IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2010-10-15

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jarkkomso I got qemu-gl running but trying to add emulator device configuration in qt creator complains about device not having Qt 4.6.2+ installed when I try "test"00:07
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jarkkomdo I need find newer image than handset one from july?00:08
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aukejarkkom: july seems very old, I would suggest getting a newer image, yes00:20
* CosmoHill reads the guardian00:20
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qgilauke or anybody: can you recommend a nice netbook fully compatible with MeeGo that I could find easily in BestBuy or similar? I need to buy one asap (today)00:46
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aukeqgil: actually a touch choice atm00:50
aukeqgil: toshiba has working wireless, but seems to have an irq issue, display backlight isn't changeable, bluetooth nonfunctional00:51
aukeqgil: lenovo s10 works, except wireless (sigh), really well00:51
aukehp has the wireless issue too00:51
bdogg64what about asus?00:52
aukeI haven't tried any of the newer asus models00:52
bdogg64the 1005HA is on the list of supported models, best buy sells a 1005HAB00:52
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bdogg64seems to work fine according to the forums
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auke10005HA indeed seems to have a supported wireless chipset afaics00:56
aukeqgil: so, asus seems to be the safest choice00:56
w00t_qgil: didn't you buy one a few months back?00:57
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aukeI see reports that the 1015 has broadcom00:57
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aukeso definately don't get that if wifi needs to work00:57
qgilfelipec: good that you put the "Brand dilution" wikipedia link at the end of your post because otherwise I would have sent it to you  :)00:59
qgilfelipec: other than that I have said everything I wanted to say about the trademark stuff00:59
felipecqgil: trademark != brand00:59
qgilfelipec: yes, you are right - whatever  :)00:59
qgilthis is irc and I'm not the LF lawyer00:59
qgilauke thanks, I'll have a look to Asus01:00
aukeqgil: bring a meego image on a USB stick to the store01:01
aukeqgil: ask if you can try it01:01
aukenetbook image01:01
qgilw00t_: yeah, I bought the HP Mini 5102 and ha been a big pain to get MeeGo in there - even if 5101 and others are fine - boring BIOS bug story01:01
qgilauke: good point, this is for a partner that wants to develop MeeGo apps in MeeGo  :)01:01
felipechopefully somebody would care that community members don't feel welcome in MeeGo01:02
qgilfelipec: that is a broad statetement01:02
qgilfelipec: I would say that hopefully our trademark, brand and compliance guidelines were clear, approved and very useful01:03
felipecqgil: well, people from Fedora and openSUSE complained about ConnMann, and the answer was: you can't use MeeGo if you remove ConnMann, and when they came with Smeegol it's: you can't use that either01:04
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* CosmoHill is very confused01:05
qgilfelipec: the real problem was not to say "please don't use Smeegol" back in September - all the rest is purely collateral since Fedora and OpenSUSE are not seeking MeeGo compliance with their MeeGo related projects01:06
felipecqgil: you might not agree that they are within the law, but you can see that people in the ml think they are, and I do as well01:06
felipecqgil: if the "compliance guidelines" are stricter than the law, that's a recipe for disaster in something that is supposed to be community inclusive01:07
qgilfelipec: if you start looking at the law then you have lost something already01:07
qgilfelipec: if you would have 1M netbooks out there with "Smeegol" the situation would be also different - the discussion is not about the name itself but something else01:08
felipecqgil: exactly, if the ConnMann issue was taken out of the table: NetworkManager was seriously discussed, people might not have felt compelled to spin-off01:08
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qgilfelipec: three separate discussions: MeeGo architecture , MeeGo compliance and Smeegol diluting MeeGo or not01:09
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qgilfelipec: the problem is when you are unhappy about ConnMan and you end up discussing about Smeegol01:09
qgilthe typical case of directing to football political problems or viceversa  :901:09
felipecqgil: had the MeeGo architecture been sane, the rest of the discussion would not have come from Fedora or OpenSUSE01:10
qgilfelipec: then please discuss about architecture and then marketing dudes like me won't interfere  :)01:10
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felipecqgil: doesn't marketing include Product? (part of the 4 P's)01:11
qgilfelipec: maybe everybody feel it has an opinion about brands, but I definitely don't pretend to have an opinion about connectivity components01:12
felipecqgil: the issue is not connectivity components, it's about part of the system that third parties feel doesn't make sense01:13
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qgilfelipec: let me be less precise then: maybe everybody feels like having an opinion about brands, but I definitely don't pretend to have an opinion about MeeGo Core architecture01:14
felipecit is in the best interest of MeeGo the project, and MeeGo the brand, that third parties join in saying: yes, we like this01:14
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qgilfelipec: and putting NetworkManager instead of ConnMan will make everybody saying: yes, we like this?01:15
felipecqgil: at least Fedora and OpenSUSE, which are pretty big players in the Linux world01:16
felipecit's very simple: they like it = good PR, they don't like it = bad PR01:16
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felipecthat doesn't mean MeeGo should just do whatever Fedora and OpenSUSE want, but just having the discussion so they feel it's actually possible to influence MeeGo to their interest would help01:17
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qgilfelipec: has there been a technical discussion comparing directly ConnMan and NetworkManager, by the people actually developing and maintaining these components?01:18
felipecI thought TSG meant technical steering group, and it's purpose was precisely to sort this kind of issues01:19
qgilfelipec: there is an architecture team, and there is where architecture discussions need to happen first - escalating to TSG only if needed01:19
qgilfelipec: but in this cases the MeeGo architects, Core maintainers and connectivity maintainers seem to agree on ConnMan, and they are the ones doing currently the work in meeGo01:20
qgilIt's like the Qt discussion, the RPM discussion and many other discussions - at the end you have the maintainers that will do the work and they are the ones that must make a choice01:21
felipecqgil: I think when something has PR implications, and already hit the news it means it already went beyond TSG01:21
qgilHit the news = Engadget or WSJ saying that MeeGo is using ConnMan when everybody knows thet NM is better?01:22
felipecqgil: no, Smeegol... just by the name existing people are going to wonder, why is it not called MeeGo something?01:23
wazdcool name btw :)01:23
felipecqgil: just like LibreOffice01:23
qgilfelipec: when I talk about Smeegol you mentuion ConnMan, now that I talk about ConnMan you are actually talking about Smeegol... this is precisely the pointless situation I don't want to be part of  :)01:24
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felipecqgil: cause and effect, cause = bad architecture decision, effect = Smeegol is born01:25
felipecyou don't like Smeegol? me neither, thus the bad architecture decision needs to be analyzed01:26
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qgilfelipec: you can either follow the architecture and call it MeeGo, or not follow the architecture and call it something completely different. It's easy.01:26
felipecby whom? the TSG, who should have in scope both the architecture and the marketing01:26
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qgilwe can have a TSG meeting where TSG members say they don't like Smeegol - what have we gained?01:27
felipecthe TSG would then tell the MeeGo architects, we trust your decision, but let's have a public discussion with Smeego guys and other parties to evaluate the pros and cons01:27
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felipecwithout this discussion, you are pretty much fueling Smeegol and similar projects01:28
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qgilfelipec: again mixing Smeegol name (what bothers LF and TSG) with ConnMan/NM (which is no discussion for TSG, even less for LF)01:28
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qgilfelipec: even spin-offs are not bad - they never were for Debian, Ubuntu or Linux in general - some survive and make sense, some don't01:29
felipecqgil: well, if you are not willing to see the big picture it's pretty obvious why Smeegol had to be born, and it's pretty obvious why it will stay01:30
felipecor just die, why would people care about MeeGo if MeeGo doesn't care about them?01:31
felipecqgil: Ubuntu _is_ bad01:32
felipecspin-offs are not necessarily bad, but it's better if they can be avoided01:32
CosmoHillStskeeps: I've been thinking of making a FAQ for the n90001:32
felipecif Fedora and openSUSE contributed _directly_ to MeeGo, that would be superb01:32
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CosmoHillStskeeps: last I checked there wasn't one, it might reduce some of the questions we get in here01:33
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qgilfelipec you think I'm not seeing the big picture, I think you are not seeing the big picture...  :)  And still we will get along for another round of discussion next time  ;)01:33
qgilnow back to work01:34
felipecin fact, at the end of the day openSUSE probably did most of what MeeGo is today01:34
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CosmoHilloh I found on01:37
felipecso they probably can detach them from MeeGo and continue doing spin-offs for the different form factors that MeeGo was supposed to help with01:37
felipecit's MeeGo's loss01:37
