly to file/line of code03:49
berndhsyes but README is a legitimate file for many purposes, so you probably can't assume that its yours03:50
timeless_w7ipis a set of readmes03:50
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timeless_w7ipwhat's important is how the directory list looks, e.g.03:50
timeless_w7ipnote the text at the top above the list?03:51
ali1234yeah, most of my website works like that03:51
timeless_w7ipali: yeah, if people link directly, there's not much i can do03:51
timeless_w7ipthat's ok03:52
timeless_w7ipi'm just hoping that anyone who browses into the directory would see it03:52
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ali1234well, you can add more file types than README03:52
ali1234to that mechanism03:52
timeless_w7ipit actually supports a bunch03:52
timeless_w7ipbut if there's a README in some srpms, there's no guarantee whatever i pick won't be in it too03:53
ali1234unless you pick README_WHY_THIS_PACKAGE_IS_BROKEN03:55
ali1234i doubt you'll find that in any package03:55
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berndhsor README_FOR_XREF, something really specific03:58
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* ali1234 reopens bug 526604:02
_MeeeGoBot_Bug nor, Medium, ---, vivian.zhang, REOP, Changing the default OS in "boot loader operating systems" in anaconda installer has no effect04:02
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gabrbeddbug 104:08
_MeeeGoBot_Bug maj, Medium, ---, vivian.zhang, VERI FIXED, [Tracker] tracker-miner-fs should be auto-started after system boot04:08
gabrbeddI like ubuntu's #1 better.04:08
ali1234i don't04:09
ali1234it shows out of date thinking04:09
ali1234desktop market share really shouldn't be a priority04:09
ali1234and when you look at unity, it clearly isn't04:09
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gabrbeddyeah... but I totally spoiled it.04:14
gabrbeddI'll go stand in the cornere.04:14
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gabrbedddid y'all come to a conclusion on the "Obsoletes: meego-netbook-settings" thing?04:15
gabrbeddLooks like a goof to me.04:15
ali1234oh yeah, i forgot with testing the bootloader thing04:15
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gabrbeddali1234: thanks for reopening that bug.  I think I tried it over the week-end and got the same as you.04:16
gabrbeddI filed a couple other related bugs, though.04:17
ali1234i filed a few for the bootloader already...04:17
ali1234anything i should take a look at?04:17
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berndhsgabrbedd: perhaps some brave soul can file a big on the Obsoletes: self04:19
berndhsto find out04:19
ali1234ok, i have meego-netbook-settings installed, zypper doesn't want to remove it or anything... so i have to agree it looks like a mistake04:19
gabrbeddSure. Bug 14190 and...04:20
_MeeeGoBot_Bug nor, Low, ---, neo.fang, NEW, Partition editor in installer gets confused if primary partition at end of drive04:20
ali1234ooh, that is a strange one :)04:20
ali1234recovery partitions are pretty common...04:21
gabrbeddOh yeah, I didn't file one about not touching the MBR... since I don't really care if they fix that one.  :-)04:21
gabrbeddor "fix" that one.04:21
ali1234but microsoft has a new trick: win7 uses two primary partitions, then you have two recovery partitions. so you can't repartition without breaking your windows 7 install somehow04:21
gabrbeddberndhs: eh, why not?04:21
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ali1234"not touching the mbr" is already filed :)04:22
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gabrbeddali1234: ok.04:22
ali1234bug 1281604:22
_MeeeGoBot_Bug enh, Undecided, ---, gavin.hindman, NEW, [FEA] No option to install without bootloader step04:22
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ali1234it used to be an option but it got removed somehow04:22
gabrbeddali1234: Ok, I'm on the CC list, now.04:23
ali1234i think it is important for testers to not be annoyed when installing images to test stuff :)04:23
berndhsupgrade install would be nice too, so I dont have to rebuild everything04:24
gabrbeddchainloading /to/ an extlinux install from the Win7 bootloader was... wierd to set up.04:24
ali1234there is also bug 12815 and bug 12813 related to install/bootloader stuff04:24
_MeeeGoBot_Bug enh, Low, ---, vivian.zhang, ASSI, Installer does not detect existing Linux installations04:24
_MeeeGoBot_Bug enh, Low, ---, vivian.zhang, ASSI, Bootloader menu is too difficult to access04:24
gabrbeddBut I actually got the bastard to work.04:24
gabrbeddAnybody loaded chain-loaded extlinux from grub?04:25
* gabrbedd can't form decent sentances tonight...04:26
* gabrbedd can't spell, either.04:26
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berndhsi usually upgrade fedora after i install meego, to get the fedora grub back04:27
berndhsthere is a shorter way of doing it, run grub directly, but i'm too lazy to figure out how to do that right04:28
berndhsor its grub-install --recheck or something04:28
gabrbeddHere's how I had to do it with win7:
gabrbeddextlinux is looking for the partition that's marked bootable...04:29
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gabrbeddso I bet something similar is required with grub.04:29
berndhsyes its analogous, you first trash your MBR and then re-make it04:30
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* gabrbedd files bug 1423604:32
_MeeeGoBot_Bug tri, Undecided, ---, priya.vijayan, NEW, Package meego-netbook-settings declares "Obsoletes: meego-netbook-settings"04:32
gabrbeddberndhs: Naw... the trick was that I /needed/ extlinux to write to the MBR.04:33
gabrbeddI then saved that MBR...04:34
gabrbeddRestored the win7 MBR...04:34
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gabrbeddAnd fed the extlinux MBR to the the win7 boot loader.04:34
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ali1234sorry, got disconnected04:37
ali1234gabrbedd: i don't chainload extlinux, but ubuntu's grub can boot meego with no problems (not tested with btrfs)04:38
* javispedro uses grub to boot the meego kernel..04:38
javispedroyeah, I had to put the kernel on a separate partition04:38
javispedro(where grub itself already resided)04:38
ali1234all it takes is a "sudo update-grub"04:39
javispedrobut that's about it.04:39
gabrbeddwell, not even MeeGo can boot to btrfs.  :-)04:39
ali1234that's why i use ext304:39
ali1234i already have 8 partitions, don't need another one for /boot04:40
gabrbeddI personally get tired of having several os's share the same /boot.04:40
gabrbeddSo, I've started chainloading where possible.04:40
ali1234they never cooperate :(04:40
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javispedroI usually just manage the grub partition by myself... most OSes try to kill it in every day funnier ways04:42
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javispedroMeego netbook being an obvious example...04:42
michaelg|nokif they'd picked a nicer name like butterfly, perhaps04:42
ali1234um... how do i subscript to bugs without commenting on them?04:42
javispedroI guess the extlinux choice comes from some seamless bootsplash or the like?04:43
gabrbeddali1234: usually the "add me to CC list" is checked by default.04:44
gabrbeddali1234: So hit "Update"04:44
gabrbeddali1234: It'll send an update to 1 or 2 people, but not the whole list.04:44
gabrbeddyeah, commit.04:45
ali1234heh, it only emailed you :)04:45
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berndhsmaybe i'm starting to get the hang of this QML stuff04:54
berndhskinda sad actually if thats true04:54
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gabrbeddberndhs: sad?04:56
berndhsyeah feels like going back to teh days of open subrouting calls :)04:57
