IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2010-10-07

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AlexAnteMachinahi all00:03
AlexAnteMachinaanybody ever installed GoogleEarth on meego?00:03
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aukesure, I have00:03
AlexAnteMachinai wonder why it takes that long00:03
aukehow are you installing?00:04
aukeit's been a while, I think I just downloaded a tarball originally00:04
aukedo they have an rpm now?00:04
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AlexAnteMachinagot the *.bin file from the website, then ran it using sh00:04
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AlexAnteMachinaits running for over half an hour now00:05
etrunkohello there, does anyone know where in the code i can find who uses libsocialweb?00:06
AlexAnteMachinausing other distros on the same machine installing googleearth worked very quick00:06
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aukeetrunko, you can query rpm to find out what projects require it, does that answer your question?00:09
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seif__hey guys00:10
aukeAlexAnteMachina, perhaps it's trying to query the network to get cache/map data?00:10
seif__Stskeeps, how can i get ur drivers for the meego on n90000:10
AlexAnteMachinanah... it works... but really slow00:10
etrunkoaubrey: not quite, i'm actually trying to write an example app (not for meego) that would use libsocialweb as backend00:10
etrunkoaubrey: via dbus, of course. :)00:11
etrunkoso i'm trying to find an example of use00:11
etrunkonot lucky at all so far00:11
aukethere's several apps in meego.gitorious.org00:11
aukethat's where you probably should look00:11
aukeboth in the netbook ui and handset ui sections00:11
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etrunkoyeah, they're not much descriptive00:12
etrunkowill try then00:12
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timeless_mbpoh wow01:07
timeless_mbpqgil worked a miracle01:07
timeless_mbpok, time for me to play w/ expedia and co01:07
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pupnikhow miracle timeless_mbp01:09
pupnikqgil is just great btw.  the kind of guy you'd follow into battle.01:09
timeless_mbpoh, i'm going to meegoconf01:10
timeless_mbpnow i just have to figure out when that is01:10
pupnikyou should be everywhere - you're the main man with a foot in the community01:10
MohammadAG5115 November01:11
GAN900timeless_mbp, congrats.01:11
GAN900timeless_mbp, hope to see you there.01:11
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pupnikdublin... maybe i should go too...01:12
GAN900pupnik, do.01:12
pupnikjust to catch a whiff of that country01:12
pupniki think i will01:13
* MohammadAG51 still hasn't decided01:13
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MohammadAG51last year at school and all, tickets aren't that cheap for 3 days01:13
pupnikwould cost a lot01:13
MohammadAG51there might be a holiday on 15/11 here, if that's the case i'll go for a week01:13
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GAN900MohammadAG51, why didn't you apply for sponsorship?01:17
MohammadAG51I don't think i qualify for one01:17
GAN900MohammadAG51, how would you know?01:19
GAN900You're the community SSU guy, c'mon.01:19
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MohammadAG51heh, still haven't announced that01:20
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GAN900I hate it when people dismiss themselves from the sponsorship without even applying.01:23
GAN900Because it's usually people who deserve it.01:23
aukeGAN900, so true01:24
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ScottishDuckgood workers generally don't crave recognition01:24
GAN900Which means the sponsorship slots get filled up with people who don't.01:25
GAN900I should've done more active reconoitering to make sure people whi should've applied, had.01:25
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MohammadAG51GAN900, there's always next year :)01:27
GAN900MohammadAG51, hopefully. ;)01:28
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* TSCHAKeee2 wants to shoot his archos 901:28
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GAN900Why do you have an Archos?01:28
TSCHAKeee2I wanted to see if I could do meegotouch r&d work on this archos01:29
TSCHAKeee2because it's got a huge screen01:29
TSCHAKeee2and it was reasonably x86 bsaed01:29
TSCHAKeee2and the cpu is pretty fast, and decent performance if you have the right drivers01:30
TSCHAKeee2problem is01:30
TSCHAKeee2it's GMA500, _requires EMGD_, and the EMGD that intel builds, only works with Meego 1.0 release01:30
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MohammadAG51GAN900, when does registration close anyways?01:30
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TSCHAKeee2MeeGo 1.0 has already moved to Xorg 1.9, and Kernel 2.6.3501:30
TSCHAKeee2which EMGD does NOT function correctly with AT ALL.01:30