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csdb Smeegol is not "we would distribute MeeGo if it wasn't for ConnMan" - it is "we want the MeeGo UI on top of SUSE distro"01:44
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BManojlovici agree about last one :)01:49
felipeccsdb: did you even read what Greg KH said? they are not changing a single thing, except ConnMan01:51
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Milhousefelipec: If they'd called it YouStay instead of Smeegol would you feel any happier? Anyone can take MeeGo, swap bits out and release it as something else - just don't call it MeeGo.01:59
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felipecMilhouse: no, I actually prefer Smegol than YouStay02:00
felipecMilhouse: sure, anyone can do that, but it's better if they could take MeeGo and add on top02:01
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csdbfelipec: yes, I did. You might want to re-read it, starting with the 1st email in that thread02:07
csdbwhich states:"I have been spending my time trying to get the MeeGo UX into reasonable02:08
csdbshape on my preferred distro of choice - openSUSE"02:08
csdbthe funny thing is that openSUSE trademark rules prohibit you from doing this kind of thing with their trademark02:09
felipeccsdb: that wasn't Greg02:09
csdbsame goes for Fedora02:09
csdbfelipec: so what? That's from the person that wrote the stuff02:09
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csdbdid you read the thread?02:10
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felipeccsdb: yes: Smeegol = (MeeGo - ConnMan) + rest of OpenSUSE02:12
csdbfelipec: really? Its using glibc from Meego? kernel? Every package from MeeGo except for ConnMan ?02:14
csdbit's more like (MeeGo - kernel - libs - util - anything-that-isn't-a-part-of-the-ux-that-we-want) + openSUSE02:15
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ScriptRippercsdb: If I look into the OBS project for smeegol, I think you are right02:20
felipeccsdb: actually after re-reading it seems it's Novell the one doing that02:21
felipecthen yeah, Smeegol is fine02:21
csdbScriptRipper: yeah - poor ConnMan was brought kicking and screaming into the center of this discussion when its not the center02:25
csdbfelipec: what do you mean by Smeegol is fine?02:25
felipeccsdb: it's not possible for the project to be called "MeeGo something", so a distinct name like Smeegol is fine02:27
csdbhow distinct Smeegol really is is topic for another discussion... It was clearly picked due to the similarity with MeeGo02:28
csdbIANAL but if I wanted to avoid confusion with a trademark I'm not allowed to use that would probably be the last name in the world I'd use...02:29
csdbthat's like creating a openSUSE respin and calling is SUcSEed to avoid trademark issues :-)02:30
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felipeccsdb: well, on one hand you want to be legally abiding, but on the other hand you want to say this is related to MeeGo02:31
felipeccsdb: I'm also not a lawyer, but from what I know the protection is for consumers02:32
felipecso that they don't buy Nikee shows thinking they are Nike02:33
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csdbclearly if you want to say its related then you're trying to get people interested based on this relation. MeeGo TM holders have stated that they don't want this kind of use making claims of relation to them02:34
csdband calling it Smeegol does just that.02:34
felipeccsdb: well, MeeGo TM holders can state that they don't want names to share a single character, but it's not up to them to decide what is lawful02:34
csdbfelipec: agreed - but its a matter of whether you want to push the boundaries and potentially make the lawyers happy :-)02:35
csdbI love this clause of the openSUSE trademark rules:"We acknowledge and support your right to make "fair use" of the openSUSE Marks, and do not mean to suggest with these Guidelines that our permission is required in such cases. We cannot, however, tell you categorically what will and will not qualify as a "fair use." "02:36
csdbin other words - our lawyers will tell you if you went too far :-)02:37
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felipeccsdb: not necessarily, you can start with a friendly e-mail02:37
csdbyeah - but if you re-read that thread you'll see that right from the get-go the tone was not friendly at all.02:43
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aukeemail is never read with the same friendly tone as it was originally written :)02:58
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felipeccsdb: I'm not talking about that thread03:01
lcukauke, email to voice is an obvious missing feature.  mode: dramatic reading.03:01
* csdb has "why can't we be friends" song stuck in his mind now03:01
felipeccsdb: see, openSUSE allows you to use the trademark in "fair use", and if you are not, they can send a friendly e-mail (not a cease-or-desist)03:02
felipeccsdb: but if you are not using the trademark, their rules don't matter03:02
felipeccsdb: in the case of Smeegol, they don't think they are using the trademark, so the rules don't matter either03:03
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felipecif that's the case, any mail, friendly or not, is unwarranted03:04
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csdbfelipec: I don't think it was the LF people that kept bringing lawyers into the thread (along with "sue me" and "send me a cease-and-desist if you want to discuss this further")03:08
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csdbEven by Greg's admission the correct spelling of Smeagol was changed to Smeegol.03:09
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felipeccsdb: well, that's why laws exist03:13
csdbSo this is clearly the "neutral zone" in Star Trek terms... What happens there is always anyone's guess...03:13
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csdbfelipec, yes, and judges have the final say on what the law means, not you or I or anyone else on the thread.03:16
csdbbut 'nuff about this - I've hit my legal-mumbling quota for the month already and its not even the 15th :-)03:16
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felipecwho owns the MeeGo trademark anyway?03:28
felipecah, LF, which is supposed to help open communities against corporate bullies, not sue them03:30
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felipecanyway, time to sleep03:31
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ybitheyo, when is meego going to be ready for daily use on a phone?04:28
ybithow far away is that?04:33
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ybitrough estimates appreciated, or even 'go fsck yourself', something would be nice :)04:33
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wmaroneat best it'll be the 1.2 release, which I -think- is slated for April04:38
csdbybit: my guess is still several months out. 1.1. is due out soon but I don't know that it has all the pieces to be a full smartphone yet (which is what I assume you're asking).04:39
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ybitcsdb: your guess is correct04:48
ybitwmarone: that was helpful as well04:48
ybitso i should probably just get an e7 or crack an jailbreak an iphone in the meantime. I was thinking you could probably help with development of the meeg on the e704:49
ybit-"crack an"04:49
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wmaroneas for the E7, that's probably an uphill battle04:54
csdbybit: don't know - I've only heard people talking about n900 for meego development so far04:54
ybitwmarone: why is this an uphill battle, because we don't know when the release date is?04:58
ybiti can wait about, hmmm, a month, for the phone to be released, no longer though.04:58
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k4nd4lfhi guys06:30
k4nd4lfI'm new to meego, I tried moblin about one year ago, but not on my netbook06:31
k4nd4lfthen I knew about meego and here I am trying it out06:32
k4nd4lfhowever, I have a main concern about it06:32
k4nd4lffor what I can see at plain sight this is moblin, still GTK2 based UI06:33
k4nd4lfbut, meego is promoted by nokia who owns Qt now06:33
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k4nd4lfand I am wondering if the UI is going to change to Qt or will continue to use GTK206:34
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k4nd4lfdoes anyone know something about this?06:34
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djszapik4nd4lf: qt for sure.06:48
djszapiehhh left after a question..typical :)06:49
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djszapi -> # cat <<REPO > /etc/yum.repos.d/meego-tools.repo -> seems to be a typo ?07:42
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petabit  come join us at #hackers or ##itt-tech . if you dare that is.....07:50
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Mirvit's funny that I quite rarely actually stare on this channel, but it's really packed with familiar people :P08:50
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dm8tbrso the familiar void stares back at you?08:52
Mirvsomething like that08:53
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plaa_i have a question to meego09:48
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plaa_do you think that it will be competitive to android and apple ios09:49
plaa_and how long will it take09:49
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chriadamplaa_: in my opinion?  i think it will be better than either iOS or Android, for my use cases.  as for how long it will take, that I don't know.  Hopefully not too long ;-)  Of course, both questions you ask are entirely subjective.09:52
amit-1chriadam: me also agree !!! bcoz there is no differentation09:53
amit-1any one can use android and make device09:53
plaa_do you know about using ovi apps? and how many apps are alive yet?09:53
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plaa_second question is about meego apps09:54
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chriadamplaa_:  I don't know any numbers, sorry (how many etc).09:56
plaa_are u a developer?09:56
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thiago_homethere will be a lot of devices with MeeGo shipping next year10:01
thiago_homea couple this year10:01
thiago_homeapps? Well, any Linux app is an app for MeeGo, unlike for Android. Though most of those applications aren't suitable for all form factors, of course.10:01
plaa_is  the development difficult?10:02
thiago_homeeasiest of all10:02