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infobotberndhs meant: yeah feels like going back to teh days of open subroutine calls :)04:58
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gabrbeddA little... but for UI stuff I kind of like it.05:00
gabrbeddKind of a balance between editing CSS files and actual code.05:00
berndhsbut in a way its scarier, you will end up poking into the qml from c++ a lot05:01
berndhsso reading any portion of the code, whether c++ or javascript or css, you can't tell what it does05:02
ali1234i managed to get Qt/3D working with bullet:
ali1234i'm not sure how QML would apply to something like this05:03
berndhspeople are going to do that in javascript and then complain about short battery life05:04
gabrbeddali1234: Cool!05:04
ali1234i was going to redo this for meego:
ali1234(that is done all in horrible EGL calls)05:05
gabrbeddI started a QML project... but switched to QGraphicsScene to get better control of TouchEvents.05:05
ali1234also, lol at youtube comments05:06
ali1234sometimes i like to vote up the people who say "fake" just to mess with people05:06
gabrbeddali1234: Nice job with the dice.05:07
gabrbeddMy mom had something like a Samsung Mythic... and there was a virtual dice app that couldn't run without periodic hitches.05:07
ali1234neither can mine :/05:07
ali1234i think PR1.2 broke it05:07
gabrbeddOh, really.  Hard to tell from the youtube.05:08
ali1234it's ooooold05:08
gabrbeddLooked smooth.05:08
ali1234it was smooth when i wrote it, but not any more05:08
ali1234also youtube has that effect too05:08
ali1234also it's the most basic of basic graphics possible, just cubes with the most simple shader ever and tiny textures05:09
ali1234this one has really nice graphics (iphone) :
ali1234i think he is cheating on accelerometer too05:11
gabrbeddprobably... but it looks nice.05:12
ali1234basically 2 things stopped me from finishing that app for maemo:05:13
ali1234difficulty of using raw EGL shaders (i only know fixed function GL)05:13
ali1234and difficulty of packaging the physics lib (old version used ODE)05:14
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ali1234Qt/3D fixed 1, and bullet fixes 2 (since i can static link it)05:15
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timophthis (and the conversation following it) troubles me ->
gabrbeddtimoph: I can empathize...07:45
gabrbeddbut I was pretty encouraged by it.07:45
gabrbeddtimoph: What in particular troubles you?07:45
timophto me it seems like we now have a one man architecture board with personal grudge agains nokia07:46
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gabrbeddWell, Arjan has never been known for his bedside manner...07:47
gabrbeddiekku: howdy!07:48
gabrbeddtimoph: But it's not just him making the calls.  One e-mail spells out the team.07:48
timophoh. I missed that07:49
timophgood that you pointed that out since I was just about to reply to the thread (and make an ass out of myself)07:49
gabrbeddah... I see... Carston asked for an update on who the team is -- and that wasn't replied to.07:50
gabrbeddBut Carston also listed out who he knew the team to be last fall.07:50
gabrbeddMeanwhile, there have been a bunch of aMeeGo's (including Nokia folks) in Portland over the past 2 weeks.07:51
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timophyep. that's the question I want to get answered07:51
gabrbeddNishanthMenon: Go to bed!!07:51
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gabrbeddArjan is the "chief" -- so he gets to look like the bad guy.07:52
timophHe's good at it07:53
gabrbeddBut, IMHO... with the official release scheduled 4 weeks away...07:53
gabrbeddwe need a bad guy. :-)07:53
gabrbeddOr... is it 6 weeks.07:53
gabrbeddor 8.07:53
timophyep. The release is going be missing a lot of things that it was supporsed have07:53
gabrbeddWhatever... it's pretty close.07:53
gabrbeddIn fact, I was worried about that /before/ the Nokia decision.07:54
timophyep. me too07:54
jonwilme, I just hope the lawyers get through all the red tape and allow all the stuff for the N900 (like GPS) to be made available07:54
timophfor me the n900 is just a small piece of the puzzle. A nice to have thing for sure but not the main thing07:55
gabrbeddtimoph: +107:55
jonwilwell I care as a N900 owner07:56
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* timoph has 2 n900s :)07:56
gabrbeddYes, but the N900 isn't going to bring $$ into the MeeGo project.07:56
timophcould be. I also really want see the DE for it to succeed07:57
gabrbeddYes, I agree.07:58
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timophthis was the thing that got me really worried about the 1.2 release ->
jonwilThe N900 is currently the only cellphone target for MeeGo08:00
jonwilaside from whatever Nokia has in its labs08:00
timophyou can run it on nexus1, aava, etc. too08:00
timophbut the n900 is the current arm reference device08:01
jonwilhence why bringing it closer to feature-parity with Fremantle is of value08:01
timophactually I'm not sure if aava is a reference device anymore08:02
timophsince there haven't been builds for it for some time08:02
gabrbeddtimoph: Actually, I was worried over xmas when I saw all the iPad commercials and realized, "Wow.  MeeGo is really, really late to this race."08:02
timophmight be late but I still think it has a very real chance of succeeding08:04
jonwilI am hoping MeeGo makes a success in the cellphone market moreso than tablets08:04
gabrbeddIMHO, a strong app store is a pretty big part of what makes mobile devices (especially phones) popular.08:05
timophand of cource everyone has a different definition for "success"08:05
gabrbedd(At least, in today's market)08:05
gabrbeddBefore 2/11... that was a real possibility for MeeGo.08:05
timophI think that's why we're seeing Intel pushing appUpp08:05
gabrbeddAfter 2/11 -- I'm not sure it can happen.  Though it's clear Intel is going to make a run for it.08:06
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timophIf they release some nice hw with MeeGo. I'm pretty sure I'll buy it. I'm already doing apps for it08:06
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gabrbeddYep.  Me, too.08:07
timophwe started a game project with a couple of guys from QA tools08:08
jonwilMeeGo tablet or netbook has no interest for me08:08
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jonwilonly a cellphone would be something I care about08:08
rasterwell you'd better hope other cellphone makers sjump onto meego08:08
gabrbeddHi Stskeeps!08:08
timophmorn Stskeeps08:08
rasteras nokia isn't going to be the one focusing on it :)08:08
gabrbeddDid Arjan ever answer your question about the Arch. team?08:09
rasterno idea who else is/will use/ship meego on a phone08:09
gabrbeddStskeeps: ^^^08:09
Stskeepsgabrbedd: let's focus on the technical stuff for now or we'll miss target of release, actual project structures are figured out past the elopcalypse when nokia knows what they are doing :P08:11
thiago_homenokia knows what it wants to do, the problem is that the information is not getting to the devs08:12
Stskeepsit might even turn out for the better now08:12
thiago_homehopefully they'll get more info today08:12
gabrbeddStskeeps: I fully agree. But if there was an answer, I was curious to know it.  :-)08:13
timophme too08:14
Stskeepsi personally hope we'll move to an architectual model were it's less about affiliation and more about skill and capability.08:14
gabrbeddWell, good morning guys.  I'm going to bed now.  :-)08:16
Stskeepsbut that thread is going to be interesting to watch08:17
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Stskeepswhich makes me think of a presentation title for the conference08:20
