IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2011-02-06

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* Umeaboy says Good evening! in a horrific way.00:22
lbtsurely "an" horrific way  ?00:27
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GAN900lbt, Brit.00:28
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comawhiteis there a channel for meego on phones?01:02
CosmoHillthis is it01:05
CosmoHillyou may be interested in #meego-arm01:05
comawhiteoh okay01:05
* comawhite chuckles at the news of MeeGo being ditched xD01:06
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GAN900comawhite, what phones?01:09
CosmoHillcomawhite: also that's not news, that's rumour01:09
comawhiteCosmoHill, yeah I know01:09
CosmoHillah, that explains the chuckling01:09
comawhiteI find it baseless rumours just done by Windows fanbois01:09
comawhiteLike Nokia would start selling phones that are of their competitors. and if they did, it would just piss off more people than they would sell of the phones01:10
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GAN900Whatever it is, Nokia needs to start selling something.01:13
comawhiteI hope we get the N9 or whatever soon :(01:13
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CosmoHillthe Nokia 3G pocket brick XL01:14
comawhiteHopefully there will be an official way of installing MeeGo on my N900 soon so I get to play with it :)01:14
CosmoHillokay maybe "brick" and XL were bad choises of words01:15
lbtcomawhite: it'll never be 'official'01:15
comawhiteCosmoHill, N8 + MeeGo == N9 would be nice :)01:15
comawhitelbt, lame =[01:15
CosmoHillffs I crashed the web server again01:15
comawhiteBut hopefully with more memory and speed01:15
comawhiteand better battery01:15
CosmoHillN8 requires signed images01:15
comawhitelbt, yeah I believe you, but it sucks though01:16
comawhiteCosmoHill, what do you mean?01:16
CosmoHillthe N8 will check that the image you are trying to upload / boot has been authorised by Nokia for that phone01:16
comawhiteah okay01:16
comawhiteI wonder why the N900 didn't have that01:17
CosmoHilllbt: do i give the illusion of being smart / knowing my stuff when I talk like this?01:17
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GAN900comawhite, 'cause it's intended to be open.01:17
CosmoHillthe N900 is more a consumer / developer phone where as the N8 is pure consumer01:17
lbtCosmoHill: totally convincing ;)01:18
comawhiteOh okay got you01:18
GAN900comawhite, N8 has Symbian roots, N900 has Linux ones.01:18
CosmoHillGAN900: I should have said that first shouldn't I01:18
comawhiteWhat will the next one with MeeGo be? consumer or developer?01:18
GAN900comawhite, dunno.01:18
GAN900Hasn't been announced.01:18
CosmoHillthat being a bigger difference than the target audiance01:18
comawhiteHopefully on MWC we will find out01:19
CosmoHillI'd imagine developer01:19
GAN900Well, Nokia has indicated their intentions are to go more mainstream with MeeGo.01:19
GAN900I don't believe that will involve firmware locks, however.01:19
CosmoHillthat makes more sense01:19
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CosmoHillmy thinking is that the first ever nokia meego phone would be more hackable than say the N801:20
comawhiteIt'd be nice to see MeeGo go mainstream01:20
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comawhiteBut still have the openness of it01:20
comawhiteNot fond of being lacked out of a device you spend $400+ for01:20
* CosmoHill looks at the apple concentration camp01:21
CosmoHillI read recently that then banned the use of non-standard APIs in wrappers01:21
GAN900comawhite, security framework is significantly more nefarious than on Maemo.01:21
comawhiteGAN900, nefarious?01:22
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CosmoHill(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal01:22
comawhitenever heard the word before :P01:23
CosmoHillI can right click and look up words01:23
CosmoHillxchat aqua (for mac)01:23
GAN900CosmoHill, iOS is what it is and at least you know what it is going in.01:24
CosmoHilleverything uses the system wide spell check apart from firefox01:24
GAN900Apple doesn't lie about the platform their providing.01:24
CosmoHillGAN900: hmm that's true01:24
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comawhiteCosmoHill, surprised not Colloquy :P01:24
* GAN900 has really hit the wall.01:24
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comawhiteI wish Adium was on Linux =[01:24
CosmoHillI only use Adium for MSN01:25
CosmoHillI've been using xchat since I got my mac in 2005 and before adium supported irc01:25
comawhitewill MeeGo based applications take more advantage of the portrait and landscape mode than on Maemo?01:25
CosmoHillI believe that will be down to the developers of the application01:26
comawhiteCosmoHill, I mean of the builtin apps01:26
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comawhitelike browser, sms, etc01:26
GAN900Although that depends on what you mean by "MeeGo"01:26
CosmoHillI'd imagine MeeGo would be like Windows Mobile, the underneath will remain constant but different vendors might use a different UX01:28