thiago_home(subjective opinion, of course)10:02
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plaa_im studying computer science in germany and im interested in meego and meego development.10:03
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thiago_homeyou can join in and learn all about it10:03
thiago_hometry doing that for Android -- it's a fairly closed development of the OS itself10:03
thiago_homefor a student who is learning how an OS is developed and put together, MeeGo should be your target10:04
thiago_homefor app development, you can choose10:05
thiago_homeor not choose and go for all of them :-)10:05
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plaa_i´ll inform myself about it. we´ll see. thx10:07
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djszapibtw, everything is easy for thiago_home :P11:22
niala_sadhi, is there any EeePC T101MT here ?11:22
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ljphi, yes I have one.. or two11:29
niala_sadljp, touchscreen works on meego ?11:29
niala_sadwifi ?11:29
ljpyes and yes11:30
niala_sadnice last but not least vide 720p or youtube hd ? i think i dream :)11:31
ljpa few problems like the touchscreen stops working after resume, and the network connections keep dropping11:31
ljpdunno, havent tried11:31
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ljphang on one moment11:31
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ljp720p youtube is not very good. 360p is11:39
niala_sadljp, ok that s not surprise me11:40
ljpI do my meego development on it11:41
niala_sadljp, maybe you now anothet (better) netbook than t101 ?11:41
niala_sadi think price/qualité is good11:42
ljpya, the t101 is good. it has a ts, which I needed11:42
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niala_sadljp, i have lost all my works since day one of meego, my old netbbok is broken be care !!11:44
niala_sad6months :(11:45
ljpmy stuff is all in git11:47
niala_sadljp, is t101 noisy ?11:47
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niala_sadljp, you are not silly like me11:47
ljpnot especially noisy, there is fan / hdd noise11:48
niala_sadi need obs account  ....11:48
ljpniala_sad: i have had more than one time loosing stuff :)11:48
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niala_sadljp, if hd is to noisy i ll put an ssd. it is possible ?11:50
ljpprobably, but there's no 300 gb ssd :)11:51
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niala_sadyes :) but i need a solid pc to travell , even last ssd is broken. i m not a lucky guy. can btrf broken an ssd ?11:53
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ljpI dont know much about btrf12:00
niala_sadljp, wich version of meego do you use?  trunk? 1.1 ? netbook ?12:00
niala_sadljp, thx for all your responses12:01
niala_sadthiago, yes yesterday meego says me error reading ssd and after nothing12:02
thiagoand you're sure it's not your SSD?12:02
niala_sadi think is my ssd12:02
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thiagoif it is dying, there's nothing the fs can help you with12:02
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niala_sadbtrfs was just a question, because is a new system12:02
niala_sadthiago, what is the advantage of btrfs ?12:03
* thiago has an SSD with btrfs and no problems12:03
thiagowell, many12:03
vilvoI got meego running with ssd in my netbook so that should not be a generic problem12:03
niala_sadvilvo, yes i think i have just no luck, meego works on my ssd since day one to yesterday12:04
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niala_sadi need an obs account, to save me from losing my rpm next time12:08
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niala_sadntfs-3g nmap amsn mytheme shortcuts qt 4.7 libmeegotouch all codecs   ..... pfff 2days ...12:18
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niala_sadthiago, if I install meego from preview ( i mean from .ks file)I have qt 4.7 and libmeegotouch working ?12:20
niala_sador anybody else12:21
niala_sadof course12:21
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ljpniala_sad: oh, did I mention the camera is upside down :)12:34
niala_sadljp, no driver?12:34
Stskeepsniala_sad: i have a guide so you can set up your own obs12:35
ljpor, rather, the image the camera takes... known issue not just meego, but for t101-mt and linux12:35
ljpya, there is a fix apparently12:35
niala_sadljp, i read that
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niala_sadStskeeps, well my own obs, sure i can do my own linux to and my own community alone with one guy (joke) where is you guide please?12:59
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niala_sadbut if my hd fail my obs fail to :)13:03
niala_sadif my hd don't fail i don't need external save13:04
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niala_sadI'll invest in a hammer and chisel is more sure than a computer to save text :)13:07
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niala_sadnothing to say for defend me :)13:09
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ankurHi All13:57
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ankurI saw few post on internet in people were bashing about bringing mono to meego13:58
ankurI dont know what is the problem of these people13:58
ankurIs there anyone who think same... i.e. mono should not be there on meego?13:59
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niala_sadwhat is 'mono' ?14:05
Myrttiwell, he's gone14:07
Myrttididn't even want an answer14:07
niala_sadit s a novel product14:12
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CosmoHillsome people have no patients14:13
niala_sadno qt in
niala_sadi have no opinion14:14
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MyrttiCosmoHill: patients? I sure hope they don't14:17
* CosmoHill may have mean a similar sounding word14:17
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niala_sadremember mme how you make *note in xchat ?14:18
* niala_sad me for you end you form. tea for two14:20
CosmoHill/nick niala_happy14:20
niala_sadafter when i buy a asust101 or/and if i can change my ssd14:21
niala_sadbut i have hope
niala_sadi must be patient14:22
CosmoHilldamn that's a huge battery compartment14:23
th0br0je crois pas que tu peux echanger la ssd ...14:23
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th0br0CosmoHill: indeed14:23
niala_sadth0br0, ah euh bonjour, your sure?14:24
th0br0it's a good question actually... given that he talks about minipcie...14:24
CosmoHillIIRC the Dell Mini 9s used a mini PCI-E SSD card14:24
th0br0oh those chips are just some mlcs14:24
th0br0i thought they were the ssd ;) but yeah, seems like you can.14:25
niala_sadmay be difficult to find the good ssd14:25
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th0br0i can only find some 32gb max14:26
th0br0correct that, also some 128gb14:26
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th0br0but it really seems as if those MLC are thessd14:26
niala_sadsize is not very important for me i live with 16 :)14:26
th0br0hehe :)14:26
niala_sadth0br0, you are french ?14:27
th0br0german, but i'm pretty much fluent in french, too14:27
niala_sadi m french14:27
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th0br0yeah. mh, i found some 32gb ssd for the s101 on the german amazon14:28
th0br0even some 64gb14:28
* CosmoHill is English (and therefore sucks at all other languages)14:28
niala_sadcan you give the link14:28
th0br01 sec14:29
th0br0that's the one you want14:29
inTransitsupertalent works14:29
th0br0you just have to find some french store :)14:30
th0br0 or order in the german amazon store ;)
niala_sadby plane or ship or cycle i don't care :)14:30
MyrttiCosmoHill: I just love it when I can put those little dots on my diary14:30
th0br0that page's in english at least :)14:32
CosmoHillI'd recommend Scan Computers :)14:32
th0br0and it's cheaper than the offero n amazon.de14:32
th0br0aww nah that one's bad.14:32
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th0br0not for the s101 :(14:32
CosmoHillit's also pre-order14:33
niala_sadnot sur for s10114:33
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th0br0seems sorta difficult to find one in france or in the uk14:34
niala_sadi think
th0br0niala_sad: that's GHAE you want GRSE14:35
kraiskilmy Eee's HD was a surface mount component soldered directly on the motherboard. Well, 4 components actually. Then one died...14:36
th0br0kraiskil: sucks :S14:36
th0br0the s101 seems to have some card mounted using screws14:36
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kraiskilWould make a nice MeeGo test computer, if only it didn't have a Celeron :D14:36
kraiskil(without SSSEEE3)14:37
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th0br0the problem with that are the tariffs :(14:37
CosmoHillwhy not go to the maker's website and look for distribution?14:38
th0br0CosmoHill: there is no french distributor at all, and all uk ones don't offer the ones he needs. only / com14:39
CosmoHillit's all in euros right?14:39
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CosmoHillI mean France and Germany both use Euros14:39
th0br0as long as he gets it from within the eu there are no tariffs14:40
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niala_sadi think is no problems with germany is at 6km  :)14:41
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th0br0hehe yeah, i was just concerned regarding the language14:42
th0br0niala_sad: if you want a 32gb one is the way to go14:42
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th0br0oh hm14:43
CosmoHillI was looking for something and the nearest shop that sold it and spoke English was in Belgium :/14:43
th0br0just make sure to get it from that drucken-total reseller not the memory king one... the latter doesn't list shipping costs within the eu (on their page, the product costs 10€  less but you have to add 13€ shipping for france)14:44
th0br0hehe CosmoHill14:44
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niala_sadhow many screw will I lost14:47
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th0br0based off that blogpost (see the last image) we're talking 2 screws14:48
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* CosmoHill has done about 1300 words in an hour :D14:51
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niala_sadbut to acces on it i must disassemble all the netbook14:54
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th0br0that's true14:58
crysazany fallout fans here?