Stskeeps"Post-elopcalypse effects within the MeeGo project" ;)08:20
RonksuI'm sure that would be a hit :)08:22
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thiago_homeStskeeps: so submit something alrady08:29
thiago_homeI've already done one08:30
wassupnariStskeeps : morning!08:31
Stskeepsthiago_home: yeah, i saw - good proposal08:31
Stskeepswassupnari: good morning08:31
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wassupnariStskeeps : we've tested the library, but.. still don't work. :(08:32
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Stskeepswassupnari: did you get 3d demos up and running?08:32
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wassupnariStskeeps: hang on08:33
Myrttihahahaha "No sessions have been accepted yet. Session submissions are due by March 18, 2011. We expect to have a large subset of the presentations approved and scheduled by April 4th and are planning to have the final program ready before April 15th."08:34
Myrttifinally that page is fixed08:34
MyrttiI had a laugh at it over the weekend08:34
thiago_homeMyrtti: why?08:34
Myrttibecause I've submitted a talk too and it did appear on the accepted sessions page, just like yours did08:35
* Stskeeps looks08:35
thiago_homeoh, I hadn't noticed08:35
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Myrttiin fact, all of the ones that were/are on proposed were shown on the accepted page too08:35
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MyrttiI knew it wasn't real but I had fun anyway08:35
StskeepsMyrtti: , white marks current page08:35
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MyrttiStskeeps: no kidding!08:36
Myrttiyes, I know08:36
wassupnariStskeeps: do you know "yb"? he is one of my co-worker, he tested that library and he said he didn't use 3d demos.08:36
Stskeepswassupnari: no sorry, but he should get the 3d demos from the 3d library working first, then it's easier to get rest working :)08:37
wassupnarihm.. okay08:37
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Stskeepsusualy there's some good demos to test everything works, or just check egl status or something08:37
Stskeepsthiago_home: GLES? ;)08:39
thiago_homeno eglgears?08:39
RST38hMoo, ladies and gentlemen08:40
thiago_homemoo, RST38h08:41
Stskeepsthiago_home: i've yet to see one08:41
wassupnariStskeeps: i cannot find 3d demos, where can i get that? :)08:43
Stskeepswassupnari: hmm, i would think they would be in the package for the SGX stuff08:43
Stskeepsgraphics driver people are usually proud to give along demos ;)08:43
wassupnariStskeeps: hehe, okay08:44
Stskeepswassupnari: because when the default demos work, it's easy to hook up rest of meego usually08:46
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timeless_xchatlbt: ping09:29
timeless_xchatanyone here have any pending flights in the next couple of weeks?09:30
Stskeepswhat, volcano started?09:31
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timeless_xchati want to test a tool that deals in amadeus references09:31
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timeless_xchatlbt: got any flights pending? i want to try checking amadeus references10:31
Stskeepstimeless_xchat: it's a bit problematic to ask about amadeus references since those + name allow people to check in10:31
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Stskeepsand this could be abused10:31
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timeless_xchatstskeeps: yeah, in this case, lbt can watch me use it10:32
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javispedroso, are my fears true? noone's doing GSoC paperwork?16:26
Stskeepsmaybe, but you might have asked at the worst time possible :)16:28
javispedroyes, at two/three days from the deadline =)16:29
DebolazSounds like the plot of the best horror movie ever.16:29
Stskeepsjavispedro: also, does MeeGo qualify?16:29
javispedrostill, considering that even TI promised free hw for a future Meego GSOC participation... a pity if it were not to happen.16:29
Stskeepsi mean, used to but "maemo" didn't16:30
javispedroI know -- one hopes Meego is open enough :D16:31
javispedrolast year there was a half proposal from a Intel employee, even.16:31
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Stskeepssend a mail to DawnFoster, cc quim and ask if it's OK if you drive it?16:33
Stskeepsto make it happen16:33
Stskeepsi think gsoc probably just drowned in this whole mess and having it would be a win-win situation for the project16:35
* gabrbedd munches popcorn and watches the flame-war on meego-dev16:35
javispedro(tbh I myself I'm still worried about whether to push to register or not, as the SSU could surely get some students bumps ;) )16:35
javispedroStskeeps: yes, quite agreed.16:36
Stskeepsgabrbedd: i applaud it for the fact we're actually discussing architecture in the open16:36
javispedromore like you're flaming past architecture decisions in the open ;)16:36
Stskeepsmeh, what's the difference..16:37
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gabrbeddStskeeps: agreed, but I think it's a dead horse.16:39
gabrbeddI can't imagine them changing their minds... no matter what the tech.16:39
Stskeepsfor 1.2 the choices really had to be made now, so yeah16:40
Stskeepsthe important thing is that we get 1.2 out the door16:40
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sivaN900hi all17:06
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sivaN900what happening ? :-)17:08
Stskeepsnot much17:08
berndhsgood fight in the mailing list17:08
sivaN900berndhs: bout ?17:09
sivaN900berndhs: i fail to find and signal in meego mls lately17:09
sivaN900berndhs: as if the project got abandomned which feels sad.17:10
berndhswas about decision to pick  a sync method for contacts17:10
lcuksivaN900, completely the opposite :)17:10
lcukif anything the announcement has been a kick in the arse and from what I see pretty much all teams across the board are motoring along and getting further with things17:11
gabrbeddsivaN900: meego-dev ML17:11
sivaN900lcuk: nice to know. i am limited to following mls mostly these days ans things seem quite low17:12
sivaN900gbraad: let me recheck17:12
gabrbeddAnd yes, the dev-focused ML's have been pretty quiet since 1/1/11.17:12
lcuksivaN900, well ML ebb and flow just as life17:12
sivaN900gbraad: right. so i am not crazy :-)17:12
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sivaN900lcuk: where have been progress made ?17:13
lcuksivaN900, I believe Venemo keeps asking for you btw17:13
sivaN900lcuk: i know i am taking long breaks due to some personal issues moving and other administrativa17:13
lcuksivaN900, well this is one really good focal point:
sivaN900lcuk: ineed - but asince then mostly ailence on mls17:14
lcuksivaN900, of course, nobody expected you around 24/7! just letting you know he was wanting to chat with you17:14
lcuksivaN900, because everyone has been busy on their n900s17:14
sivaN900lcuk: is ear piec audio working ?17:14
lcukactually getting in there and doing stuff on them17:14
lcukI am not sure whether the mail client is quite working yet ;)17:15
sivaN900very good then :)17:15
sivaN900lcuk: mail is fine in MicroB17:15
lcuksivaN900, same as everyone, if there is a piece of functionality that matters to you, find a bug for it, or file it17:15
lcukand chase it up17:15
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sivaN900lcuk: i cant chase it known nothing about kernel hacking17:16
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lcuksivaN900, without a bug number a developer cannot track it though17:16
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sivaN900lcuk: bug is filed - is earpiece calls working ?17:16
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lcukand to follow something you care about, you only need to be interested and discuss and try to followup17:16