TSCHAKeee2no way to patch it01:30
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aukeStskeeps: new sample-media package is pending acceptance for 1.1 core...02:01
aukeStskeeps: if you can, give it a test run02:01
TSCHAKeee2auke: can we please beg Intel to get EMGD into meego? ;)02:02
aukeof course02:02
aukebegging is permitted02:02
aukesorry :)02:03
* TSCHAKeee2 laughs02:03
TSCHAKeee2auke: the whole mess with GMA500 is reducing me to the fetal position.02:03
aukethe problem isn't Intel, but the company who Intel got the hardware from02:03
TSCHAKeee2yeah, i am aware02:03
aukeIntel at least has tried hard enough02:03
aukeI wonder how many people are standing outside Imagination's building now with signs asking for free drivers :)02:05
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TSCHAKeee2auke: i am trying like hell to get meegotouch running under gma50002:06
TSCHAKeee2and at some point, the shaders changed02:06
TSCHAKeee2and now mcompositor pukes when I try to run it02:06
aukeI admire your courage, really02:07
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TSCHAKeee2auke: I want so badly to make a Tablet UX, because one does not exist yet02:09
TSCHAKeee2auke: but I can't even get the most basic pieces to function.. I mean dear god, if mcompositor/mdecorator at least would function02:10
TSCHAKeee2#(#@%(#@%@#(%(#@ :P02:10
TSCHAKeee2as it is02:10
TSCHAKeee2i will have to shelve this02:10
TSCHAKeee2and wait 6 months02:10
aukedeveloping a UI on badly supported hardware... not the best idea :)02:10
TSCHAKeee2while i have a $400 tablet02:10
TSCHAKeee2that is now a brick02:11
TSCHAKeee2auke: it's the right hardware for what i am targeting02:11
aukeI know02:11
aukewish I could help, sorry02:11
TSCHAKeee2something will work... i guess i'll just repurpose mutter02:12
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aukenooooo not mutter02:13
TSCHAKeee2mutter works02:14
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GAN900MohammadAG51, still open, but sponsorship is closed.02:35
sjokkisi got my approval just now. i'm stoked02:39
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thebootroohello everybody02:44
kevinBquand est ce que le meilleur os sort02:44
aukekevinB: sorry, english channel02:45
thebootroo27 of october n00b02:45
aukethebootroo: hello02:45
kevinBI know02:45
thebootrooauke: hello02:45
kevinBI just wanna show how beautiful is french02:45
kevinBI said02:45
thebootroofrench is ugly (PS: i'm french)02:45
kevinBWhen s the best OS for smartphone out02:45
aukethebootroo: why calling people n00b? please don't do that.02:46
kevinByou hurted me02:46
thebootrooauke: don't woory its a friend ;-)02:46
thebootrookevinB: hehe02:46
kevinBno i'm not02:46
thebootrooyes you're02:46
thebootroo.... dearn00b02:46
kevinBHe keeps following me on all the chan I gop02:46
thebootrooyou connect ed AFTER me02:47
sjokkisGAN900: you're going to the conference, right? i'm having a tad bit of difficulty finding really cheap tickets. what's considered acceptable?02:47
thebootrooso you keep on following me02:47
aukethebootroo: kevinB: please, no games in here.02:47
thebootrooauke: ok02:47
thebootroo./kick KevinB02:47
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thebootroodid anyone here achieved on getting a regular Maemo 5 Plain Qt app (Facebrick, Grr ...)  running on MeeGo handset ? and i f yes, how does it looked like ? did it have MeeGo's Style ?02:49
lcukthebootroo, theres a bug relating:
thebootroosudo kevin -quit02:49
v2pxthe last archivement i unlocked was: bringing your n900 to the store for usb-port repair02:50
thebootroolcuk: what is this bug related ?02:50
thebootroov2px: sry for u02:50
v2pxit's gone for 2 days now02:50
sjokkisDawnFoster: you around?02:50
thebootroov2px: soooo sad :-(02:51
v2pxi'm glad i kept my 6230 :D02:51
thebootroolcuk: this is a serious problem IMo02:52
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thebootroocant even launch a qt app in a qt wm !  O.o02:52
thebootrooso this means window integration is not done vie XReparentWindow() ??02:53
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lcukthebootroo, it means its a bug :O02:53
thebootroolcuk: a very strange bug tough02:54
thebootrooso apps need to be in libmt to work ?02:54
lcuktemporary oversight02:54
thebootrookind of active integration in compositor instead of passive one ?02:54
lcukgtk ones work :P02:55
lcukto a degree02:55
thebootrooeven more strange so02:55
thebootroobut xterm don't02:55
thebootrooand another Q:02:59
thebootroois the camera app for handset UX being developped ?02:59
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aukesee: for a list of handset UX applications and components03:01
thebootrooso no03:02
aukedid you look?03:02
wmaronewhat's this:
thebootroothe album ;-)03:03
aukethere's no camera application for handset UX yet, is the answer I got03:04
aukeit's planned for 1.203:05
aukeanything else I can help you with?03:05