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th0br0someone clearly had a lot of time :D14:59
henatoo much15:00
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th0br0this is some frustrating qt creator bug ...15:00
th0br0oh it isn't15:01
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dneary_Stskeeps, I was hoping to find Thomas Frydrych (author of hildon-desktop) here...15:39
Stskeepshmm, i think the collabora crowd would be a good start15:39
dneary_Stskeeps, Because I can't find anything which might parse .desktop files in hildon-desktop or libhildondesktop15:39
dneary_I'm going on the web interface for now, when I've finished cloning I'll do a recursive string search15:40
Robot101marcoil or marnanel might know?15:41
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dneary_Robot101, Thanks for the tip15:42
dneary_Robot101, Is Thomas working for ye now? I thought he was still in Intel15:42
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Robot101still? he's never been...15:42
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marnaneldneary_: it's in hildon-desktop; I can find you a line reference if you like15:43
marnaneldneary_: Thomas = me?  I've never worked for Intel15:43
Robot101thinking of Thomas Wood (thos)?15:43
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dneary_marnanel, A file or function name would be fine. Thanks!15:44
marnaneldneary_: okay, looking now15:44
dneary_Robot101, No, definitely Frydrych15:46
dneary_But maybe I'm getting confused15:46
Robot101dneary_: ah, he's not marnanel either - but yes, he's at Intel15:47
marnaneldneary_: the code to parse .desktop files is in src/launcher/hd-launcher-app.c, function hd_launcher_app_parse_keyfile()15:48
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dneary_marnanel, Thanks15:56
marnaneldneary_: any time15:56
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dneary_marnanel, I would never have found that hunting through gitorious :)15:56
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marnanelI would have found it sooner six months ago, but my memory was a little rusty15:57
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dneary_marnanel, Does that also handle things like links & shortcuts, or only Type = Application?15:58
marnanelIIRC it handles links and shortcuts as well, but I could be wrong.  I can check if you like15:59
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dneary_marnanel, I'm reading the code... seems like there are some thing that aren't defined either in hd-launcher-app.c or in any of the headers it includes... I guess I should run ctags on it & find out where the definition is16:08
dneary_marnanel, HD_DESKTOP_ENTRY_GROUP for example16:08
marnanelhm, odd.  I don't remember where that's defined.  Maybe it's passed in by autotools or something like that?16:08
dneary_I'll figure it out when this git clone is done :) It's slow!16:09
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dneary_marnanel, Also, I guess that the standard fields are parsed elsewhere (and perhaps custom groups also?)16:10
marnanelI think so, yes.  I think that part only does as much as it needs16:11
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RST38hStskeeps: So, from the end user point of view will there be a boot-time UI option to select between Maemo and Meego?16:35
RST38hStskeeps: Or is it still open-device-remove-sd-card-insert-new-sd-card-close-power-on?16:35
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StskeepsRST38h: latter16:36
Stskeepsif there's no sd, boots up maemo16:36
RST38hStskeeps: eh...16:38
MilhouseStskeeps: and if there is an sd card, there will be no choice it just boots from sd card (assuming it is bootable)?16:38
StskeepsMilhouse: right, that's current uboot setup. howeeever. it is configurable.16:38
Milhousea simple boot UI would be nice. :)16:38
Stskeepsit has a console with keypad.. ;p16:38
Milhousejust offer the UI if the SD is present and bootable?16:39
Stskeepscould happen i guess16:39
Stskeepsbut let's see where it goes16:39
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Stskeepsit's not really a PR1.3 feature16:40
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Milhousepersonally speaking, i don't want to have to remove the SD card (with MeeGo) in order to boot Maemo - I'm sure I'll end up snapping the back cover16:40
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RST38hStskeeps: I kinda suspect that 99% of lemmings and 85% of the rest think that "Meego boot support in PR1.3" implies this UI feature =)16:41
Milhouseright now I dd MeeGo on to the SD card while it is mounted in the n900 - worked everytime so far. in which case booting meego via the temporary kernel is a better option than any automatic dual boot policy.16:41
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StskeepsMilhouse: for some reason some people don't have pcs for demo purposes16:42
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MilhouseRST38h: It did read that way (not sure what category I fall into)16:42
MilhouseStskeeps: No problem with that, but surely everyone can be accomodated16:43
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Milhouseeven if there's no ui and we hold down a button on the keypad a bit like we do with "U" for usb/flashing mode.16:44
MilhouseM to boot MeeGo, no button held and it boots Maemo... :)16:45
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arfolldoes anyone have a WeTab?17:09
Myrttinot that I do, but why are you asking?17:11
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arfollMyrtti, i'd like to know if libcrystalhd is included17:23
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arfolland if so where can i find the src.rpm17:23
arfollcause the 3G version has a broadcom 7001517:23
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qgilrobtaylor: have you run the MeeGo compatibility test against ?  :)17:24
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qgilsob sob Chrome in MeeGo Netbook can't digest - really: has someone packaged Firefox for MeeGo?17:35
Stskeepsused to be packaged17:36
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qgilok, I reckon that I haven't gone through installation of new repos yet... Maybe it's time to install my first rpm ever  ;)17:38
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qgilAny event where MeeGo should be active missing at ? We are planning the events to focus on 201117:46
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robtaylorqgil: hehe :)17:56
robtaylorqgil: I promise to bring you one to the conference, don't think it'll fit an n900 though..17:56
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qgilrobtaylor: maybe sliding out the kb...17:57
thiagoqgil: CES17:58
thiagoand the LinuxCons17:58
robtaylorqgil: heh :)17:58
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qgilthiago: Angela promised to fill in the Linux Foundation events - CES, good point17:58
robtaylorqgil: have you settled well over state-side now?17:59
thiagothere's obviously Dev Days 2011, but since the 2010 isn't over yet, it's a bit too soon :-)17:59
qgilrobtaylor: mostly yes, the last bureaucratic step I'm aware of is the driving exam to get a local driving license..................................................................17:59
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GAN900qgil, easy.18:00
thiagoqgil: btw, knut was making the 2011 plans today too. You should touch base with him for Nokia sponsorships.18:00
thiagoI'm trying to convince him to take the LF "all-you-can-eat" sponsorship18:00
qgilGAN900: I guess, since I have been driving for some many years - but just the idea of having to do again a driving test bores me18:00
robtaylorqgil: good luck!18:01
qgilthiago: who is "him"?18:01
thiagoqgil: knut yrvin18:01
qgilthiago: you mean sponsoring with a Qt, a MeeGo or a Nokia logo?  :)18:01
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thiagoqgil: well, that's something that you and he can discuss together18:02
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thiagoqgil: I just think we need a presence there, regardless of which logo is shown :-)18:02
dnearymarnanel, I found that definition, by the way18:02
qgilthiago: yep - now I'm looking exclusively for MeeGo activities18:02
marnaneloh, cool18:02
thiagoqgil: who coordinates MeeGo Computers @ Nokia presence in events?18:03
thiagoqgil: is that Forum Nokia?18:03
thiagoor corporate comms?18:03
dnearymarnanel, In hd-launcher-item.h (included from hd-launcher-app.h, which is included in hd-launcher-app.c)18:03
qgilthiago: MeeGo Computers  ;)  Peter Schneider coordinates18:03
* marnanel nods18:04
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dnearyqgil, Do you have any idea where the meego event budget is going to come from, and how much it'll be?18:04
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qgildneary: how much and even where from will depend on the events we target18:04
dnearyqgil, I ask, because it'll affect which events you sponsor & attend, and also how big a presence (in the case of a stand) you want to have18:05
qgildneary: more than a generic budget for the year a % of the budget might come from specific actions around a specific event18:05
thiagoqgil: CES activities I know are ongoing already. Chuck Piercey (RWC) to contact. We're obviously bringing MeeGo demos :-)18:05
dnearyqgil, It's an unusual way to proceed, starting from events :)18:05