lcuksivaN900, what is the number?!17:17
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sivaN900lcuk: let me try and not cry when i try to work through microb17:19
sivaN900bugzi is fault here. microb is the best mobile browser ever17:19
sivaN900my 3g is being throttled again17:20
lcukok sivaN900 - I see no bug relating to "earpiece" or "ear piece" - perhaps it is my bugzilla foo, or it is just requested here17:20
sivaN900oh god17:20
Stskeepsits fixed, i think17:20
sivaN900Stskeeps: it is ?17:20
lcukthat is positive17:21
Stskeepsyes, but may only be in :testing atm17:21
sivaN900ok. and battery drain and toasting ? i recall this was a tricky bit with kernel forward porting.17:22
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sivaN900that's great!17:22
StskeepssivaN900: people working on it17:22
sivaN900Stskeeps: ok when i have wall internet again i will try to test. what about touch driver issue ?17:23
Venemohey sivaN90017:23
StskeepssivaN900: fixed17:24
VenemosivaN900, how're you? :)17:24
sivaN900hey Venemo17:24
sivaN900Venemo: hanging :) your video was amazing17:24
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sivaN900Venemo: i am not sure how to apply it though.17:24
sivaN900Venemo: but this is better for private :)17:26
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VenemosivaN900: :)17:33
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lcukhmmm Bug 14234 Filed in Handset/Settings has been sent to even though component and area the bug filed in is correct as far as I know! how odd18:14
_MeeeGoBot_Bug nor, Medium, ---, nobody, NEW, About Product Dialogue shows rootfs (Maemo) product string18:14
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qgil_Stskeeps any ideas for the right host of a mailing list to coordinate the MeeGo port for the N900 work? Should we try or...?18:14
qgil_lcuk: odd indeed18:15
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DawnFosterqgil_: it would be similar to this one:
DawnFosterwhere is the n900 stuff coordinated now?18:15
qgil_hi DawnFoster that would work perfectly18:16
DawnFosterStskeeps: you know what to do to make the request, I assume?18:16
DawnFosterBTW, meego-events meeting in #meego-meeting in 45 minutes:
sivaN900changing list servers ?18:17
qgil_DawnFoster: one question about the name of the list still "intel automotive" refers to architecture-category, should we call this one simply N900 or follow the same schema18:17
sivaN900qgil_: new ml for DE ?18:18
qgil_sivaN900: yes18:18
DawnFosterqgil_: yeah, that's a good question - depends on the scope of the work.18:18
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sivaN900didn't we have meego-arm ?18:18
DawnFosterqgil_: I'd prefer not to name it after a specific hardware18:18
DawnFosterand we should include adaptation in there somewhere to be consistent.18:19
sivaN900qgil_: meego-arm18:19
DawnFosterthere is no meego-arm mailing list18:19
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qgil_DawnFoster: agreed - this needs a little more discussion then. Good points18:19
sivaN900after all this is for OMAP arm stuff18:19
DawnFostermight make sense to lump arm handsets into one adaptation list?18:19
DawnFosterbut part of the request process is to kick off a discussion on a mailing list18:20
DawnFosterso we can sort some of it out there18:20
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sivaN900Stskeeps: /18:20
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qgil_DawnFoster: sounds sensible, at least is consistent with the precedent of intel-automotive (which I like)18:21
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qgil_another option is to just keep using meego-arm until there is a need to split, as sivaN900 proposes18:21
qgil_DawnFoster: I'll go ask at meego-arm18:21
DawnFosterwhere is the meego-arm mailing list (not on meego servers)18:22
qgil_DawnFoster: right... he might be referring to #meego-arm18:22
DawnFosterah, that would make sense - I know about that one18:23
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qgil_but we need a mailing list - meego-adaptation-arm-handset would be an option18:23
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qgil_sivaN900: were you talking about #meego-arm IRC or a amiling list?18:24
sivaN900qgil_: maling list18:24
qgil_sivaN900: where is that?18:24
sivaN900qgil_: if we dont have one we need to create one18:24
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qgil_sivaN900:  ok  :)18:25
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qgil_Then meego-adaptation-arm-handset looks like the consistent option18:25
sivaN900qgil_: yes but do we need to adaptation there ?18:25
sivaN900qgil_: eg the word18:25
lcukwon't that be a bit odd when running handset builds on pinetrail etc?18:26
sivaN900qgil_: devloper edition would be more accurate no ?18:26
DawnFosterand here's the request process (just a reminder):
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* CosmoHill just compiled Intel MPI Benchmark on VS2010 using MS-MPI :)18:26
sivaN900CosmoHill: nice18:27
CosmoHillyou add the MS-MPI directories, remove Intel MPI from requirements and done18:27
qgil_sivaN900: the "developer edition" is a project that combines adaptation + UX tasks in order to come up with a usable MeeG image for the N90018:27
CosmoHillfirst you have to import Intel's VS2008 to VS201018:28
DawnFosterthis policy drives adaptation (it has a specific meaning here):
DawnFosterand shouldn't be changed to another word18:28
sivaN900qgil_: the ux tasks are minute though.18:28
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sivaN900qgil_: so ux tasks coordinated on meego-handset if we have it as an ml ?18:29
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sivaN900eg a vertical18:29
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qgil_sivaN900: DawnFoster has been pushing an organic growth for mailing lists and I agree this is the right approach18:29
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sivaN900qgil_: cool - where would be to natural pl€e for n900 meego de ux discussions ?18:30
qgil_sivaN900: I'd rather start with a arm-handset mailing list and go for more only if needed18:30
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DawnFostersivaN900: we do have a meego-handset wg, which is where the ux discussions should be18:30
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DawnFosteroops wg / mailing list18:31
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sivaN900qgil_: makes more sense to me :)18:31
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qgil_alright, then an option is to start in meego-handset and open arm-handset when needed - another option is to start with the two lists for ux/adaptation since the beginning18:33
qgil_DawnFoster: any preference?18:33
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DawnFosterI'd be fine with this starting in meego-handset18:34
andre__lcuk, see
DawnFosterunless Stskeeps needs to keep it separate for some reason.18:34
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DawnFosterI need Stskeeps to chime in with what he needs18:34
sivaN900so meego-hanset for both low level platform stuff and ux for n900 ?18:35
qgil_DawnFoster: ok, so we will start in meego-handset (it exists already, underutilized atm) and then Stskeeps sivaN900 or anybody else can propose improvements based on the real usage we are doing18:35
lcukandre__, thanks - that does not help though, I should check if the MeeGo Handset on Intel still shows up with Windows :P18:35
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sivaN900saidinesh5: hey !18:46
sivaN900saidinesh5: great news for syncevolution fans :-) read on mls18:46