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thebootrooone thing thaht i woudl have loved to see in meego browser (which is fennec, i don't like it very much but so..)  is the swirling zoom, like in maemo 503:06
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thebootrooand i really wonder why they keep using a such browser, when its so easy to develop a qt one since QtWebkit is well integrated03:07
thebootrooi dont like gtk, nor gecko03:07
aukeI think there are plans to do something like that03:07
thebootroodo what ?03:07
aukeswitch to a different browser engine03:08
thebootroothey can drop the complete browser cause ui toolkit is wrong too (they have to overlay the ux to get integrated - far from perfect - in meego UX)03:08
thebootrooi think a full libMeeGoTouch browser would be well, and quite quick to develop03:09
TSCHAKeee2thebootroo: do it03:10
thebootrooi've myself developped a couple of programs in qt and this is very quick03:10
thebootrooTSCHAKeee2: sry i already have a big project on my shoulder03:10
aukewhat project is that?03:10
aukewill it help MeeGo?03:10
thebootroonot specially03:11
TSCHAKeee2amazing how many ppl think they can make a linux distribution03:11
thebootroothe project is very anterior to meegi03:11
TSCHAKeee2or a whole new OS03:11
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thebootrooTSCHAKeee2: yes I can because I want03:11
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thebootrooits not yet another distro, its a deeply rethinked linux kernel and qt based OS for noobs03:12
* TSCHAKeee2 has been working on a massive whole house smart home platform for almost a decade, and still has 20 years of work left to do.03:12
thebootroomy website is in french but screenies are in english03:12
thebootrooi've for example implemented the Maemo 5 switcher in and it's all qt03:12
thebootrooyou may find a taste of moblin / meego netbook, but don't get wrong, i had the idea for my project since 6 years, so before the first moblin version03:14
aukeno worries03:15
aukealright, I'm packing up03:15
aukelater folks03:16
thebootroook bb03:16
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basilarchiahas anyone here ever tried to turn the emgd driver for the tunnel creek into a raw framebuffer driver (as in /dev/fb0)?07:31
basilarchiait looks like it might be doable. (the driver is here:
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sjokkisbrik: high five!11:09
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timeless_mbp crashes Firefox with gcc 4.5 because gcc 4.5 is broken12:50
* timeless_mbp loves gcc12:50
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ScottishDuckGNU always make such high quality products12:54
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JaffaHas anyone been able to cancel a room at D4 following a sponsorship decision?13:39
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djszapidoes anybody know this 'package manager' named package manager for meego ?15:08
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Stskeepslo wazd16:38
sivanghey Stskeeps16:39
Stskeepsafternoon sivang16:39
sivangare there any options for emulation/simulation SDK for meego for people without VT?16:39
sivanglike how scratchbox runs on my LG T380 uv16:40
Stskeepsqemu n900 should come at some point16:40
sivangand in the meanwhile there's the netbook ?16:40
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wazdStskeeps: heya :)17:03
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Stskeepsmorning qgil17:16
* qgil brings to the table-art developed at e.g. :)17:16
qgilhi there Stskeeps17:16
* qgil is working on now17:17
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RST38hqgil: BORDER=1 =)17:18
sivangqgil: took me a while to respond to your last note re: cross symbian/meego through qt. Been a bit ill and got tied up with work.17:18
Stskeepsqgil: can maybe tie into as well17:18
qgilRST38h: :)  just gimme some time17:18
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sivangnice, we jsut needt o hae bug there, this way people could ask to work on any of them17:19
Stskeepssivang: picked up straight from bugzilla17:19
Stskeeps(target build)17:19
sivangStskeeps: who integrated?17:19
qgilStskeeps: interesting page. Is it all about the final-final 1.1 release?17:20
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Stskeepsqgil: - each weekly has 'details'17:20
qgilI know that one17:20
Stskeeps1.1.0.0 is one of those17:21
qgilwhat I need to do is the To-Do of the final release17:21
sivangwhy oh why doesn't the wiki take me to the page I was reading before I logged in :)17:21
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sivangStskeeps: trying to see what sort of markup you used there for extracting the bugs :-p17:21
Stskeepssivang: ah17:21
qgilStskeeps: I'll continue with that table in the subpage and then we'll see17:22
Stskeepsqgil: yeah, the release pages aren't really in use either, just thought i'd note that it exists too :)17:22