qgildneary: but like with other things nowadays, I assume the critical mass will be covered by Intel/Nokia18:05
dnearyqgil, I'm used to going the other way - "OK, we have $100K event marketing budget, what do we do with it?"18:05
qgildneary: not unusual for an organization without own budget and own employees or own cost centers, if you think of it18:06
thiagoif everyone buys a wetab, maybe 4tiitoo can also sponsor the events :-)18:06
dnearyAnd then you decide whether to do a big splash in 1 or 2 key events, or a lower-key presence in a larger number18:06
qgildneary: that approach is feasible when you have one cost center and one budget approver - the MeeGo project is more decentralized than that18:06
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dnearyqgil, The first challenge then is to get budget18:07
qgilalso the MeeGo project and stakeholders in October 2010 probably will be different enough in, say June 201118:07
dnearyAnd the budget approval process will come with the budget18:07
qgildneary: trust me: no. The first challenge is the MeeGo project deciding what do we aim for18:07
dnearyNo point setting up a distributed budget approval process with no money...18:07
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qgilif you go event by event you will see that the budget required is almost peanuts when you split costs by Nokia, Intel and whoever else wants to pull18:08
thiagoqgil: there's also FISL in Southern Brazil, which is a huge event (4000+ people)18:08
GAN900qgil, it's CA, what do you expect but inane bureaucracy. :P18:08
dnearyOK - I'll leave you to it, then.18:08
thiagoQt has been represented there for 3 years in a row18:08
qgildneary: trust me again: I sit close to the budget decision-makers and the money is there18:08
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dnearyqgil, Who should Stormy & Claudia talk to about the Desktop Summit & MeeGo then, you?18:09
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dneary(perhaps this is already happening)18:09
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dnearyHi Dawn18:09
qgildneary: a decision the MeeGo project and the MeeGo related companies need to take is whether we really want MeeGo (logo) as sponsor18:09
DawnFosterhey dneary18:09
qgilGetting a logo is one of the highest costs and I wonder if we really need that18:10
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dnearyqgil, You think it's more valuable to have Novell, Intel, Nokia, GENIVI as individual sponsors?18:10
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qgilgetting MeeGo speakers, booth, merchandising is more valuable, I think18:10
thiagodneary: making the list allows at least the companies to know who to contact18:10
qgilthe companies will decide anyway whether to sponsor or not, the fact of having a meeGo logo doesn't add or take from having a, say, Nokia logo18:11
thiagoboth Intel and Nokia will be at CES, for example. If they're going to talk about MeeGo, they should pool together and bring complementing demos.18:11
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thiagono point in everyone bringing wetabs18:12
qgilCES is a good example: sponsoring at that conference is hugely expensive - however if we would be organized on time we could probably get speaker, even physical presence18:12
dnearyqgil, It seems very high value to me to have MeeGo align with the desktop summit, given how much cross-over there is18:12
thiagodneary: definitely18:12
thiagothe desktop summit definitely, meego is the embodiment of cooperation there18:12
dnearyqgil, I would also suggest going in that direction for OSiM World. MeeGo has a very low-key presence this year18:12
qgilOSiM has very low-key presence in the industry too, if you ask me18:13
dneary(by "that direction" I mean what you said, not what I said)18:13
dnearyAs in, get a speaker18:13
thiagothe LF events, LF will take care. MeeGo is, after all, an LF project :-)18:13
dnearythiago, LF still needs money to run events :)18:13
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qgildneary: so you see, defining events helps knowing better abouit deadlines for call for papers and non-profit booth proposals18:14
thiagothat's quite a chunk of money :-)18:14
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qgildneary: the budget around those events can focus on MeeGo swag, events box, sponsoring volunteers...18:14
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qgildneary: instead of a MeeGo logo18:14
qgildneary: that money can come from the companies directly - as they usually do18:15
dnearyThere is actually a high relative value to being cornerstone sponsor & having a nice party at an event that's bringing so many meego & related hackers together18:16
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qgildneary: you are saying two different things: cornerstone sponsor = a lot of money, sponsoring a nice party not so much - let's go for the latter (as we did a GUADEC / aKademy)18:16
dnearyBut if you think that it's better for Intel & Nokia to sponsor individually,n then I'm not going to convince you otherwise today :) I'm not sure that everyone in Nokia & Intel will agree with you, though18:16
dnearyqgil, The nice party will be offered to the cornerstone sponsor first18:17
dnearyThis is how these things always work18:17
qgildneary: what I'msaying is that e.g. Nokia will consider sponsoring Desktop Summit with own Nokia logo regardless of a meeGo logo yes/no18:17
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qgildneary: fine, those events have more than one night18:17
dnearyAnyway - I'm overstepping my responsibilities here - Claudia & Stormy will be looking for sponsors.18:18
qgildneary: yes, we talk every year  :)18:18
dnearyIt seemed obvious to me (but I guess maybe it's not so obvious) that Intel & Nokia would want MeeGo to be the brand that would be celebrated at the Desktop Summit18:18
thiagodneary: well, technically MeeGo is not a desktop18:19
dnearyBut you're the marketing guy18:19
thiagodoesn't want to be and doesn't take the UIs from either of the desktops18:19
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dnearythiago, Semantics, since neither GNOME nor KDE limits themselves to the traditional desktop these days (and for quite some time)18:19
thiagoHowever, MeeGo has an interest in that event succeeding because of the overlap and ensuring that the technologies coming from it are improved too18:19
thiagotrue, I'll concede that :-)18:20
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thiagook, so maybe the MeeGo brand should be shown18:20
thiagoI'm pretty sure that we'll want the Qt brand too, as we've sponsored Akademy since forever18:20
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qgilgentlemen, now you see why it's worth to define events first and then see what specifically we need to do in each event  :)  CES and Desktop Summit and COPU Beijing and Qt Dev Days have totally different approaches18:21
thiagoqgil: are you coming to DD SFO?18:22
qgildneary: yes :)18:22
qgilI mean thiago YES :)18:22
thiagoah, ok :-)18:22
* thiago needs to go upstairs to see the current registration numbers18:23
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thiagowe had 1000+ people in Munich :-)18:23
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qgildneary: one more comment about budget: in practice also e.g. Nokia has the 1H2011 marketing budget quite defined now, but then for each of these events "they" can think whether 100% of the activity goes around 'Nokia', or around 'MeeGo' or around 'Qt' or a combination of these18:24
qgilagain, for Nokia, Intel and any other MeeGo related company is interesting to know in the first place what are the intention of the MeeGo project ref Event X18:24
* qgil goes to update Events table now18:24
dnearythiago, Personally, I'd prefer to see the MeeGo brand more prominent, since MeeGo also covers Qt in some sense18:25
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thiagodneary: same for me18:26
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dnearyqgil, Since the conference is in August, I guess it'd be coming out of the 2011 H2 budget? :)18:26
thiagodneary: but having the brand shown requires that someone pay for it18:26
dnearythiago, Indeed18:26
thiagoand usually that someone is the entity that owns the brand, namely the LF18:27
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dnearythiago, And paying for the MeeGo brand to be prominent will cost less for each individual company, since more companies will pitch in ;)18:27
qgildneary: not necessarily if you want to pay the bill or commit to the expense in 1H - boring accountant bureaucracy18:27
thiagohence the need for the table: what are the events and which ones should the LF put money on18:27
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dnearythiago, I don't think that MeeGo budget should come 100% from LF18:27
dnearyAnd be 100% an LF decision18:27
thiagotechnically, it is18:28
thiagoonly the LF can allow the brand to be used18:28
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qgilLF's budget come from sponsors too18:28
dnearyI'd prefer it to be a "Let's define what we want to do, estimate the costs, then decide how much each party will put in"18:28
thiagobut the LF can say that a pool of companies can use it in an event, with a checklist of conditions18:28
thiagoI think we're talking about the same thing18:28