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DawnFostermeego events meeting starting in #meego-meeting in 2 minutes. Agenda here:
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JaffaDawnFoster: Thanks for the headsup19:00
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sivaN900what a thread19:00
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Texrathey timoph19:05
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timophTexrat: o/19:07
timophTexrat: thanks for the nomination. I'm thinking about it19:07
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Texratjust accept timoph :P19:08
Texratguy like you is needed now timoph19:08
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CosmoHillwhat are you guys on about?19:09
Texratcosmohill you man timoph and I?19:09
TexratMaemo council19:09
TexratI nominated timoph19:09
timophdunno yet. I'm interested in it a bit but haven't really done too much stuff recently19:09
Texratand he's better accept19:10
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CosmoHillnominated him for what?19:10
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TexratI just said: Maemo council19:11
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Texratelection time again19:12
SpeedEvilIt is?19:12
* SpeedEvil looks down.19:12
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Texrathey jayabharath!19:13
Texratthanks again for help with community device program wiki19:13
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Texratjayabharath did you see emails about automating the process?19:14
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Stskeepsqgil_, DawnFoster: i'm not heading the Developer edition work, but one thing i was wary about was that while DE is an effort that effectively contributes back to meego, we maintain own releases on top of meego.. if such a effort belongs within meego, then i would propose meego-handset for the work19:28
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qgil_Stskeeps: in meego-meeting now, let¡'s chat after that19:29
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Stskeepsqgil_: yep, am at break in polish classes - will be back in an hour or so19:29
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qgil_Stskeeps: ok, ping back when you are polished  :)19:31
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TexratI thought Stskeeps was shiny enough already19:33
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leinirShiny as in Firefly? ;)19:34
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Texratshiny as in "Man that Stskeeps is so awesome he shines!"19:35
leinir*giggles* :)19:35
Texratno polish required19:35
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timophDawnFoster: I forgot to ask during the topic that does sponsored travel cover attendance to the warm-up too?19:36
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DawnFostertimoph: we'll do it for a specified number of days based on budgets and let you pick the days you want to attend19:36
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DawnFosterwe should chat with bdub_ about this later19:37
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lcukDawnFoster, can people choose to stay the days only and commute?19:37
DawnFosterI'd like to make sure we give people enough days to attend at least some warm up19:37
DawnFoster(can't talk about this now & run other meeting) :)19:37
bdub_DawnFoster, timoph: Noted.19:37
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* timoph needs to finish his session proposal19:38
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mikhasdid the MeeGo admin return from his vacation BTW?19:42
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lcukmikhas, who is the meego admin?19:42
timoph"MeeGo admin"?19:42
mikhasI dont know19:42
X-FadeThat would be a nice job ;)19:43
lcukX-Fade, so would MeeGo bacon taster19:43
mikhaswell, sys admin then19:43
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timophmikhas: could you tell us what you're after. we might be able to help you19:44
X-Fademikhas: There is an IT team, but you need to be more specific:)19:44
_MeeeGoBot_Bug 13696 nor, Undecided, ---, dawn.m.foster, NEW, Request for dedicated meego-inputmethods ML19:44
bdub_lcuk:  mmmmm.19:44
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DawnFosterAdam Gretzinger is the meego sys admin, and yes he is back19:44
DawnFosterthe mailing list request is in his queue :)19:44
X-Fadebdub_: bacon doughnut :)19:44
DawnFosterI'll follow up today if I don't see anything from him19:45
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bdub_X-Fade I was already thinking of it19:45
lcukas DawnFoster helpfully pointed out for unrelated topic a bit ago19:45
lcukmmmm X-Fade19:45
X-Fadebdub_: An experience to never forget :)19:45
bdub_You know, down here in texas we deep fry bacon.  Just saying.19:45
mikhaslcuk, huh?19:45
mikhasI think I covered all bases now19:45
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lcukbdub_, right now, I have the rest of an 18person pork roast19:46
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lcukwhich as tracy said, feeds 3+me19:46
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lcukbdub_, tho deep fried bacon sounds intruiging19:46
* lcuk tries it19:46
bdub_It does.  Take fat, wrap it in fat, and then cook it in fat.19:47
bdub_lcuk, here's the place:
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Texratlol bdub_19:49
CosmoHillbdub_: are you the guy from LFS?19:49
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Texratah, Texas cooking...19:50
lcukTexrat, can you confirm this19:50
bdub_CosmoHill, can you expand the acronym and I'll tell you? :-)19:50
CosmoHillI'll take that as a no since if you were you'd be one of the lead developers19:51
TexratI can confirm tat grease is the main ingredient in Texas food19:51
CosmoHillit's Linux From Scratch19:51
bdub_eeee no then!19:51
bdub_oh - I had a number of others floating around19:51
Texratbdub_ told me he's been bored, so by all means load him up :D19:52
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bdub_You're never bored when you have bacon.19:52
TexratI'm gwetting too old to eat it... unles my arteries get roto-rootered19:53
lcukthe bacon grease helps the blood slide along the veins.19:53
bdub_Agreed.  I'm a well-oiled machine.19:53
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Texratman lcuk I wish that were true!19:55
DawnFosterI'm going to be in Texas later this week (Austin) - One word: guacamole!19:55
Texratbut I think you mean FISH oil19:55
DawnFosterwell, that and Mexican Martinis :)19:55
lcukDawnFoster, with bacon?19:55
TexratDawnFoster I mkake the best guacamole :D19:55
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Texratsure wish I was going to Austin :(19:55
DawnFosterTexrat: how close are you to Austin?19:55
Texrat3 hours19:56
DawnFosterah, a long way to drive for a meego breakfast on Saturday :)19:56
Texratentered a Nokia contest for sxsw package-- didn't win :(19:56
Texratwell, niot really19:56
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Texratwe used to drive to Austin for weekend getaways a lot19:56
Texratwe would just come in Friday afternoon19:56
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Texratbut, with my wife losing her job, I can't afford a hotel19:57
Texratso may not make it down to Texas Linux Fest either (and I'm supposed to present) :/19:57
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slaineDawnFoster: are you going to Mexico or Texas20:01
DawnFosterTexas :)20:01
dnearyTexrat, So - how is the hardware program going?20:01
TexratDawnFoster make sure to catch the bat flight at the bridge over Town Lake20:01
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Texratjust at sunset20:02