comawhiteAt least MeeGo won't look like it was designed by 5 year olds01:29
CosmoHillthat rules out the kids phone market01:31
comawhiteWP7 looks like it was designed by 5 year olds01:35
* CosmoHill ponders01:35
CosmoHillno my mate works in a different department01:36
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comawhiteMeeGo will be themeable also correct?01:41
comawhiteCosmoHill, which department?01:41
CosmoHillI think he works on patches for the main OS01:41
GAN900comawhite, Nokia MeeGo, MeeGo MeeGo, etc.01:42
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GAN900comawhite, really depends01:42
GAN900The compliance isn't enforcing much UI-wise.01:42
comawhiteI hope there is a good HiG for it, so it doesn't end up in non-native apps like you find on Windows that aren't consistent01:46
GAN900We'll see.01:46
GAN900They aint Apple.01:46
comawhiteI can say apps on Mac seems to be more consistent across apps than on Windows01:47
comawhiteBut then again I've only used Hackintosh for short term and not long term01:48
comawhiteI hope the phone will also support multitouch01:49
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GAN900There's a social engineering bit about that.01:56
GAN900If your neighborhood is filled with broken windows, dead street light and abandoned houses, more of the same tends to propogate.01:56
GAN900Whereas if everything looks and works well, you tend to get more of the samel01:58
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CosmoHillsome programs like Adobe CS# have their own style which is not like windows or mac but their UI looks the same on both02:01
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Alison_Chaiken LinuxOutlaws MeeGo review special, pretty fair job.  Podcast hosts Dan and Fab are at FOSDEM as we speak.02:08
CosmoHillURL fail02:08
Alison_ChaikenLinuxOutlaws URL fail, CosmoHill?  I'm looking at the page in my browser right now.   Here's the freedom-hating mp3:   Thanks to Intel for giving L.O. an Ideapad to review.02:10
CosmoHilloh sorry, I thought it was "190 linuxoutlaws etc"02:10
CosmoHilldidn't realise it was just "190"02:10
Alison_ChaikenGiven the very reasonable price of spaces nowadays, I suppose I could have used one more.02:11
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GAN900Waste not, want not.02:23
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CosmoHillinteresting, BBC using the Apache License02:29
lindi-there are two apache licenses02:32
CosmoHillversion 2.002:32
lindi-(seems to be 2)02:32
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ali1234well their most famous open source project is dirac, which is available available under gpl, mpl or mit02:35
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comawhiteif this is what MeeGo will look like. I'm going to have an orgasm when I use it.04:31
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GAN900That sounds inconvenient.05:36
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Canadian_pir8Has anyone installed TOR?06:00
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Canadian_pir8(In the netbook edition)06:01
comawhiteGAN900, sorry mate06:02
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Canadian_pir8Also, with the virtual keyboard, is it possible to hide by default, so it will only show when I call it?06:04
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lardmanhmm, gedit is too damn clever for its own good12:04
Ans5ii feel sometimes same with vi12:07
lardmanjust that gedit was refusing to open /var/log/messages as it couldn't work out the encoding, and I couldn't work out how to force one12:07
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* lardman wonders how happy his local mobile phone shop will be for him to turn up with his Meego booting tab to see whether their keyboards will work with it?12:10
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* rzr is scared about all those m$ related news12:34
dm8tbrmeh, just rumours. you can start shitting your pants once they do announcements12:35
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Ans5ii thought that cross-portability was one key thingy12:37
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rzrmarketing driven companies does not care about that12:38
Ans5iabout what?12:39
rzrtechnical features12:39
Ans5iyou mean FUDD driven companies.12:40
rzrand dotnet silver/moon/light etc can "ensure" that portability ...  :)12:40
rzryes same crap12:40
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rzrlook at novell's success story12:41
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Ans5ithat girl is cross-porting hammer... it's hammer time.12:46
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Jartzahalt. hammerzeit.12:52
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Copelbt: ping!12:57
lbtpong Cope12:58
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arfollvgrade, how do I get eth0 to appear on the joggler?13:07
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lbtw0rldcitizen: here then ...14:14
w0rldcitizenHi all14:14