qgildneary: great - isn't this exactly what I'm saying?  :918:28
thiagoas long as the money doesn't get corroded by too many international transfers18:29
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qgilguys, everything is fine: just help defining the list of events to focus and then the right MeeGo approach for each event - you can save the hassle of thinking about international transfers etc if you wish, others are taking care of this18:29
dnearyqgil, Yes, LF money comes from sponsors - but saying all the money will come from LF implies that the decision will be made by Jim & Amanda (or whoever), and not by the community managers18:29
dnearyqgil, I guess I've chipped in my 10c there - I'll wait to see what you come up with now.18:30
qgildneary: you are reading too much, then - as you see the task is assigned to Amy, DawnFoster and me are overlooking like we do for all Community Office tasks and all the discussion is happening in meego-community and now here18:30
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qgildneary: actually LF decides basically nothing alone about MeeGo sponsorship and the initiative has come from Amy, Dawn, me and the people you usually around MeeGo community activities18:31
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dnearyqgil, I was responding to Thiago. Don't assume the worst, please18:33
dnearyqgil, I am pretty clear on the situation18:33
qgilthiago: updated with CES and Qt Dev days - thank you18:34
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dnearyDawnFoster, Good to see Werewolf on the agenda :)18:34
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dnearyAny idea where we'll do it? 8pm is eating time in Dublin, usually...18:35
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DawnFosterdneary: Yep. I added it :) I'm also making cards for it.18:35
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DawnFosterwe'll have space in the hotel where we can do it after dinner18:35
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DawnFosterfeel free to adjust the time if you want18:35
DawnFostergames can be long, so we don't want to push it too late18:36
dnearyHow long?18:36
DawnFosterdepends on how I run it and how many people we have18:36
dnearyA round lasts ~5 minutes?18:36
DawnFosterdneary: actually, I don't have time to chat about the details right now18:36
DawnFosterI need to be head's down finishing metrics today :)18:37
dnearyI'll let you get on with it18:37
DawnFosterwe can chat next week about it18:37
dnearyIt sounds like you really need to automate most of this stuff & get a community dashboard up & running18:37
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DawnFosterI've automated a lot of it, but I have do some some additional analysis18:38
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Stskeepsauke: weird question, but why don't we just symlink sample media? i mean, the use case would be that a user can remove the files again (easy) and even with COW you'd have to remove sample-media too..19:13
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slonopotamusbecause FAT doesn't have symlinks :P19:14
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qgilStskeeps: "COW" ?19:23
Stskeepscopy on write19:24
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Stskeepsmeans that when you copy a file, it's first physically copied when someone tries to write something to/modify it19:24
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ChaniCOW FTW :)19:27
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aukeStskeeps: somehow I have my doubts that the file manipulation tools on handset would do the right thing with symlinks ;)19:40
aukeand yes, the fallback to regular copy will work on vfat etc...19:41
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maharaja_hello, i am new to meego, and i want to make USB image drive for another OS, please help me :(19:59
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djszapiwould you like to create an image ?20:00
maharaja_yes, on usb20:00
maharaja_what program should i use?20:00
djszapimic2 ?20:00
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djszapisudo mic-image-writer meego-1.0-default-XX.iso20:00
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djszapiyou should look into this part of the page I presume.20:01
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aukeinfobot: image-creation is see for tips on how to create images with various OS's20:02
infobotokay, auke20:02
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maharaja_but how can i edit /etc/yum.repos.d/meego-tools.repo?20:03
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aukeinfobot: cow is Copy on Write, a method for filesystems to copy data only once it's being modified, saving IO work when it's not directly needed.20:04
* infobot moos at is Copy on Write, a method for filesystems to copy data only once it's being modified, saving IO work when it's not directly needed.20:04
djszapimaharaja_: vi20:04
infoboti guess cow is "<reply> I am a cow, hear me moo. I eat grass and weigh twice as much as you."20:04
aukedang! foiled by the infobot20:04
djszapimaharaja_: that is a typo imo, /etc/yum/repos.d/...20:04
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djszapiauke: what are you doing ? :=)20:04
aukedjszapi: I've been feeding useful FAQ items to the infobot, but I guess "cow" is already in use20:05
aukeinfobot: forget cow20:05
infobotauke: i forgot cow20:05
aukeinfobot: cow is Copy on Write, a method for filesystems to copy data only once it's being modified, saving IO work when it's not directly needed.20:05
* infobot moos at is Copy on Write, a method for filesystems to copy data only once it's being modified, saving IO work when it's not directly needed.20:05
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RST38hHey stop killing cows you evil buthers20:05
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djszapiauke: ahh, yeah that is useful ;)20:06
aukeinfobot: copyonwrite is Copy on Write (CoW) is a method for filesystems to copy data only once it's being modified, saving IO work when it's not directly needed.20:06
infobotauke: okay20:06
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aukedjszapi: whenever I see someone asking something I think the infobot doesn't know, I'll add it20:07
djszapiyeah, if it seems to be a common question, faq it is good idea, keep up with the good job :)20:07
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maharaja_i still don't know what to do :(20:08
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popping-kamsalut ici20:09
aukemaharaja_: what operating system?20:09
djszapimaharaja_: what is the question ?20:09
djszapimaharaja_: what does not work by you which is in the description ?20:10
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aukeinfobot: installing is HOWTO for installing a MeeGo image (for netbook) is here:
infobotauke: okay20:11
popping-kampersonne ne parle francais ici :s ??20:11
maharaja_i am currently using meego, but i want to install ubuntu20:11
popping-kami'm french someone speak french please?20:11
aukepopping-kam: non, on parles anglais ici20:11
maharaja_i have downloaded image file, and now i need to burn it on USB20:11
maharaja_i have installed mic220:11
aukemaharaja_: basically `dd bs=4096 if=<image file> of=<usb drive>`20:12
aukebut read that last page20:12
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aukepopping-kam: what's the problem?20:12
aukeque'est-ce que est la probleme?20:13
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aukeboy my french has deteriorated...20:13
niala_sadlol auke better than my english20:13
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aukeniala_sad: unused languages :)20:13
popping-kamle probleme je veux mettre meego sur un eeepc 4gb (i want meego on my eeepc 4gb)20:14
maharaja_thank you for help!20:14
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niala_sadpopping-kam, 4G de disque dur? ca tien  sur une clé usb de 1g20:14
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popping-kam:d niala_sad super alors :d20:14
aukepopping-kam: voyez
popping-kammais le format de l'image est img...20:15
popping-kamhum aukemerci20:15
aukec'est pas un probleme: dd le image sur un disque usb20:15
niala_sadpopping-kam, tu as un autre linux sous la main?20:15
popping-kamje suis sur fedora niala_sad20:15
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popping-kamje vous parle de fedora20:15
aukeben oui, 'dd' doit marcher20:15
aukele google translate page doit te mettre les bonnes examples20:16
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niala_sad popping-kam  --->auke> maharaja_: basically `dd bs=4096 if=<image file> of=<usb drive>`20:16
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popping-kamniala_sad:  bite copier c'est quoi ?20:16
niala_sadcopie de byte a byte20:17
aukeexcusez moi pour ma Francais terrible20:17
niala_sadce n est pas important, il te faut l 'image .img puis utilise 'dd'20:17
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popping-kamniala_sad: j'ai l'image img deja20:18
popping-kamje fait quoi maintenant20:18
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niala_sadauke, you speak like a charm20:18
aukeniala_sad: are you french/french speaking?20:19
niala_saddd bs=4096 if=nom_de_l_image of=/dev/periphérique_usb20:19
niala_sadauke, french20:19
sjokkiswhy are we speaking french?20:19