dnearyTexrat, Who is my best chance for getting ~30 complete developer kits for May right now? PandaBoard?20:02
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* slaine wonders why he bothers coming to work early at all. Still here and feel like I've nothing done20:02
DawnFosterI've been to Austin for the past 4 years, and never made it out to see the bats20:02
Texrattake an umbrella for the guano :D20:02
Texratnot really a problem... or hasn't been for me20:02
dm8tbrdneary: talk to orbarron about panda20:02
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Texratyes dneary, orbarron or jayabharath20:03
Texratalthough that's a high number... not sure if they have that many offhand20:03
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TexratI'll be glad to help you on that20:04
dm8tbrtheir backlog at digikey is just 740 or so :)20:04
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dm8tbrconnection reset by beer...20:04
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* jayabharath looks20:05
* Texrat hopes...20:07
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jayabharathTexrat: dneary left the room... getting 30 kits will be close to impossible... may want to check with beagleboard.. as they have better supply atm20:07
dm8tbrjayabharath: dave's connection just dropped, but he's looking for panda's for something meego related?20:07
dm8tbrah, there he is20:07
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Texratjayabharath I had a feekign that was the case.20:08
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Texratdneary, have you seen the updated device program page yet?20:08
jayabharathdneary: getting 30 kits will be close to impossible ... we are working through a huge backlog of orders atm.... you may want to ping jkridner on #beagleboard and see if they can look into beagleboards...20:09
Texratdneary, jayabharath confirmed my suspicon abotu Pandaboard availability... may have to go with Beagleboard20:09
jayabharathI expect we will have solved most of our backlog order in the next 5 weeks20:09
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dnearyDawnFoster: Try to find a bar-tender who'll agree to make you a Flaming Dr. Peppers20:10
Texratand yes, I got the notion jkridner had plenty of Beagleboards20:10
dnearyjayabharath, Just back20:10
dnearyI didn't leave, was dropped20:10
Texratone probability, dneary, is that people will ahve to buddy up20:10
dm8tbrjayabharath: dneary mentioned May as a target though20:10
Texrat2 per davice say20:10
dnearyTexrat, No, haven't seen the updated page yet20:10
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* jayabharath struggling with vanished mouse cursor... will reboot and log back in a bit20:11
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dnearyjayabharath, There are all sorts of possibilities - we can make it a smaller session, we can share one kit between 2 people, so 10 kits = 20 attendees, there are options20:11
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Texratdneary updated page makes it easier to find contacts and champions:
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dnearyTexrat, Looks like the odds of getting Snowballs for the device program is slim to none right now.20:12
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dnearypohly, Hey there!20:12
Texrathey pohly20:13
Texratthanks for accepting LinkedIn req ;)20:13
Texratdneary I will continue to expand device list, but getting champions helps20:13
Texratneed one for Intel and one for Nokia20:14
dneary"expand device list" in what direction?20:14
Texratand more as we go20:14
TexratANY viable direction20:14
dnearyHave you been talking to QuIC20:14
Texratnot yet20:14
dnearyThey might be interested. Do you know Mark Charlebois?20:14
Texrattryign not to spread myself too thing20:14
Texratno, I don't20:14
TexratI just aproached AAVA though, waiting on response20:14
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dnearySo - in summary, the best opportunity right now is TI & the BeagleBoard20:15
Texratand will tackle one potential provider at a time20:15
Texratmostly Beagleboard20:15
dnearyOr we get people working on their own laptops20:15
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dnearyOr we ask them to bring their Lenovos along20:15
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Texrator ExoPCs ;)20:15
Texratcrap I'm making the typos today...20:16
Texratso dneary what do you know about Snowball availability?  that was on my list20:16
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dnearyTexrat, I can put you in touch with someone in ST Ericsson, but he said that they were not looking to do anything officially with MeeGo right now20:18
dnearyLinaro is still their focus20:18
Texratneed to work on MeeGo-Linaro synergies maybe ;)20:18
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Texratmerge them into one project and call it MeLargo :D20:19
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lcukTexrat, not sure how it would help, but perhaps see who or what might know who could help20:20
Texratty lcuk20:20
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Texratno reason to take Snowball off the list entirely... may just need to lobby real hard.  Heck surely ST Ericsson can turn loose of ONE for MeeGo...20:21
lcukhe in on the dedicated #ARM side and obviously will know people from the different communities so might know who to poke for beagle/panda20:21
Texratoh we have beagle/panda covered lcuk20:22
jayabharathdneary: I'm back.. my ubuntu machine mouse cursor vanishes without heads up ;)20:22
jayabharathdneary: was this for some hands on session you are planning? (could not find much detail in the logs) ... please share more info20:23
dnearyjayabharath, Yes20:23
dnearyjayabharath, Let me find a pointer...20:23
jayabharathdneary: thx20:24
jayabharathI am presuming for Meego Conf in may20:24
* jayabharath looks20:24
Texratyes jayabharath20:24
dnearyjayabharath, My idea was to have a full day session where people would get set up with meego on a board + some kit, and write, test & deploy their first application from the SDK to target hardware20:25
jayabharathGot cha20:25
Texratand boards of course aren't the only issue, dneary, since they will require monitors, input devices,...20:25
Texrator maybe just touchscreens20:26
dnearyLast year we tried to get a bunch of people using the ARM SDK but it was a bit farcicle with a lack of preparation & we overwhelmed the wiki trying to download SDKs20:26
jayabharathTexrat: thats correct... power supplies & SD cards too20:26
dnearyTexrat, That's why I have been careful to talk about kits20:26
Texratunderstood dneary20:26
Texratjust thinking out loud20:26
dnearyTexrat, I would ideally like to have all the connectors etc available20:26
dnearyjayabharath, I suggested that we could perhaps have 1 kit for 2 participants, and cap the number of participants, if it made it possible20:27
dnearyWe could make the kit loaners rather than a hardware giveaway20:27
Texratit might make more sense to focus on finished products for dev training, then have live demo of dev boards by jayabharath or other20:27
dnearyThere are lots of things we might consider doing20:27
jayabharathdneary: I see..20:27
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dnearyTexrat, I really want to take a C or C++ programmer from normal laptop to SDK installed & MeeGo application built & deployed (or ready to deploy) during the session20:28
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TexratI do agree that would be ideal dneary20:28
jayabharathdneary: Would have wifi on the platform a must... (me thinking out aloud)20:29
dnearyThe Android workshop at OSCON, for example, ran people through writing & deploying an application from scratch in 2 hours20:29