lbtso... packaging for meego core...14:14
w0rldcitizenI would Like to package for meego14:14
lbtyou need to essentially get commit rights14:14
lbtso what packages you want to maintain and why you should be considered14:15
lbtI suggest you start by working on the community OBS14:15
lbtw0rldcitizen: so in here, not msg :)14:15
w0rldcitizenHow can i get an account to work on the community OBS?14:16
lbtask me :)14:17
lbtthat's easy14:17
lbtit's like getting a home: account on suse OBS vs commit to Factory14:17
lbtwhat's your meego username14:17
w0rldcitizenmy meego user name is "worldcitizen" same as at opensuse14:18
lbtok- enabled14:18
lbtthe basic rules are OSS only and don't rebuild all of meego in your home :)14:18
lbtwe are working on policy and processes to get packages into core and into the community QA'ed repos14:19
lbtthere's an "ITP" page too - and maybe see what's happing on maemo. I know navit is packaged there14:19
lbthmmm, we'll need to find a way to say "this package is maintained  by a maemo/moblin dev - they've got first first refusal on maintaining it in meego"14:21
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dm8tbrok, so anyone else from finland need something from fosdem? I'll be in Helsinki Mo/Tue and then in tampere.14:30
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w0rldcitizenhi lbt17:01
w0rldcitizendoes osc access be definned in a different way as via the webgui17:02
w0rldcitizenFor me the webgui is o0k, osc not17:02
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lbtno -
w0rldcitizenok, i used api.meego.com17:03
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w0rldcitizenIt looks like i cant edit:
w0rldcitizenI think the pub link should also be added if your in the public build17:09
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w0rldcitizenI see I can edit :)17:13
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rakshasa_I am getting trouble while booting from live usb of meego17:22
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rakshasa_i created the live usb using dd17:23
rakshasa_but the message at boot time is17:23
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rakshasa_"no default r ui configuration directive found17:24
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rakshasa_please help17:25
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CANADIANGUYDoes anyone know if is possible to install TOR or the Geany IDE in meego?18:11
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thiago_homeCANADIANGUY: you can install anything18:19
thiago_homeif it's not packaged, use traditional means (get the source and compile)18:20
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CANADIANGUYWhen I get the source for TOR, it gives "openssl directory not found". I used to option to find the directory manually, but it still did not work18:21
lbtor if it's packaged for another rpm distro you may find it easy to repackage18:21
thiago_homedid you install the openssl development package?18:21
thiago_homethen it sounds like the TOR source package isn't working properly. You need to talk to their developers.18:22
CANADIANGUYI will see.18:23
CANADIANGUYIt is a huge project, it should be working.18:23
berndhsmany huge projects have bugs :)18:24
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CANADIANGUYAlso with the virtual keyboard can you hide it so that it only appears when you call it (by tapping the top bar)18:24
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bleahHi, Do I need to install additional components to setup Qt quick project?21:11
bleahProject type is not available when I go to create new project21:12
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thiago_homehow did you install Qt Creator?21:19
thiago_homevia the MeeGo SDK we published last year before the MeeGo conf or the Qt SDK beta?21:20
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bleahI installed sdk 1.221:22
bleahor was it 1.1.221:22
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bleahI used setup instruction that can be found from meego home page but targets 1.1.221:24
thiago_homethat doesn't have Qt Quick project support21:24
thiago_homeyou need something with Qt Creator 2.121:24
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bleahthanks :)21:25
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thiago_homeget the latest Qt SDK and you'll have the support21:28
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bleahI found qt creator 2.1 release candidate. Is that correct one?21:32
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bleahGot it work.21:42
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CosmoHillTop gear now :)22:01
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npmbleah: you get Qt Quick project support if you install Qt 4.7.1 alongside QtCreator from Meego SDK23:19
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npmguess i should try QtCreator 2.123:23
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Venemonpm: install the latest Qt Creator snapshot23:49
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