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niala_sadpopping-kam, sous le compte root20:20
popping-kamniala_sad:  je decompresse l'image dans le support usb ou je met directement l'imagte comme sa20:20
popping-kamoui je suis en root la20:20
sjokkisif you're gonna speak something besides english, please take it somewhere else20:20
niala_sadok ok c'est bon  popping-kam viens en pv20:20
niala_sadit's not french it's secret code for hacking meego20:21
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djszapiyeah, security fw :)20:22
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pupnik_ is epic today...20:25
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aukesjokkis: we're helping out someone load an image. not everyone speaks english well enough20:26
CosmoHillpupnik_: ++20:27
aukesjokkis: if the topic is appropriate and we're not all talking french, there's nothing wrong with helping someone out in a languange they understand20:27
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qgilauke: c'est vrai20:28
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aukeqgil: haha20:29
aukeI'm not about to talk finnish in here20:29
aukesince I don't speak it :)20:29
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aukefunny thing is that nobody ever on irc asks me something in dutch20:29
djszapimiksi ei ?20:29
qgilauke: nor me - I'm from barcelona and my french doesn't go beyond a dressed up Northern Catalan  ;)20:29
aukeqgil: figueras french eh?20:30
qgilauke: voilà20:30
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aukefigueres mea cupla20:30
aukebeen a while since I was in barcelona and surroundings20:31
qgilauke: no worries, Dutch people are forgiven for almost anything20:31
aukeslavery? thanks20:31
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aukealright back to on-topic20:31
aukehow about that TSG eh?20:32
* CosmoHill would like to learn french / dutch sometime20:32
qgilwhat is better, on-topic in French or off-topic in English?  ;)  anyway, back to work  :)20:32
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CosmoHillI think my website just got spammed by a charity20:36
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* auke & espresso run20:37
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niala_sadCosmoHill, a site about what?20:38
CosmoHillmine? I basically write a blog about anything I found hard to solve with the aim of making it easier for others20:38
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niala_sadCosmoHill, ok like a sort of angel :)20:39
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pupnik_link CosmoHill ?20:39
* qgil is happy having everything ready for SF Bay MeeGo Network meetup next Monday
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niala_sadhow to list usb disk ?20:45
stephgniala_sad: which OS?20:46
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stephgniala_sad: as in list its' device name? (/dev/sdX) or something else?20:47
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fralswow thats a long agenda qgil20:48
niala_sadyes stephg20:48
* frals compares with last HEL meetup which had one presentation ;D20:48
aukecat /proc/partitions20:49
stephglsscsi as well20:49
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Ken_RHi, I'm trying to follow the Getting Started directions, and I'm where I create the MeeGo target, but there doesn't seem to be an i686 or x86 target I can create.  Is that right?20:49
qgilfrals: 5 sessions of 5 minutes - let's see how it goes20:49
fralsah ok20:49
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qgilfrals: but good point, that was not said in the agenda. Edited  :)20:51
fralsqgil: oh... well, seeing as we only had one person willing to do a presentation last time it was good it was longer ;-)20:51
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niala_sadif i have only a term with  meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img  that mean my video card is not compatible ?21:10
aukeniala_sad: what graphics chipset does your system have?21:10
niala_sadi don't know he can't tell me wich video cardd he has21:11
aukeniala_sad: lspci?21:11
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auke# Processeur: Intel Celeron M 353 / 630 MHz ULV21:12
popping-kamniala_sad: oui21:12
aukethat CPU is not supported21:12
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niala_sadpopping-kam, I think you have understand sorry for you21:13
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popping-kamnot gravelous21:14
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niala_sadpopping-kam, in virtual environment you can try21:14
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* niala_sad next time I will ask wich cpu and video card in first before 21:16
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Ken_Rso, no suggestions for how to create new targets?21:27
niala_sadsmeegol maybe21:27
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aukeKen_R: sorry what exactly are you trying to do?21:28
Ken_Rtrying to go through the getting started guide, but rather than building for an arm device, I'd like to build for Intel Sodaville21:28
Ken_Rso, i686 or x8621:28
niala_sadKen_R,  ?21:29
aukedo you need to build or can you just use an existing image?21:29
Ken_RI don't have an existing image yet, so I guess I need to buld21:30
* thiago_home has been following the smeegol discussion and thinking "there has to be a better way out"21:30
thiago_homesmeegol wants to contribute positively to MeeGo21:31
thiago_homeso there should be some way for almost-compliant distros to participate21:31
aukeKen_R: doesn't the netbook image run on that platform?21:32
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Ken_Rprobably could.  I'd expect it to.  It's basically an Atom with intel graphics21:33
aukewhat is your goal?21:34
auketo run meego on that platform? then just take an image that exists...21:34
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Ken_Rwe're trying to run meego on a set top box that uses the sodaville SoC.21:34
niala_sad if i make my own image with .ks file from 'preview' qt4.7 and libmeegotouch are working out of box ?21:34
niala_sadafk ?21:35
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thiago_homeaway from keyboard21:35
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djszapiaway from kde :)21:37
djszapithiago_home: are you good at opengl ?21:37
thiago_homesame thing for me21:37
djszapiahahaha :D21:37
thiago_homedjszapi: nope21:37
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djszapithiago_home: do you use kde on meego ?21:38
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nialai have save my netbook from destruction ;)21:39
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thiago_homedjszapi: some apps, yes21:39
djszapiokular would be kool on meego21:39
djszapimaybe I give it a try to port it :)21:40
djszapibut lack of time :(21:40
thiago_homedo you mean besides "make && make install" ?21:40
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djszapithiago_home: I always thought it is bigger work.21:41
djszapibut if everything is needed.21:41
RST38hDo you mean, "make && make install" will always produce a working and usable meego package?21:41
djszapieven if yes, it is not optimal in every case21:41
* thiago_home has the full of KDE working on MeeGo netbook21:42
djszapithat is what the portation is about imo.21:42
djszapiin kde-mobile.21:42
djszapibut thiago_home will fix me :P21:42
thiago_homesometimes I start the Plasma-Netbook UI, sometimes the MeeGo one21:42
RST38hWill Plasma-Netbook UI work on a mobile device like N900 or Aava?21:42
djszapithiago_home: if it was that way, I do not know what the kde-mobile project is about ...21:43
RST38hHow usable will it be? =)21:43
thiago_homeit's about reducing the size of kdelibs so that it's more suitable for mobile environments, like handsets21:43
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thiago_homeand rewriting the UIs for certain applications for touch devices21:43
popping-kamniala_happy:  j'arrive pas a refaire la commande21:43
djszapirewriting why ?21:44
djszapican you tell me an example ?21:44
thiago_homekontact mobile21:44
djszapifor example okular then.21:44
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niala_happypopping-kam, pv en francais21:45
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djszapithiago_home: which package manager do you use on meego ?21:48
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aukecough zypper cough21:48
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thiago_homedjszapi: zypper and yum21:48
thiago_homewhichever I remember first or works21:49
djszapicrazy :P21:49
djszapiwell I would not use a cli solution on n900.21:49
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djszapionly GUI because the keyboard is no that handy :)21:49
thiago_homewho's talking about N900?21:49
thiago_homebesides, ssh in :-)21:49
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djszapiwell, consider you travel on the bus, playing a game and you would like to update it.21:50
djszapiwhere do you login via an ssh protocol from ? :)21:50
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djszapiI think it is quite handy to click 2-3 times on the touchscreen and your game is updated with the new enemies and so on :)21:51
qgilthiago_home: do you know if any info exists about the SF code.sprints like e.g.