dnearyjayabharath, I was thinking about ensuring wired internet20:29
dnearyThat way, we can do it with some switches & a portable hard drive plugged into a local computer20:30
jayabharathwired is no issue.. we have some shortages of wifi modules.. and probably some boards without wifi that I can steal for this... (I will need to check)20:30
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jayabharathThe question on 'kit' aspect - do you need us(TI) to fund that? (If so, I need to check with people who hold the $$)20:31
dnearyjayabharath, We could ask for budget from the conference20:32
dnearyBut ideally we'd find one partner who would be the sponsor of the session, including kit20:32
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jayabharathlet me do this.. I will first find out if we can get boards avaiable for this.. by end of this week and will get back with options. Then we can plan futher.20:33
jayabharathI will ping you on irc once I have more info on board availability20:33
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Texratwell, dammit, RIM is turning me down on one job application after another :(20:33
dnearyjayabharath, That sounds great20:34
dnearyI think I have your email already20:34
lcukTexrat, you do NOT want a rimjob.20:34
jayabharathyeah it's my name at ti.com20:34
dnearyTexrat, I hear there's a Texas based company that makes instruments... they hiring at the moment?20:34
lcuk(or maybe you do!)20:34
jayabharathyes we have quite a few positions open in our OMAP business atm...20:35
Texratdneary I worked for them years ago, and have an app in20:35
Texratbut I don't qualify for many current TI openings... :(20:35
Texratplus it's a LONG drive from my house20:35
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jayabharathI will promise to forwarding it onto our recuruiting team if you need a job :) (that's the least I can do)20:35
Texratthe pay would have to be really good20:35
jayabharathTexrat: you need to move closer to where the action is .. he he :)20:36
Texratjayabharath I cannot complain about your help, thanks20:36
lcukjayabharath, he lives in Texas20:36
lcukand he plays an instrument!20:36
Texratjayabharath I can't move.  :(  Wife refuses20:36
Texratthat's a sore subject20:36
jayabharathlcuk: dont know any instruments to play...20:36
Texratbut I really loved the 7 years I worked for TI.  Great company20:37
dnearyTexrat, If there's no choice, there's no choice20:37
mikhastautology day!20:37
Texratwas told when I went to apply for other TI openings that "we won't hire you defense workers because you can't do anythign else"20:37
Texratdneary right: I have no choice.  stay or divorce20:38
dnearyThat looks like a choice right there20:38
leinirmikhas: the first rule of tautology club is the first rule... ;)20:38
Texratthat's awfully flip dneary20:38
Texratdivorce is not a casual thing20:38
TexratI have 2 sons20:38
mikhasleinir, ha!20:38
dnearyTexrat, I agree20:38
lcukTexrat, *grin* that hsould fire up your #tigerblood20:38
dneary3 sons here20:38
dneary& a wife20:38
TexratI would GLADLY move anywhere20:39
Texratbut I formed a partnership...20:39
dnearyMarriage is a partnership, yes20:39
Texratanyway for the right pay I'd make the drive to Richardson20:39
dnearyAnd partners don't issue ultimata lightly20:39
Texratcar has 99,000 miles on it...20:39
Stskeepsqgil_: pong20:40
Texratwell dneary that gets into an ugly subject I'd prefer to just drop on IRC20:40
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Texratsuffice to say it is what it is20:40
qgil_right Stskeeps so meego-handset list as the best candidate available for the Dev Edition work20:40
henaanyone have wetab?20:40
Texratanyway thanks again jayabharath20:40
qgil_Stskeeps:  and if something more is needed over time, then discuss20:41
qgil_Stskeeps: organic growth20:41
dnearyleinir, When I was in college, I put in 2 applications for new societies: the secret society (we had meetings, but never told anyone where they were) and the anarchy society (we didn't have meetings, but occasionally announced one, and anyone who turned up was automatically thrown out of the society)20:41
dnearyWas fun20:41
dnearyTexrat, Sure20:41
leinirdneary: *laughs!* Nice one ;)20:41
jayabharathTexrat: I still to get back to you on the meego automation emails... will be later today20:41
dnearyTexrat, I've been in the same situation re a move away from France; but I think if the right opportunity came along, we would move & she would follow me20:42
Stskeepsqgil_: yep - i was a little worried we'd again confuse meego platform vs meego 'products', but meego-handset seems a good place to have the DE effort on20:42
Texratno hurry jayabharath-- that's down the road.  DawnFoster made it clear we need to follow process on web site additions20:42
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lcuk++ qgil_20:42
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jayabharathTexrat: sound good20:42
dnearyAnyway, we're way OT (and probably too personal) for the channel20:42
qgil_DE is MeeGo work20:42
dnearygood luck with your job hunting20:42
Texratferenc got a bit ahead of things, bless him ;)20:42
qgil_Stskeeps: Jukka (what is his nick) is also fine with this, and Dawn too - so it looks like we have the basic consensus to go ahead20:43
ferencTexrat: the thing I wrote in a mail is just an "idea". not even a line of code is written yet ;)20:43
TexratI know ferenc, just poking you20:43
Stskeepsqgil_: jukka or jukkaeklund20:43
ferencTexrat: let's see how far Mike and his team are with their implementation20:43
qgil_Stskeeps: I already registered to meego-handset (I had missed it somehow)20:43
Texratagreed ferenc20:44
Texratgotta say I admire your enthusiasm for sure ;)20:44
Stskeepsqgil_: ok then, we have something to put on wiki then :)20:44
ferencTexrat: but if they are not far, then I would certainly jump in.20:44
qgil_Stskeeps: I'll let jukka go first20:44
Texratferenc, DawnFoster appears to want a formal process that would include looking at more than one solution provider20:44
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DawnFosterTexrat: my point is that Mike Shaver needs to pick the vendor20:45
Texratyeah that20:45
DawnFosterhonestly, this should be pretty easy, and mike may just implement it himself20:45
TexratI'm in alignment DawnFoster20:45
ferencDawnFoster: so nothing stops us making the prototype I mentioned in the email20:45
DawnFosterferenc: you can make a prototype if you want20:46
Texratyes it would be fairly easy20:46
DawnFosterbut it needs to go to Mike Shaver20:46
ferencDawnFoster: ok20:46
DawnFosterok, I have to drop offline for a while, but I'll be back on later20:46
TexratI'm out soon too20:47
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Texratoh, andI'm looking for discussion on
_MeeeGoBot_Bug 14116 nor, Undecided, ---, dawn.m.foster, NEW, MeeGo equivalent to Forum Nokia Champion20:48
Texratwhat the bot said20:48
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ferencTexrat: let's roll this tool then :) we can continue in email, I start doing the skeleton of the web app.20:49
Texratagreed ferenc20:49
TexratI was going to do my part anyway ;)20:49
ferencTexrat: we could experiment with the request dispatch. When do you think you could prepare a "test form" I asked in the email?20:49
niala1A way to know wich Class is my micro sdhc  ?20:50
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Stskeepsqgil_: either way, i'm excited about the DE and looking forward to see the effort in practice - and many others including hackerish power users see the the benefit/potential20:51
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qgil_Stskeeps: same here20:51