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sivangStskeeps: nice, so mediawiki runs a bugzilla query17:26
Stskeepsvery useful17:26
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sivangand futturezilla is like Launchpad's blueprints system?17:26
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djszapi_hey, how can I install git in scratchbox ?17:49
djszapi_apt-cache search git does not return any relevant package.17:49
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djszapi_deb stable main17:50
djszapi_deb ./17:50
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djszapi_I have just tried those lines in my /etc/apt/sources.list17:50
Stskeepsthis is meego, we don't have scratchbox17:50
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djszapi_y, but someone can answer it though17:52
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Stskeepsdo you ask the price of bacon in a vegetarian irc channel?17:53
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djszapi_I do not think it is such a matter.17:54
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qgilmuch better now  :)
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Stskeepsmorn DawnFoster - feeling better today?18:07
DawnFosterStskeeps: still trying to decide, but not really much better :)18:07
DawnFosterthanks for asking18:07
DawnFostermigraines take a few days to recover from18:08
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JaffaDawnFoster: Tell me about it - still feeling shitty from being in bed all day yesterday.18:10
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DawnFosterjaffa: yeah, I spent al day yesterday laying down - still dizzy and nauseous today. Trying to work a little, but not sure how long I can make it18:11
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DawnFosterjaffa: hope you're starting to feel better18:11
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SaviqDawnFoster: hi, any news? should I have received something after your last meeting?18:23
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DawnFostersaviq: our email to you bounced - let me send you a pm.18:25
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fiferboyGAN900: GeneralAntilles: ping?20:10
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GAN900fiferboy, pong?20:26
GAN900fiferboy, pong?20:26
fiferboyGAN900: Did you catch Halladay's performance?20:26
GAN900fiferboy, nope.20:27
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vasily_pupkinis there any port of meego with native 2.6.22 n810 kernel?22:19
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vasily_pupkinmay be "for" :]22:19
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Stskeepsvasily_pupkin: nop, just .3522:19
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vasily_pupkinwifi works?22:19
Stskeepsdidn't test recently22:20
ScottishDuckis 1.2 sticking with .3522:20
ScottishDuckor migrating to .36/722:21
vasily_pupkinand how powersaving works?22:21
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crismonHi channel :) I have a question. If is possible to install Smeegol to eeepc900?22:22
crismoni've tried liveusb but i con't find the install option22:22
sjokkisDawnFoster: got a question for you if you're around22:23
Stskeepscrismon: probably a good question for #opensuse-moblin22:23
crismonStskeeps: thank you22:23
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Pillumhey guys23:52
Pillumwhats the difference between core-n900 and handset-n900 images?23:53
Robot101handset has the handset user experience, I guess23:54
Pillumwhat means?23:54
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Pillumhandset has alot more packages i see23:56
Pillummost of them are for messaging and calling23:56
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thebootroocore means not user interface, just common base of all editions23:57
aukecore is used for validation purposes23:58
thebootroothen plug on the ux you want (handset, tablet, netbook , ivi, desktop...)23:58
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aukeit's not meant for used consumption23:58
Pillumtheres a desktop meego?23:58
thebootroowith Core you can get only X and a terminal23:58
thebootrooPillum: not yet23:58
thebootrooPillum: but that's possible23:59
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Pillumthebootroo: but its planned?23:59
aukeactually, there's more than just X and a terminal in Core23:59
thebootrooMeeGo is meant to but modular23:59
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thebootrooauke: i meant in terms of UI23:59
aukethere's no desktop UX planned, the netbook UX will work on desktop just fine23:59
thebootrooi know core embeds Qt4.7, open ssh ...23:59
FunkyPenguincould someone advise on where in panel-web does it call chromium-browser?23:59
aukeauke: parts of the handset UI are in Core23:59

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