thiago_homeqgil: I think there was one21:53
thiago_homelet me check21:53
qgilI want to organize a SF Bay MeeGo meetup on the 30th connected to one of those, to have the locals meeting the cute devs and viceversa  :)21:53
* thiago_home arrives in SF on the 29th21:54
thiago_homeI'd love to join then21:55
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qgilI have the name for the meetup: Saturday Night MeeGo Fever   :)21:55
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* thiago_home needs to find a nice halloween party afterwards21:56
qgilundefined, where is the code.sprint?21:56
thiago_home'twas very nice last year, even though our costumes were not very good21:56
thiago_homeprobably in the office, in RWC21:56
thiago_homebut I guess most people will be staying at cheap accommodations downtown and taking the caltrain21:57
qgilok, let's organize the Halloween meetup directly then21:57
thiago_homethe hotel nearby (the sofitel) is quite expensive21:57
thiago_homeanyway, as soon as I hear about what the event is and who's organising it, I'll let you know21:57
thiago_homeknut yrvin must also know21:58
qgilok, maybe the ideal combination is:21:58
qgilsprint ends in the afternoon + couple of hours to let people reach SF downtown + dinner with Halloweeen party nearby?21:59
thiago_homesounds ideal21:59
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qgilok, help me finding the Qt and the local contacts and I will arrange the details with them21:59
qgilthanks thiago_home21:59
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qgilthiago_home: will "The MeeGo-Qt Pumpkin Dinner" offend anybody?22:09
qgilhow many people attend these sprints?22:10
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niala_happya qt/meego challenge and the winner earns its weight in pumpkin22:16
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qgilthiago_home: alea jacta est
RST38hthe winner turnsinto a pumpkin22:21
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popping-kamniala_happy: re22:26
ljpthe winner is paraded around with a pumpkin on his/her head22:26
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CosmoHillyay niala is happy22:32
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niala_happyCosmoHill, i have save my netbook i have broken 2 screw spent 3 "hours, but now it's ok22:35
thiago_homeqgil: 5-15 people, depends on who's available22:39
thiago_homeI think we had full house in Munich22:39
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CosmoHillI managed to fix a laptop recently and I was so relieved when I did because it wasn't my laptop and it was kinda working before I got my hands on it22:40
ljpwow, I havent been paying attention to the whole 'smeegol' thing...22:40
* thiago_home wonders if the opensuse folks have contacted the tolkien foundation22:42
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* ljp notes that exchange web access is just about useless for reading email22:44
thiago_homeit's not that bad if you just want to read one or two22:45
thiago_homereplying is horrible though22:45
thiago_homeor trying to deal with 100 emails22:45
ljpor trying to follow an email discussion22:48
thiago_homewhich one? the one you started? :-)22:48
ljpi would be ok, if I didnt keep forgetting to bring my laptop power adapter with me22:48
ljp:) I was told to end that one22:49
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thiago_homewhen will people realise that flame wars take a live of their own?22:49
thiago_homeyou can't kill them22:49
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thiago_homeqgil: I bet you're missing scandinavia right about now... Oslo will reach -6°C during this weekend22:57
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qgilthiago_home: yeah, nostalgic tears were falling this morning when I read the FB statuses of my friends in Helsinki metropolitan area, scratching ice from their car windows and seeing the first snow......22:59
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* ljp does not miss scraping ice of windshields23:00
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th0br0thiago_home: -6°C? i envy them in Oslo... wish it got that cold here too :)23:15
th0br0(at least this soon in the year)23:15
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thiago_hometh0br0: you'd envy it only for a short while23:25
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CosmoHillit makes driving...interesting23:28
lcukCosmoHill, only if you are unprepared, its mildly terrifying to be in a car driven by someone with the right tyres and years of snow driving experience23:31
berndhsCosmoHill: it makes driving fun :)23:31
pupnik_and the accidents are low-speed23:31
pupnik_you can drift on asphalt too, you know23:32
berndhsright, you can slide around doing 8 km/h23:32
niala_happysebastien loeb grew up next door to me  :)23:32
CosmoHilldid he some times pop over unexpectedly...on his roof23:33
CosmoHilllcuk: we're not taught how to cope with snow and ice23:33
niala_happyCosmoHill, i think he he must live near monaco or genève23:35
lcukCosmoHill, depends when you are taking your lessons and you can always take a lesson with qualified instructor if you do not feel confident23:35
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CosmoHillI remember pulling away and not actually moving23:36
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th0br0thiago_home: mmh... possible. i like cold temperatures tho :)23:38
CosmoHillth0br0: I hope you're not like my cousin23:39
CosmoHillmid-winter me might put a shirt on23:39
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lcukCosmoHill, I remember taking car onto complete sheet ice car park and getting speedo to 70mph without moving23:40
lcuki also slid the car sideways onto a flower bed23:40
CosmoHillit's a good way to find out the top speed of a car23:41
th0br0CosmoHill: i tend to wear a shirt all year round...23:41
lcukbut I certainly got a great respect for ice after a few hours sliding around there23:41
th0br0or rather shirts :)23:41
CosmoHillth0br0: i mean inside, he always has one when he goes out23:41
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th0br0well, i normally wear some coat or the like on top but yeah.23:42
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CosmoHillmy main point being he doesn't feel the cold23:45
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niala_happymeego don't work onSDHC23:52
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CosmoHilltry a USB stick23:52
niala_happyusb stick works in live ... i need a second usb stick lol23:53
niala_happyi have just installed from usb stick to sdhc23:54
niala_happyinstall with no proble ms  but sdhc boot and error .... never mind23:56
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CosmoHillfixed it?23:57
CosmoHillI can't get my laptop to boot via SD card, I was told because it's due to the PCI interface or somethign23:57
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