sivan900dneary: thiago_workshop did not think it was harsh20:51
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jayabharathniala1: are there any markings on the card...20:51
dnearysivan900, cool20:52
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jayabharathniala1: ref: (is what you should be looking for)20:52
sivan900dneary: however my aim is to create true community nurtured improvement process based on feedback and transperancy20:52
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dnearysivan900, I would suggest planning a BOF around a sore point with a concrete proposal, & getting the right people in the room20:52
dnearyI'm thinking, for example, of getting a MeeGo branding & trademark BOF going20:53
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sivan900dneary: i want to ask people of the sore points when in such a bof.20:53
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henanobody has wetab? how can this be? :D20:53
sivan900dneary: hear of their experience20:53
Stskeepsdneary: sounds like a good proposal20:53
Texratdneary I would love that20:54
Texratlater all20:54
Stskeepsit also helps to meet people in the flesh when its a really touchy issue20:54
dnearyTexrat, Perhaps the Collab Summit mighht be the best place for it20:54
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Texratnot sure I'll be attending dneary but would gladly support however I could20:55
Texratanyway gotta bail20:55
sivan900dneary: i was amazed at people's reactions for feedback i never saw through online means.20:55
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sivan900dneary: i am planning the same for desktop summit. as this has implications for any open aource project health.20:56
sivan900timeless_office: poing20:56
ali1234has anyone ever seen empathy video calling work?20:57
ali1234it seems to have several different failure modes20:58
ali1234that makes reproducing problems pretty annoying20:58
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sivan900dneary: it was not complaining. it was looking at issues in the eyes and solutions were proposed in the summary. this time bof people up preferably when no other sessions and spec stuff and have a wiki writeup resource to revert to support decisions.21:01
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* sivan900 needs wired net to send a proposal.21:02
ali1234does netbook have a "webcam troubleshooter" type wizard?21:02
ali1234cos i really need that right about now21:02
TSCHAKeeejust open up cheese21:03
ali1234i opened it... got a blank grey screen21:03
ali1234i'm also losing dialogs under the UI21:04
ali1234when it pops up "X wants attention" and you click it, nothing happens, have to hide the panel to see the dialog21:04
ali1234"cheese is not responding"21:04
sivan900dneary: this is without mistake close to the ubuntu way - although for some bewildering reason everybody likes to hate ubuntu and still use it - this is what it means to "join the linux culture"21:04
sivan900ah dawn is away21:05
sivan900anyway better find wired net. laters.21:05
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ali1234well imo ubuntu does the same thing wrong that nokia did with maemo - namely, do all development work in secret, and then keep the "community" around like a pet21:07
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jayabharathali1234: similar to android you mean?21:07
ali1234then when individual members of the community try to engage and say "what do you want us to do?" the only answer they get is "we want you to be more like a COMMUNITY!"21:08
ali1234jayabharath: nope, because google does not try to *build* it's community in such a controlled way21:08
ali1234jayabharath: the android community is more like some stray dogs around google's bins21:08
jayabharathali1234: I see what you mean21:09
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ali1234they might be starving but atleast they are free to do whatever they want21:10
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ali1234actually i'm being harsh on ubuntu, they are nowhere near as bad for this as nokia was with maemo21:11
ali1234they do at least have training programs for most areas of contribution21:12
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gabrbeddali1234: When the webcam doesn't work for me... it's usually one of the hardware/bios buttons.  (Like Fn+F5 or something).21:14
ali1234i am on ideapad21:14
gabrbedd...unless of course, there's no driver.  :-)21:14
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gabrbeddYep, me too.21:15
CosmoHillmy webcam works better under linux than windows 721:15
ali1234ah fn-esc has a picture of a camera with a cross through it21:15
ali1234ah yes it works now, thanks21:15
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ali1234there should be some visible feed or a better error message that "could not connect" if the cam is disabled...21:19
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ali1234maybe that's not possible with the hardware though :(21:21
ali1234video call still doesn't work :(21:22
ali1234ah "xxx's software does not understand any of the videos formats supported by your computer"21:24
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georgemHas anyone used emgd with new builds of IVI? It comes up and tries to use VESA by default on my E6xx tunnel creek and when I change the x configuration to force it to use emgd I get "Xorg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ undefined symbol: EDID_bin_read"21:26
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vgradegeorgem, there are some example Xorg conf files in the EMGD distribution, sec while I find a link21:42
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georgemvgrade: ?21:43
vgradeno, there are now Meego EMGD packages21:49
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georgemvgrade: oh21:50
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vgrade, you will need a recently commited IVI kernel as well21:51
georgemvgrade: great thanks.21:52
vgradegood luck21:52
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smokuvgrade, should it work on the ideapad?21:57
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georgemvgrade: thanks, I got it working. I already had a newer version of that package installed. you were right though there were configurations in /usr/share/doc/emgd-bin-1859 and that made it work22:02
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joppuso is Harmattan really gonna be "MeeGo in name only" ?23:47
timeless_w7ipjoppu: reading tea leaves is hard23:52
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TSCHAKeeemy question is this: Why the fuck does it even matter, considering there are much more difficult questions left to answer?23:52
TSCHAKeeeseriously fellas23:52
TSCHAKeeeyou're being distracted by silly shit.23:52
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TSCHAKeeebut that seems to be the bulk of arguments in the public world, shallow, petty arguments and concerns that don't really impact the end result in any positive manner.23:53
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timeless_w7iptschakeee: that's an interesting question23:58
timeless_w7ipin theory the main reason to care is that if it's "truly meego" then there's a "safe upgrade path" for when the vendor dies23:58
timeless_w7ipif it's only "meego like", then the upgrade path is dangerous23:59
timeless_w7ipas an example, Corel made a Linux, it wasn't "debian like", it was "debian derived"23:59
TSCHAKeeeyes, I remember.23:59
timeless_w7ipso I was able to upgrade from Corel Linux to a later Debian23:59
vgradegeorgem, hth23:59
timeless_w7ipI could choose to keep the corel bits or discard them23:59

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